PARISH of COBHAM & LUDDESDOWNE with DODE Rev Angela Walker Church Office (01474) 813495 The Vicarage, Battle Street, Cobham, DAl2 3DB (01474) 814332 Pastoral Assistant Janet Weaver, 36 Highview, Vigo Village, DA13 ORR (01732) 823936 SUBMISSIONS Cobham and Luddesdowne News is a community magazine that is produced by and for the residents of Cobham, Sole Street and Luddesdown. We welcome all contributions of local interest. Please send material for inclusion by the 15th of the month preceding publication to
[email protected] Happy June everyone. As I write this item the rain is hitting the window and the wind is blowing a gale! For those of us looking at a staycation this year it is not looking very promising, let’s hope things improve soon. Adrian has, once again, produced a brilliant photograph for the front cover. I don’t know about you, but I can see the face of an old man and an owl in the gnarly old tree trunk, apparently this is quite a common phenomena and I understand it is called pareidolia, and explains how some people can see the face of Elvis in a piece of toast! You will see in this month’s magazine that I have included the dates for some of the local historical walks and tours that are starting up again. Many of the local clubs and societies are also looking forward to meeting up in person. Thankfully life is gradually and safely starting to open up. Hope you enjoy the June magazine. Tina Services during June Sunday 6th June 10:30am Family service with Baptism, Cobham Sunday 13th June 10:30am Holy Communion, Luddesdowne