Situating the Biomedicalisation of Intersex
Somatechnics of Consensus: Situating the Biomedicalisation of Intersex Erika Alm Introduction Iain Morland describes his vision of an ethics of intersex as that of an opening up of a discussion that has come to a stalemate: ‘The ethics of intersex, in this historical postmodern moment, begin when we no longer rush to pronounce the single right way to manage intersex, but admit uncertainty, replace dogma with discussion’ (Morland 2006: 331). Morland’s vision stands in stark contrast to an inclination towards consensus that has coloured both clinical and activist discussions on intersex in recent years. One might go so far as to talk about an orientation towards consensus in the phenomenological sense: as organising certain types of relations, procedures, and intra- actions as agreeable, understandable, and necessary, and ignoring, marginalising, and delegitimising others (Ahmed 2006, 2007).1 In this article I will investigate this orientation towards consensus as it frames the somatechnics of intersex2. With the introduction of the idea of a somatechnics of intersex Nikki Sullivan set the grounds for a different approach to feminist interventions in issues of intersex (Sullivan 2009a, 2009b). The term somatechnics captures the notion that our bodies and beings are shaped by technology and narratives alike, in intra-action. Sullivan deploys it to think through the varied and complex ways in which bodily-being is shaped not only by the surgeon’s knife but also by the discourses that justify and contest the use of such instruments. In arguing that the conceptions of, debates around, and questions about specific modificatory practices are themselves technologies that shape corporeality at the most profound level, I aim to make a critical Somatechnics 3.2 (2013): 307–328 DOI: 10.3366/soma.2013.0100 # Edinburgh University Press Somatechnics intervention into, and open up new spaces for reflection in, existing debates about the somatechnics of intersexuality.
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