www.africa-confidential.com 3 May 2002 Vol 43 No 9 AFRICA CONFIDENTIAL NIGERIA II 2 NIGERIA I Khaki blues, business suits The generals’ election The military has helped tear the country apart but civilians still defer There are worries whether President Obasanjo’s army can to the soldiers and politicians hold together against growing It is a measure of Nigeria’s political class that in next year’s presidential election, the two most likely communal and religious clashes candidates – Olusegun Obasanjo and Muhammadu Buhari – are retired generals and former military ahead of next year’s polls. And, if leaders. And Nigeria’s wealthiest and most influential kingmaker, another retired general and military it does, its senior officers may want leader, Ibrahim Babangida, may well offer money to both sides. On 25 April, General Obasanjo, to take back power again. ‘persuaded’ by his supporters, declared he would seek a second term; on the same day, Gen. Buhari joined the biggest opposition group, the All People’s Party, on whose ticket he may stand for President. 3 Buhari and Obasanjo hold strong and contrary religious convictions: Obasanjo is a ‘born again’ Christian who has preached at the fundamentalist Winners’ Chapel; Buhari exudes asceticism, publicly Rebels without a plan supporting the extension of the Sharia criminal code (AC Vol 42 No 17). Obasanjo is Yoruba from Ogun Rebels threaten President Taylor State in the south-west; Buhari is Fulani from Katsina in the far north. and give him a pretext to ban Over this looming battle lurks the ghost of a late military leader, Gen. Sani Abacha. Last week, it political activities. The main threat emerged that the Obasanjo government’s National Security Advisor, another retired general, Aliyu still comes from malcontents within Mohammed Gusau, had reached agreement with the Abacha family and the banking authorities in his own security system. Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Britain’s Channel Islands for the return of some US$1 billion of state funds stolen by Abacha. Under the deal, the Abacha family may keep some $100 million LIBERIA 4 which they claim that Abacha earned before he became head of state. Nigerians are outraged but government lawyers hail it as a victory which avoids years of litigation of the sort that delayed the UN gumshoes in Philippines’ government in retrieving funds stolen by the late President Ferdinand Marcos. Taylorland It is significant at home, too. Obasanjo’s government will have another $1 bn. in its coffers for popular spending before the polls. The Abacha family might use its $100 mn. to fund some of its political friends. The UN Security Council is likely One of Buhari’s strongest supporters is Wada Nas, former special duties advisor to the Abacha regime. to recommend tougher measures against Liberia on 7 May after a new UN report claims the Taylor Olusegun’s head-start regime is still breaking arms Obasanjo starts the race well ahead. At an Easter meeting on his farm in Ota, Ogun State, 20 of the 36 embargoes and travel bans. state governors pledged support for a second term. They were joined by People’s Democratic Party officials such as Vice-President Atiku Abubakar and former PDP Chairman Solomon Lar. Obasanjo SENEGAL 5 has appointed veteran Finance Minister Adamu Ciroma to run his campaign and the key organiser will be master fixer Tony Annenih, now Minister for Works. Wade’s wide world Even with the majority of state governors behind him, incumbency and approval by Western powers, At international conferences and Obasanjo may not have it easy. Personal opponents, inside and outside the PDP, are determined to derail talks on Madagascar, President him. They include the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ghali Na’Abba; Kano’s political Wade scores high. At home the chieftain, businessman Abubakar Rimi; former Biafran leader Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu; Casamance war still simmers and Sokoto State Governor Attahiru Bafarawa; and the Chairman of the trustees of the northern-based the government’s failure on state Arewa Consultative Forum, Sunday Awoniyi. They are a disparate bunch with their own political utilities holds back the economy. ambitions but several may be willing to back Buhari against Obasanjo. There is much discontent on which to capitalise. Both the northern elite and the talakawa feel betrayed; 6 they voted for Obasanjo in greater numbers than did his own Yoruba people, yet the northern contractors feel edged out and the poorest are hit by rising unemployment and crime. Figures such as Senator Joseph Who’s got the money? Waku have been exploiting grievances about the massacres in Benue State (AC Vol 42 No 22) to mobilise A divided opposition and backroom Tiv against Obasanjo. Abia State Governor Orji Kalu and Ojukwu are winning support in the south-east deals help President Mwanawasa by accusing Obasanjo of marginalising the Igbo. Above all, activist groups in the Niger Delta argue that and Western donors defer Obasanjo’s civilian order has done little more for them than military dictatorship. sanctions on the disputed It will be difficult to corral this political hostility into a coherent opposition. That may account for the elections. reluctance of high-profile candidates to challenge Obasanjo. A key figure in the northern elite, former Trade Minister Mahmud Tukur, spent months trying to persuade Buhari to stand. At first he seemed POINTERS 8 reluctant: ‘When I was head of state before, I was in command of the army, an institution I thought I understood, and things in the country were not as bad as they are now. But it did not work. Now I am being Sudan/Uganda, Mali asked to come back under politics, which I do not understand, by politicians, who I do not like, when the & Zambia situation is much worse. How can that work?’ he told our correspondent. 3 May 2002 Africa Confidential Vol 43 No 9

Now, he said, he was getting backing from civilians who had south-west. Obasanjo, a former general, military ruler, first-hand vehemently opposed him as military leader: ‘They say they are afraid observer of several coups and a Yoruba seemed the best man to put if things continue as they are, they will lose everything,’ Buhari said. things straight. Promptly after his inauguration in May 1999, he ‘Look at the country now. This absolute abuse of procedure, especially ordered into retirement over 100 senior officers who had served in with respect to the financial system and accountability, is a problem... military regimes. He aimed to foster the soldiers’ loyalty to the new [Obasanjo] has just totally failed.’ democratic constitutional order, offered the chance of serving in Such views have wide resonance but Buhari has less to say about a regional peace-keeping forces and won promises of foreign backing national constitutional conference or more revenues for the oil states for military reform. of the south-south. Many, especially in the south, fear a Buhari The promised restructuring has not gone far. The navy has no ships government would revert to a tough central commandist approach to fit to go to sea. The air force has crashed one of its second-hand Mi- government. He is also wary that some well placed northerners want 35 attack helicopters and has only one reliable Hercules C-130 heavy- to promote him as a way to bargain with Obasanjo. lift transport aircraft. The army spends 75 per cent of its budget on Although Obasanjo is now unpopular in the north, Vice-President ‘overheads’, while troops complain of pay arrears and squalid barracks. Atiku could claw back much of the support he won in 1999. Atiku Senior officers lobby for bigger budgets but Obasanjo and his cabinet controls the political machine set up by the late Brigadier Shehu Musa say many of their requests lack justification. Yar’Adua, Obasanjo’s Chief of General Staff in the 1976-79 military government, who was murdered in jail by the Abacha regime. If Atiku Private security and US doubts stays in the Obasanjo camp, he could mobilise Yar’Adua’s constituency In 2000, the United States offered to help the Ministry of Defence and – much of the north and the Middle Belt – for a second term. Defence Headquarters in Abuja, through a contract with the Virginia- Much depends on whether Obasanjo chooses Atiku as running mate. based ‘private’ security company Military Professional Resources Many in Abuja believe that Atiku wants the presidency now and is Incorporated. Work on the planning and budgeting process began unenthusiastic about a second Obasanjo term. Others claim that hopefully but Nigeria is still in arrears on its payments for the US$3.5 Babangida has told Obasanjo that the price of his support in the 2003 million programme for 2000 and has paid nothing for 2001 or 2002. elections is that he drops Atiku (who is Babangida’s most serious In late April, US President George W. Bush authorised $4 mn. of political rival in the north). If Obasanjo and Atiku part company, it will immediate military aid for Nigeria, saying it was required for an sharply increase Buhari’s electoral chances and disrupt the PDP’s unforeseen emergency. This either meant paying off the arrears to calculations of a comfortable win next year. It might entice Babangida MPRI or new kinds of military cooperation. Washington’s worries into the race. Which ever way it falls, the chances are that Nigeria’s about instability in are enlivened by reports of armed next head of state will be a general – recycled or otherwise. Islamist groups, secret trading and money laundering. In return for aid, Washington wants Nigeria to be its regional policeman. That offends many nationalist Nigerian officers and the NIGERIA II USA, too, could find its Nigerian connection embarrassing. The biggest human rights scandal is the alleged massacre, after the ambush of an army patrol, of over 200 civilians in Benue and Taraba states last Khaki blues, business suits October (AC Vol 42 No 22). A damning report by US-based Human Rights Watch calls for an independent investigation into claims of Civilian rule, even by a retired general, does systematic, centrally authorised abuses. Obasanjo angrily rejects not suit the army claims of military brutality; a Western defence attaché said, ‘We felt The army is back at the centre of politics, three years after it handed they could have gone about it a little differently.’ After reports of more over to an elected government whose head, President Olusegun military killings, Congressional sources in Washington said Nigeria Obasanjo, is himself a recycled military leader. There are two big, had been ‘one incident away’ from the USA scrapping its military seemingly contradictory, worries about the army. Is it cohesive assistance programme. enough to deal with growing political and communal violence in the Frustration is brewing in the ranks. In January, after hundreds of lead up to next year’s elections? And will communal violence, rising soldiers and their families were killed when an ammunition dump crime and anger about government corruption encourage officers to exploded at Ikeja Barracks in Lagos, displaced soldiers heckled grab back the power and money they so recently lost? Obasanjo and threw water-bags at Vice-President Atiku Abubakar In seven states, the army has stopped riots and separated hostile (AC Vol 43 No 3). They complained that relief supplies were being groups. Where the police have failed to tackle crime or defend diverted to officers; offending units were posted to Taraba. There is threatened communities, partisan vigilante groups such as the Bakassi concern about safety precautions in the Ikeja clear-up operation and Boys and the Od’ua People’s Congress offer a dangerous substitute about arms dumps at barracks in seven other towns. and the soldiers are the only force maintaining domestic security. ‘The Last December, the Chief of Army Staff, Maj. Gen. Alexander army and police are the only things which keep this country together Ogomudia, asked to resign, fuelling speculation that a New Year coup and they are operating at diminished capacity,’ says a Western diplomat. might be imminent. In fact, his concerns were more practical: ‘When they stop, Nigeria falls apart.’ inadequate government commitment to the reform programme, Military institutions and esprit de corps were gravely weakened insufficient resources for training and equipment, dismay over defence during the army’s stint in power in 1983-1999. Senior officers became contract awards. Obasanjo and his Defence Minister, Maj. Gen. contractors – ‘The only difference was we were wearing khaki not Theophilus Danjuma (army chief in the 1970s), rejected Ogomudia’s business suits’, according to Major General (retired) Victor Malu, request but did nothing to reduce his concerns. Danjuma has often Chief of Army Staff in 1999-2001. Junior ranks, particularly under been unwell since he took the job in 1999 and been criticised for his Gen. Sani Abacha’s rule, became polarised along political and ethnic handling of the Taraba clashes between Tiv soldiers and Jukun lines, as his security apparatus targeted Yoruba officers from the civilians (he is Jukun) as well as his attitude to procurement. 2 3 May 2002 Africa Confidential Vol 43 No 9

Suspect arms deals circle of political contractors around him most. Taylor may have lost the Defence sources say Danjuma’s Ministry is considering awarding monopoly of violence but he still has more of it than anyone else, which multi-million dollar contracts through some obscure intermediary counts for a lot in Liberia. companies in Britain and Ireland. Both Nigerian officers and Yet the mysterious Guinean-backed LURD (AC Vol 43 No 5) seems Western advisors say it would be cheaper to deal directly with to have been making headway against Taylor’s divided and sometimes manufacturers. In February, a 78-year-old French arms dealer, demoralised forces. Taylor exaggerates the rebel threat, which gives Jacques Engel, who was for years regarded as his country’s discreet him a pretext to arrest unarmed opponents and declare a state of representative in Nigeria, died of a heart attack. We hear he had just emergency. He says the would continue its sanctions been told that he would not be invited to bid for the rehabilitation of against Liberia because ‘forces’ in the organisation wanted to destabilise old armoured personnel carriers (APCs) made by the French company his country, in a coordinated conspiracy involving the UN and legions Panhard. of human rights lawyers and investigators from organisations such as Other rehabilitation contracts under scrutiny are those for over 100 Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. In a 1 May report, British Scorpion tanks (supplied in the late 1970s; there is disagreement HRW called for sanctions on Liberia to be