Investor Experiences and Financial Market Dynamics
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Journal of Financial Economics 136 (2020) 597–622
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R Investor experiences and financial market dynamics
∗ Ulrike Malmendier a,b, , Demian Pouzo c, Victoria Vanasco d a UC Berkeley, NBER, and CEPR, USA b Department of Economics and Haas School of Business, University of California, 501 Evans Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-3880, USA c Department of Economics, University of California, 501 Evans Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-3880, USA d CREI and BGSE, Ramon Trias Fargas 25–27, Barcelona 08005, Spain
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: How do macrofinancial shocks affect investor behavior and market dynamics? Recent ev- Received 4 June 2018 idence on experience effects suggests a long-lasting influence of personally experienced
Revised 21 November 2018 outcomes on investor beliefs and investment but also significant differences across older Accepted 9 March 2019 and younger generations. We formalize experience-based learning in an overlapping gen- Available online 15 November 2019 erations (OLG) model, where different cross-cohort experiences generate persistent het-
JEL classification: erogeneity in beliefs, portfolio choices, and trade. The model allows us to characterize a
G11 novel link between investor demographics and the dependence of prices on past dividends G12 while also generating known features of asset prices, such as excess volatility and return G40 predictability. The model produces new implications for the cross-section of asset hold- G41 ings, trade volume, and investors’ heterogeneous responses to crises, which we show to be E7 in line with the data. Keywords: ©2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Experience effects Learning Asset prices Portfolio choice Demographics
1. Introduction only for asset pricing puzzles, such as return predictabil- ity ( Campbell and Shiller, 1988; Fama and French, 1988 ) Recent crises in the stock and housing markets have and excess volatility ( LeRoy and Porter, 1981; Shiller, stimulated a new wave of macro-finance models of risk- 1981; LeRoy, 2006 ), but also for micro-level stylized facts taking. A key challenge, and motivation, has been to find such as investors chasing past performances. As argued tractable models of investor expectations that account not by Woodford (2013) , the empirical evidence suggests a need for dynamic models that go beyond the rational- expectations hypothesis.
R We thank Marianne Andries, Nick Barberis, Dirk Bergemann, Julien In line with Woodford’s proposal, several emerging the-
Cujean, Xavier Gabaix, Lawrence Jin, and workshop participants at LBS, ories feature agents who over-weigh recent realizations LSE, NYU, Pompeu Fabra, Stanford, UC Berkeley, as well as the ASSA, of the relevant economic variables when forming beliefs. 1 NBER EFG Behavioral Macro, NBER Behavioral Finance, SITE (psychology and economics segment), and SFB TR 15 (Tutzing, Germany) conferences Overweighing past realizations helps to successfully cap- for helpful comments. We also thank Felix Chopra, Marius Guenzel, Clint ture the above-mentioned asset pricing facts. However, as Hamilton, Canyao Liu, Leslie Shen, and Jonas Sobott for excellent research assistance. ∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (U. Malmendier), 1 Examples are models of natural expectation formation ( Fuster et al., [email protected] (D. Pouzo), [email protected] (V. Vanasco). 2012; 2010 ) and over-extrapolation ( Barberis et al., 2015; 2018 ). 0304-405X/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 598 U. Malmendier, D. Pouzo and V. Vanasco / Journal of Financial Economics 136 (2020) 597–622 the existing theories assume homogeneous overweighing This growing empirical literature on experience effects of realizations from the last year or couple of years, they and its strong psychological underpinning raise the ques- miss two important empirical patterns: first, macroeco- tion whether experience-based learning and the implied nomic shocks appear to alter investment and consump- dynamic cross-cohort differences have the potential to ex- tion behavior for decades to come, as conveyed by the plain aggregate dynamics. For example, which generations notion of “depression babies” or of the “deep scars” left invest in the stock market and how much? What are the by the 2008 financial crisis ( Blanchard, 2012; Malmendier dynamics of stock market investment? How do markets re- and Shen, 2018 ). In other words, the measurable impact of act to a macro-shock? past realizations goes far beyond the timeframe of existing