BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 77/2013 Monday 13 May 2013

1 Contents

The sections which appear in today’s Business Bulletin are in bold

Section A: Today’s Business - Meetings of Committees - Meeting of the Parliament Section B: Future Meetings of the Parliament Section C: Future Meetings of Committees Section D: Oral Questions - Questions selected for First Minister’s Questions - Questions selected for response by Ministers and junior Scottish Ministers at Question Time Section E: Written Questions – new questions for written answer Section F: Motions and Amendments Section G: Bills - New Bills introduced - New amendments to Bills - Members’ Bills proposals Section H: New Documents – new documents laid before the Parliament and committee reports published Section I: Petitions – new public petitions Section J: Progress of Legislation – progress of Bills and subordinate legislation Section K: Corrections to the Official Report


Business Bulletin: Monday 13 May 2013 Section B – Future Meetings of the Parliament

Business Programme agreed by the Parliament on 8 May 2013 Tuesday 14 May 2013

2.00 pm Time for Reflection – Rabbi David Rose, Rabbi of the East Scotland, executive member of the Interfaith Scotland and Member of the Conference of Scotland’s Religious Leaders. followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Stage 1 Debate: Scottish Independence Referendum (Franchise) Bill (for text of motion S4M-06545 see Section F) followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business – S4M-05676 Christina McKelvie: Voices From the Frontline, Digital by Default (for text of motion see Section F of the Business Bulletin for Wednesday 20 February 2013)

Wednesday 15 May 2013

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Culture and External Affairs; Infrastructure, Investment and Cities (for text of questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 9 May 2013) followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill (for text of motion see S4M-06544 see Section F) followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

3 followed by Members’ Business – S4M-05891 Aileen McLeod: History is Made at the Mull of Galloway (for text of motion see Section F of the Business Bulletin for Tuesday 12 March 2013)

Thursday 16 May 2013

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions (for text of questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 9 May 2013)

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business – S4M-06139 Margaret McDougall: University Marine Biological Station Millport (for text of motion see Section F of the Business Bulletin for Tuesday 2 April 2013)

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Debate: Electricity Market Reform followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

Tuesday 21 May 2013

2.00 pm Time for Reflection followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 22 May 2013

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions Education and Lifelong Learning

4 followed by Scottish Government Business followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 23 May 2013

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Stage 3 Proceedings: Forth Road Bridge Bill followed by Final Stage Proceedings: The National Trust for Scotland (Governance etc.) Bill followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time


Business Bulletin: Monday 13 May 2013 Section C – Future Committee Meetings

This section includes the agendas of the forthcoming committee meetings and outlines proposed future business, which may be subject to change. Committees have the right to take items in private and this will be notified as far in advance as possible.

Many committees include details of their future business on their webpages, which can be accessed at:

Health and Sport Committee 14 May 2013 15th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 9.45 am in Committee Room 6 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take its consideration of a draft report on the Victims and Witnesses (Scotland) Bill in private and whether its consideration of the draft report should be taken in private at future meetings. 2. Value Based Pricing: The Committee will take evidence from— Katy Peters, Head of Pricing, Prescriptions and Supply, Medicines, Pharmacy and Industry Group, Department of Health, UK Government. 3. Victims and Witnesses (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider a draft report to the Justice Committee. 4. Inquiry into teenage pregnancy (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 14 May, the Committee expects to consider oral evidence on its Access to newly licensed medicines inquiry. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Education and Culture Committee 14 May 2013 15th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 5 1. Inquiry into decision making on whether to take children into care: The Committee will take evidence from— Professor Eileen Munro, Professor of Social Policy at London School of Economics and Political Science; Professor Brigid Daniel, Professor of Social Work at University of Stirling. 2. Post-16 Education (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the Bill at Stage 2 (Day 1). 3. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will take evidence on The Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 Modification Order 2013 [draft], The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Review of Contact Directions and Definition of Relevant Person) Order 2013 [draft] and The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Rules of Procedure in Children’s Hearings) Rules 2013 from— Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People, Kit Wyeth, Head of Children’s Hearings Team, Iain Fitheridge, Policy Manager, Children’s Hearings Team, Gordon McNicoll, Divisional Solicitor/Deputy Director, Communities and Education Division, and Kate Walker, Principal Legal Officer, Communities and Education Team, Scottish Government. 4. Subordinate legislation: Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People, to move—S4M-6538—That the Education and Culture Committee recommends that the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 Modification Order 2013 [draft] be approved. 5. Subordinate legislation: Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People, to move—S4M-6536—That the Education and Culture Committee recommends that The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Review of Contact Directions and Definition of Relevant Person) Order 2013 [draft] be approved. 6. Subordinate legislation: Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People, to move—S4M-6537—That the Education and Culture Committee recommends that The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Rules of Procedure in Children’s Hearings) Rules 2013 [draft] be approved.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 21 May, the Committee expects to consider the Post-16 Education (Scotland) Bill at Stage 2 (day 2) and take oral evidence from two panels on its inquiry into decision making on whether to take children into care. The Committee will continue to take evidence on its inquiry into decision making on whether to take children into care at subsequent meetings. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Justice Committee 14 May 2013 15th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1 1. Decisions on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 5, 6 and 7 in private. 2. Victims and Witnesses (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from— Kenny MacAskill, Cabinet Secretary for Justice; Graham Ackerman and Gary Cox, Criminal Law and Licensing Division, and Craig McGuffie, Legal Services, Scottish Government. 3. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— Police Service of Scotland (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/125). 4. Annual report: The Committee will consider a draft annual report for the parliamentary year from 11 May 2012 to 10 May 2013. 5. Victims and Witnesses (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the main themes arising from evidence received in order to inform the drafting of its Stage 1 report. 6. Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012: The Committee will consider its approach to its scrutiny of the implementation of the fire service provisions in the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012. 7. Inquiry into the effectiveness of the provisions in the Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003: The Committee will consider a draft report.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 21 May, the Committee expects to take evidence on the Scottish Court Service’s report Shaping Scotland’s Court Service.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Public Petitions Committee 14 May 2013 10th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 2 1. Declaration of interests: Malcolm Chisholm will be invited to declare any relevant interests. 2. Consideration of a current petition: The Committee will consider— PE1404 by Stephen Fyfe, on behalf of Diabetes UK (Scotland), on access to insulin pump therapy and take evidence from— Michael Matheson, Minister for Public Health, Mark O’Donnell, Head of Quality and Planning Division, and Tom Pilcher, Senior Policy Manager, Clinical Priorities Team, Scottish Government.


3. Consideration of new petitions: The Committee will consider— PE1474 by David Milne on governance and propriety during the Menie Development and take evidence from— David Milne; Councillor Paul Johnston, Aberdeenshire Council and will then consider— PE1475 by John Nelson, on behalf of Hamilton Labour Party, on bus fares and services. 4. Consideration of current petitions: The Committee will consider— PE1428 by Councillor Douglas Philand, on behalf of Argyll First, on improvements for the A83; PE1438 by Lynsey Pattie on improving services for people with mental illness; PE1453 by Caroline Wilson, on behalf of the Evening Times and Kidney Research UK (Scotland), on an opt-out system of organ donation in Scotland; PE1457 by Alex Hamilton on Scotland’s national tree; PE1467 by Andrew McGowan MSYP, on behalf of the Scottish Youth Parliament, on a Scottish living wage recognition scheme; PE1470 by Lauren King MSYP, on behalf of the Scottish Youth Parliament, on a young carer’s grant; PE1471 by Rachael McCully MSYP, on behalf of the Scottish Youth Parliament, on young people’s hospital wards.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 28 May, the Committee expects to consider petitions on better protection for wild land, the A90 Balmedie to Tipperty dualling project, updating of pernicious anaemia/vitamin B12 deficiency understanding and treatment, fair ferry fares, a marine protected area for Fair Isle, effective thyroid and adrenal testing, diagnosis and treatment, inter-island air services and wi-fi on CalMac ferries.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Subordinate Legislation Committee 14 May 2013 15th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 4 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 4 and 5 in private. 2. Instruments subject to affirmative procedure: The Committee will consider the following—


Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Implementation of Secure Accommodation Authorisation) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 [draft]; Public Services Reform (Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland etc.) Order 2013 [draft]; Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 (Modification of Regulated Work with Children) (Children’s Hearings) Order 2013 [draft]; Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Modification of Primary Legislation) Order 2013 [draft]; Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2013 [draft]. 3. Instruments not subject to any parliamentary procedure: The Committee will consider the following— Act of Sederunt (Sheriff Court Rules) (Miscellaneous Amendments) 2013 (SSI 2013/135); Act of Sederunt (Sheriff Court Rules) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) 2013 (SSI 2013/139). 4. Scottish Independence Referendum Bill: The Committee will consider a draft report to the Referendum (Scotland) Bill Committee. 5. Police and Fire reform: The Committee will consider a paper from the Clerk.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 21 May, the Committee expects to consider subordinate legislation. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Welfare Reform Committee 14 May 2013 9th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 3 1. Department for Work and Pensions: The Committee will take evidence on welfare reform in Scotland from— Richard Cornish, Work Services Director for Scotland, Pete Searle, Strategy Director, and Jason Feeney, Benefits Director, Department for Work and Pensions. 2. Annual report: The Committee will consider a draft annual report for the parliamentary year from 11 May 2012 to 10 May 2013.

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 28 May, the Committee expects to take oral evidence from the Big Lottery Fund and Scottish Human Rights Commision. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee 15 May 2013 11th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 2 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 3 and any future consideration of evidence and draft reports on the community transport inquiry, in private. 2. Community transport inquiry: The Committee will take evidence from— John Berry, Sustainable Transport Team Leader, Association of Transport Coordinating Officers; Eric Stewart, Assistant Chief Executive, Operations, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport; Rachel Milne, Chair, Community Transport Association Scotland Committee; Cllr Graham Phillips, Chair, Transport, Environmental and Community Services, and David Summers, Transport Development Officer, Highland Council. 3. European Union document: The Committee will consider the following European Union document which may raise concerns in relation to subsidiarity— Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high speed electronic communications networks (7999/13).

Proposed future business For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Local Government and Regeneration Committee 15 May 2013 15th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 6 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 2 in private. 2. European Union Regulation proposal: The Committee will consider the following European Union document which may raise concerns in relation to subsidiarity— Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high speed electronic communications networks (7999/13). 3. Public services reform and local government: strand 3 - developing new ways of delivering services (in private): The Committee will consider a draft report. 4. Annual report (in private): The Committee will consider a draft annual report for the parliamentary year from 11 May 2012 to 10 May 2013.


Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 22 May, the Committee expects to consider evidence as part of its inquiry into the delivery of regeneration in Scotland.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee 15 May 2013 17th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1 1. Decision on taking business in private: The Committee will decide whether to take item 3 in private. 2. Crofting (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from— Richard Frew, Policy Adviser, and Kenneth Htet-Khin, Senior Principal Legal Officer, Scottish Government; and then from— David Balharry, Head of Regulation, Crofting Commission; Sir Crispin Agnew QC, Chairman, Crofting Law Group; Derek Flyn, Chair, Scottish Crofting Federation; Lucy Sumsion, Argyll and the Islands Regional Manager, National Farmers Union Scotland. 3. Marine issues: The Committee will consider a draft letter to the Scottish Government.

Proposed future business At its next meeting on 22 May 2013, it is expected that the Committee will take evidence on the Regulatory Reform (Scotland) Bill from Scottish Government officials and SEPA. It is also expected that the Committee will take evidence on the Crofting (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill from the Minister for Environment and Climate Change.

For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.

Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee 15 May 2013 15th Meeting, 2013

The Committee will meet at 10.30 am in Committee Room 4 1. Highlands and Islands Enterprise (Annual Accounts 2011-12 and spending plans): The Committee will take evidence from—


Alex Paterson, Chief Executive, and Forbes Duthie, Director of Finance and Corporate Services, Highlands and Islands Enterprise. 2. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument— The Late Payments of Commercial Debts (Scotland) (No. 2) Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/131).

Proposed future business At its next meeting, on 22 May, the Committee will take oral evidence on Scottish Enterprise spending plans. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Business Bulletin: Monday 13 May 2013 Section E – Written questions lodged on 10 May 2013

Questions marked with a triangle (Δ) are initiated by the Scottish Government in order to facilitate the provision of information to the Parliament.

Questions in which a member has indicated a declarable interest are marked with an "R".

S4W-14801 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government how much funding and how many personnel it provides to tackle wildlife crime.

S4W-14802 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government what measures are in place to ensure the enforcement of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in terms of protection for the freshwater pearl mussel.

S4W-14803 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government what measures are included in the Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill to protect the freshwater pearl mussel from (a) pollution and (b) illegal fishing.

S4W-14804 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government what measures it is undertaking to ensure enforcement of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Agriculture) (Scotland) Regulations 2006 in order to protect freshwater pearl mussel beds in rivers.

S4W-14805 Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Government how it will ensure (a) effective consultation with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage and (b) that proper consents and licences are obtained prior to development work on rivers containing the freshwater pearl mussel.

S4W-14807 Siobhan McMahon: To ask the Scottish Government what the frequency is for cleaning audits in hospital wards in NHS Lanarkshire.

S4W-14808 Siobhan McMahon: To ask the Scottish Government what criteria are used by managers when cleaning audits are carried out in hospital wards in NHS Lanarkshire.

S4W-14809 Siobhan McMahon: To ask the Scottish Government how many (a) full- time and (b) part-time nurses have been employed by NHS Lanarkshire in each year since 2007.

S4W-14810 Siobhan McMahon: To ask the Scottish Government how many (a) domestic cleaning staff and (b) outside cleaning contractors have been employed by NHS Lanarkshire in each year since 2007.


S4W-14811 Siobhan McMahon: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4O-02044 by Roseanna Cunningham on 25 April 2013, what percentage of convictions was for (a) religiously aggravated offending and (b) violent crime carried out at football grounds in (i) 2010-11 and (ii) 2011-12.

S4W-14812 Siobhan McMahon: To ask the Scottish Government whether the activities of the Football Co-ordination Unit Scotland are limited to (a) football stadia or (b) locations in close proximity to football stadia.

S4W-14813 Siobhan McMahon: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4O-02044 by Roseanna Cunningham on 25 April 2013, whether there is an up-to-date database of religiously aggravated offences.

S4W-14814 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government whether it will put in place a transparent framework for monitoring the volume and structure of new supply output of affordable housing, as suggested in A Housing Report for Scotland.

S4W-14815 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what progress it has made on developing new private finance options for the next three years to complement grant funding and facilitate the building of social rented housing.

S4W-14816 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4O-1817 by Margaret Burgess on 20 February 2013, whether it is now in a position to provide a timescale for its response to its consultation on the right to buy.

S4W-14817 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government how much (a) specialist housing for older people or (b) housing built to wheelchair standard will be provided as part of the 2012-13 to 2014-15 Affordable Housing Supply Programme.

S4W-14818 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to make funding available to help private landlords to improve their properties.

S4W-14819 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what courses of action are available to registered social landlords when tenants exhibit persistent antisocial or threatening behaviour toward neighbours.

S4W-14820 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government whether registered social landlords are able to evict tenants who have been imprisoned as a result of antisocial or threatening behaviour and, if so, what steps they are required to take to do so.

