Safety and Efficacy of Imatinib for Preserving Beta-cell Function in New- onset Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Version:8.0 August 23, 2016 IND # 117,644 Sponsored by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF). CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF IMATINIB FOR PRESERVING BETA-CELL FUNCTION IN NEW-ONSET TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS Version 7.0 ( January 29, 2016) IND # 117,644 Protocol Co-Chair Protocol Co-Chair Jeffrey A. Bluestone, Ph.D. Stephen E. Gitelman, MD Professor of Medicine, Pathology, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Microbiology & Immunology Department of Pediatrics University of California, San Francisco University of California, San Francisco Campus Box 0540 Room S-679, Campus Box 0434 513 Parnassus Avenue 513 Parnassus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94143 San Francisco, CA 94143 Tel: 415-514-1683 Fax: 415-564-5813 Tel: 415-476-3748 Fax: 415-476-8214 Email:
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[email protected] This clinical study is supported by JDRF and conducted by the University of California, San Francisco. This document is confidential. It is provided for review only to investigators, potential investigators, consultants, study staff, and applicable independent ethics committees or institutional review boards. It is understood that the contents of this document will not be disclosed to others without written authorization from the study sponsor unless it is necessary to obtain informed consent from potential study participants. Imatinib in New-onset T1DM Protocol Final Version 8.0 August 23, 2016 CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 Protocol Approval Trial ID: Protocol Version: 8.0 Dated: August 23, 2016 IND # 117,644 Protocol Chairs: Jeffrey Bluestone, PhD and Stephen Gitelman, MD Title: Safety and Efficacy of Imatinib for Preserving ß-cell Function in New-onset Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus I confirm that I have read the above protocol in the latest version.