This document is made available electronically by the Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project.

Annual Report FISCAL YEAR 2011 president’s letter

By any measure, this has been a significant year for the Minnesota Historical Society. The retirement of Nina Archabal was followed by the interim leadership of Michael Fox while we completed the search for our new Executive Director. On behalf of all who have been touched by the Minnesota Historical Society, I would like again to express our deep appreciation to Nina and Michael for all they did. Our new director, Steve Elliott, comes to the Society with an extensive and impressive background and we are very happy to have him on board. Steve was drawn to the Society because of its stellar national reputation. His skills were promptly put to the test with the state shutdown and budget cuts. Steve is addressing the challenges facing the Society with the same strong leadership skills, insight and imagination that his predecessors exercised in building the Society. Our state will benefit from the continued development and excellence of the Minnesota Historical Society. An understanding of history – the problems faced before and how they were addressed – is especially important in trying times. The Minnesota Historical Society will continue to illuminate the past to shed light on the future. The Society has a remarkable staff, a dedicated governing board and a growing number of members. Thank you all for your support.

William R. Stoeri, President, Minnesota Historical Society director and ceo’s letter

My service as director began May 1, and how fortunate I am to be a part of this remarkable organization. Every day I am impressed by the dedication, creativity and sheer output of the Society’s staff. My thanks to my predecessor Nina Archabal for her vision of excellence on behalf of the people of Minnesota, and to Michael Fox for his leadership during the transition. I arrived at the Society during a time of both high achievements and troubling uncertainty. The achievements were fueled by the 2008 strategic goal to increase our service to schoolchildren and their families and by an infusion of Legacy Amendment dollars that came with a mandate to create programs that would have an enduring benefit for Minnesota. The uncertainties were born of a staggering state deficit and the probability that the Society’s base budget – and thus infrastructure – would be cut once again. Circumstances soon demanded that we begin planning for a possible state government shutdown. Those unprecedented three weeks when the Society’s sites and museums were closed are now history – and we are doing our work to record the 2011 state shutdown as part of the Minnesota story. But the challenges for the state’s economy and for the Society remain. We are working hard and having success at increasing earned income, contributed income and our endowment, and we have begun a process to evaluate all that we do and to set a realistic course for the future. I believe it is at times such as these, when the future is uncertain, that the work of history is most needed. After all, the essence of what we do is to illuminate the past to light the future. As tough funding decisions are made, we must ask: What are the values that have sustained our state that we wish to preserve for future generations? Answers can be found in the Society’s collections, publications, exhibitions, historic sites, school curriculum – in all we do. The continuing reach and excellence of our work is made possible with the support of our members, volunteers, benefactors, elected representatives and friends across the state. I have met many of you, and I look forward to meeting many more in the months to come. Thank you for your warm welcome and for your abiding interest in the mission of the Minnesota Historical Society.

D. Stephen Elliott, Director and CEO 2011 Highlights

SOCIETY WELCOMED D. STEPHEN ELLIOTT Stephen Elliott was named the Society’s director and CEO in March 2011. AS DIRECTOR and ceo A proven leader in the field of history with a strong commitment to education and a passion for history, Elliott was previously the head of the New York State Historical Association. He began his career at Colonial Williamsburg, where he spent 28 years in various capacities, including vice presidencies of education, administration and planning, followed by a five-year stint as executive director of the First Freedom Center in Richmond, Va. Elliott also has served on numerous museum, history, education and civic boards and is currently the national chair of the American Association of State and Local History. He replaced longtime Society Director Nina M. Archabal, who retired at the end of 2010.

REDUCED FUNDING AND UNPRECEDENTED The 2011 Minnesota Legislature and Governor faced the challenge of solving an STATE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN unprecedented $6 billion deficit in the state’s budget. After a state government PRESENTED NEW CHALLENGES shutdown in the first month of fiscal year 2012 and a special session, a final budget package was passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor. Ultimately, the budget deal brought mixed results. The Society’s operating budget, of which just over 50 percent comes from the state’s general fund, was reduced by $1.6 million for each year of the biennium, or by approximately ten percent of its program budget. This resulted in the elimination of 19 full-time equivalent positions at the start of the new fiscal year. But at the same time, the Legislature provided significant funding through the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund of the state’s Legacy Amendment. Legacy funding increased from the last biennium for statewide programs operated by the Society, as well as for grant funds that will be available to local and regional historical organizations. In total, $24.1 million for the biennium was made available for Minnesota history programs and projects from Legacy Amendment funds. And, as the special session came to a close, the Legislature passed a capital budget, or bonding bill, of just under $2 million for preservation and repair of buildings for the historic sites operated by the Society. 2011 Highlights

UPDATED HISTORIC A new website with updated content and design for Historic Fort Snelling that WEBSITE GIVES VISITORS A DEEPER more thoroughly tells the stories of this important historic site was launched in UNDERSTAND OF FORT’S COMPLEX HISTORY May. Visitors to the website will find information about educational programs offered at the fort campus (which includes the Sibley House Historic Site in Mendota), a more detailed History section with information about American Indian history, the story of the fort’s military service, the role of Dred Scott and slavery in Minnesota history, and collection items related to the historic site. The website also allows visitors to gain a better understanding of the importance of the site as a place of major social, cultural and historical significance to all of the people who have inhabited the region.

INTERACTIVE VIDEO CONFERENCING An appropriation from the Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage BRINGS HISTORY TO LIFE IN CLASSROOMS Fund allowed the Society to expand its interactive educational experience ACROSS THE STATE; PARTNERSHIPS HELP for fourth- through sixth-grade students using video-conferencing. “History COMMUNITIES PRESERVE THEIR OWN HISTORY Live” beams live, active lessons about important chapters in Minnesota history from the History Center into classrooms across the state. Museum educators portray historical characters who guide students in the analysis of historical objects, photos and documents, and also encourage students to get out of their seats to role play, interacting in real time with the historical characters. The program received a Pinnacle Award from the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration for outstanding educational programming through video conferencing.

Another Legacy-funded program, Sharing Community Stories, allowed inter- generational participants to preserve their stories for their own communities as both tangible and digital products posted on the Society’s website, donated to local libraries or senior centers, or through showings of documentaries and exhibits in galleries and coffee shops. Students at Gordon Parks High School in St. Paul documented the changes light rail is bringing to businesses along University Avenue. At Red Lake, students created a documentary about winter traditions passed down from tribal elders.

Legacy funding also helped the Society to partner with other organizations for the Asian-American and Chicano-Latino Oral History Projects, the Ojibwe People’s Dictionary and the Neighborhood Leadership Program, which brings a diverse group of St. Paul residents to the History Center to learn about Society resources that can help them make improvements in their communities. 2011 Highlights

CIVIL WAR SESQUICENTENNIAL The Society kicked-off its commemoration of the sesquicentennial of the Civil War COMMEMORATION KICK-OFF HIGHLIGhTED in April. The first four of 58 flags to be conserved in an ambitious project to protect BY FLAG RESTORATION PROJECT these compelling symbols of the valor of Minnesota’s soldiers were returned to the Rotunda. The special event marked the beginning of the war in April 1861. Historic battle flags from the Civil and Spanish-American Wars have been displayed at the Capitol since they were placed in the new Capitol building in 1905. As the remaining flags are restored, they will go on display in rotation, four at a time. The painstaking process of conserving the flags takes approximately 80 hours each. Also undergoing conservation were the original Cass Gilbert-designed display cases, artifacts themselves. Funding for the project includes a grant from the federal Save America’s Treasures program, a matching grant from the Minnesota Legislature and a special grant from the Tawani Foundation.

Programs and events will mark the Civil War sesquicentennial over the next four years. In April, 76 Faces of the First, an exhibition of portraits of members of the legendary First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment by painter Jay Wittenberg, went on view in the James J. Hill House art gallery. Displayed along with the paintings were Civil War artifacts from the Society’s permanent collection, including photographs, letters and military objects. Other resources and initiatives commemorating the war include related collections online, artifact displays in the Gale Family Library and a Civil War Daybook with events, both major actions and moments from everyday life, posted online each day.

INNOVATIVE MARKETING ENGAGES The Society’s colorful and popular map of historic sites and museums was MINNESOTANS distributed statewide, promoting visitation and membership. In partnership with the Minnesota State Fair Foundation, the Society hosted “Minnesota History Day” at the State Fair, welcoming thousands of Minnesotans with history programming in Carousel Park, information, displays, and history activity books and crafts for children. Funded by the Legacy Amendment, fairgoers were treated to a History Walking Tour of the State Fair, so popular that it was expanded to include a cell phone component. 2011 Highlights

SOCIAL MEDIA AND ONLINE PRESENCE The Society continued to utilize the burgeoning field of social media to bring the SOARED WHILE VISITORS CONTINUED stories of Minnesota and Minnesotans far and wide. “Likes” on Society Facebook TO FLOCK TO SITES, EXHIBITS, PROGRAMS pages jumped 56 percent over fiscal year 2010. Twitter “followers” increased a phenomenal 82 percent over the same period. The website was accessed 3.8 million times by 2.2 million visitors. At the same time, nearly 230,000 visitors came to the History Center’s exhibits, library and programs, nearly 55,000 of them schoolchildren and chaperones. Two traveling exhibits, Chocolate, from Chicago’s Field Museum, and Discover the Real George Washington: New Views from Mount Vernon, proved especially popular attracting more than 100,000 visitors, many of them experiencing the History Center for the first time.P erennial favorite “9 Nights of Music” attracted more than 7,500 people to the outdoor concert series that has become a summer tradition. One of the concerts drew a record crowd for a single program at the History Center, with more than 2,000 people crowding the grounds for a Beatles- themed tribute held in conjunction with the exhibit The Beatles: A One-Night Stand in the Heartland. Across the river, in its second year of charging admission, “Mill City Live” continued to be a popular attraction with a total attendance of 2,660 for seven concerts outdoors in the dramatic Mill Ruins Courtyard. Historic sites attendance remained strong with more than 550,000 people visiting museums and historic sites statewide, including 200,000 schoolchildren. And Split Rock saw a 20-percent jump in attendance with more than 140,000 visitors joining in the iconic site’s centennial celebration.

OUR MINNESOTA ON TRACK TO OPEN IN 2012 When students step into Our Minnesota in late 2012, they will enter an exhibit like no other. For the first time, they will experience a 21st-century field trip designed just for them. Instead of being told to put away their hand-held devices, students will use them as an integral part of the exhibit that encourages them to ask questions and think critically. Using technology in this way will allow students and teachers to capture elements of the exhibit and use them in their own classrooms. Funded by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, Our Minnesota will take visitors to three distinct areas that make up the state: Prairie, City and Forests. The exhibit is being designed primarily for schoolchildren and families and incorporates the advice of dozens of teachers who participated in focus groups on the project. 2011 Highlights

MHS PRESS EMBRACED E-BOOKS, AMERICAN The Minnesota Historical Society Press had a banner year, surpassing its print INDIAN TITLES WIDELY ACCLAIMED sales goal by nearly three percent, while academic sales rose 27 percent and e-book sales soared 250 percent over the previous year. The best-selling e-book was The Emigrants, the first of Vilhelm Moberg’s four-part saga of Swedish settlement in Minnesota in the mid-1850s. The year’s top-selling hardcover title was Minnesota’s Hidden Alphabet, by David LaRochelle and photographer Joe Rossi, reflecting the Press’s growing children’s book program developed to better serve children and families.

