Winter 2011 / Issue 36 Launch of Module 1 Supporting Career inside National from a CFE Professional Needs for this issue Forum on perspective Development Adults in Guidance Across these New (2011 - 2012) Europe Times learning from experience General Director’s Note Behind the Scenes at the launch of the National Forum on Contents Guidance 3 5 Primary Post Primary Higher Education Play Therapy Action Module 1 Have Your APEL and Masterchef - A Proven Research – from a CFE Say Ireland Support Why Bother? Perspective 8 13 16 18 21 Adult Non Formal Euroguidance Career Needs Future Skills Career Management Skills Supporting for Adults in Needs and the Youthreach Model Professional these New Development Times across Europe 24 26 30 32 General Book Review Website Review ESRC Seminar on Just another Games and Professional Academia day Activities for Identity Formation Exploring Feelings in Guidance with Children 35 37 40 42 Supplement Mobility for All Contact Details 1st Floor, 42/43 Prussia Street, Dublin 7 Tel: +353 1 869 0715/6 Fax: +353 1 882 3817 Email:
[email protected] 2 NCGE NEWS Winter 2011 General Director’s Note Welcome to the Winter 2011 / Issue 36 of NCGE News Online. As guidance professionals, we support our students/clients to reflect on their learning – what they have learned, how they have learned, what plans they have for learning and what they will do with that learning, As guidance professionals we too engage in reflective practice; what have I learned from working with my student/client/group, how can I better help them the next time and what learning could I engage in to support my practice further.