S4W-14821 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what responsibilities local authorities have to rehouse people leaving prison after serving a sentence for antisocial or threatening behaviour.

S4W-14822 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government how people can appeal a judgement of the Scottish Housing Regulator in relation to a complaint against a registered social landlord.


S4W-14823 Elaine Murray: To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of the report, Impact of the Removal of RET from Commercial Vehicles on the Western Isles, Coll and Tiree.

S4W-14825 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government how many measles cases there are and how many cases have been recorded in each year since 2007- 08, broken down by NHS board area.

S4W-14826 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government what information it has on cancer patients going elsewhere in the UK for treatment.

S4W-14827 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to improve follow-up care for cancer patients.

S4W-14828 Jackie Baillie: To ask the Scottish Government how many oncologists have resigned for reasons other than retirement in the last 12 months.

S4W-14833 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government what community benefit clauses have been implemented as part of the Forth Replacement Crossing project.

S4W-14834 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government what key performance indicators have been built into the procurement contracts used for the Forth Replacement Crossing project.

S4W-14835 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government how many apprenticeships have been created as part of the Forth Replacement Crossing project.

S4W-14836 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government whether minimum employment standards were included in the invitation to tender process for the Forth Replacement Crossing project and, if so, what standards.

S4W-14837 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government whether all workers on the Forth Replacement Crossing project are employed according to nationally agreed terms and conditions.

S4W-14838 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government what national agreements are in force for workers on the Forth Replacement Crossing project.

S4W-14839 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government how many people are employed on the Forth Replacement Crossing project, also broken down by (a) contractor and (b) subcontractor.

S4W-14841 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government what the value is of each (a) contract and (b) subcontract awarded as part of the Forth Replacement Crossing project.

S4W-14842 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government whether it is aware of any incidences of so-called bogus self-employment among construction workers


employed on the Forth Replacement Crossing project and, if so, what steps it has taken to prevent this.

S4W-14844 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government how many temporary and agency workers have been employed on the Forth Replacement Crossing project.

S4W-14845 Jayne Baxter: To ask the Scottish Government whether Transport Scotland includes adherence to the Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors Scheme for Bridgeworks in its procurement processes and, if so, when it introduced this and for what reason.

S4W-14846 Rob Gibson: To ask the Scottish Government which journeys on (a) CalMac and (b) Northlink ferries were cancelled due to (i) weather conditions and (ii) engine failure in each year since 2010.

S4W-14847 Liz Smith: To ask the Scottish Government what the level three funding streams for each Scottish Funding Council (a) further and (b) higher education programme (i) have been in each year since 2006, and (ii) will be in each of the next two years.

S4W-14848 Liz Smith: To ask the Scottish Government how many (a) college and (b) university students it has paid the tuition fees for in each year since 2005-06.

S4W-14865 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-14306 by Nicola Sturgeon on 26 April 2013, what spend with Scotland-based small and medium-sized companies for (a) 2010-11 and (b) 2011-12 was with (i) medium, (ii) small and (iii) micro-sized companies.

S4W-14866 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government how much it has spent on procurement with (a) medium, (b) small and (c) micro-sized companies in the last five years.

S4W-14867 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government what guidance it provides to public sector bodies on including community benefit clauses in procurement tenders and contracts.

S4W-14868 Richard Baker: To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-14085 by Nicola Sturgeon on 25 April 2013, whether it plans to ask public sector bodies to keep a record of community benefit information.

S4W-14869 Anne McTaggart: To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to support people of a central and eastern European Roma background living in Scotland.

S4W-14879 Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Government how many people (a) over and (b) under 18 have received NHS speech and language therapy for stammering in each year since 2010, broken down by NHS board.


S4W-14881 Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish Government what assistance it will provide to west coast prawn fishermen who face a reduction in income due to reduced days at sea in 2013-14.

S4W-14882 Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish Government what progress it is making in persuading the European Commission to exempt from the cod recovery plan boats that can document low catches of cod.

S4W-14883 Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish whether it can guarantee that west coast prawn fishermen will have their days at sea allocation returned to previous levels in 2014-15.


Business Bulletin: Monday 13 May 2013 Section F – Motions and Amendments

Motions and amendments are normally printed the day after they are lodged. If an amendment is lodged to a motion then the original motion will appear alongside the amendment, along with any support lodged that day, in this section.

Each Monday, this section also contains all motions and amendments lodged the previous week that are still live and any motions and amendments that have been lodged for debate in the coming week. A motion or amendment is live if it has not been debated, withdrawn or otherwise deleted from the list.

Where a motion or amendment has been withdrawn, it is indicated in this section the day after it has been withdrawn. Support for motions and amendments received after they are lodged is shown at the end of this section the day after such support is received.

Motions and amendments can be published with various symbols:

 Asterisks before the motion or amendment number indicate a motion or amendment published for the first time;

 Asterisks also identify alterations to the text of a motion or amendment made since it was first published;

 A hash symbol identifies motions eligible for debate at Members’ Business;

 A diamond symbol identifies motions lodged for Members’ Business that have not yet attracted the required cross-party support;

 An "R", identifies motions or amendments in which the Member who lodged it has a registrable interest.

The Parliamentary Bureau periodically deletes motions or amendments not scheduled for debate and which are over six weeks old.

A search facility is also available on the Scottish Parliament web site at

Any questions in relation to this section should be directed to the Chamber Desk, for which contact details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


New and altered motions and amendments

*S4M-06547 Bill Kidd: Lord Ashcroft Poll—That the Parliament looks critically at the results of a new poll on support for nuclear weapons in Scotland commissioned by Lord Ashcroft; believes that the result stating that 51% of Scots want the Trident nuclear deterrent to be replaced is misguidedly being used to suggest that a majority of Scots support keeping nuclear weapons in Scotland; understands that the results of this poll were intended to challenge the findings of a recent poll commissioned by the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament that showed a decisive 75% majority of the Scottish public is against both the cost and the reasoning behind the UK Government’s intention to keep all of its nuclear weapons stationed in Scotland; understands that, while Lord Ashcroft conducted the poll to supposedly show that "more than half of Scots are in favour of nuclear weapons", the poll showed that only 37% of Scots believe so in principle, compared with 48% who do not; questions the integrity of a poll that, it understands, was privately paid for by a wealthy Tory backer; considers that Lord Ashcroft is spinning the results, and believes that he should stop doing so and accept what it considers the fact proven time and again that Scots want rid of nuclear weapons.

Supported by: Nigel Don*, Joan McAlpine*, Jean Urquhart*, Kenneth Gibson*

*S4M-06546 Sarah Boyack: Congratulations to Balerno on Becoming a Fair Trade Village—That the Parliament congratulates Balerno on being awarded the status of a Fair Trade Village; considers that this is a significant achievement and testament to the hard work, energy and commitment of the Balerno Fair Trade Group and the local community; considers that fair trade has many benefits, including helping to improve the lives of workers in the developing world, alleviating poverty and encouraging growth in, for example, health initiatives and educational and environmental programmes; notes what it considers the pioneering work of organisations such as the World Fair Trade Organization for its efforts to raise global awareness of fair trade and also local organisations across the Lothians and the rest of Scotland, including the Balerno Fair Trade Group, the One World Shop, the Scottish Fair Trade Forum and retailers for their promotion of products with the fair trade symbol, and considers that Scotland’s status as a fair trade nation is due to the hard work of organisations that tirelessly campaigned for this achievement and the commitment to ensure a fairer deal for producers in the developing world.

Supported by: Claudia Beamish*, Patricia Ferguson*, Jayne Baxter*, Hanzala Malik*, Kenneth Gibson*, John Lamont*, James Kelly*

*S4M-06545 Nicola Sturgeon: Scottish Independence Referendum (Franchise) Bill—That the Parliament agrees to the general principles of the Scottish Independence Referendum (Franchise) Bill.

*S4M-06544 Paul Wheelhouse: Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill—That the Parliament agrees that the Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill be passed.

*S4M-06542♦ Christine Grahame: To Bee or Not to Bee—That the Parliament welcomes the announcement by the Scottish Government of a £200,000 fund to help


commercial bee farmers rebuild hives after several harsh seasons has caused an estimated loss of 4,000 colonies, including in Midlothian, Tweeddale and Lauderdale; considers that the impact on non-commercial beekeepers has been equally devastating; understands that there are around 1,500 individual beekeepers who, as members of beekeeper associations such as Newbattle Beekeepers Association, make up four districts in Scotland, none of whom have received government help to restock, yet whose hives are vital to the biodiversity of town and country, and notes calls for the Scottish Government to consider establishing a scheme to provide one association per district with a modest grant for the purpose of breeding queens, which would be distributed thereafter to other associations in the district allowing the colonies to be replenished by letting nature and, of course, the bees do the rest of the work.

Supported by: Nigel Don*, Jim Eadie*, Kenneth Gibson*, Joan McAlpine*, Rob Gibson*, Colin Keir*, Bill Walker*, Richard Lyle*

*S4M-06541 Dennis Robertson: Energy Skills Scotland—That the Parliament welcomes the announcement by the First Minister of £6.5 million worth of investment in training across a number of sectors in the energy industry, including oil and gas and renewables; understands that the project, Energy Skills Scotland (ESS), will be led by Skills Development Scotland and located at Robert Gordon University and that the investment is double the original amount that was announced in 2012; notes that ESS aims to work with the sector to encourage talent and learning in and across all of it; welcomes what it understands is the move to encourage and support more women into the industry; believes that there is a growing demand for skilled workers in the sector, and, thanks to the Scottish Government’s investment, looks forward to welcoming newly-trained women and young people to the industry.

Supported by: Bill Kidd*, Bill Walker*, Kevin Stewart*, Mike MacKenzie*, Aileen McLeod*, Rob Gibson*, John Mason*, Joan McAlpine*, Nigel Don*, Colin Keir*, Richard Lyle*, Kenneth Gibson*

*S4M-06540 Jackie Baillie: Arthritis Care Awareness Week—That the Parliament supports Arthritis Care Awareness Week; understands that there are 700,000 people in Scotland, both young and old, who have the condition, many of whom are in constant pain; believes that understanding and information about arthritis must be improved, and commends Arthritis Care for helping both those who have long experienced arthritis and for reaching out to those for whom it is a new diagnosis.

Supported by: Nigel Don*, Patricia Ferguson*, Jackson Carlaw*, Bill Walker*, Iain Gray*, Mary Scanlon*, Liam McArthur*, Helen Eadie*, Angus MacDonald*, Richard Lyle*, Anne McTaggart*, Mike MacKenzie*, Kevin Stewart*, Kenneth Gibson*, Dave Thompson*

*S4M-06539 James Kelly: Cambuslang Rangers, Second Division Champions— That the Parliament congratulates Cambuslang Rangers on being crowned Central League Second Division Champions on 1 May 2013 following their 3-0 victory over Forth Wanderers; recognises that this is the first time that Cambuslang Rangers have won a title in nine years, and pays tribute to the management team of Alan Wardlaw,


Billy Campbell and Jimmy Kerr, along with all the players and supporters, on what it considers a fantastic victory.

Supported by: Patricia Ferguson*, Hanzala Malik*, Mike MacKenzie*, Nigel Don*, Anne McTaggart*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-06538 Aileen Campbell: Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 Modification Order 2013 [draft]—That the Education and Culture Committee recommends that the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 Modification Order 2013 [draft] be approved.

Supported by: Michael Russell

S4M-06537 Aileen Campbell: Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Rules of Procedure in Children’s Hearings) Rules 2013 [draft]—That the Education and Culture Committee recommends that the Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Rules of Procedure in Children’s Hearings) Rules 2013 [draft] be approved.

Supported by: Michael Russell

S4M-06536 Aileen Campbell: Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Review of Contact Directions and Definition of Relevant Person) Order 2013 [draft]— That the Education and Culture Committee recommends that the Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Review of Contact Directions and Definition of Relevant Person) Order 2013 [draft] be approved.

Supported by: Michael Russell

S4M-06535 Tavish Scott: Shetland Rugby Team is Promoted—That the Parliament congratulates the Shetland Rugby Team on its promotion to the Caledonia Regional League Division 2 North next season; notes that the promotion has been confirmed by the Scottish Rugby Union; commends what it considers the hard work and dedication of the Shetland coach, Bryan Leask, and the Shetland players; acknowledges that the team now faces over 20 games next year, many of which will involve a time and financial commitment as the team travels to the Scottish mainland for away fixtures, and wishes the team all the best for its training and matches next season.

Supported by: Nigel Don*

S4M-06534 David Torrance: Fife Volunteers Social Group Receives £10,000— That the Parliament congratulates the Fife Volunteers Social Group on being awarded £10,000 from the Big Lottery Fund; understands that this grant will be used to provide an opportunity for volunteers and carers in Fife to socialise; believes that it will help the charity to host its next event in Kirkcaldy, a 1950s Coronation Celebration Special, and to buy equipment in order to expand its activities across Fife, and considers that the charity’s work is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all the volunteers and carers in the community and their invaluable and selfless service to the people of Scotland.


Supported by: Nigel Don, Annabelle Ewing, Richard Lyle, Hanzala Malik, Bill Kidd, Joan McAlpine, Jean Urquhart*, Maureen Watt*, Chic Brodie*, Mike MacKenzie*, Kevin Stewart*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06533 Siobhan McMahon: Congratulations to Airdrie High Church—That the Parliament congratulates everyone at Airdrie High Church on the church’s 175th anniversary, which it considers to be a milestone and a tremendous achievement; recognises what it believes is the importance of the church, which currently has around 400 members, to Airdrie and applauds its work in the community; believes that everyone is welcome to attend its Sunday services and praises the dedication of its members, led by the Reverend Ian McDonald; understands that the members and the community will come together on 10 May 2013 to celebrate this historic occasion, when an anniversary dinner will be held, and hopes that this will be a success for everyone involved.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie*, Margaret Mitchell*, Annabelle Ewing*, Iain Gray*, Patricia Ferguson*, Richard Lyle*, Kenneth Gibson*, Mike MacKenzie*, Anne McTaggart*, Dave Thompson*, Margaret McCulloch*, Neil Findlay*, Nigel Don*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-06532 Bob Doris: Cambuslang Rangers—That the Parliament congratulates Cambuslang Rangers on becoming the Central District League Division Two champions; notes that the title was secured in a 3-0 defeat of Forth Wanderers at Kinghall Park, with a hat trick from Steven McLung; recognises that this is the first time in nine years that Cambuslang Rangers has won the league, and wishes the team the best of luck in Division One.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Stuart McMillan, Annabelle Ewing, Chic Brodie, Bill Kidd, Joan McAlpine, Kenneth Gibson, Richard Lyle, Willie Coffey, Mike MacKenzie*, Kevin Stewart*

S4M-06531 David Torrance: Thanking Fife Charity Motorcycle Runs’ Generous Donation—That the Parliament thanks all participants of Fife Charity Motorcycle Runs for raising over £1,000 for the Fairy Box appeal at the children’s ward at the Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy; considers that more than 150 bikers from all over Scotland showed great dedication in raising money for sick children in the community; commends the participants on having also donated what it considers a great amount of soft toys to the ward in order to make the children’s stay as pleasant as possible; wishes the children’s ward at the hospital continued success in its work with young patients, and commends what it considers the invaluable service of the bikers to their community and their enthusiasm.

