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The BG News February 18, 2005

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DEEP DRAMA: Play . explores relationships FLURRIES among Amish families HIGH: 24 LOW: 15 during Great War; PAGE 7 independent student press VOLUME 99 ISSUE 115

Climbing A BUMP IN THE NIGHT President exercise will face European for break criticism

8* Um Weber By Terence Hunt SERIOR REPORTER 1HE ASSOCIATED PRESS Use of the 37-fool rock climb- WASHINGTON — President ing wall locaied at the Student Bush, about to embark on a Recreation Center has increased fence-mending trip overseas, this semester as students begin said yesterday that F.uropeans to realize the physical benefits wrongly believe his only interest is associated with climbing. America's security. In talking to the staff that run "We also care deeply about hun- the climbing wall, the number ger and disease," he said. of climbers have significantly A primary objective of next increased, said Bryan Cavins, week's trip is to make sure director for Outdoor Programs. Europeans know that "as we move "We call it the fabulous 40 beyond the differences of the past, days of February because every- that we can work a lot together to body wants to get prepped and achieve big objectives," Bush said. ready for spring break to look Bush is very unpopular in their best," he said. "Having that Europe, particularly because of much influx at the rec helps, the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. But but I do think more people Europeans also are upset about are climbing and they're find- other issues ranging from Bush's ing it to be another avenue to opposition to the Kyoto climate work out." treaty to what is widely viewed Individuals who are inter- as a go-it-alone foreign policy. ested can purchase a climbing Differences over Iran and China pass, but are required to first also are high on the list attend a two-hour class to learn The president will fly to Brussels. basic climbing technique such Belgium on Sunday for three days as tying knots, the proper way of talks with allies, many of whom to wear the harness and check believe the United States has equipment, Cavins said. Brian McBobtrtl BGNfws ignored their views and is unwill- "Individuals then demon- ing to listen. French President strate what they've learned and DON'T BE AFRAID OF US: People relax from the rigors of work and class on Uptown's dance floor during Industrial Gothic lacques Chirac, perhaps Bush's we check them off," he said. Underground Night, commonly known as "Goth Night." Uptown holds Goth Night every Wednesday from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. For biggest critic, has been invited to "Some people don't always pick everyone 21 years old and over admission is free, provided they wear appropriate Goth attire. Normal cover charge is $5. dine with the president Monday it up at first, but you can come as evening. Bush also will hold sepa- many times as it takes." rate meetings with NATO leaders If purchased at the start of and then visit the headquarters of each semester, it costs $20 and the 25-nation European Union. allows an unlimited number From Brussels, Bush will travel of climbs. to Mainz, Germany, for talks with And students can also pur- Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, chase a pass for $35 that is good Scoring a goal vs. MS and finally to Bratislava, Slovakia from fall semester through to see Russian President Vladimir the end of spring semester, Putin, who has been criticized for Cavins said. Weekend event will benefit research against serious disease retreating from democracy. "If you want to learn how to Bush, at a news conference, climb inexpensively and con- By Laura Hoesman Awareness Weekend at the Ice raiser, which was originally for minimum donations of $1, refused to say whether he would tinue to climb and get into it, REPORTER Arena, February 18-20. Sigalet's idea, will raise money to benefit the National Multiple offer support for efforts by France, our gym Is a great opportunity Ever since Jordan Sigalet was "There are a lot of people who for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Germany and Britain to persuade to do that," he said. "It's a dif- diagnosed with multiple sclero- don't really know what the dis- Sderosis Society. "With each purchase of a Iran to scrap its uranium enrich- ferent type of fitness because sis last March, the senior goal- ease is, and I hope that maybe it Friday and Saturday evenings Prism Pin or Band of Hope, you'll ment program in exchange for you're relying on your strength keeper of the Bowling Green will help to spread some aware- at 7 p.m„ the Falcon hockey get a free action photo of Jordan technological, financial and politi- to actually do something. You're State University hockey team felt ness," Sigalet said. "Any dollar I team will host Central Collegiate Sigalet," said Kris Kamann, assis- cal support. European leaders not just pushing iron around compelled to help others who can raise is going to be good to Hockey Association opponent tant director of athletic commu- say Iran is unlikely to sign onto or pushing water around suffer from his disease. try to find a cure, and I think this Western Michigan. During the nications. an agreement that lacks a U.S. or running." This weekend, Sigalet will weekend is going to be success- games, at the south end of the Additionally, there will be a endorsement continue his efforts to benefit ful in doing that" ice arena, Band of Hope brace- CUMBERS, PAGE 6 MS medical research with MS The weekend-long fund- lets and Prism Pins will be sold SIGALET, PAGE 2 BUSH,PAGE 6 Goal: Raise a million dollars

BGSU staff donates its "Mainly it's to increase partic- opening remarks to thank are fortunate to be employed ipation and the level of support volunteers for their continual by an institution with a noble own money for new in dollars from our faculty, staff involvement with the cam- cause," Koder said. "It's a won- scholarships. and retirees," Davis said. "That paign and to encourage them derful way for us to turn around sends a really strong message to in their work on the campaign and give something back. It's ByHoHyAbrams donors outside the University. this year. through the private support REPORTER When they see that more than Dobb reinforced this year's that the University grows and Community members from all half of our internal group is sup- goal to raise $1 million dollars. excels and becomes the institu- areas of the University gath- porting the University, it tells "It's going to be an absolutely tion that it has." ered early yesterday morning them that there is something incredible year for. all of you," The kickoff also included for an event that volunteers good going on here." she said. "I think what I see out words of encouragement from say has become an asset to the Each year since its incep- there are so many people who Marcia Sloan Latta, associate University. tion, the amount of donations believe In that we're doing and vice president for University The 2005 Family Campaign received for the campaign has that's incredible." Advancement and director of kickoff yesterday in the Union continued to grow, Davis said. An important aspect of the Development and Campaign included a breakfast for volun- This year the goal is to have campaign is those who give Director, and Kerm Stroh, co- teers and discussion focused 55 percent participation, with are part of the University, chair of the building dreams around campaign strategies. hopes of beating last year's Wright said. campaign and a former mem- The campaign, launched during pledges and gifts amounting "The campaign shows we ber of the Board of Trustees. the 1998-1999 academic year, is to $935,000. Another aim is to have a strong In-house foun- Before the Family Campaign a group effort to raise money raise the total to $1 million, dation," he said. "It gives peo- started there was no organized from within the University. Davis said. ple the opportunity to make a employee giving effort, said The campaign's motto, Before the campaign, partici- direct impact through scholar- Sloan Latta, who helped to start "Support a Scholar," is a remind- pationingivingtotheUniversity ships to students." the First campaign in 1998. er of one of the many ways they was at 23 percent, compared to Tim Koder, director of major "There are so many areas can give back to BGSU. 53.7 percent for the 2003-2004 gifts in the department of alum- here on campus that are worthy The third annual kickoff is year of the campaign. ni and development, echoed of private support and certainly OiviTtn BGNns to raise awareness about giv- Following a welcome from Wright's views. the need is there so I thought ing to the University, said USG President Alex Wright "Our whole purpose and the if we had an organized effort 'INCREDIBLE' EFFORTS: Linda Oobb, left, thanked volunteers yesterday Amy Edgar Davis, director of at the kickoff, Executive Vice reason the University exists is for their continuing endeavors to raise money within the University. annual giving. President Linda Dobb gave to educate students, and we CAMPAIGN, PAGE 2

FOUR-DAY FORECAST T0D»I The four-day forecast is taken Flurries High: 24° Few High: 42" from LcwlS' Showers Low: 22"


■ m m wB&§W£aniwf8SBH8&m VmvndMl WSmm 2 Friday. February 18,2005 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Sigalet fights on, off rink SIGALET. FROM PAGE 1 "It's a huge go about dealing with it?" Sigalet and his brother, silent auction and raffle of auto- inspiration to lonathan, a sophomore on graphed hockey memorabilia, know that there are the hockey team, have already including hockey sticks signed by people out there raised about $500 selling Prism the 1984 RowlingCireen National Pins and Bands of 1 lope within Championship team and other that keep playing the past two weeks. memorabilia signed by BGSU or do what they do Last week, Sigalet shot a alumni Rob Blake, seven-time commercial for the National NHL All-S«ar. with the disease. Multiple Sclerosis Society to "Skate with the Falcons," an Even looking at promote the MS Walk and Bike annual opportunity for people to the Bay. to skate at the ice arena with the people like Lance And Sigalet plans to continue lialcon hockey team, will be held Armstrong, who helping people with MS after at 7 p.m. Sunday. Following this this weekend's event is over. event, members of the hockey battled through Sunday lie will be speaking team will serve pizza to those cancer and kept at the MS Kids Connection in who attend. The cost is $5 for Cincinnati, and in April he will children who wear BGSU attire doing what he loved attend Dinner of Champions, and $6 for general admission. to do — it's things an MS event in Boston. DmT«m BGNews "I just wont to help out in All profits made from the like that that keep SPEAKING TO THE MASSES: Kerm Stroll speaks to University faculty from the podium. Stroh, co-chairman auction, raffle, pizza party and as many ways as 1 can, either of the Building Dreams Campaign, spoke yesterday event as part of this year's Family Campaign kickoff. "Skate with the Falcons" event my hopes up." raising money or just being a will go to the National Multiple public speaker," he said. Sclerosis Society. Despite Sigalet's original Plans for MS Awareness JORDAN SIGALET. GOALIE. MS worry that MS would prevent Wfeekend started when Sigalet FUND-RAISER him from playing hockey, he Leaders hope tight public contacted Iricia Courtney, com- they are supposed to go. has actually improved his munity relations manager of the Although the exact cause of MS goalkeeping since he made his Northwestern Ohio Chapter of is unknown, researchers hope to disease public the National Multiple Sclerosis find a cure within the next five "lust getting that off my money spurs private gifts Society, who gave him ideas of years, according to Sigalet, who shoulders, after I talked about ways to raise money, includ- finds motivation to continue it I felt so much better out on CAMPAIGN, FROM PAGE l tant for students. After all, they Throughout the year, a group ing the Prism Pins and Bands playing hockey in other athletes the ice," Sigalet said. "From last are what make the University. of 19 higher level volunteers of Hope. who have overcome illnesses. year, I just feel like a better goalie a lot more people would be If it weren't for students, we meet, plan the campaign and From there, Sigalet worked "It's a huge inspiration to know all around." encouraged to give." she said. wouldn't be here." recruit volunteers, Davis said. with his family, coaches, vol- that there ore people out there "At this point I don't see any- "And in fact that's exactly what Other areas that have received A little over 20 departments unteers and the Athletic that keep playing or do what thing related to the MS that's has happened." donations in past campaigns had 100 percent participation Department's marketing team to they do with the disease," he going to slow him down," Davis also feels that include program funds, Falcon last year, Davis said. The main bring his vision for MS Awareness said. "Even looking at people like Paluch said. "He's well on his University giving was not Club and capital improvements, goal is to support the University Weekend to life. Lance Armstrong, who battled way to a hockey career after thought of as much before the such as Union renovations. and students here, she said. To help people learn about through cancer and kept doing Bowling Green." campaign began. Also gifts can come in any "Faculty and staff— because the symptoms and causes of MS, what he loved to do — it's things A team captain and 2005 "It was started because this size, Sloan Latta said. they are on the inside and see informational pamphlets and fli- like ihat that keep my hopes up" Hobey Baker Award candidate, was a sort of untapped area "The main thing is we encour- day to day the workings of the ers will be dispensed throughout Since he went public with SkjelM has no intention of letting here," she said. "We really hadn't age people to participate and University, their support means die weekend his disease in December and his disease slow him down. done much for faculty and staff they can give at a vari- even more," Davis According to Courtney, MS began planning MS Awareness "I'm going to play until 1 can't and saw this as an area that ety of levels. Whatever "It's really said. "Their sup- is a disease of the central ner- Weekend, Sigalet has received anymore," Sigalet said. needed attention." is comfortable for port sends a really vous system, affecting the brain much support from his family, it's what I love to do. It's the With budgets tight across the them," she said. driven important mes- and spinal cord. Symptoms of teammates, tans and coaches. priority of my life. Even if some- state, it is an opportune time Any gifts made by the sage, that not only numbness, involuntary move- "We've learned a lot about the thing stops me some day, I'd just to give to the University, Sloan between July 1, 2004 do they give their ment and cognitive problems disease from lordan, and I think like to keep playing for fun on Latta said. and lune 30, 2005 will volunteers time and their resull when the immune system we're all just anxious to help," the side." "I think employees realize be counted in the and that's talents on the job attacks on insulating substance said head hockey coach, Scott He added, "I just try to make that there has never been a bet- 2005 total, which will but they're willing called myelin that protects Paluch. "It's important that peo- the best out of it, try to turn some- ter time to give than now," she be announced this what has to make a finan- nerve fibers in the spinal cord. ple understand what lordan is thing bad into something good said. "Private giving has never luly, Davis said. made it cial contribution Without myelin to help impulses doing is remarkable. From the by raising money and helping been more important than Currently the cam- as well." flow smoothly along the spinal minute we got his diagnosis last other people. It's not fun to have it is now." paign has over 85 vol- successful in Many real- cord, nerves become scarred and year, he has taken the approach, MS. but 1 can do good things Gifts and pledges go to many unteers, composed all the years ize that a group impulses do not end up where :Okay, 1 have MS. Now how do I with it." areas of the University depend- of University faculty, effort to support ing on each person's preference, staff and retirees, that we the University is Sloan I .i!i.i said. Davis said. have been really powerful. "Everybody can choose the "A lot of our volun- "I've always project or area they wish to sup- teers help to recruit growing." been a supporter of VILLAGE GREEN port," she said. "We say choose others into that role BGSU and active in what is meaningful to you, or help to identify organizations and APARTMENTS whether it's an area you work other people. It's a I thought it would in or not." way of getting them AMY EDGAR DAVIS, be an opportunity Donations can go to a informed and ener- DIRECTOR, ANNUAL to try to encour- wide variety of areas of the gized about the cam- GIVING age some of my University such as for student paign," she said. "We coworkers to sup- scholarships. try to have represen- port the University "I want to let the volunteers tatives from as many depart- as well," said Linda Synder, know how the scholarship that ments as possible." administrative assistant in the I have is helping me get an "Family Campaign over the office of Student Financial Aid. education and how important last five or six years has gotten, A strongpoint of the cam- SPACIOUS APARTMENTS • EXCELLENT LOCATIONS it is to me and so they real- 1 think, a really good reputation paign is really the volunteers, EXTRA AMENITIES • ONLY 2 TWO BEDROOM APTS. AVAIL. LEFT FOR MAY ize the impact they're having," of being a successful effort on Davis said. said Alumnae Laureate Scholar campus. People like to be iden- "It's really driven by the vol- lamie Hoover. tified with something that is unteers and that's what has $100 off Deposit For Anna Hoyt, secretary successful and I think we have a made it successful in all the During the month of February in the department of alumni really good core group of volun- years that we have been grow- and development, WBGU and teers for many years and they ing," she said. "What has been the University Greenhouse are help other people from cam- growing is the number of our areas that receive her annual pus," Davis said. volunteers and the quality of "Home ays/ay from Home" donation. Hoyt likes to give Volunteers promote the fam- our volunteers and that's what • OFFICE HOURS • to areas of the University that ily campaign to their depart- is important to me." Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM are significant to her and ment and help get their depart- Weekends By Appointment • Anytime By Appointment her family. ment to a higher participation Editor's Note: Some depart- "I think Igivingl comes from level, Davis said. ments are still in need of a vol- the heart, whatever is meaning- "That is what a lot of our vol- unteer representative. If you are FOR RENTAL INFORMATION ful to me," Hoyt said. "It has a unteers strive for is to have 100 interested in representing your Call 419-354-3533 or visit lot to do with what has impact- percent participation and to department please call Amy ed my life and what I feel here have higher participation than Edgar Davis at (419) 372-7699 or 480 Lehman Avenue * Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 at the University is very impor- they had last year," she said. e-mail aedavisQbgnet.