Building on the critical success of Ojibwe in Minnesota, which was awarded the Library of Congress Best Book of 2010, Anton Treuer’s The Assassination of Hole in the Day was another best-selling new title in 2011. Along with Anishinaabe Syndicated, by Jim Northrup, it was featured in national media venues, including Indian Country Today and Native America Calling. In a major Dakota language initiative, the press also released Takoheya Dakota Iapi Kin, a beginning Dakota language workbook for students, with a companion teacher’s edition.

And nearing completion at the end of the fiscal year, MNopedia, the Society’s innovative free online encyclopedia supported by the Legacy Amendment, was poised to make learning about the vast breadth and scope of Minnesota’s history available with a simple click.

SOCIETY PARTNERED WITH STATEWIDE Legacy Amendment funding allowed the Society to partner with AMPERS, the RADIO NETWORK TO BROADCAST ‘MN90’ Association of Minnesota Public Educational Radio Stations, to produce “MN90: Minnesota History in 90 Seconds,” a series of 90-second radio spots designed to educate listeners about Minnesota history and its relevance to current life in the state. Topics ranged from sports, politics and agriculture, to business, weather and pop culture. The features, 125 in all, were not only entertaining but encouraged listeners to discover for themselves the Society’s resources, including collections, web resources, and historic sites and museums. 2011 Highlights

CRUMP COLLECTION BRINGS NOTABLE When Robert L. and Patricia Kennedy Crump, two of Minnesota’s most ardent ARTWORK TO SOCIETY’S COLLECTIONS art enthusiasts, died several years ago, their family decided to donate much of their art collection to the Society. The items, which became part of the Society’s permanent collections in May 2011, include more than 100 paintings, photographs and 3D objects. Robert Crump was an author, historian and expert on Minnesota printmaking. Patricia Crump was a founding member of the Old Town Artists cooperative. Both were working professional artists who specialized in nature and Minnesota’s outdoor landscape. The Crumps also collected the work of others, including legendary Minnesota artists Cameron Booth and Paul Kramer, both of whose works are part of this collection. Through the vision and generosity of their five children, the Crumps left behind a lasting legacy for future generations of Minnesotans.

Other notable items that became part of the Society’s collections in 2011 were the papers and memorabilia of famed aviator Charles W. “Speed” Holman, first chief pilot of Northwest Airlines after whom St. Paul’s downtown airport was named; an 1848 Colt Baby Dragoon revolver owned by Alexander Ramsey; a “Sioux Spelling- Book,” the first book published in the Dakota language for native learners in 1836 with the original cloth and paper binding; a Split Rock Lighthouse log book kept by Orren P. Young from 1910-1913; and a fiberglass statue ofP oppin’ Fresh, the Pillsbury Doughboy, which was displayed in the lobby of Pillsbury’s Riverside Technology Center in Minneapolis from 1995-2010.

AUTHENTIC HUEY HELICOPTER ANCHORS A Huey helicopter, an icon of the Vietnam War, will serve as the centerpiece of the NEW 1968 EXHIBIT Society’s 1968 Exhibit. The ambitious, state-of-art, multi-media exhibit looks at how the experiences of the year created a persistent, yet often contradictory, sense of identity for the people who lived through it and those who came after. Inside the reconstructed helicopter, visitors will see a presentation about extraordinary events of this pivotal year. To achieve this goal, 20 dedicated volunteers, some of whom are Vietnam veterans who served as Huey pilots or mechanics, put in more than 2,200 hours on the project. Other elements of the 5,000-square-foot exhibit, organized chronologically by the months of the year, include three interactive “lounges” focusing on music, design, and music and television where visitors can use mobile devices to access an online calendar of 1968 events, film footage and oral history excerpts. The 1968 Exhibit, whose honorary chair is Tom Brokaw, was developed in an innovative partnership between the Society, the Atlanta History Center, the Chicago History Museum and the Oakland Museum of California. It began a nationwide tour on Oct. 14, 2011, at the History Center. The exhibition is supported by an IMLS grant and an NEH Chairman’s Special Award. 2011 Highlights

SOCIETY LOOKED AHEAD TO COMMEMORATION The year 2012 will be the 150th anniversary of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, a OF UPCOMING SESQUICENTENNIAL OF tragic time in Minnesota’s history. The Society is planning to mark this year with a THE U.S.-DAKOTA WAR OF 1862 wide range of initiatives and programs. Funded by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, Society staff spent much of fiscal year 2011 interviewing Dakota and European American descendants, researching all aspects of life in Minnesota at this tumultuous time. A comprehensive website that looks at life in Minnesota before and after the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 will debut in spring 2012. The interactive site, being developed with Dakota community and educational advisory groups, will use primary resources, maps and oral histories and provide a forum for discussion about life in Minnesota, the war and its effects on Minnesota’s original inhabitants and later settlers. A Treaty Computer Interactive that will be a unique exhibit component of the upcoming Our Minnesota exhibit focuses on early white/ native interaction, treaties, settlement and the U.S.-Dakota War and its aftermath. A Minnesota River Valley cell phone tour will introduce travelers to historic events and locations of the war along the scenic byway. And in collaboration with the Native American Community Development Institute of Minneapolis and All My Relations Gallery, the Society will sponsor an art exhibit featuring the work of American Indian artists opening in August 2012. A smaller version of the exhibit will travel to the James J. Hill House in November of that year.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR SOCIETY Despite a continuing slow economy, support for the Society by members and REMAINED STRONG donors remained strong. Elizabeth and Whitney MacMillan made a major commitment to the Society to create the MacMillan Field Trip Grants Program. This program offers financial assistance to offset transportation and lodging costs for greater Minnesota schools visiting the Society’s Twin Cities’ metro- area museums and historic sites. The Nina M. Archabal Fund, named in honor of the Society’s former director, grew to $2,012,043 at the end of the fiscal year, while membership reached 20,215. And, as part of the Society’s new sponsorship program, Xcel Energy and Explore Minnesota Tourism became premier partners, helping support the Society’s museums and historic sites as well as sponsoring specific events and programs. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans sponsored and its popular “Mill City Live” music series. The support of members, donors and sponsors played an important role in enabling the Society to continue to bring its services and programs to the people of Minnesota. 2011 Highlights

CELL PHONE TOURS ADDED NEW Fiscal year 2011 saw the introduction of cell phone tours to two historic sites. DIMENSION TO VISITOR EXPERIENCE At the State Capitol visitors can enjoy “History on the Spot” guided by audio narration on their cell phones that provides an overview of the more than 20 monuments and memorials on the Capitol grounds, with information about the artists who created each piece. The tour includes memorials recognizing World War II, Korean and Vietnam War veterans, a commemorative garden in honor of Minnesota suffragists; and sculptures honoring such diverse figures as Charles Lindbergh and Norwegian explorer Leif Erickson.

At Historic Fort Snelling, visitors can learn about the history of the fort and the surrounding area at two locations within its walls, from the top of the Round Tower and Half Moon Battery. Each location provides five different stops and covers topics including the development of the city of Mendota; the role of the Mississippi River to American Indians, fur traders and pioneers; and the issues surrounding the U.S.- Dakota War of 1862.

TEN PROPERTIES NAMED TO NATIONAL Two of the Society’s historic sites were newly designated National Historic REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES, Landmarks – Split Rock Lighthouse and – bringing the state TWO SOCIETY HISTORIC SITES DESIGNATED of Minnesota’s total to 25. Other National Historic Landmarks in the Society’s NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARKS historic sites network are Historic Fort Snelling, the Charles A. Lindbergh House, the Oliver H. Kelley Farm and Mill City Museum’s Washburn A Mill. Ten properties were listed on the National Register through the Society’s State Historic Preservation Office in fiscal year 2011. They were: St.P aul Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Almond Township, Big Stone County; Chaska Historical Marker, Chaska, Carver County; Waterford Bridge, Waterford Township, Dakota County; Abbot Hospital, Minneapolis, Hennepin County; Schubert Theatre and Building, St. Paul, Ramsey County; Duluth Armory, Duluth, St. Louis County; William Ingersoll Estate, Ingersoll Island; Adolph Levin Cottage, Kabetagoma Narrows; Monson’s Hoist Bay Resort, ; I.W. Stevens Cottage, Voyageurs National Park; Holmes Street Bridge, Shakopee, Scott County; Minnesota State Public School for Dependent and Neglected Children, Owatonna, Steele County; and Wood Lake Battlefield Historic District, Sioux Agency Township, Yellow Medicine County. 2011 Highlights

GRANTS PROGRAM, AIDED BY LEGACY The second full fiscal year of the Minnesota Historical and Cultural Grants program FUNDS, HAD RECORD YEAR was a resounding success with, $5,920,701 in grants awarded to 247 historical and cultural organizations in 75 counties across the state. Among eligible categories for history projects, grants for collections care were most numerous, funding 64 projects, followed by historic properties with 48 grants. Seventy-five grants were made both for the rehabilitation of historic properties listed and for work on those eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Society also awarded $602,000 in grants to nine capital preservation projects from state bond funds appropriated by the legislature, and $110,594 in 32 Certified Local Government grants through federal funds from the , Department of the Interior.

In fiscal year 2011, the first year of its administration of Minnesota’s new Historic Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit, the State Historic Preservation Office processed 24 applications, representing a potential $63.2 million in state historic tax credits. After years of concerted effort, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 290.0681 and 297I.20 was signed into law on April 1, 2010, as part of a jobs bill to stimulate job creation, community revitalization and private investment in historic properties. The state tax credit, covering 20 percent of eligible rehabilitation costs, must be used in conjunction with the 20-percent federal historic preservation tax credit. The program is administered by the State Historic Preservation Office in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Revenue. F 2011 FINANCIAL Highlights A



C B The Society received $33.5 million in support from the Other earned revenues were $10.1 million during Sources of Support and Revenue: A State Operating Appropriation ...... 34.7% State of Minnesota in fiscal year 2011, or 52.6% of total fiscal year 2011, or 15.8% of total support and revenue, B State Legacy Appropriation ...... 17.9% support and revenue. This represents a decrease of $2.7 which is a $.9 million increase over fiscal year 2010. C Federal, State and County Grants ...... 3.2% million from fiscal year 2010 and was expected due to This increase is due primarily to a $.6 million increase D Private Contributions ...... 14.8% E Investment Return ...... 13.6% not receiving a capital appropriation in fiscal year 2011. in new contract fees related to exhibits, newspaper F Earned Income ...... 15.8% digitization and archaeology contracts. Contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations totaled $9.5 million, or 14.8% of total Total expenses for fiscal year 2011 were $57.2 million support and revenue, which is an increase of $5.6 million which represents an $8.7 million increase over fiscal G A from fiscal year 2010. This increase is from significant year 2010. This increase is due primarily to increased F endowment gifts received during fiscal year 2011. Legacy Fund expenses of $10.0 million and a decrease

B of State of Minnesota bond funded projects of $2.5 Federal grants of $2.0 million were received in fiscal million. A significant portion of Legacy Funds were year 2011, or 3.2% of total support and revenue, which carried forward from fiscal year 2010 to fiscal year E is an increase of $.6 million over fiscal year 2010, due 2011 due to the fact that fiscal year 2010 was the first C primarily to receiving a new grant from the National year of the Legacy funding. Fiscal year 2011 Legacy Endowment for the Humanities for The 1968 Exhibit. expenses included $6.3 million in funds granted to other organizations. D Investment return of $8.7 million was achieved from

