Monday 09 July 1781 2. Northampton Mercury

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Monday 09 July 1781 2. Northampton Mercury Newspaper Archive, reports relating to Kilsby, Northamptonshire 1. Northampton Mercury - Monday 09 July 1781 REWARD. WHEREAS the GAME and FISH in and upon the Manors of KILSBY, BARBY, and ONLEY, and other Parts, the Property of George Arnold, Esq., have of late been in a most unwarrantable Manner destroyed by Poachers and others; This is to discharge all such Persons from Trespassing on any Part of the said Property, as a strict Watch will be kept; and any Person or Persons found offending after this Notice, will be considered as willful Trespassers, and prosecuted with the utmost Rigour: And any Person, on Information of any Person or Persons destroying the Game and Fish on any Part of the said Property, either by Guns, Dogs, Nets, or otherwise, shall, on Proof and Conviction of the same before any Magistrate, receive ONE GUINEA Reward, on Application to George Arnold Esq; of Ashby-Lodge. 2. Northampton Mercury - Monday 04 August 1783 TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by B. Mason, on Tuesday the 5th Day of August inst. between the Hours of Three and Five of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the George Inn, in Kilsby, in the County of Northampton (unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Paper), A Copyhold ESTATE; consisting of several Closes of Arable and Pasture Ground, lying in the Inclosure of Kilsby aforesaid, containing 58A.3R.20P more or less; in the Occupation of Mr. John Marston. To treat for the same by Private Contract, and for Particulars, apply to Mr. W.J. Denny, Attorney at Law, Long Buckby, Northamptonshire. 3. Northampton Mercury - Monday 18 April 1785 ALL Persons who have any Claims or Demands on the Estate and Effects of JOHN WILLIAMS, of Kilsby, in the County Northampton, Carrier, are desired to transmit or deliver an Account thereof, In Writing, to Mr. Wm. Jephcott, of Kilsby aforesaid; or to Mr. Tho. Wills, of Crick, on or before the 20th of this Month. And all Persons who are any-ways indebted to the Estate and Effects of the said John Williams, are desired to pay their respective Debts immediately, to the said Wm. Jephcott or Thomas Wills, or they may expect to be sued lor the same without farther Notice. April 9th, 1785. 4. Northampton Mercury - Saturday 22 March 1788 KILSBY, March 20th, 1788. ALL Persons who have any Demands upon the Estate and Effects of the Late Mr. WILLIAM COWLEY, Carpenter, of Braunston, in the County of Northampton, deceased, are desired to send an Account of their Claims to Mr. John Cowley, of Kilsby, that they may be discharged. And all Persons who stand indebted to the Estate and Effects of the late William Cowley, are requested immediately to pay the same to the said John Cowley, or they will be sued without further Notice. 5. Northampton Mercury - Saturday 26 February 1791 GEORGE HADDON, begs Leave to acquaint his Friends in Northampton and its Vicinity, and the Public in general, That he has laid in a Fresh Assortment of all Kinds of the Newest-fashioned GOODS in the COLLAR-MAKING and SADDLERY Businesses, at his Shop in Bridge-Street, NORTHAMPTON; where he hopes for a Continuance of their Favours, and flatters himself, by his Assiduity and strict Attention to Business, to merit the same. ------------------------------ WANTED immediately, for a Gentleman's Family, A LAUNDRY-MAID, who perfectly understands Washing and Ironing, getting up of small Linen, and can work well at her Needle. Apply to the Printers. ------------------------------ To be SOLD, On Tuesday the 8th Day of March next, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, at the House of John Moore, known by the Sign of the White-Hart, in Kilsby, in the County of Northampton, THREE TENEMENTS or DWELLING-HOUSES (formerly in one Messuage or Tenement) situate at KILSBY aforesaid, in the several Occupations of Hammond, Leatherland, and Vause. The above Premises have been lately put into good Repair. For further Particulars, apply to Charles Earl, Attorney at Law, Rugby, WARWICKSHIRE. 6. Northampton Mercury - Saturday 23 April 1791 Miss LUCASES, of Kilsby, TAKE the Liberty to inform their Friends and the Public, that they have taken a large, airy, and commodious House, near the Church-Yard, in DAVENTRY, late in the Occupation of Mr. Robins, where they intend to open a SCHOOL, for the Education of YOUNG LADIES, on Monday, May 2nd: Their Terms will be Thirteen Guineas a Year, (Washing excluded), for Board and Instruction in plain Needle-work, Tambour, and Embroidery: English Grammar, Sec. Writing, and Arithmetic, will be taught at Three Shillings a Quarter; and a Dancing-Master will attend (if desired) at Half-a-Guinea a Quarter, and Half-a-Guinea Entrance. The Utmost Attention will be paid to the Health and Comfort, the useful and pleasing Accomplishments, and especially to the moral and religious Improvement of all committed to their Care. Their convenient HOUSE in Kilsby, together with the large Warehouses, Barn, Stable, and other Out-Houses, (all in excellent Repair), good Garden, and extensive Orchard