GURPS Traveller Classic: Starships
® GURPSTraveller ® TM By THOMAS L BONT,ROBERT PRIOR, GURPS System Design T STEVE JACKSON AND CHRISTOPHER THRASH Managing Editor T ANDREW HACKARD Based on the award-winning Traveller GURPS Line Editor T SEAN PUNCH science-fiction universe by MARC MILLER GURPS Traveller Line Editor T JON F. ZEIGLER Design and Design Verification by JOHN BUSTON, Project Administrator T MONIQUE CHAPMAN BRANDON COPE, AND KENNETH PETERS Art Director T LOREN WISEMAN Additional material by JOHN M. FORD, Design and Production T GENE SEABOLT MARTIN HEIDEMANN, THOMAS JONES-LOW, Page Design T JACK ELMY PHIL MASTERS,THOMAS SCHOENE, Print Buyer T MONICA STEPHENS PATRICK SWEENEY, AND JON F. Z EIGLER GURPS Errata Coordinator T ANDY VETROMILE Modular Ship Design System by DAVID PULVER Sales Manager T ROSS JEPSON Edited by GENE SEABOLT AND JON F. Z EIGLER Illustrated by AARON CAMPBELL,JESSE DEGRAFF, Playtest Coordinator: Shawn Fisher AND GLENN GRANT Playtesters: Frederick Brackin, Terry Carlino, Harold Carmer, Nelson Cunnington, Peter Dell’Orto, Deck plans by ANDY AKINS Charles Gray, Volker Greimann, Anthony Jackson, Cover by DOUG CHAFFEE Jim MacLean, James Maliszewski, Onno Meyer, David Morgan-Mar, Nana Yaw Ofori, Other Contributions by Andy Akins, Matthew Ashley, William Barnett-Lewis, Hans Rancke-Madsen, Mark Turnage, Eric Ueber, Kurt Brown, Juliean Galak, Thomas Karpf, Erik Manders, Paul May, Dominic Mooney, William Prankard IV, David P. Summers, Fred Wolke. Ian Whitchurch, Bolie Williams IV, and Kenneth Witt. GURPS, Warehouse 23, and the all-seeing pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. GURPS Starships, Pyramid, and the names of all products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are registered trademarks or trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license.
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