Locallink L10 Get in touch... For journey planning visit... L10 www.traveline.info There will be no change to route or Wollaton, Bramcote, Beeston timetable, however the operator has Nottingham Community Transport now changed. (0115) 985 6904 Nottingham Community Transport
[email protected] have been awarded the contract to www.ct4nottingham.co.uk operate this linkbus service which is entirely funded by Nottingham City follow us... Council. @Transport_Nottm TransportNottm OnlyOnly £1£1 perper triptrip To request this information in an alternative format, please call: on Locallink L10 and any other (0115) 876 4665 linkbus service with Helpful? Robin Hood PAYG Nottingham City Council welcomes your comments or suggestions about this leaflet. You can write to us at: Pick up your Public Transport Team, Robin Hood Loxley House, Station Street, GO OU AS Y Nottingham. NG2 3NG PAY card from one
[email protected] of the on-street Effective from 2 May 2017 ticket machines. robinhoodnetwork.co.uk Grey - CMYK 40/22/24/0 - RGB 32/99/139 - Pantone 7543 C Blue - CMYK 88/54/23/13 - RGB 32/99/139 - Pantone 7462 C Green - CMYK 53/0/88/0 - RGB 131/197/86 - Pantone 367 C Note: Timetable M-F - Monday to Fridays only Monday to Saturday M-F M-F M-F M-F M-F Beeston Interchange 0855 1555 1710 1735 Victoria Centre, Milton St 0740 0840 0940 1540 1640 1710 Sandringham Drive 0903 then 1603 1718 1743 Canning Circus 0746 0846 0946 then 1546 1646 1716 Bramcote Lane Shops 0911 1611 1726 1751 Ringwood Crescent 0752 0852 0952 1552 1656 1726 every every Wollaton, Admiral Rodney 0915 1615 1730 1755 Lambourne Drive 0755 0855 0955 1555 1700 1730 hour Lambourne Drive 0919 1619 1734 1759 Wollaton, Admiral Rodney 0800 0900 1000 hour 1600 1705 1735 Jubilee Campus 0925 until 1625 1740 1805 Bramcote Lane Shops 0804 0904 1004 until 1604 1709 1739 Canning Circus 0932 1632 1747 1812 Sandringham Drive 0811 0911 1011 1611 1716 1746 a l r d Market eva R h e ul d .