WHAT YOUR GOVERNMENT IS DOING: SUMTER CITY COUNCIL City budget balanced at $68.8M with no tax hike ing the first of two readings on May 21. 1st of 2 readings passed Tuesday. That deficit had been brought SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2019 $1.75 with increase to Sumter’s As presented, the $68.8 million down from $99,000 on May 14 and budget is balanced and does not in- $725,055 on April 23. SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 commercial garbage fees clude a tax increase. Finance De- After a total of an additional BY KAYLA ROBINS partment staff brought a balanced $80,000 in adjustments, according
[email protected] budget to council for first reading to City Administrator Deron Mc- of two needed for final approval Cormick, the balanced budget now Sumter City Council is now one after presenting a plan with $34,768 includes a new position for a litter step away from approving the city’s more in expenditures than reve- SEE BUDGET, PAGE A8 4 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES | VOL. 124, NO. 163 budget for next year after approv- nues during a public hearing on HOW D-DAY CHANGED THE WORLD Turning their tassels for a new chapter umter School District se- Sniors celebrated completing years of school during their graduation ceremonies on Friday morning and afternoon and Sat- urday morning at Sumter County Civic Center. Sumter High School had 527 graduates on Saturday morning, and 290 graduated Crestwood High School and A look at the 225 from Lakewood High sacrifices made School on Friday.