Percentage of Expenses by Program Area: the Society’s endowments during fiscal year 2011, or In addition, more than 2,250 volunteers contributed A Library Collections and 13.6% of total support and revenue, which is a $4.6 more than 44,500 hours at the Society’s museums and Archival Services...... 16.8% B Publications ...... 3.0% million increase over fiscal year 2010. Included in historic sites across the state, the largest number ever C History Center Museum...... 20.2% investment returns were significant amounts from in the history of the Society’s volunteer program. D Historic Sites ...... 20.1% realized gains of $1.8 million and unrealized gains of E Outreach and Preservation...... 23.0% F Management and General...... 13.9% $2.5 million. G Development and Membership ...... 3.0%

Condensed Balance Sheet As of June 30, 2011 (000’s) omitted

Unrestricted Temporarily Permanently Total restricted restricted Board- designated State Operating Plant fund endowment appropriations Other 2011 2010 Cash & investments $2,928 7,902 4,903 13,716 25,446 54,895 40,065 Receivables 1,593 11,195 3,311 5,230 21,329 24,897 Museum shop inventories 1,059 1,059 961 Property and equipment net 83,993 83,993 85,511 Total assets $5,580 83,993 7,902 16,098 17,027 30,676 161,276 151,434

Accounts payable & accrued liabilities $3,371 5,058 254 291 8,974 5,816 Net assets: Unrestricted 2,209 83,993 7,902 94,104 93,347 Temporarily restricted 11,040 16,773 27,813 31,213 Permanently restricted 30,385 30,385 21,058 Total net assets 2,209 83,993 7,902 11,040 16,773 30,385 152,302 145,618 Total liabilities & net assets $5,580 83,993 7,902 16,098 17,027 30,676 161,276 151,434

These statements are condensed from the Society’s audited financial statements which are available upon request. Statement of Activities Year ended June 30, 2011 (000’s) omitted

Unrestricted Temporarily Permanently Total restricted restricted Board- designated State Operating Plant fund endowment appropriations Other 2011 2010 SUPPORT AND REVENUE: Support: Private contributions $2,082 1,067 6,320 9,469 3,904 Federal grants 1,972 1,972 1,348 County and other grants 48 48 76 State operating appropriation 22,139 22,139 22,227 State legacy appropriation 11,420 11,420 9,750 State capital appropriation (31) (31) 4,250 Total support 2,082 33,528 3,087 6,320 45,017 41,555 Revenue: Admissions fees 2,389 2,389 2,268 Museum store sales 1,931 1,931 1,734 Publication sales 1,118 1,118 1,239 Program fees 856 856 782 Contract service fees 1,916 1,916 1,307 Digital product fees 405 405 368 Investment return 689 1,423 3,568 3,002 8,682 4,121 Auxiliary services 1,067 1,067 988 Other sales, fees & memberships 456 456 592 Total revenue 10,827 1,423 3,568 3,002 18,820 13,399 Total support & revenue 12,909 1,423 33,528 6,655 9,322 63,837 54,954 Net assets released from program restrictions 43,578 (39,679) (3,904) 5 Total support, revenue & net assets released from program restrictions 56,487 1,423 (6,151) 2,751 9,327 63,837 54,954 Expenses: Program services: Library collections & archival services 9,377 199 9,576 7,421 Publications 1,687 8 1,695 1,675 History Center museum 11,022 501 11,523 9,932 Historic sites 10,747 765 11,512 14,188 Outreach and preservation 13,150 5 13,155 6,599 Total program services 45,983 1,478 47,461 39,815 Supporting services: Management & general 7,925 39 7,964 6,948 Development & membership 1,727 1 1,728 1,705 Total supporting services 9,652 40 9,692 8,653 Total expenses 55,635 1,518 57,153 48,468 Increase (decrease) in net assets 852 (1,518) 1,423 (6,151) 2,751 9,327 6,684 6,486 Changes in net assets: Unrestricted 852 (1,518) 1,423 757 (297) Temporarily restricted (6,151) 2,751 (3,400) 5,146 Permanently restricted 9,327 9,327 1,637 Net changes in net assets 852 (1,518) 1,423 (6,151) 2,751 9,327 6,684 6,486 Net assets beginning of year 1,357 85,511 6,479 17,191 14,022 21,058 145,618 137,610 Restatement of beginning net assets 1,522 Net assets beginning of year, as restated 1,357 85,511 6,479 17,191 14,022 21,058 145,618 139,132 Net assets at end of year $2,209 83,993 7,902 11,040 16,773 30,385 152,302 145,618 The Minnesota Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the people of Minnesota who, through appropriations made by the Legislature and approved by the Governor, have supported the Society in its mission. The special support of our members and friends named in the following lists is critical to maintaining excellence in our programs and services. The Society is grateful to all those who have given their financial support, and we use this opportunity to give special recognition and thanks to those who have contributed $250 or more.