maintained. about the new engines) and more than 150 Vickers Eagle units (that is, Taylor is taking the present military threat very seriously. He is tanks and back-up vehicles) also from the UK. The Defence Ministry recalling his old civil war generals to head militia units, to go to the front is said to be considering acquiring some Eastern European-made in place of the tired and discredited national . APCs originally intended for Iraq and mothballed in Poland when the Former commanders of Taylor’s National for Liberia United Nations imposed sanctions. A Western defence analyst said (NPFL), such as Roland Duo and Coocoo Dennis, lead units some of the money involved was grossly inflated. Questions are also being which are formed from logging companies’ private security forces. asked about a $150 mn. contract to rehabilitate obsolete Soviet MiG- AFL commanders resent losing control, though Defence Minister 21 fighter aeroplanes and T-55 tanks and about the price of 25,000 Daniel Chea appears to have gained influence recently and is working AK-47 automatic rifles for the police. more closely with Dennis, whose home constituency has been under As in many Nigerian public contracts, the details are secret and fail LURD pressure. to meet the rules of international competitive bidding or scrutiny by the National Assembly, while the defence budget has shrunk. Under SSS and SOD military rule in the 1990s, defence spending was up to $1 billion a year The main fighting is in Lofa County, towards the Guinea border. (including one-off payments to officers), plus massive ‘security’ Taylor’s main man there is the head of the Special Security Service, allocations for intelligence chiefs and their political allies, who Benjamin Yeaten, to whom the militias are accountable, squandered or stole most of the money. By 1999, Nigeria’s official including ex-Revolutionary United Front (RUF) rebels from Sierra military budget, at some $1 bn., lagged behind those of South Africa Leone and Guinean dissidents. Young men and boys are forcibly ($2.8 bn.), Egypt ($2.4 bn.), Libya ($1.4 bn.), Algeria ($1.3 bn.), recruited, mostly by the government side. The SSS operates up- Morocco ($1.3 bn.) and Angola ($1.2 bn.). The army, reported country, though the AFL and other militias are in Lofa. The Anti- (officially but unreliably) to muster 70,000, is Africa’s eighth biggest. Terrorist Unit (ATU), led by Taylor’s son Chuckie Junior, is part of the Nationalist officers resent this shrinkage and the American presence. mayhem. The national police, headed by Paul Mulbah, have formed More pragmatic soldiers reckon that cooperation with the USA an elite force led by ex-NPFL figures and called, perhaps humorously, could push Danjuma and Obasanjo into buying the kit they need. Five the Special Operations Division (SOD). infantry battalions, trained by Americans as part of the African Crisis Taylor doesn’t like disbanding security units, preferring to split them Response Initiative, have impressed Western counterparts on United and create new, short-lived, groups, each of which believes itself an elite Nations peace-keeping duties in Sierra Leone. Those units enjoy force accountable to only a few people. This reduces the chance of morale, training, conditions and pay far ahead of those not covered by coherent opposition but weakens the chain of command and fosters the ACRI programme. Nigeria could end up with a multi-level army rivalry, if not outright violence. The AFL is composed largely of – an elite force for regional peace-keeping, a second-rate force tied up veterans from former President Samuel Kanyon Doe’s national army. with domestic political fire-fighting and maybe a third element most Taylor does not particularly trust them but they are the biggest fighting threatening of all – militicians with an eye on politics and contracts. force. Poorly paid, they survive mainly by looting. Some of the attacks blamed on LURD may have been done by ill disciplined government LIBERIA forces or stage-managed by Taylor to draw attention to his plight and persuade the UN to lift sanctions – while the rebels are happy to be credited with unfought for military achievements. The LURD has no internationally credible leadership and no coherent Rebels without a plan agenda except opposition to Taylor, which makes it easier for him to Guinean-backed rebels threaten Taylor and present them as mere thugs (although their human rights record is better the UN is set to renew sanctions against him than that of other regional rebel movements). Church people in Monrovia, led by Archbishop Michael Francis, are desperate to break A queue of enemies is closing in on President Charles Taylor, who the cycle of violence and argue that armed attacks on Taylor could make is trying to see them off with fire-power and politics. As the veteran bad conditions even worse. opposition leader Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, the main opposition candidate Like their United Liberation Movement for Democracy (Ulimo) in the 1977 presidential election, returned to Monrovia on 29 April, predecessors, the LURD is liable to splits, between Krahns and Taylor banned all public meetings, even funerals and party political Mandingos, and between political and military leaders. A key political activities. He said he wanted ‘to protect democracy’ against the threat figure is Sekou Conneh, based in Voinjama on the border and the main of armed rebellion. In fact, the armed rebels of the Liberians United conduit for Guinean funding. He is a Liberian Mandingo whose wife for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) threaten Taylor and the Ayesha became a spiritual advisor to President Lansana Conté after 3 3 May 2002 Africa Confidential Vol 43 No 9 UN gumshoes in Taylorland President Charles Taylor, expecting United Nations sanctions against tougher sanctions. The International Monetary Fund declined the job, as Liberia to be extended, despatched his skillful Foreign Minister, Monie did the anti-corruption group Transparency International, citing lack of Captan, to New York in late April to lobby the Security Council. expertise and resources. The United States recommended Britain’s A draft resolution prepared for the UNSC debate on 7 May is hard- Crown Agents, who advised Mozambique’s customs department and hitting: it calls for Taylor’s government to take urgent steps to ensure that boosted revenue sharply. Washington wants to rescue Liberia’s maritime revenues derived from its shipping register and logging industry be used registry, which is run by a US-based company with the right to inspect over for ‘legitimate, social, humanitarian and development purposes’. It also 1,700 vessels around the globe. demands the government provide audits of revenues from these sectors to Finance Minister Nathaniel Barnes has been with the IMF in Washington the Council within three months. We hear Mauritius and Russia objected for ten days, trying to fend off Liberia’s expulsion from the Fund for failure to this wording on the grounds that it offended state sovereignty. in economic reform. He apparently accepts that the maritime registry The existing travel ban and arms embargo annoy and inconvenience needs independent oversight to protect it. However, Taylor can’t afford to Taylor. There is no new investment and his Executive Mansion is short remove his friend Urey from the maritime honey-pot; the Commissioner of