Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48988-1 — Banks on the Brink Mark Copelovitch , David A
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48988-1 — Banks on the Brink Mark Copelovitch , David A. Singer Index More Information Index 3–6-3 plan, 2, 3 Bamberger, Ludwig, 142 bank failures, 1, 2, 4. See also banking Admati, Anat, 190, 191 crises; triggers of bank failures advanced economies in Canada, 100 banking crises in, 24–28 and securities markets, 7 and “global savings glut,” 184 triggers, 4 aggregate gross capital inflows, 31 Bank of Canada, 112, 117, 199 Alberta Stock Exchange, 110 Bank of Montreal, 94, 96 anti-Semitism, 20, 126, 183 Bank of Nova Scotia, 99–100 in Germany, 136, 140, 141, 143–45 Bank of Upper Canada, 94, 96, 97 “Manchesterism,” 142 bank runs, 3, 25, 88 and the Nazi regime, 153–55 banking crises, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 18, 22, 43, Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen 44, 57, 64, 65. See also determinants Wertpapierbörsen (Association of of banking crises in OECD countries German Stock Exchanges), 159 Asian financial crisis, 4 Asian financial crisis, 4 bank concentration as determinant of, asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP), 175 59–63 asset price bubbles, 16 and capital inflows, 7, 33–34 asymmetric information, 8, 96 economic consequences of, 22, 23 Australia, 17, 25, 185, 198 “excess saving” view of, 20 authoritarian regimes, and banking and financial market structure, 41–42 crises, 23 GDP, impact on, 22–23 and global capital, 16 Bagehot, Walter, 181 and government debt, 22 bailouts, 2, 6 and government policy, 23 Commerzbank, 177 and gross capital inflows, 31–33 German, 124–25 in industrialized countries, 24–28 Special Fund for Financial Stability and market/bank ratio, 35–37 (Soffin), 175–76 models, 44–45 and the “too big to fail” problem, 194–96 and net capital flows, 29–31 Wells Fargo, 12 Panic of 1907, 4, 5 223 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48988-1 — Banks on the Brink Mark Copelovitch , David A.
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