Updated Chronology of Mass Mortality Events Hitting Gorgonians in the Western Mediterranean Sea (Modified and Updated from Calvo Et Al

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Updated Chronology of Mass Mortality Events Hitting Gorgonians in the Western Mediterranean Sea (Modified and Updated from Calvo Et Al The following supplement accompanies the article Mass mortality hits gorgonian forests at Montecristo Island Eva Turicchia*, Marco Abbiati, Michael Sweet and Massimo Ponti *Corresponding author: [email protected] Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 131: 79–85 (2018) Table S1. Updated chronology of mass mortality events hitting gorgonians in the western Mediterranean Sea (modified and updated from Calvo et al. 2011). Year Locations Scale Depth range Species References (m) 1983 La Ciotat (Ligurian Sea) Local 0 to 20 Eunicella singularis Harmelin 1984 Corallium rubrum 1986 Portofino Promontory (Ligurian Local 0 to 20 Eunicella cavolini Bavestrello & Boero 1988 Sea) 1989 Montecristo Island (Tyrrhenian Local - Paramuricea clavata Guldenschuh in Bavestrello et al. 1994 Sea) 1992 Medes Islands (north-western Local 0 to 14 Paramuricea clavata Coma & Zabala 1992 Mediterranean Sea), Port-Cros 10 to 45 Harmelin & Marinopoulos 1994 National Park 1993 Strait of Messina (Tyrrhenian Local 20 to 39 Paramuricea clavata Mistri & Ceccherelli 1996 Sea), Portofino Promontory Bavestrello et al. 1994 (Ligurian Sea) 1999 Coast of Provence and Ligurian Regional 0 to 45 Paramuricea clavata Cerrano et al. 2000 Sea, Balearic Islands (north- Eunicella singularis Perez et al. 2000 western Mediterranean Sea), Eunicella cavolini Garrabou et al. 2001 Gulf of La Spezia, Port-Cros Eunicella verrucosa Linares et al. 2005 National Park, coast of Calafuria Corallium rubrum Bramanti et al. 2005 (Tyrrhenian Sea) Leptogorgia Coma et al. 2006 sarmentosa Cupido et al. 2008 Crisci et al. 2011 2001 Tavolara Island (Tyrrhenian Sea) Local 10 to 45 Paramuricea Calvisi et al. 2003 clavata Eunicella cavolini 2002 Ischia and Procida Islands Local 15 to 20 Paramuricea clavata Gambi et al. 2006 (Tyrrhenian Sea) Eunicella singularis 2003 Gulf of Genova, Provence coast, Regional 0 to 40 Paramuricea clavata Bally & Garrabou 2007 Corsica−Sardinia, Gulf of Eunicella singularis Gambi et al. 2006 Naples, Balearic Islands, Catalan Eunicella cavolini Cupido et al. 2008 coast, Medes Islands, Gulf of La Eunicella verrucosa Garrabou et al. 2009 Spezia Corallium rubrum Bensoussan et al. 2010 Leptogorgia Crisci et al. 2011 sarmentosa Sini et al. 2015 2005 Ischia and Procida Islands Local 16 to 22 Eunicella cavolini Cigliano & Gambi 2007 (Tyrrhenian Sea) Eunicella singularis 2006 Coast of Provence (north- Local 20 Paramuricea clavata Bensoussan et al. 2010 western Mediterranean Sea) 2007 Cabo de Palos-Cabrera Island Local 0 to 45 Eunicella singularis Coma et al. 2007 (north-western Mediterranean Sea) 2008 Tavolara Island (Tyrrhenian Sea) Local 15 to 43 Paramuricea clavata Vezzulli et al. 2010 Huete-Stauffer et al. 2011 Grotta Azzurra, Palinuro Local 15 to 20 Eunicella cavolini Gambi et al. 2010 (Tyrrhenian Sea) 1 Gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea) Local 18 Eunicella cavolini Carella et al. 2014 Eunicella singularis 2009 Gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea) Local 28 Eunicella cavolini Gambi et al. 2010 Eunicella singularis Carella et al. 2014 Paramuricea clavata 2011 Pantelleria Island (Strait of Local >60 Paramuricea clavata Vezzulli et al. 2013 Sicily) 2015 Tabarca, Spain (south-western Local 20 to 25 Eunicella singularis Rubio-Portillo et al. 2016 Mediterranean Sea) Leptogorgia sarmentosa 2017 Montecristo Island (Tyrrhenian Local 10 to 30 Eunicella cavolini present study Sea) Eunicella singularis Ischia Island (Tyrrhenian Sea) Local 15 to 22 Eunicella cavolini Gambi et al. 2018 Eunicella singularis Banyuls sur mer, Cap de Creus