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■...... -.*....'. ..v.- - ■.•..-■ WWW.BGNEWS.COM Friday, February 18,2005 3

DINNER SHOW IN UNION TONIGHT/TOMORROW The Center for Multicultural & Academic Initiatives will hold its 16th annual dinner theatre show tonight and tomorrow. The show, which includes an after party in the Union's multipurpose room, requires tickets in advance, available from 424 Saddlemire. CAMPUS Wright keeps legacy going get a life father,rather, Kermit Stroh,Stroh. was on the Bowling Green for over 40 years, created the Coalition Against ^ J JL-^^JLm^Qtr USG President Alex search committee that selected Wright said. Volney and his store Rising Tuition last spring The calendar of ewnls is taken from current President Sidney Ftibeau. were town staples before Roger's in response to the repeal of htt|K//i-n:iits.bgsiL«lu/ Wright continues in And Stroh also has a foundation closed. The drug store had the one-cent tax. When he his family's footsteps scholarship named after him. Bowling Green's "first soda pop graduates next year with a major 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Union Theater Alex comes from a legacy machine, first camera dealer in in political science and a minor in geography. Wright will leave 2-D Artist Association Student By Bridget Tharp of BGSU graduates including town, first camera store around." Exhibition 8 p.m. «EPO»IER a legacy of student activism at both grandfathers, parents, his Wright said. Union Lobby University Performing Dancers. USG President Alex Wright brother Cameron, two aunts and Since Roger's closed down the University. But the question is whether Wright will live up to Student Choreographed Show hasn't missed a game since the three cousins years ago, Brewsler's bar opened 12:30 to 2 p.m. For more information contact Falcons won the NCAA hockey The Wright family has what in the same place. If you stand the legacy that his family left at outside behind Brewsler's, look BGSU. The Wright family has left Women's Professional Development [email protected] championship in 1984. Wright referred to as a "very long Series: 222EpplerN Impressive, considering that and good relationship" with up. The vinyl Wright with a lot to live up to. "Roger's" It could be that Wright is "Negotiating a professional con- he wasn't bom until after that the University. tract." 8 p.m. hockey championship. "We did have some strong ties sign still following in the footsteps of his family. Wright does that every- 107 Hanna Hall Skywatchers of Africa "My mother was at that with the community and the hangs up above the day when he leaves for school, Multi-media show in the game," Wright said. "She was University before I came here as backdoor. because he walks down the 2 p.m. Planetarium, $1 donation sug- well," Wright said. eight months pregnant with me. Like his same steps that his father walked Performance by Steve Razka gested, lasts approximately 1 hour They brought the suitcases to Stroh was a member of grand fa - down, out the same door and Falcon's Nest Planetarium Show is followed by the game." the board of trustees for nine thcr Volney, drives on the same street. Wright Student Union stargazing in the Observatory if years. The University gave Wright has been going to Wright has and a few roommates live in weather permits on Friday and Falcon athletic Stroh an Honorary ALEX WRIGHT been in the the house that his grandfather, 4 p.m. events with his Alumnus Award in Sunday evenings. "Our license community Volney, built; the same house BGSEA.Guest Speaker: Michael Planetarium parents ever since. September 2003. spotlight this that his father, Van, grew up in. "Okay Mom, plates get Wright phoned year. This year was the first time Kersjes "I'm far enough away where I Union Room 308 9:30 p.m. see you tomor- stolen when both his parents USG took such an active role in thought my family would have row. Love you too," during the interview working with the Bowling Green Friday Evening Movie: "Ladder 49" we go (to City Council. to call to come sec me," Wright 7 p.m. Union Theater Wright said to his to ask about their said. "And it's still close enough mom as he hung Q.WQV gClffies] favorite memories Tn the three years I've been Friday Evening Movie: "Ladder 49" a student, there hasn't really that if I need anything, I would up the phone in the i. _ _ _. of BGSU. be close to home,'' USG office. because He whispered to been an issue that would cause students to get involved with Wright said he doesn't know Saturday, his they say'GO his mom, Tracey, on how long he will be close to his parents will drive the phone. city hall. ItJntil recentlyl, we never really had an issue that parents and hometown. I le said from their home- BG'or'BG "We're not going he plans to apply to graduate would bring so many students Read Nicole Delisio's new column! town ofWapakoneta FANS'or'GO to talk about that. together," Wright said. school or law school. But no to Bowling Green FLCNS. As no keg parties," Wright led student efforts matter where he ends up study- for the second Wright said. this fall to protest the zoning ing, like his family, Wright proba- hockey match all good Wright's parents ordinance laws that would have bly won't stay very far away from Turn the page. against Western met in a creative writ- left hundreds of off-campus the University foi very long. Michigan. Unlike Falcon ing class as under- students homeless. He sparked "We really love this place," R the 1984 champi- families do, graduates at BGSU. a letter writing campaign and Wright said. < onship this hockey Tracey remembered game is at home we have a going with then-boy- "Our license strong sense friend, Van, to 25-cent HIRING FOR SUMMER & FALL 2005 plates get stolen movie nights at Eva when we go [to away of rivalry." Marie Saint Theatre. games] because Both told Wright they WEN-THOMPS they say 'GO BG' or ALEX WRIGHT, enjoyed working BG FANS' or GO USG PRESIDENT together as campus 1 N FLCNS,"' Wright tour guides. The cou- said. "As all good ple graduated in 1977 Good Pay Falcon families do, we have a with identical degrees in journal- strong sense of rivalry." ism and marketing minors. And Work at the Heart of the Campus But it took more than license for a number of years, Van and plates and perfect attendance Tracey even worked together. Build Your Resume for the Wright family to be Wright's parents ran the recognized as the Falcon First family business, Moulton Gas Family at the fall homecoming Service, Inc., until it was sold Great Facilities football game. in December. Tracey did the The Wright family has been advertising for the propane com- Flexible Hours involved in all three of the major pany, and Van led the company. boards on campus: the board Stroh, Tracey's father, founded of trustees, the alumni board, the company in Wapakoneta. and the board of foundations Wright's other grandfather, Wright's father, Van, is a member Volney Wright, was a pharmacist • Audio Visual Services of the alumni board. Hisgrand- who ran Roger's Drug Store in • Building Services • Custodial Services • Information Center • Office Assistants GIVE A MAN • Event Planning Assistant A FISH • Photo ID Center AND HE EATS Students seeking employment with the FOR A DAY. Bowen-Thompson Student Union will be required to attend an information session TEACH A MAN that will describe each position, poy rates, TO FISH AND and expectations for working in the Student HE EATS FOR Union. Information sessions are the ONLY place that applications will be distributed... A LIFETIME. so tell your friends! TEACH A MAN Information Sessions: • Monday, Feb. 21 at 9:15pm TO CALL • Wednesday, Feb. 23 ot 7:15am JIMMY JOHN'S • Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 9:15pm AND HE NEVER HAS TO GET OFF THE These information sessions are located in Room 201A in the Student Union COUCH. We look forward lo seeing you there!

tflWIY JOlUy,

1 ""'VI n,«D«lC» '

IB! WOOSItR 419 352 7200 For more informationIT on each of the positions listed above, visit us on the web at: (m>;// 4 Friday. February 18.2005 WWW.BGNEWS.COM QUOTEIINQIJUTE "John will make sure that those whose duty it is to defend America have the informa- tion we need to make the right decisions."

George W. Bush announcing his plans lo name John Negroponle, a ti>rmer US. ambassador to the United Nations and currently the administration'* top representative in Iraq, to be country's first national intelligence director. (flMMdusm) OPINION STAITKDITORIAI Protect your computer from threats Computer viruses and contained his BGNet password e-mail attachments." Good your computer. Be careful of any more slowly and degrade the computer and the more aware worms never go away. New in the body text advice. After all, you wouldn't put downloaded software, because computer's performance. Similar we are about possible threats variationscontinuelosurfaceand Anyone who owns or uses a on a shirt you found on the street, foreign programs can affect your to Spyware, Adware programs will only help keep our com- frustratecomputeruserstonoend. computer knows how aggravat- because you don't know where computer negatively. create pop-ups on comput- puters healthy. After all, when a And when it comes to computer ing viruses, worms and Spyware it's been. Likewise, you shouldn't Apart from viruses, Spyware ers with advertisements. If your studentpuUsanall-nighter.thelast security, one can never be can be; however, there are many open e-mail and download can cause problems. Spyware Internet Explorer isn't running, thing that should happen is the too safe. ways you can protect your files from e-mail addresses you is the classification of programs yet ads pop up, chances are you computer crashing. These truisms reared their computer from outside attack. don't recognize. that install and run on your have adware on your computer. Some programs can be expen- ugly heads again as the Mydoom For starters, the BGSU ITS Overall computer health is computer without the user Knowing what's wrong with sive, but it's worth keeping your worm found its way into the Information Security Office difficult to achieve, but like your knowing. These programs are your computer will help tech sup- computer functional. If you don't e-mail accounts of BG students. sent an e-mail to every BGNet car, dorm room or house it is used to collect information about port isolate (he problem and fix it. have anti-virus or anti-Spyware The body text of the messages account regarding the latest necessary and very important. the computer and its user, and Our tech support does a remark- software, consider these links: depended on the recipient, and Mydoom threat and suggested Be cautious of unfamiliar send it back to the program- able job of getting University one editor on the BG News staff to update anti-vims software and Web sites. Internet games could mer. ConsequenUy, these pro- computers to work flawlessly. even received an e-mail that to be cautious of "unexpected download harmful files onto grams can make computers run The more we know about our

