Nippostrongylus Marhaeniae Sp. N. and Other Nematodes Collected from Rattus Cf

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Nippostrongylus Marhaeniae Sp. N. and Other Nematodes Collected from Rattus Cf J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 62(2), 1995, pp. 111-116 Nippostrongylus marhaeniae sp. n. and Other Nematodes Collected from Rattus cf. morotaiensis in North Halmahera, Molucca Islands, Indonesia HIDEO HASEGAWA1'3 AND SYAFRUDDIN2 1 Department of Parasitology, School of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa 903-01, Japan and 2 Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Ujung Pandang, Indonesia ABSTRACT: Nippostrongylus marhaeniae sp. n., 2 Odilia spp., Orientostrongylus sp., Strongyloides ratti, and Mastophorus muris were collected from Rattus cf. morotaiensis from Halmahera Island, North Moluccas, In- donesia. Nippostrongylus marhaeniae resembles N. magnus and N. typicus of Australian rats in the bursal structure but is readily distinguished by having only 12 ridges of synlophe in midbody of both sexes and in that the tips of spicules are not recurved strongly. Species of Odilia were first recorded outside of New Guinea-Australian region, and 1 of the present species closely resembles O. mackerrasae from the Australian rat by having inter- mittent ridges in the ventral side. Presence of the trichostrongyloids closely related to the Australian represen- tatives suggests that these nematodes were introduced by some rats from the New Guinea-Australian region and have been maintained within the endemic rat community on Halmahera Island. KEY WORDS: Nippostrongylus marhaeniae sp. n., nematodes, Rattus cf. morotaiensis, Halmahera Island, Indonesia, systematics, zoogeography. Rattus morotaiensis Kellog, 1945, is distrib- Nematode specimens are deposited in the United uted in North Moluccas, Indonesia (type locality: States National Museum Helminthological Collection (USNM Helm. Coll.), Beltsville, Maryland, U.S.A. The Morotai Island) (Musser and Carleton, 1993). stuffed skin and skull specimen of the host are depos- Because only limited examples have been col- ited in the American Museum of Natural History, New lected, the biology of this endemic rat has not York, U.S.A., AMNH267681. been adequately elucidated. In 1993, we had a chance to collect murines for parasitological sur- Results vey on Halmahera Island, located just south of Four nematode species belonging to the sub- Morotai Island. One individual of R. cf. moro- family Nippostrongylinae (Trichostrongyloidea: taiensis was incidentally obtained, and its par- Heligmonellidae) were found in the small intes- asitological examination revealed 6 nematode tine as described later. Strongyloides ratti Sand- species, of which 4 are trichostrongyloids of sys- ground, 1925 (Rhabditoidea: Strongyloididae) (2 tematic interest. This paper deals with these parasitic females: USNM Helm. Coll. No. 84315), nematodes with special reference to the zooge- and Mastophorus muris (Gmelin, 1790) (Spiru- ography of the host and parasites. roidea: Spirocercidae) (3 males and 9 females: Materials and Methods USNM Helm. Coll. No. 84316) were also col- lected from the small intestine and the stomach, The rat, captured by a domestic cat in the nearby forest of Kai village, Kao District, North Halmahera, respectively. Moluccas, Indonesia, was examined. Its viscera were fixed with 10% formalin solution on the same day of Nippostrongylus marhaeniae sp. n. capture, and then parasites were collected under a ste- (Trichostrongyloidea: Heligmonellidae: reomicroscope. Collected nematodes were rinsed in 70% ethanol solution, cleared in glycerol-alcohol solution, Nippostrongylinae) and mounted with 50% glycerol solution. Freehand (Figs. 1-13) cross-sections were made for observation of the syn- GENERAL: Small red worms, forming sinis- lophe of the trichostrongyloids. Figures were made with the aid of a drawing tube. Given measurements, in tral tight or flat coils with ventral side located micrometers unless otherwise stated, are for the ho- inside. Anterior end with cephalic vesicle (Figs. lotype male and the allotype female, followed in pa- 1, 2). Mouth triangular (Fig. 1). Four large ce- rentheses by the range of paratype males and females. phalic papillae, 6 small labial papillae and am- The terminology of the synlophe follows Durette-Des- phids present (Fig. 1). Cuticle finely striated. Syn- set(1983). lophe well developed with pointed ridges, com- mencing immediately posterior to cephalic ves- 