Our paper develops an equilibrium model of asset mar- models. kets that formalizes experience-based learning and the re- Second, there is significant and predictable cross- sulting belief heterogeneity across investors. The model sectional heterogeneity. Younger cohorts tend to react sig- clarifies the channels through which past realizations af- nificantly more strongly to a recent shock than older co- fect future market outcomes by pinning down the effect horts, both for positive and for negative realizations. For on investors’ own belief formation and the interaction with example, in the above-mentioned case of “scarred con- other generations’ belief formation. We derive the aggre- sumption” ( Malmendier and Shen, 2018 ), periods of higher gate implications of learning from experience and the im- unemployment rates induces everybody to be more fru- plied cross-sectional differences in investor behavior. To gal, controlling for income, wealth, and unemployment sta- our knowledge, this model is the first to tease out the ten- tus, but the effect is particularly strong among younger co- sion between experience effects and recency bias. It aims horts. The reverse holds after times of economic booms, to provide a guide for testing to what extent experience- when consumers continue to spend more lavishly, particu- based learning can enhance our understanding of mar- larly the younger cohorts. ket dynamics and of the long-term effect of demographic A growing empirical literature on experience effects changes. shows both empirical patterns in numerous macrofinance The key model features are as follows. We consider a contexts. This literature emphasizes that the long-lasting stylized overlapping generations (OLG) equilibrium model. neuropsychology effects of personal “experience” is the key Agents have constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) prefer- mechanism at work. For example, personal lifetime expe- ences and live for a finite number of periods. During their riences in the stock market predict future willingness to lifetimes, they choose portfolios of a risky and a risk-free invest in the stock market ( Malmendier and Nagel, 2011 ), security. We assume that agents maximize their per-period and the same holds for the bond market and bond in- payoffs (i. e., are myopic). 5 The risky asset is in unit net vestment, for Initial Public Offering (IPO) experiences and supply and pays a random dividend every period. The risk- future IPO investment, and for inflation experiences and free asset is in infinitely elastic supply and pays a fixed fixed-rate mortgage choices ( Kaustia and Knüpfer, 2008; return. Investors do not know the true mean of dividends Chiang et al., 2011; Malmendier and Nagel, 2016 ). There but learn about it by observing the history of dividends. is also evidence of experience effects in nonfinance set- We begin by characterizing the benchmark economy in tings, e. g., on the long-term effects of graduating in a which agents know the true mean of dividends. In this set- recession on labor market outcomes ( Oreopoulos et al., ting, there is no heterogeneity, and thus the demands of 2012 ), or of living in (communist) East Germany to political all active market participants are equal and constant over attitudes postreunification ( Alesina and Fuchs-Schundeln, time. Furthermore, there is a unique no-bubble equilibrium 2007 ), 2 which in turn affect beliefs about communism ver- with constant prices. sus capitalism and explain east/west differences in stock We then introduce experience-based learning. The as- market investment ( Laudenbach et al., 2019a; 2019b ). sumed belief formation process captures the two main em- The overweighing of personal experiences appears to be pirical features of experience effects: first, agents over- a pervasive and robust psychological phenomenon affect- weigh their lifetime experiences. Second, their beliefs ex- ing belief formation, related to availability bias as first put hibit recency bias. We identify two channels through forward by Tversky and Kahneman (1974) as well as the which past dividends affect market outcomes. The first extensive evidence on the different effects of description channel is the belief formation process: shocks to divi- versus experience. 3 Much of the evidence on experience dends shape agents’ beliefs about future dividends. Hence, effects pertains directly to stated beliefs, e. g., beliefs about individual demands depend on personal experiences, and future stock returns (in the UBS/Gallup data), about future the equilibrium price is a function of the history of divi- inflation (in the Michigan Survey of Consumers, known as dends observed by the oldest market participant. the MSC), or about the outlook for durable consumption The second channel is the generation of cross-sectional (also in the MSC). 4 heterogeneity: different lifetime experiences generate per-
