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11442 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE June 20, 2000 Scott Gomez of the Stanley Cup cham- Military Reservation in Virginia, Com- which opened its doors to students in pion New Jersey Devils. Scott was born pany K received word from Major Gen- the fall of 1992, Dr. Davis-Cotton estab- and raised in Anchorage, Alaska and is eral Kenneth F. Cramer that they were lished a unique center for learning: a only the eighteenth Alaskan to play in to report for duty in Germany. It was small inner city public school dedi- the National Hockey League and the July 10, 1951, 12:10 p.m. cated primarily to the study of the first to make such a huge impact in his The Major General recalled the his- arts. She designed the school cur- first year. tory of the 43rd, noting that never be- riculum, developed its program compo- This past Thursday, Scott was award- fore had it been assigned such a task. nents, and wrote the philosophy and ed the Calder Trophy for best rookie It was to be the first time in history mission statement for the school, all of performance in the 1999–2000 season. He that a National Guard division went to which are based upon a strong commit- led all rookies with 19 goals and 51 as- Europe in peace time. Major General ment to the study of the arts. sists in 82 regular season games. Dur- Cramer said to his troops: After an initial application process, ing the playoffs, he earned 10 points. We are now participating in a determined students are asked to audition in one Past winners of the Calder include effort by western civilization to maintain its of the following areas: instrumental Bobby Orr and Ray Bourque. freedoms and to preserve the peace through music, vocal music, speech and theater, the cooperative effort under the Atlantic dance or visual arts. Only after this au- Scott Gomez is an amazing young Pact. As we move into Europe, the eyes man. At the age of only 20, he has ac- of that continent will be upon us. All these dition are students accepted to the complished his lifelong dream of play- people will judge the America of today by us. school. Upon acceptance, students par- ing in the National Hockey League and By our conduct, by our appearance, by our take in a rigorous college preparatory winning the Stanley Cup, all in one soldierly qualities, we must make certain curriculum, along with an intensive year. He was a rising star in Anchorage that their judgments are most favorable to study in their selected art field. where he began playing as a child. our own country, whose ambassadors we The results of this demanding pro- From very early on, it was evident that shall be. gram have been resoundingly success- he would be a big star in the NHL. He And great representatives of America ful. 100 percent of the first graduating was twice named Player of the Year by they were. On January 4, 1952, the class received acceptance to college; the Anchorage Daily News/State Hartford Courant wrote that the 43rd the school holds a 97 percent student Coaches. In his junior year of high Division had become an elite force of retention rate; a 95 percent student at- school, he led the Alaska All-Stars respectable and dutiful soldiers. They tendance rate; and the Class of 2000 had team, ages 16–17, to the USA Hockey further praised them for their consider- an overall grade point average of 3.08. Tier I national championship. After ation towards the people of Germany, Mr. President, the 107 students who graduating from East High School in among whom they lived and interacted comprised the Class of 1998 were award- Anchorage, Scott played for Team USA on a daily basis. ed seven and a half million dollars in Company K stayed in Germany for in the World Junior Championship. In scholarships and grants for higher edu- more than two and a half years. addition to this, he is the first Latino cation. The school has had national Through their efforts there in building to play in the NHL. His father, Carlos, champions in Academic Games and the defense systems, organizing the border is Mexican and his mother, Dalia, is Tri-Math-A-Lon, and its Forensics defenses, and strengthening the NATO Team has won the Michigan State Colombian. forces, they successfully helped to pre- Mr. President, Scott Gomez is a won- Championship four consecutive years. vent any Soviet attacks. Another important aspect of the De- derful example of a young, talented The soldiers of the Company put the troit High School for the Fine and Per- Alaskan who, I am sure, will continue preservation of freedom and demo- ∑ forming Arts is the unique relationship to impress us all in the years to come. cratic society ahead of themselves. the school