
Average Daily Circnlatlon The WMtitor For the Montb ot Bliiy, IM l Foreeast of C. B.;Weato*r Bi

1 Cloody wHh light shower• to- 6,764 night sad Satoniay; a* Important

> Member of tbo Andlt ' tempera tore thongeo.

BaroM of Clrcolatlou

Manchetter^A CUy of Vittage Charm

(CloMlfied Advertlabig Oe togo 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 13,1941 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ^ VOL. LX., NO. 217


^ iWeUes Asserts. Nazis m Damascus Not foJBe


Break World Treaty; Defended by French; - . ______Q . ' • ______-

To Shoot at Vessels Allies Nearing Beirut

Aulhorixed S^rce Sayslp^^^g D W r C Declak’es Facts in Sink­ Syrian Gipitol Likely British anti Free French ing of Robin Moor Be­ Envoy Clerks\ To Be Declared Open Forces, Rebuffed in Of* yond Dispute and In­ City When British and Buffaloed by American I FoV Salvage - fer of Peace, Advanc­ And Families directly Accuses Ger­ De Gaullist Siege And English D**®***"!/“x r d f • ing Along Mediterra­ a DAMASCUS sions Concerning Rob-^ 1711 f i l l H I many of Violating In­ Forces Break Its Out­ nean Shores; Push to Reach Haven *KISSOUE ternational Pact on in Moor' or Berlin in lying Defenses; No i < Point 20 Miles from i''iil'i' ' i' i! i ;z^A^ I R AQ No Hurry to Partici­ Nation'Wide Campaign Sub Warfare; Sui^- Lebanese Capitol; 10 61 Americf^ in Portu Preparations for Fight- H A IFAii JE8EL ilUiHilininnif ED ^in^ in Ancient Qty. pate in Discussions. To Be Inaugurated to vors Evidence Qeiir. Miles from Damascus. | gal After Almost DRUZ'

Add to Supply for De- Three Days tFUhout TELij Berlin, June 18.— (/P)— An Washington, June 13.— (ff) Damascus, Sjria, June 13. ilAVIV London, June 13.— (A’)— authorized (jerman source fense Industries Soon. — SumneF Welles, undersecre­ Steep and Little Food* — 1:10 p. m. (6:10 a. m., e. Rebuff

Lebanese capital, while Free the French Empire. There said a torpedo from States will take, Welles aald he has been no preparation for submarine sent her wotUd withhold a considered state­ French forces had taken two Machinists Told to Go Ruhr Valleju fighting within this ancient though the submarine Nazi Demands ment untU the fun depositions a t villages east of Kissoue, fac­ comniander knew her identity.) tho 11 survivors weie received place of slaughter. There has ing Damascus 10 miles away. Authorised sourdM Said many from American officials to BraxB

been no blackout, no evacug- ships going to England already and were investigated here. The Middle command at Bladings Hit Ba^k to Jobs on Ships On Reds Seen Cairo acknowledged that the Al- tion of women and children to had been sunk and Germany was Sunk by Oertnu SaboiariM In no hurry about participating in ilea Had been "temporarily delay­ the suburbs. Damascus itsel! An account a t thrir testimony, ed in certain sectors by resistance dtscuBsion of toe Robin Moon inci­ however, issued by tbe State De­ During Raid Resumption of Produc­ Breeding War of Vichy troops,.” but “had by yes­ is not fortified. Planes Sink dent. partment yesterday, charged ttat terday evening made further prog­ With a population close to 200,- QuMtlon Exclnalvely Military the Robin Moor was sunk to the 000, Damascus is Syria’s largest tion at Full Speed De­ ress ih all sectors of their pene- The question was exclusively South Atlantic on May 21 by a traUon.” Many Fires Started in city. British Dreams of Dis­ German submarine which gave pends on Response to military, these sources said, but Answering With Anns No Signs of panlo 28,000 Tons the paasengers and crew SO min­ certain American quarters were agreement Nourished Germany's Great Man­ The population Is displaying ex. Order of Council, utes to abandon the vessel befqce The Vichy government was an­ giving It a political angle “In order swering with the arms at its com­ ufactory Region by At­ cellent morale. There are no signs Of Shipping thereby to further a war psycho­ By Reports Baltic ^and it 'was toriJMoed and shelled. mand a British overture through of panic. By The Associated Press sis. Wellea was asked for commeiri (Five hundret and forty years Black Seas Affected. madrlff suggesting that to save tack of British Planes. Resumption of full-speed “ And, of course,” U was added, on the statement of a German Frenrti blood it should instruct de- ago most of. the residents were “Bhigland cries In every manner to spokeaman in Berlin that *We slaughtered and Damascua plUag. production on $500,000,000 Germans Also Qaim De- ; Lorifion, June IS.—(P)—British rfeiHM forces to offer no further re- / London, June 13—(87—Many an make political capital thereof.” won’t be butMPsd. ^ American islstance to measures taken by the ed and burned by the Mongol con worth, fif . def^mse shipbuild* . Investigations by German TMll* and English discussions concern­ Jadustrial building waa b lo ^ teto ueror Tamerlane after'n s Mad stnietion of Eight Brit­ dreams of a Soviet Ruaslan-Oer Allies “to prevent the enemjkXrop. in g' ih the San Franciwo bay tary authorities were continuing, ing the Robin Moor” and that the sky and numerous fliea were tefeated the Egyptians here and man disagreement bordering on using Syria as a 'base of opera­ ish Aircraft as Result meanwhile, these sources said, and “whenever any ship with contra­ tions against them.” started last night in Germany’s le v i^ a large tribute on the city.) area depended today on tbe Germany would decide "in due active warfare were nourished to­ band rail* for England well

The British disavowed a ^ ter- The historic citadel of Damascus response of striking A FL ma- O f Night Activity time” whether or not to say any­ day by repeated but imconflrm- shoot at It.” l\ great manufacturing region, the riCorlal designs against French Ruhr valley, by a Targe force of is -used now only as a prison and ebinists to telegraphed in- thing concerning the incident. able reports that Berlin demands • Wellea replied that tbe qura- territory and declared again that center for the clvU administration. Germany lists as unconditional on Russia were of such magnitude British bombers in the heaviest structionk from tbeir Interna­ Berlin; June 18 .--

necessitated to counter German the R. A. F. six planes aritnow- roofed wood juid plaster buildings, their jobs in 11 shipyards. destroyed eight British planes, tbe everything recognised by Interna­ Informed quarters aald discus- never acquiesced to contraband ' ambitions. ledged missing from the bomber could be easily leveled by aerial Possibility that tbe machinists high command aaaerted today. tional law, such aa munltlona, alone between Sir Stafford Crtpps, definitions of either side to the bombardment, but the narrow chemicals, gu,is, fuel, war vessels, The exchange pt notes — A command. might go to work Monday was Four merchantmen were said to British ambassador to Moscow, present war. French protest ay th4 outset of Within a 80-mlle*lf*ffllte’ in ths S ^ ets, with buUdlngs shouldering voiced by Harry Hook, San Fran- have been sent to the bottom in airplanes and airplane p a iu and and government leader* here were What the United States doe* One another, are not suited for the fightlng/wd ue British reply Ruhr area about three-fourths of dsoo busineaa agent, « h o i set ir' St. George’s Channel and four innumerable other items intended "primarily concerned with Rus- stand on very firmly. WeUe* aa- Germany’s whole coal output is modern military o p e ra tio n for use in battle. — were han&ed through Vichy and meeting SU(iday to consider the others damaged heavily in those alan-German relations.” ■erted, is that both Germany aad London ambassadors at Madrid. m in ^ and about the same pro- aground. council action. He said a ."full and watead and off the Scottish east Condlttoaal Contraband It must be 'emphasised that , re- toe Unfied States are parties t» ])ortion of her iron and steel indus- Only Few Miles Awny- They w e n pupushed today. democratic dlscussitm” would be coast. In addlUon the Nasi Reich lists ;x>rts of disagreement between Practically ^rronnd Damascus ixy IS there. With BriUsh and De GaulIUt col held, followed by a secret ballot. . Flaaes Attaric Haifa many goods as conditional eontra- Berlin nad Moscow and Nasi con­ (Coattooed Oa Fags Six) The district is linked by a net­ umna only a few miles from Da. Reuters, .BritlMi news agency, AcUen on this-biggest obstacle Another Next air assault on bahd. These include foodstuffs, live centrations on the Soviet border work of roads, railroads and canals mascus the government took so far interposed to the all-out Haifa, British port of supply for animals, feed, clothing and raw conceivably .fit into the pattern of said i t . was understood In Cairo between closely-set industrial measures today to assure the safe- tl)St the Allies had practically ship construction .effort caine last tbd attack on Syria and the Pales­ the British diplomatic nerve war towns. Many of these were be­ ty of French residents of Syria nlgta ifi deference to a “direct re­ tine terminus of the oil pipeline (Contlnned On Page Twrive) . which, by scaring Russia, .it la Surrounded Damascus and'v.lbat lieved to have felt the weight of and Xjebsnoh during' any disturb­ quest” from President RoospvClt, from Iraq, waa reported by the hoped herff might force to* U. ,S. parleys ^ tw e e n the opposing the R. A. F.’s blows since the an ce which may arise from the Flashes ! the Executive Pouncil announced. Ugh command. It said tbe raid waa 8. R. into more friendly relations forces with view to avoiding conununlque dealth with (he valley Allied invasion. . bloodshed had delayed entry into Twe Major Threats Ended "Bucceaaful” but gave no details. with Britain and eventual collab­ (Late BaUetia* el the as a whole without mentioning any It was explained that a cryptic the capital of Syria. center specifically. A t the same time the two re­ Four British planes were shot ItalyAdmite oration in tbe war. official broadcast lait night which down by night ebaaers and anti­ Demaiide Under /Study f Boose r ssaes AMeo Tsw Damiascus, with a population of BeBeve Ammunition Hit called on the n a tive to show “h e - maining major threaU to military nearly 200,000, nputedly is the A bomb-btlrst In one railroad airplane output were ended. aircraft guns during a raid on Reliable sources said that de­ Waaktogton, June 12—(87— pltality and genereity toward for­ western Germany In which sev­ Assab^s Loss mands made by tbe Germans bad Boose p s a ^ today legistotteiita world’s oldest inhabited city. yard, the AI. Ministry News Ser­ eigners” WM an appeal to the A strike scheduled for midnight ,/ DespiteL the . British nports of vice reported, “was followed by a at two Pittsburgh planU of tbe eral civilians were killed or wound­ been received to Moscow and were exelode from the ooootey sii - ;>opulation to refrain from harm- ed and a number of apartment /thehe imminent threat to the city, succession of explosions in - line, ing^French civilians. Airplaln PropeUer Division of The under study. / ah Associated Press npresenta- one after the other, over a period Curtiss W right Company waa call­ houses destroyed or. damaged, the Bombarded, Occupied Sir Stafford reached London by ^ 41«.. The invading columns apparent- tlve was able at 1:10 p.m., local of ten minute-- o though a store ed ofi at request of the defense dally war bulletin nld. air from the Soviet capital Wed­ ■afety. The meosoro sow goes to Destroy PlaneB In Raids By Naval Force After nesday for what was described as the V^te Hoose. The bO t o e * of ammunition had been-hit.” (Oontlnoed Ob Paga: Twelve) Mediation Board. (Conttnoed On Page Two) A t borne: the R. A. F. fighter And tbe A F L Machinists union Two others were destroyed by a trip in line with Britain's policy dlptow tlo and cooaotor ofilr i * command Waa reported to have at the big Consolidated Aircraft chasers while attempting to fly Fascists Withdraw. of having her envoys report peri­ to deay visa* to turned back a formation Of Mes- Corp. plant in San Diago announc­ to Norway and two mUltl-motored — i odically and to establish contact of seeking to eotor tkeUoltod serschmitts, retaliation-bent, in a France Warns ed ratification of new contract planes were said to have been dC' Rome, June 18.—(ffVr-The Ital­ with the home government State# to engage to sobveralve ac­ Would Avoid Tlve-minute battle 20,000 feet terms by a B to 1 vote, rMnoving stroyed- - during - ■ ~ Gennai^ - raids on ian high command acknowledged The informants today refused to tivities. \ above the southeast BngUsI^'Coast poaribUlty of a walkout against today toe lots of Aasab, aecond this afternoon. Britain ^^ain Omsair, which holds 2700,000,000 (Conttnoed Oa Page Two) port of Eritrea, to an "Anglo-In­ (Continued Oa Page .Twelve) Dm^ascos Entirely l^lrcled W ar Several sharp bursts of cannon In bomber orders for ' the Army, dian Naval force” which bombard Colro^'Egypt, done 12— Free Franck toraee knye eera^etoe fire were heard and, after one Navy and Britain. ed the town and occupied It after Terms of the two-year contract Treasnrjr Balance Italian forces had withdrawn. the enrirriement of Dnmnaeao, (Ccntlnaed On Page Six) Continuation of Invaj were not announced immediately, - (The British announced yester­ Bank Bandit Syrta’s endent capital, aad appar­ Vichy Note Asserts Washington, June 18— (/Fi— The ently are awaltlag the eotoeine of sioni to Eie Considered but worker* who voted said it pro­ day tta t they had taken tbe port, French Will Defend vided an increase from 50 to 65 position of the Treasury June 11: Italy's first foothold to Africa. negottetlono for poaeefal oeeopa RMOlpts, 224,988.789.41; expen­ tlon of the dty. aathert^vo Part of Fixed Policy. cents in the hourly minimum They said Aasab, at the southern Gets $3,000 All of Possessions. Maydasualty wage, a modified union ahop and a ditures, 242,774,005.88; net bal­ end of the Red Sea, fell after a oonrceo repoytod tonight, fheae military service clause. The union ance, 23,889,810,664.27; customs Joint talUtary, Naval and air op­ sooroeo sald'Mieh a solotlea _wae Vichy, Unocupled France, June receipts for month, 214,151,877. eration and completed Brltiah oc­ mock preferred by the Britteh-Ykee London, June 13— (JPi —^The 13.—r(f)— France has warned Brit­ Pushes Brief Case Be­ French government haa informed (Ooattaaed Oa Page Two) 75. cupation of the 670-mlle-Iong Eri­ French Alliee aad deelaiod there Figures Criven ain that continuation of thy inva­ had been at least one lostasre al­ ' Britain it would “avoid taking any sion of. Syria would be considered trean coast.) neath Grating to Be ready to toe fivs-day eampaiga action which might aggravate or Hurl Back Brittoh A ttad u as Dart: o f a fixed British policy to where a French-held defe spread the conflict” In Syria and Italian forcea bolding out at Filled hy Girl Teller, 5,394 Peiwns Killed, attack French Interests, It was IomI oorrendeied after Lebanon. Uolchefit, to the Gondar sooe of disclosed semi-officially tbday. oader a white flag. The Vichy .'egime. In a note dat­ northern 'Ethiopia, were reported, 5,181 Wounded a i| d A semi-offidsil version of a Insulin Shock in Treating Bridgeport, ' Juhe 13.—(JF)— A • • • ed June 8, asserted, however, that toeanwhiie, to have burled back French note, described as the sec­ bandit described by wltnesaea as T V A Fewer BUI Approved the Allied attack on the French- 75 Listed as Missing new British attacks, inflicting ond sent to Britain since the in­ “distinguished looking” held .'up Waaktogton, Joae IS. — WP' — mandated territories “risks pro­ Insanity Called Dangerous hundreds of casualties on tbe at­ the Morris Flan Bank on Bank ducing the gravest consequences'' vasion began, was published by Warned of a deoperato poorer London, Juno IS— (ff)—German the Telemondial News Agency.'. tackers. street today and .escaped,*- bank •hortoge for prodoetlon of vlUBy* and that “ the French government hr-' ' British forces atUcklng the air raiders killed 5,8»4 peraons in ‘.‘Continuation of'th e British of officials said, with about 23.000. needed alumtoom for bomber*, toe la determined. to defend its terri­ Pasadena, Calff., June 18— 0P>-r^da«—the region con ^Illn g breato- Italian garrison at pebra Tabor Britain and wounded 8,181 other* operations they have started," it Carrying a black brief case, tbe Houae toddF

