Curtin Law School 29 April 2019 Review of Model Defamation Provisions c/o Justice Strategy and Policy Division NSW Department of Justice GPO Box 31 Sydney NSW 2001 Email:
[email protected] Submission - Council of Attorneys-General: Review of Model Defamation Provisions – Question 10 Dear members of the Defamation Working Party Thank you for the work that you have undertaken to date in reviewing the Model Defamation Provisions and for calling for submissions in response to the Discussion Paper (February 2019, available at: < Defamation-Discussion-Paper-Feb-2019.pdf>). Question 10(a) of the Discussion Paper provided: Should the Model Defamation Provisions be amended to provide greater protection to peer reviewed statements published in an academic or scientific journal, and to fair reports of proceedings at a press conference? My view is that amendments to the Model Defamation Provisions be amended to provide greater protection to peer reviewed statements published in an academic or scientific journal, and to fair reports of proceedings at a press conference are necessary to better protect bonafide participants in legitimate scientific debate in Australia from potential liability in defamation. To assist the Working Party in its consideration, please find attached to this letter a copy of a recent scientific journal article that I published on the defamatory potential of ad hominem criticism: guidance for advocacy in public forums. The citation details are: Finn Hugh C. (2018) The defamatory potential of ad hominem criticism: guidance for advocacy in public forums.