
Questions and Information

What fabrics can I dye?

Cotton, linen and viscose will dye to the full shade shown on the pack. Mixtures of these with polyester will result in lighter shades. Polyester, and other synthetics 1. cannot be dyed. and silk can be dyed with Dylon Hand Fabric Dye.

If you're not sure whether a fabric is suitable for please give the friendly Dylon experts a call on 01737 742 020.

Will dye cover up bleach marks?

As bleach can harm the fabric, dyeing will not usually cover up bleach marks. 2.

Can I dye fabric white?

It is not possible to dye a fabric white. 3.

Can I dye denim?

Yes, Machine Fabric Dye or Wash & Dye are best for dyeing denim however you will lose the light dark contrast typically associated with denim. 4.

What do I do if I don't know what the fabric is?

Cut a small section from an inconspicuous area such as the hem and send it to Dylon 5. and they will let you know.

Can I dye faded items?

Yes but you should use Dylon Pre-Dye first to remove the colour from the fabric and to ensure that you achieve an even colour. 6.

Can I use in the microwave?

Yes you can use Dylon Hand Fabric Dye in the microwave. Microwave dyeing can achieve some good tie-dye effects however if you are looking for an even finish we 7. would not recommend using a microwave.

Why do I need to use salt?

You need to use salt with all Dylon dyes except Wash & Dye and Machine Dye with 8. Salt (salt is already included in the both products) because it opens up the pores of the fabric and allows the dye to be absorbed properly.

Will dyeing affect subsequent washes in my machine?

9. No, just make sure that you follow the pack instructions.

Will dyeing stain my machine?

No, just make sure that you follow the pack instructions. 10.

Approximate Weight Guide

We would always advise that you weigh the item that you want to dye to determine how many packs of dye you will need. The table below gives you a rough idea of the weight of some regular items.

Item Weight Jeans or Trousers 600g (1¼ lbs) 2 Shirts 500g (1 lb) Bath Towel 600g (1¼ lbs) Double Sheet 600g (1¼ lbs) Double Duvet Cover 1200g (2½ lbs) Curtains 2kg (4 lbs)

Colour Mixing Guide

Fabric dyes will blend with the original colour of your fabric so you'll need to consider colour mixing rules, some examples of which are noted below:

Colour Mixing Red + Blue = Purple Blue + Yellow = Green Red + Yellow = Orange

Alternatively, you can use Dylon Pre-Dye to return a fabric to a neutral shade before dyeing to obtain the colour closer to that shown on the pack.