ickly appreved aa tory and -possessions, wherever Dr. David Tyler, worUng to de­ tag and heart beat—is moat re- to Ethiopia with the support of they may be attack^ with all during May, the Ministry of Home said, "can only be explained if man walked into the bank Just be­ addiUooal appropriation of $46,- rinanL aircraft alao were repulaed, the fore noon, remarked conversa- means at its dispossl.” Security axmounced today. Great Britain baa the fixed pur- termine, how Inaulih shock pro­ Without oxygen, obtained from 000.0M to enable the Teanresee Seventy-five additional peraona daily war bulletin declared. Action Based on "Facte” pbee to attack French interests di duces brain damage, haa found the blood, tbb cortext can survive UohaUy to Mias Ethel Knapp, a Valley Authority to stop ap its were liat^ as missing and'bdiev- Pound Britteh Oarrisoa teUer, about the rainy weather, The British government, ex­ large doaea of insulin act toe about five tainutea, tbe medulla 20 ele c t^ production by 117,066 kUa* ed dead. On the North African front, the produced a pistol, pushed the bag pressing pleasure at the French as- first exchange o f notes and same way oa the brain of a cat to 80. watts. The Honae Approprtottoas -.^purances, replied tartly that its The announcement said the dead Italians aaid, tbeir artillery and beneath the gratiiig of her cage, Committee a short time before texta were dteclosed today ia aa if the were placed to a BbeBid Terminate Treatroeat action in S ^ a waa baaed on Included 2JH2 men, 1,W4 vromen, dive-bombers continued to pound and when it was flUto with cur­ recoauaeaded toe biU. to SMhle Londtm.) - chamber of nitrogen. When tbe pulse and res]rfration ‘Tacts’’ and that “His Majesty’s 758 children under 16 years of age the British garrison to tbe be- rency, walked out, fleeing to » car Reflecte Terror ef Pretest The eaaenUal difference,. - the become very slow and irregular, TVA to begta reaotrectloa g$vemment c*n Act be mipected to and 185 unclaasiflsd. sl*ns4baAtbe — «<»«»- f- v«-»«g 8 ^ ^ Libyan port of Tobruk, p ^ e d at the street entrance. addittoael kydre-Moetrle p to j*^ -Ylie Injured inchidad..2jm).JPMIW, . The ..Triemqpdiql.nQto .WM. Jllffr and. faUow enter , intb argument vnfL MafsKaT scientiste at California Inatitute of fected, tbe insulin treatment should ttiuitoa a d tw». Mo«ag* preject,,. 1338 women and 4 16 .children. Burned to r«b*ct toe tenor of the cuted that three customers were- Petain's government on the sub­ second protest which, apparently, Technology, is that the symptoms be terminated, Dr. Tyler said. This Brltiah'' warplanes had bombed H lwaeee river, i Bmgasi, west of Tobruk, and- the hardly aware that it had taken ject of the meaning of the word was a sharp declaration and not, shown by tbe cat proceed more usually to done by riving the tary. Lewer Tbaa April latead a t Rhodes to the eastern ‘eoUaboration.’ ” aa had been nimorsd, so ooncUla- alowly during Insulin ahock. patent sugar by stomnra tube. place. (Vichy reporta said a second and Tho figures for May wore lower Mediterranean. Told To Oet More MoMy than those for April when 6,065 tory as to have asked the British Btoy Leave Aatoaal Meatallty The biologist found that brain Miss Kpapp told'the bandit that Btarketo at a < stronger note had been sent Brit­ damage is mors profaaU* during Dogfight Over 2CaHa New York, Jaae 12.—,WV — persons were reported killed and to cease Operations in Syria. Insidto ahock tejiaad to treat sh* had on^ a mimJI sum to her ain reiterating the first protest Insulin shock tf the body tempera­ Italian fighter planes shot down -L s profit. rSVag 6,026 injured. Tetempodial aaaerted toat "the Mhlxophrenla, a form of toaanity. eight Hurricane fighters yester­ drawer and he then instructed her oVer the invasion of the French legotd of toe preaeace of Germqn ture ia prevented from zalltag. mOy. plan dates and reciting the French From . last June, when heavy F lu e n t ly it reatorea aanity.but day to a vtolent do^lght over the to circulate among the other ton­ raids against the Brltiall Isles be­ forces has bean disproved” and there ia danger .that it may leave Tfaia natural fall, ha aald, serves insistence that no German troops Brltiah Mediterrsnean stronghold ers and gather w i^ they bad. gan, through May 41,150 dvUians dedared that tbe invaders discov­ the patient with tbe mentality of as a protection against brain dam­ George B. Rickel. anotoer teller, raUo eoataot tired. were' there.) age. His experiments with cate of Malta, ' the Fascist high com­ PbrrigaExckaags — ' Exchaaged Throoi^ Leahy have been Idlled and 53,03.7 injur­ ered that "Syria waa exclusively antouU, or even result to death. Dr. who was standing beside a cabinet defended by Frendi troops and rimwad that If body temperaturea mand said today. , The notes were exchanj ed. the latest figures indicate. •ITier reported. ‘Two Italian planes, to addition nearby told Hi* sStaodstas to keep conaequenUy French • mandated . Be reported findinga which may failed to fiJ) er if tbe eats were Cotton—Higher: rrea through Admiral William D. Ijeahy, Deaths may ba higher, however, to an ambulanca plana wars de- took tbe brisf case from Miss territories are not to be coostd ba a t value to leseining toe hasard. kept to tta medullary symptom hnytog. United States aipbaaaador to because so of those originally atroyad during toa sngagwnent, Knapp and stuffed it with bills and ered as the starting point against With a lack of oxygen diflerdnt state, prolonged coma, brain dam­ Vichy, by way of the Brltiah era listed es hurt may have died. the daily war bulletin declared. coin. .. . pOSMSSlOnS.” parte of toe brain ritow varying age or even death reaultod. bassy in Madrid. The peak for monthly casualties Tbe ItaMana asserted that fiva The bandit had ordered aU to was laist September nrhen 6,254 note aras believad to have degrees of resistance to. deatruc- This tomparature factor may be The French insisted that all Britteh fighters attariied toa am- tbe bank, tacludtog three cus­ German pcnanncl.and equipment, pfa-aens were.killed and 10,615 in made clear tta t France could con­ tlan. The hightst cetaera, toe Dr. lyier aald. foe tta ■ its fre- bnlaBce plana, forced it down on tomers to Uc

i . J*-W- .-1 ‘ . .

\ IIANCHESTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. ERIDAT, JUNE 18,1941 MANUHESI-ER e v e n in g h e r a l d * B1ANCHE8TER, CONN. FRIDAY, ^8/ ------^ the local Nationfil Guard, and In day reported that three British AFU International Longthoramen’s Two Local Girls New incendiary Bomb the new cgpaclty, he toill he In north­ Bolton Span Cards Issued charge of a staff of clerks', and will Camp Paper Describes a toffi matur and that the ^ Aaaociatlon, agreed yaaterday to Planes Sink ern Syria from Iraq, said the town N, Y: Stocks Appeal Made await possible government ai^on Receive Diplomas Non-Citizen Migrants Called * Jumping Jack* assist*’ the Sergeant-Major In jiU should be met through the toams of Haasetche—;30 miles west of the battalion administrative 'work. g^uaial funds. before catling for spread of a New. Iraq frontier—had been oedupi^ Can Be Fixed To Guardsmen A P o o l It was decided to postpone ac- York longshore strike to Oalves- 28,000 Tons Adams Ehep .... m Hto brother, Burt Frazier, to Day of Soldier*s To Emplloyers by the British. Air Reduc 1,.., Montreal, June 13.—(JPh- now a member of the* local Guards. ton, Baltimore and Hcaiston. It waa not clear, however, ____Annette C. Farr, daughter Seen Federal Probleni The Germans have come up The New York walkout, I^an Ehccept for .three men, .Battalion i»lan Tabled whether the capture waa effected Alaska Juh ., v- of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Farr at with a new incendiary' bomb, Will Identify Them in Headquarters is now composed of Mrs. James Edwards, of thls» away she to back to ilotft- ...aatinn of the selectmen and said, waa a.protest against the loss Of Shipping Alleghany , . . 513 Main, and Miss Luclle M. Cten- Work Will Be C^niplet "the Jumping Jack."- 8:30 or 9:00 o’elocY aaA.. of stevedoring Jobs Involved In by a fourth column or whether all Manchester residents. town, wife of SerJteant James Eid- they will be asked to include the Arcident* of 1 he High* the town fell to units sent out Allied Chem'_.. ran, daughter of Mr. and Mi*. of the committeemen, asked Ed­ ed in 10 to /15 Day*, Herbert Scott, Eastbourne, Case of Emergencies; ariaes,: takes a shower, dreaeM t Sppoprlatlon In a o a ^ ® '» the government acquisition of Mor­ Thomas Conran of 14 Hudson, are San Diego County Wel< gar M. Gott, Consolldatod Alr- warda of the Antl-'Tank Company, v«meDt A«»oci*- gan Line ships for the defense and , (OonMahad From Pago One) from one of. three previously-men­ Am Home Prod 'England, special chnstable Is ready for a day at what fimi or regular town meeUng. The way* Increa*ih|t Be­ «< • . . ■ at ■ the Manchester girls who graduat­ A s s e r t S ! craft vice prudent, to estimate Official Asa^s. here on invitation of the Do­ Other Guard New*. 169th Infantry has been making ing has to offer. She to in no I t ^ n by ‘ be dlfaetprs of aid-to-BriUin shipping pool. The tioned forces said to be pushing • fare Chief Among Graduates F e e l* I* a air flelds In south central England, toward Aleppo and Palmyra. Am- Rad St S : ed yesterday from Mount St. how many workers would be re­ minion government, described the moat of her stay In and around I ry tor breakfast and very m the Improvement aasoclatlon\last cause o f Defense. company, he charged, had aeised Am Smelt . . . tained when the defense effort ./ the communique said. Two British columns which Joseph Academy, West Hartford. Government Should ’The'tonernte bridge on route 44. it this way: In order that the commissioned C!amp . Blandlng, Florida, where partakes of that morning m iwR CiO|ttern. iiffht means that there will be\^ the opportunity- to deliver the Am T A T-'... gets back to normal. ships to the government, thus "Ill the period from June 6 to crossed the Omo river in southern A n'amber from tlUa town at­ Bolton, p ^ la lly ' undermined by "It carries an explosive staff of the Second Battalion will At Bentley Sehool her hlisband has been stationed, "Her morning to spent in wading pool provided for the c ^ - Hartfohl, June IS—An appeal June 12,” the high command- add­ Am Wat Wks Provide Relief. "We hope at least half the an­ 'according to the tote Issue of the Ing and ironing until noon, tte ‘ bis summer. to the manufacturers of the State avoiding obligations to its em-. Ethiopia have Joined forces and tended the commencement exer­ the flood/waters from the broken charge in the base that goes i. be prepared to act in an emergen­ I'at the M»Bche*t« Im- ed. "the enemy lost a total of 87 have surrounded Italian troops in Anaconda ,. cises. held yesterday at three ticipated employment can be kept off every so often, like a fire­ "Grapeleaf" the regimented publi­ which tio]e‘"'ahe lias dinncF Wltlhi to c^S^rate with the Highway ployes. If the strike were spread, Armour 111 . . . I on the Job," Gott replied. Bolton^am on Monday night, can cy, each commissioned officer was • association, met U»t he warned, 6,000 men would be planes, whereof 26 were ahot down the Jimma region southwest of o’clock at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, San Diefo, Calif., June 18.—(Ah ^ be re|talred, Leslie G. Sumner, su- cracker. The bomb then Jiumps ‘ Harlowe G. WHlis, son of Mrs. cation. Mrs. Edwards has bMn in her soldier husband either at the Safety Commlaalon in an effort to Atchison . . ______i "I wounder what will become of Issued an identification card last and teamed that It at>uld affected. by night chaiera in air flghta, Addis Ababa, an informed source Hartford. \ 1 peijiuuident of bridges and struc­ half a dozen or a dozen, fSet. Harlowe W. WlUls. of 84 Henry, Florida since March and has ni'ade 169th Mess ball or at tbs’ serv4*g reach industrial workers with a seven anti-aircraft and four by Aviation Oorp -^A congressional committee in- j rest,” Toland commented. He night at the officers meeting held several trips to Floridan points of Bank Bandit highway safety msasage W It-Day Strike Knded ' reported today. ‘ tures for the State Highway de­ That makes It difficult to deal graduated yesterday, from the club. 'Hie afternoon finds bar gh* ^ a o o to build a amaJl a*ad- Naval uniU. In the same period vestigating the tremendous mlgra- | ejded that aircraft building is one In Hartford. These cards will be Bentley School of Accounting and Interest. ing into town on a shoppiijg toor brought prompt reaponae, ine A witfe compromise, providing partment stated today. with when it has to be smoth­ sliown at all times where admit­ ^pool or M.T6J seven of our own planea were tory movement of workers seeking j defense Industry that will carry ered." . Financing In Boston, There were Mrs. Edwards Is quoted as say­ or Just sightseeing. At supper ttos*! .. Gets $:i,000 Commission announced today. ■for an 8-cent hourly increase for B ^dix ...... on after the war. Traffic whs halted late yester­ tance Is required in restricted attm wadtn* and kwt.” Drive into Syria employment In defense centefs I day afternoon for a close Inspec­ over 500 in the class and Harlowe ing 'she doesn’t think too much of she is back at the service club for,' on land owned by the ban­ Increaae In Crashes day workers' and an 8 per cent In­ kReth Stl ...... Curb Stocks Ray Mathewoon, Stote Employ­ areas. ' was a top ranking student whore the camp as It Is too dusty and her evening meal and than with The appeal waa made In a letter crease for piece workers, ended Stalled in Places / Beth Stl 7 pf was asked today to do something j ment Office manager,, said Con­ tion of the damage wrought by The cards are the same as those ter TMCA off North Main (Oontlwded From Page One) for migrants who lack clttoensMp j the flood waters when It was he completed a course Irt account­ sandy for the Manchester boys. her husband She spends the eye-' ^iBeet They decided that the ^ t sent to all r^anufacturera on June a 19-day strike of 3.500 employe# Berlin Encouraged Cairo, Egypt, June IS.—(Ah—'pie Borden ...... solidated wasn’t the onlynyagnet Agaiu Postpone used in the State Guard during the She. admits that the various of 27 sewer pipe lacconesfactories inIn c/mu,Ohio, _ Ark Nat Gas A in states to which they migrate. feared that the extra heavy, traf­ ing and financing. He was gradu­ nlng watching games and athletld be tio much Jo aak the t o - parently found this unnecessary as, 10. citing the alarming increaro In British command acknowl^gnd- Can Pac -"A... drawing migrants to this area. San last war and, in addition to the ated from the Manchester High bands of the camp awake her in events by the various memban of V tA WKJ VOtlNi OOt lO MK highway accidents and falaltlea, Pennsylvania and Indiana. The set- By jyrton KcporiB today that French reslstanhO had Case (J. I.) .. El Bond and Sh ‘ Julius Rainwater, San Diego Diego has more employment op- fic using this route might cause officer's name, rank uid duty, wlU no one made an odlcry. tiement waa announced at Canton, Berjin, June 13 — W — Berlin Niag Hud ...... county welfare chief, told the further damage to the bridge,' al­ Boxing Matches School In the clasa of 1939. the morning Snd "during the time the 169tb outfit. Sh* has a weak­ ^ S e’^piiJSprt.tion be Includ- He Bed In a light blue two^oor and especially pede.atrian fatali­ stalled the drive Into ^ rta at Cerro De P .. ijortuntties now than at any time -contain the picture of the officer. they are playing she listras and Ohio, last night. seemed somewhat encouraged to­ Pennroad ...... committee the Federal govern­ ready weakened to . an undeter­ He has secured employment, at ness for cOca colas and*many oL In the call for •■the meeting Chevrolet sedan bearing New York ties. The letter called attention to some points, but declared that Chea A Oh .. In ita history, he said.' But this These cards will be signed by the the United Aircraft plant In East ehjoys the smart military music her nickels find their way to th e. The AFL’s United Brick and day by military reports from Segal Lock .... ment should'prortde relief for such does not mean eve^yo^q^ wanting a mined degree. Adjutant General in the name of t o t ^ which had been parked the gr-eat Increaae In highway "further progress in all sectors” Chrysler The boxing bouts at the R«rf Hartford and started today on In­ that fills the morning air. How­ big red machine in the (Juest. travel dhe to the increased activi­ Clay Worker. had asked a 20-cent Syria. had been made by last night.. cases, and that the' state should Job can get It. To Build New Bases the (jovernor of the State. J u d ^ Raymond R. running, at the bank door Col Gas A El . As yet, there is no all-round Men’s Arena, now being conducted ventory work. ever, when the last notes fade House." ii (S^preeident of the a a^ te- ty In iddustrlal and other plants hourly boost in basic wages of 56 “It is to be .noted that the Brit­ The communique "of the Middle ComI Inv Tr , take over cases of state Have No Specifle Training The Inspection by the state Officers Uniforms in a one-way atreet. .. cents, a closed shop and other con­ ish have not yet reached Beirut, substitute in use for mica, the first who have no established county by Hartford promoters, scheduled a« CROSLEY full 6 was too much for the district. harbor are Joining the Free French are coming from Teas and' Mls- sections can be cut out kpd re­ (Colonel suggested that all officers in rremsntte, Australia. A leak cent of the manuficturera hotifled ers at five plants of The Reynolds ish Invasion Is unimportant, what Du Pont . some change In the age range." staged kext week. ^ w m S d be mom than a one ing caas attracted the swarm but in increasing numbers, observers Eastman Kod . ^ ^ ^ S T flT E irourl now. filled with cement. The top section who will take part in .special cer^ Swn ta* bi the d l^ c t . He the Commission that they would Metal Company, manufacturing la important is the effect restet- He explained this meant that In the opening card presented monies such as Guard Mount, the lire department repelled It by aluminum products. The agree­ said today, and Syrian develop­ Elec Auto-L ... NOW PLAYING! ^ Creates Housing Crisis of the bridge wsm unharmed, he PLUS an EXTRA FOOT in the NEW * iMMiit the opinion that the display safety poolers which the ance being put up In conformity^ /' Into the committee’s record while the local unemployed reser­ ^ id. last week there was a good turn: should have one available. How­ turning polaon gas on It. ment provides for an Inctease of with the French promise to de-' ments may bring a definite show­ Gen Elec ...... voir remained, workers were being out. The fact that the fights were af a swimming pool was ComrdtMion offered to furnish for down on the status of the flighting VIvten Leigh wept a mass of Information show- Plans for the repair work will ever,, It will not be nec«5^ary for 8 cents an hour retroactive to June Jend the colonial empire to the Gen F o o d s ----- brought In from elsewhere. Mlgra^ held on a Friday night Instead of all officers to purchase these. It the pihpose. 3 and for an additional 2 cents \^ssels demobilized last JUTy after Gen M o t ...... Laurence Olivier &gvhow this defense migration be rushed he ssid, and the work The tetter was sent through the limit of ability.------baa created a bousing crisis, steep­ tion of aircraft workers to San will take from 10 to 15 days, ac­ a Thursday night may have been was announced. hrurly after Jan. 1. Present baste the French-German armistice. Hecker Prod . . in "THAT Diego probably will not,-reach Its cmiperatlon of the Manufacturer's "No matter how it goes. U)e re­ HAMILTON ly higher living costs and various cording to the availability of ma­ responsible for last week’s g o o d -Frazier Transferred !!!!!* SHELVADOR; The Allied advance into Syria is Aaaon- Not Such Safe Haven 400 Loads of FlU ^ Pay Only Committee, headed by Starr H .. I., and . Richmond. Va.. plants ne- ing on the French battleship Lor­ Kennecott • ... Edmund Lowe in The first continuous rolling mill Battalion Hcadquarttrs of the 2nd ni)iiy-.ws*-r‘t'W'. '.vw The Natlonal raine, fout, cruisers, three destroy­ Lah Val RR ... "Double Date” itolldated Aircraft Corporation at Repairs to the app^aches taHle Barnum, prerident of the xfumlnum Workers San Diego to hiring "perhaps 25 Fort Bennihg, Ga,— )—When bridge were completed After crews for producing wide strip-sheets Battalion and today whs rated- a New Haven, as chalr- Council Allied For ers and one submarine at Alexan Lockheed Aire (JF was Installed In the steel Industry Corporal In that detachment. Company, SUN. AND MON. men a day.” He told of the com- his "Red" captors relaxed their from the departments dumped 400 man. (AFLK drla. Loew's ...... in 1926. Frazier was formerly a clerk In Monthly ’ Sign One-Year Contract • Nea Beirut The warships, besides being Loft ...... JOAN CRAWFORD . pany’b r e c r if i t i n g campaign vigilance, a zealous "Blue" private trucks of rock and gravel in the The Solar Aircraft Company stripped of tbete.ammunition and Lorlllard In *A Woman’s Face’ through agents ahd advertising. leaped into an enemy truck, bounc­ highway at each end of the bridge "We sent out 'many employment ed madly across the imaginary at a cost of about $1,500. The Orders Machinists and the United Aircraft Welders oil supplies by agreement with the Mont Ward .. To Own a 1941 ■ ' of America, an independent union, (Contti^iSM From Page One) British, had their ci'ews cut by al­ Naah - Kriw... applications,” he testified, "and if battle line to his Army’s headquar roadway will be regraded slightly the'qualifications warrant, we ask yesterday signed a one-year con­ most 2,000 men who chose to re Nat Blsc'.... ters mid proudly. reported 1)Ib ex­ lower than before, -it was stated. CROSLEY o r VALREi Back to Shipyards tract outlawing strikes and lock­ time, t(/aend a dispatch which the applicants to come here at ploit. But he waited a few minutes The original cost of the bridge, turn to France. Nat Cash Reg i their own expense for an inter­ Tomorrow Night Tomorrow Night outs and providing for a minimum told hf government measures to Nat Dairy . . . SATURDAY ONLY later when he discovered that the built by Alexander Jarvis of th!!; starting wage of 60 cents an hour, view." vehicle in which he Jounced to towm following the flood of Sep­ (Osntiaoed From Page One) asamA the safety « French reai- Nat Distill . . . ranging up to $1.17—the scale pre­ denla of Syria and Lebanon. Otis M. Porter. 39, formerly of freedom was loaded with real tember 1938, was $16,000. The re­ M liite N Y Central . Pawnee, Okla., told the committee viously In effect. / This dispatch said, however, N Y N H A H CIRCLE dynamite; constructed bridge will be safe, — — - had i& ed a '60-cent minimum, Ending a four-year struggle Local Stocks he came to San Diego to work for Superintendent Sumner stated. - NOTICE with nutomatic raise to 75 "that British and De Gaulllst col­ Nor Am Co .. C^onsair at $135 a month. He hop­ with the CIO-Steel Workers Or­ Packard ----- A Big Langb and Thrill Show! Police Withdrawn I cental After sU months_service. ganizing Committee, the Bethle­ umns were only a few miles Furnished by Putnam and Co. ed to save money to carry Tilm Evangeline’s Home State police, on duty at the [OXFORDS pr. * 4 ^ f7,0*d,000 Benefit In Iw o Yenra Pqrara Plct .. ‘i_____ hem Steel Company signed a for­ away. 6 Central Bow, Hartford r r s A 8-BING CIRCUS after the defense program ends, he scene of the break amr-ffTwartous ORANGE HALL A ijnion officlnl anid Connolt An authoritative London source Pehp RR ----- OF HOWLS! said, but had to pay f78 a month Grand Pre, in what is now points of -route Junctions either mal stipulation yesterday agree­ Phelps Dodge idateIA N O on the French left. Hendey Mach., cm. . 8 'i walkihit by about 1,700 key work­ cials to negotiate grievances." In the center of the eouthem M7£ ers which obstructed operations A revolt within the ranks of Land'ra Fr A Clk . 19'4 STUUlOt Just the International Woodworkers of front created by the ®*'‘ ‘ J*J*'^T** New Brit. M com . 42 152 Weat Center Street by some 15,000 others, the Council French advance from Palestine TODm of the International Association America (CIO) continued as more North and Judd . . . 34'j Or At Homes of Pnplla. Arrived...... another Shipment of and Trans-Jordan, one column was Peck, Stow A Wll . 6 Refrigerators at Keith’ s School * of Machinists agreed that the local unions voted to Scceede to said to have progresaed north of Russell Mfg. Co. .. 17 HARTPOM Beglnnen and K E M P S, Inc. grleyinces would be turned over' request of the Defense Media­ Merdjayoun, about 35 miles south­ ScovHl Mfg...... 26 >4 Advanced Students. FrlKidairc Sales and Service !j ' V I to tka Mediation Board. tion Board that they return to west of Beirut and some 40 miles ALL N£tV* OA/ STACEk The machinists demanded $1.15 work. IWA leaders rejected the Sllex Co...... 9 'i I southwest of Damascus. Stanley Works .... 45 ^ an-hour pay. Instead of the $1.12 proposal. Schafer mill No. 4 at 763 Main Street Tel. 5680 Manchester THEY CAME— ^THEY SAW— ^THEY WERE 4 The westernmost column, do., pfd...... 28 “ GLIDERS I an hour provided In the coastwise Aberdeen resumed operations yes­ terday. There were no pickets. ed toward Beirut along a coasUl Torrln^on ...... 25*^ * CONVINCED OF THESE SUPERIOR shipbuilding master agreement highway, had overcome i Veeder - R o o t ...... 53 rMAJORl signed In April, and double pay An Olympia local with 1,200 vot­ New York Banks for overtime. The machinists, who ed to return to work,' as had been atepped atubborn U the BARN DANCE done previously at Port Angeles. reoort were true that Sldon had Bank of N. V...... 330 * 3^ previously received $1, did not passed. informed source Bankers Trust ----- 51 Every Saturday Night I sign the*master contract. CIO ma­ The Mediation Board said the BOWES i^ London said It waa quit possi­ Central Hanover .. 94 chinists In the area walked out In strike affected 12,000 men In 62 e ANNIVERSARY SHOWj AT MAPLE SHADE logrtng camps, who sought high­ ble that the British already were C%ase ...... 30 Crosley Features ^ sympathy. “ Back to work move- Chemical ...... ‘ 3 DANCE HALL FUN IN THE SUN! jnenta" organized by AFL leaders er wages, but O. M. Orton, IWA "'‘ ^^i!^v^xtolned thht the AUle. Sntem. Conn., on ‘ be N w l^n- of other crafts affected have per­ president, said 22.000 mill workers City ...... 23'* Enjoy It Fully This Season In Fradin’s Fun-'n-Sun wero L fn g their hast t® Contlnentaf ...... 1214 don Turnpike Just Below Col- mitted shipbuilding and repair and loggers were Involved. pockeU of S m Com Exchange .... 41H ehester. Clothes America’s No. 1 food convenience feature, with work to proceed on a limited basis. First National ....1470 ■ .filnste by i s - ' Conronds Company to Blame assault towns held almMt Guaranty Trust . . . 268 'A'Shelvador twice as much food to the front. The council notified Mr. Roose- Envoy Clerkg HANK’S HAY SHAKE** capitulate when Irving- Truat ...... lu ’ 4 Oaten A Taylor, P ro m p te rs . 4 Gifts Specially Selected ; velt, however, that It contended This, they said, spared bloodshed Maphattan ...... 1® 3-PC. SLACK SUITS j the blame for the strike lay not And Families Dancing » to I. In a cabinet of steel that is quality built, and as well as reaourcea Manufact. Tr...... 38 COMING Slacks - Blouse • Jerkin 1 with the machinists but with Tl»’ British artillery and NYTruft...... Admission 44c, Tax Included. 'A'Beauty flnished in lustrous white Dulux. For His Enjoyment - I Bethlehem Shlpbulldtng Company, Reach Haven forces, meanwhile, were “ W .Jo be Public^mional ... 29 which failed to sign the master hammering a$ the Title Guarantee . . . H i contr»ct. A mediation Board pan­ south of the ancient Syrian U 8 Truat ...... 1 3 6 0 \ $2.49 more efficient than ever—oiled for life— el sitting on the dispute In Wash- Ycllo Bole Pipe* ...... Sl.OO (OontinDed From Page One) where^he French backed by 5-year protection plan. I tngtnn recessed until' today wlth- strong portions n ^ . Other* to $4.50. 'jl^Dectrosaver Kaywoodie P l p ^ ...... $.^..*>0 to $5.00 I out a report on progreaa. ance with a German request last Abandon SparrtH „ The Plttslnirgh propeller strike month that all countries withdraw Dispatches from the g gY 1 1 A separate compartment for frozen foods with- Prince Albert Tobacco, lb. tin ...... 79c was. averted by the union's agree­ such representation there. ing 0? these operatloM PLAY SUITS ment to extend the existing wage Desires to Stay *■ Europe the British had at Usl; abandon*^ Manchester Vets0 Association rC C Z C rC O lU out disturbing ice cub* trays. Granger Tobacco, lb. t i n ...... , . . 75c contract with Curtiss Wright to Among them was “old Gewge the sparring ‘ ***y ^ ^ ^ ^ f June 20. pending Mediation Board Washington." aeptusgensrlan Ne­ to Ijave adopted at the ®‘ Skirt Shorts and Blouse effortai starting Monday, to settle gro porter who had been employed the campaign in the hope of avoid­ ^ Presents The most efficient insulation known, and used in the wage dispute. ky the Paris emmtsy since he ing bloodshed. all Crosley refrigerators. John Middleton Variety Kit of Tobacco $1.00 ^ The SWOC demanded for the went to France as a member of the Increased pressure In the ua $1.2 5- $1.9$ - $2.98 'A'Fiberg^as 1,000 workers Involved a general cast of Buffalo Bill's theatrical milieu, eectof-apparontly w « ac, 2 Can* Sir ;Waltf^r Raleigh Tobacco 10 cent hourly Increase. The pres­ company before the World war. companled by tntenalflcaUon of the Door Liner— ISO times greater insulating pro­ ent mlnlmiitn Is 60 cents and the I He desires to {say In Europe and Allied 4rlve oa^ the Lebanese capl THE MARVELOUS MILLETTES Colorful Cotton AD-.Arounds The jiast few weeks we’ve been apologising for not having “ Gliders” on hand $ 1.00 average pay 78 cents an hour. jI consular authdrltlea said he might U1 of Beirut, to the west. _ earlier shipments having been .entirely sold out . ."‘i again we offer a limited quantity 'A'CroslHe ' tection—seals in cold—keeps heat out. and 1 Sir Robert P ip e ...... To *'CicM Out Comrounlats” __ be given a Job by the Lisbon lega- BriUsh sources reported ihai and Cute Candlcwick Capes A drive' to "clean out Commun- tlon- , Allied troops wero ??.^P . . best quality, all steel, ball-bearing gliders with coil spring William*' Shaving Bowl . > . . . . teta" f«om the CIO United Auto­ Forty-nine Americana of the the coast frora the Pprt ®f «don seats; sixjremovable, innerspring cushions attractively covered mobile workers organising drive Battle Monument Commission aro 28 miles south of BalruL Another $1.00 in the Pacific coast aircraft indus­ due to arrive tonight and will Join column further S P E C IA L in colorfuL water repelbuit fabrics. $ 2 4 * 9 5 f Braebum Golf Ball* 35c, 3 for $1.00 try was proclaimed by Richard T. the Paris party tomorrow at Sin­ be moving up the Utanl vaUey TONIGHT • ' ■t'A Fnmkensteen. CIO-UAW aircraft tra. where they will await trans­ from Merdjsymm in ‘ jj* 3-PC. PEASANT SUITS AD Steel Chairs aad Rockers as pictured above. < .tubular fraines. Sef arm , portation to the United States. of Rayak. ‘ brough a F r^ ch com­ director, as normal production of and i Broomsttek. Skirt— rests. Latticed steel back and seat for air cirenbUtoa. Pteasantly springy ZtMe Delivery- Eveready Shaving Brushe* .... 50c to $5.00 ten warplanes daily neared at the ^ ■' J I ■ munique declared last night that] M A T IN E E with carved seat for oompteto oomforL I m i n C O t O ,etriger.«>« I Armv-occupled North American attach by BritUh •^-mon^ unlU Skeer Peaaaut $ 3 - 7 9 TERMS: FROM $1.00 WEEKLY I , I X941 Crosley r« ^ demand Schick Injector Razors with 12 blade* $1.00 I Aviation plant in Inglewood, Calif. Plans Drive ~ In this lector had been haltrt. Blouae and Beads! ! Fou^' thousand troops guarded the Henv7 Flgbttng l ^ P » f ^ . SATURDAY Saturday Afternoon to Matdi. $2.98 I plant. . . . For Salvage Renorta heavy flgnting on In a radio address las‘ night booT'ThTMrut “ d , FATHER’S DAY WRAPPED CIGARS j Frankensteen said the first of i Of Aluminum fronts were borne out by EVERYTHING 5c Keith’s “ Care Free” Chairs ' about 25 high CIO officUla had ar- natches from Vichy, hut thqj NIGHT S w im S u it s box of 23^ :: tO' halp^'blmiTaUmioata -ndJ*,; Offer the most in “outdoo^” relaxation. .'.durabitityT; :attractiveness. cals from "positions w h m they (Centlnaad Frnns Pag* One) holding SWon aald^eW imea .indllies, box of 50 . . ;, . $2.25 could dominate CIO policies" in Bt'"KiANOu$ wtr« unbroken. Whether you take your 'Votn/ the Qii$anisation efforts. In fa c t a eommiihlque from swimming seriously — or- local aiumlBum drivea and found Beirut said las‘ “ ‘Fbt ‘ bat Fronch, DOUGHERTY LOT— CENTER aiid McKEE STS. 'White Owl*, box of 25'. . . . . a • • • .$1.15 He condemned the "irresponsible the plan sufflcienUy aaUsfactory Green . . . Blue acta of the local leaders" of the reconnolasanca amlU ■with a grain of sand- j*Blackatone Londres, 10 pak. . . .95c UAW In, preclpltatlngi a strike to apply It to the whole country. pushing deep Into the ^ ‘*^ **"” wd’ve, the .^gure-perfect Canary . . . Red $ 3 ^ 9 1 •■•Mdnst our natioagl government ToM Drtvae Already HeM near Klaaoua after repelling a[ swim suit for you! ^hitch Master*, box of 25 . . . • • • • . $2.25 and ‘m*r national defense," refer­ Teat drivea in Richmond. Va., series of atU-cka yaaterday. || ring to the North American walk­ and ita county, Henrico, and in The main British fores attack- Concessions e Cotton Rayon Laatex A small deposit will hold yo;iir Grosley for future delivery elleairSf box o f 25 . .$2.75 Madlaon. Wla.. and Ita county, STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTO. NINE. out test week. inr” Damaacua baa covered _*bout ' TMeplMMa MedtaMon Board Dane, yielded *0.000 pounds of 50 mUea since it Moaaed FnuskeBsf**® *1*® telephoned to aluminuBB. he said, adding that Jjkvdan frootlEr and antared Syria F MANCHESTEC Popular Brand* of Cigarettes, (hi* was three pr four times what $1.98to$5.98 M MANCHESTiR the Medlatlen Board in Waahing- laat Sunday mominj:. FUN FOR ALL-^MAMMOTH BINGO that repreaentativee waa expected. This ced u ^ $ 1 ^ 9 - to saeist alow-moving ne- Baaed on theae flgurea, he tered Uttte feaUtance In lU InltW >B OB the demands that pointed out a, national drive would yield almoat 30,000,000 drive, but reports rem*lng l « n « ^ .ted the dispute. ThS union last night t

