New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 086, No 24, 9/24/1981." 86, 24 (1981)

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New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 086, No 24, 9/24/1981. University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1981 The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 9-24-1981 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 086, No 24, 9/ 24/1981 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 086, No 24, 9/24/1981." 86, 24 (1981). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1981 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact ~UoJlo '3l<t··~ ~~w NEW MEXJCQ---...--------:----'-------------.«;'-f--,-,.. / -------.;-- ~T~lf t ~~. ·.u __D,...---_ . -_ai_ly~L-,.-----o~ o_.~- __ VOL. 86 NO. 23 · Thursday, SeotemhP.r ?A.; 1981 ....... - ~ ,, ASUNM Allots Mollies Totaling Over $23,500 Manuel Franco Sen. Karen Gallegos supported paying Martinez' expenses, saying The ASUNM Senate passed 11 ''Nina is still an ASUNM student.'' appropriation bills Wednesday Sen. Vince Baca then moved that totaling more than $23,500. the Senate vote on paying Martinez' The most controversial bill paid a and Austin's expenses separately $1814 loan made in July to send from the other two senators. three senators and ASUNM Sen. Drew Prentice asked why President Mike Austin to the some senators agreed during the National Student Conference in summer to pay the senators' ex­ Washington, D.C. penses "if you're going back on ' Some senators questioned your word now." whether the Senate should reim­ Cooper said she agreed to the burse the money spent during the reimbursement during the summer summer for some of the expenses on the condition that the con­ incurred by Austin and Nina ference participants "bring back Martinez. results," which she said Martinez Because ASUNM funds were not could not do since she was no available ih July, 13 senators made longer a senator. an informal agreement to vote in ASUNM Vice President Bill the fall to reimburse Vice President Littlefield said that if the Senate Marvin "Swede" Johnson $1014 would not pay for the senator's for round trip plane fare to send expenses, he would do so out of his Martinez and Sens. Dan Serrano expense account, and ASUNM and Beth Langford to the con­ Lobby Committee Chairman· ference. Michael Gallegos said Austin's But in a Finance Committee expenses would be paid "out of meeting Serrano added $800 to his somewhere," perhaps from another reimbursement bill for Austin's part of the executive branch. hotel expenses, plane tickets, Sen. Bob Matteucci, Finance conference registration fee and Committee chairman, was against other expenses. reimbursing Austin, poialting out Austin said after the meeting he that past ASUNM officials have did not tell the senators about his attended conferences without reimbursement before he w~;:nt to telling the Senate and then brought David Bryant (drums) and Mike .Storther of Govinda churn out music"fol' .SUB Entertainment's noon- the conference because "I didn't the bill before the Senate for time show yesterday before being shut down. · feel it would be a problem. 1t (going reimbursement. to the conference) happens every Gallegos said since student body year. At the time, I felt I didn't presidents from across the country want to go ... but it's my duty to attended the conference, it was Band's .Vibrations Rattle· Classes represent UNM there." ''sort of mandatory" for Austin to Austin said his expense account is go. Bill Wechter Division," Ass9ciate Dean of received the caJI from Cliff Holt, "not for one trip" but is "used ''l'm sick of hearing he has to do Students Karen Abraham said. New Mexico Union director, to end throughout the year." He said he this for UNM," Matteucci said, The band played but not for Although there were cries from the show he replied "Okay,. it's paid for his meals while at the "When was the last time we paid long. sound personnel to the band for the closed." conference with his own money. plane fare •.. and hotel expenses Govinda was Sub Enter­ volume to be turned down, Vice "We want to cooperate fully with The reimbursement issue for anyone?" "should not have raised the roof" tainment's noontime entertainment President Marvin "Swede" the administration." Martinez said. Matteucci said Austin "didn't Wednesday at the SUB fountain Johnson made the final decision to and that it did was another example ask for it, he took it, and he spent and their 11 :00 to 1:00 show was end the concert before the cries The next Noontime Enter· of the Senate being "too political," more than he should have.'' cut short by an hpur because they could be acted on. !ainment event scheduled is a punk Austin said. He said, "Nothing is The Senate has had an informal were too loud. "Activities can not be disruptive band, the Generics, next