National US History Bee Round 8

1. This book was the first to examine the separation of spheres of men and women. The author of this book traces the title concept back to the Puritan Founding. The author of this book was accompanied on his trip by Gustave de Beaumont and toured various prisons in the United States before writing it. What classic tome was written by Alexis de Tocqueville? ANSWER: On Democracy in America [or De la démocratie en Amérique] 066-13-92-08101 2. This family had a female member who married actor Peter Lawford and another female member who married and founded the Special Olympics. This family lost one member when he was killed by Sirhan Sirhan and another member was involved in the Chappaquiddick scandal. What is this family of Attorney General Robert and Massachusetts Senator Teddy? ANSWER:

052-13-92-08102 3. This offensive was motivated by an image of the Dignity Battalions attacking Billy Ford with a metal pipe. Guillermo Endera was secretly sworn in prior to this initiative, in which rock music was blasted as part of Operation Nifty Package. It was code-named Operation Just Cause, and it ousted Manuel Noriega. What 1989 invasion did the US carry out in a Central American country with a canal? ANSWER: US invasion of Panama [or Operation Just Cause prior to mention; accept just Panama after "invasion" is read] 020-13-92-08103 4. This industry was tarnished by the drug-fueled death of Eddie Guerrero and murders committed by Chris Benoit. This industry employed a man known as "The Body," who later became a Reform Party Governor of Minnesota; that man is Jesse Ventura. What is this sports entertainment industry whose superstars included Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan? ANSWER: professional wrestling

052-13-92-08104 5. This event inspired the burning of the Peggy Stewart in Annapolis. In response to this event, the first of the Intolerable Acts was passed, closing the place where it occurred to commerce. This event was perpetrated by the Sons of Liberty while dressed in Mohawk costumes. What event involved dumping crates of a namesake substance overboard in a Massachusetts harbor? ANSWER: Boston Tea Party 066-13-92-08105 6. This President worked on an electoral campaign with Mark Hanna in which this man stayed in Canton, Ohio, as part of a front-porch campaign. Four years later as the incumbent, this man ran on a campaign of a "full dinner pail" against the same opponent, William Jennings Bryan. What President twice defeated Bryan while running in the elections of 1896 and 1900? ANSWER: William McKinley 023-13-92-08106

National US History Bee 8 Page 1 of 5 7. This location's lockers had a bomb planted in them by Croatian nationalists in 1976. The ceiling of its Main Concourse features a night sky mural by Paul Helleu. An iconic four-faced clock in this location spawned the expression "meet me under the clock". It was conferred protection after the deplorable destruction of Penn Station. What major train terminal is located in New York City? ANSWER: Grand Central Terminal [or Grand Central Station] 066-13-92-08107 8. This man's book Triumphant Democracy argues that the British monarchy is inferior to the American government. This man advocated charity in his article "The Gospel of Wealth." This industrialist left Henry Clay Frick in charge during the Homestead Strike and eventually sold out to J.P. Morgan. What Scottish industrialist formed a Pittsburgh based steel company? ANSWER: Andrew Carnegie

052-13-92-08108 9. This year saw two Black Hawk helicopters shot down in the first Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia. At the end of a two-month long siege by FBI agents in this year, the Waco compound burned down, killing many Branch Davidians. In this year a bomb exploded in a basement garage of the World Trade Center. NAFTA was signed in this year. What year was Clinton inaugurated? ANSWER: 1993 066-13-92-08109 10. This composer’s music was published by John Stillwell Stark and included songs such as “Easy Winners.” He was inspired by a Theodore Roosevelt speech to composer “The Strenuous Life,” and one of his pieces was possibly named for the Maple Leaf Club. Who is this composer of songs such as “The Entertainer” and is considered the father of ragtime music? ANSWER: Scott Joplin 030-13-92-08110 11. This event occurred simultaneously with the Day of Absence, an economic boycott by women. This event led to the National Park Service discontinuing its function of providing crowd size estimates. Rosa Parks, Jesse Jackson, and Maya Angelou spoke at this 1995 event, as did Louis Farrakhan. What was this Nation of Islam-led gathering of black males in Washington? ANSWER: the Million Man March 019-13-92-08111 12. This act's inclusion of courts "exercising ecclesiastical jurisdiction" led colonists to fear religious repression. A congress named for this act produced the Declaration of Rights and Grievances. This act was repealed in conjunction with the approval of the Declaratory Act. What act required printed materials to be produced on paper with the namesake object? ANSWER: Stamp Act 1765 [or Duties in American Colonies Act 1765] 066-13-92-08112 13. This case is the subject of John Hart Ely’s “The Wages of Crying Wolf”. Byron White’s dissent in this case stated that the decision was “an improvident and exercise” of judicial review. Decided on the same day as Doe v. Bolton, this case relied on the implied right of privacy in the fourteenth amendment and developed the trimester framework. What is this Supreme Court case that overturned laws restricting abortion? ANSWER: Roe v. Wade 048-13-92-08113