Supported by: Rob Gibson, Joan McAlpine, Annabelle Ewing, Claire Baker, Bill Kidd, Chic Brodie, Stuart McMillan, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, Nigel Don, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Mike MacKenzie*, Anne McTaggart*, Kevin Stewart*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06529# Neil Bibby: Fergie’s Time at the Top Unrivalled, Congratulating Sir Alex—That the Parliament congratulates Sir Alex Ferguson on an outstanding career, following the announcement of his decision to retire from football


management at the end of the current season; pays tribute to what it considers his exceptional contribution to both Scottish and English football throughout a managerial career that began with East Stirlingshire in 1974; notes his unique achievement in winning what it considers an incredible 49 trophies as a manager with St Mirren, where he won the Scottish First Division title, Aberdeen and Manchester United; recognises that he remains the last manager to guide a Scottish club to a European trophy, winning the Cup Winners’ Cup and European Super Cup in 1983 while in charge of Aberdeen; applauds what it considers his immense contribution to Manchester United over his 27 years as manager at Old Trafford; believes that his unique career as a manager is unlikely to be emulated; considers that, despite his success, he has never forgotten his roots, including time spent as an apprentice toolmaker in a factory and as a trade union shop steward; acknowledges his continued contribution to a number of charities, and wishes him well in his retirement as one of football management’s greats.

Supported by: Nanette Milne, Patricia Ferguson, Graeme Pearson, Liam McArthur, Tavish Scott, Anne McTaggart, Jackie Baillie, Richard Baker, Hugh Henry, Richard Simpson, Lewis Macdonald R, John Mason, Neil Findlay, Richard Lyle*

S4M-06528 Nigel Don: Military to Mentors Programme—That the Parliament notes the success of the Military to Mentors programme, which aims to be a bridge for ex-service personnel into the education sector by mentoring young people between 14 and 19; acknowledges what it sees as the positive impact that this programme has had on ex-service personnel and young people alike, and hopes that more ex-service personnel will apply to the programme, which is underpinned by the Service Standards and Values of selfless commitment, courage, integrity and respect for young people.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Nanette Milne, Joan McAlpine, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Chic Brodie, Roderick Campbell, Alex Fergusson, Graeme Pearson, Annabelle Ewing, Bill Kidd, David Torrance, Mary Scanlon, Stuart McMillan, Colin Beattie, Rob Gibson, John Mason, Kevin Stewart, Jackie Baillie, Jamie McGrigor, Margaret Mitchell, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Kenneth Gibson*, Dave Thompson*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06527 Anne McTaggart: Congratulations to Urban Roots on its Greener Together Community Award—That the Parliament congratulates the community- led organisation, Urban Roots, which, it understands, has been given a Greener Together Community Award in recognition of its work across the south side of Glasgow; notes that three of the five award winners were Glasgow-based and that the accolade is based on how well organisations bring greener living to life; believes that Urban Roots evolved from the Toryglen Gardening Club, which was founded in 2004 by people sharing a desire to improve their area; understands that it promotes green projects that help to improve the environment and health in the area and addresses the causes of climate change, and believes that Urban Roots is a fantastic example of a Glasgow community initiative that brings people together and encourages pro-environmental lifestyle choices as part of the Year of Natural Scotland 2013.


Supported by: David Torrance, Roderick Campbell, Dennis Robertson, Nigel Don, Patricia Ferguson, Claudia Beamish, Mike MacKenzie, Neil Findlay, Annabelle Ewing, Jackie Baillie, Elaine Murray, Bill Kidd, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, Margaret McDougall, Hanzala Malik, Richard Lyle*, Jean Urquhart*, Maureen Watt*, Angus MacDonald*, Kenneth Gibson*, Margaret McCulloch*, Drew Smith*

S4M-06526 Alison Johnstone: Five Years of the Auld Reekie Roller Girls—That the Parliament congratulates everyone involved with Edinburgh’s all-female roller derby league, the Auld Reekie Roller Girls, on its fifth anniversary; understands that roller derby has grown to be a globally recognised women’s sport that encourages players of all skill levels to get involved; applauds what it sees as the passion and dedication of the volunteers that run the league; considers that sports facilities such as those at Meadowbank Stadium and the Crags Community Sports Centre are of vital importance to the league; believes that the sport is growing in strength across Scotland; notes that the league is raising funds in order to send its top team, the Twisted Thistles, to a competition in the USA, the East Coast Extravaganza; believes that the league is a positive example of a sport that has created an inclusive community for members to improve their fitness levels in a fun and competitive way, and wishes it and its teams continued success at home and abroad.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, David Torrance, Nigel Don, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Kenneth Gibson, Annabelle Ewing, Bill Kidd, Colin Beattie, Kevin Stewart, Stuart McMillan, Jackie Baillie, Richard Lyle*, Jean Urquhart*, Maureen Watt*, Anne McTaggart*

S4M-06525 Graeme Dey: Multi-million Boost for Cycleways and Paths—That the Parliament welcomes a £6.4 million project to construct a Scotland-wide network of walking and cycling routes; notes that the money for the 104 walking and cycling schemes will come from the Scottish Government’s agency, Transport Scotland; commends the project, which aims to link communities with schools and shops; considers that the scheme will give people the opportunity to travel by foot or bike more often, bringing significant health benefits, save money and create a more pleasant environment; encourages statutory bodies across the country to bid for a share of the money, provided that they can provide matching funds, through the Community Links Programme administered by the sustainable transport charity, Sustrans, and acknowledges that the Scottish Government is committed to encouraging more people to leave their car at home in a bid to create a healthier, greener and more active Scotland.

Supported by: Joan McAlpine, John Wilson, Annabelle Ewing, Stewart Stevenson, David Torrance, Dennis Robertson, Roderick Campbell, Nigel Don, Aileen McLeod, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Rob Gibson, Chic Brodie, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Colin Beattie, Stuart McMillan, Richard Lyle*, Jean Urquhart*, Maureen Watt*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06524 Fiona McLeod on behalf of the National Trust for Scotland (Governance etc.) Bill Committee: The National Trust for Scotland (Governance etc.) Bill—That the Parliament agrees that The National Trust for Scotland (Governance etc.) Bill be passed.


S4M-06523 Mike MacKenzie: New Vice-Principal Post at UHI—That the Parliament welcomes the news that Professor Ian Bryden has been appointed to the new post of Vice-Principal (Research) by the University of the Highlands and Islands; understands that the post was created by the University Court to strengthen the university’s research programme and to ensure that it takes full advantage of the research opportunities available in the Highlands and Islands; notes that Professor Bryden currently holds the Chair of Renewable Energy at the University of Edinburgh, is head of the Institute for Energy Systems and will take up the new role in the autumn of 2013, and wishes Professor Bryden and the University of the Highlands every success for the future.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Stewart Stevenson, Graeme Dey, Liam McArthur, Bill Kidd, David Torrance, Joan McAlpine, Dennis Robertson, Stuart McMillan, Adam Ingram, Kevin Stewart, Mary Scanlon, Rob Gibson, Chic Brodie, Annabelle Ewing, Colin Beattie, Bill Walker, Richard Lyle*, Jean Urquhart*, Maureen Watt*, Kenneth Gibson*, Anne McTaggart*, Dave Thompson*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06522 Gordon MacDonald: Yolo, Supporting Young Entrepreneurs—That the Parliament congratulates the creators of Yolo on establishing a social enterprise that supports young people to become entrepreneurs; notes that the new website,, will promote entrepreneurship as a career choice for 16 to 24-year olds; understands that it will provide a mentor matching facility, a crowd funding opportunity and retail space for budding entrepreneurs, and wishes this new venture every success in supporting new business start-ups in Scotland.

Supported by: Joan McAlpine, George Adam, Stewart Stevenson, Roderick Campbell, Bob Doris, David Torrance, Kevin Stewart, Adam Ingram, Dennis Robertson, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie, Annabelle Ewing, Nigel Don, Rob Gibson, Chic Brodie, Colin Beattie, Bill Walker, John Mason, Richard Lyle*, Jean Urquhart*, Maureen Watt*, Anne McTaggart*, Dave Thompson*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06521 Kenneth Gibson: Dr Henry Faulds, Pioneer of Fingerprinting—That the Parliament recognises the 170th anniversary of the birth of Dr Henry Faulds, on 1 June 1843 in Beith, North Ayrshire; is aware of his enduring scientific contribution and legacy in pioneering forensic fingerprint identification; acknowledges that Dr Faulds lived and was educated in Beith until the age of 13 before moving to Glasgow, where he worked and studied to become a physician before moving to India and then Japan to set up missionary hospitals; understands that, while on an archaeological dig in Japan, Faulds was struck by the impression of fingerprints still visible on the ancient clay pots and, through further examination of his own fingertips and those of his friends, became convinced that fingerprints were unique to every individual; is aware that Faulds subsequently used this idea to prove the innocence of a man wrongly arrested by local police officers for breaking into the hospital that Faulds had recently founded; appreciates that fingerprints are a fundamental tool for the identification of people with a criminal history in every police agency in the world and that the technique has been used in some of the world’s most famous criminal cases, including the Great Train Robbery and the assassination of JFK, and acknowledges what it considers the genius of Dr Faulds in making this great discovery and in laying the groundwork for modern criminal forensic science.


Supported by: Nigel Don, Liam McArthur, Christina McKelvie, Joan McAlpine, Bill Kidd, Stewart Stevenson, David Torrance, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Dennis Robertson, Stuart McMillan, Roderick Campbell, Rob Gibson, Chic Brodie, Annabelle Ewing, Colin Beattie, Bill Walker, John Mason, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06520 Mary Scanlon: Action for Brain Injury Week—That the Parliament notes that Action for Brain Injury Week commences on 13 May 2013; understands that in 2011 a head injury information day was held in Glasgow to mark Action for Brain Injury Week and that this year a similar event will be held for the first time in Inverness; further understands that in the Highland area there are approximately 600 people with some form of acquired brain injury; considers that for many this will have a mild or moderate impact, however, there are estimated to be around 50 people and their families who have to cope with a much more profound and difficult set of problems and behaviours; welcomes the range of services available to assist people with brain injuries and their families; congratulates all involved in the first Highlands Head Injury Information Day, which will be held in Eden Court, Inverness, on 14 May, and hopes that this event and many others organised during Action for Brain Injury Week assist those with brain injuries and their families and friends.

Supported by: Jamie McGrigor, Nanette Milne, Liz Smith, Roderick Campbell, Bill Kidd, Kenneth Gibson, Jackson Carlaw, Liam McArthur, Kevin Stewart, John Lamont, Stewart Stevenson, David Torrance, Jackie Baillie, John Wilson, Dennis Robertson, Bob Doris, Helen Eadie, Neil Findlay, Nigel Don, Hugh Henry, Margaret Mitchell, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, Stuart McMillan, Bill Walker, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Anne McTaggart*, Dave Thompson*, Jean Urquhart*, John Finnie*

S4M-06519 Angus MacDonald: Grangemouth’s Spitfire Memorial Unveiled— That the Parliament congratulates the 1333 Grangemouth Squadron Air Training Corps (ATC), Grangemouth Spitfire Memorial Trust and the people of Grangemouth on raising funds to erect the Grangemouth Spitfire Memorial, officially unveiled on 9 May 2013; understands that the full-size replica of a Supermarine Spitfire Mark 1 aircraft commemorates the trainee Spitfire pilots from all over the world who learned to fly the aircraft at Grangemouth Aerodrome at the beginning of World War II; acknowledges that airmen from Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and India were among those who trained at the Grangemouth Aerodrome; pays tribute to the 71 trainee Spitfire pilots who lost their lives while practising daring manoeuvres in the aircraft at Grangemouth during World War II, and commends the determination of the people of Grangemouth and 1333 Grangemouth ATC to commemorate their sacrifice with such an iconic tribute.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Roderick Campbell, Willie Coffey, Dennis Robertson, David Torrance, Joan McAlpine, Jackson Carlaw, Hanzala Malik, John Wilson, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Chic Brodie, Rob Gibson, George Adam, Annabelle Ewing, Hugh Henry, Christina McKelvie, Stuart McMillan, Colin Beattie, Kevin Stewart, Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Kenneth Gibson*, Anne McTaggart*, Colin Keir*


S4M-06518 Christina McKelvie: Armed Services Advice Project Nomination— That the Parliament congratulates the Armed Services Advice Project (ASAP) on being nominated in the Partnership category at the 2013 Scottish Charity Awards; commends all of the organisations that have worked on the planning, funding and delivery of ASAP including the seven funders, led by Poppyscotland; notes that they joined Citizens Advice Scotland to help ensure that advice bureaux across the country are able to offer dedicated information, advice and support to members of the armed forces community and their families and that a national helpline is also in place; understands that, since it was established in July 2010, ASAP has supported over 2,500 people and generated more than £1.5 million in client financial gain, and wishes the project the best of luck at the awards.

Supported by: Alison Johnstone, Nigel Don, Aileen McLeod, Roderick Campbell, Bill Kidd, Hanzala Malik, Joan McAlpine, Kevin Stewart, Adam Ingram, Alex Johnstone, Stewart Stevenson, David Torrance, Jackie Baillie, Nanette Milne, Dennis Robertson, Bob Doris, Annabelle Ewing, Margaret Mitchell, Rob Gibson, Chic Brodie, Colin Beattie, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Anne McTaggart*, Dave Thompson*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06517 Jackie Baillie: Luss Primary School Earns Top Honour—That the Parliament congratulates the pupils at Luss Primary School, along with their parents and teachers, on winning a national award for helping to save an endangered species of fish, the powan; recognises that the school received this at the British Animal Honours for its project, in partnership with the Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust and the Loch Lomond National Park Authority, which released hundreds of baby powan into the water; understands that it has since helped saved the lives of many powan fish; believes that the species has been under threat since another fish, the ruffe, was accidentally introduced to Loch Lomond around 25 years ago and began destroying the powan eggs, and notes that the primary 7 children and their conservation work were featured on a live awards show on ITV, which was hosted by Paul O’Grady.

Supported by: Bill Kidd, Hanzala Malik, Nigel Don, Kevin Stewart, David Torrance, Dennis Robertson, Bob Doris, Patricia Ferguson, Annabelle Ewing, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Anne McTaggart*

S4M-06516 Jackie Baillie: Recognition for Rhu-based Journalist—That the Parliament congratulates Jo de Sylva, from Rhu, on winning the Epilepsy Scotland media award; understands that this award was issued for her investigations into diagnosing epilepsy and identifying barriers to work for people who have epilepsy; notes that Jo De Sylva was presented with the award by the secretary of the Scottish National Union of Journalists, Paul Holleran, in front of nearly 200 guests at the charity’s national fundraising event; further notes that her achievement was carried out in conjunction with the online TV network, URTV, based in Helensburgh and Lomond, and commends everyone involved in helping to put this package together.