Robert and F. Alexandra Klas Kent and Kathy Thompson† Elisabeth W. and Humphrey Doermann Kuhrmeyer Family Foundation of The Missy Thompson and Gar Hargens Katherine D. Doerr Saint Paul Foundation The Frederick and Margaret L. Dolan Family Fund of The Minneapolis The Minnesota Historical Society Norman Lorentzsen and Donna Boller Weyerhaeuser Foundation Foundation* gratefully acknowledges the following Richard and Nancy Nicholson Fund of Margaret and Angus Wurtele* Elise R. Donohue donors in our North Star Circle for the Nicholson Family Foundation Kirsten and Jack Driscoll their leadership support from July 1, Jane Ridder* PATRON: $1,000-$2,499 Carol M. Duff* 2010 to June 30, 2011. These friends Elizabeth M. Ringer* Anonymous (5) Peter and Isabelle Dyck contributed a minimum of $1,000 to Curt and Joan Roy* Russ and Kathy Adams Michael L. Ellingsworth maintain the excellence of our on- Hugh and Margaret Schilling* John and Catherine Agee* Jane Emison going programs, sites and services. Kristine M. Smith* Raymond and Karen Ames* E. Duane and Marlene Engstrom Harriet and Edson Spencer Fund of Sarah J. Andersen Bill and Kathy Farley, Schwab The collective contributions of those The Minneapolis Foundation Clifford and Nancy Anderson Charitable Fund recognized in our North Star Circle are Jan and Bill Spoor† Roger E. Anderson* Mr. and Mrs. Litton E.S. Field, Jr. the foundation of our annual support, Maxine H. Wallin* Rolf T. Anderson Mrs. Litton Field providing nearly a million dollars. Eleanor and Fred Winston* John and Cherl Andrews Dr. George and Joan Fischer Abbot G. Apter Richard and Carol Flint DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE: $50,000+ LEADER: $2,500-$4,999 Allan Apter and Brenda Ion Rodney H. Forristall David A. and Barbara G. Koch* Mrs. Wm. R. Anderson, Jr.* Charles & Peggy Arnason Fund of the Rosanne Foster Richard V. DeLeo* John E. Andrus III* St. Croix Valley Foundation Maryfaith and Michael Fox David and Janis Larson Nina and John Archabal* Thomas J. Arneson Hillary Freeman and Carol Mork Annette Atkins and Tom Joyce* Jo and Gordon J. Bailey Mrs. Orville L. Freeman* GUARANTOR: $25,000-$49,999 Martha and Bruce Atwater* Glenn Bartsch Frenzel Foundation on behalf of Debby Conley and Marney Brooks* Richard and Mary Lyn Ballantine Becky Ruttger Bates Frenzel* Bruce and Mary Bean* Samuel F. and Shirlee Ruttger Bates* Gerald and Jan Freund BENEFACTOR: $15,000-$24,999 The James Ford Bell Foundation on Gay and Ronald Baukol James and Mary Frey Terry and Sharon Avent* behalf of Ford W. Bell* Marilyn Beddor Pat Gaarder Mark and Mary Davis* Alexandra O. Bjorklund* William Beery Neena/Ram Gada Family Charitable Ruth and John Huss* Elizabeth Cherne Book Beito Foundation* Fund Betty and Whitney MacMillan* Patrick J. Bradley and Patty A. Carney- The James Ford Bell Foundation on Trustees of the Gavia Trust Bradley behalf of Samuel H. Bell, Jr.* Charlotte and Robert Gavin FOUNDER: $10,000-$14,999 Priscilla Brewster George and Karen Benz Earl and Virginia Geiger Suzanne Blue Sandra and Peter Butler* Theresa Berman* David and Terry Gilberstadt Art and Martha Kaemmer*° Nicky B. Carpenter Dennis and Nancy Blenis Robert and Phyllis Goff* Susan and Edwin McCarthy* Chorzempa Family Foundation Gary and Sally Bluem Gold ‘n Plump Poultry Onan Family Foundation* Ella P. Crosby Susan S. Boren Ellen D. Grace Ken and Nina Rothchild* Robert and Teri Crosby Carole and Norlin Boyum Jim Grantman Emily Anne Staples Tuttle Fund of Denis and Josie Daly Will and Margee Bracken Bernard M. Granum* Minnesota Community Foundation* Dellwood Foundation, Inc.* Steve and Gail Brand Michael Gray and Patricia S. Andrews D. Stephen and Diane Elliott Virginia D. Brooks° Robert and Susan Greenberg BUILDER: $7,500-$9,999 Peter and Patricia Frechette Paul Bruce and Beth Weimer Bert Gross and Susan Hill Gross Martha S. Anderson in memory of Keith Eugene and Mary Frey Tyrone and Delia Bujold Jennifer Gross and Jerry LeFevre Anderson The Garofalo Foundation of The Saint Joanne Carlson* Earl Gutnik Douglas R. Heidenreich* Paul Foundation Lois L. and Roger A. Carlson Hannibal and Robbie Haase John and Lois Rogers* Rosemary H. and David F. Good Family Elsa Carpenter and Barney Barton David and Kim Hakensen Foundation CCI Properties Cynthia Hall-Durán and Rico Durán PARTNER: $5,000-$7,499 Mr. and Mrs. Preston C. Haglin* Michael and Leslie Connelly Marion J. Handt The Allegro Fund of The Saint Paul Mark and Kathryn Tokar Haidet* Cooper Schneier Fund of The The Dale S. Hanson Foundation Fund Foundation* O.C. Hognander, Jr. Minneapolis Foundation of The Saint Paul Foundation Pete and Margie Ankeny* James E. Johnson Judith and Richard Corson David Hartwell and Elizabeth DeBaut Sally and Peter Anson* Jacqueline N. Jones Foundation of The William and Susan Costello* † Lucy Hartwell* Boss Foundation* Saint Paul Foundation Sage and John Cowles* The Hasselquist Fund of The Blythe Brenden-Mann Foundation John Loban Cassie and Dan Cramer, Schwab Minneapolis Foundation James Cargill The Thomas Mairs and Marjorie Mairs Charitable Fund Marshall and Elizabeth Hatfield* Ann and Michael Ciresi Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation* John Crippen and Sheila Stuhlman Peter Herzog and June M.Wheeler Betty Jayne and Kenneth H. Dahlberg* Deane and Nancy Manolis David and Kitty Crosby Louis F. and Kathrine E. Hill Michael and Celia Davis† Elisabeth C. Mason Franklin and Gisela Crosby† Melanie Ruttger Hjelm and Rick Hjelm Julia W. Dayton* Dick and Joyce H. McFarland Family Tom Crosby, Jr. and Ellie Crosby Wayne and Dianne Hoeschen Mary Lee Dayton* Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Andrew Currie and Ames Sheldon† Alice Hollingsworth William and Janice Dircks* Mill City Times Carol Daniels and Richard Jacker* Jennie Hsiao Driscoll Foundation Inc. on behalf of W. Clinton and Mary Morrison Edwin W. and Catherine M. Davis Stanley S. and Karen Hubbard John and Elizabeth Driscoll* Dean M. Nelson† Foundation* Margaret S. Hubbs* The Engelbert Family Fund of The Kandi and Bart Osborn* Mathew and Kristi Davis Bill Hueg and Hella Mears Hueg Saint Paul Foundation Irene M. Ott Mitch and Laurie Davis Donald and Carin Huizenga Alfred P. Gale Diane and Darryl Sannes† Bob and Joanie Dayton* Karen A. and Charles W. Humphrey Agnes A. Gerlach Patty and Barney Saunders* Chad and Maggie Dayton Bruce E. and Terry L. Hutchins Family Jim and Sharon Hale Stephen W. and Maureen D. Schroeder Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison* Eugene C. and Gail V. Sit Foundation* Cy and Paula DeCosse* E. Paul and Katherine T. Imle Jane and Jerry Jackson William Stoeri and Sue Johnston The Charles M. Denny, Jr. and Carol Chuck and Marie Irrgang Wilford and Jean Johnson Edward C. and Virginia L. Stringer E. Denny Fund of The Minneapolis Philip and Ludmilla Isaacson The Lucy Rosenberry Jones Charitable The Summer Fund on behalf of Harry Foundation Pamela and Robert Jamma Trust* G. McNeely, Jr. Doug Devens and Jennifer Raeder- Betty Wold Johnson Eloise and Elliot Kaplan The Thom Family Foundation, Inc Devens Fritz and Sharon Johnson Gerald W. and Victoria Johnson Ford and Catherine Nicholson Fund of If you are interested in being Andrea & Larry McGough Donor Peggy and Sam Johnson the Nicholson Family Foundation recognized in our North Star Circle, Advised Fund of The Catholic The Betsy Johnston Fund of The Todd and Martha Nicholson Fund of we would be delighted to include you; Community Foundation Minneapolis Foundation the Nicholson Family Foundation please call Shelly at 651.259.3126. C. McKay, MD Bill and Susan Jolitz The Dan and Sallie O’Brien Fund of The North Star Circle donors will be listed Thomas and Joan Mears Karen and Chuck Jonaitis Saint Paul Foundation throughout the year on our website, H. Eugene and Adelyn Menzel Janet N. Jones Marvin R. O’Connell including gifts received after 6/30/11. Michael Monahan Kathleen Jones Linda Odegard and Harlan Cavert Adrienne and T. Morrison George and Karen Kaczor John and Marla Ordway * Charter Member Paula Nelson Andrea and Kevin Kajer Duane “Duffy” and Timya Owen † Matching Gift Elizabeth Nordlie The Martin and Esther Kellogg Fund of Nancy Owen and John Lavander ° Honorary Member Douglas and Cheryl Olsen The Saint Paul Foundation* Patricia Parrish and David Schaffer Lawrence M. O’Shaughnessy Charitable Timothy and Holly Kelly John and Norma Paulson Annuity Trust in Honor of Lawrence Dorothy Kettner ° Jerome and JoAnn Pederson M. O’Shaughnessy The William H. and Janet M. King Roger Peters and Lorna Reichl Membership and Annual Fund John Overton and Ann Lowry Family Fund of The Saint Paul Dwight and Marjorie Peterson David and Valerie Pace Foundation Dean and Karin Phillips Sustaining: $500–$999 Daniel R. Pennie Margee and Bob Kinney Pierce Family Fund of The Minneapolis Anonymous (1) Elizabeth and Theodore Peyton Cynthia Kriha and James Eastman Foundation Kenneth and Arliss Banta Eugene L. Piccolo Martin and Judy Kuretsky Kate K. Piper Valeria Barlau Julie and Jim Reimer Jami and Joseph LaPray Diane and George Power* Bernard and Nancy Beckman Donald Rockenbach Elaine and Arlyn Larson Randall A. Pratt Kristin Beckmann and Robert Richman Jim and Sheren Rogne Charles and Hope Lea° Thomas C. and Mary Kay Racette Keith and Mary Bednarowski Thomas and Gwynn Rosen Jim and Linda Lee Ralph R. Rayner George and Denise Bergquist John C. and Jacqueline Salisbury Tom and Mary Gerry Lee James W. Reagan Rolf and Idelle Bjelland Robert E. Salisbury Timothy and Lynn Lee Joan and Bill Reiling John Bloom Timothy and Mary Scanlan Leeward Landing Fund of The Peter and Mary Ritten Muriel Bochnak Mary Schlosser and Stewart Hazel Minneapolis Foundation* James E. Robasse* Lillian Bowell John and Mary Schmitz Allen and Kathy Lenzmeier Sandra Bemis Roe Lynn S. Brown Joyce and Jim Schnobrich Jane Leonard and Loretto Lippert Jon and Delores Roeder John and Caryl Busman Joseph and Kristina Shaffer Tom and Rhoda Lewin Judge James D. and Leanna M. Rogers Darrell Butterwick Richard and Barbara Shank Dick and Peggy Lidstad Tom and Peggy Rohde Thomas and Anne Carrier Helen F. Silha Stephen and Sheila Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth David and Mary Choate Dave and Linda Simpkins R C Lilly Foundation* Vincent and Barbara Ruane Chosy Family Fund of The Minneapolis Anne Simpson Otto Lind Shelly and Steve Rucks Foundation Kerry and Kristen Skelton Georgia Ray DeCoster Lindeke* Laura and Luther Salveson Audrey Clay Anthony and Heather Smith Christine M. Linsmayer Earl S. and Barbara Flanagan Sanford Russell Cowles and Josine Peters Elizabeth L. Smith Jean R. Ljungkull* Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Irma and Merill Cragun James Smith and Cheryl Dickson Peggy and Dave Lucas Fund* Ceil Critchley Kate Smith William and Katherine Mackenzie Michael and Shirley Santoro Robert and Gretchen Crosby Yvonne Steinbring Family Fund of The Saint Paul Jaclyn and Jim Schroeder† Douglas and Wendy Dayton James Stensvold Foundation The Jean and Mark Schroepfer Fund of James Dickson, Jr. Barbara Storslee Marilyn and Hugh Madson The Saint Paul Foundation Dan Dodds Mark O. Stutrud Rhoda and Don Mains Susan and Jonathan Seltzer Lyle and Dorothy Doerr Joel and Elizabeth Sullivan Dusty Mairs* The Sieff Family Foundation Florence E. Doyle Andrew