Local Eunicella singularis L. Bramanti pers. com. (north-western Mediterranean Sea) Tavolara Island (Tyrrhenian Sea) Local 20-30 Eunicella cavolini M. Romor pers. com. Eunicella singularis Paramuricea clavata Strait of Messina (Tyrrhenian Local Paramuricea clavata F. Turano et al. (Internet social networks) Sea) References Bally M, Garrabou J (2007) Thermodependent bacterial pathogens and mass mortalities in temperate benthic communities: a new case of emerging disease linked to climate change. Glob Change Biol 13:2078-2088 http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01423.x Bavestrello G, Bertone S, Cattaneo-Vietti R, Cerrano C, Gaino E, Zanzi D (1994) Mass mortality of Paramuricea clavata (Anthozoa, Cnidaria) on Portofino Promontory cliffs, Ligurian Sea, Mediterranean Sea. Marine Life 4:15-19 Bavestrello G, Boero F (1988) Necrosi e rigenerazione di Eunicella cavolinii in Mar Ligure. Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici dell’Università di Genova 52:295-300 Bensoussan N, Romano JC, Harmelin JG, Garrabou J (2010) High resolution characterization of northwest Mediterranean coastal waters thermal regimes: To better understand responses of benthic communities to climate change. Estuar Coast Shelf S 87:431-441 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2010.01.008 Bramanti L, Magagnini G, De Maio L, Santangelo G (2005) Recruitment, early survival and growth of the Mediterranean red coral Corallium rubrum (L 1758), a 4-year study. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 314:69-78 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2004.08.029 Calvisi G, Trainito E, Pais M, Franci G, Schiaparelli S (2003) Prima segnalazione di un evento di mortalità di Gorgonacei lungo la costa dell’isola di Tavolara (Sardegna settentrionale). Biol Mar Mediterr 10:506-508 Calvo E, Simo R, Coma R, Ribes M, Pascual J, Sabates A, Gili JM, Pelejero C (2011) Effects of climate change on Mediterranean marine ecosystems: The case of the Catalan Sea. Clim Res 50:1-29 http://dx.doi.org/10.3354/cr01040 Carella F, Aceto S, Saggiomo M, Mangoni O, De Vico G (2014) Gorgonian disease outbreak in the Gulf of Naples: pathology reveals cyanobacterial infection linked to elevated sea temperatures. Dis Aquat Org 111:69-80 http://dx.doi.org/10.3354/dao02767 Cerrano C, Bavestrello G, Bianchi CN, Cattaneo-Vietti R, Bava S, Morganti C, Morri C, Picco P, Sara G, Schiaparelli S, Siccardi A, Sponga F (2000) A catastrophic mass-mortality episode of gorgonians and other organisms in the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean), summer 1999. Ecol Lett 3:284-293 http://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1461-0248.2000.00152.x Cigliano M, Gambi MC (2007) The long hot summer. A further mortality event of gorgonians along the Phlaegrean Islands (Tyrrhenian Sea). Biol Mar Mediterr 14:292-293 2 Coma R, Linares C, Ribes M, Diaz D, Garrabou J, Ballesteros E (2006) Consequences of a mass mortality in populations of Eunicella singularis (Cnidaria : Octocorallia) in Menorca (NW Mediterranean). Mar Ecol Prog Ser 327:51-60 http://dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps327051 Coma R, Serrano E, Linares C, Ribes M, Calvin JC (2007) Informe sobre el estado de la poblaciones de gorgonias de la reserva marina de las Islas Hormigas. Servicio de Pesca y Acuicultura de la Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia, Cartagena Coma R, Zabala M (1992) Seguiment temporal de la gorgonia Paramuricea clavata de les illes Medes. Exercici 1992. Seguiment temporal de les Illes Medes Informe anual 1992 Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Crisci C, Bensoussan N, Romano J-C, Garrabou J (2011) Temperature anomalies and mortality events in marine communities: Insights on factors behind differential mortality impacts in the NW Mediterranean. 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