cash for patronage. For the first time since the UN imposed an arms of Maritime Affairs also has Monrovia’s egg monopoly, runs Lonestar embargo a decade ago, Liberia is having to pay significantly more for communications and hopes to launch an airline. During the National guns, missiles and ammunition. Yet the travel ban, according to the UN Patriotic Front of Liberia’s bush war, Urey’s call-sign was ‘Goldfinger’. Panel of Experts, saves the government some US$400,000 a month by The UN Panel did not mention that Urey, with militia leader Coocoo restricting its officials’ international travel. Dennis, was actively involved in the response to the crash-landing at The Panel’s second report, published on 19 April, is based on a five- Robertsfield Airport on 12 February of a Moldovan-registered AN-12 week regional assessment. It produced convincing evidence of violations aircraft, flying from Chad and operated by Inter Trans Congo. The crash of the diamonds and arms embargoes and of the travel ban. The first was followed by hours of bangs like exploding ammunition. A UN report, last October (AC Vol 42 No 22), resulted in: investigation of this and two subsequent suspicious flights was obstructed ● The arrest in Belgium of Kenyan-born Sanjivan Ruprah and by the Liberian authorities. Portuguese national Carlos ‘Beto’ Laplaine. The Security Council is set to agree a year’s extension of the arms ● An international arrest warrant from an Italian court for the Liberian embargo and a three-month renewal of the monitoring panel from July. By Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration, John Smythe, in connection then, Liberia will have been asked for details of the Robertsfield crash. The with the case of the Ukrainian arms smuggler, Leonid Minin (AC Vol 41 travel-ban list, which has been hard to enforce, will be gradually reduced No 19). from its current 129 names, a topic on which the Singaporean Chairman ● Deregistration by Guinea of the Pecos company, a front for many of the Liberia Sanctions Committee, Kishore Mahbubani, is relieved to fraudulent arms purchases. find consensus. On other issues, there is less agreement. Russia and ● Start of criminal proceedings by Slovakia against Alexander Islamov Mauritius lead the reservations on maritime and timber audits, and Moscow and Peter Jusko for involvement in sanctions-busting through Pecos. does not want the Council to follow up violations of sanctions previous to ● The recent deregistration by Equatorial Guinea of several sanctions- April 2001. There is consensus on lifting the diamond embargo, as for busting aircraft linked to Russian arms trafficker Victor Bout, who has Sierra Leone, if a credible certificate of origin scheme is set up; the closed his base in the United Arab Emirates; from Moscow, he now Minister of Lands, Mines and Energy, Jenkins Dunbar, is having trouble keeps his aeroplanes at Goma in Congo-Kinshasa. finding somebody to pay for it. The previous Experts’ report found that funds from Liberia’s maritime Foreign Minister Captan argued that the original rationale for sanctions registry (‘flag of convenience’), the world’s second largest, had paid for should be reassessed, given the Panel’s latest details about the LURD and arms and transport. There were significant ‘discrepancies’ in figures for its view that the Revolutionary United Front in Liberia posed no ‘direct’ remittances supplied by Liberia International Shipping and Corporate risk to Sierra Leone. There were few sympathetic ears. Guinea and Registry (LISCR), the Finance Ministry and the Central Bank of Liberia. Cameroon (whose new deputy Permanent Representative in New York is In the 10 months to last October, the Central Bank reported maritime Martin Chungong Ayafor, who used to chair the Panel of Experts on remittances of $5.4 million, while the Finance Ministry recorded $9.4 mn. Sierra Leone and Liberia) are deeply sceptical. Russia and the USA for the period. When the Panel, in search of the missing $4 mn., tried to support Guinea, Britain is keen on Sierra Leone. Mauritius and Mexico examine the books of the Bureau of Maritime Affairs, controlled by worry about the sanctions’ impact on civilians. Bulgaria, a veteran Taylor’s long-time business partner Benoni Urey, it was told that the sanctions-buster, is keen to promote its new clean credentials. France generator had ‘broken down’ and would be repaired only after the Panel watches closely but its French-speaking allies from Mali and Tunisia left had left Liberia. The BMA was last audited in 1988. the Council in January and Guinea is short on Francophone solidarity. Monrovia is now looking for a credible financial monitor as a means of Moreover, Guinea’s own support for the LURD rebels against Taylor convincing Western governments it’s serious about reform and to fend off escapes any censure. she foretold a 1996 coup attempt. Guinea gives the LURD logistical about the whereabouts of who, despite rumours that he support and does nothing to stop recruitment on Guinean soil. Since was running Taylor’s security, is no longer in Liberia. late last year, Guinea has insisted that most LURD fighters be located The international community has not decided whether to censure in Liberia, creating a buffer zone in Lofa County as protection against the LURD and to keep trying to pull Taylor into line or to encourage cross-border attacks. the rebels as a means of pressuring him to reform. United States’ officials support tougher action while their Monrovia Embassy would Costly connections prefer constructive engagement. The Brussels-based International The UN Security Council is to discuss the sanctions on Liberia on 7 Crisis Group has proposed a peace process led by a contact group of May. Taylor claims that he has complied with the letter of the Mano River countries, bringing in Nigeria, Britain, France and the sanctions and that he is not arming Sierra Leone’s RUF rebels. USA, with input from Taylor’s ally Libya. Certainly, they have disarmed in Sierra Leone but RUF remnants If threatened, Taylor can agree to talk. Morocco has revived the based in Monrovia provide Taylor’s security; it is suspected that Mano River Union and it brought Taylor together with Presidents quantities of arms were secreted safely across the border before the Ahmad Tejan Kabbah of Sierra Leone and Conté of Guinea on 27 RUF handed over its weapons to the UN. UN monitors are puzzled February. Conté is unwell and unwilling to travel but has a holiday 4 3 May 2002 Africa Confidential Vol 43 No 9 home in Morocco; Guinea has friends there, notably through the Tijaniya Islamic brotherhood, founded in Fez and highly influential SENEGAL across West Africa, where Morocco is keen to expand its business and diplomatic interests. The talks arranged by King Mohammed VI ended with Taylor and Conté on better terms. More talks are planned, with border security a priority. The three foreign ministers reviewed Wade’s wide world progress in Morocco on 6 April and some border security units began Strong at international conferences, the deploying on 15 April. President faces criticism at home In May, the USA is to start training Guinean soldiers, mainly for border duties. Four companies will be trained in four six-week High on the world stage, President Abdoulaye Wade hosted on 14-15 sessions, with a break after the first two to monitor the troops’ April an ambitious investors’ conference for