Compliance Corner by Compliance Professionals, for Compliance Professionals
Compliance Corner By Compliance Professionals, For Compliance Professionals. The Intersection of Compliance and Enterprise Risk Management: Similarities, Differences, and Opportunities By Cyndi Baily, Medical Metrics Inc Over the past 15 years, the idea of what constitutes operations, and mission as well as reduce redundancies and an effective compliance program has changed. increase efficiencies in risk identification, management, and Historically, many organizations viewed compliance as a set prevention. of policies with in-person training delivered to employees. It wasn’t a program, it was a set of rules. The best tie in to the Similarities business was usually some input on the policies and participa- ERM and compliance have similar responsibilities, goals, and tion in the training. objectives. A common definition for ERM is: That was then. This is now. Modern compliance functions A process, effected by an entity’s Board of Directors, are expected to act as trusted advisors closely collaborating management and other personnel applied in strategy [sic] with the various business units in health care organization so setting and across the enterprise, designed to identify poten- that the compliance function can appropriately identify and tial events that may affect the entity, and manage risks to minimize compliance risk for the overall organization. be within its risk appetite, to provide reasonable assurance Similarly, over the last several years, the importance of enter- regarding the achievement of entity objectives.2 prise risk management (ERM) for U.S. organizations has devel- According to ASHRM, key components of a health care orga- oped and matured, primarily in response to a number of highly nization’s ERM strategy include identification and manage- public corporate scandals such as Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and ment of uncertainty, assessment of risk/readiness, employing others.
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