JITTERS TO THE EDITOR mm Hollywood needs to technique in order to get the city council. Spare mockery; safest donors possible so there is Well, now here's your chance. ONTIIKSTKKKT stop forcing agendas no contamination in die My purpose is to inform blood drives blood supply. you. the student population of In light of Dr. Pepper's Everyone knows Hollywood Righdy or wrongly, this does Bowling Green State University, celebrities have money the rest of include people who have recent release of Cherry NICOLE save lives that I, Guy Batterson, am America would not mind sharing. traveled extensively to countries Vanilla Dr. Pepper, They buy million-dollar homes, DELISIO Having led two blood in Africa or even certain running for the position of At-Large City Councilperson in what new flavor of soda cars worth hundreds of Opinion Columnist drives in the past for the countries of Western Europe, thousands of dollars and American Red Cross' gotten a tattoo or piercing in the city of Bowling Green. would you create? recent months, as well as past I currendy need Versace clothes. New England Chapter, I found But one thing Hollywood rassed about Bush's decision lim Levasseur's article "Blood intravenous drug users and as approximately 40 more valid to go to war. When Toby Keith Mr. Levasseur mentions, people signatures in order to have my liberals do not own, which they drive reeks of blood" (BG News, need to buy, is a pacifier. defended our president, Maines Feb. 16) an extremely offensive who have paid for sex for petition in much earlier the past. This pacifier would slop diem wore an "FU.T.K." shin (o the and flat attempt at humor. tlinn that. Country Music Awards—and According to the Red Cross' While I do not think that Mr. from whining and forcing their So now it's time for you to take views on every other American. denied "T.K." mean! Toby Keith. Web site ( Levasseur intended (o be a stand. irresponsible, I do hope that in I'm not the only one who is tired Before the election, several every 2 seconds, an American Come and sign my petition. the future he continues to ofbeingtoldbythe Hollywood musicians went on a tour that's needs blood. 1 am going to attempt to have Plain and simple, these blood selflessly donate blood for those left dial conservative ideals, and purpose was to show drives are held in an attempt to in need and chooses to publicize a table in (he Union next week JESSIE SCHMELTZ the Bush administration, discontent for our president. One save lives. I also do not find any his experience in a more posi- for people (o sign my petition, JUNIOR, GRAPHIC DESIGN are wrong. of the artists. Dave Matthews, wittiness in comparing the Red tive manner, as this article could but with (he President's Day Until God himself says eidier has vehemently described his Cross to vampire movies, prow to deter future volunteers activities, I'm not sure how "Something fruity conservative or liberal beliefs are negative opinions of our govern- complaining (hat the nurses that are very much needed. successful I will be. flavored." right, no one is wrong. ment in oudets such as Rolling attempt to "suck you dry." However, I am always on But listening to Michael Moore, Stone Magazine. He even had Finding brave souls who have MOU-Y DESTAFNEY campus i p.u ticulai lv in the lulia Roberts and Sean Perm, the audacity to say he is more the time and ability to donate is GRADUATE STUDENT CMA), and will have my petition among many others, one might American than our president mldesta(rt)bgnet.bgsu.cdu difficult enough before folks who in my bag. think otherwise Hollywood has run its liberal have never donated read such a mouth too long, and conserva- So if you see me, ask me to Take for example Moore's film- ridiculous diatribe as this article tives are tired of it. While every- sign. lust remember that you making Since "Fahrenheit 9/11" which could possibly dissuade one has die right lo free speech, Student gets must be registered to vote in the was released, there have been people from donating in numerous reports of deceit in the i( seems like some celebrities the future. involved in city city of Bowling Green. movie Moore based part of this are trying to force their beliefs As for (he questions asked on movie off the 9/11 Commission's on every American, when they the form, I know that they may government report, when the Commission ought to know none of our views seem humorous or invasive to itself is mosdy Democrat are necessarily right or wrong. here's been a lot said GUY BATTERSON AMBER NELSON some people, or that several 1 recall a trailer for "Fahrenheit By the election, I was enraged about trying to get a SENIOR questions could be combined, JUNIOR, about constandy being fed this but they are used as a screening student elected to [email protected] 9/11" that implied that T CRIMINAL JUSTICE everything Americans had been propaganda If (here is one good "Diet beef cola." told about 9/11 was wrong. After thing the Hollywood left the movie's release, several films, accomplished this year, it is that such as "Michael Moore Hates they gave some conservatives America," "Celsius 41.11" and one more reason to vole GOR "Centigrade 9/11," were made. Some leftists might argue that America must guide global climate The Morion Picture conservatives have no right to be Nonetheless, it is muting (he environmental issues now, busi- Association of America had upset, because tiiese celebrities ANGELA problems releasing these films are exercising free speech. That KIM effec(s of the Kyoto treaty by its nesses risk shortchanging profits refusal to sign off on in the future because of environ- because they disagreed with is correct; however, 1 lollywood them. Only Celsius was released, liberals are taking advantage of U-Wire Columnist the agreement. mental and health concerns. and it was not shown at the First Amendment. The (Milegiate Times As it si,11ids now, countries The National Center for Policy many theaters. There is a difference between Virginia Tech producing only 55 percent of the Analysis estimates that the mar- worid's emissions are on board. ginal benefit of reducing carbon So "Fahrenheit 9/11" was presenting one's opinion and The Kyoto protocol went Australia has also refused to sign dioxide emissions by 2010 could released throughout America, slating the other side is wrong, or MEGAN PENDLETON into effect Wednesday, the pact until the United Slates range up to $33 per metric ton. and Moore once again preached even worse, making seven years after it was agrees to sign. Nobody is suggesting that a JUNIOR. VCT to the masses about the many documentaries to feed one's proposed. The agreement, The Bush administration is "Day After Tomorrow" scenario "Wild Vanilla things he dislikes about America opinion to millions of people which was ratified by 141 correct in its assertion that new is imminent. And this is the guy who referred Since celebrities like Moore nations, has not been ratified by environmental concerns will Virginia is even addressing Mountain Dew Mist." to the United Airlines flight 93 pick apart countless things they the United States. be costly to the U.S. economy. this issue now by granting an passengers as "chickens" for not dislike about our government The United States opposes Nonetheless, this is a transition exemption for environmentally killing the hijackers, even after and citizens, I don't understand this measure based on econom- that will eventually have (o occur. friendly hybrid vehicles (o (ravel they scared them into crashing why they still live here. They are ic concerns. In 2001, President The British Broadcasting in the High Occupancy Vehicle the plane into a cornfield instead not changing our way of life, they Bush, in explaining his opposi- Company currendy has a feature lanes in Northern Virginia. of the Capitol Building. are only enraging people who tion, cited economic advantage on its website that shows the Every time you turn your car What a classy "American." disagree with them. that would be enjoyed by other changing face of the Earth due off, rather than letting it idle, or Then there's Julia Roberts who Perhaps they are hypocrites less-developed nations (hat did to climate changes, which it you forgo air conditioning for a founded the phrase "Not My and only stay here because no not ratify the agreement attributes to global wanning few minutes, you are helping to President" She is right Bush is other country has the freedom The Bush administration Unfortunately, the American reduce emissions of not HER president He is every and opportunity of America If also cited the hindrance that refusal (o accep( environmental greenhouse gases. American's president. they lived in anotiier country, would be placed on traditional responsibility was again under- America stands to benefit Then there's Sean Penn, who they certainly would not have American energy sources, suen scored by Republican members from other countries across mumbled about the lack of their high-paying jobs. as coal and oil. of the Senate Environmental the globe tha( have ratified the MARGE O'LEARY weapons ofmassdestructionin Our government is not perfect, • In response to criticism for Committee, who opposed all Kyoto treaty. his Oscar acceptance speech, as but they have kept our country not ratifying the Kyoto protocol, attempts to limit carbon dioxide If it wishes to see further SOPHOMORE, VCT the rest of his liberal Hollywood wealthy, free and hopeful for over (he Bush administration has emissions, according (o CNN. results, then it must lead by "Rainbow- and cohorts in the 200 years. It is too bad people in pledged $5.8 billion to The Republican Party is example with regards to puppy-flavored soda." attendance cheered. the 90210 zip code do not climate change. known for its traditional environmental policy. I remember their liberal back- realize that The Bush administration pro-business stance on issues, As the worid's lone lash kicked into gear in March of deserves credit for pledging including (he environment superpower, nobody should 2003 when Natalie Maines of the Send comments to Nicole at (his money (o dimate change. By refusing to address expect anything less. Dixie Chicks said she was embar- [email protected].

ANGELA GORTER MANAGING EDITOR TIFFANI MCKEN2IE CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR BOB MOSER CTTY NEWS EDITOR KARA HULL EXECUTIVE EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy BGNEWS MIRANDA BOND FEATURES EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are (o be fewer POLICIES E-WUL SUBMISSIONS as an attach- PATRICK MAYNARD DESIGN EDITOR (han 300 words. These are usually lifters to the Editor and Guest ment to [email protected] CARRIE WHITAKER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BRANDON DRAKE ONLINE EDITOR in response to a current issue on the Columns are printed as space on the with the subject bne marked"Letter University's campus or the Bowling ELLIOTT SCHREINER SPORTS EDITOR Opinion Rige permits. Additional to the Editor" or "Guest CohunnTOnly Green area Letters to the Editor or Guest e-mailed letters and columns will be 210 West Hall JESS WAGNER COPY CHEF Columns may be published online. considered for printing. All letters are Bowling Green State University CHELSEA SNYDER OPINION EDITOR GUEST COLUMNS are longer pieces Name, year and pinnw number subject to review for length and clarity Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 SEAN CORP PULSE EDITOR between 600 and 800 wonfa. These should be included for verification before printing. Phone:(419)372-6966 are usually also in response to a cur- ASHLEY KUNTZ PHOTO EDITOR purposes, fcrsonal attacks, unverified E-mail: thenews^ rent issue on (he Uniwrsity's campus information or anonymous submis- Opinion columns do not necessarily Web site: KEN EDWARDS WEBMASTER or the Bowling Green area. sions will not be printed. reflect the views of The BG News.