MANCHESJTER EVRNTNG h e r a l d . MANCHER^EK. CONN. FRroAT, JUNE 18*1941 at Wilbur Cross Parkway and ap­ CiHiflscation !• (^dered N eed System proaches. Orange and West Haven, Appeals Boards Of Hitler’s Pfiiicr Edition 20,406 feet o f reinforced concrete Wrights Never Intendei Fav()rs Common Sense pavement on Derby avenue. Andbergh ^ i v e Natne Legion’s Fund . In N orth End Route No. U. S. 44— Eastford “ Grants Pleas i Berlin, June 18.—(F)— Part G range A ids and Pomfret, approximately 6 ' of an edition of The Vortklscher Plane to Be War Changed by CouneU IP Views'on Constitution miles of bituminous macadam Beobachter, Aifolf HlUer'e own G ets a S tirt pavement, including 57rft. span newspaper, containing an arti­ Rural Roads YMlerday’ s Fires Dent* steel girder bridge on the Phoenlx- Three Routine ^^quests cle by Propaganda Minister Cincinnati, June 13.—(F)—Or-# sS a terrible engine ot w«r, 4 ® f e w s F r b i Charlotte« N. C , June 18— ■vllle-Pomfret ftad. Slight delay to Paul Joseph Goebbels wa.-! or-: vilie Wright, who with his late I tainly. But tom will always .M| (F>—It was Avon avenue to­ Senate Loses One of onstrated Again Value Allow ed; Phelp*.^^ Is ' dered confiscated today. | brother Wilbur, gave modern flight; someme who wlIT abuse anjtMfi day instead of Lindbergh traffic. Traffic is urged to avoid Oflpanixatioti P iu h ^ In< Appeal Is Made Of Alann Boxes. ----- this section, if possible. North Permitted to Build. \ An authorized spokesman * to the world, reflects with wonder That hss always been my awH drive. Most Able Administra­ —and sadness— upon the uses to i when people ask wbstoer 1 wqil creued Approprkidoii The City Council by unani­ Provide S a fi^ Canaan, eliminating railrtiad un­ said he waa unable to discuas ♦ Thomas Henry Kellogg of Hart­ tion Lieutejdants in The directors of the Eight derpass about 1 mile east of the . the reason for toe eXtrsolrdl- which the airplane haa been put. ^ have attempted our early mcom Mean Thief Sleata , ^ . ford a number of yearn ago, and mous vote changed the name . Three routine requests for zon­ The Dayton, O., man who in Dc- menU had I been aMe to foi Wapping For the State. upon the recommendation And Sane Fourth. School end Utilities District at village of CMhaan. ing exceptions were granted last iry procedure. I Pole in Boltoih|^ Boltou since that time the large dwelling Promotion of Byrnes. Route No. 53—Weston, George­ A cember, 1903, soared from the all the terrlMe deatruetkm that City Manager Jamea W. Arm­ their meeting tonight wiU consider night, and decision in a fourth re­ R ^k ville ,se on the property was destroy­ town road, removing boulder rail­ sands of Kittyhawk, N. C., now is , come from the air.” Mm. d y d a MarahaU Mra. W. W. Orant strong. The local appeal Of the Legion the question of including in the quest, held over- from a previous ed 'irr five. A beauUful pine Grenge Influence la again vivid­ call for the annual meeting next ing and repiaSin'g with wire rope. within two months of the three- After' they returned from Kltty ^ Bolton. June 1*.— (Special) grove deatiroyed by the hurricane. 78M, ly attested in the atate ef Oon- Mrs. Sidney Astor, property for the Fourth o f July Fireworks Washington, June 13— (F) — hearing, was reached aa the Zon­ kind of bank for at least two rail- Phono MSS owner on the street, wrote to Wednesday evening, an appropri­ Route No. 63—Middiebury and score-and-ten mark. hawk in Droember, 1904, toe twg ’ —The flsA pole » t the CJMter ^ Mr. K ell(^ died about a year ago. nectleut, where one of the most Fund is now being made and it is ; The Supreme court .gains a self- ing Board of Appeals held a pub­ roada-rwlto tankcara of water ns "Just to think," he mused, “Wil­ brothers and two helpers workscO,- the city maneg^er, requesting ation for installing an automatic Watertown, i 1-2 miles of bitumi­ lic meeting, Nd opposition to the school has disappeared. Reel-, ’The p r t^ r ty waa in the name of 'The Ladiea* Aid S^ety will Important lagislntlve enactments hoped that the townspeople will proclaimed “ common sense’’ Inter- the medluniKof exch^ge. The bur and I flew behind a little thing until May to piece together a m o-,. The strawberry season is well the change. She said in her let­ respond to this flne act of com­ fire alarm system. nous macadam surface from the requests developed. denU at tht Center still have Mra. Nva BIrge, Mm. KeUogg's o f the present eeaelon Involvee the railroads haul tte water here from of four cylinders that developed alt tor for their next plane. under way In Bolton. Blach day serve a strawberry supper at the ter that “Judging from the munity spirit sponsored by the Ipreter of the constitution and the 'This waa brought up at a meeting Junction of Routes 63 Snd 73 south­ .^arnea Burns asked the right to the crooked, old flag pole on the mother, who has sold it to John P. extension o f the rurel road Iniild- the Wabaah ancKOhlo' rivers and of 40 horsepower, maybe 44.” “And today,” said Wright, "off!--;'; Community House Uda evening. man’s (Charles A. Lindbergh) Legion to provide safe and most Senate gives up one of Its ablest o w r a month ago by B. J. Murphy. erly. Naugatuck, elimination of Alter a two family into a three i o r C l a s » Oreen but they are wishing thst more crates are picked on the Anderson of South Glsstonbury. ing program, which has been Such empty the tanka ^ o the water­ As he spoke, Wright fingered cials tell me this plant Is produc- stand in regard to his country excellent holiday fireworks on the legislative tacticians In the promo- [ The fires yeaterdaY showed the underpass. family dwelling at 291 Spruce the person or persons who farma in town. The strawberry The third ind Isst of the clinics 'The eonunlttee la, Mrs. Hhnestlne a godsend In the Nutmeg State Route No. 67— Woodbridge, In­ works system. They receive credit the cylinder heads of a 1,700 horse- ; ing at a rate of close to lOO he does not deserve to have a Old Golf lots, as In several past tion of quiet and genial James F. need of such a system and . Presi­ street; Joseph Sala was allowed u-snted s flag pole had takm growers report that the seaso^ft'pr prevention of dlptheris wss Sullivan,/Mrs. B y i^ BL lyest, Mra. end for which Grange leaderahlp dent William Foulds, Jr., said tbia stallation of drslnsge of Amity for the gallons haule;a;ond are al­ power airplane motor weighing month and by next June It will bu _ield ’Tuesday at Hebron Town Hall, street in CTiarlotte named for years. Byrnes to the highest tribunal. to construct a house on an under­ M akes M ovie tb« one on the Gfow, and left wlU not be a long one this j^ r hi Asher A. Collins, Mrs. Edith Slm- haa been almost entirely responst- ihorning that if no other directors lowed toidraw on the rerarvolr for more than a ton—the first pro­ l.OOO.'t and at Gilead Community HaU, ad­ him.” A telephone canvas has been That’s the way the many friends Hill. sized lot on Olcott street and Ste- the one at the achooL The flag because of weather conditions. ler, and Mra. George Marks. 'The ble. suggest^ the matter he would do Route No. 93—Norwich, a sec­ that amount for their ownX«»cs. duced at the new Wright .Aeronau­ The bicycle repair shop In Which pole on the <3reen would have Berries am ripening with rabidity. ministered by Health Officer C. E. table wlU be ready at 6:80. Exactly ten years ago, aa the re­ made by the members aided by the and colleagues of the 61-year-old fanla Kochln is given toe right to Auxiliary, and all donationa to the South Carolinian regarded hla so. tion of Providehce street in the enclose^ a porch which extends tical Corporation’s Loclfland plant, the Wrights’- early sbipe were been less trouble as It Is so Schools In town wiU close for Pendleton, M. D., of Colchester. Mrs. Joseph DImlow of Man­ sult of atate-wide Grange agito- The plan seemed to meet with village of Taftvllle. lighthouse KlUers ts o f RockTi^e Quite B number of children of fund may be left with Robert Judicial appointment by President slightly beyot.d the regulation dis­ dedication of which he saw ycater- built waa “little bigger than tost looea St the b i ^ that It can be the term on Saturday and most of chester, gave a shower at her Uon, the Oonnecticut Rui^ Roads Privilege and Duty the approval of others having Route No. 94— Olaatonbury, 1 3-4 N d a y aa guest of honor. ! entrance hall you see there,” he school sge and pre-school age home reoenUy in honor o f Miss Aasoclation was form ^ and an Hathaway at the Manchester 'Trust Roosevelt, a close friend for more tance from the highway at 215 Hundreds of deaths have been Show “Rip Van pushed several inebea In any di­ the pujUli have already been en­ business places at the North End, mllea of bituminous macadam ^ ^ever Envisioned Engine of War said and pointed to a 20 by 20 foot were taken care of. Aiime Cadder, daughter o f Mr. and annual appropriatloa o f 18,000,000 Company. than 25 years. Autumn street. caused by lighthouses for every rection. gaged to pick berries. The price To Serve Nation when it woe menti'pned this morn­ pavement on Hebron avenue. Ends I/ong Dispute t*.|n a sense, I guess we didn’t enclosure. ^ H^faiikle” to School. the farmers are receiving for the Richard ’Turshen, son o f and Mra. Robert CaMer o f South waa eecut^ from toe legislature, First ContributloBS 'They wanted to see Jimmie- ing. W ith'an autoi|iatic fire alarm Traffic Maintained life they have saved. MiUtona of Mrs. Im* Tumhen of Amaton, Jwss Following are the initial con­ attain his highest ambition— yet In addition, the Board granted knoiv what we were doing when crop remains fairly stable. Windsor. The hostess was assisted to be spent wholly on toe imlm- system and more > boxes, a lower Route No. 104—Stamford. Long birds have been lured by the given s hook as award for bis tributors to the funds: they did not like t6 see it ’ come Frank L. Phclpa the right to erect we buHt our first plane,” he went In 1897, a 34-pound lobster ^" ‘Rpatvine. June 1* —The JutSor Sewers Have Busy Day by Mrs, Lucy Brennan, mother of proved dirt roads m toe state, with West Hartford. June 13.—(F)— Insurance rate would be granted. Ridge road. Removing boulder beacona and crushed against the John Hooker, Marilyn Wad- standing In mathematics ' at the Ruth McNeal ...... $ .60 about at the Sehate’s expense. a house on an undersized lot on lights to fall to their death. on. "W e "never envisaged toe plane caught at Atlantic Highlands. iB American Ut*r»ture,\ Rod Cross the bridegroom-elect, Arthur Fel- equal allotmeflta to every munici­ Gov. Robert A. Hurley told mem­ The district owns additional land railing and replacing with wire Phelps road. A minimum frontage dock. Marilyn Lonergun. pality. The $80,000,000 which has T. E. B ro sn a n ...... 50 Some o f his associates felt he ' The last half of the program her of Broad Brook. The wedding bers of toe graduating class at St. to the south of the present fire­ rope. of 22 feet on the irre^Iarly shaped KagUsh have produced the bem thus apent during toe decade Charles O'Dowd ...... 50 •would have b^Cii more valuable to house and It would be possible to will consist* of two piano work Thursday ^hen thirteen women will take'place on June 28 in St. Joseph CfoUege today that they Route No. 119—North Stoning- plot must be maintained. The de­ Mp Van Winkle” an an mitra thla year. bee completely tranmBetty Mra. F. M, am rter wlU attend broaddoto that fits through count. ^ saved, bought a newspaper. The exerclaw by the beginners, pri­ Sawiaza. the wedding of her nephew, Milton less wasUngt? A Clsx- Journal and Review, which he mary and Junior boys and girls, as way. Steel twin rigid frame bridge ^mund trip wlU coat one dollar. assd. Olga Bednar, Arllne Blather Gold­ Rev. Salvator J. FedericI, of the •proceeay gS '”” $1.00 Floyd Sm i^ son of Rev. and Mrs. edited four years. follows: » and approaches on Derby-M Ilford ’'Ih k i event la attended aach Flag Day Eaerclsea man, Kenneth Olln Griffin, BYank faculty of Duquene University, ooOar that w on’lI’t btister? A $1.65/ % Aimow wiut g n a a m — um .•rear by a large number o f the OUa HlHa. Robert Bruce Keefe, Irving L. Smith, and Miss Ethel In 1008 he was elected solicitor Beginners Department Wel­ road. Orange. Reinforced concrete Flag Day exerclssa were held Pittsburgh, win deliver toe gradu­ Louise Schaefer, daughter of. Mr. gift for Si? T-beam bridge over Wepawaug Yardley Men’ s S et, like Arrow TVbila. bscsnw tkey'is always liMMaabera from RockvUle. in the pubUc achools today with Sellg Lenefaky, Alice Elaine Mark­ of the same court he had served come, Marlyn Beebe; Sunbeams; Medico Pipes Alulover ation address et the graduation end Mra. Harry J. Schaefer. The as official reporter and during his Sandra Newman, Gail Oowle% river and 278. feet o f rolled bank rorrect, |o with say eolsr Mdt Ploiks Salurdftv the program IncU’ding sketchM, ham, Jerrald Fitch Porter, Rich­ exercises of S t Ekhsiird’s paixH $3 .75 “The Pipe With the Filter” ceremony wlU take place Sunday I tw o yeara In that Job he prosecut­ Beth Law, LMs Tanner; Song, By run gravel. Approaches on Orange they’re ” Mitoaa'* figaro^diapod, Saafsiv The Methodtst Men’s aub wlU readings and patriotic songs. ard Avery West,, of the Hebron chlal school to be held Sunday L'lmid a public pinochle party this Green school; Yola Rosario Bar- Mrs. BdaxweU HateMnson at 4 at Roxbury Methodist church, I Sports Shirts^ ed several big murder cases. His the Department. Centefl road. Torrington. 6-10 mile isod-Shraak (labrie shrlakeie les. than a Osravan Here afternoon at 3 in S t Edward’a Stamford, Mlaa Charter will spend fiist election to Congresa in 1910 of maradam surface on Riverside piddliBg 1591) la SMsqr vsrtisaa of iho ^ aranini: at , eight o'clock at rasso, George Ehnillp BorsottI, 157-4, WUUmnatto church. Rev. Joseph H. Ponnellyl Primary Department—^! Have Pari$er Pens $1.00 The raravan from the Oonnectl- several daya with her aister and was by the slliq margin of .57 A Plan," Carol Keeney; “Can A avenue, from Route 4 southerly. (sBioM Arrow collar . . . fiS ap : Wsaleymn Hall. Prlcm ' wUl be cut League of Women Voters, In­ Eleanor Ruth Fracchla. Virginia peator will preaent the diplomes to . 7 9 ^ Louise Hooker, Joseph Irving brotoer4n-Uw. Mrs. end Rev. L U votes. I UtUe CTUId Uke Me,” Barbara Wethersfield. 1 2-5 miles of grad­ $1.95 to $8.75 ^swarded. terested tn the “Battle of Produc­ The local P. T. A. have InetaUed IF Ireduatea end Rev. Henry L. Pathem and Sena Baaeimn Johnson, HaioId George. Schata, Smith a t Long HlU. Mrs. Fannie Defeated for Senate Sankey and Lois Atxirn; *T Won­ ing and drainage on section 3, con­ Yellow Bolex^ tion.’’ campaign was scheduled to ChsMt aesietant pastor wiH of­ There wUl be a baseball game Gilead Hill school; Wanda Roae offlcera for the year M foUowa Scbolderfer, a nurso from Stam­ After serving 14 yeara in the der Why" By the second-year tract 1 of the Hartford by-pass. pa> a rislt to RockvlUe this after­ ficiate at the benediction of toe yoar Dad svsr get hot aad aacMsfortahlo ' Of Interest this evening when the Mikutski. Pauline Stalla Zawlsza, President. Mra John H. too: ford win caw fo r 3Cw. Charter’a House, Byrnes was defeated for group; “We Thank Thee,” Barbara Wethersfield and Hartford. 