has formed with the Detroit f They proved that their loyalty to our Symphony Orchestra. Through this society’s ideals and their desire for 50TH ANNIVERSARY REUNION OF partnership, students have been given peace was their first priority. As such, ‘‘COMPANY K’’ the opportunity to work with jazz our nation could not have asked for ∑ Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I rise greats Brandford Marsalis and Frank finer ambassadors in Europe. today to pay tribute to the men of the On June 25, 2000, the members of Foster; award winning composer Alvin National Guard’s 169th Infantry Regi- Company K will be celebrating their Singleton; Detroit Symphony Orches- ment of the 43rd Division, or Company 50th Anniversary Reunion gathering. I tra Music Director Neeme Jarvi; and K, as they were called, who answered am grateful to them for their actions Detroit Symphony Orchestra Assistant the call to serve their country 50 years 50 years ago and on behalf of the people Conductor Ya-Hui-Wang. In addition to ago in securing peace and democracy in of Connecticut, and the nation as a instrumental students studying pri- Germany during the Korean War. The whole, I wish to extend a heartfelt vately with members of the Detroit men of Company K were an elite group thank you to the men of Company K. I Symphony Orchestra, an annual joint of civilian soldiers hailing from Mid- hope that their reunion is a success concert is presented featuring Detroit dlesex County in my home state of and I wish them well in the future.∑ High School for the Fine and Per- Connecticut. forming Arts and Detroit Symphony f When Communist-led North Korea in- Orchestra. vaded South Korea on June 25, 1950, A TRIBUTE TO DR. DENISE DAVIS- This partnership was taken to an President Truman decided to strength- COTTON even higher level in 1996. With finan- en United States forces by calling up ∑ Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, I rise cial assistance from the Detroit Med- the National Guard. Worried that the today to recognize Dr. Denise Davis- ical Center, an $80 million dollar Korean attack was only a diversion for Cotton, who will be honored this morn- project was undertaken, to be called a planned Soviet attack on Berlin, the ing during the Millennium Commence- Orchestra Place. Orchestra Place, when Truman administration deployed ment Ceremony at Detroit Symphony completed, will be an office, retail, troops in Germany to thwart any plans Orchestra Hall. Dr. Davis-Cotton is education and arts complex centered for aggression. In order to make this being honored for her many contribu- around the historic home of the De- possible, Truman relied heavily on sup- tions to the Detroit Public School Sys- troit Symphony, Orchestra Hall. It will port from the National Guard. tem. In particular, she will be honored also include the new home of the De- Company K, headquartered in Mid- for her role as the founding principal of troit High School for the Fine and Per- dletown, Connecticut, became part of the Detroit High School for the Fine forming Arts. It is expected to be an this defense effort and reported for roll and Performing Arts, and for the work important regional performing arts call on September 5, 1950, officially be- she has done in this capacity. complex, which will offer professional coming part of the United States In founding the Detroit High School and student performances in the world Army. While training at the A.P. Hill for the Fine and Performing Arts, class Orchestra Hall. VerDate jul 14 2003 21:51 Oct 15, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S20JN0.002 S20JN0 June 20, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 11443 Mr. President, all of these many ac- work and dedication. All Coast Guards- H.R. 946. An act to restore Federal recogni- complishments would not have been men pride themselves on being ‘‘always tion to the Indians of the Graton Rancheria possible were it not for the many ef- ready,’’ and these four courageous res- of California; to the Committee on Indian forts and the incredible vision of Dr. cuers showed just what that spirit is Affairs. ∑ H.R. 2778. An act to amend the Wild and Denise Davis-Cotton. Not only has she all about. I salute them. Scenic Rivers Act to designate segments of provided the youth of Detroit with an f the Taunton River in the Commonwealth of entirely new opportunity in education, MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Massachusetts for study for potential addi- she has also provided the nation with a tion to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers blueprint for success in inner city pub- At 2:15 p.m., a message from the System, and for other purposes; to the Com- lic education.