Iand Natural Gas for Portlan
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by the Fair Association. The dates ee- - lected for the races are April 15, 16 JUHNSQN TO and 17. READY FOR WORK CHAMPION'S LOSE RATING DEAL WITH JDNES Hackett and Little Drop Down Peg and Natural Gas for Portlan In Tennis Contest. Bailtossers Will Soon Begin 24. Cham- - i NEW YORK, Feb. National Warming Up. olon H. H. Hackett and his partner, t. u. Little, met defeat today In the match OUR STOCK IS 25 CENTS CASH OR 30 CENTS ON INSTALLMENTS League President Is for the semi-fin- al round of the National $10 per month. He can. American A correspondent wants to know if he can buy more than $30 worth at $10 down and any Indoor Tennis championship at the hands He can buy TWO r.O blocks if he desires, and pay $20 down and $20 per month. He can buy other br R. Pell. The 30c We partially arranged to leave subscription blanks In business of W. C. Grant and T. on similar terms. These shares are each. have In us Reported on His Way 1 so working men others may have an opportunity to come with ana 6. result will bring TRAINING-CAMP- houses the outskirts, that and score was This TO OPEN S participate In the profits on oil without losing time from their work. We urge, however, that no time be lost, Grant and Pell against G. F. Touchard as these lists will close the moment 1500 have subscribed under these conditions. It is a snap lor tne man oi to Portland. and Dr. W. Rosenbaum for the nnai modest means to get in with us now. He nv will be afforded such a chance again. round. Stretch in the champion- In the THAT-W- TWO EX- The unfinished match ' great reduc- IT OUGHT TO BE REMEMBERED HAVE ship singles resulted In Pell defeating The last lap of our Grant, holder of the title in tne oaa set. Pacific Coast League Teams to tion sale is now being run, and PERT REPORTS ON THIS OIL AND GAS TERRITORY 16-1- 7. REASON WITH SOX LEADER the final score being 4, the fast runners will carry off In geology and engineering, and neither was made for this company. Our Buckie Into Harness in Next Few scholarly by men famous that Sherwood was employed by prizes. Our Boys Clothing townsman, Mr. R. M. Brereton, made his for a local client, and Mr. Andrew a Gossip best a Drtvate citizen We learned that these two eminent gentlemen had carefully and deliberately "prospected O. A. C. Five to Meet Multnomah. Days of Interest Department offers good money-savin- g lance territory embraced in parts of Yamhill and Polk Counties. We therefore saved much time, which " the . by buying both reports, Mr. Brereton may not be Inconvenienced by .aence of dollars and cents, and that our-selv-es Th Oreeon Agricultural College to Portland Fans. chances. and letters from those not acquainted with the circumstances, we feel that In justice to him and fat correroondence Is In anywise interested in the Portland Oil & Gas Company, and never Chicago Captain basketball five will come to Portland it ought to be known that he not of Wants Great and $2.65 v., been Mr Sherwood, writer of one of the reports, already published with that of Mr. Brereton, because Monday, March 1, to meet the Multnoman $5.00 Knee Pants Suits his intimate acauaintance with the oil regions of Pennsylvania, his home state, has been engaged to superintend Field Manager to Return and Athlpttc. In a game to be the location of our wells and the work of boring, and an expert borer from California will have charge of the dub oulntet $3.00 Rain Capes $1.95 Only men highest qualifications, measured by their experience, will be employed at the head Union machinery of the money carefully expended Bnd for League Fears Loss of Receipts played under Amateur Athletlo Within 'the next five or six days the Cadet 25c of this enterprise, and all stockholders may be sure that their will be used Although "Aggies" navemaae teams in 75c Waists, brand.... the curposes Xor which It is desired. to Sign. rules. the baseball tossers of the various if He Refuses quite a reputation for fast play In the the Pacific Coast League will be at work GAS AND COAL? past season and successfully put it over at their respective training quarters. HOW CAN WE FAIL TO FIND OIL, PROBABLY Walter McCredie and his Portland coast- ers wfll San Luis Obispo, bne dLSte hold forth at hersTruUonWo Intimated, valley Is In the line and marks the location while will do most of their Kmth vmhlll Valley' 4s I have already this beautiful west, TV. the