Supported by: Graeme Dey, Kenneth Gibson, Hanzala Malik, Nanette Milne, Bill Kidd, Nigel Don, Kevin Stewart, David Torrance, Dennis Robertson, Bob Doris, Patricia Ferguson, Annabelle Ewing, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, Stuart


McMillan, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Anne McTaggart*, Jean Urquhart*

S4M-06515 Nigel Don: Lasting Memorial to Forfar Botanists—That the Parliament welcomes the news that the Friends of Forfar Botanists has received £55,000 from the Angus Environmental Trust to help construct a lasting memorial to the Forfar botanists, Don and Drummond; understands that George Don senior created his own botanic garden in the town, which attracted fellow botanists from all over Britain to see his collection of plants; believes that his eldest son, also called George, travelled to Africa and South America to collect plants while David Don, the second eldest son, wrote the first catalogue of plant species from the Himalayas and many other botanical works, and notes that the legacy left by the Drummond brothers, Thomas and James, both plant hunters and famous botanists, is also being commemorated in the garden.

Supported by: Kenneth Gibson, Joan McAlpine, Roderick Campbell, Bill Kidd, Graeme Dey, Nanette Milne, Stewart Stevenson, Alex Johnstone, Kevin Stewart, Adam Ingram, David Torrance, John Wilson, Bob Doris, Annabelle Ewing, Dennis Robertson, Chic Brodie, Colin Beattie, Stuart McMillan, Bill Walker, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06514 Linda Fabiani: NHS Lanarkshire Delivers Fast Access to New Medicines—That the Parliament welcomes the report, New Medicines Reviews 2013, which suggests that patients in Scotland are able to access a higher proportion of new medicines than in the rest of the UK; congratulates NHS Lanarkshire on what it sees as its commitment and competence in ensuring that patients in Lanarkshire can access new medicines without delay; understands that the board achieved 100% compliance with its area drug and therapeutic committee decisions and was the only one to approve use of all of the 23 new medicines approved for use in Scotland between April to September 2012; further understands that NHS Lanarkshire is one of four NHS boards to take all decisions within 90 days of medicines being authorised for use and is the only one to publicise all decisions on its website within 14 days, and recognises what it considers the hard work of NHS staff across Scotland and the work that they do to care for and improve the nation’s health.

Supported by: Bruce Crawford, Aileen McLeod, Rob Gibson, Annabelle Ewing, Mike MacKenzie, Jamie Hepburn, Bill Kidd, Kenneth Gibson, Joan McAlpine, Roderick Campbell, Nigel Don, Adam Ingram, Kevin Stewart, David Torrance, Bob Doris, John Wilson, Chic Brodie, Stuart McMillan, Maureen Watt

S4M-06513 Aileen McLeod: Congratulations to and Galloway’s New Dementia Champions—That the Parliament congratulates Frances Thielen, Veronica Johnston, Elaine Sellors and Jenny Seed, from Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Social Work Services department, and Carylann Williamson, from Stewartry Care, on recently graduating as dementia champions; notes that the course and the qualification are linked to Promoting Excellence, a learning framework for social services and healthcare staff who work with people diagnosed with the condition and their carers and families and is managed by the Scottish Government, Scottish Social Services Council, Alzheimer Scotland and NHS Education for Scotland, and believes


that Scotland’s dementia champions will have an important leadership role in improving the experiences, care, treatment and outcomes for people with dementia.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Jamie Hepburn, Joan McAlpine, Chic Brodie, Roderick Campbell, Stewart Stevenson, David Torrance, John Wilson, Rob Gibson, George Adam, Mike MacKenzie, Annabelle Ewing, Bill Kidd, Jackie Baillie, Stuart McMillan, Colin Beattie, Richard Lyle*, Maureen Watt*, Kenneth Gibson*, Kevin Stewart*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06511 Tavish Scott: Respect Award for Olnafirth Primary School—That the Parliament congratulates Olnafirth Primary School on becoming the first primary school in Shetland to be awarded rights-respecting status by the UN; understands that this recognises achievement in putting the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos, and notes that a group of pupils identified the issues to be enshrined in a new charter, which were the right to an education to develop skills for life, the right to be safe at school and home and have people to talk to, the right to join groups and make friends, the right to be respected and have your voice heard and the right to get involved in all activities and not be discriminated against.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Jamie Hepburn, John Finnie*

S4M-06510# Kenneth Gibson: Caledonian MacBrayne Pay and Conditions— That the Parliament is concerned that Caledonian MacBrayne proposals could see some port staff, in offices such as Largs, Ardrossan and Brodick, receive pay cuts of up to 25%, effectively putting some employees on wages that they were on 20 years ago and putting them under severe financial pressure; understands that Caledonian MacBrayne made a pre-tax profit of £4.1 million in 2012-13, achieved technical reliability and punctuality levels of 99.9% and 99.7% respectively and also achieved 100% in customer service efficiency; believes that these excellent results are due to the hard work and professionalism of Caledonian MacBrayne staff, including those whose pay and conditions would be dramatically lowered should these proposals go ahead, and notes calls for Caledonian MacBrayne not to proceed with these proposals and to honour existing staff contracts.

Supported by: Nigel Don, John Finnie, Christina McKelvie, Annabelle Ewing, Joan McAlpine, Rob Gibson, Chic Brodie, John Wilson, Elaine Murray, Roderick Campbell, Hugh Henry, Duncan McNeil, Hanzala Malik, Anne McTaggart, Jamie Hepburn, Neil Bibby, Claudia Beamish, Adam Ingram, Stewart Maxwell, Graeme Pearson, David Torrance, Tavish Scott, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, Margaret McDougall R, Dave Thompson, Richard Lyle*, Jean Urquhart*, Patricia Ferguson*, Drew Smith*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06509 Mary Scanlon: Congratulations to Moray Businesses at Buckingham Palace Event—That the Parliament congratulates W A Baxter & Sons and Walkers Shortbread on their inclusion as part of 200 Royal Warrant holders who will showcase their produce at a unique event at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Queen’s coronation; notes that the event will be held in the gardens of Buckingham Palace from 11 to 14 July 2013 and that the two Moray companies are part of 15 Royal Warrant holders from Scotland that have been


invited to take part; further notes that Royal Warrants are a mark of recognition to individuals or companies who have supplied goods or services for at least five years to the households of the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh or the Prince of Wales and that warrants have always been regarded as hallmarks of quality, excellence and service, and wishes all involved in this celebration event every success.

Supported by: Nanette Milne, Liz Smith, Murdo Fraser, Margaret Mitchell, Helen Eadie, John Lamont, Jamie McGrigor, David Torrance, Jackson Carlaw, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle, Annabelle Ewing, Colin Beattie

S4M-06508 George Adam: Sir Alex Ferguson—That the Parliament celebrates the career of one of the greatest and most successful football managers ever to grace the game, Sir Alex Ferguson, who, at the age of 71, has decided to retire; notes that he started his management career in charge of East Stirlingshire, before taking charge of Paisley’s St Mirren where he won the Scottish First Division in 1977 with a record points total; notes that he then moved on to take charge at Aberdeen where he won the Scottish three times, the four times and, memorably, the European Cup Winners’ Cup in 1983 by beating Real Madrid 2-1 in the final; acknowledges that, since moving to Manchester United in 1986, he continued to be successful, winning the first of his 13 Premier League titles in 1993 and winning his most recent this year, taking Manchester United’s total league wins to a record 20 times; commends Sir Alex for his many other trophy wins such as the Champions League in both 1999 and 2008, the European Cup Winners’ Cup in 1991, his five FA Cup wins and four League Cup wins, while also noting his 60% win ratio over his 27 years at the helm in Manchester; considers that his career and achievements are unparalleled, and wishes him well in his new roles at the club and in his retirement from management.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Graeme Dey, Dennis Robertson, Joan McAlpine, Patricia Ferguson, Clare Adamson, John Pentland, Gil Paterson, David Torrance, Annabelle Ewing, Bruce Crawford, Hanzala Malik, John Mason, Bill Kidd, Chic Brodie, Anne McTaggart, Adam Ingram, Richard Lyle, Helen Eadie, Nanette Milne, Willie Coffey, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Roderick Campbell, Alex Fergusson, Ken Macintosh, Jamie Hepburn, Kevin Stewart, Neil Bibby, Maureen Watt, Richard Simpson, Dave Thompson*, Bob Doris*, John Finnie*

S4M-06507 Sandra White: Continued Business Investment in Scotland—That the Parliament welcomes news of 400 new jobs being brought to Scotland by Webhelp TSC; understands that people will be recruited in a two-year rolling programme that has already begun with 50 new employees, aged between18 and 24, already recruited; commends Webhelp TSC’s commitment to employing young people in a bid to maintain them as staff members for many years; appreciates that this is being aided by the development of a customer experience academy, where would-be recruits attend a five-week course in order to provide them with the basic skills to become employed; understands that this investment brings Webhelp TSC’s number of employees based in Scotland to almost 3,400 and an economic boost to Glasgow, Larbert and Kilmarnock; further notes what it sees as the Scottish Government’s continued success in attracting foreign investment, and notes that Scotland has been recognised by the Ernst & Young Attractiveness Survey as the top destination in the UK for foreign direct investment in terms of job creation for the


last two years, having previously been named leading European Region of the Future in the 2008-09 Financial Times annual fDi awards.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Dennis Robertson, Joan McAlpine, David Torrance, Rob Gibson, Bill Walker, Kenneth Gibson, Annabelle Ewing, John Mason, Bill Kidd, Chic Brodie, Adam Ingram, Richard Lyle, Willie Coffey, Mike MacKenzie, Roderick Campbell, Angus MacDonald, Jamie Hepburn, Kevin Stewart, Colin Beattie, Maureen Watt, Dave Thompson*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06506 Jamie Hepburn: Cumbernauld Living Landscape Project—That the Parliament welcomes the launch of the Cumbernauld Living Landscape Project, which aims to reinforce and expand green networks and reconnect the people of Cumbernauld and the surrounding area with their natural environment; notes that the project is led by the Scottish Wildlife Trust, in conjunction with North Lanarkshire Council and Forestry Commission Scotland, and that its development is supported by the Central Scotland Green Network and local organisations including Central Scotland Forest Trust, Friends of Cumbernauld Community Park, Friends of Cumbernauld Glen, Friends of Cumbernauld House Park, Cumbernauld Village Action for the Community, Froglife, Kyle Citizen’s Community Hub, Scottish Water and Wild Media Foundation; notes that the project hopes to help people and businesses in the area by improving green space in order to increase overall wellbeing and provide social and economic benefits; understands that the project will take action on a larger scale to ensure that the people of Cumbernauld are provided with cleaner air and water and that there is safe and easy access to open spaces for residents and local wildlife, and wishes the Cumbernauld Living Landscape Project all the best for the future and every success in achieving its goals for the people of Cumbernauld and the surrounding areas.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Adam Ingram, Jean Urquhart, Angus MacDonald

S4M-06505 Kenneth Gibson: Parliamentary Scrutiny of the War in Afghanistan—That the Parliament expresses concern that, despite UK military forces having been engaged in Afghanistan since 2001, the UK Government has never put the deployment of troops in that country to a vote in the House of Commons; believes that the lack of provision for parliamentary scrutiny and accountability, and what it considers to be the unchecked power wielded by the UK executive in matters of war and peace, makes the UK unusual in comparison to most of its neighbours in Europe; notes reports that both the current Prime Minister and his predecessor pledged reform in this area before each respectively became Prime Minister, but considers that this rhetoric has been followed up with little concrete action once in government; notes that, in his evidence to the House of Lords Constitution Committee, Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman pointed out that ―since the end of the Second World War Britain has been involved in more military operations than any other country, including the United States‖; believes that sending men and women to fight, and in some cases die, in armed conflict is one of the most serious decisions that any government can ever take, and welcomes the opportunity presented by the prospect of developing a written constitution in an independent Scotland to more precisely define the framework through which Scottish defence forces are engaged abroad and to ensure that this includes ample provision for parliamentary scrutiny and accountability.


Supported by: John Mason, David Torrance, Chic Brodie, Joan McAlpine, Annabelle Ewing, Mike MacKenzie, Bill Walker, Bill Kidd, John Finnie, Adam Ingram, Richard Lyle, Jean Urquhart, Jamie Hepburn, Kevin Stewart, Colin Beattie, Dave Thompson*, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06504 Bruce Crawford: Ring of Breadalbane Explorer Bus Service—That the Parliament welcomes news that the Breadalbane Tourism Co-operative has secured funding to provide the Ring of Breadalbane Explorer bus service from 29 June until 20 October 2013; notes that the service will operate on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays for a total of 66 days, linking Killin, Aberfeldy and Crieff; commends the many public and private sector organisations that are contributing financially to this initiative and, in particular, those directly involved in the Breadalbane Tourism Co-operative for their efforts and success to date, and looks forward to the positive difference that this scheme will make in bringing tourists to what it considers this area of outstanding natural beauty.

Supported by: David Torrance, Joan McAlpine, Liz Smith, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Annabelle Ewing, Angus MacDonald, Roderick Campbell, John Wilson, Graeme Dey, Anne McTaggart, Stuart McMillan, Rob Gibson, Chic Brodie, Mike MacKenzie, Nigel Don, Jayne Baxter, Adam Ingram, Richard Lyle, Jean Urquhart, Jamie Hepburn, Stewart Maxwell, Kevin Stewart, Colin Beattie, Maureen Watt, Colin Keir*

S4M-06503 John Scott: 70th Anniversary of the Climax of the Battle of the Atlantic—That the Parliament acknowledges the 70th anniversary of the climax of the Battle of the Atlantic; understands that this was the longest continuous military campaign in World War II, running from 1939 to the defeat of Germany in 1945; recognises that the name "Battle of the Atlantic" was coined by Winston Churchill in February 1941; celebrates the role that Scotland and Scottish waters played in supporting the convoys; commends the bravery of the Allied forces and the over 70,000 Royal Navy and Merchant Navy seamen who were killed during the six years of the campaign; understands that many of the thousands of vessels involved were built on the west coast of Scotland using the skilled workforce of the Clyde shipbuilding industries, and recognises the 5,000 British ships that were sunk during the Battle of the Atlantic.

Supported by: Linda Fabiani, Nigel Don, David Torrance, Gordon MacDonald, Chic Brodie, Jackie Baillie, Alex Fergusson, Margaret Mitchell, Nanette Milne, Patricia Ferguson, Jamie McGrigor, Annabelle Ewing, John Mason, Kenneth Gibson, Liz Smith, Tavish Scott, Rob Gibson, Willie Coffey, Stuart McMillan, Liam McArthur, Helen Eadie, John Lamont, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle, Bill Walker, Murdo Fraser, Mary Scanlon, Roderick Campbell, Mike MacKenzie, Elaine Murray, Bill Kidd, Jackson Carlaw, Hugh Henry, Jamie Hepburn, Annabel Goldie, Stewart Maxwell, Kevin Stewart, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, Margaret McDougall, Dave Thompson*, Christine Grahame*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06502 Jackie Baillie: Western Isles Bed Cuts—That the Parliament understands that NHS Western Isles is considering cutting the number of beds at the Western Isles Hospital at Stornoway from 88 to 53; believes that there will be an estimated 22% increase in the number of over 75-year-olds by 2020; notes the possible reduction in the number of beds, despite the remarks made by the Cabinet


Secretary for Health and Wellbeing to Unison in April 2013, when he said ―Even if we are able, through better treatment at home, to reduce by 50 per cent the level of hospitalisation of our elderly population, we are still going to need the same number of beds, the same number of hospitals, the same number of doctors and nurses just to stand still because this population [over-75s] is doubling‖; fails to understand how NHS Western Isles’ actions are consistent with these comments, and calls on the Scottish Government to guarantee that there will be no reduction in bed numbers in NHS Western Isles.

