SPECIES STATUS REPORT Western Bumble Bee, Yellow-banded Bumble Bee, and Gypsy Cuckoo Bumble Bee (Bombus occidentalis, Bombus terricola, Bombus bohemicus) Bourdon de l’ouest, Bourdon terricole, Psithyre bohémien (French) Ineedzit (Teetl’it and Gwichyah Gwich’in) Kw’ıahnǫ dekwoo (Dogrib) Tł’ıstthó Tł’ıstthóghe (Chipewyan) Tth’ıhnǫ detthoı (South Slavey) April 2019 DATA DEFICIENT – Western bumble bee NOT AT RISK – Yellow-banded bumble bee DATA DEFICIENT – Gypsy cuckoo bumble bee Status of Western Bumble Bee, Yellow-banded Bumble Bee, and Gypsy Cuckoo Bumble Bee in the NWT Species at Risk Committee status reports are working documents used in assigning the status of species suspected of being at risk in the Northwest Territories (NWT). Suggested citation: Species at Risk Committee. 2019. Species Status Report for Western Bumble Bee, Yellow-banded Bumble Bee, and Gypsy Cuckoo Bumble Bee (Bombus occidentalis, Bombus terricola, Bombus bohemicus) in the Northwest Territories. Species at Risk Committee, Yellowknife, NT. © Government of the Northwest Territories on behalf of the Species at Risk Committee ISBN: 978-0-7708-0264-6/0-7708-0264-8 Production note: The drafts of this report were prepared by Dr. Christopher M. Ernst under contract with the Government of the Northwest Territories, and edited by Claire Singer. For additional copies contact: Species at Risk Secretariat c/o SC6, Department of Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 1320 Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9 Tel.: (855) 783-4301 (toll free) Fax.: (867) 873-0293 E-mail:
[email protected] www.nwtspeciesatrisk.ca ABOUT THE SPECIES AT RISK COMMITTEE The Species at Risk Committee was established under the Species at Risk (NWT) Act.