Wed· being judged on its merits." policy of not appropriating money "We received complaints from of the educational process," nesday and SUB Entertainm&nt is Sen. Judy Cooper objected to the for travel expenses of any student workers in offices, teachers in class Johnson said. tooking for a nondisruptive way to Senate paying Martinez' expenses group. rooms and the proctor of an im­ When T.J. Martinez, SUB present them, said Drew Richman, since Martinez' resignation was Attempts to separate Austin's or portant exam in the UNM Testing Entertainment's coordinator, a member of SUB Entertainment. announced during the meeting. continued on psge 3 ·Candidates Explain Economic Plans Emplo-yment was the main topic here, especially from those involved police officers, who are now paid Jury Gets Fraud Case between candidates Mayor David with energy. about $1(),600, should be paid at Rusk, Marion Cottrell, and Harry. He also said he would wants least $15,000 a year. Kinney at the Student Veterans more insurance companies to moye Although that is still below the Greg Lay out-of-state travel requests and Association mayoral forum. offices to Albuquerque because regional average, he said hopefully reimbursement vouchers which Rusk set the tone of the evening they "pump more money into it would prevent officers from Was John Whisenant an are the keys to the case. A Tuesday by saying that his ad­ banks for local loans.'' leaving the Albuquerque Police honest, hard-working basketball verdict is expected today. ministration has had "substancial Former Mayor Harry Kinney Department to higher~paying cities. coach who did not have time for The prosecution contends that success" attracting industry. said that he is responsible for the "We have a good (police) det~ils of paperwork, or a con they have proven Whisenant was He said "seven national blue chip existing Albuquerque industries academy," Cottrell said, "but we man who took illegal reim~ not where the requests and corporations" have recently or will locating here. are training officers for other bursements for trips he never vouchers say he should have soon have about $250 million in Kinney said this city should help cities." made? been, and that he never went to new plants or expansions, bringing smaller area cities develop their "I'm not convinced there's a Those are the choices given to the destinations listed, which around 10,000 to 12,000 jobs. economies because many of the serious problem with too low police a District Court jury Wednesday included Los Angeles, Las The credit for bringing in this Albuquerque's unemployed come salaries," Rusk said. morning in the trial of the Vegas, Dallas, Wichita, New industry is Mt his alone, but was from those depressed areas. City police officers are not going former coach accused of taking Jersey and Idaho. Whisenant the result of ''the work of many, In answering questions from the to other cities, he said; but to $2644 from the University o'f said ·he went to every many people,'' Rusksaid audience, Rusk said his three major federal agencies which with New Mexico. destination, but not at the exact He said that the best job op- priorities besides daily city business Albuquerque "can't compete.'' times listed. are; obtaining city/county Rusk said that starting police The complicated case boiled The prosecution argued that portunities . will come in down to simple alternatives in . engineering, data processing and government consolidation, ex­ officers pay in other cities is higher the athletic departmeni audit tending economic development to because the jobs are more the summations of defense obtained by the defense did not various production management attorney James Brandenburg and control positions. areas just outside Albuquerque, dangerous. reveal new. insights, but and to work through the state Rusk said he expects that with and prcisecuter Stephen Brandenburg claimed that the City Council. Pres!dent Cottrell Westheimer. said the type of industry brought in Legislature to obtain major ap­ future police cadet classes, fact it has not even been during the last few years was too propriations for UNM and New Albuquerque will have about 620 The trial recessed after the delivered to the comptroller of 4 narrow and he has long been Mexico State University. officers by 1983. three-hour summary, and the the university, Carroll Lee, was. "preaching and arguing . for Cottrell and Rusk both said they Kinney said mandatory auto jury began deliberations after a significant Indication that the diversity of economic: develop• supported the present uptown emissions inspections •imay not be lunch Wednesday. They face a audit showed the disarray of the ment.'' development plan, although both worth the great expense" because stack of evidence, including six travel reimbursement system.

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