Extensions of Remarks 24761

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Extensions of Remarks 24761 July 20, 1972 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24761 Dopler, Jack E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Velte, Lawrence R., xxx-xx-xxxx . McLean, William E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ely, William J., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Williams, Floyd, xxx-xx-xxxx . Massey, Raymon E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Fisher, Robert A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Williams, Hugh N., xxx-xx-xxxx . Mendis, Douglas D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Garwood, Paul A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Yuhas, Steven L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Morgan, William F., xxx-xx-xxxx . Gary, William C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Zerull, Dietmar, W. L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Morrison, Terry L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Girard, David L., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be second lieutenant Paris, Thomas F., xxx-xx-xxxx . Gschwendtner, Joseph G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Parker, Sarah H., xxx-xx-xxxx . Baker, Robert E., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Hardwick, Danny G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Reichert, Lawrence W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Bald, James F., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Harvey, Paul E., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ricketts, Roger A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Berchak, Henry L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Hendrickson, Allen W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Samples, Jerry W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Bisol, Gene L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Johnson, David C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Sciba, Dennis G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Brotnov, Bruce A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Jones, Robert A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Shaffer, Robert A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Cannaday, Gerald D., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Kay, Charles E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Shuffler, Jerry W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Carey, William F., III, xxx-xx-xxxx . Kenison, Artha L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Slesinger, Victor E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Clausi, Enrico A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Knight J. Baxter, xxx-xx-xxxx . Stephens, Dorothy M., xxx-xx-xxxx . Cloney, Leroy V., xxx-xx-xxxx . Krals, Lennart G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Stiller, Roberta P., xxx-xx-xxxx . Cofer, Duane D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Kulhavy, Billy J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Stronach, James A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Coleman, Jack R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Larkin, Jude 0., xxx-xx-xxxx . Swanson, Roger W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Conrad, Stephen D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Larsen, Frank E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Thompson, Jerome C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Davidson, James W., xxx-xx-xxxx . McArthur, Kathleen R., xxx-xx-xxxx . Tsuneta, Jerrold Y., xxx-xx-xxxx . Davis, Edmund L., xxx-xx-xxxx . McIntire, Jon C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Tuttle, Larry F., xxx-xx-xxxx . Demby, Joe H., xxx-xx-xxxx . Mitrook, Ronald, xxx-xx-xxxx . Underwood, Timothy E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Dodge, Richard L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Motes, Kenneth W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Walzak, Lawrence T., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Dominy, Matthew, xxx-xx-xxxx . Moyer, Raymond, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Washington, Alvin, xxx-xx-xxxx . Douglas, James E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Wolthuis, William D., xxx-xx-xxxx . Nelson, Martin E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Dudash, Steven A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Norris, Roger H., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Engelberger, Charles J., . The following named officers for appoint- xxx-xx-xxxx m e n t in th e Re se rv e o f th e Arm y o f th e Offineer, Gary W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ettner, Edward R., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . United States, under provisions of Title 10, Olson, Mary K., xxx-xx-xxxx . Fisher, Jerry W., . xxx-xx-xxxx sections 591, 593 and 594: Oyloe, Myron C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Frey, Karen L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Parker, Richard L., xxx-xx-xxxx . Garland, John T., xxx-xx-xxxx . To be lieutenant colonel, Medical Corps Peduzzi, Lawrence P., xxx-xx-xxxx . Grant, Thomas J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Mikhail, Samir F., xxx-xx-xxxx . Perkins, Andrew M., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Griffith, Michael C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Taylor, William J. Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Poole, Lonnie R., III, xxx-xx-xxxx . Griggs, Richard W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Rago, Louis B., xxx-xx-xxxx . Halliburton, Nick B., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . WITHDRAWAL Riddle, Stephen S., xxx-xx-xxxx . Hayes, Robert C., xxx-xx-xxxx . Riley, Ronald G., xxx-xx-xxxx . Herrick, Paul W., xxx-xx-xxxx . Executive nomination withdrawn from Ritchie, Charles A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Huston, Michael L., xxx-xx-xxxx . the Senate July 2 0 , 1 9 7 2 : Robertson, John K., xxx-xx-xxxx . Ihrke, Paul W., xxx-xx-xxxx . THE WHITE HOUSE, Sears, George B., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Jayjock, Anthony L., xxx-xx-xxxx . July 20, 1972. Shaltry, Mary J., xxx-xx-xxxx . Johnson, James D., xxx-xx-xxxx . SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES CONTROL BOARD Shooner, Robert J., Jr., . xxx-xx-xxxx Keehan, Mark P., xxx-xx-xxxx . Otto F. Otepka, of Maryland, to be a mem- Shooner, Robert J., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . Kelly Chris P., xxx-xx-xxxx . ber o f the Su bv ersiv e Activ ities C o ntro l Stokes, John P., xxx-xx-xxxx . Kind, Bruce A., xxx-xx-xxxx . Board for the term expiring August 9, 1975, Thompson, Marcia E., xxx-xx-xxxx . Livingston, Gary D., xxx-xx-xxxx . which was sent to the Senate on January 24, Torovsky, Richard H., Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx . McClinton, Nathaniel, xxx-xx-xxxx . 1972. Townsend, Steven N., xxx-xx-xxxx . McKnight Calvin C., III, xxx-xx-xxxx . RICHARD NIXON. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RETIREMENT O F "G U S " ROBINSON Perhaps sadness at this retirement is A form er new spaperm an, Mr. Robinson not in order but rather encouragement, headed up the form idable public relations HON. STROM THURMOND for now that Mr. Robinson has served task o f the AEC thro u gho u t this area, an his State and country in his capacity with undertaking that brought him a num ber of OF SOUTH CAROLINA the AEC, he may now direct his abilities citations and aw ards. H e has w ritten three IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES b o o k s, tw o o f th e m re la tin g to n u c le a r to other fields where they can be equally energy. Thursday, July 20, 1972 productive. Mr. Robinson is widely known in the com- Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent m u nity and has a ho st o f friend s. W e are Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I was that the editorial published in the Aiken confident that, in retirem ent, his consider- saddened to hear recently that a good Standard and Review of June 2 9 , 1 9 7 2 , able energies merely will be differently chan- friend of mine, Mr. G. 0. "Gus" Robin- be printed in the Extensions of Remarks. neled. On whatever course he has plotted for son was retiring as assistant to the man- himself, we wish him well. There being no objection, the editorial ager of the Atomic Energy Commission's was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, Savannah River plant. As an editorial as follows: in the Aiken Standard and Review points out, Mr. Robinson was one of the "orig- "Gus" ROBINSON RETIRING SAFEGUARD OUR FREEDOMS inal small nucleus of men who kept the Recent announcement of the retirement of G. 0. (Gus) Robinson, assistant to the man- secret of plans for the AEC to build the ager of the Atom ic Energy C om m ission's HON. HAROLD T. JOHNSON plant here (Aiken) ." Savannah River Plant, represents something OF CALIFORNIA During the period of his involvement of a m ilestone. H e w as one of the original w ith the Sav annah Riv er p lant, Mr. small nucleus of men who kept the secret of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Robinson w itnessed all of the several plans for the AEC to build the huge facility Thursday, July 20, 1972 here. variations of the intent of the project: Mr. JOH NSON of C alifornia. Mr. The construction involving over 36,000 Mr. Robinson also was among the first of the AEC staff to come to Aiken before con- Speaker, a short time ago Mrs. Paul J. workers, the emphasis on defense produc- Tunkis was installed as president of the tio n and its p resent d evelo p m ent o f struction of the aw esom e plant started. H e thus qualifies as one of the "plank ow ners" California Federation of Women's Clubs. peaceful uses of nuclear energy. of the Savannah River Plant. One of those present at this ceremony, As a resid ent o f Aik en, M r. Ro b inso n Over this period of time, Mr. Robinson has a longtime friend, Vonnie Eastham, who has made a host of friends and has per- witnessed wide variations of activity. First, is chairman of status of women section, formed many public services. Speaking of the construction stage w hen the area w as h is re tire m e n t p la n s, th e e d ito ria l re a d s: literally over-run by about 36,000 workers; th e C h ic o W o m e n 's C lu b , h a s c a lle d to W e are confident that, in retirem ent, his next the em phasis on defense production, m y attentio n the inau gu ral ad d ress given considerable energies merely will be differ- and currently the emphasis on peaceful uses by Mrs. Tunkis on this occasion. ently channeled. of nuclear energy and on research. As Mrs. Eastham commented her ad- 24762 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 20, 1972 dress contains many worthwhile sugges­ languages so that they can bridge the people­ stimulus to the development of the tions which if followed by the individual to-people gap of communication throughout great industrial complex of the Kan­ the world.
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