5 Myopic agents omit the correlation between their next period payoff
2 See also Giuliano and Spilimbergo (2013) , who relate the effects of and their continuation value function. This yields behavior that is analo- growing up in a recession to redistribution preferences. gous to the commonly used assumption of short-term traders (see Vives,
3 See, for example, Weber et al. (1993) , Hertwig et al. (2004) , and 2010 ). In a previous version of the paper, available on Simonsohn et al. (2008) . pdf/1612.09553.pdf , we show that, when the myopia assumption is re-
4 Cf. Malmendier and Nagel (2011) , Malmendier and Nagel (2016) , moved, the first-order effects of experience-based learning are identical Malmendier and Shen (2018) . to those derived for myopic agents. U. Malmendier, D. Pouzo and V. Vanasco / Journal of Financial Economics 136 (2020) 597–622 599 sistent differences in beliefs. Agents “agree to disagree.” and Nagel (2011) on stock market participation. We show Furthermore, younger cohorts react more strongly to a div- that cross-cohort differences in lifetime stock-market expe- idend shock than older cohorts, as it makes up a larger riences predict cohort differences in stock market partici- part of their lifetimes. A positive shock induces younger pation and in the fraction of liquid assets invested in the cohorts to invest relatively more in the risky asset, while stock market. In other words, cross-cohort differences both a negative shock tilts the composition toward older co- on the extensive and on the intensive margin of stock mar- horts. Thus, the model has implications for the time series ket participation vary over time, as predicted by the time of trade volume: changes in the level of disagreement be- series of cross-cohort differences in lifetime experiences. tween cohorts lead to higher trade volume in equilibrium. We then turn to the predictions regarding trade volume The model captures an interesting tension between het- and show that the detrended turnover ratio is strongly erogeneity in personal experiences (which generates belief correlated with differences in lifetime market experiences heterogeneity across cohorts) and recency bias (which re- across cohorts. That is, changes in the experience-based duces belief heterogeneity). When there is strong recency level of disagreement between cohorts predict higher ab- bias, all agents pay a lot of attention to the most recent normal trade volume, as predicted by the model. dividends. Thus, their reactions to a recent shock are sim- Overall, experience-based learning offers a unifying ex- ilar. Price volatility increases, while price autocorrelation planation for financial market features of both prices and and trade volume decrease. The opposite holds when the trade volume. It also has novel implications for the cross- recency bias is weak, and agents form their beliefs using sectional differences in market participation and portfolio their experienced history. Hence, the reaction of prices and choice, which we show are consistent with the data. trade volume to changes in dividends is tightly linked to There is a wide literature on the role of learning in ex- the relative extent of recency bias versus experience-based plaining asset pricing puzzles. Most closely related, Cogley differences across cohorts in a given market, which are in and Sargent (2008) propose a model in which the rep- turn influenced by demographics. resentative consumer uses Bayes’ theorem to update es- We explore the connection between market demo- timates of transition probabilities as realizations accrue. graphics and the dependence of prices on past dividends As in our paper, agents use less data than a “rational- by analyzing the effect of a one-time change in the fraction expectations-without-learning econometrician” would give of young agents that participate in the market. We find them. There are two important differences in our setup. that the demographic composition of markets significantly First, agents are not Bayesian. Second, different cohorts influences the dependence of prices on past dividends. For have different, finite experiences. Consequently, observa- example, when the market participation of the young rel- tions during an agent’s lifetime have a nonnegligible effect ative to the old increases, the relative reliance of prices on beliefs and generate cross-cohort heterogeneity. on more recent dividends increases. This is in line with Our paper also relates to the work on extrapolation evidence in Cassella and Gulen (2018) who find that