2 1-2 Cigarettes ^ Pipes — $1.00 noon. The caravan 1s making blessed saoramant The ecboler- InvaUd n o to e r during M w. Char-1 t!ie Senate in 1024. He retired to miles of grading and drainage and Popular Brands! AGs J a ordinary thimT Gat hiai s coapla sf Jhtbers snd Sons of Longview Jones Street school. vice-president, Hjrman Reiner; •hlp honor students a w John Sul­ Melbert; “Growing In God’s Gar­ statewide tour. ter’B absence. Suartanburg, S. C., and practiced den,” By the third-year group; two box culverte on a section of Carton ...... ^ A AH Sizes and Shapes! Arrow Sasuaor SUrta Twoniy dsM. a 'iheboed meet st eeven o’clock at the A splendid program was pre-, retary. Mrs. Percy B. Cook: treSi IIlivan. e Vie Anne Simon, Rotwrt Am- mington Center grounds Barbers Elect sented, of which the principal fear urer, Russell Thompoon. Mrs. Ro; Richard HamlKon who has been law until 1930, when he was elect­ Wonder Song,” By the Depart­ toe Hartford by-pass. day hell blsM the ihssMads sf tiny pore. irimo. Rose Mary Zimmer, and vleiting with Mr. end Mrs. Olive ed to the Senate. He was re-elect­ OonstnicttoB—^Traffic Maintained thM 1st hot air sUI, eool air la! . flli^ ap -. Plans are alao being completed Rudolph Gelssler of Broad turn waa a play or pageant, eh- Jones, past president of the wun ces Panciera. The elaae'offi­ ment. Wilson Sun Glasses Prince Albert gar the. annual picnic for the cbil Brook has been reelected president tltled "Luther Burbank.” It was Sheawr end son. EUia, of 'WUte ed in 1936. ' Junior Department—"(ITiildreQ’e Route No. U. S. 1—Groton. Al­ ty unit was unable to attend the cers aw: Presldeot Arthur Ba- s Byrnes’ friendship wdth the dmu of Longview acbool to be held of the Rockville Barber's associa­ writtep by the pupils of the Gilead Installation. Past local prerident River Junction, formerly of ESfiig- Day Doings,” William Keeney; terations to traffic circle. Old Tobacco, 1 1 79c I ars tha kind sf lisj that chiochi; vice president Anne SI- l O t president dates back to early 25c to $1.00 nt Crystal Lake on Friday, June tion. Other officers include vice Hill school, and reflected much Thomas Birmingham Installed the too, bea- wturned to hla work at “The Lowly King,” Dorothy Ger- Lyme. Three-span deck girder whea they hay ’eta thaasMlvatl non; eeewtary. Roes Mary Zlm- the UnlversUy of Oonnecticut for | tVorld War daya when the senator *0. Anvoae having a car which president, Joe Casello; Financial credit upon teacher and pupils, new set of offlcera. Mans were Ich: "A bally Picture," Dawn bridge and approaches at Lieuten­ Thsy have ib i ■sarte.t psttotas .. ner and treeauwr, John Coio- toe summer whew he la a senior. w w a member o f the ■'•House Ap­ ant river. Remington Electric Velvet Tobacco they WUI doMte to aid In the secretary, John Cyrklewlct: re­ giving the story of s wonderful made for a picnic at Stearns park glovannt. The' members of toe Murawaky; "Grandmother’s Max­ wrtaklas aad kasttperfaedy. transportation is asked to notify cording secretary. Oeorge Rider;• life, full of achievement. John DefCaril o f Sadda MUla haa I propriations (Committee and Mr. im," Louis Perason; “Jesus, The Route No. 3.—Boxrah. Tantlc for July. A pot luck supper waa graduating class foOow: Robert a brolua collar bone resulting from Roosevelt was aaeistaht secretary Shaver $15.75 1 lb. 79c ' f 1 sad S 1 .W ' Vimm (}lalsvin at the acbool of Mra, Treasurer. Fred Kuhniy; auditors, .The address of welcome was giv­ served preceding the meeting. Aldo Amprtmo, Arthur DavM Carpenter,” Leonard Johnson, river bridge and approaches. . a runaway hone accident. of the Navy. It waa In those days Routes Nos. 2 and 15— EAst CMfford Mcytr of Mountain street pOTter Blinn. Joe Peraanpw.tkl; en by Alice Markham. The claaa The Mothers' Qub met Wednes­ Bachfochl, John Edward DMgle* Ernest Arendt and Ted Beebe; AH those planning to attend are Ways and Means. Harry S^iksel. poem' was delivered by Betty Bed­ . First Beleetmen Jande N. aapp that he also first became ac­ “Marcbtag With The Heroes,” By Hartford. Main street Steel rigid — U yaar Dad day evening i t toe honm o f the John tawrence Cologlovami, Wal­ haa announced appatntment of I quainted with the now 82-yeaieold alao asked to notify the commit- Drl%-ers’ Examlnaiions nar, and was written by the Jones president Mrs. Veraey MpBride to ter Francia Lanagan, Maurlee Pat­ the D^artment; Benediction. frame bridge on the Hartford by­ dossal kaaw tha laxary aad cossfort sf Beginning June IB, examlna- Street scivtol. ThA class song was Frederick H. Arens as chairman of ..Beaator’Glaas, and Senators Bark­ pass. Arrew Shatts, gtt him team today! continue the sewing for the Red rick Murray, John Rowland Sul- toe local United Service Organiaa- ley, of Kentucky, the majority Hospital Report ‘tiens for drivers' Ucensas aill be compdtedfiby\ Amstem school, and livan, Margaret Alba* Bachlochl. Route No. U. S. 5—Bdrlln snd Thay’ra tha warl^t most esasfortabisi. . . wss iuhg to the tune of "The Ash Cross. J _ . . tkm. ^1 floor leader, and Harrison, of Mis­ Meriden. Wilbur Cross Parkway. The following Is the report of given at RockvlUe on Thursdays The Ladles’ Benevolent Society Dorothy A m Einhoff, Loretta pataated Seamiest Crotch Grove.” Mra. Herbert Porter play­ •Edwin sa tch d l Lavitt. son o f] sissippi. British to Raise ^ 18,075 feet o f (Concrete pavement. the Work done at the RockvlUe instead of Tuesday as In the will serve strawberry shortcake Rena Legault Evelyn Agnes Lew­ A m m ’M com m m elimlnatoc b ia ^ g oad ebafiag . . fiSg ed processional and recessional on Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lavitt of| All wepe House , members to­ Berlin and Newington. 6 miles of U p CMy hospital according to the re­ past, the Motor Vehicles Depart­ and coffee on Saturday afternoon ie, Francis Irma Panders, Anita P M t lot toe ahowe III hto • '■ 2 2 Arrow Underthirtt M ff port Issued by Mrs. Agnes H, Las- ment has announced. the pipe organ, and Mrs. Charlotte North Park street basq graduated gether and - their friendship has Ration on Cheese rolled gravel surface on Berlin from 5 to 8 p. m. at the home of Kathleen PaoUnl, Pranoaa Jose­ from tba Maaeachuaetta State Cfol-1 'PfonrNoe* run lo w l serin, R N . snperintendent; Examiners alU be at the police Tribble, special music teacher, di­ phine Piradiso, AUce Mary Ram­ cairried on down the years in and Turnpike. East Hartford. Main o m rected the chofuaea and played ac­ Mrs. Winfred Demay o f Andover legs.' out b( (Congress. ’ It was Glass, street snd Ellington road. 1 1-2 C S T O R E S Number of patients In hospital station at RockvUle from 1:30 Lake. In the event of rain It will sey, Alice Frances Simon, Anne T i c i f l companiments on the piano, assist­ Ernest G. LUnberger. Jr., Barkley.-and Harrison‘‘who rushed miles of reinforced concrete pave vido iho fiatl teach to a msart appear- May 1, 11; number admitted dur­ p.m. to 4:30 p.m. every TTiursday, be served at "The Barn.” The pro­ Ruth Simon end Rose Mary Zlm H l4 r t s London, June 13—(47—The Min­ ing the month, 81; oXit patienta, 23. ed i^ Miss Janet Pendleton of ICaple street, and Edward Koehlarj to toe White House recently to ment Southbound traffic detour to . aad thaw yoar extra thoaght- ceeds will go toward the church mer. of Bomew road end Christian Got- istry of Food announced 'today 0RI6IHAT0HS OF REASONABLE PRICES total treated, 115; discharged. 81; CotchMter. The diplomas were pre­ Beginning June 18. examina­ 'urge Byiroes’ appointment to the that effective June 30 the ordinary Old Route U. S. 5. South Windsor SpacUIly dmlgacd ta go with X -ra j^ 41; Accidents. 18; Births, sented by chairman of the school Improvement fund. Uer, Jr„ of Flownce avenue haw | 39« bench. and East Windsor, 3-4 mile of re­ Mr. and Mra. Harold Smith a-Tll tions fo r drivera* Ucenaea wiU ba domestic ration of cheese, now one Afvow Shirts and Airaw Tics . S lff ap . 17; Operations, 18: largest number board Robert EL FVwte, who spoke iriven oa Thuradays Instead o f on returned from their fishing trip at j 2 5 i Supports President Actively inforced ccincrete pavement on the 845 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING North Coventry keep open house on Sunday In ounce a week, will be raisied to two : treated. 37; smallest number on tha growing hopes for a new TuesdairB aa In the p ea t the Motor Moosehead Lake, Me. > Byrnes supported toe president •ounces but the butter ration will Hartford-Springfleld road, central school for Hebron, pe celebration of their 20th wedding ’The newly elected lecturer o f ] tmaUd, 11; dally a\'erage; pa- Vehicles Department baa an­ pattorne to actively in all there of his presi­ be trimmed from four ounces to Route No. U. S. 5A.—Windsor, 'Mias Glenns Miller placed In the thinks the time has come iirhen anniverraty. AU friands of the wiiingVnM ’(irangi, Hugh Ballon-1 Shaped watstbanda M -^ - dential campaigns, as a floor man­ 8 1-2 miles of reinforced concrete ttants. 27. nounced. gS^iribbedwm bf^- two. Meetfag Saturday Red cnaas and her sister Lila this would be possible, in that the couple are Invited to their home Examiners wiU be at the state tyne had a very tntewsttag pro-] ager in the “third term” conven­ However, the total ration of pavement htr. and Mra. Ellsworth Coveil 12 noon every TTiuraday. Isr msettag. Howard KIbbe was] He turned down ^ many higi maintained by increased allow­ Route No. U. S. 6— East Hart­ I S J 'S S ; Dress kevueR .™ held in hibiUve the transporting of pupilj sttended the Diamond JubUee pro­ elected as a member of toe execo- ] honors, including an offer of tn< ances of margarine or cooking ford, about 1 mile of . reinforced Cheney Ties, Stetson Light Weight Hats, Miller Straws ai^ Pana­ Bany haa bsra called' for Saturday Coventry on Saturday. They were to a common center from all parts gram at Columbia Grange on Uve committee to flU toe vacancy ] Deniocratic vice presidential nomi­ fats. concrete pavement on Burnside afternoon, ' June 14th at two the only girls from town compet­ of the town. Wednesday evening. Dsaoer Ospsble InbbyM ewated ^ Linwood R. CampbeU’e ] nation, preferring to bide his time The. ministry announced it was avenue. Open to local traffic. Eaat­ mas, Holeproof Hosiery, Rolf BiUfolds, Hickok Belts and Sus- .aiglock la the K. of C ball. 'The ing. Supervisor Martin B. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Plnney, resignation to become Master for] until the “right thing’’ came drafting plans for milk rationing bound snd westbound traffic de­ Good Spirits call for the meeting was issued by Miss Esther Koehler 4-H' Town was, unable, to be present, and hia Mr. and Mre. W alter Tedford, and Springfield. m .--(F>—Irene O J - the balance of the year Refresh- along. The assirited, though cided. the ministry said. The Brit­ bridge with bituminous macadam George Milne and'the Rev. Harold Dr. CSeorge S. Brookee, pastor of tional church lawn party on Wed­ Windham High School Thursday ta befriending enlmala, la a eepe- Seersucker unostentatious, drives for reor­ ish Medical Assoi^tion has sug­ approaches. Temporary bridge pro­ nesday. Miss Koehler told what ■R. Keen 'were in charge of devo­ Amateurs to Tour ON HIS DAY SUNDAY! Union Oongregatloi»l church evening. Graduation wlU be held ble lobbyiat. WhUe ebe aat smiltag ganisation of toe government de gested a half-pint a day for each vided. Gabardine and Tropical Worsted Suits, Gabardine Pants, White, 4-H club weak had meant to her, tions. The graduating claaa parti­ next Wednesday morning at tbs in toe gaUery, toe sUta Senate partments, neutrality law revision, person. WUl be the spesJeer at the gradua- cipated in their annual class dance Route No. 9^-Granby, three-^wn exencisea of the Weatfleld and MUn Morton told the history Capitol theater In WIU 1 mantle. passed tn quick eucceeaion two Dresses conecriptlon, British aid, and dox- at the local town hall, with music Message Center! rolled beam bridge over north Striped Flimnel and Worsted Pants, Slack Suits, Zipper Gabar> School, Weatfleld, Maas., to o f the Farm Bureau. Mias Pearl- Graduation for the local eehool Mils eponsowd by ber. The meas­ ena of emergeney .^ills during de­ Gleaecke and Mias Elda Flora, of by a WilUmantic orcheatra. Regular $1A8 Vahw! . branch of Salmon Brook and ap­ Bald this evening. will be held Tuesday evening. June ures wquM permit ebertfls to ap­ pression days. proaches on TariffviUe-Granby W* Carry Only the Best In BOlton, aang and told o f their 4-H S^oola all over the^wn close Boston. June 13.—(ff)—Members Ban O n London dine Blouses, Wa^h Slacks, Sport Pants. BeeltalM«<*y 17th. r point sptrtal deputies to prevent His influencci counted heavily In road. . . , ‘ ' work. - - this week with picnics. 'Tim Hebron eruelty to enlmala, and problMt of toe New England Araay Ama­ jhie nupUs o f Mias Marynka Giton achool had its picnic Thurs' A repreeantattve from toe etete all these successful forays. But, as Route No. 12—Griswold and Lis- . 'WHISKIES—BRANDIE^WINES Miae.Clbra MClngsbqfy of. the vlea-ed the damages to farmers }n the use of superannuated or de- teur radio system will tour the P o | o m d s $ 1 . 5 9 one of the few southemera (b — "Leaves Reissued will he a faculty at the Houart<^c Valley day at Marlborough Lake. Amaton boh, repiaira ' i f Jdvrett City M id g e' prpgnm on Serarday evy- the-vaUey from the effecta of the MUUted horeea. First Arm y Oon>s area message •WMchy Laetex 4t favor .the . Roosevelt Supreme and viaduct. GIN— Regional High School is home for achool had ita outing at Amaton center tomorrow aa a highlight of j Jme 14th at eight o’clock. aLke. Jones Street school haa ita break in Bolton dam and held out Needa no 4roning. SlAca l 4 ' court reorganlxation MU; be fotmd Route No. 15.— Stafford, drain­ the summer vacation. ^Ifopea fpr tjlmbureement .for the toeir annua) conventkMv .. to 44. BMQtlfur patterns to London, June 13.—(47— ,8a or­ "tflill • iSeotch • French and Domestic _ wiU-take'paillSvthal lie a iK * '- caMtorateft odajt At JAaclbareugh L«k«K . A * Ne*' fiyinbe*le--i--'-- -- 122 hiioMrtf on the losing side for a age system on approximately 1 1-2 Rockv^^, Carol Schlip- A 'viait to toe radio room at Boar 1 d e t o A t e a choose from. Several attrac- change. He (ook the defeat phUo- der which was in effect during the mile of Route 15 at Police Bar­ hJh SSrd birthday quieUy at. 'hia 'la officially' close to­ ^wreckage ton police headquartere, various Brands. T Hoennann. Eleanor day. Ueachem wiU return to their ti%'e styles. sopUcaUy, howevto,' and later, intensive German air raids on racks Hill. - Pfnnder, Evelyn Taft, home enjoying the card abower he Deavar — lU iU lN jT . MANCHBiRlBr: Vtf*- I’d critia^whk ]aot a p ^ to DoaOma tn e^ avenue, twin Macrete arch M ige Ma,|,wl|i8to HeaMtabi oa a eivlUan. n eotfA h arf la Jhsl. o f itha 185 Ram of Monat Botyoka conffraad erpem actii of land in Hop^Val- toe degree adtar too presentaUee 4 r M f, formeil|r kimwn as tha by Dr. Harriot 31. AJIli^ sen w)—The fourth United Sign Oil Treaty Wimun DooMtUe. of New Haven, Thev are also reminded of the Welles declared that toe facta Studies OfficUd Report years, wjll be a candidate for service. the heaviest carried out in a sin­ Deadlock Over Taxes. ' Attorneys In the bitterly contested home in Noranda, Que., May had been making her home on speak fpr themselves. The pall bearers were Manager gle night against this industrial Harry Bridges deportation hearing 13, hitch-hiked to Halifax and States Army started moving to­ milltarj- field mass ^ ??mck^'^ ’ Washington, June 13—(A’)— De- director of toe Eighth School and Parker Soren of toe Manchester area and a great weight of bombs Sunday morning at 11 o clock. Welles was referring to a pro­ UUlIties district at the annual Harrisburg, Pa., June 13.— (iP)— ; today had 1(800,000 words of tes­ got aboard the steamer. ward ita battlefield today wdlh all street. Bolton, committed mands for stern diplomatic repre- Electric Division of toe Connecti­ was dropped,” said the air minis­ Manchester Boys Berlin, June 13.