Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies (QIJIS) Volume 8, Number 2, 2020 DOI : 10.21043/qijis.v8i2.6586 THE DYNAMICS OF THE INDONESIAN HADRAMIS ON THE MAULID CELEBRATION Muhammad As’ad Radboud University, Nijmegen and Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari, Jombang
[email protected] Abstract This article seeks to explore the debate between two groups of Indonesian Sayyid) concerning the maulid celebration. It is based on a qualitative researchHadhramis study. The (Bā data ‘Alawi was andcollected non- thethrough maulid a combination of library research and field study. city.The Thefieldwork study resultswas completed show the debatein Surakarta between by theobserving Sayyid celebration of the Bā ‘Alawi communitymaulid in the has occurred since the early 20th century and continues and non-Sayyid communities surrounding the have consistently supported the maulid practice since theuntil early today. 20 Theth century, first group, starting also withknown the as establishment the Bā ‘Alawi, of Jamiat Khair the ones in the Riyadh Mosque in Surakarta that are explained in thisto text. several Regarding Bā ‘Alawi the preacherssecond group, such the as maulid , which do not condemn the maulid but only criticize some practices within theis promotedcelebration by they the regard Al-Irsyad as bid’a faction. In the present . This day, Al-Irsyad is separated into two groups: Al-Irsyad Al- Islamiyah and the Salafis of Perhimpunan al-Irsyad QIJIS, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2020 389 Muhammad As’ad of the organization regarding the maulid. However, the latterarticle has finds a stricter that the teaching former on preserves the maulid the, statingold stance it is bid’a and recommends its members and followers not to practice it.