WНASЗ /2000/REC/2 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZA TION ORGANISAТION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE FIFTY-THIRD WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY GENEVA, 15-20 МАУ 2000 VERBATIМ RECORDS OF PLENARY MEETINGS AND LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ' CINQUANTE-TROISIEME, ASSEMBLEE MONDIALE, DELASANTE GENEVE, 15-20 МАI 2000 COMPTES RENDUS IN EXTENSO DES SEANCES PLENIERES ЕТ LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS GENEVA GENEVE 2000 WНASЗ/2000/REC/2 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZAТION ORGANISAТION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE FIFTY-THIRD WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY GENEVA, 15-20 МАУ 2000 VERBATIM RECORDS OF PLENARY MEETINGS AND LIST OF PARTICIPANTS CINQUANTE-TROISIEME' ASSEMBLЙE MONDIALE, DELASANTE GENEVE, 15-20 МАI 2000 COMPTES RENDUS IN EXTENSO DES SEANCES PLENIERES ЕТ LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS GENEYA GENEVE 2000 PREFACE The Fifty-third World Health AssemЫy was held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 15 to 20 Мау 2000, in accordance with the decision of the Executive Board at its 104th session. Its proceedings are issued in three volumes, containing, in addition to other relevant material: Resolutions and decisions, annex- document WНA53/2000/REC/l Verbatim records of plenary meetings, list of participants- document WНA53/2000/REC/2 Summary records of committees and ministerial round taЫes, reports of committees - document WНA53/2000/REC/3 For а list of abbreviations used in these volumes, the officers of the Health AssemЬly and membership of its committees, the agenda and the list of documents for the session, see preliminary pages of document WНA53/2000/REC/l. In these verbatim records, speeches delivered in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish are reproduced in the language used Ьу the speaker; speeches delivered in other languages are given in the English or French interpretation.
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