Supported by: Hanzala Malik, Neil Findlay, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Richard Simpson, Margaret McDougall, Sarah Boyack

S4M-06501 Graeme Dey: Music Festival Hits the Right Note in Kirriemuir—That the Parliament recognises what it sees as the success of the two-day music extravaganza, Bon Fest 2013, that was held in the home town of the former AC/DC frontman, Bon Scott; is pleased that rock fans from across the world descended on Kirriemuir to enjoy the festivities and to remember what it considers one of the county’s most famous sons; wishes campaigners well in their bid to raise £50,000 to fund the erection of a bronze statue of the music icon in time for next year’s festival; commends local shops and businesses for getting behind and embracing the hugely successful event, and wishes Bon Fest future success.

Supported by: Annabelle Ewing, Nigel Don, Nanette Milne, Stuart McMillan, Alex Johnstone, Rob Gibson, David Torrance, Joan McAlpine, Angus MacDonald, Adam Ingram, Anne McTaggart, Chic Brodie, Mike MacKenzie, Bill Kidd, Gil Paterson, Richard Lyle, Roderick Campbell, Jean Urquhart, Jamie Hepburn, Stewart Maxwell, Kevin Stewart, Colin Beattie, Maureen Watt, Colin Keir*

S4M-06500 Richard Simpson: International Day of the Midwife—That the Parliament acknowledges the celebration of the International Day of the Midwife on 5 May 2013; recognises what it sees as the progress that is being made in reducing neonatal mortality in developing countries as part of the Millennium Development Goals; however, also recognises that further effort is needed, especially in sub- Saharan Africa and in light of 287,000 women and over three million infants around the world dying each year, of which 60% die as a result of preventable pregnancy and childbirth complications; notes that the International Confederation of Midwives believes that an estimated 350,000 extra midwives are needed to ensure universal coverage for maternity care; calls on the Scottish Government to look at further supporting efforts to train midwives and birth attendants in Malawi; recognises and thanks Scottish midwives for their hard work, which it considers has contributed over many decades to a reduction in perinatal mortality, but is concerned to note what it understands is a reduction of 40% in student midwife intake and the closure of three Scottish midwifery courses, despite what it considers increasing pressures on midwives associated with the demands arising from issues such as smoking in pregnancy, alcohol consumption and drug misuse, and a rise of around 10% in the number of births annually since 2003.

Supported by: Iain Gray, Jayne Baxter, Anne McTaggart, Drew Smith, Patricia Ferguson, Jackie Baillie, Liam McArthur, Jim Hume, Jenny Marra, Hanzala Malik, Margaret McCulloch, Malcolm Chisholm, Mike MacKenzie, Neil Findlay, Helen Eadie,


Elaine Murray, Duncan McNeil, Alison Johnstone, Margaret McDougall, Sarah Boyack, John Finnie*

S4M-06499 Richard Simpson: World Asthma Day and Asthma Awareness Week—That the Parliament expresses it support for World Asthma Day, which was on 7 May 2013, and Asthma Awareness Week, which runs from 5 to 12 May; understands that over 1,140 people die in the UK from asthma each year, more than in Austria, Finland, Sweden, Poland and Portugal combined, and that the vast majority of these deaths are preventable; believes that there were 80 deaths in Scotland in 2011 where the underlying cause was asthma and that, although this was a small increase compared with 2010, there has been a general downward trend in the number of such deaths since 2003; welcomes the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network report, Asthma Priorities: Influencing the Agenda, but understands that there are an estimated 368,000 people in Scotland whose lives are affected by asthma; recognises the continuing challenge in raising awareness and in reducing readmissions to hospital, and understands that, according to Asthma UK, although 90% of people with the condition are at risk of attack, 52%, more than two million people, do not believe that they are.

Supported by: Anne McTaggart, Jayne Baxter, Patricia Ferguson, Liam McArthur, Jackie Baillie, Annabelle Ewing, Jim Hume, John Mason, David Torrance, Hanzala Malik, Margaret McCulloch, Kenneth Gibson, John Finnie, Mike MacKenzie, Neil Findlay, Richard Lyle, Helen Eadie, Elaine Murray, Mary Scanlon, Duncan McNeil, Jamie Hepburn, Kevin Stewart, Nanette Milne, Colin Beattie, Margaret McDougall, Sarah Boyack, Maureen Watt, Dave Thompson*, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06498 Tavish Scott: In Recognition of Sir Alex Ferguson’s Contribution to Football—That the Parliament recognises the contribution of Sir Alex Ferguson to football in Scotland, Manchester and across Europe; notes that he led Aberdeen to league, cup and European titles before becoming manager of Manchester United; further notes that he has won 49 trophies in the course of his career, and hopes that he enjoys a peaceful and relaxing retirement.

Supported by: Jenny Marra, Adam Ingram, Duncan McNeil, Annabelle Ewing, Liam McArthur, David Torrance, Murdo Fraser, Mike MacKenzie, Nanette Milne, John Mason, Roderick Campbell, Alex Fergusson, Anne McTaggart, Chic Brodie, Graeme Dey, Bob Doris, Patricia Ferguson, Neil Findlay, Gil Paterson, Richard Lyle, Jackie Baillie, Jamie Hepburn, Stewart Maxwell, Kevin Stewart, Neil Bibby, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, Sarah Boyack, Maureen Watt

S4M-06497 Patricia Ferguson: Remembering the Bevin Boys—That the Parliament notes with satisfaction the unveiling of a memorial at the National Arboretum, which commemorates the effort and commitment of the 48,000 Bevin Boys who served in Britain’s coal mines during the Second World War; considers that, while welcome, such a monument is long overdue; notes that 10% of those called up for war service carried out vital and dangerous work in Britain’s coal mines where 700 lost their lives in the first year alone, and congratulates Harry Parkes, the designer of the memorial and long-time campaigner for recognition of his fellow Bevin Boys, on the success of his campaign.


Supported by: Mary Fee, Iain Gray, Drew Smith, Sarah Boyack, Hanzala Malik, Paul Martin, Jenny Marra, Margaret McCulloch, Jackie Baillie, Michael McMahon, Malcolm Chisholm, Anne McTaggart, Linda Fabiani, Hugh Henry, Neil Findlay, Elaine Murray, Jamie Hepburn, Richard Simpson, John Finnie*

S4M-06496 Rob Gibson: Attempting the Impossible, Remember the Arctic Convoys—That the Parliament remembers the brave seafarers of the allied navies and merchant marine whose efforts, despite huge losses of men and ships, kept the supply lines open to Soviet allies from 1941 to 1945; commends the Russian Arctic Convoy Museum for its week of events commemorating the Second World War Arctic convoys, entitled Attempting the Impossible, at venues around Loch Ewe and Gairloch from 6 to 11 May 2013; also commends the Orkney branch of the Royal British Legion for its commemorations that will take place at the Arctic convoy naval memorial at Lyness; recognises the recent granting of an Arctic Star medal by the UK Government, which was welcomed by veterans present at Loch Ewe; regrets that Jock Dempster, one of the key convoy medal campaigners, passed away only days before he could join his surviving shipmates at the Loch Ewe events; sends its condolences to his family and recalls the bravery of all who took part in the successful but costly Second World War Russian Arctic convoys, and urges everyone to support the creation of a permanent museum to ensure that their stirring deeds will never be forgotten.

Supported by: John Wilson, George Adam, Graeme Dey, Annabelle Ewing, Liam McArthur, Linda Fabiani, Bill Kidd, John Mason, Tavish Scott, Kenneth Gibson, David Torrance, Joan McAlpine, Nanette Milne, Liz Smith, Christine Grahame, Murdo Fraser, Angus MacDonald, John Finnie, Roderick Campbell, Adam Ingram, Mary Scanlon, Aileen McLeod, Stuart McMillan, Bill Walker, Chic Brodie, Mike MacKenzie, Jamie McGrigor, Jayne Baxter, Richard Lyle, Christina McKelvie, Jean Urquhart, Jamie Hepburn, Kevin Stewart, Colin Beattie, Maureen Watt, Dave Thompson*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06495 Liam McArthur: Orkney Hockey on The Double—That the Parliament congratulates Orkney Hockey Ladies on what it understands was the team’s hard- earned victory in the 2013 Scottish District Cup Final against a talented MCC Western side at the National Hockey Academy, Peffermill, on 4 May; notes that this is the second time that the Orkney team has won what it considers this prestigious competition, following the triumph against Kinross in 2010; believes that this latest success is testimony to the strength and consistency of Orkney’s playing squad and to the coaching prowess of Graham and Ali Johnston, and looks forward to continued Orkney success in the future, with the possibility of a final against Shetland, whose team, it believes, was unfortunate to be knocked out in the semi-finals this year.

Supported by: Jamie McGrigor, Bill Kidd, Kenneth Gibson, David Torrance, Annabelle Ewing, Roderick Campbell, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, John Wilson, Mary Scanlon, Jamie Hepburn, Kevin Stewart, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, Maureen Watt, John Finnie*

S4M-06494 Patrick Harvie: Southside Film Festival—That the Parliament welcomes the 2013 Glasgow Southside Film Festival, which runs from 16 to 19 May; notes that the festival is now in its third year, in which time it has shown screenings to


over 3,000 people; further notes the festival’s continued use of pop-up cinemas, which bring films to the community in venues ranging from pubs and cafés to museums and community halls; welcomes the role of the social enterprise, The Glad Café, as an information and ticket hub; understands that this year’s highlights include a screening of the 1925 Soviet classic, Battleship Potemkin, which will be accompanied by a live Wurlitzer organ, and, We Are Northern Lights, which, it believes, is Scotland’s first ever crowd-sourced, mass-participation film; welcomes the news that the programme includes workshops aimed at young people, including one on filmmaking, and wishes the festival a very successful run.

Supported by: Drew Smith, Jackie Baillie, Annabelle Ewing, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Hanzala Malik, Chic Brodie, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Rob Gibson, James Dornan, John Wilson, Kenneth Gibson, Richard Lyle, Roderick Campbell, Jean Urquhart, Mike MacKenzie, Jamie Hepburn, Kevin Stewart, Alison Johnstone, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, Sarah Boyack, Maureen Watt

S4M-06493 Jackson Carlaw: Proposed Closure of Lenzie Post Office—That the Parliament notes with concern the proposed closure of Lenzie Post Office and its relocation to Gallowhill Road, Kirkintilloch; believes that the post office, which serves people in Auchinloch, is an intrinsic part of the Lenzie community and that this community will not benefit from the proposed relocation; considers that, while there is suitable access to the current location by bus, the proposed Kirkintilloch site would be in a busy town centre with limited on-street parking; understands that the information that was provided to the consultation was flawed and had to be rectified, causing the process to be extended by six weeks, and, while appreciating the need for the Royal Mail to modernise and reform, does not consider this proposed change to be of benefit to Lenzie’s residents.

Supported by: Jamie McGrigor, Mike MacKenzie, Margaret Mitchell, Jackie Baillie, Kenneth Gibson, Richard Lyle, Helen Eadie, Nanette Milne, Liz Smith, Mary Scanlon, Jean Urquhart, Annabel Goldie, Colin Beattie

S4M-06491 David Torrance: Thanking Pathhead Pupils’ Generous Book Donation—That the Parliament thanks the pupils from Pathhead Primary School who donated £200 worth of books to the children’s unit at Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy; notes what it sees as their hard work and dedication in raising the money over the Christmas period, which included activities such as making decorations and posting cards; commends Waterstones on adding a further £100 worth of books; understands that the unit will use the donation to distract children undergoing medical procedures, including blood tests and cannula insertions, by being used as visual barriers to help them deal with the situation; wishes the unit at the hospital continued success in providing high quality care, and commends what it considers the invaluable and selfless service of the Pathhead pupils to their wider community.

Supported by: Bill Kidd, Roderick Campbell, Nigel Don, Liz Smith, Jayne Baxter, Stuart McMillan, Joan McAlpine, Bill Walker, Colin Beattie, Chic Brodie, Anne McTaggart, Jamie Hepburn, Adam Ingram, Bob Doris, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, Kevin Stewart, Maureen Watt, Colin Keir*


S4M-06490 Jackie Baillie: National Thrombosis Week—That the Parliament supports National Thrombosis Week, which runs from 6 to 10 May 2013; understands that 10,000 people are affected each year in Scotland by hospital- acquired venous thromboembolism (VTE), or blood clots, and notes with concern that pulmonary embolism occurs in about 1% of hospital admissions in Scotland, making it the most common cause of death in patients, and calls on the Scottish Government to ensure that progress is made in dealing with this preventable condition and that guidelines for assessing the risk of VTE are being implemented by each NHS board.

Supported by: Jayne Baxter, Hanzala Malik, Iain Gray, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Neil Findlay, Nanette Milne, Sarah Boyack, Jackson Carlaw, Margaret McDougall, Richard Simpson, Drew Smith*

S4M-06489 Kevin Stewart: ScotRail Recycling Initiative—That the Parliament congratulates ScotRail on introducing recycling bins at a number of railway stations as part of a pilot scheme; notes that the initiative is supported by a £37,000 grant from Zero Waste Scotland as part of its Recycle on the Go project and has been introduced at Aberdeen, Aviemore, Ayr, Elgin, Fort William, Glasgow Queen Street, Gourock, Helensburgh, Inverness, Irvine, Kilmarnock, Largs, Milngavie, Oban, Partick, Perth, Stirling, Stonehaven and Wemyss Bay stations, and hopes that the pilot proves to be a success and that recycling facilities will soon be a common feature at all railway stations.

Supported by: Kenneth Gibson, Stewart Stevenson, Aileen McLeod, Nanette Milne, Liz Smith, Joan McAlpine, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Graeme Dey, Bob Doris, Anne McTaggart, John Mason, Roderick Campbell, Bill Kidd, Nigel Don, Colin Beattie, Chic Brodie, Mark McDonald, Jamie Hepburn, David Torrance, Adam Ingram, Stewart Maxwell, John Wilson, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, Jean Urquhart, Maureen Watt

S4M-06488 Bill Kidd: Nuclear Missile Test Failure—That the Parliament notes with concern the news of the French Navy’s failed test of a M51 missile in the Bay of Audierne, off the coast of Brittany; understands that the missile malfunctioned during a test launch on 5 May 2013 and had to be destroyed while in flight; further understands that the M51, a missile designed for submarines, is 12 metres long, weighs 56 tons and has the capacity to carry nuclear warheads that are 60 to 80 times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945; is relieved that there were no casualties as a result of this failed test and that the missile was not carrying nuclear warheads at the time; believes, however, that this malfunction serves as a reminder of the tens of thousands of nuclear weapons that it believes are held in the arsenals of nine countries that rely on technology that it considers continues to be proven fallible; is concerned that this incident was not reported more widely, especially as the consequences of such a malfunction of a missile with nuclear warheads in the same vicinity would have had a devastating impact on the nearby shores of England and many other bordering areas, and calls on the UK media to provide appropriate coverage of such events to make the public aware of the risks faced in allowing nuclear technologies to be pursued.