National US History Bee 8 Page 2 of 5 14. This state is the site of the oldest synagogue still standing in the U.S., the Touro Synagogue. This state was where Governor Samuel King and Charterites fought suffrage reformers. This state was where Samuel Slater set up his first textile mill in the U.S. and where the 1840's Dorr Rebellion took place. What is this state which emerged out of settlements at the Providence Plantations? ANSWER: Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

052-13-92-08114 15. This election featured a candidate who promised to "stand at armageddon and battle for the lord." Champ Clark and Judson Harmon sought the Democratic nomination in this election. A former president who ran in this election on a "New Nationalism" platform compared himself to a "bull moose." What is this election in which the Republican vote split between William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt, leading to the victory of Woodrow Wilson? ANSWER: Election of 1912 080-13-92-08115 16. This agreement arose out of a land grab by Governor William Lane, and it was motivated by William Marcy's desire for a Transcontinental Railroad. One side in this agreement gave the other ten million dollars to resolve a dispute around the Mesilla Valley left standing by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In what agreement did Mexico give the United States the present-day territory of Arizona and New Mexico? ANSWER: Gadsden Purchase 080-13-92-08116 17. This statute claimed that any act to repeal it would be infringing on natural rights. This statute was an important precursor to the First Amendment of the Constitution. This statute is referenced on an epitaph along with the University of Virginia and the Declaration of Independence. What Thomas Jefferson-authored statute guaranteed freedom of religion to people of all faiths? ANSWER: Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom 066-13-92-08117 18. This country dispatched the "King's Daughters" to go populate its colonies and prescribed baptism for slaves with its "Black Code." This country dispatched Marquette, Jolliet, and La Salle to explore its southern domains. What is this country that colonized Quebec and Louisiana? ANSWER: France 080-13-92-08118 19. This man’s grandfather Solomon Stoddard was responsible for developing the Half-Way Covenant. He authored of a biography of the missionary David Brainerd and “A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections”, which was published during the First Great Awakening. Another of his works compares humans to a spider held over a fire. Who is this Puritan author of the sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”? ANSWER: Jonathan Edwards 048-13-92-08119 20. This election's favorite for the Republican nomination was James G. Blaine, who was hurt by the Mulligan letters being released. The Democrat in this election had earlier broken up the Canal Ring and attacked Boss Tweed as governor. The outcome was decided by an Electoral Commission created by the House. In what election did the Commission choose Rutherford B. Hayes in exchange for ending Reconstruction? ANSWER: Election of 1876 121-13-92-08120