the New Partnership for behaviour on the border. Washington thus exposes itself to accusations African Development (NePAD), while trying to help to broker a peace that it is training the LURD’s military sponsors, so it may demand a deal for Madagascar. Unhappily, Senegal’s Assemblée Nationale public assurance from Conakry about its backing for the LURD. was discussing, that same week, a censure motion against the government of Prime Minister Mame Madior Boye. The motion, Calling Mr Kabbah submitted by Moussa Tine of the Alliance pour le Progrès et la Ahead of Sierra Leone’s elections next month (AC Vol 43 No 7) Justice/Jef Jel, was duly thrown out but the grumbles behind it persist. Taylor is wooing Kabbah in with regular telephone calls The Dakar peace agreement on Madagascar was a welcome, if sharing information on rebel activity. He wants to show the world that short-lived, bonus for Wade, after the two-day NePAD conference he is cooperating with peace and reconciliation initiatives. Hoping to failed to inspire. The Madagascar deal was largely brokered by restart the European aid he needs for next year’s elections, he has Amara Essy, Secretary General of the Organisation of African Unity/ agreed to an independent audit of public finances, funded by the African Union and the United Nations’ West Africa envoy, Ibrahima European Union, whose terms of reference are being drafted. Fall. Yet Wade claimed most of the credit and gave the best sound- Taylor’s officials still harass journalists and human rights activists, bites, offering Senegal’s follow-up services as mediator between the especially those who criticise the state of emergency in force since 8 island’s would-be presidents, Didier Ratsiraka and Marc February. When leading human rights lawyer Tiawan Gongloe was Ravalomanana. Senegalese Foreign Minister Cheikh Tidiane Gadio tortured in police custody, Taylor publicly lambasted the police but duly flew off to Antananarivo, to find that Wade had bitten off more reminded the hospitalised activist that he might have a case to answer. than he could chew and that Ratsiraka had torn up the deal. His opponents say the international meetings are just for show. Neither Taylor nor the LURD attended talks in Abuja on 15-16 March; Appearances and non-appearances the LURD said the invitation had arrived too late, Taylor sent a low- The NePAD event was marred by preliminary hype (much of it level delegation led by Agriculture Minister Roland Massaquoi but Wade’s), poor organisation and stodgy rhetoric. It was relieved by the the meeting attracted several Liberian opposition figures, including late arrival of Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, head of Johnson-Sirleaf. She is in contact with the LURD but says it lacks NePAD’s implementing committee, with a tub-thumping, show- leadership or a positive agenda. Lavelli Supuwood, a former NPFL stealing cameo but Senegal was embarrassed by the non-appearance figure now based in Guinea, was in Abuja in a personal capacity, not of NePAD’s co-architects, Presidents Thabo Mbeki of South Africa, as a LURD representative. One former warlord outside the loop is Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria and Mohamed Hosni Mubarak of Prince Johnson, who was ordained a church minister on 28 April. Egypt. Western-approved leaders such as Presidents Joaquim Taylor plans a National Reconciliation Conference in Monrovia in Chissano of Mozambique and of Côte d’Ivoire July. A similar gathering in 1998 produced an impressive number of were in evidence. Dinosaurs such as El Hadji Omar Bongo of Gabon participants and some fine reports but no results. and Daniel Arap Moi of Kenya offered insights into the links between investment and good governance. Keeping the soldiers sweet Wade’s claim to leadership of NePAD and the associated role of Conté’s regime has – so far – escaped criticism for backing the LURD. Spokesman for Africa may irritate his peers. He is just one of four It helps that Guinea is now opening its bauxite reserves to foreign NePAD vice-presidents, in charge of infrastructure, environment, investors from America and Russia. In early April, with his third information technology and energy, and his conference, called presidential term almost assured, President Conté promoted four ‘Partnership with the Private Sector for Financing Africa’s Growth officers to the rank of général de brigade, though he has mistrusted through NePAD’, was more of a showcase for investment in Senegal. senior officers since a 1985 coup attempt, after which he rose from Presidential daughter Syndiily Wade and presidential advisors Hassan colonel to general. Two of the four were members of the Comité Bâ, Thierno Ousmane Sy, Bruno Diatta and Massamba Sarr, have Militaire de Redressement National that overthrew the late President been assigned to Senegal’s NePAD operation. As with the Agence de Ahmed Sekou Touré in 1984, Armed Forces Chief of Staff Colonel Promotion des Investissements et des Infrastructures (Apix), headed Kerfalla Camara and Col. Abdourahmane Diallo. The others are by Aminata Niane, the emphasis is on marketing and public works. the deputy Armed Forces Chief, Col. Ousmane Arafan Camara, Senegal’s opposition leaders say the President’s international who was active in combatting cross-border attacks last year, and the hyperactivity shows misplaced priorities. army commander, Col. Baolo Diallo. Guinea’s other two generals are Wade offers peace-making services abroad but has done little to end both retired: Sory Doumbouya (who sits in parliament for Conté’s Senegal’s domestic conflict in Casamance since March 2001, when a Parti de l’Unité et du Progrès) and Somma Kourouma, the previous provisional peace agreement was signed with the separatist Mouvement army chief. The new promotions are seen as preparation for a smooth des Forces Démocratiques de Casamance (AC Vol 42 Nos 5 & 11). succession for Conté, who has been unwell for years and looks Interior Minister Mamadou Niang has headed several delegations to determined to die in office. Casamance, telling the MFDC to put its house in order before full 5 3 May 2002 Africa Confidential Vol 43 No 9

dialogue can start. The long-time MFDC leader Augustin Diamacoune Nationale d’Electricité (Sénélec) is straining relations with the IMF Senghor, now President rather than Secretary General of the and World Bank. They argue that the parastatal drains national Movement, is still fiercely at odds with his rival Sidy Badji. The new resources and should not be bailed out again. They approved the long- Secretary General, Jean-Marie François Biagui, remains peripheral delayed 10 per cent increase in electricity prices in February but point and stays mainly in France. The MFDC Spokesman, Alexandre to problems with Sénélec’s mounting debts. More than 18 months Djiba, is said to have been arrested in Guinea-Bissau in March. after an agreement with the Franco-Canadian consortium Elyo- As yet, there is no sign of a Casamance dividend from Wade’s Hydro-Québec ended with a generous end-of-contract payment, a new improving relations with Gambian President . Having partner has not been found. Talks with the ailing French energy giant invited Wade to Banjul a few weeks earlier, Jammeh was guest of Vivendi broke down in February, when it made an initial investment honour at Senegal’s Independence Day celebrations in April. After offer far short of the government’s target. Hopes are now pinned on two stolen elections, a record of grand corruption, officially sanctioned AES Frontier, an American company. gem smuggling and gross human rights abuse, Gambia has become a The IMF broadly backed government policy in its last review of the rogue state literally implanted in Senegal. Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility arrangement in April but At the local elections on 12 May, Wade and his allies hope to repeat warned that the deteriorating finances and stalled privatisations of the success of his presidential victory in March 2000 and last year’s Sénélec and Sonacos would have to to be tackled. landslide to the ruling Sopi coalition, now rebranded as a wrap-around The EU is critical, too. On his recent visit to Dakar, the Commissioner the President movement called the Sopi Ak Convergence des Actions for Humanitarian Assistance and Development, Poul Nielsen, Autour du Président en Perspective du 21ème siècle (CAP 21). It is complained of serious problems in the implementation of EU-funded dominated, of course, by Wade’s Parti Démocratique Sénégalais initiatives. The EU has still to negotiate a new fishing accord with (PDS) but Wade, who led last year’s parliamentary campaign, will this Senegal. The last agreement expired in April 2001. To the EU’s time leave the election machine to his Cabinet Director, Minister of disappointment, after the failure of talks in December another automatic State Idrissa Seck. The PDS is shy of discussing the succession and extension was not granted to EU fishing fleets and vessels have been Seck, often regarded as Wade’s heir-presumptive, has suggested that banned from Senegalese waters since 1 January. Wade, now 83, will try for a second presidential term in 2007. Talks in Brussels in March also failed to produce a new agreement. Seck’s toughest job, after damaging rows about the selection of The government is holding out for an increase in annual compensation candidates, is to sustain a coalition whose smaller members complain from the EU from 12 million Euros to ¤20 mn., which the EU is bitterly of PDS hegemony. The aggrieved parties include the And-Jëf/ unlikely to countenance without guarantees of significantly expanded Parti Africain pour la Démocratie et le Socialisme, led by the Minister fishing possibilities. Senegal is outraged by the damage European of Mines, Handicrafts and Industry, Landing Savane; and the Ligue (and other) fleets have wreaked on West Africa’s fish stock using Démocratique/Mouvement pour le Parti du Travail led by the Vice- industrial fishing methods. Under increasing attacks for its unfair President of the Assemblée Nationale Abdoulaye Bathily. Both trade practices with the poorest countries, the EU doesn’t want to give leaders have stayed loyal, while the opposition, dominated by figures ground. Compared to what it gives to Mauritania, EU compensation from the past, hopes to realign the left against Wade. levels for Senegal look generous. That’s scant compensation for a The opposition Cadre Permanent de Concertation (CPC) is an government facing as many economic and social problems as Wade’s. umbrella organisation covering the Parti Socialiste (PS), headed by Ousmane Tanor Dieng, the Alliance des Forces de Progrès (AFP) ZAMBIA led by former Prime Minister Moustapha Niasse, the Union pour le Renouveau Démocratique (URD) of Djibo Leity Kâ and the Parti de l’Indépendance et du Travail-Sénégal (PIT) led by Amath Dansokho. Niasse’s activities as the main opposition spokesman are limited by Who’s got the money? his work as a UN-appointed mediator in Congo-Kinshasa. It still isn’t clear just who won the election Niasse insists that Sopi’s 2001 election campaign was bankrolled and who stole the cash from the state-owned groundnut company, the Société Nationale de Commercialisation des Oléagineux du Sénégal (Sonacos) and that a President has bounced back from his stolen election CAP 21 victory in the local elections will be tainted by corruption and in December and is surprising his many detractors by fending off both manipulation. Niasse debunks Wade’s vision for the country, arguing the opposition (which holds 81 of parliament’s 150 seats) and his that investors have no interest in plans for a new airport and other disgruntled predecessor, Frederick Chiluba. Zambians are dismayed schemes. The CPC’s campaign, focussed on Niasse’s stronghold in that Mwanawasa’s and his party’s election malpractice provoke so the Sine Saloum groundnut belt south-east of Dakar, features over- little foreign interest compared to the obsessive attention paid to the heated attacks on the government’s economic policy; Tine’s motion equally flawed elections of their southern neighbour, Zimbabwe. To of censure alleges ‘national suicide’ in the groundnut sector, short- show he regards his domestic problems as under control, Mwanawasa changing peasant farmers and pushing disastrous reforms. last week visited President Robert Mugabe, as well as Tanzania’s Under pressure from the World Bank and European Union, the President Benjamin Mkapa. By history and by association, government has cut producer prices by 17 per cent for the 2001-2 Mwanawasa is now a paid-up member of the bad elections club (AC season and has dissolved Sonagraines, the state-owned subsidiary of Vol 43 No 8) and faces sanctions and aid cuts. Sonacos which previously collected and transported groundnut crops. Mwanawasa is helped by the disunited opposition, which veers This is meant to pave the way for privatisation of Sonacos in 2003 and between effective filibustering in parliament and mass defections to farmers’ organisations complain that it leaves producers without a the governing Movement for Multi-party Democracy. Western donors transport network. Wade has acknowledged transport problems and procrastinate about whether to mark disapproval of the election by toured Sine Saloum in March, listening to complaints. suspending aid (the scathing European Union report points to multiple Wade’s failure to privatise the state electricity company, Société abuses); they are still preoccupied by Zimbabwe, where Mugabe’s 6 3 May 2002 Africa Confidential Vol 43 No 9 supporters added widespread violence to techniques of rigging and Kavindele told Africa Confidential, because he hails from western disenfranchisement that were much like Zambia’s. Zambia which currently hosts some 200,000 Angolan refugees. Many The current President has evidently struck a deal with his predecessor. of his constituents ‘understandably’ trade across the border, he added. Chiluba was annoyed that Mwanawasa did not give cabinet jobs to his However, Mwanawasa himself enjoys far better relations than allies, such as Chitalu Sampa (MMD Chairman), Peter Machungwa Chiluba with Luanda, which is said to have contributed handsomely (MMD Treasurer) and Godden Mandandi (MMD tourism to his election campaign. He rejected a request from the late UNITA spokesman). One theory is that the uneasy truce between the party’s leader Jonas Savimbi to visit in January (he was located in Mwanawasa and Chiluba camps involves a promise from Chiluba not south-eastern Angola and killed a month later) after pressure from to cause trouble, provided the new President shields him from President José Eduardo dos Santos’ government. We hear that investigation of several multi-million dollar deals. Angolan security agents are getting