The following lineage chart provides the names and contact information for all those who at one time received transmission from Joko or from one of Joko's dharma heirs. Note that within Ordinary Mind, different people have chosen to designate different types of transmission. Explanations for each type of transmission may vary amongst different people. The following description is only an attempt to give some idea of each.

Full Transmission: Full authority to teach, transmit to others and give Jukai. Given to both ordained and lay people. Appears that everyone transmitted by Joko received Full Transmission whether they were or were not ordained. Denkai: Authorization to teach and give Jukai but not transmit. It can be either preliminary to Denbo or a terminal degree, given to someone who teaches in a context other than having their own zendo and being able to name a successor. Denbo: Full Transmission with authority to transmit to others (as in Full Transmission above.) Shiho: Includes both Denkai and Denbo which are often done at same time.Traditionally, Denkai means transmit the precepts (kai means precepts) and denbo means transmit the Dharma (bo is the same as ho in shiho meaning dharma). It can be given to ordained or lay people. Practice Leader: This is not a transmission and is not listed below. It is a recognition of a senior student as a leader who gives dharma talks, instruction, and takes responsibility for much of the day to day practice activities. S/he usually works closely with the teacher. May be preliminary to Full Transmission, Denkai, Denbo or Shiho.


Larry Anna Geoff Elizabeth Gregg Diane Elihu Ezra Christense Christense Dawson, Hamilton, Howard, Barry Gary Barbara Rizzetto , Genmyo Bayda, CA Magid, NY Nafstad Penn n, OR n, NY Australia CA Australia CA Smith, CA

Pat Karen Claire Andrew Diane Al George, Mark Terzano, Slemmer, Tootel, Ed Mushin Poirer Russell, IL, Moore, CA, Zolynas, Diane Al Penn., Finland, NY, Australia, Denkai Shiho Full CA, Full Moore, Zolynas, Denbo Denbo Denkai Denkai Transmis Transmis CA, Full CA, Full sion sion Transmi Transmi ssion ssion Bob Koller, Penn., Denkai

Ezra Bayda: [email protected] Gary Nafstad (No Contact) Larry Christensen: [email protected] Barbara Penn (No Contact) Anna Christensen: [email protected] Mark Poirer (Deceased) Geoff Dawson: [email protected] Diane Rizzetto: [email protected] Pat George: [email protected] Ed Mushin Russell: [email protected] Elizabeth Hamilton: [email protected] Claire Slemmer: [email protected] Gregg Howard: [email protected] Elihu Genmyo Smith: [email protected] Bob Koller: [email protected] Karen Terzano: [email protected] : [email protected] Andrew Tootel: [email protected] Diane Moore: [email protected] Al Zolynas: [email protected]