i linaiiMilrHirwyiillii1H WWW.BGNEWS.COM Friday. February 18,2005 5

IRAN WARNS OF A 'SWIFT RESPONSE TO STRIKES TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran warned that any strike on its nuclear facilities would draw a swift and crushing response and called Thursday for an expansion of its newly emerging strategic alliance with Syria to create a powerful united Islamic front that could confront Washington and Israel. WORLD Soldiers keep peace after nun's death By Michael Astor The jungle troops are part of a plane soon after the murder. logging that has sparked much of TH£ ASSOCIATED PRESS larger operation involving 2,000 "We are tracing all the flight the conflict. ANAPU, Brazil — Brazilian soldiers to keep peace around records to see if a plane came Advocates for poor settlers said soldiers trained for jungle the vast Para state. At least three and left the region Saturday the army would ease tensions in fighting deployed to keep the other people have been killed in or Sunday, as some witnesses an area where ranchers ensnare peace yesterday in a town deep the region since Stang was shot. reported," Machado said. the poor in an endless cycle of in the rain forest, where an "This is very important," He said he believed Bida's law- debt akin to slavery. But they Ohio-born nun was gunned farmworker lose Pereira da yers were trying to negotiate his doubted the peace would endure down amid rising tensions over Silva, 22, said as he held his 2- surrender to police in Altamira, a after the soldiers left. the area's natural resources. year-old daughter and watched city about 100 miles from Anapu. "How long are these troops While fighting over tracts of camouflaged soldiers toting Capt. Wanderiei Batista da Silva going to stay?" asked Bishop unspoiled forest, settlers, land assault rifles fan out. "It's too Jr., in charge of the military oper- Tomas Balduino, president speculators, loggers and ranchers violent here. It's even dangerous ation in Anapu, said the army's of the Land Pastoral, a church- have hired gunmen to eliminate to walk in the streets." main duty was to help state and linked group that helps landless opponents in this state twice the Stang, a naturalized Brazilian federal police get around in the farmers throughout Brazil. "As size of Texas. Brazil's president originally from Dayton, was dense jungle and keep the peace soon as they leave, we'll be back cut short a state visit to Suriname attacked Saturday in a settlement in the notoriously violent region. in the same situation." to attend meetings with top 30 miles from Anapu. A witness The big problem, he said, was The lawlessness got worse advisers about the said Stang saw the two gunmen the rain, which usually starts in when the government recently violence-plagued region. approach, and she opened a Bible December and lasts for months ordered ranchers to evacuate Backed by 110 soldiers from and began reading before being The roads become slippery land they occupied but could the 51st lungle Infantry Division, shot at dose range six times. mud, and even parts of the not prove they owned. Ranchers police were searching for four The main target of the search Trahs-Amazan highway become and loggers blocked roads and men accused of killing Dorothy is rancher Vitamiro Goncalves impassable, he said. rivers, and the government Stang, a 73-year-old Dominican Moura, known as Bida, accused Farmers from the Boa relented, allowing some with nun from Dayton, Ohio, who was of ordering Slang's killing. Esperanca settlement, where dubious claims to continue shot to death last weekend in a Police also were searching Stang was killed, staged protests cutting the forest for timber. dispute with a powerful rancher for three other suspects they yesterday in Altamira, where The frontier-style violence in over a near-pristine swath of identify as two triggermen and most federal and state authorities Para comes as logging compa- jungle near this town 900 miles an intermediary. have their regional headquarters, nies and wealthy ranchers have north of Brasilia, the capital. Walame Fiado Machado, while Brazilian President Luiz steadily pushed deeper into the "Sadly, it's necessary. It's only in charge of the federal police Inacio Lula da Silva rushed home world's largest rain forest, which in the last case when you call in investigation, said he believed the from Suriname to decide how to sprawls over 1.6 million square the army," said the Rev. Andoni two gunmen likely were hiding in defuse the bitter disputes in Para. miles and covers more than Ledesma, a Spanish priest who a dense, hard-to-reach stretch of Silva was expected to order half the country. Development, was following the police investi- forest near Bida's ranch, while the the creation of a national park logging and farming have so far Paul Santos APPholo gations for the Roman Catholic men believed to have ordered the and an ecological reserve in the destroyed as much as 20 percent TIME FOR ACTION: Brazilian soldiers arrive in Anapu, where they were Church's land pastoral. killing may have fled in a small region, effectively banning the of the forest. deployed to the lawless Amazon rainforest where the nun was shot. Pope's new book sheds light on brush with death By Vanessa Gera would survive. I was in pain, I means that the assassination was assassination attempt, he called have to question the legal regu- their powers and remain in open THE ASSOCIATED PRESS had reason to be at i aid, but I had not his initiative, that someone it "one of the last convulsions lations that have been decided conflict with the law of God and WARSAW, Poland — In his new this strange felling of confidence." else thought of it, someone else of the 20th century ideologies of in the parliaments of present the law of nature." book, Pope John Paul II for the Before reaching the hospital, gave the order," he wrote. force. Force stimulated fascism day democracies. The most An advance Polish-language first time described publicly the he told his personal secretary, "During the entire conversa- and Hitlerism, force stimulated direct association which comes copy of the book, which goes on moments after he was gravely the Rev. Stanislaw Dziwisz, now tion, it was clear that Ali Agca was communism." to mind is the abortion laws. ... sale in Poland on March 11, was wounded in 1981, saying he was an archbishop, that "I forgive the burdened by the question: There has been speculation Parliaments which create and made available to the Associated fearful and in pain, but had "a assassin," according to the book How did it happen that the that agents from Bulgaria helped promulgate such laws must be Press by the Krakow-based strange feeling of confidence" John Paul recalled his belief assassination was unsuccess- plot the assassination attempt aware that they are transgressing publishing house Znak. that he would live. that the bullet was steered away ful? He did everything that was because of that country's ties with In "Memory and Identity: 'from vital organs by divine necessary, he took care of the the Soviet KGB, which report- Conversations Between intervention — which he has tiniest detail of his plan. But still edly was alarmed by the pope's Millenniums," the pope said he credited to the Virgin Mary of the victim avoided death. How support for the Solidarity Vineyard remembered being rushed to the Fatima. Three shepherd children could this have happened?" trade union in Poland. In 2002, hospital but didn't recall much of say the Virgin Mary appeared to During their talk, Agca grew however, John Paul sought to lay Church what happened after he arrived them in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 interested in the secret of Fatima, the issue to rest. in Bowling Green because "I was almost on the and made several predictions. the pope wrote On other topics, the pope says other side." Church officials said in 2000 that "And a very curious thing... this the Holocaust and abortion both "Oh, my Lord! This was a one of them foretold the assassi- unrest led him to the issue of came about when people decid- w .demonstrating passion for God & difficult experience. I woke up nation attempt on John Paul. religion. He asked how it really is ed to usurp "the law of God." compassion for people.. the next day, around noon," John "Agca knew how to shoot, and with this Fatima mystery. What is "It was a legally elected Paul wrote he shot with confidence; with it based on? That was his main parliament which allowed for The most personal section of perfection. But it was just as if point of his interest, this is what the election of Hitler in Germany Sunday @ 10:30 am the book contains John Paul's someone guided this bullet," the he most of all wanted to find out," in the 1930s and then the same recollections of how his faith pope said. the pope says. Reichstag that gave Hider meaningful worship sustained him after being shot The pope also described his The pope went on: "Ali Agca powers which paved a way for the relaxed & casual in the abdomen by the Turkish meeting with Agca at Christmas — as I believe — understood, political invasion of Europe and gunman Mehmet Ali Agca on 1983 in a Rome prison, a talk that that above his power, the power to the creation of concentration atmosphere May 13, 1981, while riding in an gave John Paul the feeling that of shooting and killing there camps and for introducing the 1180 North Main Street • Bowling Green, OH 419.686 8117 open car in St Peter's Square. he had somehow reached his is a greater power. He began so-called 'final solution' of the "Yes, I remember that would-be killer. looking for it. I wish for him that Jewish question, which meant journey to the hospital," he wrote. "We talked for a long time. he finds it" . the extermination of millions of "I remained conscious for some Ali Agca is, as everyone says, a While John Paul did not say sons and daughters of Israel." time after. I had a feeling that I professional assassin. Which who he thought ordered the The pope continued, "We John W. Strawman, D.D.S. Lotions mi WELCOMES HI # 25% off 1062 N.Main St. 'r' 1{J* 352-9055 toiifr.«866-tanpro1

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Btaaaa JMamflB atRMMBafe 6 Friday, February 18,2005 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Lawmakers fight genetic profiling By Jim Abrams discrimination and ... the risk companion bill introduced by ance discrimination. was "fraught with opportunities peace of mind. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of discrimination has inhib- Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y. People suscept ible to diabetes, for unintended consequences, But she said there were con- WASHINGTON — The Senate ited the full use of this vast, But the Republican leadership cystic fibrosis or Huntington's unnecessary regulation and cerns about past House ver- voted yesterday to protect peo- still-untapped reservoir of in the House never brought the disease could gain access to unwarranted litigation," the sions that she said opened up ple who are reluctant to have knowledge," said Sen. Olympia legislation to a vote before the early treatment if they no longer group said. new opportunities for litigation genetic testing for breast cancer Snowe, principal sponsor of the full vote. feared that the results of genet- The bill would, for the first and could have the unintended or heart disease because of fears legislation. Rep. John Boehner, chairman ic tests could be used to deny time, allow the departments of consequence of preventing the the results might cost them their The White House supports of the House Education and the employment or health coverage, Labor and Health and Human sharing of genetic information jobs or health insurance. the measure, saying in a state- Workforce Committee, said yes- Snowe said. Services to take direct enforce- to improve treatment. Senators voted 98-0 for leg- ment that the potential misuse terday he was "not sure that a "People fear cancer, but many ment actions against insurance The chief executive of the islation prohibiting employers of genetic information "raises federal mandate would help", also fear losing their jobs or their plans that violate the bill's pro- American Medical Association, from using genetic information serious moral and legal issues." protect genet ic privacy. Boehner, health insurance even more," tections. It would completely Michael D. Maves, expressed in hiring and firing decisions The bill faces an uncertain R-Ohio, said many states and said Sen. Edward Kennedy, ban collection of genetic infor- support for the Senate bill in a and barring insurers from using future in the House, where busi- employers have acted to prevent D-Mass. mation prior to enrollment in a letter to Senate leaders. such information to deny cover- ness groups that oppose it hold genetic discrimination. But a business coalition led by health plan. Maves said it would "encour- age or raise premiums. more sway. But Snowe, R-Maine, cited the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Karen Ignagni, president of age patients to take advantage Since the breakthrough of In 2003 the Senate, on a 95-0 National Institutes of Health argued that there is no appre- America's Health Insurance of genetic screening, counsel- the mapping of the human vote, passed a nearly identical reports that almost one-third of ciable evidence of workplace Plans, said her group was not ing, testing and new thera- genome some four years ago, bill, also sponsored by Snowe, women offered genetic testing discrimination based on genet- opposed to the Senate bill and pies" without concerns the "the American people have and more than half the House for breast cancer risk decline out ic information. Basing legisla- agreed that people should information could be used been vulnerable to this type of members agreed to support a of concerns about health insur- tion on potential bad behavior undergo genetic testing with against them.

Bush urges Free trial program causes Feds return seized 'one voice' in boost in climbing wall use Aussie art material Euro travels WALL, FROM PAGE 1 Climbing is a unique sport, mind, Ryan said. By John Nolan officials said. Jelinek flew BUSH, FROM PAGE 1 Cavins said, but there is a level of "It's a fun workout and you IHC ASSOCIATCD PRESS through Detroit on his way to University sophomore Sarah psychological intimidation that can challenge yourself and your CINCINNATI — Federal Cincinnati. Bush said he would talk Palumbo began climbing last deters some students from even mind," he said. "You can make authorities reversed them- The items • were sup- with allies "to make sure we year and now spends at least two attempting to climb. it very strenuous and I try to selves yesterday and decided posed to be included in the continue to speak with one days a week at the wall. The biggest challenge is the advance every time." to release artwork, including Contemporary Arts Center's voice" in demanding that Iran "It is exercise, but it relieves mental barrier," he said. "Once The climbing wall presents fake passports, that they con- display of Sabotage's exhib- not develop nuclear weapons. stress and helps me get away you get used to climbing the the opportunity for to students fiscated last week from the it titled "State of Sabotage," He also said he would seek a from everything," she said. wall, the height doesn't impact to learn a skill that is not often luggage of an Austrian artist which focuses on government consensus on how to press Palumbo is driven by the chal- you anymore' tapped into, Cavins said. on his way to set up an exhibit power over the individual. Syria to withdraw its forces lenges it takes to climb the wall It also takes time for people to "It's something you can eas- at a museum. Five other groups have relat- from l£l)anon. and complete different routes. completely invest their trust in ily get involved with and learn A customs officer at Detroit ed displays on themes of cor- "There is a concern in The routes are marked by differ- the equipment. about," he said. "Once you've Metropolitan Airport had porate or government power Europe, I suspect, that the ent colors of tape and are meant Cavins stressed the fact that learned how to climb, nobody confiscated the 33 passports, within the overall exhibit only thing I care about is our to the skills of the climber. the staff thoroughly inspects can take that skill away from ink pads, rubber stamps, titled Inc., scheduled to con- national security," Bush said. "It challenges you once you do between two and three pieces of you. It's something you can pick grommets and a photo-hang- tinue through May 8. He said it is a subject at the top one route to want to do some- equipment per shift. up and take with you." ing tool Feb. 9 on the belief Jelinek returned to Vienna of his agenda because of the thing better," she said. "The beauty about climbing To be challenged and not they violated a ban onimport- after the exhibit opened last Sept. 11.2001, terrorist attacks. The staff change the routes at equipment is that it is built to make it every time teaches peo- ing immoral materials, cus- weekend. "But we also care deeply least twice a week so that avid last and be safe," Cavins said. ple that success isn't a result of toms spokeswoman Cherise Government officials will about hunger and disease," climbers can reach new levels of Climbing has almost become every attempt, Cavins said. Miles said. work with either the museum Bush said. accomplishment each time they part of a daily routine for "To get used to not being able But a reviewing office of the or Jelinek on Friday to return "And I look forward to work- climb, Cavins said. University senior Doug Ryan, to do what you want to do and customs and border protec- the items, Miles said. ing with the Europeans on "It's not only about physical who visits the wall between overcome that challenge and tion bureau, part of the U.S. "We're very pleased," said hunger and disease." movement, it's about problem three and four times a week. accomplish it isa fun thingabout Department of Homeland Katie Taft, a spokeswoman for British Prime Minister Tony solvingand challengingyoursclf Ryan has learned to trust the climbing," he said. The climbing Security, decided the items the museum. Blair, as chairman of the Group to get past it," he said. "It's not equipment and said the staff is wall is open Monday through didn't fit the parameters for "We have yet to see the of Eight industrial nations, is all about just monkey climbing always willing to help. Wednesday from 4:30 p.m. to confiscation as immoral or items returned," Taft said, "so trying to rally allies to work on moving right leg, left leg straight The wall can be used as a way 10:30 p.m. and on Thursdays harmful materials, Miles said that will be more of a happy poverty in Africa and around up the wall." to relieve stress and to clear your from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in a telephone interview yes- moment." the world. Blair also has made terday from Chicago. Museum officials sent an e- the battle against climate Robert Jelinek, leader of mail yesterday to Jelinek and change a priority. Bush offered the Vienna, Austria-based art awaited his response, Taft no apologies for opposing the group Sabotage, was notified said. Kyoto treaty that the Europeans of the initial seizure only by The exhibit now includes embraced. "They thought the a Department of Homeland a statement by lelinek, along treaty made sense. 1 didn't" Security receipt in his luggage with the Department of Still, he said there are new Looking when it arrived in Cincinnati Homeland Security's confis- technologies to help achieve a Scholarships a day after he did, museum cation receipt. better environment

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■i V (419) 352-5620 • 332 S. Main St. • [email protected] FRIDAY February 18, 2005 BEST IN SHOW: Check out the best the School BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY of Art has to offer; PAGE 8 VOLUME 99 ISSUE 116

