1 Returns to Public Agricultural Spending in the Cocoa and Noncocoa Subsectors of Ghana

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1 Returns to Public Agricultural Spending in the Cocoa and Noncocoa Subsectors of Ghana RETURNS TO PUBLIC AGRICULTURAL SPENDING IN THE COCOA AND NONCOCOA SUBSECTORS OF GHANA Samuel Benin ([email protected]) International Food Policy Research Institute Paper submitted for the The Annual Bank Conference on Africa Berkeley, California June 5 – 6, 2017 The Challenges and Opportunities of Transforming African Agriculture 1 RETURNS TO PUBLIC AGRICULTURAL SPENDING IN THE COCOA AND NONCOCOA SUBSECTORS OF GHANA ABSTRACT Using public expenditure and agricultural production data on Ghana from 1961 to 2012, this paper assesses the returns to public spending in the agricultural sector, taking into consideration expenditures on agriculture as a whole and then separately for expenditures in the cocoa versus the noncocoa subsectors. Different regression methods and related diagnostic tests are used to address potential endogeneity of agricultural expenditure, cross- subsector dependence of the production function error terms, and within-subsector serial correlation of the error terms. The estimated elasticities are then used to calculate the rate of return to expenditures in the sector as a whole and within the two subsectors. The elasticity of land productivity with respect to total agricultural expenditure is estimated at 0.33–0.34. For the noncocoa subsector, the estimated elasticity is 0.66–0.81. And in the cocoa subsector, it is 0.36–0.43. The returns to total agricultural expenditure are estimated at 82–84 percent for the aggregate analysis. For the disaggregated sectorial analysis, the returns to expenditure in the noncocoa subsector are estimated at 437–524 percent, whereas the returns to expenditure in the cocoa subsector are estimated at 11–14 percent. Implications are discussed for raising overall productivity of expenditure in the sector, as well as for further studies. Keywords: agricultural expenditure, cocoa, Ghana, rate of return JEL Codes: C20, H50, Q10 2 RETURNS TO PUBLIC AGRICULTURAL SPENDING IN THE COCOA AND NONCOCOA SUBSECTORS OF GHANA 1. INTRODUCTION This paper examines past patterns of government spending on agriculture in Ghana, and how that spending has impacted on agricultural productivity growth. The scope and rigor of the analysis is constrained by the available data, and only partial insights are possible. The paper is structured as follows. The next section examines trends in public agriculture spending over the period 1961-2012, and disaggregates that spending into the cocoa and noncocoa sectors. While Ghana’s allocation of its total expenditure to agriculture is similar to that of many other Africa countries, the lion’s share of that spending has gone into the cocoa subsector, while the noncocoa subsector, which includes all the country’s food staples, has been about as neglected as elsewhere. The subsequent sections deals with econometric analyses that estimate the impact of public spending on agricultural productivity growth, and provide some useful insights into the marginal returns to public investments in the cocoa and noncocoa subsectors. This is followed by our concluding section. 2. TRENDS IN PUBLIC AGRICULTURE SPENDING, 1961-2012 2.1 Data Sources Data on public agriculture expenditure in Ghana were compiled from various national and international sources from 1961 to 2012 for the agriculture sector as a whole, and separately for the cocoa and noncocoa subsectors (Table 1). The noncocoa subsector includes noncocoa crops (including food staples), livestock, forestry, and fishery. The cocoa subsector is managed exclusively by the Ghana Cocoa Board. Data on total government expenditure, which, by subtracting agricultural expenditure, is used to calculate nonagricultural expenditure, were also obtained from the above sources. Agricultural production data were compiled from FAOStat, and disaggregated for the cocoa and noncocoa subsectors. The supplementary table in the annex shows details of how the annual expenditure data were compiled, including the sources for each data point. Table 1: Data sources for public spending and agricultural output, 1961-2012 Variable Description/Disaggregation Data sources Total Total government expenditure in constant 2006 Stryker (1990), IMF expenditure GHS, million, disaggregated into recurrent and (1998, 2000, 2005), (TE) capital expenditures Kolavalli et al. (2012), Agricultural Government expenditure on agriculture in constant MOFA (2013), GCB public 2006 GHS, million, disaggregated into: (2013), CAGD (2011, 2013, 2014), IFPRI 3 expenditure Cocoa subsector (2015), World Bank (agEXP) Noncocoa subsector (noncocoa crops, livestock, (2015) forestry, fishery) Agricultural Gross output in constant 2004-2006 GHS divided by FAO (2016) output per agricultural area (including arable land, permanent hectare (Y) crops, permanent meadows and pastures, forest area, and inland water), disaggregated into: Cocoa subsector Noncocoa subsector 2.2 Trends in Public Agriculture Expenditure and Output per Hectare Trends in agricultural