and Carolyn Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John and Brenda Deborah and Charles Skinner* David and Patricia Drew E.R. Titcomb Malarchik Kenneth R. Skjegstad Paul Ekman Suzanne and Thomas Tschida Roy and Dorothy Ode Mayeske Vivian R. Skoog Kimberly and Jeffrey Engelhardt William Volkmar and Sheri Brandvold Robert W. Maynard Marschall Smith and Debra Mitts-Smith Mary L. Erhard John Wald and Marianne Remedios Donald W. McCarthy Spectacle Shoppe, Inc. Frederic Eustis James O. Wall The Judy and Malcolm W. McDonald RoxAnn M. Splittstozer Sheila ffolliott Wendy C. Wehr Family Charitable Account of the Robert S. and Jean Spong Patricia Florance John T. Westrom Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Larry and Joy Steiner Sarah Forbes Muriel Wexler Andrea & Larry McGough Charitable Sharron and Oren Steinfeldt* Terence Fruth and Mary McEvoy Family Helen Whitney Fund of the Catholic Community Donald Steinkraus† Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Sidney Wold Foundation Simon Stevens and Maggie Thurer† Polly Grose Dallas and Eileen Zimmerman Aaron and Carol McGuire Lee and Louise Sundet° Anne Hage Donald and Alice McIlrath* Henry and Virginia Sweatt James and Sharon Haselmann Contributing: $250-$499 Paddy and Susan McNeely Terhuly Foundation Doug and Martha Head Anonymous (1) The McNulty Family Account of Fidelity Jon and Lea Theobald Nicholas P. Heille Steven and Erin Adams Charitable Gift Fund Jon and Glenda Tollefson Doryce Helmer Johannes Allert Al and Mary Agnes McQuinn Noelle and Jeff Turner John and Dinah Heneman Phil and Kim Almeroth Kathleen B. and William L. McReavy Two Pines Resource Group, LLCI Grant and Lori Heslep Adrian Almquist Peg Meier and Rebecca Lindholm Stephanie Cain Van D’Elden Rebecca Hinz William and Suzanne Ammerman The Jerry and Jeanne Meigs Fund of Larry and Suzanne Vanden Plas Helen Hocker Budd and Marguerite Andrews The Saint Paul Foundation† Mary W. Vaughan William B. Horn Erma J. Andrews William C. Melton and Jane M. Paul and Carolyn Verret Craig R. Johnson Howard Ansel, MD Zimmerman* General and Mrs. John Vessey Sigrid Johnson Gordon Asselstine Mary E. Melzarek Byran & Kimberly Volk Family Fund of Kathryn Karlman Matt Bailey Joanne T. Meyer the Catholic Community Foundation Gloria Kaste Carolyn and Austin Baillon Joseph S. and Jane Y. Micallef* Mary Ann and David Wark* James and Jane Kaufman Julie and Doug Baker Evelyn Miller† Dr. Ann and David Wasson* David M. King Richard and Deborah Bancroft Robert and Marveen Minish° David J. Weiner * Thomas and Jean King Robert and Adrienne Banks Jacqueline S. Mithun The E. J. Wexler Gift Fund of The William A. King Mary L. Barrett The John W. Mooty Foundation Trust Minneapolis Foundation Don and Carole Larson Anne K. Baumtrog Donna Morgan Nancy and Ted Weyerhaeuser James K. Lawrence Glen A. Bean Beth and Joe Naughton The John and Renata Winsor Fund of Donald and Joann Leavenworth Betty Bear Lou and Jean Nelson The Minneapolis Foundation Becky Lourey Richard and Josephine Beitzel Marybeth Nelson The Molly and Bill Woehrlin Charitable Anne E. Lowe Michael and Ellen Bendel-Stenzel Raleigh P. and Barbara B. Nelson Fund of The Minnesota Community John and MaryAnne Mauriel Andrew and Audrey Benjamin Stephen Nelson* Foundation Robert and Polly McCrea James and Lois Berens David and Barbara Nicholson Edward J. Zapp* Jack Bergen Charles and Julie Zelle Chris and Laura Berghoff Arthur Bergstrom and Alice Stelling David and Marlene Foster Janet Keyes and Mark Hatherly Richard and Carol Morgan Diane L. Blake Tanya Foster Terri Kimker Susan Muench Thelma Boeder Alfred and Phil France Anthony Kiorpes James Murphy Paul and Rose Marie Boucher John and B.J. French Richard L. Klaus Robert and Joan Murray Don Boychuk and Robert Zondag William and Ruth Frenzel Karen L. Knoll Edwin and Mary Nakasone Darrell H. Boyd Charles and Louise Frost Ken and Marlys Knuth Robert and Barbara Nelson John and Andrea Brainard Jerry and Marjorie Fruin Bradley J. Kolberg Richard and Joan Newmark K.C. Bramer and Charles Calvert Lynn L. Fumuso Ted and Marjorie Kolderie James R. Nobles John R. Brand Elizabeth Gallanis Jim and Shelley Kosmo Vern Nordling William Branstrup Christine and Jon Galloway Linda Krach David and Billie Novy Dave and Lonnie Broden James S. Garberg Skip and Sarah Krawczyk Jonathan Nygren and Anna Horning Brad and Joan Brolsma James and Joan Gardner Lori and David Krieger Nygren Steve and Sue Browender Robert and Karen Garland Marvin Kruse Mike and Jean Oberle Paul H. Brown Lavonne and Scott Garoutte Joyce F. Kunz Michael O’Brien Terrance Brueck and Kathy Mitchell Colleen Gau Ralph and Virginia Kurtzman Michael and Celeste O’Donnell Carolyn J. Brusseau Linda Gawthrop Gregory A. Kvam David and Audrey Olsen Arland Brusven Sherri Gebert-Fuller James and Gail LaFave Nancy Olsen Jon Brusven and Christine Arrell David and Sandra Gerdes Alex Lakatos Scott and Judith Olsen Marilyn and Mahlon Burbank R. James and Rene Gesell Russell and Karen Larsen Deborah Olson Jon Butler Joanne Geske Robert T. Laudon Robert and Susan Olson Peter K. Butler Lorna and Tom Gleason Michael and Susan Lavely Warren H. Olson Norma Buxton Paul Gleich and Elizabeth Sonnier Knut E. Lavine Cindy Page Charles and Elizabeth Bye Marian and William Glew Rolfe and Barbara Leary Mike and Joyce Palazzotto Ann Calvert Peter Goss and Karma Walker Charles and Anne Leck Anita Pampusch and Frank Indihar Mary Campbell Jeff Griffin and Terry Farley Elizabeth and David Lee Michael and Mary Partington William and Charlotte Carlson Roger and Marilee Griffin Jeannine Lee and Roger Finney Edward and Jacqueline Paster Donnie and John Carr Larry Grubryn Ernest and Sarah Lehmann Michael Patterson Joe and Cathy Carroll Jerome and Elvira Grundmayer James and Patricia Lehmann Meri and Lloyd Pedersen Richard and Marcia Carthaus Amy Gudmestad Allen and Nancy Levine Ronald Pederson H. Mead Cavert and June S. Cavert Jennifer L. Gunn Wilfred and Margaret Lind Jane Persoon Orison and Cassandra Chaffee Howard and Elizabeth Guthmann Faith and Carl Lindell Whitney and Nancy Peyton Judith A. Christensen Mary Habstritt and Gerald Weinstein William Lipschultz Ann and Stephen Pflaum Michael Chutich and Susan Gretz Connie and Will Haddeland Jeffrey Loesch and Kathleen O’Brien Walter Pickhardt and Sandra Resnick Chuck and Cynthia Clanton Sue Hammersmith and Allyn Uniacke George M. Logan Louise Plank A.W. and Sharon Clapp Daniel and Joan Hankins Karen and Larry Lommen Dr. Julian G. Plante Kirsten Clark Deborah and James Hannigan George and Kari Lottes The Molly and Ronald Poole Family Jane and Steven Clay Robert and Joann Hanson Weiming and Caroline Lu Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Dave and Mary Jo Cody Samuel L. Hanson Carol Lundquist Clare and Anil Poulose Margaret P. Cost Donald V. Harper H. William Lurton Nancy Priedeman Paul and Barbara Courneya Peter and Carol Harris D.R. and Carol Luthringshauser Janet M. Prins Elizabeth H. Cowie Phebe S. Haugen Reid and Ann MacDonald Brad and Linda Quarderer Dr. James and Roberta Craig Ronald and Lisa Have Deborah and Brian Madson Myke Rachu and Judy Olsen Michael and Pamela Crandall Henry B. Hayden, Jr. Carl Mammel Anne Raiche Edward and Karayn Cunnington Bill Hensley Joanne Manthe Verna Rausch John and Elizabeth Curtin Lila Hertzberg Edward G. Maranda Joseph Reding Laurie and David Dahl John Hick Merritt and Betty Marquardt Fred Reese Mark Dale Peg and Jim Hicks Phillip H. Martin Joe and Mary Regenscheid Sheldon and Carol Damberg Richard and Carrie Higgins Stephanie Martineau Joseph Reid Robert and Patricia Danaher Joan Higinbotham Pat Martinson Peter and Jacqueline Reis John and Linda Danielson W.D. and Myra Hirsch James and Sydney Massee Rich and Jane Remiarz Tracie Decker and Gene Pittenger Susan M. Hoel Charles and Carolyn Mayo Russell and Kathryn Rhode Jerome Degerness Susanne Hollingsworth James McCarthy Bruce and Ilene Rice Karen Demarco Daniel and Mary Holmberg Tom and Sue McCarthy Bruce Richard James and Cynthia DeRuyter Stanley and Jane Hooper Donald and Deborah McCoy Jane H. Richards Aaron Desmond Ellyn Hosch and Lee Biersdorf Jayne and Patrick McCoy Thomas and Carolyn Richards Ariel Dickerman Norma Hovden Linda and Gregory McEwen Karen L. Richner Paul and M. Elizabeth Diethelm James and Ann Howard William and Elizabeth McGeveran Marcia and Robert Rinek Clara Dolan Richard and Meredith Howell Linda McGowan Nathaniel and Mary Robbins Frank C. Dowding Hoyt and Zhen Zhen Hsiao James L. McLaughlin Bryn Roberts and Marcy Jefferson Mark Draper Joan Humes David Mealman Robert and Cheryl Roediger Scott and Tracy Dumbauld June Husom and Rachel Husom Audrey C. Mears Robert and Joyce Rosene Mary H. Dunlap Julia and Eric Hynnek Thomas and Mary Meier Peter Rothe and Gail Amundson Eric Dunn and Lori Ricke Rex and Monica Ingram J. Milo and Mary Meland Mary Russell Agnes Dynes Stephen and Carol Jackson Martin Menk Tom and Julie Rydeen Elizabeth Dyson Todd and Mary Jacobson Cindy Mertens A. William and Susan Sands Hugh and Joyce Edmondson Suzanne P. Jebe Laurence and Linda Meyer Steven and Diane Sarafolean Albert and Helga Emrich Barry and Karmen Johnson Sharon Meyer and Rodney Massey Martin and Dorothy Sathre Betty Engebretson Carol and Darold Johnson Susan S. Meyers Mary Savina Robert and Sandra Erickson D. Ward and Charlotte Johnson Eric T. Michael Ginny Schafer Thomas Erickson and Katherine Dawn Johnson Russ and Jan Michaletz William and Glennis Schlukebier Solomonson Gary Johnson and Joan Hershbell Harold Michie and Darci Michie Elizabeth and Russell Schmidt Mark and Michelle Ettel Harry and Marian Johnson Deborah L. Miller Mark Schmidt and Susan Reid Armand and Ardis Falk Mary B. Johnson Kimerly Miller and Stephen Brookfield Carole and Lee Schram William J. Fasnacht Merry Johnson James and Carol Moller Lois Schulstad Nancy Feldman Pamela and Kevin Johnson Laura Mollet Laura Secord and Mary Coyne Joseph and Mary Finley Susan and Harry Jones Walter and Joan Mondale David Senf and Shannon Marting John and Therese Fitch Drs. Charles and Sally Jorgensen Bjorn and Margot Monson Molly T. Shields Woods Carolyn D. Fiterman Mary and Charles Jungmann David W. Montgomery Terry Shima and Maggie Lutz Charles Flinn and Elizabeth Hayden Dr. Max M. Kampelman Barbara and Mark Moormann Kenneth and Eleanor Siess Barbara Forster and Lawrence Bruce Kelley Tim and Lynn Moratzka Edward Silberman Hendrickson Michael Kelly The Samuel Morgan Fund of The Saint Robert B. Singer Phil and Caroline Fortmeyer Linda and Will Kenny Paul Foundation Gretchen and Jack Sjoholm Eleni Skevas and Michael Wright Benefactor: $15,000-$24,999 Corporate Matching Gifts The People of Minnesota Ray Skowyra and Marianne Short RAFT Charitable Foundation Ameriprise Financial, Inc. The Minnesota Historical Society James and Jenella Slade Frank W. Veden Charitable Trust Burlington Northern Santa Fe gratefully acknowledges the Curtis Sloan and Helen Duritsa Foundation people of Minnesota, who, through Jacqueline Sloan and Juanita Sloan Founder: $10,000-$14,999 The Carolyn Foundation appropriations made by the Legislature Thirza and Jim Smeal Emerald Foundation Deluxe Corporation Foundation and approved by the Governor, have Bradley Smith Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the H.B. Fuller Company Foundation supported the Society in its mission. Charles and Susanne Smith HRK Foundation General Mills Foundation Appropriations from the state’s Mrs. J. Bradner Smith IBM general fund as well as the new Arts Elizabeth and Jeffrey Snider Partner: $5,000-$9,999 Piper Jaffray Companies, Inc. and Cultural Heritage Fund / Legacy Wyman Spano and Marcia Avner 3M Foundation The Saint Paul Foundation Amendment are helping Minnesotans, Curt and Louise Speller Andersen Corporate Foundation Thrivent Financial for Lutherans across the state, to better understand John and Kathy Sproat Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation our past. Lisa Staber Foundation Robert Stanich and Jeanne Schleh Anonymous Premier Partners Tyrone Steen and Deidra Roefer-Steen The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Explore Minnesota Tourism Sheila Steiner Federated Insurance Company Xcel Energy Memorials Carole Stempfley and Gary Hillman Hardenbergh Foundation Gifts were received in memory of the Gary Stenson Marbrook Foundation Sponsors following individuals: Bill and Lois Stevens National History Day American Express Hazel S. Stoeckeler Piper Jaffray Companies, Inc. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Howard Albertson John and Barbara Strandell Margaret Rivers Fund UPM Blandin John Borchert Leanne and Jeffrey Stremcha Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota Jean Boulet Harlan and Elizabeth Strong In-Kind Captain William D. Bowell Tom and Arlene Swain Leader: $2,500-$4,999 3M Foundation Richard S. Cole Paul Sween and Margaret Simmons Friends of the Oliver H. Kelley Farm Bon Appétit Betsy Doermann Evelyn J. Swenson Grand Rapids Area Community D’Amico Catering John Englemann Selmer and Alice Syverson Foundation Ruttger’s Bay Lake Lodge Margaret Engstrom Larissa and Anil Tadavarthy The National Grange Spectacle Shoppe, Inc. George Flannery Stephen P. Thompson Phyllis S. Poehler and Walter E. Stremel A Time for Expression, LLC Russell Fridley Curtis and Nancy Thorpe Charitable Trust University of Minnesota Ticket Office Raymond Getty, Jr. Joan Tilney RBC Foundation - USA Valspar Foundation Reverend Peter John Gomes Janet and David Tilstra Securian Foundation Jane Nugent Green Betty Tisel and Sarah Farley Media Partners Kitty Hartnett Mr. and Mrs. E. Rodman Titcomb, Jr. Patron: $1,000-$2,499 89.3 The Current Jean Hendrix Christopher Tollafield Elmer L. and Eleanor J. Andersen City Pages Chuck Irrgang Marcia Townley Foundation KARE 11 Katie Johnson John Tradewell Lillian Wright and C. Emil Berglund Minnesota Public Radio Jane Greenfield Kern Blair and Linda Tremere Foundation myTalk 107.1 Arthur Klobe John and Beth Trerotola Corporate Commission of the Mille Pioneer Press Sydney Lange Susan and Sean Truman Lacs Band of Ojibwe Indians Star Tribune June Lewis A. Chase Turner and Elizabeth Byrne Great River Energy Irma McDearmon Ben and Debrah Vander Kooi HGA Architects and Engineers, LLC Donald Nyrop Steve and Joan Vincent Leonard, Street and Deinard Robert Olsen Karen Viskochil Foundation Esther Ring Raymond and Teresa Voelker Mayo Clinic Special Projects Cynthia L. Robb Steven and Tami Vosejpka The Minneapolis Foundation John Russell Lee and Mary Jo Wall National Society of Colonial Dames of The following donors made gifts in Roger Sahr Harry M. Walsh America in the State of Minnesota support of special initiatives that Blake Scattergood Charles and Susan Ward Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation, Inc. were completed in fiscal year 2011 or Mary Shepard Ann Warner The Saint Paul Foundation are in process: Jim Speckmann Tracey L. Watkin UBS Mary Elizabeth Sperl Howard and Joanne Weiner Union Pacific Foundation 3M Foundation Jeanne M. Stille William and Diana Weller Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Memorial Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Edward Swanson John and Annette Whaley Foundation Foundation Melissa Thomason Kenneth and Norma Wilcox Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Julie Titcomb Robert Wilke Sustaining: $500-$999 Saint Paul Foundation Levander Trust Frank and Frances Wilkinson Boston Scientific Corporation Best Buy Children’s Foundation Mary Vernon Mary William Gorilla Yogis Burlington Northern Santa Fe Mary S. Wilson Patricia Williams Pew Center for Arts and Heritage Foundation Tom Winter Mark and Susan Williamson Quaker Hill Foundation Bush Foundation John Wood Kent and Ann Wilson Rock Island Company City of Saint Paul John W. Windhorst, Jr. University of Minnesota Council of Regional Public Library Louis and Carole Winslow Wells Fargo History Museum System Administrators Elizabeth Witt Grotto Foundation Tributes William and Susan Wurster Contributing: $250-$499 Martha and Art Kaemmer Fund of HRK Gifts were received in honor of the Irma Wyman Chinese Heritage Foundation Friends Foundation following individuals: Lawrence and Ellen Yetka Delta Kappa Gamma Society Hardenbergh Foundation International Hognander Family Foundation Nina M. Archabal Friends of the Immigration History The Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation Michelle Cook and Mark Newstrom Research Center Keewaydin Chapter NSDAR Marian Geddes Corporations, Foundations and Jewish Community Center of the The Mosaic Company Nancy Gordon Organizations Greater Saint Paul Area National Endowment for the Clifford Johnson Lutsen Villa Association Humanities Lucy Jones and James Johnson Guarantor: $25,000+ Mills Fleet Farm National Historical Publications and Elizabeth G. Sullivan Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Mintáhoe Catering & Events Records Commission Foundation New Century Club National Museum of the American Indian General Mills Foundation Padilla Speer Beardsley, Inc. National Society of Colonial Dames of MAHADH Fund of the HRK Foundation Rhode Island State Grange America in the State of Minnesota George A. MacPherson Fund Foundation, Inc. Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, L.L.P. State of Minnesota The Women’s Club of Minneapolis Foundation Target Foundation Carl and Verna Schmidt Foundation MINNESOTA LEGACY MEMBERS Luverne Gustavson Angie M. and Charles W.* Nelson In addition, we are grateful to the The Society’s Minnesota Legacy Preston and Patricia Haglin Marybeth Nelson following individuals who have recognizes individuals who have made David and Kim Hakensen Mark and Gretchen Noordsy contributed gifts of $250 - $9,999 to a provision for the Society through Ruth Hale Donald W. Nyrop* the Society’s endowment. Donors to their estate plan, made an outright Caroll and Joann Hall Dr. Patrick A. O’Dougherty, PhD The Nina M. Archabal Fund for Museum gift of $10,000 or more to the Society’s Lois Hall and Phil Morton Odyssey Development, Inc. Programs are listed separately. endowment fund or established a Lyle Hall* Inez Oehlke named endowment fund at the Society. Marion J. Handt Constance S. Otis Anonymous (2) We are grateful to all Minnesota Alice Hanson Louise Otten Brian E. Anderson* Legacy members for their generosity Charles and Earleen Hanson Paul* and Allegra Parker David and Debra Andreas and foresight. Dale S. and Elizabeth D. Hanson E. M. Pearson Foundation Nina and John Archabal Paul and Krista Hanson Veloris J. Peterson Beito Foundation Anonymous (16) Margaret Hastings* Betty Eastman Peyton* Dorothy M. Bennett Jeff Allman Marshall and Elizabeth* Hatfield Thomas Turney Peyton* Crystal A. Clift* Eleanor* and Elmer L.* Andersen Reverend Richard L. Hillstrom Judith and Kurt* Pinke Betty Jayne and Kenneth H.* Dahlberg Brian E. Anderson* Mavis E. Hogan Julian G. Plante Elisabeth and Humphrey Doermann Roger E. Anderson Orville C. Hognander, Jr. Carl and Susan Platou Hiram and Ada Drache T.R.* and LaJean* Anderson Harriet T. Holden* Randall A. Pratt Ruth G. Dyer Allan Apter and Brenda Ion Ronald M.* and Margaret S. Hubbs Joan and Bill Reiling E. Daniel Eckberg Nina and John Archabal Karen A. and Charles W. Humphrey Ruth and Raymond* Reister Magdalin Espy Charles W. and Margaret Arnason Bruce and Terry Hutchins Robert Remington Eugene and Mary Frey Edward* and Eleanor Asplin Jane and Jerald Jackson Walter* and Elizabeth Ringer Caroll and Joann Hall Gordon Asselstine Marshall Jackson Evelyn Robinson* Cynthia Hall-Duran and Rico Duran Athwin Foundation Robert L. Jackson Jon and Delores Roeder Clayton Johnson Martha and Bruce Atwater James and Barbara Jeffers Judge James D. and Leanna M. Rogers Janet N. Jones Terry and Sharon Avent Lenore Jesness Ronald Rosenberg Thomas and Jean King John and Nancy* Baird Betty* and Bob Johnson Ken and Nina Rothchild John and Valerie Klobe Earl and Doris Bakken Clayton Johnson Jack and Ann Ruttger Marguerite C. Klobe Revocable Trust Morley C. Ballantine* Gerald W.* and Victoria Johnson Randolph and Tina Ruttger Thomas M. Kurihara Carl R. Barthelemy Kathryn A. Johnson* Noel Ann Ryan Ralph and Virginia Kurtzman Glenn E. Bartsch Jacqueline Nolte Jones* Robert L. Ryan Jane E. Larson* Samuel F. and Shirlee Ruttger Bates Lucy Rosenberry Jones Diane and Darryl Sannes Dyan Lawlor Bruce and Mary Bean Samuel and June Joy Otto* and Martha Schmaltz Charles and Hope Lea Margaret L. Belknap Art and Martha Kaemmer Stephen W. and Maureen D. Schroeder Harold and Carla LeVander Dorothy M. Bennett Henry N. Kaldahl John and Bernice Schwartau Iantha LeVander* Arthur Bergstrom and Alice Stelling Dr. Max M. Kampelman Judith A. Schwartau Vera Likins* Diane Berthel Lucile M. Kane* Nel Schweiss Betty and Whitney MacMillan Bryan Bjornson James and Jane Kaufman The Scrooby Foundation David and Kathrine Matthew Suzanne Blue Dorothy Kettner Rodney and Ruth Searle Robert and Marveen Minish Thelma Boeder Jan R. Kirst Marcel Luc Sell George and Judy Murakami Conley and Marney Brooks Art* and Peggy Klobe Marcia Shaw Doris Ocel James R. Brown David and Barbara Koch Mary Shepherd Bill and Anne Parker Beverly Bunday Jeanne Kogl Eugene C.* and Gail V. Sit Evelyn Robinson* Bruce A. Carlson Carl and Janet Kuhrmeyer Robert J. and Sarah-Maud* Sivertsen Louise D. Rose* Richard and Susan Chaffee Thomas M. Kurihara Deborah and Charles Skinner Noel Ann Ryan John A. and Katha L. Chamberlain Ralph and Virginia Kurtzman Kenneth R. Skjegstad The Saint Paul Foundation Jean* and Frank* Chesley Tara and Joseph LaFerla Dick and Ella Slade Nel Schweiss Judith A. Christensen B. Anita Lake-Maykoski Anthony and Heather Smith Robert J. Sivertsen Frederick* and Marcella Chute David Langworthy James P. Smith Vivian R. Skoog Crystal A. Clift* John and Colles Larkin Julien* and Charlotte Snowberg-Petit Peggy Steiner* Elizabeth H. Cowie Jane E. Larson* Henry Somsen* Travelers Property Casualty Company Sage and John Cowles Robert and Elaine Larson RoxAnn M. Splittstozer of America Betty Jayne and Kenneth H.* Dahlberg Charles and Hope Lea Jan and Bill Spoor Venetian Isle, Inc. Carol Daniels and Richard Jacker Tom and Rhoda Lewin Richard and Carol Stahl Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Memorial Barbara Jo Davis Ward B.* and Susan E.