Supported by: Kenneth Gibson, Kevin Stewart, Joan McAlpine, Richard Lyle, Adam Ingram, Christina McKelvie, Stuart McMillan, Bob Doris, Mike MacKenzie, Rob


Gibson, John Mason, Colin Beattie, Chic Brodie, Mark McDonald, Jamie Hepburn, Stewart Maxwell, David Torrance, Linda Fabiani, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, Jean Urquhart, Maureen Watt, Dave Thompson*, Christine Grahame*, John Finnie*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06487 Nanette Milne: Congratulations to the Bailies of Bennachie Society—That the Parliament congratulates the Bailies of Bennachie society on 40 years as custodians of Bennachie, considered the best known range of hills in the north east of Scotland; understands that the Bailies of Bennachie was founded as a voluntary conservation society on 9 May 1973 under the enthusiastic leadership of Dr Daniel Gordon, the founder senior bailie, with the objective of encouraging and stimulating the public’s interest in Bennachie; notes that every month the society runs voluntary work parties on the range; notes that the objectives of the society are to preserve the amenity of the hills and to combat litter and vandalism, maintain footpaths and right of way, study rocks, plants and animals found on the hills, collect and preserve literature, including ballads, legends, poetry prose as well as art and music concerned with the hills and surrounding area as well as to encourage new writings on the subject and to encourage and stimulate public interest in and care for the range; warmly congratulates the Bailies of Bennachie volunteers past and present on the work and fundraising that they have undertaken, and looks forward to the future work being undertaken of the Bailies of Bennachie society to protect and enhance Bennachie.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Liz Smith, Jamie McGrigor, Annabelle Ewing, David Torrance, Roderick Campbell, Kenneth Gibson, John Lamont, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, John Wilson, Mary Scanlon, Kevin Stewart, Colin Beattie, Maureen Watt

S4M-06486 Claire Baker: Good Luck Elmwood College Student Lisa Gray—That the Parliament congratulates Lisa Gray, a Level 3 hairdressing student at Elmwood College, Cupar, on winning a place at the Wella Exposure 2013 finals in London; understands that Lisa entered the competition by submitting a photograph and was one of only 20 students selected to go through to the next stage; notes that Lisa was then chosen from only five entrants to go through to the finals in London; recognises and commends the hard work and commitment that Lisa has dedicated to her chosen vocation, in which it considers she is uniquely creative and talented, and wishes Lisa the best of luck for the finals and for the future.

Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Richard Simpson

S4M-06485 Claire Baker: Congratulation to Flood Inns—That the Parliament congratulates Flood Inns, based in Leven, Fife, on being named Scottish Bar Operator of the Year at the British Institute of Innkeeping Awards; understands that the expanding firm has an ever-growing portfolio of venues in Fife and Edinburgh, which comprises of hotels, bars and family eateries including Foxtons, Laurelbank and Agenda; considers that Flood Inns has also been successful in winning other awards, such as Scottish Employer of the Year at the Diversity Awards, and is the winner of four prizes at the Best Bar None Awards; recognises the achievements and the success of the business and commends the hard work and commitment of the staff, and wishes Flood Inns continuing success for the future.


Supported by: Jamie Hepburn, Richard Simpson

S4M-06484 Richard Simpson: Stirling University School of Nursing and Midwifery Achieves Award Success—That the Parliament congratulates Lorraine Armstrong, a student nurse at the University of Stirling, on winning the Student Nurse of the Year Adult award and the university’s School of Nursing and Midwifery on winning the Teaching Innovation of the Year award at what it considers the prestigious Student Nursing Times Awards 2013; notes that the awards are designed to celebrate outstanding training and support to student nurses; understands that Lorraine, from Bonnybridge, was nominated ahead of tens of thousands of student nurses in her year; notes that the school claimed an award for work on supporting disabled students to achieve their potential in clinical placement, which was led by the teaching fellow/senior student support officer, John Gavin, and further notes that the school had five other students who reached the finals and that the school was a finalist in two other categories.

Supported by: Liz Smith, Jackie Baillie, Richard Lyle, Bob Doris, Mike MacKenzie, Margaret McCulloch, Hanzala Malik, Iain Gray, Jayne Baxter, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Colin Beattie, Jamie Hepburn, David Torrance, Margaret McDougall, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, Elaine Murray, Maureen Watt

S4M-06483 Jackie Baillie: Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations’ Welfare Mapping, Impact on Third Sector—That the Parliament acknowledges what it sees as the challenges faced by people across Scotland as a result of the UK Government’s welfare reforms and the importance of the third sector in helping people mitigate against them; notes the recent Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations’ report, SCVO welfare reform mapping report, which states that almost nine out of 10 organisations expect to see an increase in demand for services; is concerned by suggestions that, due to funding and capacity issues, the third sector may not be able to meet this demand; emphasises what it considers the importance of moving beyond the political sphere in order to best support those affected, and calls on the Scottish Government to use its powers to mitigate against the effects of welfare reform as best it can and to act quickly to ensure that the third sector, particularly at local and grassroots level, is sufficiently resourced to carry out what it considers its vital work.

Supported by: Margaret McCulloch, Hanzala Malik, Iain Gray, Mike MacKenzie, Jayne Baxter, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Michael McMahon, Margaret McDougall, Richard Simpson, Drew Smith*

S4M-06482 Jackie Baillie: Save Lives, Clean Your Hands—That the Parliament supports the World Health Organization’s annual hand hygiene campaign, Save Lives: Clean your hands, which aims to promote action in healthcare facilities to illustrate the importance of washing hands to stop the spread of influenza, MRSA bacterium, Clostridium difficile and Gram-negative bacilli, among others; understands that most healthcare-associated infections are preventable through good hand hygiene, and, though this is a global campaign, calls on everyone in Scotland to remember to wash their hands.


Supported by: Bill Walker, David Torrance, Richard Lyle, Hanzala Malik, Mike MacKenzie, James Kelly, Elaine Murray, Jackson Carlaw, Jayne Baxter, Kenneth Gibson, Neil Findlay, Margaret McCulloch, Iain Gray, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Stuart McMillan, Colin Beattie, Hugh Henry, Mark McDonald, Nanette Milne, Jamie Hepburn, Margaret McDougall, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, Richard Simpson, Maureen Watt, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06481 Jackie Baillie: World Ovarian Cancer Day—That the Parliament supports World Ovarian Cancer Day on 8 May 2013 and understands that over 400 women in Scotland and 140,000 women worldwide die each year from ovarian cancer; considers that awareness of early warning signs of the disease could save lives and diagnosis at an early stage vastly improves a woman’s chance of survival, and calls on the Scottish Government to take measures to raise awareness of ovarian cancer symptoms.

Supported by: Hanzala Malik, James Kelly, Elaine Murray, Paul Martin, Jackson Carlaw, Jayne Baxter, Liam McArthur, Alison Johnstone, Neil Findlay, Margaret McCulloch, Mary Scanlon, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Nanette Milne, Margaret McDougall, Linda Fabiani, Richard Simpson

S4M-06480 Graeme Dey: Dons’ Euro Success—That the Parliament notes the 30th anniversary of Aberdeen FC’s victory in the European Cup Winners Cup; acknowledges what it considers the fantastic achievement of the team, which triumphed in extra time, with a 2-1 win over Real Madrid at the Ullevi Stadium in Gothenburg under the management of Alex Ferguson; commends the goal scorers, and John Hewitt, who, along with the rest of the squad, are held in the highest regard by Dons supporters around the world; understands that Aberdeen FC is the last Scottish club to lift a major European trophy, and looks forward to another Scottish club enjoying European success in the not too distant future.

Supported by: Mike MacKenzie, Dennis Robertson, Nanette Milne, Roderick Campbell, Joan McAlpine, Nigel Don, Bill Kidd, Stewart Stevenson, Kenneth Gibson, Adam Ingram, Dave Thompson, Stuart McMillan, Richard Lyle, David Torrance, Kevin Stewart, Chic Brodie, Ruth Davidson, George Adam, Bob Doris, Anne McTaggart, Colin Beattie, Mark McDonald, Jamie Hepburn, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, Colin Keir*

S4M-06479 Jackie Baillie: Loch Lomond Shores Becomes Tourist Attraction— That the Parliament congratulates Loch Lomond Shores, in Balloch, on being named Scotland’s second most popular free tourist attraction for 2012; understands that 1.13 million people visited the Balloch complex last year, its 10th anniversary, making it second only to the then newly-renovated National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh; believes that, in 2013, Loch Lomond Shores has more activities planned and aims to hit the number one spot, and wishes it all the best in achieving this goal.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Kenneth Gibson, Richard Lyle, David Torrance, Mike MacKenzie, Hanzala Malik, Kevin Stewart, Bill Kidd, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Stuart McMillan, Colin Beattie, Jamie Hepburn, Stewart Maxwell, Margaret McDougall, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, Richard Simpson, Maureen Watt


S4M-06477 Joan McAlpine: Congratulations to Allan Johnston—That the Parliament congratulates the Queen of the South player manager, Allan Johnston, on being named the Professional Footballers’ Association Scotland Manager of the Year; understands that Johnston beat Celtic’s Neil Lennon, Inverness’s and Motherwell’s Stuart McCall to scoop the award; recognises that he steered Queen of the South to the Second Division title, making them the first team in Britain to win its league; understands that Johnston led Queen of the South to a historic double in his first full season in management by also winning the Ramsdens Cup, beating Partick Thistle on penalties, and wishes him and the team all the best for next season in the First Division.

Supported by: David Torrance, Kenneth Gibson, Stuart McMillan, Nigel Don, Adam Ingram, Willie Coffey, Elaine Murray, Dennis Robertson, Mike MacKenzie, Stewart Stevenson, Roderick Campbell, Graeme Dey, Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle, Aileen McLeod, Kevin Stewart, George Adam, Colin Beattie, Chic Brodie, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, Colin Keir*

S4M-06476 Marco Biagi: Christian Aid Edinburgh Book Sale—That the Parliament notes that Christian Aid is holding its 40th Edinburgh Book Sale from 11 till 17 May 2013, excluding 12 May, in St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church; commends the Edinburgh Book Sale on being the largest single fundraising event for Christian Aid in the UK; recognises what it considers Christian Aid’s continued commitment to providing aid and supporting sustainable livelihoods for people living in poverty, with worldwide partners in Bolivia, Kenya and Zimbabwe; congratulates St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church on its successful fundraising of over £1 million over the last 10 years to further what it considers these admirable causes; welcomes the support of The Rt Revd And Rt Hon Rowan Williams, the patron of this event, and encourages support for the book sale, with the aim of furthering the goal proposed by the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign, supported by Christian Aid, to ―make 2013 the year in which we see the beginning of the end of world hunger‖.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Dennis Robertson, Jamie Hepburn, Bill Kidd*, Richard Lyle*, Stuart McMillan*, Dave Thompson*, Mike MacKenzie*, Kenneth Gibson*, Kevin Stewart*, Joan McAlpine*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06473 Jackie Baillie: International Nurses Day on 12 May 2013—That the Parliament welcomes International Nurses Day, which is celebrated on 12 May 2013; notes that the International Council of Nurses has celebrated this day every year since 1965; considers that the day is a welcome opportunity to celebrate the nursing profession and to showcase good nursing care; understands with regret that the Scottish Government has cut the number of NHS nursing and midwifery staff by 2,000, leaving numbers at a lower level than when the SNP came to power; commends organisations such as Unison and the Royal College of Nursing, which, it understands, will launch a website for International Nurses Day featuring video stories about the real differences that nurses make to people’s lives, and thanks nurses across Scotland for all their hard work throughout the year.

Supported by: Patricia Ferguson, Duncan McNeil, James Kelly, Michael McMahon, John Pentland, Hugh Henry, Graeme Dey, Mary Fee, Malcolm Chisholm, Iain Gray, Hanzala Malik, Neil Findlay, Margaret McCulloch, Elaine Murray, Jenny Marra,


Siobhan McMahon, Anne McTaggart, Margaret McDougall, Linda Fabiani, Richard Simpson

S4M-06472♦ Rhoda Grant: The Damaging Social and Economic Impact of the Removal of RET on Island Communities—That the Parliament notes the findings detailed in the Scottish Government’s publication, Impact of the Removal of RET [Road Equivalent Tariff] Fares from Commercial Vehicles on The Western Isles, Coll and Tiree; understands that the report highlights the significant negative impact on the islands that the removal of RET for commercial vehicles has had; considers that the removal of RET has had a negative effect on the volumes and margins of small hauliers, who play an important role in offering choice in the market, has tightened the margins of trader-hauliers who are key to the economies of small islands such as Coll, Tiree and Barra and necessitated an increase in prices for network hauliers who require high volumes to ensure the sustainability of their businesses; further considers that this will expose these firms to volume risk, reduce the volume and economies of scale of full-service hauliers and increase the long-run market rate for haulage, and notes calls for the Scottish Government to recognise what it considers the negative impact the removal of RET for commercial vehicles has had and to listen to demands from island communities to reinstate RET in full.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Mark Griffin, Patricia Ferguson, Hugh Henry, Jamie McGrigor, Iain Gray, Neil Findlay, Elaine Murray, Hanzala Malik, Margaret McDougall, Richard Simpson

S4M-06471 John Mason: Scams Awareness Month—That the Parliament recognises that May 2013 is Scams Awareness Month; considers that scams are crimes, the majority of which go unreported by victims despite their facing distressing consequences; understands that estimates show that, in Scotland, 48% of people have been targeted by scammers, with a loss of £350 million every year; acknowledges that scammers and fraudsters are continually looking to con people out of money through a variety of ways including post, phone, online or in person; understands that the Citizens Advice consumer service dealt with over 4,000 scam cases in Scotland in 2012; considers that consumers should be able to access information to be empowered to spot and report scams; values the Citizens Advice service in Scotland in providing such information and advice to consumers and helping to raise awareness of scams throughout communities across the country, and congratulates Parkhead Citizens Advice Bureau on organising a major information day to ensure that the people of Parkhead are made aware of how they can protect themselves from scammers in the future.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Stuart McMillan, Joan McAlpine, Bruce Crawford, Jackie Baillie, Neil Findlay, Annabelle Ewing, Mike MacKenzie, Roderick Campbell, Jean Urquhart, Margaret Mitchell, Chic Brodie, Alex Fergusson, Alison Johnstone, Kevin Stewart, Bob Doris, Adam Ingram, Richard Lyle, Dennis Robertson, John Finnie, Stewart Stevenson, Dave Thompson, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Colin Beattie, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Richard Simpson, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06470 Dennis Robertson: Emeli Sandé’s UK Official Chart Record—That the Parliament congratulates Emeli Sandé on holding the most consecutive weeks in


the UK’s Official Album Chart Top 10 of any debut album; notes that the album, Our Version of Events, was released in February 2012 and has not dropped out of the Top 10 during the 63 weeks since; notes that this means that Ms Sandé has overtaken The Beatles, who previously had the record for almost 50 years; understands that the album has sold 1.82 million copies in the UK and was number one on the Official Album Chart for 10 weeks, and wishes Emeli continuing success.

