254 BRAZIL’S PARTICIPATION IN UNITED NATIONS PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS: EVOLUTION, CHALLENGES, AND OPPORTUNITIES Israel de Oliveira Andrade Eduarda Passarelli Hamann Matheus Augusto Soares 254 DISCUSSION PAPER Brasilia, January 2021 BRAZIL’S PARTICIPATION IN UNITED NATIONS PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS: EVOLUTION, CHALLENGES, AND OPPORTUNITIES1, 2 Israel de Oliveira Andrade3 Eduarda Passarelli Hamann4 Matheus Augusto Soares5 1. The authors are grateful for the valuable contributions from Lieutenant-General Floriano Peixoto Vieira Neto; Antônio Jorge Ramalho da Rocha, professor of International Relations at University of Brasília; and Luiz Gustavo Aversa Franco, Giovanni Roriz Lyra Hillebrand, and Maurício Kenyatta Barros da Costa, researchers in the National Development Research Program (PNPD) at Ipea. They are exempt from any errors or omissions. Any remaining imperfections in the text are the sole responsibility of the authors. 2. This text corresponds to the translation of the research, published originally in Portuguese: A participação do Brasil nas operações de paz das Nações Unidas: evolução, desafios e oportunidades (Texto para Discussão, n. 2442, Ipea, 2019). 3. Researcher at Ipea. E-mail: <
[email protected]>. 4. Senior researcher and special advisor at Instituto Igarapé. E-mail: <
[email protected]>. 5. Researcher in the PNPD/Ipea. E-mail: <
[email protected]>. Federal Government of Brazil DISCUSSION PAPER Ministry of Economy Minister Paulo Guedes A publication to disseminate the findings of research directly or indirectly