Blasts from the Past Historic Supernovas
BLASTS from the PAST: Historic Supernovas 185 386 393 1006 1054 1181 1572 1604 1680 RCW 86 G11.2-0.3 G347.3-0.5 SN 1006 Crab Nebula 3C58 Tycho’s SNR Kepler’s SNR Cassiopeia A Historical Observers: Chinese Historical Observers: Chinese Historical Observers: Chinese Historical Observers: Chinese, Japanese, Historical Observers: Chinese, Japanese, Historical Observers: Chinese, Japanese Historical Observers: European, Chinese, Korean Historical Observers: European, Chinese, Korean Historical Observers: European? Arabic, European Arabic, Native American? Likelihood of Identification: Possible Likelihood of Identification: Probable Likelihood of Identification: Possible Likelihood of Identification: Possible Likelihood of Identification: Definite Likelihood of Identification: Definite Likelihood of Identification: Possible Likelihood of Identification: Definite Likelihood of Identification: Definite Distance Estimate: 8,200 light years Distance Estimate: 16,000 light years Distance Estimate: 3,000 light years Distance Estimate: 10,000 light years Distance Estimate: 7,500 light years Distance Estimate: 13,000 light years Distance Estimate: 10,000 light years Distance Estimate: 7,000 light years Distance Estimate: 6,000 light years Type: Core collapse of massive star Type: Core collapse of massive star Type: Core collapse of massive star? Type: Core collapse of massive star Type: Thermonuclear explosion of white dwarf Type: Thermonuclear explosion of white dwarf? Type: Core collapse of massive star Type: Thermonuclear explosion of white dwarf Type: Core collapse of massive star NASA’s ChANdrA X-rAy ObServAtOry historic supernovas chandra x-ray observatory Every 50 years or so, a star in our Since supernovas are relatively rare events in the Milky historic supernovas that occurred in our galaxy. Eight of the trine of the incorruptibility of the stars, and set the stage for observed around 1671 AD.
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