Vikki Smith Legal & Democratic Services West Council Lodge Road NN11 4FP 0300 126 7000 | [email protected]

Jamie Cook Telephone: 0300 126 7000 By email: request-726234- Email: [email protected] [email protected] Our Ref: FOI7605 Date: 20th May 2021

Dear Jamie

Internal Review under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Thank you for your Internal Review request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 received on 8th March 2021. Please accept my apologies for the considerable delay with my review.

In your original request you asked for the following:

“I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act to request that Council provide me with the current number of registered electors eligible to vote at local elections living in each of the following parishes:

Althorp Parish Parish Parish Parish Barby and Onley Parish Boughton Parish Parish Brington Parish Parish Brockhall Parish Byfield Parish Parish Catesby Parish Parish Church with Parish Parish Clipston Parish Parish Parish Parish Crick Parish Daventry Town Dodford Parish Parish Parish Elkington Parish Parish Parish Parish Flore Parish Parish Parish Hannington Parish Manor Parish Harlestone Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish and Parish Parish Parish Lamport and Parish Parish Parish with Draughton Parish Parish Moulton Parish Parish Newnham Parish Norton Parish Old Parish Overstone Parish Parish Parish Ravensthorpe Parish Parish Parish Parish Stanford-on-Avon Parish Staverton Parish Stowe Nine Churches Parish Sulby Parish Thornby Parish Parish Watford Parish Parish Welford Parish Welton Parish Parish Parish Winwick Parish Woodford-cum-Membris Parish Parish”

The Council’s response to the internal review:

The purpose of an internal review is to determine if our response to your original Freedom of Information request was (a) processed in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, (b) comprehensive and factual, and in the case of exempt information, the exemption is applied appropriately.

This is an independent review and has been considered by a senior officer to that which undertook the original decision.

Regarding point (a) your request was refused on the basis that the information requested was not held by the Council and therefore did not fall within the scope of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). I have considered this further and conclude that this was an error. The information is held by the Council and does fall within the remit of the FOIA. Please find the information attached.

Regarding point (b) no exemption was applied, so this has not been considered as part of my review.

This completes my review.

If you remain dissatisfied with the Council’s internal review, you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). It is recommended that you contact them no later than 3 months from the date of our final response, using the contact details below:

Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF

Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Yours sincerely

Vikki Smith Reviewing Officer and Deputy Data Protection Officer