* Lewis Robert Stanich and Jeanne Schleh Foundation Mary Lee Dayton Vera Likins* Peggy Steiner* Women’s Organization of the Richard V. and Shirley* DeLeo Tienne Linden Sharron and Oren Steinfeldt Minnesota Historical Society Elisabeth* and Humphrey Doermann Christine M. Linsmayer Lorraine G. Stewart Elise R. Donohue Jean R. Ljungkull Loretta Stutsman * Deceased Frank C. Dowding Robert* and M. Jane Loeffler Walter and Mary Jane* Trenerry ** Matching Gift Hiram and Ada Drache Norman Lorentzsen Emily Anne and Gedney Tuttle Robert Drake Lydia Lucas John W. Twiggs* Peter and Isabelle Dyck Betty and Whitney MacMillan John H. Tysk Ruth G. Dyer Thomas G. Mairs Mary L. Vernon* E. Daniel Eckberg Deane and Nancy Manolis Paul and Carolyn Verret Roy and Leslie Edwards Elisabeth C. Mason Wesley and Cheryl Volkenant Virgil T. Fallon James and Sydney Massee Charles and Susan Ward Peter* and Gertrude* Ffolliott Fred Mathison Family Trust Sandra Waterman Litton* and Nancy Field E. Neil and Marilyn Mattson Reverend David B. Wheeler H. Richard Fischer Robert W. Maynard Renata Winsor Rodney H. Forristall Donald and Alice McIlrath Eleanor and Frederick Winston Bryan and Diane Forsyth The McKnight Foundation Thomas Winter* Maryfaith and Michael Fox Robert and Roberta Megard Jean C. Wirsig Richard and Helen Frye Peg Meier and Rebecca Lindholm Women’s Organization of the Alfred P. Gale Joseph S. and Jane Y. Micallef Minnesota Historical Society Donald and Adele Garretson Robert and Marveen Minish Judith Gavin Richard Moe * Deceased Agnes A. Gerlach Henry* and Donna Morgan Johanna A. Ghei Clinton and Mary* Morrison Rhoda R. Gilman Carlton* and Corinne Myers Marian and William Glew Byron Napier Loris Sofia Gregory George W. Neilson Foundation THE NINA M. ARCHABAL John Crippen and Sheila Stuhlman Martha and Art Kaemmer Fund of the Clinton and Mary Morrison ENDOWMENT FUND FOR MUSEUM Ella P. Crosby HRK Foundation Mr. Roger Murnane PROGRAMS Andy Currie and Ames Sheldon Andrea and Kevin Kajer Katherine and Kingsley Murphy The Minnesota Historical Society Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cutting Miriam Kelen Ed and Mary Nakasone recognizes individuals who have made Christopher and Kathryn Czech John Keller and Sandra Jo Shill Godan and Savithry Nambudiripad a gift in honor of the Society’s former Ken and Betty Jayne Dahlberg Mr. William R. Kelley Joe and Beth Naughton director, Nina M. Archabal. Carol Daniels and Richard Jacker David Kelliher and Margaret Anderson Angie Nelson Davis Family Kelliher Dean M. Nelson The Nina M. Archabal Endowment Michael and Celia Davis The Martin and Esther Kellogg Fund of Raleigh P. and Barbara B. Nelson Fund for Museum Programs will Mary Lee Dayton The Saint Paul Foundation Merritt C. Nequette support a wide range of programs at Ruth and Bruce Dayton Elizabeth J. Keyes Mary Newell the Society’s museums and historic Cy and Paula DeCosse Patricia G. Kielb The Nicholson Family Foundation, sites. From exhibitions of local and Richard V. DeLeo Lyndel and Blaine King Fund of Fidelity Richard and Nancy Nicholson Fund national importance, to innovative and Charles M. Denny, Jr. Charitable Gift Fund Lucille Nickolay engaging programs for students and The Dietz Family Fund of The Saint Tom King Alison Noble families, and the acquisition and care Paul Foundation Margee and Bob Kinney Paul Oberhaus and Diana Adamson of collections that tell our Minnesota Roland and Beth Dille Robert and F. Alexandra Klas William and Elinor Ogden stories, the fund will help sustain a Mary M. Dobmeier Gloria Knoblauch Mary Kay O’Hearn vibrant museum program for years to Humphrey and Elisabeth Doermann Peggy Korsmo-Kennon Ed and Charty Oliver come. Mrs. Florence Doyle Luanne Koskinen Ben and Rita Olk Hiram and Ada Drache Roger and Donna Kufus Phyllis Olson Anonymous (25) Joan R. Duddingston Joanne and David B. Laird, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Ordway, Jr. Helen Aase Ruth G. Dyer and Luverne Gustavson Jeffrey and Gretchen Lang Duane and Timya Owen The Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Jean and Bob Eidsvold Karen A. and Russell H. Larsen Anita M. Pampusch and Frank J. Saint Paul Foundation Bert and Iverne Enestvedt Dr. Bruce L. Larson Indihar, MD Donna M. Anderson Linda Engberg Dave Larson Allegra W. Parker Elwood and Judy Anderson E. Duane and Marlene Engstrom William E. Lass Donald J. Pearce Kathleen Clarke Anderson Gertrude Esteros John J. LaVine Gerald and Donna Peterson Marcia G. Anderson Joan M. Fagerlie Don and Joann Leavenworth Eugene L. Piccolo Martha S. Anderson Ester and John Fesler M. John and Therese A. Lebens Tad and Cindy Piper Dr. Roger E. Anderson Katie and Rick Fournier Tom and Mary Gerry Lee Julian G. Plante Rolf T. Anderson Maryfaith and Michael Fox Leeward Landing Fund of The Dominic Plucinski and Jean Launspach Mrs. Wm. R. Anderson, Jr. Mrs. Orville L. Freeman Minneapolis Foundation George C. Power, Jr. Family Fund of John E. Andrus III William Frenzel Allen and Nancy Levine The Saint Paul Foundation Ankeny Family Fund of The Neena/Ram Gada Family Charitable Tom and Rhoda Lewin Tom and Laura Rasmussen Minneapolis Foundation Fund Steve and Judy Lewis Florence M. Regan Abbot G. Apter The Garofalo Foundation of The Saint Peg and Dick Lidstad Peter and Jacqueline Reis Allan L. Apter and Brenda Ion Paul Foundation Bernie Lieder Ruth Reister Charles and Peggy Arnason Fund of Donald and Adele Garretson Dorothy Lilja Rod Richter the St. Croix Valley Foundation Agnes Gerlach Katherine R. Lillehei Elizabeth M. Ringer Sharon and Terry Avent Millie Gignac Mr. Lew Linde Sandra Bemis Roe Duncan H. Baird Robert and Phyllis Goff Christine M. Linsmayer Jon and Delores Roeder John S. Baker Rosemary H. and David F. Good Family Jean Ljungkull Ken and Nina Rothchild Richard Gale Ballantine Foundation Bill Lurton Curtis and Joan Roy Mary A. Bang John and Virginia Greenman Beverly Machacek Shelly and Steve Rucks Paul Bard Greycoach Foundation Nancy and Warren MacKenzie Matilda and Bob Rupp Samuel F. and Shirlee Ruttger Bates Jennifer Gross and Jerry LeFevre Betty and Whitney MacMillan Anders Rydaker Monsignor William Baumgaertner Grotto Foundation W. Duncan and Nivin MacMillan Robert and Elizabeth Sande Betty Bear Hannibal and Robbie Haase Foundation Roxanne Sands The Beito Foundation Mark and Kathryn Tokar Haidet Charlie and Teri Mahar Earl S. and Barbara Flanagan Sanford Diane Berthel Raymond and Sally Haik Dusty and George Mairs Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund C. Bisson and R. Miller David and Kim Hakensen Thomas G. Mairs Michael and Shirley Santoro Marlene and Ned Bixby Ruth Hale Mary Lou and John Marschall Rose Mary Satack Dennis and Nancy Blenis Cynthia Hall-Durán and Rico Durán The Margaret Wallin Marvin Fund of Barney and Patricia Saunders Suzanne Blue Marion J. Handt Minnesota Community Foundation C. Perry and Lola Schenk Susan S. Boren James Haselmann James and Sydney Massee Hugh and Margaret Schilling Harlan Boss Foundation for the Arts Lorraine S. Hasselquist E. Neil and Marilyn Mattson Linda Schloff W. Andrew and Linda Boss Marshall and Elizabeth Hatfield Susan B. McCarthy Mary E. Schlosser and Stewart J. Hazel Steve A. and Gail G. Brand Jody A. Hauer Walt McCarthy and Clara Ueland Joyce and Jim Schnobrich Thomas J. Braun Douglas Heidenreich Judy and Malcolm W. McDonald Family John N. Schoen Jean and Carl Brookins Howard Heinzen Charitable Account of the Fidelity Dana and Jon Schroeder Marney B. Brooks HGA Architects & Engineers Charitable Gift Fund John, Bernice and Judy Schwartau Roger and Ronnie Brooks Louis F. and Kathrine E. Hill Dick and Joyce H. McFarland Family The Scrooby Foundation Robert A. and Susan K. Burns Gayle Hjellming Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Rod and Ruth Searle Rod and Barbara Burwell Diane and Tony Hofstede Linda McGowan David Senf Patrick and Twiss Butler Hognander Family Foundation Donald and Alice McIlrath Irving and Janet Shapiro Darrell Butterwick Joan E. Holmes Peter and Mary McKenna Lucy and Stan Shepard Jack and Jean Buys Eileen and Eunice Holz Wendy and Malcolm McLean Daniel Shogren Ann Calvert Tim and Glenda Hoogland Mary Bigelow McMillan Helen F. Silha Elsa Carpenter and Barney Barton James and Ann Howard Hugh and Mary Meier Anne Simpson Nicky B. Carpenter Margaret S. Hubbs and Family Peg Meier Eugene C. and Gail V. Sit Foundation Thomas and Anne Carrier Dr. and Mrs. Bill Hueg John and Lillian Meyer Paul and Erika Sitz Albert W. Cherne Foundation Karen A. and Charles W. Humphrey Sara Meyer Robert J. Sivertsen Judith A. Christensen Ruby M. Hunt Thomas Meyer and Martha Meyer-Von Kenneth Skjegstad Donn and Mary Coddington Huss Foundation Blon Elizabeth L. Smith David and Harriet Conkey Chuck and Marie Irrgang Joseph and Jane Micallef Ed and Harriet Spencer Jeanne and David Cornish Jane and Jerald Jackson Evelyn Miller Eileen Spencer Judith and Richard Corson Clayton Johnson Robert and Marveen Minish Jan and Bill Spoor Page and Jay Cowles James E. Johnson Donald and Patricia Moberg Richard and Carol Stahl Sage and John Cowles Josie R. Johnson Robert and Deborah Montgomery Sharron and Oren Steinfeldt Cassie and Dan Cramer Mrs. Janet N. Jones Donna Morgan Patrick T. and Susan Kenny Stevens Alyce M. Cranston Lucy R. Jones Angus T. Morrison Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Simon Stevens and Maggie Thurer The E. M. Pearson Foundation Fund The Otto and Martha Schmaltz MILLE LACS INDIAN MUSEUM Bill Stoeri and Sue Johnston The Julien Petit Fund Education Fund The Harry D. and Jeannette Ayer Fund Edward C. and Virginia L. Stringer The Sarah-Maud Weyerhaeuser for the Mille Lacs Museum Loretta L. Stutsman Sivertsen Fund** Exhibitions The Summer Fund on behalf of Harry The Walter and Mary Jane Trenerry The Marney and Conley Brooks Fund MINNESOTA RIVER VALLEY G. McNeely, Jr. Fund for the History Center HISTORIC SITES Arlene and Tom H. Swain The Paul and Carolyn Verret Fund The George W. Wells, Jr., and Mary The Nel Schweiss Fund for Minnesota Eleanor Swanson The Eleanor and Fred Winston Fund** Cobb Wells Exhibition Fund River Valley Historic Sites Bruce and Julia Taber Josephine B. Teare Collections Historic Preservation Missy Staples Thompson An Anonymous Fund for Acquisition The Suzanne Sweasy Blue Fund for HISTORIC SITE Deb Thorp and Kathleen Murphy and Care of Three-Dimensional Historic Preservation, Especially The Alexander Ramsey House Historic Rachel Tooker and Randy Roberts Objects with and for Minnesota’s County and Site Endowment Fund James and Ollie Tuff An Anonymous Fund for Three- Local Historical Organizations** Emily Anne Staples Tuttle Dimensional Objects The Horace F. and Esther J. SIBLEY HOUSE HISTORIC SITE Elaine U. Underdahl The T. R. Anderson Rare Collections Chamberlain Fund for Historic The Dorothy M. Bennett Fund for Dr. Carol Urness Acquisitions Fund Preservation Historic Sibley House Paul and Carolyn Verret The Ballinger/Boeder Fund for The Mary E. Lahiff Historic Preservation The Robert and Marveen Minish Fund General John and Avis Vessey Collections and Historic Sites Fund for Buildings in Minneapolis for the Sibley House Rosalie E. Wahl The Arthur Franklin Bergstrom Fund The Charlie Nelson Fund for Historic Ann Warner for Collections Preservation SPLIT ROCK LIGHTHOUSE Sandra Waterman The Josephine L. Darling Fund for The Otto and Martha Schmaltz Fund The Allan L. Apter and Brenda J. Ion Miss Mary A. Webster Preservation of Manuscripts for the Grey Cloud Island Lime Kiln Fund for Split Rock Lighthouse The William and Barbara Welke The Lila Johnson Goff Collections