Supported by: Jim Hume, Nanette Milne, Mike MacKenzie, Stuart McMillan, Stewart Stevenson, Murdo Fraser, Roderick Campbell, Bill Kidd, Joan McAlpine, Hugh Henry, Adam Ingram, Rob Gibson, Richard Lyle, David Torrance, Kevin Stewart, Chic Brodie, George Adam, Neil Findlay, Kenneth Gibson, Anne McTaggart, Patricia Ferguson, Colin Beattie, Mark McDonald, Jamie Hepburn, Linda Fabiani, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, Jean Urquhart, Maureen Watt

S4M-06469 David Stewart: Protecting Pollinators through Neonicotinoid Ban— That the Parliament welcomes the two-year EU-wide ban of neonicotinoids; understands that there is insufficient evidence at present to determine the exact effects of neonicotinoids on pollinators; asks the Scottish Government to support further long-term research and field studies into the effects of neonicotinoids on all pollinators, to urge agrochemical companies to make publicly available the results of their risk assessment trials for all their products, including neonicotinoids, to invest in the long-term monitoring of pollinator populations that, it understands, provide an estimated £400 million to the UK economy per year and to support the adoption of best practice in the use of alternative pesticides by farmers; understands that it has been established that the continued decline in flower-rich habitats is the primary reason for pollinator decline, and asks that the Scottish Government support the creation, restoration and management of habitats for pollinators.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Elaine Murray, Liam McArthur, Claudia Beamish, Neil Findlay, Jean Urquhart, Chic Brodie, Nigel Don, Hanzala Malik, John Finnie, Jayne Baxter, Colin Beattie, Richard Simpson

S4M-06466 Elaine Smith: Unison Calls for Council Tax Debate—That the Parliament welcomes Unison’s calls for a debate regarding the council tax freeze; understands that Unison has stated that the freeze is unfair on poorer households and disproportionally benefits wealthy households; understands that, under the council tax freeze, Band H households are saving on average £441 per year while Band A households save only £147 a year; believes that local authorities are being starved of cash and local services are failing or being withdrawn as a result of this freeze, and encourages an open and honest debate about how to create a fairer, more equal system.

Supported by: Patrick Harvie, Neil Findlay, Elaine Murray, Jayne Baxter, Alison Johnstone, Michael McMahon, Anne McTaggart, Hanzala Malik, Margaret McDougall, Duncan McNeil, Richard Simpson

S4M-06466.1 Stuart McMillan: Unison Calls for Council Tax Debate—As an amendment to motion S4M-06466 in the name of Elaine Smith (Unison Calls for Council Tax Debate), leave out from "welcomes" to end and insert "notes that removing the council tax freeze will have an impact on all council tax payers,


including those in the lower bands who may not be able to afford a rise; notes that the Labour Party promised a council tax freeze in its 2011 election manifesto, and considers that calls to remove the freeze will disappoint those who voted for Labour."

Supported by: Joan McAlpine, John Mason, Bill Walker, Chic Brodie, Graeme Dey, Kevin Stewart, Bob Doris, Adam Ingram, Richard Lyle, Kenneth Gibson, Nigel Don, Dennis Robertson, Dave Thompson, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Gil Paterson, Jean Urquhart, James Dornan*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06139# Margaret McDougall: University Marine Biological Station Millport—That the Parliament notes with concern that the University Marine Biological Station Millport will no longer be funded by the University of London and will close; understands that the station has been used by Glasgow, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Napier, Heriot-Watt and West of Scotland universities and that, in 2012, 533 students from Scottish universities and 521 from English universities used the facility; considers that the Scottish Government has refused to intervene to take meaningful action, despite a 10,000 strong petition and a highly publicised campaign to keep the station open; further considers that this closure jeopardises 30 quality jobs on the Isle of Cumbrae, and believes that the loss of this station could cost the local economy in North Ayrshire up to £2 million and have an impact on school provision and other public services.

S4M-05891# Aileen McLeod: History is made at the Mull of Galloway—That the Parliament notes the decisive result of the ballot of the community of Kirkmaiden on a community buyout of the Mull of Galloway Lighthouse, with more than 98% in favour of plans to operate what it considers this iconic landmark on the most southerly point in Scotland as a visitor attraction; considers that the South Rhins Community Development Trust has a strong track record in helping to develop the Mull as a visitor attraction over the last 12 years; considers this a strong foundation on which the new Mull of Galloway Community Trust can build future successes that it believes will bring more economic benefit to a remote rural economy, and offers its best wishes to the community for its future as the owners of the most southerly part of the country.

S4M-05676# Christina McKelvie: Voices from the Frontline, Digital by Default— That the Parliament notes the recent report from Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS), Voices From the Frontline, Digital by Default, which was published in response to the UK Government’s digital strategy; notes CAS’s concerns that moves toward services being applied online only could exclude those in society who are vulnerable and marginalised from receiving the benefits that they rely on to survive; understands that the digital strategy admits to not covering local government services or the NHS and does not consider ways to increase the digital capability of citizens; believes that a citizen’s advice bureau in West Scotland has reported that a client, a 60-year-old ex- labourer with dyslexia with limited computer literacy or access to a computer, was penalised for failing to apply for jobs online, and notes calls for more work to be carried out to ensure that any moves toward online applications are implemented in an open manner that is fully mindful of the needs of those who do not have internet access or are less able to use it to apply for benefits or jobs.


Motions and amendments which have attracted additional support

S4M-06467 Glen Grant Distillery’s New Bottling Plant in Rothes (lodged on 02 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, Dennis Robertson, Stewart Maxwell, Stewart Stevenson, Bill Walker, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, Colin Keir*

S4M-06465 Bon Fest, Angus 2013 (lodged on 02 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, Dennis Robertson, Stewart Stevenson, Mark McDonald, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, Colin Keir*

S4M-06464 Nature-Fest, Falkirk’s First Wildlife Festival (lodged on 02 May 2013) Margaret McCulloch, Mike MacKenzie, Kenneth Gibson, Bruce Crawford, Kevin Stewart, Dennis Robertson, Stewart Maxwell, Stewart Stevenson, Bill Walker, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, Colin Keir*

S4M-06463 Congratulating the Institute of Aquaculture’s Nutrition Analytical Service (lodged on 02 May 2013) Jamie Hepburn

S4M-06462 Lenzie Achieves Fairtrade Town Status (lodged on 02 May 2013) George Adam, Annabelle Ewing, Stuart McMillan, Graeme Dey, Mary Fee, Joan McAlpine, Roderick Campbell, Chic Brodie, Jackie Baillie, Kevin Stewart, Adam Ingram, Richard Lyle, Jim Eadie, Margaret McCulloch, Rob Gibson, Mike MacKenzie, Dennis Robertson, Stewart Stevenson, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Colin Beattie, Anne McTaggart, Jamie Hepburn, Stewart Maxwell, Gil Paterson, Jean Urquhart, Annabel Goldie, Maureen Watt

S4M-06461 Congratulations to EK’s Kiwis (lodged on 02 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, Jim Eadie, Dennis Robertson, Stewart Maxwell, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, James Dornan*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06460 Unison’s Call for Minimum Staff-to-patient Ratios (lodged on 02 May 2013) Sarah Boyack, Margaret McDougall

S4M-06459 Rana Plaza Disaster (lodged on 02 May 2013) Jamie Hepburn, Margaret McDougall, Alison Johnstone, Linda Fabiani, Gil Paterson, Elaine Murray, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06458 Westray Junior High Wins Church of Scotland Prize Again (lodged on 02 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06457 Congratulations to James Watt College, Winners of the Scottish Money for Life Challenge (lodged on 02 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, Stewart Stevenson, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Elaine Murray

S4M-06456 Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival (lodged on 02 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, Jamie Hepburn, Gil Paterson, Elaine Murray, Maureen Watt

S4M-06454 Yorkhill Children’s Charity (lodged on 02 May 2013) Dave Thompson, Kevin Stewart, Jamie Hepburn, Margaret McDougall, Linda Fabiani, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*, Colin Keir*


S4M-06453 National Donor Milk Bank (lodged on 02 May 2013) Dennis Robertson, Bill Kidd, Angus MacDonald, Dave Thompson, Gordon MacDonald, Stuart McMillan, Stewart Stevenson, Joan McAlpine, Adam Ingram, Mike MacKenzie, Bill Walker, Jackie Baillie, Rob Gibson, Richard Lyle, David Torrance, Kevin Stewart, Chic Brodie, Elaine Smith, Anne McTaggart, Bob Doris, Colin Beattie, Jamie Hepburn, Annabelle Ewing, Gil Paterson, Jean Urquhart, Nanette Milne, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*, John Finnie*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06452 Remembering Bulgarian Workers Efforts to Save 48,000 Jewish People (lodged on 01 May 2013) Dave Thompson, Linda Fabiani, Gil Paterson, Elaine Murray, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06451 Inclusion Scotland’s Toolkit for Tackling Disability Harassment (lodged on 01 May 2013) Dave Thompson, Kevin Stewart, Dennis Robertson, Stewart Maxwell, Siobhan McMahon, Alison McInnes, Mark McDonald, Linda Fabiani, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*, John Finnie*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06449 Edinburgh College Staff Survey (lodged on 01 May 2013) Sarah Boyack

S4M-06448 Black Isle Brewery Bee Conservation (lodged on 01 May 2013) Neil Findlay, Dave Thompson, Sarah Boyack, Kevin Stewart, Dennis Robertson, Mark McDonald, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06447 100th Anniversary of Cadder Pit Disaster (lodged on 01 May 2013) Neil Findlay, Anne McTaggart, Linda Fabiani

S4M-06446 Glasgow’s Grand Central Named Scotland’s Best Hotel (lodged on 01 May 2013) Neil Findlay, Dennis Robertson, Stewart Maxwell, Linda Fabiani, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson, James Dornan*

S4M-06445 Celebrate, the Commonwealth Games Fund (lodged on 01 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, Bob Doris, Stewart Maxwell, Roderick Campbell, Mark McDonald, Linda Fabiani, Gil Paterson, Elaine Murray, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*

S4M-06444 Launch of the Scottish Book Trust’s Treasures Campaign (lodged on 01 May 2013) Dave Thompson, Stewart Maxwell, Linda Fabiani, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*, John Finnie*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06443 Glamis Castle Scoops Top Tourism Award (lodged on 01 May 2013) Stewart Maxwell, Mark McDonald, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson, Colin Keir*

S4M-06442 Show Some Compassion (lodged on 01 May 2013) Dave Thompson, Mark McDonald, Anne McTaggart, Linda Fabiani, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06441 Dingwall Townhouse (lodged on 01 May 2013) Sarah Boyack, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson, John Finnie*


S4M-06440 Glenboig Mothers and Toddlers Group Award (lodged on 01 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson, Colin Keir*

S4M-06439 Sikeside and Greenend Education Centre Lottery Grant (lodged on 01 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson

S4M-06438 VASLan, Volunteer Search Function (lodged on 01 May 2013) Margaret Mitchell, Kevin Stewart, Siobhan McMahon, Anne McTaggart, Linda Fabiani, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson, Colin Keir*

S4M-06437 Welcome for Royal Deeside Open-top Bus Service (lodged on 01 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, Mark McDonald, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson

S4M-06436 NHS Lothian vs the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing (lodged on 01 May 2013) Neil Findlay

S4M-06435 Possible Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria (lodged on 01 May 2013) Kevin Stewart, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06434 International Workers’ Day 2013 (lodged on 01 May 2013) Dave Thompson, Sarah Boyack, Siobhan McMahon, Anne McTaggart, Gil Paterson, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06431 Highland Wi-Fi (lodged on 30 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06430 Shetland Sunrises Join List of World’s Most Spectacular (lodged on 30 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06429 Callum Watt Named Shetland Young Fiddler of the Year (lodged on 30 April 2013) Maureen Watt

S4M-06428 Congratulations to Sarah Elliot (lodged on 30 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, Colin Keir*

S4M-06427 2013 Care Accolades (lodged on 30 April 2013) Mark McDonald, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*, Colin Keir*

S4M-06417 Congratulating Marr RFC (lodged on 30 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Colin Keir*

S4M-06416 Congratulations to Peter Bacchetti (lodged on 30 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06415 Sound Festival (lodged on 30 April 2013) Colin Keir, Mark McDonald, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06414 Congratulations to Connor Norris (lodged on 30 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt


S4M-06413 Congratulations to Kitchens by JS Geddes, Kilmarnock (lodged on 30 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06412 Allan Jacobsen Retires from Edinburgh Rugby (lodged on 30 April 2013) Colin Keir, Mark McDonald, Gil Paterson

S4M-06411 Care Accolades 2013 (lodged on 30 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06410 Rare Diseases (lodged on 30 April 2013) Colin Keir, John Mason, Mark McDonald, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06408 Crown Post Offices, CWU Industrial Action (lodged on 30 April 2013) John Mason, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, Colin Keir*

S4M-06406 New Met Office Forecasting Centre in Aberdeen (lodged on 29 April 2013) Colin Keir, Mark McDonald, Alison McInnes, Gil Paterson

S4M-06402 Scottish Social Services Council Care Accolades (lodged on 29 April 2013) Maureen Watt, Annabel Goldie

S4M-06400 Welcoming King’s College Findings (lodged on 29 April 2013) Malcolm Chisholm, Gil Paterson, John Finnie*

S4M-06399 New Mental Health Support App for Service Personnel (lodged on 29 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Stuart McMillan, Colin Keir, Mark McDonald, Mary Scanlon, Siobhan McMahon, David Torrance, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*, John Finnie*

S4M-06398 Congratulating Ruthwell Recreation Club (lodged on 29 April 2013) Colin Keir, David Torrance, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06397 Official Opening of Benview Campus, Glasgow (lodged on 29 April 2013) Gil Paterson

S4M-06395 Ninth Consecutive Title for Kelburne Hockey Club (lodged on 29 April 2013) Colin Keir, David Torrance, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06394 New Look for Johnston Press Newspapers (lodged on 29 April 2013) David Torrance, Maureen Watt

S4M-06393 Congratulations to Hawick Rugby (lodged on 29 April 2013) Colin Keir, David Torrance, Maureen Watt

S4M-06392 Edinburgh’s Bid for the National Performance Centre for Sport (lodged on 29 April 2013) Colin Keir, David Torrance, Neil Findlay, Gil Paterson

S4M-06391 Congratulations to Culross Abbey (lodged on 29 April 2013) Colin Keir, David Torrance, Maureen Watt


S4M-06390 Bo’ness to Blackness Section of the John Muir Trail (lodged on 29 April 2013) Colin Keir, David Torrance, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06389 ASH Scotland’s 40th Anniversary (lodged on 29 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Stuart McMillan, Siobhan McMahon, Margaret McDougall, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06387 Scotland is Failing MS Patients (lodged on 29 April 2013) Siobhan McMahon

S4M-06385 Saltire Award Summit (lodged on 29 April 2013) Siobhan McMahon, Maureen Watt, Gil Paterson

S4M-06384 Rev John Brewster, 25 Grand Years in Greenhills, East Kilbride (lodged on 29 April 2013) Siobhan McMahon, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, James Dornan*