privileged access to intelligence Agriculture Minister Mundia Sikatana insistently advocates zero about Zambian business people and politicians whom they suspect of tolerance of corruption and was first to raise the prospect of Chiluba’s links to UNITA. arrest. In March, the independent Post newspaper reported that State House is also interested in the financial affairs of Finance Sikatana wanted the Chiluba government brought to book; he demanded Minister Katele Kalumba, a Chiluba-loyalist who was cleared of, but that the police reopen their investigation into the collapse of Meridien wounded by, accusations that he was involved in last year’s diversion Bank in 1995 and the whereabouts of US$90 million of state funds, of K2 billion ($500,000) from parliament to fund the MMD convention. meant to shore up the ailing bank and last seen heading for the MMD unity will be tested in July, at an extraordinary party Bahamas. Those involved in Meridien’s collapse (AC Vol 36 No 8) convention. Part of the Mwanawasa-Chiluba deal is that Mwanawasa include Chiluba himself, Andrew Sardanis, Meridien BIAO owner will not be opposed for the party presidency; the popular MMD and former confidant of ex-President Kenneth Kaunda, and Benjamin Chairman, Sampa, had been picked to dilute ‘the Mwanawasa influence’ Mwila, the country’s most powerful politician as Chiluba’s Defence but MMD sources say he has agreed to back off (Vol 43 No 3). Minister and now a fading ex-presidential-hopeful. Four months after the election, the results are still provisional. Sikatana’s strictures on corruption and accountability must be taken Mazoka, of the Heritage Party and Christon seriously. He was a close friend of Mwanawasa’s when he was still a Tembo of the fast disintegrating Forum for Development and lawyer and he is in the inner circle which includes his lawyer wife Democracy are pressing ahead with their joint court challenge to the Maureen Mwanawasa, Special Economics Advisor Moses Banda, result. At first, the courts looked as if they would assert their Deputy Minister for Presidential Affairs Derrick Chitala, Principal independence but legal sources say that stalling is suggested by their Private Secretary Jack Kalala, Legal Affairs Minister George Kunda, order, made on 22 April, for more information from opposition Special Legal Advisor Darlington Mwape and Home Affairs Minister lawyers before the trial gets going. Requests for an official declaration Lackson Mapushi. meet a stony silence from the Electoral Commission where, we hear, Some reckon Sikatana simply wants to avenge the murder in 1994 national security agents, including a mathematician, are still shredding of his nephew Richard Ngenda, a high-profile and outspoken lawyer. papers and trying to reconcile the figures. Yet Sikatana has told the directors of the state Food Reserve Agency So far, Mwanawasa clings on to the goodwill of most donors to chase bad debtors, whoever they are; the FRA, soon to be phased (although the Netherlands have stopped channeling money through out, was meant to supply farmers with credit and fertiliser and to act the government) who will decide what to do only when they see how as a buyer of last resort. Politicians used it as a cash-cow. Sikatana the courts deal with the opposition’s election petition. If the judges was shocked to be handed a list of debtors with over 30 MMD prove impartial, balance-of-payments support, some 30 per cent of members of parliament and the presidential wife, Maureen, said to planned government spending, will be released. Yet before they put owe billions of kwacha. down their cash, the donors will demand a reasonably realistic budget. The corruption issue sets the Chiluba and Mwanawasa camps at The parliamentary opposition had its finest hour when it refused to odds. Firstly, Chiluba refused to vacate the MMD presidency, to approve Chiluba’s retirement package and rejected Finance Minister which he was elected in July. In March, Mwanawasa sacked without Emmanuel Kasonde’s proposed 45 per cent fuel levy, keeping the tax explanation a key Chiluba-loyalist, Vernon Mwaanga, from his post at 30 per cent. That, unfortunately, blew the budget even further off as Information and Broadcasting Minister and spin-doctor-in-chief; in course. It could be a while before Zambia can resume normal life, February, without consulting Mwanawasa, Mwaanga had arranged a economic or political. secret rendez-vous between Chiluba and Anderson Mazoka, leader of the opposition United Party for National Development and runner- Visit our website at: www.africa-confidential.com up in the presidential election (AC Vol 43 No 6). Published fortnightly (25 issues per year) by Africa Confidential, at But then Mwanawasa changed tack, steadfastly rejecting opposition 73 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JQ, England. calls to lift the former President’s immunity from prosecution. Tel: +44 20-7831 3511. Fax: +44 20-7831 6778. Copyright reserved. Edited by Patrick Smith. Deputy: Gillian Lusk. Mwaanga was replaced by another Chiluba supporters, Newstead Administration: Clare Tauben. Zimba, the MMD’s National Executive Committee election chairman. Mwaanga, still MMD National Secretary, appears to be re-emerging Annual subscriptions including postage, cheques payable to Africa Confidential in advance: from the political wilderness – possibly back to the cabinet, which Institutions: Africa £312 – UK/Europe £347 – USA $874 – ROW £452 badly needs his mastery of spin. Amid claims that the MMD has Corporates: Africa 404 – UK/Europe £425 – USA $985 – ROW £531 ironed out its differences, some think they are getting bumpier. Students (with proof): Africa/UK/Europe/ROW £87 or USA $125 The dapper Vice-President Enock Kavindele is a consummate All prices may be paid in equivalent convertible currency. We accept diplomat and has been able to navigate recent political storms. At one American Express, Diner’s Club, Mastercard and Visa credit cards. Subscription enquiries to: Africa Confidential, PO Box 805, Oxford OX4 point a favoured candidate to succeed Chiluba, he has been accused by 1FH England. Tel: 44 (0)1865 244083 and Fax: 44 (0)1865 381381 Luanda officials of close links to the União Nacional para a Printed in England by Duncan Print and Packaging Ltd, Herts, UK. Independência Total de Angola. All this was ‘grossly overstated’ ISSN 0044-6483

7 3 May 2002 Africa Confidential Vol 43 No 9