Drudge rips Rock, fabricates conflict

The Stale of the Art The war being raged between conservative politicians and the lib- eral worid of Hollywood elites gained another chapter as Because of an increase in University Programs, WBGU famed Internet muckraker Matt faces budget cuts. They are combatting this by holding a Drudge manufactured a c ontroversy out of thin air about two week fundraiser in an effort to update their equipment Chris Rock, the host for this year's Academy Awards. By )UIK Restivo Matt Drudge, trying to drum PULSE REPORTER up controversy and extend It's money WBGUFM ' the "culture wars," grabbed lacks — not commit- a couple of quotes from an ment, ambition or ideas. Entertainment Weekly interview, The 2004-05 school put them grossly out of context year welcomed a 3 percent and tried to get conservatives increase to new students riled up enough to pressure the on campus. Along with new academy to change hosts less students came nearly 30 new than a month before the show , student organizations As a date. result, the University has strug- Among the comments gled to provide funding for about Drudge takes out of context are 150 groups on campus — their lines about only gays watch- only option was to cut funding ing the Oscars, and that giving awards for art are "(expletive) from most student organizations, 1 including WBGUFM. idiotic.' Stephen Merrill, operations direc- Drudge, in his tried-and-true tor, and other staff members realized tactic, used anonymous sources. the station faced a problem. The cost Whether it is anonymous acad- of maintaing a radio station is extremely emy members, anonymous high and Merrill admits that the cost of Hollywood mogouls or anony- necessary technology keeps rising. mous award nominees, you Consequently, WBGUFM has taken it can be sure Drudge never has upon themselves to raise the money in a name to associate with his order to continue their programming. claims that academy members Responding to the crisis, WBGUFM has are furious, worried about the created a Community Involvement Campaign. broadcast or that the entire This will be the first time they have ever put on show is in turmoil. However, it an event of this kind. doesn't stop Drudge from The campaign will be a two week on-air fund- making the claims. raising event beginning Feb. 20 and ending March One recent Drudge headline 2. During this time staff members and volunteers read, "Oscar host Chris Rock will be taking calls from listeners who wish to donate shock: Abortion in America is to the station. Gifts of appreciation have been created 'beautiful.'" However, what Rock to show the station's gratitude for people who donate. really said was, "it's beautiful These gifts range from stickers, buttons, CD's, Vinyl abortion is legal." records, T-shirts, sweatshirts and more. This is just one of many The station is asking for support from businesses instances where Drudge robs through trade-outs or donations. In return for their sup- Rock's words of their context. By port they will receive thanks over airwaves and on their doing this he creates many mis- Website. leading and false impressions Some local businesses have already offered their support, of Chris Rock in an attempt to including Polryeyes and CR Music Exchange. Easy Street Cafe assassinate his character. has also offered their venue for the Tony Monaco Trio concert In another laughable claim, which Merrill said "will be the two week wrap-up party.'' Drudge says that Rock has been Throughout the two week span, WBGUFM will also be host- clocked at using 35 F-words ing a raffle in the union. Tickets for the raffle are $5. per minute. Having seen Rock "The winner of the raffle will most likely be recieving gift cer- perform 1 find it hard to believe tificates from each business that is contributing to the campaign," that he actually said the F-word Anna Marie Geraci, fund drive co-director said. 35 times in the space of a Geraci adds that all donations are going to be bursarable minute. What is more likely "Anyone who donates through bursar will have to come to the is that Drudge averaged out a union and do it because we can't accept POO numbers over the phone," number of F-words over the Geradsaid space of a minute. WBGU, PAGE 8 If you take a look at a performance by previous Oscar host Steve Martin, who had no controversy surrounding his emcee duties, we find the claim becomes devoid of any meaning. Wartime play explores battles in the home In the infamous scene in "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" By Rachel Bob* Bob Russell, and Deacon Zepp Christy still became bishop of where Steve Martin's character ASSISTANT PUtSE EDITOR Brubacher, portrayed by Tyler the church, nothing worked out drops numerous F-bombs at The Bauman and the Brubacher Ward, fight for their individu- in his benefit a car rental agent we find that Amish families were affected by ality from the rest of Canada. Zepp Brubacher fought to Martin uses the F-word 19 the threat ofWorid War I and the Being German and living in live peacefully with his family times in the space of 28 seconds. daunting transition into the 20th Canada was conflict of as conflicts from the Averaged out over a minute century in the titillating drama, interest to the SH0WTIMES war and from Christy means that he uses the word "Quiet in the Land," written by surrounding area of rose up around over 40 times. That is even AnneChislett. where they live. Friday, 8 p.m. him. All of the men, more than Rock's supposed The two Amish families As one character Saturday, 2 p.m including Zepp's wife, 35 times per minute. I guess must settle into their new said to the Brubachers Lydie Brubacher Martin is never allowed to host and 8 p.m. the show again. He should surroundings. Originally from and the Baumans, Sunday, 2 p.m. (Heather Wlllamsl Germany, the Baumans and "Dont speak so much learned how to speak prepare for the future outrage Brubachers decided to move German in front of the English. the next time he decides to to Canada because of the war Canadians." The characters speak English make a public appearance. brewing in Western Europe. Christy Baumans son, Yock, with thick German accents, Photo provided It is unfortunate that Matt This subtle but powerful play portrayed by Adam Marier, who annotating that the characters QUIET IN THE LAND: Yock. (Adam Marier), left, and Kate, (Alisa Drudge already has zero expresses the views of the Aniish. in the opening scene failed to are actually speaking German Cutcher), in a scene from the BGSIT s production. credibility because after this The voice of the Amish comes join his friends, Kate Brubacher throughout the play. When they hats on when they leave. As for and the men bring in the food instance, he would have lost any but rarely and this play tells the (Alisa Cutcher] and Menno come in contact with English- women, they will take off their and money. Amish women are amount he had left. story of what they believe and Miller (David Fryling), in their speaking Canadians, they are bonnets when they are in house brought up to be married and The real news is that some how they live their lives. baptism. Since he did not show, concise and brief with them. and not in the presence of people have babies. Kate was contracted sniveling yellow journalist Back when "Quiet in the he is not considered a part of Out of respect, the men take unbeknownst to them or when for Yock, for which they fell in decided to try to advantage of Land" takes place, Bishop the church. His father disowned off their hats when the enter they are outside the presen' oolitical climate in Christy Bauman, portrayed by him and his honor. Although the house and always put their Women are the homemakers the country. REVIEW, PAGE 8

KEEP YOUR FINGERS ON THE PULSE OF CAMPUS AT WWW.BGNEWS.COM/PULSE 8 Friday. February 18.2005 TIIKPULSK WWW.BGNEWS.COM Play outlines struggle with religion, family Exhibition shows off the By Rachel FJobak and Nichole Ftormnski transitioning into the 20th bcn- he added. nology and socialization outside best of student artwork PULSE BiPOBISnS tury because of their peaceful, In the community their reli- their own community. By Dan Myers Figuratively-based artwork liter- The new play "Quiet in the simple way of life. The men in the gion is integral to their lives. "It's relevant for all times PULSE HEPORTEB ally uses the human figure as a Land," plays this weekend in families run the farms and the One of the reasons the play because it has to do with the Legs, bending seemingly in all way to communicate an artist's the Marie Saint Theater. women take care of the children is being performed is because invasion of privacy," Wise said. directions, lay in a colorless envi- ideas. And although the play isn't set in and clean the house. To them, ii of the present war in Iraq, Tyler Ward, who plays the ronment They are thin, and it is "It runs in cycles," VVbjtkiewicz present day and the characters was unthinkable that a member Chambers said. Deacon Zepp Brubacher, found difficult to tell if they are wearing said. "There may be years where are not part of a majority, it deals of their family would go off and "One of the things that drew it was a good choice to perform. black-and-white striped socks it's non-objective, or abstract" with issues impacting everyone fight in a war. However, this is me to it doesn't come down "It had a little bit of a politi- or if their skin itself displays the Nathalie Ayres, who both in any time frame. what Yock Bautnan, played by nicely on one side or the other. cal overtone," he said. Ward's stark design. entered pieces into the show "Quiet in the Land" is direct- Adam Marier, decided to da It sort of shows both positions as character struggles with the out- It is this scene — a drawing and managed public relations, ed by Dr. Jonathan Chambers, The Amish are a part of the necessary and problematic," he side world as well as with his tided "Stripes" — that won Ron praised the works on display. from a script by Anne Chislett Anabaptist tradition, which said. "It shows life as complex. fellow friend — Bishop Christy Tillman the "Best of Show" award "It's really a great opportunity in the 1980s. The story takes means to rebaptize. "If you are Life does not usually give us an Bauman, played by Bob Russell. in thL'54th Annual Undergraduate for students to see the best of the place in 1917 in Canada, where not baptized, you are not a part easy way out of conflict and pre- The play shows how the char- Art and Design Exhibition. best" Ayres said "These pieces two German families — the of the church. If you are not a dicaments we find ourselves in." acters struggle with each other Tillman's art is displayed with are pieces that are top-notch." Baumans and the Brubachers, part of the church, then you are Assistant director Tony Wise in order to do God's will. They 233 other pieces in the Fine Arts This year is John Hierholzers — deal with harsh realities going not contracted with other people agreed with Chambers. "It's an believe that if they incorporate Center's Dorothy liber Bryan and first time entering art into the on outside their quiet lives. to marriage," Chambers said. incredible topic. There are not their lives into God, then they Willard Wankelman galleries. show. "The Amish are adverse |to Chambers said he cares about many plays written about this will be Christian. The entries this year impressed Hierholzer, a sophomore, won beinga part of the 20th Centuryl," all of the characters, and he type of story," he said. "It's good "Quiet in the Land" developed lackie Nason, coordinator of the a $1,000 scholarship for his three Chambers said. "They want to doesn't feel that any character the University is putting it on its own expression that must be event. "There's some extremely pieces on display. be separate from the world and makes bad choices. because that way people can seen in order to understand. talented artists," she said. His most striking piece is a they want to be separate from "But I also think the choices learn more about this group of "1 hope people who come "This is a major event for print that stands about 10 feet progress." they are making are problematic. unique people." find it thought-provoking," the School of Art," Nason said. tall and six feet wide It depicts a I In' Baumans and the I think all the people in the play The Amish are rarely reported Chambers said. "I hope it pro- "Because it's competitive, that factory in black and white Brubachers had a difficult time are admirable in some respects," on because of their lack of tech- vokes conversation." makes it all the more exciting." "It's a factory in my home- The sense of competition town," Hierholzer explained, is increased by the amount of "so I kinda focused on how the money that can be won. More economy's changing and how it 'Quiet' entrances audience than $10,000 in awards and schol- affects small towns." arships are up for grabs in the "It's my strongest piece," Money for WBGU with powerful emotion, angst exhibition that is held only once a Hierholzer said. WBGU. FROM PAGE 8 year, during spring semester. Its strength may lie in how well their own. REVIEW, FROM PAGE 7 to let him go in order to go on "That staff is wonderful," The money is donated by the it portrays Hierholzers ideas. The financial support with her life. Alumni Foundation Parents' "You have to look at their relieved will go towards ongoing Barnes said. "They are always love in the process of getting "Quiet in the Land" enhanc- asking how they can help. They Club and the Medici Circle, a intention," Wojtkiewicz said. equipment upgrades. to know each other. es thesignificanceofthe Amish group of art cndiusiasts within "They're not only talking the talk Broadcast engineer |im Barnes try very hard to do things on Yock denounces lesus way of life and develops an their own." the Bowling Green community. but they're walking the walk." said much of the equipment Christ in front of his father audience appreciation for the "We're extremely lucky to have "Everybody has these ideas, but WBGUFM uses is too old. WBGU 88.1 FM has been play- and his grandmother. Hannah culture. Not many people are ing in Bowling Green since 1947. a lot of donors who support us it's the people that are motivated "The remote transmilter Bauman (Vanessa Baker), plus aware of their community. with scholarships and awards," enough to see them through that probably dates back to World War Their commercial-free program- all their friends. I le intensely The Amish religion is ming schedule includes indie, Nason said. we start to see things as art" he II," Barnes said. "It is in really bad argues with his father and extraordinarily important for Dennis Wojtkiewicz, a profes- said. shape." metal! punk, jazz, urban, elec- leaves to join the fight in their existence. tronic industrial, golhic, experi- sor of painting at the School of The exhibition runs now until "The serial number on the the war. Attend the play this An, noticed a trend in this year's March 2. The galleries are open transmitter is so old that no one mental, blues, country, world, Since the Amish are weekend for a powerful specialty and more. entries. from in a.m. until4 Tuesday knows where it came from," peaceful pacifists, Christy introduction into the life of "It was interesting in the sense through Saturday and 1 p.m. until Geraci added. Businesses that are interested disowns Yock. Kate would not what it is life without the in participating can make per- that it was figuratively-based 4 p.m. on Sunday. According to Barnes, replacing leave with Yock, no matter existence of technology or the this year," Wojtkiewicz said. Admission is free the remote transmitter could cost sonal arrangements through the how much she loved. She had general society. over $5,000. And that this device fund drive co-directors. Two lines is very important to radio stations have been created for listeners and hard to function without it. to call into the station to make a Barnes isn't worried because pledge. The toll free extension is Cto^@«KE he believes the station is capa- 1-88-7-WBGUFM and the local SUNDAY ble of raising the money on number is (419) 372-4836. get a 4 p.m. Rugby Benefit (see brief on page X) Make JOHN NEWL0VE REAL ESTATE, INC. your FIRST CHOICE Howard's Club H in your search for affordable housing! life 930 p.m. calendar of events UAO Movie: Ladder 49 FRIDAY Union Theater EFFICIENCIES __ 451 THURSTIN- Across Street from Offenhauer. Furnished 7 p.m. wirh full balh. stove and refrigerator. School Year- One person Meditation and Poetry MONDAY UCF 313 Thurstin Ave. Rate- $395.00. One Year- One Person Rale- $360.00. 10 p.m. 7 p.m. New Atlantic ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS UAO Movie: What's the Point? Kale available for 1 or 2 occupants. Check wilh Rental Office Udder 49 A Beautiful Smile for prices for 2 occupanis. Union Theater Anaphase Short Stories with Tragic Endings 517 E. REED STREET- At Thurstin. Furnished or 7 p.m. Howard's Club H Unfurnished. One bath. School Year- One person Rate- 16th Annual Dinner Theater $465.00. One Year- One Person Rale- $390.00 Lenhardt Grand Ballroom 707-727 THIRD STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. TUESDAY One balh School Year- One Person Rale- $395.00. One Year- 9:30 p.m. 9 p.m. One Person Rale- $350.00, UAO Movie: Comedy Night: S25 THIRD STREET- Pets Allowed! Furnished or TV Ladder 49 Bryan McCree Unfurnished. One balh. School Year- One Person Rate- Union Theater Jeremy Greenberg $465.00. One Year- One Person Rale- $410.00. TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Easy Street Cafe 449-455 S. ENTERPRISE- Furnished or Unfurnished. Rates available for 1,2 or 3 occupants. Check with Rental 10 p.m. One balh. School Year- One Person Rale- $395.00. One Year- Office for prices other than Two Person Rates. Goiterjelly 11 p.m. One Person Rate- $360.00. Help Wanted Ipod Night 839 SEVENTH STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. 517 E. REED- At Thurstin. Furnished or Unfurnished. Twist of Nothing Easy Street Cafe Howard's Club H One balh. Dishwasher. School Year- One Person Rate- One balh. School Year-Two Person Rale- $615.00. One Year- Two Person Rate- $515.00. $455.00. One Year- One Person Rate- $390.00. 10 p.m. WEDNESDAY 505 CLOUGH STREET- Behind Kinko's. Furnished or The Huge World Project PETS ALLOWED Unfurnished. One bath + vanity. School Year-Two Person Nate&Walfy's 10 p.m. Rale- $620.00. One Year- Two Person Rate- $520.00. David Picciutto with $250.00 Nonrefundable pet deposit at these location: 521 EAST MERRY- Furnished. One bath. School Year- Robo Shogun 403 High 825 Third 755 Manville SATURDAY Midget Fingers 831 Seventh 640 Eighth 841 Eighth Two Person Rate- $690.00. One Year- Two Person Rate- $575.00. * Lower floors reduced rate. Howard's Club H 725 Ninth 777 Manville 733 Manville 7 p.m. 402 HIGH STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. One balh. 16th Annual Dinner Theater 10 p.m. School Year-Two Person Rate- $590.00. One Year- Two Lenhardt Grand Ballroom Person Rate- $490.00. Jerry Sprague Nate & Walry's 701 FOURTH STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. One 10 p.m. balh. Vanity in each bedroom. School Year-Two Person Rate- Grasshopper Pie $630.0). One Year- Two Person Rate- $540.00. Howard's Club H THURSDAY 810 FIFTH. 649 SIXTH & 707 SIXTH- Furnished or Unfurnished. One bath + Hall Vanity. School Year-Two Person 10 p.m. 10 p.m. Rate- $560.00. One Year- Two Person Rate- $470.00. lah Messengers Dl Diamond D. Lee 840-850 SIXTH STREET- Furnished or Unfurnished. Nate & Walry's Nate & Walr/s Two full baths. School Year-Two Person Rale- $640.00. One Year- Two Person Rate- $530.00. 818 SEVENTH & 831 SEVENTH- Furnished or Unfurnished. One bath + Hall Vanity. School Year-Two Ridge Manor Apartments Person Rate- $545.00. One Year- Two Person Rate- $470.00. 724S.COI.I,EGEDRIVF- Unfurnished. Dishwasher. I 1/2 Balhs. School Year-Two Person Rate- $640.00. 2 Bedroom townhouses One Year- Two Person Rate- $530.00. 1/2 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Let our Friendly Staff assist you in Finding AFFORDABLE HOUSING. • 1 Full Bath • 2 Story Townhouses WE CAN HELP YOU! • Furnished JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE, INC. Hours- Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 Saturday- 8:30 to 5:00 319 E. Wooster Street, Bowling Green, OH Starting at $5JQf Located Across from TACO BELL mo RENTAL OFFICE (419) 354-2260 ■■■■■I W GREENBRIAR, INC. »445 East Wooster St • 352-0717

