Long Island : Its Early Days and Development Brooklyn, N.Y
ITS EARLY DAYS AND DEVELOPMENT ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS By EUGENE L ARMBRUSTER 19 14, by E. Z Ambmakr) 2 Eagle Library-LONG ISLAND; ITS EARLY DAB AND DEVELOPMENT. The Queens County Trust Company Offices and Safe Deposit Vaults, 3 75 Fulton St., Jamaica, A. Y. CAPITAL, $600,000.00 BANKING DEPARTMENT Deposits Subject to Checks. Special Deposits not Subject to Check. Interest Allowed on Daily Balances. Foreign Exchange, Travelers Cheques TRUST DEPARTMENT Executor Estates Managed Administrator Registrar Guardian Transfer Agent Trustee Legal Depository for Receiver moneys paid into Court SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Boxes rented $5.00 per year and upward. Robert B. Austin, Pres. Willis H. Young, V. Pres. Thomas Napier, V. Pres- W. E. Stecher, Sect');. Leander B. Faber, Counsel. Queens County Trust Co., Jamaica, Queens Borough. Conducts a General Banking Business. BRANCH OFFICE I Queens Plaza North, Long Island City, N. Y. ) Eagle Library-LONG ISLAND; ITS EARLY DAYS AND DEVELOPMENT. DR. BERNARD LISSEY One of Queens Borough's leading dentists is Dr. Bernard Lissey, with offices at 339 Fulton street,. Jamaica, and his dental operating room, a picture of which is shown above, has been declared the best equipped and the most elaborate and costly on Long Island. As an artisan is judged by his tools and ~lisworkmanship, so a dentist is judged by his appliances and his pleased or displeased patrons. The fact that Dr. Lissey has a large clientele and that his pa- tients invariably leave his office with pleased expressions on their faces, is sufficient proof of Dr. Lissey's worth. Dr. Lissey desires to please his patrons by not only giving them the best possible workmanship and dental surgery under absolute aseptic conditions, but by giving surrounding cleanliness and comfort.
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