public expenditure and gross agricultural output per hectare of agricultural land are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively, and Table 2. There have been considerable fluctuations in public spending over the years, driven by changing governments and their policy agendas, but very little upward trend until the 1990s after the policy reforms. Government spending on the cocoa subsector has far exceeded government spending on the noncocoa subsector, a gap that has widened since the 1990s. Average land productivity has grown slowly but steadily over the years, but despite the spending bias towards the cocoa subsector, nearly all the increase in total land productivity has arisen from the noncocoa subsector. Figure 1: Agricultural public expenditure in Ghana by subsector, 1961–2012 1000 Total Noncocoa Cocoa 800 600 400 200 Constant 2006 GHS, million 0 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 Source: Author’s illustration based on compiled data (see Table 1 and Annex). Note: GHS = Ghanaian cedi. 4 Figure 2: Agricultural output per hectare by subsector in Ghana, 1961–2012 600 Total Noncocoa Cocoa 400 2006 2006 GHS - per hectare per 200 Constant 2004 0 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 Source: Author’s illustration based on FAO (2016). Note: GHS = Ghanaian cedi. To better understand these trends and fluctuations in public expenditure, it is useful to relate them to the underlying agricultural policies of successive governments. Major influential factors include the following: Until 1990, there was direct agricultural production by the government through state farms and cooperatives. Subsidization of farm production stopped in 1990 and returned in 2007. Implementation of policies and strategies was mostly through projects until the 1990s and then through programs and sector-wide approaches afterward. Government and public spending was decentralized, including the enactment of the Local Government Law in 1988, establishment of the District Assembly Common Fund in 1993, and implementation of direct district budgeting and execution starting in 2012. Agricultural public expenditure reviews were conducted in 1977, 1998, 2006, and 2012. The country signed the CAADP compact in 2009. Table 2 summarizes the trends in public expenditure and land productivity by sub-periods that correspond to successive governments, beginning in 1958. A short summary of the agricultural policies of each period follows. Table 2: Agricultural expenditure and output per hectare by subsector in Ghana, 1961– 2012 Indicator 1961– 1966– 1972– 1980– 1982– 1993– 2001– 2009– 1965 1971 1979 1981 1992 2000 2008 2012 Agriculture expenditure, growth rate (%) 5 Total 2.3 1.0 3.6 –11.3 4.2 6.1 4.3 6.7 Cocoa 3.8 3.9 –3.0 –15.6 5.9 6.4 1.0 1.5 Noncocoa 1.0 -1.4 9.0 –6.1 1.1 4.9 17.8 23.7 Agriculture expenditure (% of output) Total 17.4 9.5 15.3 11.8 8.8 6.5 9.4 10.8 Cocoa 30.1 19.1 40.7 45.3 70.9 53.9 76.5 90.3 Noncocoa 12.7 7.0 10.1 6.4 2.5 2.0 2.1 2.9 Agriculture output per hectare, growth rate (%) Total 2.4 4.2 -2.4 0.8 5.9 3.8 3.5 3.9 Cocoa 3.1 3.4 -6.0 -11.1 5.8 6.9 10.0 7.7 Noncocoa 2.1 4.5 -1.8 2.8 5.8 4.1 3.2 3.6 Source: Author’s calculation based on compiled data (see Tables 5.1 and 5A). 1958 to 1966 The post-Independence policies of the Convention People’s Party government led by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah extended from 1951 to 1966, and were dictated by the overall economic development agenda of rapid industrialization, which was primarily financed by taxing agriculture. An Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) was established to promote the production of export crops (mainly cocoa) for foreign exchange earnings and production of industrial crops (mainly rubber, sugar cane, oil palm, and cotton) to feed the ambitious local factories that were being set up. As such, the bulk of agriculture expenditure was allocated to ADC and spent on input subsidies (imports of fertilizers, other chemicals, tractors, and implements) and on distribution and marketing of produce. Following the ADC’s forced closure in 1962, due to its accumulated large debts and unsuccessful large-scale production and marketing activities, state farms and cooperatives were established to take over ADC’s projects and the ministry’s stations. Price controls, input and credit subsidies, and obligatory credit allocations continued to be used to support the heavy state involvement in agricultural production, distribution, and marketing (Stryker 1990; Dappah 1995). At the time of Nkrumah government’s overthrow in 1966, there were 105 state farms (42 of them were inherited from ADC) cultivating about 22,396 hectares, with 62 percent under permanent crops (mainly rubber, oil palm, sugar cane, cotton, coconut, banana, and kola nut) and the remaining 38 percent under food crops (mainly maize and rice) (Austin and Luckham 1975). As Table 2 shows, agriculture expenditure in 1961–1965 grew at an annual average rate of 2.3 percent, with expenditures on cocoa growing faster (3.8 percent) than combined expenditures on the noncocoa subsector (1.0 percent).
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