m I B^Jffi irtiirgTTii 17 m^n^it^trimwm^T(fWm^'*« -...... -.'■ BG SPORTS BRIEFING TENNIS: BG TRAVELS TO MILWAUKEE, WIS. FOR WEEKEND GAMES. PAGE 11 Greek Challenge II set to generate a competitive spirit FRIDAY While the men's basket- February 18, ball team will face off against Arkansas - Little Rock the greek 2005 communities will face off in the Greek Challenge II. The goal is to bring the most members to the basketball game. BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY The winning chapter receives a prize from the BGSU Athletic Department. The Greekorganizations must sign in at the Falcon Gazebo in order to be counted and eligible MEN'S BASKETBALL for the prize. The game will start at 1 p.m. at Anderson Arena. Falcons host Arkansas-Little Rock in ESPN Bracket Buster Admission is free for students with a valid University ID card. ESPN Full Court to air game By Atlam Hntzak Falcons SPORIS REPORTER Alter soUdifytng their spot In first place in the Mid-American Conference West Division with shoot a 70-69 win over Hall State Wednesday, the men's basketball team is preparing for a change for top of pare. As pan of the FSPN Bracket Buster, the Falcons (15-7, 9-5) welcome Sun Belt Conference of MAC member Arkansas-Little Hock (15-8, 7-4) to Anderson Arena Saturday ELLIOT no squared off against the SCHREINER Trojans twice during the 1999- 2000 season in which the Falcons Vtd Blue Eyes' won at home, 91-84, and in Uttle Rock. 66-53, th con- game against Call State they tests against Youngstown State. moved into sole possession of Senior leadership has been the first place in the West division of key for B(I of late while mak- the Mid-American Conference ing their push to the top of the with a mark of 9-5, a spot they West. |olm Ueiniold (17.5 points haven't been in this late in the per game) and losh Almanson season since 2002, when they (17.5 ppg), who are both tied lor won the West. On top of that, the women's second in the MAC in scoring, team sits alone atop their half of have been storing at will and the MAC with a 10-2 mark. playing solid defense, while Cory That marks the first time F.yink's tenacity on defense has since divisional play began that been clutch, especially late in the two teams have held the top their road win at Kent State and spot in their division this late in against the Cardinals. the season. The play of Reimold against It's taken quite a bit to Ball State — he scored a game- get here. high 28 points — had Falcons The men have survived a head coach Dan Dakich praising Mid-American Conference in his seniors all-around effort. which any team any night can "I'm not going to say he's the win. Tuesday night, MAC West toughest guy in college basket- cellar dweller Central Michigan ball, but there is nobody tougher. knocked off former MAC West I really believe that. He digs out leader Western Michigan in a balls, he dives on things (and) great example of how everyone when he gets into a crowd, he is fair game. rips the ball. It is no surprise that But the Falcons have avoided he makes a play, however it gets that this season. done," Dakich said. They've lost games to Western Arkansas-Little Rock, which (5-0 at the rime), Ball State (at posted a 18-12 record last sea- the top before a four game los- son and finished first in the Fast ing streak), Ohio (currently in Division (10-5), has three players the MAC East race with an 8-6 who average double-digit scor- mark), Akron (9-5 in the MAC ing a night in Brandon Freeman East) and Toledo (come one, it's (16.6 ppg), Zack Wright (10.6) and Toledo). Richard llardman (10.0). Darius Needless to say, the Falcons Uason falls just short at 9.6. are one of the few teams in the Freeman can hit from any- MAC that hasn't been upset where on the court and leads and that is what has kept them the team with 61 three-point afloat. field goals on 142 attempts On top of this, they've pulled (43 percent). off some big wins, taking down Hardman is also the Trojans Toledo and winning at Kent leading rebounder, averaging 7.3 State — the only team to do so per game. this season. The game begins at 1 p.m. and But winning the West is a goal will air on F.SPN Full Court. that is far from being accom- The game is part of Greek plished at this point. Four teams Challenge II, where the Greek are within two games of the Falcons and have a chance to organization that has the most win the division. members attend the game will Add in that span, the Falcons receive a prize from the BGSU have another game at Western Athletic Department and will be Michigan and a contest against shown on FSPN. Each organiza- Miami, who is currently sitting tion needs to sign in at the Falcon at No. 29 in the RPI rankings. (iazebo, which is located in the Needless to say, the Falcons Ben Swanger BG News lobby of Anderson Arena. hold their fate in their hands. GOING UP STRONG: Bowling Green junior forward Mawel Soler goes puts up a shot against a Ball State defender in Wednesday's 70-69 victory. Free Pepsi and popcorn will On the women's side of things, Soler and the Falcon host Arkansas-Little Rock Saturday at 1 p.m. in Anderson Arena in an ESPN Bracket Buster game. The Falcons are looking lie given to the first 500 students the Falcons' "young" team has to keep their first place position in the MAC West division. ESPN will air the game on ESPN Full Court. The first 500 students in attendance in attendance, courtesy of the put themselves in a solid posi- will receive a voucher for free popcorn and a free Pepsi provided by the BGSU Athletic Department. BGSU Athletic IX-partmcnt. tion to make another run at the MAC title. The women have four players averaging 9.9 points or better HOCKEY per game and each of them is an underclassman. For BGSU head coach Curt Miller, the best is yet to come. But for now, I'm sure he'll Celebrity envelopes BG goaltender with MS settle for his 10-2 mark in the my age. And besides these two conference. By Kevin Staekts announcement two months ago carry on with his life through it's Awareness Weekend at the Ice SENIOR REPORIER (Dec 13), he has been a national- complications has been an inspi- Arena." During the weekend to games being huge this weekend. The Falcons clawed their For Ionian Sigalet, the last two ly recognized spokesman for the ration to many people across the help educate about MS, fans can I'm excited about helping and way to a 17-6 mark overall doing anything I can to help lift and have been in tournament months have been a time of edu- disease. His recent appearances country who have read or heard purchase items such as wrist cating and inspiring people all came in the Sports Illustrated about his amazing story. bracelets or signed memorabilia spirits of those affected by it" atmospheres all season long in exchange for a donation. Lifting spirits is what he has They started the season off in across the country. that was released yesterday, as This weekend, he'll try to Columbus taking on No. 2 Ohio The senior goaltender from well as USA Today and SI on inspire and educate about his I want to do all that I can done for the Falcons and those Surrey, British Columbia was Campus. disease even more when he and to help," Sigalet said about his who have seen him in action diagnosed with multiple scle- His everyday battle with the the Falcons host the Western special weekend. "I know how BASKETBALL. PAGE II rosis last March and since his disease and determination to Michigan Broncos for "MS hard it was to go through |MS| at HOCKEY. PAGE 10

