FALLING SHORT: DEMAND-SIDE SENTENCING FOR ONLINE SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN Composite Case Review, Analysis, and Recommendations for the United Kingdom October 2020 A product of Center to End Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
[email protected] Contact Information For more information, please contact: John Tanagho Director, IJM’s Center to End Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
[email protected] Brandon Kaopuiki Technical Advisor, IJM Global Hub Against Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
[email protected] IJM is available for and interested in providing further consultation to demand and source- side governments about online sexual exploitation of children and recommendations to combat it. Such consultation can be provided confidentially, if necessary, and without cost. Acknowledgements: IJM would like to thank and acknowledge the following for providing input and feedback to the paper: Iain Drennan, Executive Director, WePROTECT Global Alliance; Sara Carnegie, Legal Projects Director, International Bar Association; Donald Findlater, Director, The Lucy Faithfull Foundation; Ollie Simpson, Policy Advisor, The Office of The Sentencing Council; Raveena Jawanda, Policy Officer, Bail, Sentencing and Release Policy Unit, Ministry of Justice; Louise Gleich, Human Trafficking Senior Policy Officer, Care; Dylan Moses, Rosie Naylor and Annabel Goulding, K&L Gates UK; International Justice Mission UK. Special thanks to Julienne Daly (IJM Legal Fellow) for leading the research and writing for this project. FALLING SHORT: DEMAND-SIDE