—MB— Turkey vision of toe 1930 London naval meeth% at toe HoUlster street Politically Imj^rtant Pennsylvania , timony from which to extract ar­ “ I didn’t want to miss the the color, .agreat and excitement— and Rumania signed an oil treaty suicide by himgln«. ’ Cara driver ^TDorotoy.H. l^t- aentatlona to Germany were cou­ cut Power company, of which Mr. try’s communique. war," he explained. to the certllicete filed by treaty which requires that subma­ pled toqay with calls for Naval school next Wednesday night. Mr. McCaw waa fbr many years au- operated on credit and its 18,000 { guments for and against the gov­ including a spy scare—of real wrar. at Bucharest today, DNB^pfficial erson 107 Porter snd Ellsa^th V. rines Insure too safety crews 'While toe bomber command waa Graduated Today ernment’s contention that the German news agency, reported Dr Alhen. medical exam- Daly ' Vernon, collided on Vernop protection of American commerce, | perintenook on Photography that has proven Welles empnarized that every de­ was one who urged that the Unit­ board to an advantage In next 56 uneaten pies and 30 disappoint­ Haven was notified and toe b ^ y. dwelUig permits for the tion committees of both churches. cemetery. ing Clubj and is a member of the Workers of the World, and once crease. moving units of the 7th Division, ed soldiers. to he so interesting as well as instructive as the new tail on toe sinking which the State ed "States Navy be Used all the way year’s gubernatorial campaign. -was turned over to Undertaker way tract ,v/cre granted. _ The This season in order to serve the The bearera were Harold House Choir and Glee Club.^He also was was connected with the Marine John J. Diiscoll, international a streamlined organization of 22,- The soldiers, members of New Department had received had been across the Atlantic. If necessary, to Pennsylvania’s constitution pro­ K()I).\K REFFIKENCK M.\NUAL. fynuam P. Qulah to prepare for month's bulldtrig toUl to date Is students better, and In compliance of West Hartford, Lawrence art director of the Dramatic Club. Workers’ Industrie Union, for representative of The Mine, Mill 000 men, which will compose the York's 106th Field Artillery, order, her made available to the public and hibits James from seeking re-elec­ burial. She la survived by 881,405. which figure Includes 19 with numerouf. requests from safeguard American shipping. Hotchkiss and Charles Grimes /at Another/^upper Princeton is his intended college. which ^he should be deported. He and Smelter Workers ’ Union "Red” Army opposition for the ed the pies from a farmhouse near NOW ...... sisters this practice would be continued. "Germany must have sunk ,the tion In this traditional Republican Imsband, two sons, four new dwellings. children who have en joyed.th e Unionville and Edward Harris of Allan Richardson has been ac­ came to the' United Sta.tCs from I CIO), said union negotiators were 40.000 Fort Lewis, Waah., troops their camp. Unexpectedly, they re­ He paid there was nothing more school sessions in past years, and Robin Moor deliberately,” he told stronghold. George H. Earle who snd two brothers. imporUnt than that toe public of tola town. By Ghiirch Group tive in Circle A. an organization Australia in 1920 and has never armed with the strike weapon by of the "Blue" Army in the vast ceived orders to move many miles The South Methodist Church their parents, the time has been reporters. "Hitler apparently Is preceded hlm waa the at^ite's first whose purpose is service in the been naturalized. workers at the Waterbury, Tor- war game set for June 23 to 28. the United States have all the Democratic governor in 40 years. away. school win hold lU closing session extended from three to four weeks. carrying out his threat to sink any­ - Memorial Mass community. Yale is his intended The CIO official denied that he rlngton and Ansonla plants in The 7th Division, commanded They had to pay for the plea, but Tripods for Movies or Wc Havea Complete facts In toe case. No Money for Activities of the season at 10 o’clock instead Sessions will be held five forenoons thing in zones he has proscribed."’ A moato’d mind mass for the college. belonged to the Commuhisl party day-long balloting yesterday. by Maj. Gen. Joseph B. Stillwell, they couldn't wait for them to Four Young Men The United States will lodge a each week. Monday through Fri­ Representative Izac (D-Callf), a Another strawberry supper by, James told the Legislature that Stills — $3.95 up. • Line of Filters. of the usual 9:30 hour. A Child­ vigorous protest with Germany on Thorp Is a resident and taxpayer repose of the soul of Mrs. Mar- or any organization which bcllcVed Will .\walt filedlation Meeting will be assembled on the reserva­ finish baking. ren’s Day program will ft^low at day. Announcement In regard to former Naval officer, also regard­ in the Eighth district and keenly the Coventry Fragment Society is due to its deadlock Pennsylvania in the violent overthrow of the He asserted, however, that fur­ tion June 20. the sinking of ihc Robin Moor, It egistratlon, periionnel of the staff g;aret Lelatcr will be held tomor­ announced for Wednesday, June "at this moment is in the most Held as Robbers toe 10:45 worship service. Rev. was learned authoritatively today^jT ed the sinking as intentional. "If interested in the welfare of that row morning at 7:30 in St. Janjra’s government. He said his' work in ther action would be delayed pend) Various preliminary maneuvers W. Ralph Ward, Jr., newly ap­ and other details will be made a submarine was operating on the section of the town. 18, at the Church Community tangled financial situation of Its Expect Roosevelt the United States had been only Ing a mediation meeting Tuesday have been undertaken since the Explained citing toe evidence of survivorfT® church. House, North Coventry. The sup­ history" and that with a few ex­ pointed pastor, wilt be present snd that the vessel was torpedoed de later. Equator at that point It was un­ William Foulds, Jr., who has as a militant union man who be­ with the management and Deputw 65.000 Fourth Army and Ninth per will be served from 6:30 to ceptions state departments had Muscular contraction in a speak. llberately by a Nazi U-boat. doubtedly looking for an Ameri­ been president of the district and In London Soon lieved in this country’s govern­ Slate Labor Commissioner Morgan' Corps troops from Fort Lewis and CONTACT PRINTER FlalBViUe, June IS—(dV-Four Charles B. Loomis a director have 7:30 ahd the menu will include not one cent of money legally snake's tall anmetimea causes it Meriden young men were arroated The State Department's note," in­ In the eyes of toe govern- can ship,” he said. ment. ■ R Mooney. California posts assembled in this .3.1 m. to .B"j7" Photo Albums Washington Orange Lodge, No. dent" announced that they will not be Did You Know baked beans, assorted salads, rolls, available to conduct any of. the Driscoll declined to disclose how to wriggle after death from a few at midnight at .a fiUlng sUU ot formed quarters predicted, will al­ "This may Just be the beginning area three weeks ago for training, 117 W'ill meet tonight at 7:45 In ment. candidates to succeed themselves coffee, strawberry shortcake with normal activities. i minutes to several hour*. here which police said they Intend­ so demand that restitution be He declined any official com­ of a succession of events like those London, June ' 13—(VP)—Capt. many of the company's 10,000 cm- which will culminate In in the big *5 .9 5 *1.00 up Orange hall. Important business made for the loas of American life which ocurred in the first World as directors. Mr. Thorp seeks one That— whipped cream. The Senate early today accept­ j ployes voted on the strike question, battle June 23-28. ed to rob. ment, however, pending receipt of The committee in charge is Mrs. James Roosevelt, en route to .Lon­ Air-Coiitlilioiiiiig Bouked on breaking and enter­ will be transacted and all mem­ and property—35 persons are still War and resulted in ultimate de­ of those positions. ed at James’ suggestion what he asserting that was the "union's Theoretical War Concluded full' information and a careful O. G. Anderson, Mrs. Joseph Mc- termed the House’s "mangled” don from Cairo, probably will ar­ ing charges, toe# were MenUfled bers are urged to be present missing—and that assurances be feat for Germany. In my opinion Trained as Engineer rive in Lisbon tomorrow, it was awn affair.” He said 81 per cent of Among these were the post ravi .1 study of all facts related to the BrlcPty, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. $188,000,000 general appropriation 7tte WHOLE nwMf' // as Benjamin Buganakl, 18, of 54 given .against repetition of the In­ It will have the same result.” Since much of the work of the The University of Pennaylvani i reported today. Units to Be Cut the ballots fevored a strike, 18 command exercises problem, which The committee from the W. S. war’s first loss of an American Irving Loomis, Mrs. Ernest Evans bill which includes the $4,000,- Stone street; Frank Slowlkowskl, cident On toe other hand Representa­ Eighth district now is development bad seven members In Its first He left Cairo June 1 and had "and a fraction” per cent were waa concluded today. In this four- AEOur RA^SN C. 8. of the Qusrryvllle Methodist ship by direct belligerent action. of its sewage disposal system and and Mrs. Martin Vlsney. Mrs. 000 monthly state payroll. The against, and the remainder were 10, of 85 Veteran street; Chester There was Intense Interest, tive Mott (R , Ore.) asserted ‘I graduating class. been expected here earlier this day theoretical war, officera of church, near Bolton lake, serii'lng The detailed depositions of the the management of the Are depart­ ^ MM— Henry Reed and Mrs. William Mc­ House, however, recessed , ''until rejected. ( S n x x L Q y . Kowalski, so. of 81 Crown street, meanwhile. In what President Burvivora are on their way here don’t think toe Germans want to week but an American source said New York, June 13—ri/Ti—A re­ the defending "Blue" Army at­ i S M d j y n _ and John Fttsgerald. SO. of 34 WU^ the strawberry supper at toe Roosevelt might have to say on ment, Mr. Thorp is well equipped Kinney will be hi charge of the Monday night over protest of the The , union, recognized by the tempted to show on paper how church tomorrow evening from from Brazil by special courier. create an Incident and I ’m in­ Nine-tenths of the population ojf he stopped o ff "to inspect some­ duction in size of air-conditioning 901 main street ” VoiAL 5 ''z hur avenue, held for arraignment toe subject when he holds his next to fill a directorship. He has had India live In villages remote froip dining room. O'. O. P. minority and its speaker thing" along the way, presum­ company as the sole collective bar­ California could be projected from 5:30 to 7:80, explain that toe road Emphasizes Neutral-Status clined to doubt she sunk this boat. structure which he said would gaining agency for its empispyes, M r DEu. vE^ Monday night in town court. presg conference. Suffering from thorough training as an engineer political activities. Is prohibited from signing the ably Britain's Gibraltar base. make it available almost univer­ "Red” Army invaders from the MANCHESTERCONN aL 8 is all right for travel as far as toe Welles did emphasize In a state­ It just doesn’t add up." and could be of much value to the measure when the chamber Is not demands a 10 cents an hour wage what described as a slight sore ment that the Uobln Moor was a It was anticipated he would fly sally Waa announced last night by Pacific. church. Beyond, on Route 44, toe to r o jt he cancelled today's meet­ Chairman May (D., Ky.) of the district in that capacity. He has a in session. It will be mid-week increase, four cents more than has The "Blue" forces took the of­ highway was badly washed out neutral ship, that she was bound Itjly has 61 traffic death* annd to London immediately on his ar­ Dr. Willis H. Carrier, pioneer in ing tWth the press. When the sink­ House Military Committee wide circle of irlends in the district PHOTO,® F A X before funds are available for rival in the Portuguese capital. the air-conditioning industry. been offered. fensive yesterday and shoved the BaUoting Today when toe dam rave way Monday ing was first reported. Mr. Roose­ for African porta outside combat thought "we ought to convoy with and should prove a popular candi­ ally for every 10,000 automoblki employes. A majority -of the Present wage rates have been rfteas, and that she tarrletl a gen­ In the country; Germany, 42; Enj The president’s eldest son, an A serious handicap in installing "Reds” back 20 miles, then night The soclely ‘ wlir serve velt asked toe nation to suspend battle fleets and let the shooting date. , workers earn $20 weekly. withheld by the company, but some brought up reserves, including eral cargo — ranging from steel officer in the U. S. Marine Corps, complete air-conditioning has been iugotow HitKer n imi. im x ini* strawbery shortcake and sundaes judgement until the facta were start. Let’s see who shoots first Mr. Thorp is the first Eighth dlS' land, 29. Janies Blames Democrats sources have placed minimum bombing planes and tanka, for the Advertise in The Herald— It Pays In Propeller Plant in toe church or on toe grounds rails to brassieres—but no arms, CATCHt5lME has been to ’the Far East and the the large size of conduits and ap­ ■hunMIa 8 r. aniltM t IN , firtHA CMS known, but yesterday the White and who can outshoot the other.” trlct resident to announce his can­ James says House Democrats paratus. The new structure is no rates at 60 cents an hour for men, from two o’clock on. ammunition or other material of The Dominion of Canada la one Middle East as an observer. House said there seemed to be "no Somewhat similar sentiments didacy for one of the two vacancies WORM.' arc responsible for the whole sit­ larger than ordinary steam pipes, and 50 cents for women. longer any reason" for that. a military character. were voiced by Representative Ke- that will be filled at next WedneS' of the leading countries in the uation, contending they changed Hai/^ord. June 13—(4V-The 3,- The Ladles Auxiliary of the A digest of international law he said, adding that year-round A t toe State Department, it was fauver (D., Tenn.j, who said " I day's meeting. world in the manufacture of rub­ hla budget to a form not accept­ air-conditioning, for heating in 000-odd employes of Hamilton- Army and Navy. Cliib will hold Its prepared by Green H. Hackworth, ber goods. Strong Measures •Undard' Propeller Division of said, toe -preliminary report on think this thoroughly demon­ able and passed it "too late for winter and cooling in summer, $75,000 Damage outing In Columbia, June 18, Those how toe Robin Moor went to the legal adviser of the State Depart­ strates we have got to take our the necessary and proper correc­ could be installed In space no larg­ Cnitod Aircraft today were par­ wishing transportation are re­ bottom provided ample eyewitness ment, and recently published by gloves off In dealing with the The thickness of gold leaf tions to be made before this bi­ Planned by Iraq er than that now occupied by or­ ticipating In a National Labor Re- quested to contact Mrs. Florence toe department, stated that Ger­ Public Records ranges from l-200,000th of an Inch , In Coal Blaze lattona Board election to determine testimony for an Immediate de­ Nazis.” ennium began.” dinary steam piping. JUNE FURNITURE and Sullivan. r mand on