GET IN ON THE ACTION AT WWW.BGNEWS.COM/SP0RTS 10 Friday. February 18.2005 SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM Women's hoops faces Falcons hockey faces Western Mich, tonight biggest test of season HOCKEY, FROM PAGE 9 took one point away from their night and adding an assist. series at Northern Michigan last He currently leads the team By Elliott Schreiner since December. In that time, week and come in 3-9-1 in their on the year with 25 points on 13 SPORTS EDITOR Sigalct has started 11 of 12 games last 13. goals and 12 assists. It literally won't get any bigger and currendy has a goal against "This week is magnified by us Though die team struggled at than this for the Bowling Green average of 2.73 on the year with not getting any points last week- Ohio State, one bright spot on women's basketball team. a save percentage of .921. He is end," Paluch said. "Western die weekend for the Falco.v " as The Falcons (17-6, 10-2) come currently second in the fan vot- is as gifted a team as there is the play of freshman defense- into the game with the top record ing for the Hobey Baker Award offensively, and up until our man Mike Nesdill. in the Mid-American Conference given to the nation's top player. regular season finale last sea- Nesdill got an assist on the MfeM division while Eastern "He's been feeling good men- son (with a 6-4 win) we haven't weekend for his first collegiate Michigan comes into the game tally, as well as physically since had a lot of success against point and gave the Falcons a second in the division with a 8-4 he made his announcement and them. And its another thing our big boost on defense. He has mark in conference and an 18-5 his play has just kind of followed program is trying to improve only played in four games as mark overall. suite," head coach Scott Paluch this weekend." he has been out this season Needless to say, the winner of said. "The fact that where we Western's offense has been with a shoulder injury that was the game is likely to win the divi- are at right now —fighting for dangerous all season: averaging thought to be season ending, as sion and earn a bye in the confer- home ice— has a lot to do with 2.86 goals a game while their well as illness. ence tournament. That is die goal his play. And he is clearly one power-play has scored 21.1 per- "It's been an interesting year for the Falcons, who are hoping of the top, if not the top goalie in cent of the time, which is second for him," Paluch said of NesdilL to leave the West division on a the country for that." best in the CCHA. "He gives us a nice lift being that high note. Fighting for home ice is Forward Brent Walton leads he's a right-shot defenseman "What a fitting year it would what the Falcons are doing as the league in points with 42 on with good-size, who moves well be to leave the West on a winning they come into tonight's game 17 goals and 25 assists. But it's and he adds another dangerous note," Miller said. against Western tied for the fifth been their lack of defense which element for us on defense." To do that, the Falcons will spot in the Central Collegiate has hurt tin'in giving up 4.19 With Nesdill healthy, the have to do what they couldn't do Hockey Association with Alaska- goals a game in league play. Falcons have a healthy roster the first time the two teams met Fairbanks. Nebraska-Omaha sits The Falcons (13-11-4; 10-9-3 for die first time all season and in January. in the fourth spot just two points CCFIA) come in averaging 3.32 team spirits are high, even after Ihat time around, the two ahead and Miami sits in the sev- goals a game (fourth best in the a disappointing weekend. teams were jockeying for early enth just two points behind as leaguel while scoring on 18.9 "A stumble is not a fall," senior position in the conference. It was the top six teams host the first percent of their power-plays. tri-captain Alex Hogosheske said. BGSU's biggest of the year at the round playoff series. "Their power-play is extreme- "We had a rough weekend and time and Eastern gained an early The weekend marks the last ly dangerous and we'll need to now we have to rebound from edge in conference play with a two-game home series of the be sharp on both special teams that and come back against 51-48 win. It was played in front season for the Falcons as the last this weekend," Paluch said. Western." of 1,055 rowdy Anderson Arena two weeks will be home-and- "We weren't successful last "It'll be a huge weekend for fans and gave BG a preview of BenSmnjM BGNews home series against Michigan weekend on the special teams and big weekend emo- what this year's MAC tournament STAYING FOCUSED: BG freshmen Kate Achter gets in position to defend State and Michigan. and this time of year, special tionally for the team as we try may be like. Erika Ford of Eastern Michigan. BG travels to EMU this Saturday. Western comes into the week- teams get magnified with goals to create awareness for MS," he "1 think we go the game that end 11th in the league, but has decreasing." added. it was billed to be," said Miller Eastern prompUy knocked the got the bullseye on their back, been a team the Falcons have BGSU's goal decreased last The Falcons and Broncos in a press conference after the Falcons out of the MAC tourna- not from a cellar dweller like their struggled with for the past six weekend as they could only will drop the puck tonight and loss. "It's not always a pretty ment a week later. last two games but from a serious seasons: going 5-13-1 in their score four times. Jonathan tomorrow night at 7:05 p.m. to game when the two of us play, And last year provided no less MAC tide contender. last 13 meetings. The Broncos Matsumoto contributed on 3- start the final three-week stretch but (tonight's game] was what a turmoil between the two as the But according to Miller, the (11-15-2; 6-14-2 CCHA) only of-4 goals scoring a goal each of the CCHA regular season. tournament game feels like." Falcons fell in the MAC tide game roles haven't changed. If that game gave the two teams to the Eagles. "I think we had a bullseye on a tournament feel, then tomor- looking into the future back our back coming into the sea- row's game should give them a in November, some may not championship game feel. believe this game would be a big son," he said. "But that is even The two teams have developed deal. At that time, the Falcons more prominent now. a rivalry over die past two years. were in the middle of the pack in Eastern and the Falcons will Gymnastics team about At die end of die 2002-2003 the preseason rankings, some- take aim at each other tomorrow season, Bowling Green knocked thing they've used to drive them for MAC supremacy. Tip-off for off Eastern Michigan on senior throughout the season. But now the game is set for 7 p.m. at the night at Anderson Arena. But they're in first place and they've Convocation Center in Ypsilanti. to enter overdrive phase You Ve Never Experienced Anything Hike By Jessica Ameling Friday. Instead of the four rota- The Falcons are looking for a I SPORTS RCP0RTER tions that take place at a dual little revenge against Southeast INDOOR GOLF CENTER'S i CLIP i STATE-OF-THE-ART SYSTEM Tonight the BGSU women's meet, there will be six rotations Missouri who beat them at their 1 THIS AD | gymnastics team will enter and each team will sit out for place last year. The Falcons □ 50 Different Courses D Facetrac Animation phase two of their season, which two of them. The freshmen will won their only meeting with to choose from D Realistic Computer consists of a series of tri-meets get their first experience widi Wisconsin Oshkosh in 1996. D Driving Ranges Images SAVE; and culminates with the MAC this format Friday. The team has been progres- □ Bring your own clubs D Golf lessons available Championships. In their last "We have so many brand new sively improving all season as Q Integrated Swing & $2.00 home meet of the season they people, it's a shock to thejr sys- apparent by their numerous Video analysts i i will compete against Southeast tem because they don't know personal bests and season-high i OFF Missouri State and Wisconsin what to do with themselves in scores at their last meet. LEAGUES FORMING Oshkosh. that bi-rotation," head coach Senior Kristin DiPietro and — PHONE NOW! 11 — INDOOR ! i The Falcon's regular MAC Dan Connelly said. "This is a junior Jessica Guyer put up iden- Make Your Tee Time Now! I GOLF season came to a close Sunday really good opportunity for us tical Falcon season-high 9.900's cer with a 193.625-191.800 win over to expose our younger people to on the floor routine against i LEAGUES START OftrExMi Western Michigan which evened that format." Western, Guyer also posted a ire Inc. i FEBRUARY 26TH f«fu«y»h 2005 out their MAC record to 3-3. Southeast Missouri (2-3) is season-high 9.825 on the beam. The Soccer Spot I I coming off a loss to BYU and She was named MAC Specialist INDOOR GOLF CENTRE $10.00 per hour After only competing in dual 11620 Martlet Placa Drive ■ Maumea -419-893-5425 L 1 meets all year, die gymnasts will Texas Women's University of the Week for her success. literally get a change of pace on where they scored 192.250. At the same meet the team Wisconsin earned their 6th scored another season best with Gershon/MeLellan Invitational a 48.575 on the uneven bars led tide in seven years Friday with a score of 182.150. GYMNASTICS, PAGE 11


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By Joe Watts nationally and is coming off "We are playing well and our Eagles lightly despite their spoms nrponun a split with two nationally confidence is high," said sopho- youth. for next meet The Bowling Green tennis team ranked schools last weekend. more Ashley lakupdn. "It wifl be a close match, simi- is on the road again this week- The Hawkeyes defeated No. 75 The Falcons haven't faced lar to Illinois-Chicago," lakupcin GYMNASTICS, FROM PAGE 10 month leading up to the cham- end, traveling to Milwaukee for Washington State, 4-3, and lost the Hawkeyes under Coach said. "If we stay mentally tough pionships. matches against Marquette and to No. 53 Nebraska, 5-2. Dean and lost the only meet- we should pull that one out." by junior (essica Bradley and "We're going to start trying nationally-ranked Iowa. The Hawkeyes are a young ing between the two schools in The Falcons will be without senior Kari Elste's matching to focus the way we're going to The Falcons, 6-2 on the sea- team with four sophomores and 1983. the services of freshman Andrea 9.800's. focus at that meet," Connelly son, will be looking to get back three freshmen on their roster. BG faces a young Marquette Voile who is out with a back inju- Freshman lacquelyn said. "We're going to start on the winning track after hav- They areledbyMegRacette,who squad in the second match of ry this weekend. Bernhardt's 9.750 on the vault approaching the meets the same ing their three-match win streak is ranked 103rd in die nation the weekend. Senior Cameron Benjamin was a personal best as was soph- way and clean up the landings snapped by DePaul last Sunday. for her singles play, and Hillary The Golden Eagles (2-51, who and junior Andrea Meister will omore Erin Coudrient's 9.725 on and little tiny mistakes. That's BG is expecting another tough Mintz, who has yet to drop a don't have anyone older than look to step in for the injured the floor. our game plan now until the weekend against two good singles match this season. a sophomore on their roster, Voile against the Hawkeyes and Even with all the recent prog- MAC Championships. I think teams. Racette and Mintz are also the are coming off a 7-0 drubbing Golden Eagles. ress, there is always room for we're set up pretty well to do that "It will be good competition 55th ranked doubles team in the against No. 36 Wisconsin. BG starts the weekend against improvement. and I'm kind of excited about the and we are looking forward to nation. Mil is led by sophomore Iowa at noon on Saturday and "As far as I'm concerned we way it's all laid out for us." it," said BG head coach Penny Despite Iowa's accolades, BG Callan Smith and freshman faces Marquette at 10 a.m. on still haven't hit everything the As for a specific goal for the Dean. is excited about facing the tough Maria Calbeto. Sunday before coming home for way we're capable of hitting it, upcoming meet, as always, Iowa (2-2) is ranked 57th Hawkeye squad. BG isn't taking the Golden a seven-match homestand. and so everything we do from Connelly would like to see this point forward is directed six clean routines on all four towards making that hap- events. pen, to create the best MAC "We haven't done 24 for 24 Championship that we've ever yet, I'd love to see us do that," he had," Connelly said. added. BG is currently ranked third The team's last home meet Pro hockey season officially ends in the MAC and is hoping to will begin at 7 p.m. tonight in get over that hump in the next Eppler Center.

By Steve VflsWn bloody red accounting books. Without rights fees from tele- trying to keep skating in their IH[ ASSOCIATED PRESS It was a day that could have vision, like the ones in the other 40s, such as Mark Messier, NHL, RI.P been avoided if the players didn't pro team sports, it couldn't afford Brett Hull, Steve Yzerman, Ron This suicide season ended believe the owners were out to to let average salaries skyrocket Francis, Dave Andreychuk and grimly, as we all knew it would, bust the union, not just win a to $1.8 million last year. NFL Chris Chelios, there may never Schedule gets with blame enough for every- better deal. players, by comparison, average be another season. one. It was a day that could have $1.3 million, and that's with the The player half of Mario Let the wakes begin, brats and been avoided if both sides had fattest TV deals in sports. I emieux, 39, wants to skate beer and memories for the shak- more love for the game than they Figuratively and financially, again, if and when the league tougher for hoops en hockey faithful mourning the had for their money. Ah, but we NHL players are not in the same resumes, but the owner half season's passing. all know it's just a business, cold league with NBA players (aver- didn't want to keep taking loss- BASKETBALL, FROM PAGE 9 East division with a 10-2 marie The other 99 percent of sports as a corpse aging $4.9 million) and baseball es. to "The Pit" to play New Mexico while Toledo and Eastern fans who don't care can look Bettman serves at the whim players ($2.5 million). There are losers in every direc- Michigan are tied for second ahead to the NBA All-Star Game of the NHL Board of Governors, The NHL, under Bettman, and several games in conference tion from this NHL debacle. that have had a tournament-like with 8-4 marks. this weekend, the Daytona 500, and it's time for that board to was run almost like a giant Ponzi Publicly owned arenas, such as atmosphere. Much like the men, the spring training and college look elsewhere for leadership. scheme, nothing holding it up those in St. Louis, Detroit and Making matters better for the women get to decide whether or hoops. The world keeps spin- He guided the league to but hopes and promises and the Pittsburgh, will lose millions of not they are going to win their ning. unprecedented, unnecessary Falcons — or worse depending vague idea that a TV deal would dollars in tax revenues. Workers on who you are — is the fact division. NHL commissioner Gary and unwise expansion. Under one day bail it out. in those arenas will lose income. they have games against Eastern There are 14 games down and Bellman spoke like an accoun- Bettman, the NHL made more Maybe it would have gone on Money aside, hockey's die- Michigan. Marshall and Toledo four to go; and for each of the tant and looked like a mortician money and lost more money growing if the new generation hard fans are furious that all remaining on the schedule. Bowling Green basketball teams, — or maybe it was the other than any time in its history. He of owners didnt keep throwing Marshall sits atop the MAC the future is up to them. way around — as he directed aspired to greatness, took a shot money at the players, and if the this had to happen. They are a the final services Wednesday in at rapid growth, and wound up players themselves didn't keep diminishing cult committed to New York. flopping. undermining the sport at every the game and they hate seeing He trotted out the numbers When a team is losing, the opportunity. their beloved sport shrink into that never added up, the plans coach is the first to be fired. It wasn't just the crazy stuff insignificance. for salary caps and fixed payrolls When the league loses as badly that made headlines and police For the relatively piddling dif- that didn't fly, the negotiations as the NHL just did, the com- blotters. It was also the way the ference of about $6.5 million that kept breaking down. missioner should be patted on players, in general, thought they per team in the final bargaining Cla-Zel Theatre With a touch of sincer- the back and kicked in the butt were bigger than their great little positions — the salary of one NommWHwiOKARS ity, though no emotion, he Bettman was a dreamer and game, indestructible and irre- top-tier player — the two sides >} * "Hotel Rwanda" * apologized to fans, saying they schemer," a former NBA market- placeable. couldn't come together and deserved better. ing whiz who never understood Where are they now? Playing everyone lost J> Friday Feb. 17th-Thursday Feb. 24* In the frenzied final days of "This is a sad, regrettable day that hockey, for all its history in Russia and Sweden and small Showing Stop in and enter our Student ID Night that all of us wish could have and thrills, didn't have the broad arenas wherever they can find a haggling, Bettman had a chance nightly at Academy Award Contest is every Wednesday 10 winner* will raoiv* fr»a mo ■l.i 6:00 & 8:15 PM JO winner* will 'Kti v* free All seats lull $3.75 been avoided," Bettman said. passionate U.S. fan base that cheap skate. to exert leadership, to force both w/e valid ID! Eh? could justify his vision of mani- They lost one season and sides to yield a tad more. Instead, popcorn and drinkUtl- This was a day that absolute- fest destiny. could easily lose another, if the he stiffened up, stood firm with 127 N. Main St. Downtown B.G. • 353-1361 • ly could have been avoided if Hockey is not McDonald's league survives at all. the owners, and pronounced the there had been an ounce of trust or Starbucks. It didn't need to For young players trying to season dead. among the players toward the supersize itself and post fran- make their names, lost seasons Now all he has to offer is a hol- owners and their supposedly chises all over the map. are serious. For older players low apology. IVkNAMA OtTY BUACH, WOWM

