BLEU might be Guilty but References are not Innocent Markus Freitag, David Grangier, Isaac Caswell Google Research ffreitag,grangier,
[email protected] Abstract past, especially when comparing rule-based and statistical systems (Bojar et al., 2016b; Koehn and The quality of automatic metrics for machine translation has been increasingly called into Monz, 2006; Callison-Burch et al., 2006). question, especially for high-quality systems. Automated evaluations are however of crucial This paper demonstrates that, while choice importance, especially for system development. of metric is important, the nature of the ref- Most decisions for architecture selection, hyper- erences is also critical. We study differ- parameter search and data filtering rely on auto- ent methods to collect references and com- mated evaluation at a pace and scale that would pare their value in automated evaluation by not be sustainable with human evaluations. Au- reporting correlation with human evaluation for a variety of systems and metrics. Mo- tomated evaluation (Koehn, 2010; Papineni et al., tivated by the finding that typical references 2002) typically relies on two crucial ingredients: exhibit poor diversity, concentrating around a metric and a reference translation. Metrics gen- translationese language, we develop a para- erally measure the quality of a translation by as- phrasing task for linguists to perform on exist- sessing the overlap between the system output and ing reference translations, which counteracts the reference translation. Different overlap metrics this bias. Our method yields higher correla- have been proposed, aiming to improve correla- tion with human judgment not only for the submissions of WMT 2019 English!German, tion between human and automated evaluations.