National US History Bee 8 Page 3 of 5 21. This person once wore a baglady costume and sang a parody of “Second-Hand Rose” at the Gridiron Dinner, an event recalled in the memoir My Turn. This person started the “Just Say No” campaign. This person was criticized for consulting an astrologer after an assassination attempt on her husband by John Hinckley. Who was this first lady of the United States from 1981 to 1989? ANSWER: 048-13-92-08121 22. This woman was, contradicting her usual description, was a paid employee at the Office of Legislative Affairs during the time period when she was recorded on the phone by Linda Tripp. This owner of an infamous blue dress from the Gap was the subject of the quote "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Who is this namesake of a Clinton-era scandal? ANSWER: Monica Lewinsky 019-13-92-08122 23. This company was forced by the Department of Justice to split into seven RBOCs in 1984. A laboratory once owned by this company discovered cosmic microwave background radiation and Unix was created there. It was started by the inventor of the telephone, who lends his name to its nickname. What was this telephone company nicknamed “Ma Bell?” ANSWER: AT&T [or American Telephone & Telegraph Company] 121-13-92-08123 24. ?This man was dispatched to China in 1946 in an unsuccessful attempt to engineer a peace accord between Nationalist and Communists. This man was Army Chief of Staff at the start of World War II and supervised the training of draftees. Who was this Secretary of State and Defense for Truman who proposed a namesake "plan" for rebuilding Europe? ANSWER: George Marshall 019-13-92-08124 25. This event's elder perpetrator was later tied to the murders of Rapael Teken, Erik Weissman, and Brendan Mess. The perpetrators of this event were originally named “black hat” and “white hat” by the FBI from security footage. One perpetrator of this event was arrested hiding in a boat in Watertown, and the perpetrators were of Chechen descent. What is this attack carried out by Dzokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev at a sporting event in Massachusetts? ANSWER: 2013 Boston Marathon bombings 048-13-92-08125 26. This musical includes the character of Persian peddler Ali Hakim. This musical features an Agnes de Mille choreographed dream ballet in which Laurey imagines being with Jud and Curly. This musical contains Ado Annie's song "I Can't Say No" and opens with "Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'." What is this Rodgers and Hammerstein musical named for a southwestern state? ANSWER: Oklahoma!

052-13-92-08126 27. This town's entertainment options included the Bird Cage Theatre. This town's boothill graveyard is probably the best known one and contains the bodies of Tom McLaury, Frank McLaury, and Billy Clanton. This town saw a showdown between some notorious outlaw cowboys and the Earp brothers plus Doc Holliday. What town was famously the site of the Gunfight at the OK Corral? ANSWER: Tombstone, Arizona 066-13-92-08127

National US History Bee 8 Page 4 of 5 28. This man was captured at Irwinville while wearing his wife's heavy shawl. This politician's first wife was the daughter of Zachary Taylor and he was Franklin Pierce's Secretary of War. This man's Vice-President was Alexander Stephens and he appointed Robert E. Lee the head of the Army of Northern Virginia. Who was this President of the Confederate States? ANSWER: Jefferson Davis

052-13-92-08128 29. In this book, the protagonist goes to the music room and sits in a certain easy chair to hear Mr. Barton's sermon. This book's protagonist is guided by the mysterious Dr. Leete. This book introduced Julian West, who falls asleep in 1887 and wakes up in a socialist Boston many years later. What is this utopian novel about the year 2000 written by Edward Bellamy? ANSWER: Looking Backward: 2000-1887

052-13-92-08129 30. This man invented an underwater mine that John Quincy Adams called "an unchristian contraption." He lined out the "Baby Dragoons" for everyday use, and built both a Patent Manufacturing Factory and an Armory in Hartford. This aficionado of interchangeable parts supplied the Texas Rangers with his invention during the Mexican-American War. Who was this inventor of a .45 revolver? ANSWER: Samuel Colt 020-13-92-08130 31. This man wrote a concurring opinion in which he said protecting "homosexual sodomy…would be to cast aside millennia of moral teaching." That case came during this man's tenure as Chief Justice and was Bowers v. Hardwick. This man also was chief during the Roe v. Wade decision. Who was this conservative Chief Justice that succeeded Earl Warren? ANSWER: Warren Burger

052-13-92-08131 32. This governmental entity’s first head was William Ruckelshaus, who also served as its head during the Reagan Administration. Gina McCarthy is the current head of this governmental entity, which creates a list of Superfund sites. What is this government agency that is responsible for enforcing the Clean Air Act? ANSWER: Environmental Protection Agency [or EPA] 030-13-92-08132

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