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Great summer! : 43 12 Old as new again The average 1 13 Followed a trajectory 40 Spanish toehold in Call (888) 844-8080. apply: u 0 18 _-Chandon Africa, once American family Pregnant? Confidential, free & pro- LH* H champagne 42 In a fog fessional testing BG Pregnancy 1 ■ •u produces about Center 419-354-4673 ■■"" ■■ 19 Talent 43 Lahr or Lance ■ » l p 24 Sit for a shot 48 Tramp Want people willing lo learn & work ■ 26 Vaporous 50 Exhibition 10 lbs. of irash on wood floors including gym floors. i u (SJ W 52 Phase ^^ 28 Information every week, Starting when school is out lor the 1 29 Slaughter of 53 Divans summer until the middle of Aug. ■ Cooperstown 55 Discovered or about Personals Work consists of operating equip, in- ' .I. ■ 31 Wander 57 Diarist Nln cluding floor buffers & floor sanding : 33 Thai cash 59 Man or Capri 25 lbs. machines. Also measunng, laying 35 Beige 61 Finished 1 out & painting game lines & art work 1 37 Killer whale 63 Wide shoe size CAMPUS POLLVEYES 1 per person. & applying gym lloor finish. We will 39 Inter _ (among 64 Links hazard Sub & a Mug loop) Special 56.00 thoroughly train you in all phases of ACROSS others) 66 Males Sponsored by Keep the mug. .25 cent refills (pop) the work. Job pays $8/ hr. You can 67 "A __ Good Men" for the life of your mug.Dine-in or expect between 40-50 hrs./ wk. the Center for 1 Lip 46 Gemini half pick up only. Hours can be flexible. Must be 5 Grad 47 Stillness Environmental punctual & reliable & willing to 9 Ghana's capital 49 Regatta blades Programs and you International Travel Grants Avall- accept responsibility. Please contact 14 Skater Katarina 51 Yokohama yes Campus Recycling able International Travel Grant Ap- Bob Koch 419-385-5814 or lax 15 Anderson of "WKRP..." 52 180 degrees from NNW resume to 419-385-6483 16 More wan 54 Bean curd Program plications for Fall 2005, Spring 2006 and/ or the 2005-2006 academic 17 This puzzle's theme 56 Modern Siamese ANSWERS year are available in Ihe Center for 20 Sticky-toed lizard 58 Singer Amos International Programs, McDonald 21 Actress Moore 60 Fleming's agent 1 Miller. 1996 22 Tortoise rival 62 First stage d 3 i a s 4 s s d North. Suite 61 or on-line at 3 ■ ■ '■ Living in the 23 Retain 65 Far from one's element V 1 1 N 3 NBB°i 1 1 * 0 http V/educationabroad. For Sale i|a 25 Jazz phrase 68 "The Misfits" star a 1 1 V w J O 1 n o H S 1 1 v Environment The deadline is March 1st Call 2- 27 Silent assent 69 Hawaiian goose s N 0 N o a 1 H o i 0479 with questions. 28 _ Plaines, IL 70 Lowest parts of small 1 V H '■ n i o i n aaoaaaaa 1994 Honda Civic, 5 speed, CD, air, 30 Wrongful act intestines V H 1 s H V O 1 s n h 32 Big brass instrument 71 Zigzag turns N 1 M 3 '.) 0 d o H 1 ■: V Senior Psychology Majors good cond 180 K, $1700 OBO. 1 34 Pot sweetener 72 Attracted i 1 V M ' 0 » 3 A 1 O 0 0 1 Interested in a career in business? 354-1247 N 36 London neighborhood 73 Ooze 8 V /< 1 ■■ H 0 ■ 1 1 I v Check out Ihe BGSU Master of Or- 38 Pastoral people of Kenya V a n 1 1 1 a o 1 s ganization Development program, 0 N i a 9 - /hat Were 1 hey BG/Elmwood schools, 3 bedroom. 41 Fifty-percent smarter? 1 ■ I 11 which is currently accepting applica- 3 H V n 3 Q o y 3 1 ad#102464 44 "The Jetsons" dog " i ' tions for Ihe class ol 2006. Classes D 1 i 1 .) "J V Q V VI o i a i or ph 419-686-6945 45 _ homo (Behold the man!) 1 1 Thinking?!? start in the fall www.morjtigsu.carn ■j ) i V N (i i i v. v (1 ') 0 "IvLHw n i ,|s"I 1 v s POLICE IN WICHITA. KANSAS. VOTED BEST PIZZA 12 STRAI ARRESTED A 3S-YEAR-0LD For Rent , PISHIM€LLO'S 'LARGE MAN AT AN AIRPORT HOTEL Help Wanted 14"Combo Pizza' AFTER HE TRIED TO PASS 203 N. Main Iff****** 352-5U6 includes 3 items >J-'-' Minimum TWO (COUNTERFEIT) BARTENDING! S300/day potential. (NEW) Buckeye Studios (NEW) Open Weekdays 4P.M. Lunch Fn • Sat $16 BILLS. No exp. necessary. Training provid- Student Housing Available for 2005 ed. Call 800-965-6520 ext. 174. Monthly. Semester & Year Long Leases. Fully Furnished, includes all utilities « 25" TV Call 419-352-1520. Camp Aldersgate Carrollton Ohio For Rent For Rent For Rent Hiring summer help Call Eric al 866 627-4369 "•No Unrelated Tenant Rule Here Lg. house & apts renting now. 926. Max 8 stud allow 916 3rd St. & 303 FOR RENT - 3 bdrm. house for CAMP WAYNE FOR GIRLS- Chil- Merry Max 8 stud 309 Merry Lg very nice house. 2 car garage. New 5th & 7th Sts. 3-4 bdrms. W/D. 2005-06 school year, starling in Basement, big lot, 2 1/2 bath, w/d A/C. dwshr 2 baths. $900-1100/mo dren's sleep-away camp. NE PA includ.all util Max 6 stud. 146 S May. W/D, central air. 606 Clough (6/18-8/14/05). If you love children & Appliances 1 block from campus. Avail. May & Aug. 419-354-2500 College & 315 Merry up 8 dn Max 5 S990mo « util. 419-654-9512 want a caring, fun environment we + 724 4th St. 4 bdrm, A/C Listing May/June lease 353-2382 need Directors & Instructors for: avail 24/7 316 E. Merry #3 or call Highland Management Small units. 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Tennis, Swimming (W.S.I, prefer- 419-353-0325 9am-9pm. Male has 2 furn. rooms lor rent in available. Reasonable rent. Call red). Golf. Gymnastics, Cheerlead- BG for a clean, neat, & resp 353-2772. ing. Drama. High & Low Ropes, The Highlands- 1 bdrm. Laundry person. Team Sports. Waferskiing, Sailing. "1 or 2 bdrm. apis. & houses avail facilities in building. A/C, Quiet! Freedom ol house. $200 deposit, Painting/Drawing, Ceramics, Silk- 05-06 school, yr. Plus rooms & elfic. Starting at $395. $250/mo. Call 419-354-6117. 854 8th St. 1 bdrm.$395 mo screen, Printmaking, Batik, Jewelry, as low as $265/ mo. inclu. util. Ev- plus elec. & dep. Third door. Calligraphy. Photography, Sculp- erything 2 blks. from campus. Call Jay-Mar Apts. Newly remodeled. Move In Now - ONE MONTH FREE 419-392-3354 ture, Guitar, Aerobics, Self-Defense, 353-0325 9am- 9pm. All appliances. Spacious, laundry 1 and 2 bedroom apts. available in Video, Piano. Other staff: Adminis- facilities in building, A/C, Gas serene park-like setting. Includes trative/ Driver (21 ♦). Nurses (RN's & 1 bedroom duplex heal. dishwasher, heat, water and trash. Starling at $520. Nursing Students). Bookkeeper, 849 Sixth St-$325/month Bowling Green Village. 352-6335. 1 Mothers Helper. On Campus Inter- 3 bedroom house 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments 130 E. Washington St. views March 24th. Call 1-800-279- 227 S College-$975/month 3019 or apply on-line al 4 bedroom house 419-354-6036. BG Apts-818/822 2nd St. Classified Ads From Only 249Manville-S1050/month 2 BR Apts avail. May or August [email protected] 372-6977 August 2005 Lease, 419-352-9392. $490 + gas/elec. 12 mo. lease $470! TV M flMfl -ill m knn*lfl|l) Mtcpt Smith Apt Rentals 419-352-8917. adtcitivnKMt ih*i Jaattimirule. in rimxirapc College Students www trgraffarlmflriismm On selected floor plans diKruniMtiOn •guM any mdtv idnal or pimp $12.25 base/appt.. cust sales/svc. 1 house, 3 bclrms. Avail. Aug15. an Iht tat* o( not. W.cater, «KOJ. ichgnn. HOUSE 1220 E WOOSTER, UP itMioauI i be dcfamauuh)rit in edilinf: and midnight- 8am. Please slop by the • Spacious kitchen ■fpLWtfl Buckeye Inn & Studios. 1740 E. 843 3rd St - Brand New 3 BR Woosler lo apply. 352-1520. $900 ♦ util Trinity United • Laundry facilities 2 BR. DUPLEX. CLEAN, QUIET, 905 Mourning Dove - 3 BR • Pets welcome CLOSE, $540/ MO ♦ UTIL. 2 car garage - $1020 + util Methodist Church • Convenient on-site parking Help Wanted - Child Care 419-352-1104. Houses have 2 baths, laundry, We're looking for a responsible indi- dishwasher & central AC. vidual lo provide care lor our adora- VMSITVMIMM Travel 2005-2006 - 800 3rd St.. 616 2nd Smith Apt Rentals APA&TMimt ble two-year-old son in our BG 419-352-8917 E home on Mon., Weds., & Fri. begin- St.. 133 1/2 N. Church. 1.2 & effi- 1 N ciency bedroom apts. Parking, no ning in late March. Hours negotiable Houses and Apts H GrPSVIAW pets. 135 N. Church. 3 bdrm. house. Pay competitive. Child care experi- 1 -3 person -12 month leases 1 Horn* Depot 41 Spring Break Vacations! Cancun, Call 354-9740 for prices. t ence preferred. References required Smith Apt Rentals 419-352-8917 Jamaica. Acapulco. Bahamas, Contact Donald Nieman or Leigh Listing at 532 Manville Ave. Office 1 Florida Best Prices' Book Now" Ann Wheeler at: 3 bdrm. house for rent on N. Pros- or FREE HEAT 1-800-234-7007. [email protected] or 419- pect. 3 ppl. max. $700/mo, + util's. 11:30- CviUimpunitA 353-2179. Also. lg. 3 bdrm. apt. with garage LARGE 2 BR MODERN TOWN- Service below. 3 ppl. max. S650/mo. Both HOUSE. CLEAN, QUIET, NEW 200 Nonh Summii Snwi SITY Bahamas Spring Break Cruise 5 Innovative Slitching has FT & PT with w/d hook-ups, no pets. Call KITCHENS. A/C, GARAGE, 419-354-8146 702 4TH ST. 419-352-1104 Bowing Given. Ohw 43402-2527 CIARE Days $299! Includes Meals. Parties openings. Duties include customer Phone4l9-153-903l With Celebrities As Seen On Real service, sales, computer embroidery APARTMENTS' Large 3 bdrm. house, W/D, DW. AC, fax 419-353-5191 World, Road Rules. Bachelor! layout & production. Basic computer Professor/owner will share house w/ E-mail tnnit>(a.iwcnetorg Award Winning Company! skills are necessary, embroidery ex- other professors or grad students. enclosed patio w/ deck, beautifully landscaped yard, large garage, no Preiwtg and PrvcUumutR Christ Son ngBreak Travel, com penence is not. We are located in Multi-bedroom, fireplaces, in wood- 419-353-7715 ts* pets, next to campus, 215 E. Evers at the Heart ofBowung Green 1-800-678-6386. Pelro Shopping Ctr on 1-75, 14 ed area, cats. Se habla espanol. miles soulh of BG. Call 866-257- $225/mo. incl. all utilities, must have St., $1200 rent 351-3639. 2860 between 1 -6 pm M-F to apply own trans. Avail, immed. Call 419- Spring Break Specials! Panama City 352-5523 & leave a message. & Daytona 7 Nights. 6 Free Parlies $159! Cancun, Jamaica, Acapulco. Looking for a person to fill part time Nassau $499 Including Air! Baha- cleaning position. Need own trans- Avail. May. 4 bedrm. 640 S. Summit mas Cruise $299! SpnngBreakTrav- portation. Starling ScVhour Please St Call for details 419-308-9905. 1-800-678-6386 call 419-265-9688 leave message. Heinzsite flpartftoBhfc Roast Turkey & Mashed Potatoes, Gravy. Coleslaw, Vegetable and Combread Stuffing. • From Noon until 9 pm * 1 & 2 Bedroom Aprs, washer/dryer in 2 Ddrms FREE Internet Access WALKTO CAMPUS! 1 bdrms starting at $415/Mo plus Utilities 2 bdrms starting at $720/Mo plus Utilities

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