3 Corresponding author. icle and ending slightly anterior to bursa in male, 111 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 112 JOURNAL OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 62(2), JUL 1995 and at vulval level in female (Figs. 2, 4, 13). In 10), and right spicule tapering distally forming midbody of both sexes 12 ridges present, carene pointed tip (Fig. 11). Spicule length 388 (335- of type A supported by hypertrophied left lateral 385) (corresponding to 9.6-10.7% of worm ridge present; axis of orientation of ridges passing length). Gubernaculum boat-shaped, 21 (21-22) through ventral-right and dorsal-left sides, in- long (Fig. 4). clined about 45° from sagittal axis; 2 ridges in FEMALE (allotype and 1 complete and 1 incom- right to right-dorsal field and 3 ventral-left ridges plete paratype): Length 4.13 (3.92) mm, width well developed, 2 right-ventral ridges less de- at midbody 109 (88). Cephalic vesicle 53 (56) veloped; midventral to ventral-right portion de- long by 43 (53) wide. Nerve ring 144 (177), ex- void of ridges (Figs. 3,12). Esophagus club-shaped cretory pore 208 (270), and deirids 214 (273) (Fig. 2). Nerve ring posterior to midesophagus, from cephalic end. Esophagus 269 (310) long and excretory pore at midpoint between nerve ring 24 (32) wide near posterior end. Body narrowed and posterior end of esophagus, and deirids at at vulval level and postvulval body bent ven- same level or slightly posterior to excretory pore trally strongly (Fig. 13). Vulva 84 (68-96) and (Fig. 2). anus 33 (26-29) from caudal end (Fig. 13). Va- MALE (holotype and 3 paratypes): Length 3.61 gina vera 24 (32-50) long, forming diverticulum (3.20-3.88) mm, width at midbody 104 (94-112). dorsally; vestibule narrowed distally, 80 (72-83) Cephalic vesicle 66 (58-74) long by 36 (35-42) long; sphincter 31 (24-25) long; infundibulum wide. Nerve ring 203 (154-193), excretory pore 125 (64-128) long (Fig. 13). Cuticle between vul- 268 (245-310), and deirids 288 (245-313) from va and anus distended (Fig. 13). Tail conical (Fig. cephalic end. Esophagus 320 (315-353) long and 13). Eggs ellipsoidal, thin-shelled, containing 26 (24-26) wide near posterior end. Bursa asym- morula to tadpole-stage embryos, and 53-56 x metrical, right lobe larger than left lobe; bursal 30-34. rays except posterolateral and externodorsal rays TYPE HOST: Rattus cf. morotaiensis (Muri- in right lobe thicker than in left lobe (Figs. 5, 8). dae: Murinae). Right lobe: ventral rays widely divergent; later- SITE: Small intestine. oventral ray slightly longer than ventroventral TYPE LOCALITY: Kai (1°32'N, 127°48'E; 100 ray; externolateral and mediolateral rays thick, m elevation), North Halmahera, Indonesia. divergent distally; posterolateral ray short, small, DATE OF COLLECTION: 11 July 1993. arising from base of mediolateral ray, divergent ETYMOLOGY: Species name is dedicated to Dr. widely from other laterals; externodorsal ray thin, Marhaeni Hasan, director of the Kao Health arising from proximal half of trunk of dorsal ray Center, to whom we are greatly indebted for the (Figs. 5, 8). Left lobe: ventral rays moderately survey. divergent, ventroventral ray slightly shorter than TYPE SPECIMENS: USNM Helm. Coll. No. lateroventral ray; externolateral ray attached la- 84317 (holotype and allotype) and 84318 (3 male teroventral ray along almost whole length, slight- and 2 female paratypes). ly shorter than lateroventral ray; mediolateral REMARKS: The present species has every ray shortest among laterals, directed lateroven- morphological characteristic of the genus Nip- trally; posterolateral ray thickest among laterals, postrongylus Lane, 1923, although its synlophe directed posterolaterally; externodorsal ray aris- consists of only 12 ridges (Durette-Desset, 1970a, ing from distal half of trunk of dorsal ray, much 1983). Nippostrongylus marhaeniae resembles thicker than right externodorsal ray (Figs. 5, 8). Nippostrongylus typicus (Mawson, 1961) and Dorsal ray with thick trunk, divided at distal lh Nippostrongylus magnus (Mawson, 1961), both into 2 branches, each of which again divided into of which have been known from Australian mu- 2 offshoots. Outer offshoots longer than inner rines, in that the left externodorsal ray is thicker offshoots, directing posterolaterally; each inner and arising from a more distal level of the trunk offshoot provided with 2 papillae apically (Figs. of the dorsal ray than the right one (Mawson, 5, 7). Genital cone protruded prominently, with 1961; Durette-Desset, 