the by Barberis et al. (2015) and Barberis et al., 2018 . They level of extrapolation in markets is positively related to the consider a consumption-based asset pricing model with fraction of young traders in that market, and with Collin- both “rational” and “extrapolative” agents. The latter be- Dufresne et al. (2017) who find that the price-divided ratio lieve that positive price changes will be followed by posi- is higher and more sensitive to macro-shocks when the ra- tive changes. In contrast, the heterogeneity in extrapolation tio of young to old market participants is larger. in our model is linked to the demographic structure of the We then turn to several tests of the empirical impli- market. In addition, while cross-sectional heterogeneity in cations of our model. First, we show that the model ac- their model arises from the presence of both rational and commodates several key asset pricing features identified in extrapolative infinitely lived agents, in our model, it results prior literature. We follow the approach in Campbell and from the different experiences of different finitely lived Kyle (1993) and Barberis et al. (2015) to contrast CARA- cohorts. This allows us to generate predictions about the model moments with the data. We show the CARA-model cross-section of asset holdings and the relation between analogues of return predictability ( Campbell and Shiller, extrapolation and demographics in line with the data. 1988 ) and of predictability of the dividend-price ratio. More generally, our paper relates to the large as- This predictability stems solely from the experience-based set pricing literature that departs from the correct be- learning mechanism rather than, say, a built-in depen- liefs paradigm. For instance, Barsky and DeLong (1993) , dence on dividends or past returns, and it depends on the Timmermann (1993, 1996) , and Adam et al. (2016) study demographic structure of the market. Similarly, the model the implications of learning and Cecchetti et al. (20 0 0) and generates excess volatility in prices and price changes as Jin, 2015 Working paper of distorted beliefs for stock re- established by LeRoy and Porter (1981) , Shiller (1981) , and turn volatility and predictability, the equity premia, and LeRoy (2006) , above and beyond the stochastic structure of booms and busts in markets. At the same time, our ap- the dividend process. proach is different from asset pricing models with asym- Experience-based learning generates new predictions metric information, as surveyed in Brunnermeier (2001) . for the cross-section of asset holdings and trade volume, While in these models agents want to learn the informa- which we test in the data. Using the representative sam- tion their counterparties hold, in our model of experience- ple of the Survey of Consumer Finance (SCF), merged based learning, information is available to all agents at all with data from the Center for Research in Security Prices times. (CRSP) and historical data on stock market performance, Finally, there are contemporaneous papers that also ex- we first replicate and extend the evidence in Malmendier plore the macroeconomic effects of learning from experi- 600 U. Malmendier, D. Pouzo and V. Vanasco / Journal of Financial Economics 136 (2020) 597–622
Fig. 1. A timeline for an economy with two-period lived generations, q = 2 . ence in OLG models. Schraeder (2015) focuses on how it results are in Section 4 . In Section 5 we extend the model impacts high-frequency trading patterns, such as overre- to study demographic shocks, and in Section 6 we present action and reversal, while Ehling et al. (2018) analyze the empirical implications. Section 7 concludes. All proofs are trend-chasing behavior of the young and its implications in the Appendix. for risk premia and the risk-free rate. More closely related to our work, Collin-Dufresne et al. (2017) explore the role 2. Model set-up of demographics on asset pricing features, such as return predictability and excess volatility. Consider an infinite-horizon economy with overlapping Our paper contributes to this literature in several re- generations of a continuum of risk-averse agents. At each spects. First, we allow for recency bias in the belief for- point in time t ∈ Z , a new generation is born and lives for mation process, as both the underlying psychology litera- q periods, q ∈ { 1 , 2 , 3 , . . .