Burundi, Cameroon, Congo-K, Kenya, Libya, assigning of 15 blocks of land offered by the Pointers Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Mines Ministry for oil and gas exploration. Mali and Zambia voted (unsuccessfully) with Sudan to desperately needs the revenue boost that Chad abolish the former German Interior Minister’s and Mauritania are expecting from oil and gas SUDAN/UGANDA mission. Khartoum protested loudly to Kampala. sales but doubts remain about how much is likely Uganda has much to gain. Last week, over to be found and how to transport it. 1,300 of the NIF-backed Ugandan National Rescue The Carlos card Front 2 walked home and accepted amnesty; they ZAMBIA were led by Colonel Ali Bamoze, once an officer The odd agreement between Khartoum and under President Idi Amin Dada. Kampala allowing Ugandan troops into Sudan to Cobalt cash attack the Lord’s Resistance Army was renewed MALI An audit report will soon be released on how last week till mid-May. For both sides this has Zambia’s state mining company lost as much as more to do with short-term advantage than US$60 million exporting cobalt to the Bahamas- reconciliation. President Yoweri Museveni longs Recycled general based Metal Resources Group. That was in to be rid of Joseph Kony’s murderous LRA. Former military leader Amadou Toumani Touré President Frederick Chiluba’s time and his Khartoum’s National Islamic Front government (ATT) was running narrowly ahead on 1 May with critics want criminal charges pressed against believes it will win public relations points without some 27 per cent of the vote in Mali’s 28 April officials involved in the deal. MRG threatens to compromising the Islamist International: the presidential elections. Counting was set to continue sue the auditors if the report is released but has nominally Christian LRA is as disposable as was for hours more as we went to press; challenges to so far failed to explain the losses convincingly. Carlos the Jackal, handed to France in 1994 (but the count may last longer still. ATT’s rival, ex- Under pressure from the International as Usama bin Laden was not). After the 11 Premier Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta (IBK), is Monetary Fund and World Bank, the Chiluba September atrocities (AC Vol 43 No 8), the NIF threatening to go to court. government ordered an audit report in June tried to avert United States’ revenge by adopting Unconfirmed reports of voter turnout of under 2000 after it emerged that state-owned Zambia anti-terrorist-speak and posing as peacemaker. 15 per cent cast doubt on the significance of the Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM, AC Vol Letting the Ugandan army loose on the terrorist election in what is frequently touted as a 41 No 17) had sold hundreds of tonnes of cobalt LRA fits both imperatives. functioning democracy. Voting is set to go to a for far less than the market value to MRG, under Kony’s ragged fighters are struggling in the second round on 12 May, pitting ATT against a 1998 contract. The auditors were meant to rough Agoro Mountains, some 50 kilometres from Soumaïla Cissé, the candidate of the ruling determine whether these losses resulted from the border and held by the Sudan People’s Alliance pour la Démocratie au Mali (Adema), negligence or fraud. Liberation Army. In April, unprecedentedly, an running second, or IBK (who parted company The government commissioned Mauritian- LRA commander, Major Kwor Ayello, courted bitterly with Adema) running a close third. based De Chazal Du Mie (DCDM), East African publicity by ringing the BBC to say it would fight Running against ATT, a national hero who representatives of international, United States- on. Driven out of its Sudanese bases, the LRA toppled dictator Moussa Traoré in 1991 then based, auditors Andersen (which also audited must keep on the move, short of ammunition and stood aside for a civilian president, wasn’t easy. the collapsed US energy giant Enron). The final food. If it crossed into northern Uganda, its IBK had been playing all his cards, including report on ZCCM’s 1998-1999 cobalt sales has kidnapped recruits might escape and Uganda could Islamic ones, to win. Last week 20 Muslim still not been published, though Africa use the attack helicopters that former abductees organisations issued a joint statement calling on Confidential has seen a draft. It says that cobalt say are the LRA’s worst fear. their members to back the former Premier, but the sales with a value of $95 mn. were made in 1998 The LRA’s survival is Museveni’s most visible constitutional court has received a complaint that and 1999 at well below the market price, failure. Active in northern Uganda since 1988, it this offends Mali’s secular constitution. ‘resulting in discrepancies of over $60 million pulled back into bases in NIF-held southern Sudan IBK’s people at the main count in Bamako which favoured Metal Resources Group’. in 1994, with full NIF support. It has captured and complained that different versions of polling DCDM’s report says ZCCM’s then Chief brutalised over 10,000 children, as rebel ‘wives’ stations’ results were arriving by different means Executive, Edward Shamutete, and Marketing and soldiers; close to half a million Acholi have – e-mail, phone, fax or radio. Cissé, a former Manager Urbano Mutati, ‘entered into an been displaced into camps in Uganda. finance minister, has done well despite rifts in improper and damaging exclusive agency Recently, the NIF stopped supplying the LRA, Adema that meant he didn’t get unqualified support contract [with MRG] which dramatically altered which then began raiding the Sudanese army, from outgoing President Alpha Oumar Konaré. the entire sales and marketing of cobalt’, killing more than 40 soldiers in March. That was Adema is divided between Cissé supporters apparently without reference to the ZCCM when Sudan allowed Ugandan troops access to and those who support Prime Minister Mande board. DCDM complained that Shamutete and territory held by the SPLA, where Khartoum had Sidibé, who rejected the outcome of the party ZCCM Chairman Shalaulwa Shimukowa failed no control anyway. Uganda agreed to limit congress that selected Cissé as its presidential to respond to written questions; the auditors operations to south of Juba and the SPLA promised candidate. Cissé’s campaign director is the wife were not given access to former directors. not to exploit the situation: since it holds almost of Interior Minister Ousmane Sy. No clear explanation has emerged of how the entire area, this too had little meaning. At least IBK, who split from Adema in 2000 to found ZCCM came to sign the contract with MRG, to 10,000 Ugandan troops, freed from involvement the Rassemblement pour le Mali, enjoys the support which Shamutete wrote several times expressing in Congo-Kinshasa, are now in Sudan, claiming of France’s Parti Socialiste and Jacques Chirac’s reservations in the months after signing. MRG to have destroyed five recently abandoned LRA Rassemblement pour la République, both unhappy went on to sign a similar cobalt contract with camps, including Bangatek and Bin-Rot. about ATT’s links to Washington Democrats. Gécamines, Congo-Kinshasa’s state mining The SPLA expects Uganda’s usual support to ATT retired from the army last September; he has company. MRG has said that it carried out continue. The NIF remains Uganda’s enemy; supporters as diverse as former United States’ many commercial transactions with ZCCM, when the United Nations Human Rights President Jimmy Carter and Togo’s President denies any wrongdoing, threatened to sue Commission met in Geneva on 12 April, Kampala Gnassingbé Eyadéma. Konaré, who stepped DCDM (although an audit is a privileged voted for renewal of the mandate of the UN down after the statutory two terms, is set for a new document) and has hired PriceWaterhouse Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Sudan, career as Secretary General of the Organisation of Cooper (now trying to pick up the shreds of Gerhart Baum, who reports continuing atrocities, African Unity, a post now occupied by Côte Andersen) to examine the draft. MRG’s advisors mainly by the government. Among African states d’Ivoire’s Amara Essy (AC Vol 42 No 19). have told commodity analysts that DCDM had present, South Africa abstained, while Algeria, Among the new president’s tasks will be the too little information to form an audit opinion. 8