belonging to it, is to be Let, and may be entered upon immediately. ------------------------------ Mr. ROBINS, (Agent for the Phoenix Fire Office) TAKES this Method to inform his Friends, that he has removed from his House near the Church-Yard, in DAVENTRY, to a commodious House and Shop in the Middle of the High-Street; where he intends to sell STATIONARY-GOODS and DRUGS, of the best Quality, and on the most reasonable Terms. Daventry, April l4th, 1791. Page 1 Newspaper Archive, reports relating to Kilsby, Northamptonshire ------------------------------ RACHEL HARTWELL, Of LITTLE-ODELL, in the County of Bedford, BEGS Leave to inform the Public in general, that she still continues to make her Genuine and Unparalleled Draught, which effectually cures the BITE of a MAD DOG, or any other Species of Madness, which in several Thousand Instances has never been known to fail. This Medicine has stood the Test of Public Experience for this Century past. A spurious Draught having been lately obtruded upon the Public, under the same Name, in Order the more effectually to deceive; the said Rachel Hartwell thinks it her Duty to inform the Public, that the said Genuine Draught is to be had of her only, at Little-Odell. As there are several Persons of the same Name, the Public are requested to be very careful in their future Applications. 7. Northampton Mercury - Saturday 11 June 1791 WANTED, as COOK in a regular Family, A steady, middle-aged WOMAN. She must perfectly understand her Business, and have an undeniable Character from her last Place. Enquire of the Printers. ------------------------------ County-Hospital, Northampton, July 16th, 1790. The Right Hon. EARL SPENCER in the Chair. THE Governors think it may not be improper to inform the Public, that after having examined and agreed upon the several Estimates which have been laid before them for Building, Compleating and Furnishing the NEW GENERAL HOSPITAL, it appears that the whole Expence of the same, including the Purchase of the Ground, will amount to £10,585 exclusive of the Accommodation for Lunatics, a Sum much greater than was at first expected; yet, from the Generality of the present Subscribers, the Governors have thought themselves justified in signing the Contracts, and in giving Orders for the immediate Execution of the Work. ------------------------------ TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, immediately, and Entered upon at Michaelmas next, A Neat Capital MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, situate at KILSBY, in the County of Northampton, known by the Sign of the CROWN, in full Trade, with every Conveniency suitable to the same; or may be converted as the Purchaser may think proper; the Whole having been re built within these eight Years last past. There is also belonging to the said Premises, Half an Acre of excellent Garden-Ground, well stocked with thriving Fruit-Trees; now in the Occupation of Nathaniel Rathbone, who will shew the Whole, and treat for the same. The Stock in Trade, Brewing-Utensils, and Part of the Household-Furniture, to be taken at a fair Appraisement. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Chester, at the Three-Tuns, Market-Hill, Northampton. Kilsby, June 4th, 1791. ------------------------------- To be SOLD by AUCTION, By THOMAS TITE, On Tuesday the 14th of June instant, THE Neat HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE of JOHN POOL, Butcher, of KILSBY; consisting of Bedsteads and Furniture. Mattresses, Blankets and Quilts, Chairs, Tabless, a Bureau, Pier and Dressing - Glasses, glazed Prints, China, Glass, and Stone-Ware; a thirty-hour Clock, Mahogany Dining-Table, Pillar-and-Claw Tables, Kitchen-Grate and Kitchen Furniture in general, Brewing Copper, Tubs and Barrels; and also, the Utensils in the Butchering Business. The Sale to begin at Nine o'Clock. 8. Northampton Mercury - Saturday 09 July 1791 Misses E. and S. LUCAS, take the Liberty to inform their Friends and the Public, that their SCHOOL Opens, after the Midsummer Vacation, on Monday, July 25. Their Terms are Thirteen Guineas a Year (washing excluded) for Board and Instruction in plain Needle-Work, Tambour, and Embroidery, English Grammar, Writing, and Arithmetic, Three Shillings a Quarter. The utmost Attention will be paid to the Health and Comfort, the useful and pleasing Accomplishments, and especially to the moral and religious Improvement of all committed to their Care. Dancing and Drawing, if required. Their convenient HOUSE in Kilsby, together with the large Warehouses, Barn, Stable, and other Out-houses, (all in excellent Repair), good Garden and extensive Orchard belonging to it, is to be Lett, and may be entered upon immediately. ------------------------------ TURNPIKE-TOLLS to be LETT. Notice is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Toll-Gate upon the Turnpike-Road leading from the Dun-Cow in the Town of Dunchurch, in the County of Warwick, to Saint James End, in the Parish of Duston in the County of Northampton, called or known by the.Name of DUSTON GATE, will be LETT by AUCTION to the BEST BIDDER, at the House of Mr.
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