Claremore Railroad Overpass Feasibility Study 2003
CLAREMORECLAREMORE RAILROADRAILROAD OVERPASSOVERPASS FEASIBILITYFEASIBILITY STUDYSTUDY City of Claremore, OK C.H. Guernsey & Company Tulsa Office 4870 South Lewis, Suite 203 Tulsa, OK 74105 918.744.4335 with: Bridgefarmer and Associates, Inc., and Traffic Engineering Consultants, Inc. June, 2003 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The citizens of the City of Claremore and the surrounding area have been inconvenienced and at times had their personal safety jeopardized by at- grade railroad crossings for many years. The purpose of this feasibility study is to investigate and analyze potential sites for grade separated railroad crossings in Claremore between Country Club Drive and Blue Starr Drive. An initial investigation of five potential sites was conducted at the following locations; Blue Starr Drive, Will Rogers Blvd., Dupont Ave., Archer Drive, and Holiday Lane Extension. Conceptual designs for three alternatives were evaluated further and developed to a level of detail appropriate to convey the design intent, the alternatives were reviewed for possible environmental constraints, and cost estimates were prepared for each alternative. The cost of the Blue Starr Drive alternative is estimated to be $4,300,000, Archer Drive is estimated to be $9,900,000, and the Holiday Lane Extension alternative is estimated to be $8,200,000. Based upon the conceptual designs developed and the operational, cost, traffic and environmental information assembled for this study, the Blue Starr Drive option appears to be the most appropriate solution. This report recommends the Blue Starr Drive option as the technically preferred alternative. The estimated cost of this option is significantly less than the other alternatives, and the location near the central business district and the ability to span both the UP and the BNSF railroads offer significant safety benefits.
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