S4M-06383 Ardrossan Music Experience (lodged on 29 April 2013) Colin Keir, David Torrance, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, Annabel Goldie

S4M-06382 All-Energy Conference 2013 (lodged on 29 April 2013) Mark McDonald, Gil Paterson

S4M-06381 Opening of Moray Beekeepers Association Birnie Apiary (lodged on 29 April 2013) Maureen Watt

S4M-06380 North West Edinburgh Foodbank and Trussell Trust Trolley Push (lodged on 29 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06379 Legacy 2014 Funding for Community Sports (lodged on 29 April 2013) John Mason, Colin Keir, Maureen Watt, David Torrance, Gil Paterson

S4M-06378 Official Opening of the Glasgow Gurdwara (lodged on 26 April 2013) Gil Paterson, James Dornan*

S4M-06377 Recognition of Poland’s 3 May Constitution Day (lodged on 26 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Gil Paterson, David Torrance

S4M-06376 West End Festival Free Music and Arts Workshops (lodged on 26 April 2013) Bob Doris, Colin Keir, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, David Torrance, James Dornan*

S4M-06375 David Shrigley Nominated for 2013 Turner Prize (lodged on 26 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt

S4M-06374 West End Festival Parade Returns to Byres Road (lodged on 26 April 2013) Gil Paterson

S4M-06373 Cumbernauld Drop-in Café (lodged on 26 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt


S4M-06372 Capital City Air Pollution Failure (lodged on 26 April 2013) Jean Urquhart

S4M-06371 Arbroath Art Exhibition Celebrates Polish Links (lodged on 26 April 2013) Colin Keir, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, David Torrance

S4M-06370 Shiny Happy People in Angus (lodged on 26 April 2013) Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, David Torrance

S4M-06369 Ayrshire’s Famous People (lodged on 26 April 2013) Colin Keir, David Torrance, Gil Paterson, Stuart McMillan, Rob Gibson

S4M-06368 Scotland Celebrates 175th Birthday of John Muir (lodged on 26 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Colin Keir, Gil Paterson, Maureen Watt, David Torrance, James Dornan*

S4M-06367 A Pluralistic Society (lodged on 29 April 2013) Dave Thompson, David Torrance

S4M-06366 Action Needed on Air Pollution in Edinburgh (lodged on 26 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Colin Keir, Gil Paterson, David Torrance

S4M-06365 Go Scotland (lodged on 26 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Colin Keir, Gil Paterson, David Torrance, James Dornan*

S4M-06364 Genetic Testing Innovation Sites Create 2,000 Life Sciences Jobs (lodged on 26 April 2013) James Dornan*

S4M-06363 Joint Report of the Church and Society Council (lodged on 26 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Gil Paterson, David Torrance

S4M-06362 AEDs in Scotland (lodged on 26 April 2013) Gil Paterson

S4M-06361 Place2Be (lodged on 26 April 2013) Mark McDonald, Gil Paterson, Elaine Murray, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06360 Epilepsy Scotland’s 2013 Media Awards (lodged on 25 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Colin Keir, Gil Paterson

S4M-06359 Syrian Kidnapping (lodged on 25 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Colin Keir, Gil Paterson

S4M-06356 Cabinet Visit to Shetland (lodged on 25 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Colin Keir

S4M-06355 Children’s Hospice Week (lodged on 25 April 2013) Dave Thompson

S4M-06353 Congratulations to the Scottish Seabird Centre (lodged on 25 April 2013) Colin Keir


S4M-06347 London Labour Still Calls the Shots (lodged on 24 April 2013) Colin Keir

S4M-06346 We Can Be Heroes (lodged on 24 April 2013) Colin Keir

S4M-06344 Well Done Fife on Food for Life (lodged on 24 April 2013) Gil Paterson

S4M-06340 Autism-friendly Cinema and Theatre Performances (lodged on 24 April 2013) Dave Thompson, David Torrance

S4M-06339 Congratulating Wemyss Malts on Receiving a World Whisky Award (lodged on 24 April 2013) Mary Scanlon

S4M-06338 Moray Community Lights up Economic Development (lodged on 24 April 2013) David Torrance

S4M-06337 Gut Feeling Week (lodged on 24 April 2013) Jackie Baillie, Jackson Carlaw, Nanette Milne, Maureen Watt*, Rob Gibson*, Patricia Ferguson*, Christine Grahame*

S4M-06336 Breach of Human Rights (lodged on 24 April 2013) Dave Thompson

S4M-06334 Charity Provides Services for Older Residents in Mearns (lodged on 24 April 2013) David Torrance

S4M-06332 Scotland’s Best Pub 2013, Moskito (lodged on 23 April 2013) David Torrance

S4M-06329 Jenni Fagan, Best of British Young Novelists (lodged on 23 April 2013) Dave Thompson

S4M-06327 Funding for REACH for Autism (lodged on 23 April 2013) Dave Thompson

S4M-06325 Deaf Awareness Week (lodged on 23 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Willie Coffey*

S4M-06319 Action on Depression’s Campaign, Never Judge A Book… (lodged on 23 April 2013) Dave Thompson

S4M-06308 MND Scotland Welfare Reform (lodged on 23 April 2013) Dave Thompson, James Kelly

S4M-06307 Sales of Interest Rate Swap Agreements (lodged on 23 April 2013) Dave Thompson

S4M-06302 100th Anniversary of World War I (lodged on 22 April 2013) Dave Thompson


S4M-06301 Building a Fairer Scotland (lodged on 24 April 2013) Dave Thompson

S4M-06297 Vitamin D Supplements (lodged on 22 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Colin Keir

S4M-06285 Private Finance Initiative at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and across Lothian (lodged on 19 April 2013) Alison Johnstone

S4M-06266 Remembering the Armenian Genocide (lodged on 18 April 2013) Stewart Stevenson, Alison McInnes, Murdo Fraser*

S4M-06233.1 Len McCluskey Re-elected (lodged on 26 April 2013) Dave Thompson, Gil Paterson, David Torrance, James Dornan*

S4M-05982 Honesty on Nuclear Weapons in Scotland and in the Middle East (lodged on 18 March 2013) Gordon MacDonald

S4M-05891 History is Made at the Mull of Galloway (lodged on 11 March 2013) Christine Grahame

S4M-05676 Voices From the Frontline, Digital by Default (lodged on 19 February 2013) Malcolm Chisholm


Business Bulletin: Monday 13 May 2013 Section G – Bills

Proposals for Members’ Bills

A member seeking to introduce a Member’s Bill must first lodge a draft proposal, together with a consultation document (or a statement of reasons why consultation is not considered necessary). Subsequently, the member may lodge a final proposal, in broadly similar terms to the draft, accompanied by a summary of consultation responses (or the statement of reasons). The member secures the right to introduce a Bill to give effect to the proposal if the final proposal secures, within one month, the support of at least 18 other members from at least half the political parties or groups represented in the Parliamentary Bureau, and provided no indication is given that the Scottish Government or UK Government is planning equivalent legislation.

All current proposals (together with associated documents) are available on the Scottish Parliament website at: Current Final Proposals Names marked with an asterisk (*) are new names of support. Where a proposal has secured the necessary level of cross-party support, the supporters’ names are shown in bold. Michael McMahon: Proposed Reform of Criminal Verdicts (Scotland) Bill— Proposal for a Bill to replace the current system of three verdicts in criminal trials with two, and to increase the majority required for conviction (lodged 15 April 2013).

Supported by Siobhan McMahon, Rhoda Grant, Graeme Pearson, Patrick Harvie, John Wilson, Claire Baker, Paul Martin, Elaine Murray, Iain Gray Margaret McCulloch, Mark Griffin, Jackie Baillie, Richard Simpson, Jayne Baxter, Patricia Ferguson, Neil Findlay, Anne McTaggart, Hanzala Malik, John Pentland, Ken Macintosh

The proposal was accompanied by a summary of consultation responses, which may be viewed in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) or on the website page referred to above. Individual responses may also be viewed in SPICe.


Business Bulletin: Monday 13 May 2013 Section H – New Documents

Committee Reports

For further information on accessing committee report, please contact the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for contact details or access general committee webpage)


Business Bulletin: Monday 13 May 2013 Section I – Petitions

The following Petition was lodged with the Parliament on 10 May 2013

A full list of petitions can be viewed on the Scottish Parliament website at

PE1479 Petition by Andrew Muir on complaints about solicitors.


Business Bulletin: Monday 13 May 2013 Section J – Progress of Legislation

For further information on the progress of Bills and subordinate legislation, contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for details).

Bills in Progress A list of all Bills in progress can be accessed via the Scottish Parliament website at:

For each Bill, the date of the next (or most recent) event in the Bill’s passage is given. Other relevant information, e.g. about lodging amendments, is given in italics.

As soon as a Public Bill (i.e. a Government, Committee or Member’s Bill) has completed Stage 1, amendments for consideration at Stage 2 may be lodged; and as soon as Stage 2 is completed, amendments for Stage 3 consideration may be lodged. The last lodging day for amendments at Stage 2 is three sitting days before the meeting at which those amendments will be considered (e.g. Thursday for a meeting on Tuesday); at Stage 3 it is four days before. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last lodging day for Stage 2, when the deadline is 12 noon.

A Hybrid Bill is subject to the same rules except in the case of Stage 2 where amendments for consideration may be lodged no earlier than the completion of any consideration of evidence at Stage 2.

Amendments to Private Bills are subject to different deadlines. These are set out in Rule 9A.12 of Standing Orders.

Members are advised to lodge amendments in good time before the beginning of a Stage and as early as possible during the day.

(G) = Government Bill; (M) = Member’s Bill; (C) = Committee Bill; (P) = Private Bill; (H) = Hybrid Bill.


Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 3 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 15 May

Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (lead committee (Education and Culture) 7 May

City of Edinburgh Council (Portobello Park) Bill (P) Introduced 25 April

Crofting (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (evidence (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee)) 15 May

Forth Road Bridge Bill (G) Stage 3 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 23 May Stage 3 amendments should be lodged by 4.30pm on Friday 17 May with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 2 (evidence (Finance Committee)) 22 May Stage 2 amendments may now be lodged with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Landfill Tax (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (lead committee (Finance)) 24 April

The National Trust for Scotland (Governance etc.) Bill (P) Final Stage (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 23 May Final Stage amendments should be lodged by 4.30pm on Monday 20 May with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Post-16 Education (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 2 (Day 1) (Education and Culture Committee) 14 May Stage 2 (Day 2) (Education and Culture Committee) 21 May Amendments to ss.5-19 and the schedule should be lodged by 12 noon on Thursday 16 May with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Regulatory Reform (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (lead committee (Economy, Energy and Tourism)) 24 April Stage 1 (secondary committee, evidence (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)) 22 May


Scottish Independence Referendum Bill (G) Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Referendum (Scotland) Bill)) 9 May Stage 1 (Subordinate Legislation Committee) 14 May

Scottish Independence Referendum (Franchise) Bill (G) Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 14 May Stage 1 Report - Referendum (Scotland) Bill Committee (1st Report, 2013)

Tribunals (Scotland) Bill (G) Introduced 8 May

Victims and Witnesses (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 1 (evidence, lead committee (Justice)) 14 May Stage 1 (secondary committee (Health and Sport)) 14 May

Subordinate legislation in progress (date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Affirmative instruments

Lead committee to report by 24 May 2013

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Review of Contact Directions and Definition of Relevant Person) Order 2013 [draft] (15 April 2013) (Education and Culture)

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Rules of Procedure in Children’s Hearings) Rules 2013 [draft] (15 April 2013) (Education and Culture)

Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 Modification Order 2013 [draft] (15 April 2013) (Education and Culture)

Lead committee to report by 9 June 2013

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Movement Restriction Conditions) Regulations 2013 [draft] (1 May 2013) (Education and Culture)

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Implementation of Secure Accommodation Authorisation) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 [draft] (1 May 2013) (Education and Culture)

Lead committee to report by 15 June 2013

Children’s Legal Assistance (Scotland) Regulations 2013 [draft] (7 May 2013) (Justice)


Lead committee to report by 16 June 2013

Public Services Reform (Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland etc.) Order 2013 [draft] (8 May 2013) (Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments)

Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 (Modification of Regulated Work with Children) (Children’s Hearings) Order 2013 [draft] (8 May 2013) (Education and Culture)

Secure Accommodation (Scotland) Regulations 2013 [draft] (8 May 2013) (Education and Culture)

Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Modification of Primary Legislation) Order 2013 [draft] (8 May 2013) (Education and Culture)

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2013 [draft] (8 May 2013) (Justice)

Negative Instruments

Members should note that the deadline for the lead committee to report by is an administrative deadline. Lead committees normally report on negative instruments only after considering a motion recommending annulment of the instrument. Where Members have queries in relation to this deadline, they should contact the clerks to the Subordinate Legislation Committee.

Subject to annulment by 21 May 2013 Lead committee to report by 13 May 2013

National Health Service Superannuation Scheme etc. (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/109) (27 March 2013) (Health and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 22 May 2013 Lead committee to report by 13 May 2013

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 2013 (SSI 2013/112) (28 March 2013) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 24 May 2013 Lead committee to report by 20 May 2013

Police Service of Scotland (Amendment) Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/122) (4 April 2013) (Justice)


Action Programme for Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/123) (9 April 2013) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 28 May 2013 Lead committee to report by 20 May 2013

Police Service of Scotland (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/125) (19 April 2013) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 31 May 2013 Lead committee to report by 27 May 2013

Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (Scottish Public Authorities) Amendment Order 2013 (SSI 2013/126) (22 April 2013) (Justice)

Environmental Information (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/127) (22 April 2013) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Firemen’s Pension Scheme (Amendment) (Scotland) Order 2013 (SSI 2013/128) (22 April 2013) (Justice)

Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (Scotland) Amendment Order 2013 (SSI 2013/129) (22 April 2013) (Justice)

Subject to annulment by 4 June 2013 Lead committee to report by 27 May 2013

Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Scotland) (No. 2) Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/131) (26 April 2013) (Economy, Energy and Tourism)


Contacts for Further Information All telephone numbers 0131 348 XXXX Web site: General Enquiries 5000 Chamber Desk (Motions and Questions) 5199 Parliamentary Business Team (Chamber, Parliamentary Bureau) 5187 Legislation Team 5277 Non-Government Bills Unit (NGBU) 6124 Committee web sites at: Economy, Energy and Tourism 5214 Contact Education and Culture 5222 Contact Equal Opportunities 5408 Contact European and External Relations 5226 Contact Finance 5451 Contact Health and Sport 5410 Contact Infrastructure and Capital Investment 5229 Contact Justice 5047 Contact Local Government and Regeneration 5223 Contact Public Audit 5236 Contact Public Petitions 5254 Contact Referendum (Scotland) Bill Committee 6124 Contact Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment 5242 Contact Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments 5179 Contact Subordinate Legislation 5175 Contact Welfare Reform 5320 Contact

Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Parliamentary Bureau

The Conveners Group

Scottish Commission for Public Audit

MSP Details


Members who would like a printed copy of the Business Bulletin to be forwarded to them should contact Document Supply by email ([email protected]) or by telephone (x85360)

Produced and published in Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body by APS Group Scotland

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ISBN 978-1-78351-033-7