555772Bk Anchieta EC 24/10/2003 1:51 Pm Page 1
555772bk Anchieta EC 24/10/2003 1:51 pm Page 1 SPANISH CLASSICS • EARLY MUSIC Juan de ANCHIETA Missa Sine Nomine Salve Regina Capilla Peñaflorida • Ministriles de Marsias • Josep Cabré 555772bk Anchieta EC 24/10/2003 1:51 pm Page 16 Mulier ecce filius tuus. Woman, behold thy son. Deinde ad discipulum: Then to the disciple he said: Ecce mater tua. Behold thy mother. Dominus tecum. The Lord be with you. % Agnus Dei % Agnus Dei Agnus Dei, qui tollis O Lamb of God, that takest peccata mundi, away the sins of the world, miserere nobis. have mercy upon us. Agnus Dei, qui tollis O Lamb of God that takest peccata mundi, away the sins of the world, miserere nobis. have mercy upon us. Agnus Dei, qui tollis O Lamb of God, that takest peccata mundi, away the sins of the world, dona nobis pacem. grant us thy peace. ^ Communio: Beata viscera ^ Communio: Beata viscera Beata viscera Mariae Virginis, Blessed is the womb of the Virgin Mary, quae portaverunt aeterni Patris Filium. that bore the Son of the eternal Father. & Antiphon: Salve Regina & Antiphon: Salve Regina Salve Regina, mater misericordiae, Hail Queen, Mother of Mercy, vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Our life, sweetness and hope, hail. Ad te clamamus, exsules filii Hevae. To thee do we cry, banished children of Eve. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes To thee we sigh, mourning and weeping in hac lacrimarum valle. in this vale of tears. Eia ergo, Advocata nostra, Turn then, our Advocate, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. thine eyes of mercy towards us.
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