1969; Beveridge and Dur- 1 pair of conical papillae apically; anterior lip of ette-Desset, 1992). Specimens of N. marhaeniae cloaca less protruded, provided with 1 papilla are easily distinguished by this character from (Fig. 6). Spicules equal in length, alate, joined Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Travassos, 1914), and slightly twisted distally (Fig. 9). Left spicule Nippostrongylus rysavyi (Erhardova, 1959), Nip- slightly thickened distally forming round tip (Fig. postrongylus rauschi Chabaud and Desset, 1966, Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington Figures 1-13. Nippostrongylus marhaeniae sp. n. from Rattus cf. morotaiensis from Halmahera Island, North Moluccas, Indonesia. 1. Cephalic extremity
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    Abbott, I.J. (1974). Natural history of Curtis Island, Bass Strait. 5. Birds, with some notes on mammal trapping. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 107: 171–74. General; Rodents; Abbott, I. (1978). Seabird islands No. 56 Michaelmas Island, King George Sound, Western Australia. Corella 2: 26–27. (Records rabbit and Rattus fuscipes). General; Rodents; Lagomorphs; Abbott, I. (1981). Seabird Islands No. 106 Mondrain Island, Archipelago of the Recherche, Western Australia. Corella 5: 60–61. (Records bush-rat and rock-wallaby). General; Rodents; Abbott, I. and Watson, J.R. (1978). The soils, flora, vegetation and vertebrate fauna of Chatham Island, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 60: 65–70. (Only mammal is Rattus fuscipes). General; Rodents; Adams, D.B. (1980). Motivational systems of agonistic behaviour in muroid rodents: a comparative review and neural model. Aggressive Behavior 6: 295–346. Rodents; Ahern, L.D., Brown, P.R., Robertson, P. and Seebeck, J.H. (1985). Application of a taxon priority system to some Victorian vertebrate fauna. Fisheries and Wildlife Service, Victoria, Arthur Rylah Institute of Environmental Research Technical Report No. 32: 1–48. General; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents; Whales; Land Carnivores; Aitken, P. (1968). Observations on Notomys fuscus (Wood Jones) (Muridae-Pseudomyinae) with notes on a new synonym. South Australian Naturalist 43: 37–45. Rodents; Aitken, P.F. (1969). The mammals of the Flinders Ranges. Pp. 255–356 in Corbett, D.W.P. (ed.) The natural history of the Flinders Ranges. Libraries Board of South Australia : Adelaide. (Gives descriptions and notes on the echidna, marsupials, murids, and bats recorded for the Flinders Ranges; also deals with the introduced mammals, including the dingo).
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    Calaby’s Rodent Literature Abbott, I.J. (1974). Natural history of Curtis Island, Bass Strait. 5. Birds, with some notes on mammal trapping. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 107: 171–74. General; Rodents Abbott, I. (1978). Seabird islands No. 56 Michaelmas Island, King George Sound, Western Australia. Corella 2: 26–27. (Records rabbit and Rattus fuscipes). General; Rodents; Lagomorphs Abbott, I. (1981). Seabird Islands No. 106 Mondrain Island, Archipelago of the Recherche, Western Australia. Corella 5: 60–61. (Records bush-rat and rock-wallaby). General; Rodents Abbott, I. and Watson, J.R. (1978). The soils, flora, vegetation and vertebrate fauna of Chatham Island, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 60: 65–70. (Only mammal is Rattus fuscipes). General; Rodents Adams, D.B. (1980). Motivational systems of agonistic behaviour in muroid rodents: a comparative review and neural model. Aggressive Behavior 6: 295–346. Rodents Ahern, L.D., Brown, P.R., Robertson, P. and Seebeck, J.H. (1985). Application of a taxon priority system to some Victorian vertebrate fauna. Fisheries and Wildlife Service, Victoria, Arthur Rylah Institute of Environmental Research Technical Report No. 32: 1–48. General; Marsupials; Bats; Rodents; Whales; Land Carnivores Aitken, P. (1968). Observations on Notomys fuscus (Wood Jones) (Muridae-Pseudomyinae) with notes on a new synonym. South Australian Naturalist 43: 37–45. Rodents; Aitken, P.F. (1969). The mammals of the Flinders Ranges. Pp. 255–356 in Corbett, D.W.P. (ed.) The natural history of the Flinders Ranges. Libraries Board of South Australia : Adelaide. (Gives descriptions and notes on the echidna, marsupials, murids, and bats recorded for the Flinders Ranges; also deals with the introduced mammals, including the dingo).
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