Algebraic Cycles and Fibrations
Documenta Math. 1521 Algebraic Cycles and Fibrations Charles Vial Received: March 23, 2012 Revised: July 19, 2013 Communicated by Alexander Merkurjev Abstract. Let f : X → B be a projective surjective morphism between quasi-projective varieties. The goal of this paper is the study of the Chow groups of X in terms of the Chow groups of B and of the fibres of f. One of the applications concerns quadric bundles. When X and B are smooth projective and when f is a flat quadric fibration, we show that the Chow motive of X is “built” from the motives of varieties of dimension less than the dimension of B. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14C15, 14C25, 14C05, 14D99 Keywords and Phrases: Algebraic cycles, Chow groups, quadric bun- dles, motives, Chow–K¨unneth decomposition. Contents 1. Surjective morphisms and motives 1526 2. OntheChowgroupsofthefibres 1530 3. A generalisation of the projective bundle formula 1532 4. On the motive of quadric bundles 1534 5. Onthemotiveofasmoothblow-up 1536 6. Chow groups of varieties fibred by varieties with small Chow groups 1540 7. Applications 1547 References 1551 Documenta Mathematica 18 (2013) 1521–1553 1522 Charles Vial For a scheme X over a field k, CHi(X) denotes the rational Chow group of i- dimensional cycles on X modulo rational equivalence. Throughout, f : X → B will be a projective surjective morphism defined over k from a quasi-projective variety X of dimension dX to an irreducible quasi-projective variety B of di- mension dB, with various extra assumptions which will be explicitly stated. Let h be the class of a hyperplane section in the Picard group of X.
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