} . Hence, there are q + 1 genera- ture on availability bias ( Tversky and Kahneman, 1974 ) and tions alive at any t . The generation born at t = n is called −1 the prior empirical literature on experience effects iden- generation n . Each generation has a mass of q identical tify it as an important component of how individuals as- agents. sign weights to previously experienced outcomes. Allow- Agents have CARA preferences with risk aversion γ . ing for recency bias turns out to be also of interest the- They can transfer resources across time by investing in fi- oretically, as the analysis reveals that an increase in re- nancial markets. Trading takes place at the beginning of cency bias reduces the cross-sectional heterogeneity driven each period. At the end of the last period of their lives, by the experiential learning bias. Second, our agents are agents consume the wealth they have accumulated. We not Bayesian and do not update their posterior variance as use n q to indicate the last time at which generation n they gain experience, and thus our results do not depend trades; n q = n + q − 1 . (If the generation is denoted by t , on heterogeneous posterior variances. 6 Third, our CARA- we use t q .) Fig. 1 illustrates the timeline of this economy normal framework allows us to obtain closed-form solu- for two-period lived generations ( q = 2 ). tions to clearly understand the link between demographics, There is a risk-free asset, which is in perfectly elastic experience, and recency. Finally, we consider our empiri- supply and has a gross return of R > 1 at all times. And cal approach more comprehensive, as we test the model there is a single risky asset (a Lucas tree), which is in unit 2 predictions about portfolio holdings, asset pricing features, net supply and pays a random dividend d t ~ N ( θ, σ ) at and trade volume. time t . To model uncertainty about fundamentals, we as- There is also a large literature that proposes other sume that agents do not know the true mean of dividends mechanisms, such as borrowing constraints or life-cycle θ and use past observations to estimate it. To keep the considerations, as the link from demographics to asset model tractable, we assume that the variance of dividends 2 prices and other equilibrium quantities. We view these σ is known at all times. other mechanisms as complementary to our paper. They For each generation n ∈ Z , the budget constraint at any are omitted for the sake of tractability of the model. time t ∈ { n, . . . , n + q } is
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. First n = n + n, Wt xt pt at (1) we present the model setup and the notion of experience- where W n denotes the wealth of generation n at time t , based learning in Section 2 . We illustrate the mechanics of t x n is the investment in the risky asset (units of Lucas tree the model in a simplified setting in Section 3 . The main t n output), at is the amount invested in the riskless asset, and p t is the price of one unit of the risky asset at time t . As a
6 Once we depart from the Bayesian paradigm, nothing guarantees our result, wealth next period is agents understand that more information increases the precision of their n n n W + = x (pt +1 + dt +1 ) + a R beliefs. If this was the case, for example, one should expect agents to also t 1 t t
= n( + − ) + n . incorporate past data. xt pt+1 dt+1 pt R Wt R (2) U. Malmendier, D. Pouzo and V. Vanasco / Journal of Financial Economics 136 (2020) 597–622 601
We denote the excess payoff received in t + 1 from in- denotes the weight an agent aged age assigns to the div- vesting at time t in one unit of the risky asset, relative to idend observed k periods earlier and w ( k, λ, age ) ≡ 0 for the riskless asset, as st +1 ≡ pt +1 + dt +1 − pt R . This is analo- all k > age . The denominator in Eq. (5) is a normalizing gous to the equity premium in our CARA model. Using this constant that depends only on age and on the parameter n = n + n λ λ > notation, Wt+1 xt st+1 Wt R. that regulates the recency bias, . For 0, more re- We assume that agents maximize their per-period util- cent observations receive relatively more weight, whereas age +1 λ < ω ≡ ity (i. e., are myopic). This assumption simplifies the max- for 0, the opposite holds. Finally, age τ + age +1 de- imization problem considerably and highlights the main notes the weight that agents assign to their experience be- determinants of portfolio choice generated by experience- liefs (with 1 − ω age being the weight they assign to their based learning. prior belief m ), which increases with age and decreases n , For a given initial wealth level Wn the problem of a with the relative importance agents assign to their prior ∈ { , . . . , } n generation n at each time t n nq is to choose xt to beliefs, regulated by parameter τ ∈ [0, ∞ ). Since the pres-
n − (−γ n ) , maximize Et [ exp Wt+1 ] and hence ence of prior beliefs has no qualitative implications in our n n model, unless otherwise stated, we study the case of τ = 0 x ∈ arg max E [− exp (−γ xs + ) ], (3) t ∈ R t t 1 9 x (i. e. ω age = 1 ).