others which the rocks dip gently away to the east and to the and I have BY J. FETRAIN. work on own lots. The or an aliclinal axis or fold, from can be seen at shale quarries According from preliminary their seldom Tlf seen a more Ideal structure. The coast of this great arch or fold the to a private dispatch Los Angoies and Vernon teams will prac- the Village of North Yamhill; the beds In the new quarry dipping to the east while In the old they Chicago last night. Ban is. Jonnson. Sin west So the structure is all that could be desired. Especially Is this the case In the ne ghborhood tice at home, as will San Francisco and . that is and the dips more gentle, of which League. Is be- - of and farther on toward McMlnnvllle. where the.arch broader all president of the American Sacramento, while the Oakland team U HeVed to be on his way to Portland to Journeys but a short distance, to Hay-ward- s, Is of rocks. Have we the right formations here for ollT To which we should will appear occasionally at to answer Yes? for th? reason that the underlying rocks belong to the tertiary and cretaceous periods. endeavor to persuade Fielder Jones to and whTch Texas, Colorado and California. No man can tell wllh any degree of cer- are rocks of I to Sox as field manager Oakland. tainty l?es there l the way of oil or gas. twelve or fifteen hundred feet below the surface; but have return the White Already are what upon the geological structure would appear to he Ideal that the the San Francisco fans IBS a of confidence the fact that oi and captain. Jones says that he has not 166-17- 0 STREET ?o?ks age which would mean that they might be bearing; and that there looking forward to games scheduled THIRD T of tertiary and cretaceous contemplated the T numerous along and near the line of the anticlinal axis, where saline waters, accompanied been informed of Johnson's with the Chicago White Sox. the first of I mucTgasmarrconsPtantly waters gases are Indirectly a favorable sign. The gas may occur visit, but as Harvey T. Woodruff, sport Thursday with escaping. These and came- - which Is announced for next lng editor of the Chicago Tribune, Mohler is o rnr una pan And anywhere. Wlth"ThereSsbU.ethln aouTthes. springs, and which I must .ay 1. very suggestive of of afternoon. Captain "Crab" iir.iv unannounced, the president the Amer rounding up his Seals expects to have Carroll and Cooke, singers, have also scored b0th?"ougntgaPerhnadpsI m'd'rui , 1. possibility lean Leamie may do likewise. and a bit. to sayV ptsllnghaf Ing a well this valley for oil there a of them on hand for the first fling at the onl? on but coal and gas; and although the coal would be lignite it might still prove to be of great It would not be at all strange for the Chicago bunch. lmScSta?": while a good supply of natural gas would be of untold value to the City ot Portland, aa well a. to chief executive of the younger major COMING ATTRACTIONS. the surrounding towns. ' league to come to Portland for such a Coming West on Special. "The Collera Widow." Next Week. purpose, because Jones' return practice securing OIL WILL BE FOUND Chi- Most of Mohler's players are coming The wise ones ana rapidly their FIRMLY OF THE OPINION ally would mean the salvation of the seats ror tne waiter siuuk vumau, cago club. him at its head it is West on the "Sox" special and will meet Without as more than likely that the White Sox the big leaguers on even terms as far Bungalow, which opens Sunday matinee, for McMinWl"e Yamhill. Having carefully gone over the ground I should most certainly advise umy uc.o. between above-name- d tail-en- d practice Is concerned. Harry Sutor, the ,all next weeK. ine judfcsly of course, some point in the valley between the villages would be contenders rather than V. t mV than"o thn ffhRt located, at oil. coal and gas Chicago Seal slab artist, has been working out secuTpad fhough. prefe?ably, perhaps, on the east slope of the anticline. I consider the Indications among the leaders, and for the prices, and Manager Baker It for or more test-wel- ls to a depth. If ary, 2000 all and when he joins comiskey's of an enormous such as to amply Justify the expense of putting down one .of club to occupy any other position than Winter, stock only by payment feet, although I should be hopeful that a less distance would suffice. In other words, since no test has ever one- - of leading four would mean the band he will probably be delegated to royalty.