Property The Odyssey Development Corporation Charitable Fund of Vanguard Endowment Fund The Henry N. Somsen Fund for Historic Fund Charitable Endowment Program The Loris Sofia Gregory Art Fund Preservaton** Don and Sue Wester The F. T. Gustavson Fund for Museum HISTORICAL SUBJECT Nancy and Ted Weyerhaeuser Collections Historic Sites – General Sites An Anonymous Fund for Norwegian John P. and Annette Whaley The David and Kim Hakensen Fund for The Richard and Shirley DeLeo Fund American History John and Sandy White Collections for Historic Sites The Eugenie M. Anderson Women in Wheelock Whitney and Kathleen Blatz The Ronald and Margaret Hubbs The Gerald W. and Victoria K. Johnson Public Affairs Fund Ken and Norma Wilcox Collection Acquisition Fund Fund for Historic Sites The Atherton and Winifred (Wollaeger) Carl Wild The Bruce and Terry Hutchins Fund The Vera Stanton Memorial Fund Bean Fund for Business History Eleanor and Frederick Winston The Carl and Helen Winton Jones Fund The Women’s Organization of the The Richard and Susan Withy Chaffee In memory of John Wood for Archives and Manuscripts Minnesota Historical Society Historic Fund for the History of Philanthropy Alan R. Woolworth The Herschel V. Jones Collections Sites Enhancement Fund in Minnesota** Zita Hawley Wright Acquisitions Fund The James Taylor Dunn Fund for St. The Sam and June Joy Family Historic Sites – Specific Sites Croix Valley History Endowment Fund for Collections The Dale S. and Elizabeth D. Hanson The Jean R. Ljungkull Textile Fund The Comstock Memorial Fund for the Fund for Swedish American History Endowment FUNDS The Lydia Lucas Fund for Archives and Comstock House The Harriet Thwing Holden Fund for The Society is grateful to donors Library Processing The Hiram M. and Ada Drache Fund for American Indian History who have established more than 169 The E. Neil and Marilyn Mattson Fund the Comstock House The Ken and Nina Rothchild Fund endowment funds. Funds starred for Collections for Business History and Women’s (**) were newly created during fiscal The John Nelson Fund For U.S./Dakota History year 2011. For more information on War and Civil War Collections The Evelyn Robinson Fund for the The Joseph and Josephine Ruttger establishing a fund, please call 651- The Dr. Patrick O’Dougherty Fund for Forest History Center Descendants Fund 259-3121. Collections The Richard and Carol Stahl Fund for The John, Bernice and Judy Schwartau The Roger Preuss Endowment for the the Forest History Center Fund for Agriculture and Rural Life Unrestricted Arts Fund The Emily Anne Staples Tuttle Fund for An Anonymous Fund (2) The Louise D. Rose Fund for Processing JAMES J. HILL HOUSE HISTORIC SITE Women’s History** The Nina and John Archabal Fund The Sibley Flandrau Stewart Fund for The Elisabeth W. Doermann Fund for The Terry and Sharon Avent Fund Museum Collections the James J. Hill House LIBRARY PROGRAMS The Julian B. Baird Fund The Carl A. Weyerhaeuser Rare Books The Janet L. Erickson Hill House Fund The Alice M. Hanson Fund for the The Morley C. Ballantine Fund Fund The Gertrude Hill Boeckmann Ffolliott Library The Isabella and Leo Capser Fund The Henrietta W. Willius Conservation Fund for the James J. Hill House The Clayton and Jean Johnson Fund The Wallace and Mary Lee Dayton Fund for the Library** Fund** HISTORIC FORESTVILLE The Dorothy Hagen Kettner Fund for The Elise Rosenberry Donohue Fund in Education The Florence Donohue Fund for Library and Archives Memory of Her Mother Sarah-Maud An Anonymous Fund for use by the Historic Forestville The William H. Likins, Jr. Memorial Weyerhaeuser Sivertsen** Education Department for History Library Fund The Anna E.R. Furness Fund Day** HISTORIC FORT SNELLING The Peg Meier Fund for Publications The Charles and Earleen Hanson Fund The Jinx Edwards and Ione Brown The William L. Anderson Military and the Library The Marshall R. and Elizabeth Hatfield Fund Medical History Fund The RoxAnn M. Splittstozer Fund for Fund The Kenneth and Betty Jayne Dahlberg The Agnes Gerlach Fund for Historic Library Programs The Donald and Gladys Henslin Fund Fund** Fort Snelling The Helen Henton Fund The Dr. E. Daniel Eckberg Fund for The Robert Loring Jackson Fund for The Karen A. and Charles W. Humphrey Education** Historic Fort Snelling Fund for Minnesota History** The Hall Family Scholarship Fund The Charles and Hope Lea Family The Lucy Rosenberry Jones Fund in The Jacqueline Nolte Jones Fund for Fund for Historic Fort Snelling and Memory of Her Mother Sarah-Maud Education Unrestricted Use** Weyerhaeuser Sivertsen** The Ralph and Virginia Kurtzman Fund The Noel Ann Ryan Fund The Waring Jones Fund for History Day** The Renata R. Winsor Fund for Historic The Martha and Art Kaemmer Fund The Elizabeth and Whitney MacMillan Fort Snelling The Helen Katz Fund Education Fund ** The Joseph and Marie Winter Family The Elsie A. Keasling Fund The Joseph S. and Jane Y. Micallef Fund for Historic Fort Snelling The Robert and Alexandra Klas Fund** Education Fund The Tom and Rhoda Lewin Fund The Marybeth Nelson Fund for CHARLES A. LINDBERGH HOUSE The Fred and Elvina Mathison Fund Education HISTORIC SITE The Robert W. Maynard Fund** The Noel Fund for History Players The Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Site The Donald and Alice McIlrath Fund The Jon A. and Delores J. Roeder Fund Endowment Fund The Glen and Inez Oehlke Family Fund for Education MILL CITY MUSEUM The Charles E. Flandrau Research minnesota historical society minnesota historical society The Ed and Elly Asplin Fund for Mill Leave Fund EXECUTIVE COUNCIL HONORARY COUNCIL City Museum The Alfred P. and Leona Gale Fund* As of June 30, 2011 As of June 30, 2011 The Charles H. and Lucy Winton Bell The Mavis E. Hogan Fund for Endowment Fund Genealogical Research Officers Lowell C. Anderson The Chute Family Fund for Mill City The Hognander History Award Fund William R. Stoeri, President Russell Anderson Museum The Lenore Jesness Fund for Sharon Avent, Vice President D.H. Ankeny Jr. The Sage and John Cowles Fund Genealogical Research Ram Gada, Vice President Charles W. Arnason The Whitney Eastman Fund for Mill The Kuhrmeyer Family Fund for Paul Verret, Vice President Norbert Arnold City Museum Information Technology D. Stephen Elliott, Secretary Earl Bakken The Paul S. and Aileen M. Gerot Fund The Charles A. Lindbergh Memorial Missy Staples Thompson, Treasurer Bruce W. Bean for Mill City Museum Fund Gretchen U. Beito The David and Barbara Koch Fund for The Betty Scandrett Oehler Fund Executive Council Marney B. Brooks Mill City Museum The Kenneth R. Skjegstad Fund for Abbot G. Apter Thomas C. Buckley The McKnight Foundation Fund for Mill Minnesota History Sharon Avent Mary Griggs Burke City Museum The Stans Lectureship Fund Suzanne Blue Clarke A. Chambers The Morrison Family Fund for Mill City The Earl K. and Ruth N. Tanbara Fund Brenda J. Child Kenneth Dahlberg Museum for Japanese American History in Judith S. Corson John B. Davis Jr. The Paul and Allegra Parker Fund for Minnesota Mark Davis Richard DeLeo Mill City Museum Michael L. Davis Charlton Dietz The G. Richard Slade Fund for Mill City STATEWIDE OUTREACH D. Stephen Elliott Roland P. Dille Museum An Anonymous Fund for Northwestern Ram Gada Elisabeth W. Doermann* The Jan and Bill Spoor Fund Minnesota History Phyllis Rawls Goff Hiram M. Drache The Mary Vernon Fund for Mill City The Jean and Frank Chesley Fund William D. Green Elizabeth S. Driscoll Museum for Local and County Historical James T. Hale Jeanne Dunsworth* The Harrison Hayes Whiting Fund Societies Ruth S. Huss Richard L. Ferrell The George W. Neilson Fund for Martha Kaemmer Alfred P. Gale MINNESOTA’S GREATEST Northwestern Minnesota David M. Larson Rhoda R. Gilman GENERATION The John Newton and Julia Morrow Charles Mahar Margaret L. Gunther The Marney and Conley Brooks Fund Peyton Fund Dean M. Nelson Marshall R. Hatfield for Minnesota’s Greatest Generation Richard H. Nicholson Karen A. Humphrey The Arthur H. and Marguerite C. Klobe ** New Funds Peter R. Reis Lucy R. Jones Minnesota’s Greatest Generation Simon Stevens Max M. Kampelman Fund** William R. Stoeri Sylvia C. Kaplan The Norman and Helen Lorentzsen Edward C. Stringer Alexandra Klas Fund for Minnesota’s Greatest Karen Wilson Thissen Robert C. Klas Generation Missy Staples Thompson David A. Koch The Don Nyrop Fund in Honor of the Paul Verret Elizabeth S. MacMillan Great People He Worked With While Eleanor Winston E. Neil Mattson President of Northwest Airlines, Mary Ann McCoy* 1954-1984 Ex-Officio Council Members Donald C. McIlrath, M.D. The Carl and Susan Platou Fund for Mark Dayton, Governor Peg Meier Minnesota’s Greatest Generation Yvonne Prettner Solon, Lieutenant William Melton Governor Joseph S. Micallef ORAL HISTORY Mark Ritchie, Secretary of State Richard Moe The Rodney N. Searle Fund for Oral Lori Swanson, Attorney General Walter F. Mondale History Rebecca Otto, State Auditor Richard T. Murphy Sr. Dr. Larry G. Osnes PHOTOGRAPHY Appointed Management Fred Perez The Virginia P. Moe Fund for the Nina Archabal, Director and Ruth Reister Acquisition and Preservation of Chief Executive Officer Kennon V. Rothchild Historic Photographs (retired Dec. 31, 2010) Curtis L. Roy D. Stephen Elliott, Director and Ramedo J. Saucedo PROCESSING Chief Executive Officer Rodney N. Searle The Kathryn A. Johnson Fund for (beginning May 2011) Janet R. Shapiro Manuscript Processing Michael Fox, Interim Director and Chief Robert J. Sivertsen Executive Officer, Chief Operating F.L. Spanier PUBLIC AFFAIRS Officer and Deputy Director, William H. Spoor The Richardson B. Okie Fund for Public Programs (retired May 2011) Walter N. Trenerry Affairs Pat Gaarder, Director, Human Emily Anne Tuttle Resources and Volunteer Services, Ret. Gen. John Vessey PUBLICATIONS Interim Deputy Director, Programs Gerald Vizenor The Elmer L. and Eleanor Andersen Andrea Hart Kajer, Deputy Director, Vernell Wabasha Publications Fund External Relations Hon. Rosalie Wahl The June D. Holmquist Publications Cassie Cramer, Director, Development Lorenzo D. Williams and Research Fund John Crippen, Director, Historic The Frank Dowding Mirador Fund for Sites and Museums * Deceased the Minnesota History Quarterly Robert Horton, Director, Library, Journal of the Minnesota Historical Publications and Collections Society Chuck Irrgang*, Chief Financial Officer, The Henry and Donna Morgan Fund for Finance and Administration Research and Publications David Kelliher, Director, Public Policy and Community Relations SPECIAL FUNDS Karen Marano, Interim Director, An Anonymous Fund Human Resources An Anonymous Fund for Paintings Rose Sherman, Director, Enterprise Conservation Technology and Business The Nina M. Archabal Endowment Development Fund for Museum Programs Dan Spock, Director, Minnesota History The Earl E. Bakken Fund for Creativity Center Museum and Innovation Lory Sutton, Director, Marketing and Communications

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If your name has been To view a copy of the Society’s 2011 Annual Report online, inadvertently omitted or incorrectly listed, please call the Development Office at visit 651-259-3115 or 1-888-239-4440. Minnesota Historical Society, 345 Kellogg Boulevard West, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102