n · The following are three examples of possible weighting where Et [ ] is the (subjective) expectation with respect to a Gaussian distribution with variance σ 2 and a mean de- schemes: θ n θ n noted by t . We call t the subjective mean of dividends, n Example 2.1 ( Linearly declining weights , λ = 1 ). For λ = 1 , and we define it below. Note that when x is negative, gen- t weights decay linearly as the time lag increase; i. e., for eration n is short selling. any 0 ≤ k, k + j ≤ age, 2.1. Experience-based learning j ( + , , ) − ( , , ) = − . w k j 1 age w k 1 age age (age + 1 − k ) In this framework, experience-based learning (EBL) k =0 means that agents overweigh realizations observed during Example 2.2 ( Equal weights , λ = 0 ). For λ = 0 , lifetime ob- their lifetimes when forecasting dividends and they may servations are equal weighted; i. e., for any 0 ≤ k ≤ age , tilt the excess weights toward the most recent observa- ( , , ) = 1 w k 0 age age +1 . tions. For simplicity, we assume that agents only use ob- servations realized during their lifetimes. 7 That is, even Example 2.3 . For λ → ∞ , the weight assigned to the most though they observe the entire history of dividends, they recent observation converges to 1, and all other weights choose to disregard earlier observations. 8 converge to 0; i. e., for any 0 ≤ k ≤ age , ( , λ, ) → EBL differs from reinforcement learning-type models in w k age 1{ k =0 } . two ways. First, as already discussed, EBL agents under- Observe that by construction, θ n ∼ N(θ, σ 2 age stand the model and know all the primitives except the t k =0 ( ( , λ, )) 2 ) θ n mean of the dividend process. Hence, they do not learn w k age . Hence, t does not necessarily con- verge to the truth as t → ∞ ; it depends on whether about the equilibrium; they learn in equilibrium. Second, age (w (k, λ, age )) 2 → 0 . This in turn depends on how EBL is a passive learning problem in the sense that play- k =0 ers’ actions do not affect the information they receive. This fast the weights for “old” observations decay to zero would be different if we had, say, a participation decision (i. e., how small λ is). When agents have finite lives, that links an action (participate or not) to the type of data convergence will not occur. obtained for learning. We consider this to be an interesting We conclude this section by showing a useful property line to explore in the future. of the weights, which is used in the characterization of our Let m denote the prior belief about the mean of divi- results. dends that agents are born with and where we restrict m Lemma 2.1 (Single-crossing property). Let age < age and to be Gaussian with mean θ for tractability. With this, we λ > 0 . Then the function w (·, λ, age ) − w (·, λ, age ) changes construct the subjective mean of dividends of generation n signs (from negative to nonnegative) exactly once over at time t following the empirical evidence on Malmendier { 0 , ..., age + 1 } . and Nagel (2011) as follows: age
θ n ≡ ( − ω ) · + ω · ( , λ, ) , 2.2. Comparison to Bayesian learning t 1 age m age w k age dt−k (4) k =0 To better understand the experience-effect mechanism, where age = t − n, and where, for all k ≤ age , we compare the subjective mean of EBL agents to the pos- λ (age + 1 − k ) terior mean of agents who update their beliefs using Bayes ( , λ, ) = w k age age λ (5) ( + − ) rule. We consider two cases: full Bayesian learning (FBL), k =0 age 1 k wherein agents use all the available observations to form
7 We only need agents to discount prelifetime relative to lifetime ob- their beliefs; and Bayesian learning from experience (BLE), servations for our results to hold. where agents only use data realized during their lifetimes.
8 In our full-information setting, prices do not add any additional in- formation. While it is possible to add private information and learning from prices to our framework, these (realistic) feature would complicate 9 We solve the model for τ > 0 in Appendix B , and we discuss the matters without necessarily adding new intuition. quantitative implications of prior beliefs in our model in Section 6.1 . 602 U. Malmendier, D. Pouzo and V. Vanasco / Journal of Financial Economics 136 (2020) 597–622
{ ( n , n ) ∈ { , . . . , }} 2.2.1. Full Bayesian learners 1. Given the price schedule, at xt : t n nq To illustrate the comparison of EBL and FBL in a com- solve the generation n problem. = 1 t n mon sample, just for this analysis, we start the economy at 2. The market clears in all periods: 1 q n =t −q +1 xt for an initial time t = 0 since FBL use all the available observa- all t ∈ Z . tions since “the beginning of time.” Then, all generations of
FBL agents consider all observations since time 0 to form We focus the analysis on the class of linear equilibria
( , σ 2 ) (i. e., equilibria with affine prices): their belief. We denote the prior of FBL agents as N m m . For simplicity, all generations have the same prior, though Definition 2.2 (Linear equilibrium). A linear equilibrium is the analysis can easily be extended to heterogeneous Gaus- an equilibrium wherein prices are an affine function of div- 10 sian priors across generations. ∈ N , α ∈ R , β ∈ R idends. That is, there exists a K and k for The posterior mean of any generation alive at time t , all k ∈ { 0 , . . . , K} such that denoted by θˆt , is given by