the German government many, among other nations, ad­ to l-250,000to of an Inch. He delcared before a joint ses­ whatoer or not toe International However. Senator Brown (D., London, June 13— f/P)—Premier for a fun explanation. hered to a ptx)vl8lon of the London Applications Shop early .for quality^ Photo Osanriitlnn of Machinists (A. F. Roy Protsman, chief superin­ Mich.) told reporters he regarded Application for marriage li­ sion of the. lawmakers he would Jamal A1 Midfai of Iraq in a Somerville, Mass., June 13—(/P) The report was made by Walter Naval treaty of 1930 which was Jupiter Is the largest of the Equipment and-Supplies and be continue his budget fight “ all sum­ I* ) will represent them In tollec* tendent of claims for the Hartford designed to "humanize” subma­ the sinking as "an Isolated Inci­ censes have been made at the of­ Broadcast to his nation from Voliiii leers Asked —With smoke driving almost 100 J. Untoicum. U. S. consul at Per­ planets, with a diameter of about mer" If necessary, adding "they tiv* hargatolng. Accident Company, will be toe rine warfare and Insure all possi­ dent which does not portend a fice of the town clerk as follows:' assured of beautiful, clear snap­ Baghdad said today the strongest persona from their homes nearby, APPLIANCE SPECIALS nambuco, Brazil, who spent al­ 86,000 miles. appear to think that they have 'hie Hamilton division was re­ speaker at ^Monday’s meeting of ble precautions for the safety of German assault against American William Adamy and Ruth Mo- shots when you begin picture­ measures would be taken against a general-alarm fire causing dam­ cently held to be a separate bar­ most five hours getting the ac shipping.” the administration by the throat To Defend Bases age estimated unofficially at $75,- toe Manchester Kiwanis club. ptaaengers and crews of merchant Adam, both of this town; Ralph Skunks have been found to be taking on Father’s Day. Select "the criminals responsible for the gaining uniL The A. F. of L. union counts of the 11 known survivors Senator Mead (D., N. Y.) called and can dictate to It with im­ unhappy events" of last month OOu swept through two coal pock- baa claimed a membership in toe vessels. M. Henry, Lynn, Massachusetts inordinately fdnd of potato chips. from the large, complete stock All children taking part in the after they reached the South The agreement specified that for an intensification of naval pa­ and Marion Fisher Kammet, punity.” when Iraq and Britain w’cre in con­ eta today at The Adams Coal and Free Gifts ^For Everyone! plant of around 1,100 less than a Democrats who sliced $7,500,- Wood Company. Methodist StudenU’ day program American port aboard the rescue submarinea were subject to the trols and other means to prevent Swampacott, Massachusetts; Jos­ of “Everything Photographic’* flict. London, June 13—(JB—The Air The sheep population of the 000 from emergency taxes and at toe North Methodist church ship Osorio. same rules of international law a recurrence of the Incident. "W e eph Carl Bcllchamber' and Elea­ at THE FALLOT STUDIO * He asserted that Rashid Ali Al- Ministry’ called today for "several Apparently starting In a loaded **Vbe i^Ua wlU close tonight at 8 It was a direct and economical world Is 600,000.000, or one-fourth boosted the budget $12,500,000 Gailani, who seized control of the thousand" volunteers required im­ frcight-'car on a siding, toe flames ,3-PC. M ODERN Sunday morning at 10:45, are re­ as surface warships, and might can’t give up our freedom of the nor Dickenson, both of this town. CAMERA SHOP. , .VPIECE o’clock. recital, but packed with drama. seas, nor can we allow combatant as great as toe human population. claimed the governor "deliberate­ government in April but fled to mediately for the defense of new spread to a 60-foot coal shed be­ W A L N U T ^ quested to meet for rehearsal at not sink a merchant veaael with­ Warrantee side it and thence to a second It told how the plainly-marked ships In the western hemisphere.” The following property convey­ ly" underestimated revenues for Iran before British troops entered R. A, F. stations, airdromes and toe church tomorrow afternoon at out first placing passengers, crew establishments now being brought abed. BEDROOM SUIT^ LIVING ROOM SUITE American merchantman was and the skipta papers In a place of "RegrettableJ’ was the com­ ances by warrantee deeds have Star Granted Divorce the next biennium and denounced Baghdad, and his associates had five o’clock^. The Children’s day not hesitated to cooperate with into use in all parts of the country. The Cambridge, Belmont. Med­ Highest Prices stopped by the submarine in the ment of Representative Maas been recorded at the office o f the his budget as "a fraud." committee is composed of Mrs foreign powers and their agents in They will be trained in the use ford and ArIing:ton fire depart­ South Atlantic on May 21. her "For this purpoae," toe pro­ (R., Minn.), “ but I don’t think town clerk; Frederick W. Pitkin Reno, Nev., June 13.— (JP)— Tal­ House Democratic Leader Leo Ruth Field, Miss Dorothy Johnson, A. Achterman said it waa James’ order to make Iraq a center of of light anti-aircraft guns, ma- ments aided the Somerville force Miss May Hanna, Mrs. Freil Had­ Identity confirmed, and the pas­ vision declares, "the ship’s boats there is any reason to go to war to Dorothy E. Fogg, Adelaide road; lulah Bankhead, stage and screen $6 9 -9 5 $98 At Market Today trouble. ■ chineguns and rifles. In controlling the fire.* sengers given 30 minutes to aban­ are not regarded hs a place of over it. japan sank the Panay Alexander Jarvis to Clarence star, today divorced John R Em­ hope, apparently, “ to re-enact all den and Superintendent Walter Walnut Veneers; large, roomy A Real $119. Value! Sebober. don ship. safety unless the safety of the and not only failed to rescue sur­ Wethe'rell, Perkins streets; Joseph ery for “ cruelty, enUrely mentol dresser wiClrS^uIl atze drawers. It described how she was tor­ passengers and crew la assured. In vivors but machine-gunned them .A. and Mary A. Christiana to in character. CflM£RflSHOP 4-drawer chest. '■ Full size bed. Strawberries offered at toa open­ pedoed amidships. T Here's a suite that MriU grae* The women’s auxiliary of St. the oxi-stlng sea and weather con­ afterwards and wc didn't go to Clarence A. Shedd et ux, Weth- of attractive style. any living room. Davenport and ing of toe Manchester Auction John’s Society will serve a supper Then It gave a final picture— ditions. by the proximity of land, war." erell street. Market this afternoon brought toe Included Free! Boudoir Chair! chair "in wine covering, barrel at Pulaski hall Sunday afternoon the surfaced U - boat pumping or the presence of another vessel Senator Wheeler voiced toe Permits highest prices JO far this week, or some thirty odd shells Into the chair In blue. Super aagle^ con­ about five o’clock, and a program which la In a position to take them hope the affair would not become In one of the largest groups of I Other Bedroom 6roupa struction. since toe opening of toe market sinking ship, and afterwards de­ a castis belli. “ We are not pre­ permits issued here for fmany It was estimated that'i,- by young people of St. John's aboard.” ' / $49.50 up. church will follow. stroying floating wreckage with After Interviewing toe survivors pared for war, and the American months, Greenway, Incorporated ■00 crates amuld he aold before gunfire. at Pernambuco Consul Linthicum people do not want war,” he com­ has secured right to build 13 sin­ toe aaarket closed for the day. TJje submarine, survivors rela­ reported that—although toe Robin gle dwellings at $3,900 each on toe ONLY GIVES YOU A G R O UP OF Prioes of 85.80 were brought this Sergeant William Perrett, local mented. WESTINGHOUSE \ youth, cornet soloist with toe 169to ted, had a laughing cow painted Moor had the American ensign Senator Norris find.. Neb.) tract off Woodbridge atroet. W il­ afternoon for 34 quart crates and on toe conning tower for Inflignia, painted on both sides, flew an il­ liam F. Johnson Is the builder. the first crates of 16 quarts offered Iidantry band at Camp bUndlng, said that regardless whether the CONTINira) BY Upholstered Lounge ahd also toe name Lorrlcke or Lo- luminated American flag, and toe Pioneer Parachute company will S-Pc. CHROME KITCHEN SET brought $8.70. played a solo "Columbia", at a re­ U-boat commander knew the ves­ «lrt-TEMP CONTROL cent concert and in reaponae to toe rlckke. Her commander spoke chief officer had reported her sel was American, "it Is a heath­ build a 46 by 17 foot drying room applause which greet^ his num­ poor English. American nationality to the sub­ enish think to sink an unarmed for $2,000 at Ita plant, atop toe They were able to make such marine commander personally— present building. i Socrot ber, hi played again the finale of merchant ship." ...H * o f "Supar Miarkot" Rofrigoration $29.95 cloqe observations because when CHAIRS Aircraft Workers toe solo. The concert was given the vessel had been sunk midway Regularly $34.9,5 by toe hand at the musiv shell at the Robin Moor was halted at 6 between Africa and South Amer­ 1. * Covered In attractive tapes­ To Get Holiday Daytona Beach to an audience of a. m. that day, the submarine di­ ica and passengers and crew left tries and velours. rected by Slinker light signal that adrift in open lifeboats, hundreds ' A POPULAR DEMAND more than 7,000. a boat be aent with papers. of miles from land. Apprised of Nationality Three U fe Boat* Missing Stainless top* Hartford, June 13— OP) —^The The regular monthly meeting of 5 KINDS OF COID USE OUR 20 WEEK PAT PIAN —J» lack and toe Army'and Navy Club will be A lifeboat In charge of the first There were four lifeboats. Three naiarly 20,000 employes of United mate rowed a mile and a half to are still missing afterc22 days at white — blue JSiXfSOn Corporation will be given held Wednesday evening, June 18 $ 1 9 s9 5 and white. at 8 o'clock. The annual outing will toe, waiting U-boat, aa» ordered. sea despite wide searches of the toree-day week-end over July Thera toe. mate personally ap­ waters along the lengthy Brazil­ Chairs uphol­ 4, toe company announced today. be held at the 'Villa Loulaa on Sun­ , 0M roo* 5 KINDS OF FOOD ' Values To $34.50 stered In leath­ day, June 22, reservations for prised the commander of the Rob­ ian conatUne. The missing boaU Ladies !l The three divisions will close Fri­ Men a er. which niust be In the hands of the in Moor’s nationality and destin* • carried a total of 35 crew mem­ day, July 4, to reopen Monday. | tlon. He spent 10 minutes below bers and passengers. Including Altooiigh no final decision has I club steward not later than June NOT ONE . . . NOT TWO ! 19. deck, tlie report said, and when three married couples- and one / Suh»Ff***ia§ :: s 95 yet been made, toe company itatea, I A Group of the Ever Popular nrcamre of defense needs will pro- i he reappeared. the “ abandon ship” child.- for k e cubee, deieerta and conimand was given. Then came The 11 rescued by the Brazilian BUT THREE Mbly keep toe plants in full oper-1 Mies Evelyn Hawley, of 167 Ben­ froien foods. ^ 5-PIECE sUnn during toe last week in ton, is at Memorial hoepltal with the end. steamer Ozorio, from whom toe State Department obtained the Auspist in the past the annual va­ fractures of both arms sustained ilndersecretary of State Welles 2 St*ody NoivJFf*#** Cold, - IMAPLE PLATFORM ROCKERS cation period. last i.lght in an automobile acci­ was aaked whetoer this relatively facU *1 toe sinking were: dent which occurred in Gilead. brief episode o i- the high seas— Third Officer John J. Bennlgan, with moitt, moving, air DRESSES SOLID MAPLE KITCHEN SETS > IN A RECOHD-SETTING New Yortc city; First Assistant DANIEI the ship sank in 23 minutes— y.. to keep meet! in prime and LOUNGE CHAIRS With choice of extension or refectory table. The quarterly meeting of thi would constitute a "grave Inch Engineer Carl Nllaon, Baltimore, SALE! Hospital Notes conditkin. Choice of ladder-back or slat chairs. Reg. Manchester Rod and Gun club will Solid maple frames — 'homespun covers. $ $35.00 grade. $24.95 be held tomorrow evening at the Don’t Delay Make An 15.95 Some of these chairs sell up to $25.00. clubhouse In Coventry. A dinner 2 Steady Ahove-Fieexlnt Early Choice and Lei Your . 9 8 Admitted yesterday: Miss Pa- will served by Chef Urbano Celd ; . . for milk and Credit Take Care of the i r i ^ ’ Burns, 31 Dougherty. 1 Osano at -6:30 and the 'bualness FOR FATHER’S DAY ■ Mlf Payments. Discharged yesterday; Mias i meeting la to be held at eight Just a Limited Number of Our Famous Laura Sherman. 113 Chestnut; : o'clock. 4 steady 40* Cald ; ; ; These Suitg Sold for FOR Mrs. Anna Naczkowakl, 257 School; i f f ' HURRY FOR THESE for preaeruatioo of atapke, $29.50 or More. W HITE SW AN PeU r Cignetti, 55 Oak;' Mias Mar­ Maternity pa patienta til and toe hot- SHAVING BRUSH SPECIAL jorie PrenUce, Taylor; Antoinette pltal nursery havave been moved Into butter and leftoven. Last week we were com­ INNERSPREVG ..^Paggioli, Birch Mountain Road. the new addition to enable work­ pletely sold out. , How­ Admitted today: Mias Evelyn men to make required changes and Reg. $4 Eveready Shave Brush s Staady Modarata Cald REDUCTIONS ON ALL OTHER (X)ATS— ^ Hawley, 167 Benton. 3 Models ever, we received^other P ^ tin g In the older building. •rith hi|^ hom uhty. . . to MATTRESSES Blrtoa: Today a son to Mr. and Palntera are -t work today in the ' ^ MEN*S MERCHANDISE SUITS AT 1 / 2 PRICE shipment of the biggest Mrs. John Doherty, 82 Walnut and keep aalad greena and vege- women’s ward of the old building,, r y ’-To Choose selling Washeri 4n town. a daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ patienta having been removed aev- ivor $2.00 tablea'oriap aa4 finn. lard BUUnga, 85 1-2 Walker, eral days ago to toe new quarters i From Discharged today: Rudolph Cor­ for this purpose. Model 241-P Only $ 1 5 . 9 5 mier. Rockville; Milo Wella, 18 COME IN f Ask for "X -K A T ’ Reg. $3 Eveready Shave Brush rR O pe of Weednghouse im- Cambridge; Mrs. Annie Moore, 333 S tt IHEXI AT NO MONEY DOWN The $20.00 grade. Guaranteed.! provwntnta and qnsfity feature*, Center and Mrs. Clarence Vennart F«rpetual ClUaenalUp j FBill or twin sizes. and Infant son, 30 Griswold. ir t nswl DMfcwaU *®4eyl Census: 58 patients. Lafayette waa granted perpetual . $1.50 Terms 30-60—90 Day»— Cash Dsat Elevators the Revolutionary War. His de­ Reg. $2 Eveready Shave Brush scendants still’ hold toe privilege. B o va ton in too R C. A. build- With Pump 12 month terms— 6 % Carrying Charge at Rockefeller Canter, New Regularly $79.95 ’oslt City, travd at a speed of Csloaial Cows YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE feet a minute: the 880-foot yvoiF $ 1 .0 0 You’ll be surprised how Important a part slippers play In ■ ChsiSe Ge Schell s 'a l e p r i c e requiting little more than 87 In toe early daya of Plymouth man’s Ufe . . . Many a grouch has cured his troitoles by wear- colony, toe value of cows - waa • ing Daniel Green’s . . . W e have an excellent Plumbing A Heating Coatrmetor such that one cow usually was oa-nsd ^ six or more' men bo- assortment in our store. IM l Mala St. Phone 8827 Maoebester caua* of a scarcity of beef. iwnUamatte Braaoh: 818 Mato St. TeL 168. $ 6 9 ’ 9 5 Benson's, UCOOO #orto of plgtl- Weak and thoosaada of doUara* u u i o u s 6 '* s o h ; molts ments If You Have An.01d ^ _ dM .1 kl k « .in '*A A U ■ rtb of dIeBMWds are Th* moon’s force of gravity to INC Hh'jraar for equal to only about oo*-Mxto of A AIM rmiT toe force o f gravity ea the earth. 9

\ . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, fttANCHES’TER, CONN. FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1941 4.' —______s_ MANCHESTER EVENING HEKALU, MANCHESTER..CONN. FRIDAY, JUNE 13^1941 reactions must be. swift and his ning war” wouldn’t faze Private '^a o e b ig h t Designer of Ashtrayss brakes excellent, shld Berry. Chester Gallas, He can take It. He Halting Sp^ce Presenting another situation, he -was on guard duty during a thun-. ROOFING AND Sll rent gouginif. The Interest will ex­ Council’s Topic jjjtfB la A cemplately outrag»o«a Faces Hard Problem aald A halted car waiting for-^a derstorm. Lightning struck hi* OUR SPECIALTY/ pend to people on both sides of the Flying Class AdseHs Movie Moguls Not, Americans rWill Get AttA^ upon this country, Itor wb«r* chance to cross a highway did not gun. Comrade* picked him up, took A m r l^ e i l f r fence— gbugdes and giougers. And Fools Drivers him to a hospital and advised him tv rr th» ttApa And atrlprt float Man Aljkout Manhattan To Be Defense have time to cross if an approach- A; A. DlONeIN4 London, Jime \ 13.— fcg car 500 feet away was travel­ toKrest through the day. But, with­ even more to the latter than to the To Be Formed Giving Pu btic Sa tisfaction ■ ' * • i , 299 Aatomn SL TeL - o w A ahtp there la America—and By George Tucker Important Lessons Of British designer of novelty ing at 50 miles an hour. ‘ in 45 minutes, he was back at his lU r a U l former because the Washington an attack for which there exists ashtrays faced a ' difficult Distance Required to - He aald a motorist driving at 40 post.\ m atatement bod^Trouble for them New England Group to FDWaSHICO BT tJBJi not a sclntina Of excuse. New York—Let’s not go out-4 ers projects of the W PA. .They Hollywood, June 13.—(iV)— Har- » ter came up with a suggestion for problem today, probably, the miles-an hour and wanting to paa.s n i t A t J ) FRUfTINO CO, ts a Advanced Training for Stop Radiy Underesti­ imless they quickly see the error aide today: It's raining. Let's .tell All there la to know about ry Brandt, who delights In ribbing a flve-ysar program of coopera­ Hold Conference oti hardest.in his career. a car ahead, traveling at almost The Moor carried no munitions. His latest tray shows a tuncli>»t«r. Onnn. of their way. stay Indoors, and have at the mall,' Michigan, .and about Wyoming' 4* Pilots to Be Given in Hollywood’s biggies, spread him­ tion among all branches of the In­ Dedieilted loT»rolec«on mated by Average. the aamo speed, needed 1,600 feet THOMAS rMROOSON She was carryln4f a general mer­ Of Non-Combatanto; , cans have shuddered in apprehen- June 20 and 21. well-known man In yachting dlstShce to cct by. Karl Borders, rental expert of and see how the world looks from yesterday and today, a hundred self a bit today to proclaim dustry. » i thousands of persona top- ______lOuianl M«niiS«T chandise cargo no different from a desk In Rockefeller Center---- years ago, and now. Hartfordi - “We must prove our self-re­ cap with a cigar In his mouth 1'rgM Motorists Play Safe roandcd »• >*** the Office of Price Administration "15,000 a week executives- have Too Late to Learn! pUng to death from great heights Boston, June 13. —(yp)—The aver-- \ any cargo In Umea of profound This desk looks junky, but Inter- got In a rut and . . are being en­ spect by eliminating those things Boston, June 13.—The Impact on crushing two other well- Granting that motorl-sts didn't and Civilian Supply/declares, that Storrs, June 13.— A secondary If these buildings were hit. Bomba known persons. The designer age driver "badly undere.sti mates carry range finders, tape measures peace. She made lavish display estin g.... ’ Here’s a note that says Call tombed’’ while theater owners suf­ for which we have been critlciaed When Foe G>mes. more likely strike a glancing blow New" England of the President’s ftaMaTB tad ftoUdaya Bnttrad at received this memorandum the distance required to stop an or calculators, he urged that they ; of the American flag. She was rents which have been boosted For InaUnce, here’s a note and Blue Barron.” . . . . Old B lu e '..... Civil Aeronautics Administration fer. and make a real effort to bring and rip out sections of sidewall declaration of a full national a package from Lanny R osa.... He’s In off the road----.He’s had Brandt, president of The Inde­ the 30,000,000 former patrona back from the Patent Office: play safe by allowing in extra Oena, aa Steond Clan Mall Mattar. through taking advantage of the course for advanced training "of (Editor’s Note: Once again without serious damage, or hit the emergency waa underscored today, automo^e," Dr. Donald S. Berrj’, margin of safety at all times. - bound fromrum an American----r port to a I j # That reminds me...... Several almost a year of one night stands. pendent Theatef Owners Associa- Into the nation’s theate.ra," Wal­ "You should supply the SUBSCRIPTION RATB8 civilian pilots will start its ground' -he Oftloe of avlUan Defense '■ street and shatter the first six traffic engineer of The National Ralph W. Eaton, Providence, R.-, South Africa far from any crowded condition of deicniie in- months ago. In an East Side res- playing theatera, playing small tlop of New York, crashed the by the announcement that the written consents of Churchill, Ona Taaf ay Mall . . j ...... tC.Od port in school program Monday, June 16, ter Wanger told the convention^. points out war naay never i floors with steel splinters. Safety Council, said today. I., traffic engineer, told the con- | I .«t Yet she was dualry afbas. will have to be put taurant, I said to Lanny. ’’Why town dance halla taking a bus headlines two yeara ago by declar­ Nisw England Council would de­ •* Hitler and Mussolini for regis­ Par MobUi by Mall ...... recognised war sone. at Hartford, Dean J. H. Lampe of He’s president of the Motion Pic-* reach the United States, but I , Central Structure Stands "Too many drivers believe they ference In . another prepared, ad- ' BiBvIa Copy ...... t .«> don’t you make a \;fcording of here, a train there.. .Once, wm- tration of the design." tt.eo deliberately destroyed snd her back again to reasonable levels. the School of Engineering, Uni­ ing that Greta Garbo, Joan Craw­ ture Academy of Arts arid ScU emphasizea nevertheless the I The central structure stands vote all sessions of Its 63rd Quar­ literally can^top on a dime." he Oallvarad Ona Taar _____ Ave Marla? . . . . He thought It )ng from Chicago to Kansas City, ford'and Katherine Hepburn were dress that the parking problem | Mr. Borders States that there versity of Connecticut, announced encea. vltiU Importance of . clvll!'jna ' and the basements .aie safe from terly meeting to matters of na­ told the first New England Traffic never could be solved "at the ahip‘1 company set adrift In small over for a moment___ He even , his Instruments and all his music MEMBER o r today. "box-office poison.” being re ^ y . You will wan4 to ' I collapse of superstructure. Occu- Engineering C^ference In a pre- THE asso c iate d PRESS boats many hundreds of miles are tu’o ways of accomplishing hummed a few bars.. .< . ’’You got lost...... He got Into Kansas Yesterday, he spent $350 for a tional defense. Th e meeting is to curb.” - I Tha Aaaociatad Praaa la axcluajaa- The first class will meet at 6 read thoroughly and preserve ' pants are more or less secure. be held at the New Ocean Houee Closing Meeting parcyd addreaa /today-at Massa-. He aald the solution re.sted In from land - in all htiman probabili­ this end- one by voluntary action know,” he said, "maybe I will” . . . City at 8 p. m.....And the band two-page advertisement in The ly aatitlad to tha iiaa or t»«>Mbl «a- p. m. at the Camp School, 354 all the information In thla ae­ Officials advise separate under­ In Swampscott, Mass., June 20 and chusetta Institut'i^ of Technology. "off the street” parking—such aa ■ tlon of all nawa diapatchaa et**"**® on the part of landlords, the other Well, here It la ---- Bach-Gou- was scheduled to go on at 9..... Bellevue street, where the Uni­ Hollywood Reporter to tell the an­ ground shelters for occupants of ty at the cost of the lives of three The band that was there was sup­ Quotations ries on the OCD’s plana for Of Mothers’ Club He aald a persrin driving at 50 In onc-Ievel or ramp garaccs. ele-' to It or not otharwiaa oraditad in by legal action. And he makes the nod’s “Ave Marla” byLarnny Ross. versity of Connecticut Is conduct­ nual convention . of The Motion collapsible buildings such as small 21- vator garages, "open air" garages, Ihia aapar and alao tha local nawa quarler?! of them. posed to go off at that hour.... organizing and training citi­ A t the opening session Friday miles an dour on (/dry pavement WILSON-CONTEMPO His sec’y just called, and left It ing extension courses for defense Picture Theater Owmers of Amer­ zens. Tonaorrow’s concluding store, brick or wood houses stand­ couldn't halt In tlm /to avoid, hit­ space In or on bidldings and In pDbllancd harriB. . Even yet, in spite of the Stale straight-out declaration that But, with no Instruments or mu­ morning the Council’s committees All ridhta . of rapubllcatlon of on the desk. workers. All those Interested In ica why their patrons are seeking Wie want- peace, if we have to story in The Herald will out­ ing alone or In rows and tene­ ting a '’hlld 150 feet ahead. parking lots. "there are precedents for both.” sic, Blue couldn’t go o n ....S o will consider the various aspects apaclal diapatchaa harain ara alao Departmenfa announcement, the taking the course should be pres­ diversion elsewhere. fighi for It—but that doesn’t mean line further roles dvlllanswlll ments. The Manchester Mothers’ Club Would Rrsiulre 300 Feet raaarrad^_____ , while Blue and his boys burped of the defense program in relation United States government Is keep­ Just what legal 'measures Now let’s have at that green ent on Monday evening. Dr. "Why,” he demanded, ” ls every­ we have to send our boys abroad play In the program.) Hopelessness of saving wooden will hold Its closing meeting for The average driver -would re­ Can Take “ LiKhtnIng War” package with the orange and pur­ up the telegraph wires, the other body In Hollywood worrying, con­ to New England Industry, com­ the season on Monday evening, Poll aarrlca ellant of N. E. A. ing a grip on tlaelf. It will await OPACS has In mind to take Lampe said. to fight. It means that if we are structures Is a tragedy of air at­ munity development, housing, rec­ quire 200 feet and ever^ then his i Fort Custer. Mich.—OPi- ’’Light­ Barviea Inc. ______ple to p ....It’s from New Orleans, band played on...... They got Flight Training ferring and doing nothing? Why fully prepared to fight, we won’t Bv Don Whltriiead and Frank I. tack on civilians. Acres and acres June 16, at the Hale House In the arrival of the full text of - the against rent gougerii have not yet and with it Is a note from Mr. their equipment at midnight .. . . are bowling alleys, race tracks and reation. and agriculture. Glastonbury. A buffet supper will BY WILSON BROTHIRS pBbllshert Bepr«s«ntstl»»s. Tbs Ed ward W," .Gemdron-,'” graduate have to fight. Weller of densely compact' frame houses Council President Ralph E. appeared. But It Is quite Improb­ Wm. B. R elly---- “ When Some­ "Well,” nays Blue, ” what the baseball doing great business be served at 6:30 outdoors if the Jnllns Mslhews Speelil A**"®/— survivors' affidavits ami their of the C AA secondary program —Estelle Sternberger, director, . New York,'June IS.— i;?)—Many are doomed In any city under Flanders, who has just completed K«w Tork. ChIcsfP, Dsirolt and heck! Those things happen ---- while the movies are doing their weather permits. Mrs. Richard careful examination before finally able that either the rental expert body writes about New Orleans. ’ and an Instructor on the staff of World Peaceways.' strange and fearsome and impor­ bombardment. If they do not keel Bolton. ,______There’s something happens In worst?’' several months with the OPM In Martin, general chairman. Has or'the office Itself Is running a ! says Mr. Relly,. "or about Loulsi- the School 4t Engineering, will * * * tant lessons are in store for Amer­ over, LaGuardla says. Incendiary Washington as director , of ma­ BUREAU OP I deriding on its course of action. every to’sm.” Not Alone In Lament planned an interesting program of Liquor Specials for Father^s Day MEMBER a u d it ! ana, we feel that we have to send conduct the classes In aerodynam­ Time may be against us in the icana from Europe's unnatural bbmbs could make a bonfire of all chine tool priorities, will Introduce CIRCULATIONS And oven when and If verification | bluff, or that the alternative of le- ihim some of our good old darR * • • I- ics, meteorology, navigation and Brandt wa^ not alone In his la- present crisis, but the evolution of homes In New York’s lower East entertainment to follow. A note from R K O ., . .Ronald aky-war on helpless human beings. the general sessions’ with an ad­ In charge of decorations are Tk« Herald Printing Company, of all the facta is completed In action for recalcltranta will 'roast N fw Orleans coffee and power plant maintenance. Flight nietit. President Ed Kuykendall of civilization is a long-term process. The United States Office of Ci­ Side. Firemen might save the out­ Ten Hi}{Ii Whi.skev Pi. $1.10, Qi. $2.10 Colman Is at the Pierre---- Suite dress Friday afternoon. Mrs. Wallace Payne and Mrs, Jo­ ^ e \ Inc, aaaumta no financial raaponal- ' moat rneticuloua detail, which may not be taken, s.s proml.sed. 1 chicory-'-Luzianne..... It’s one of training In the secondary course the M. P. T. O. A , demanded »that There will be many centuries af­ vilian Defense, directed by Mayor er fringe. Prof. Cabot to peek blllty for typographical arrera bp- those coffees you either swear at 2 4 ....How about cocktails at 6 No Policy Announced seph Canade; and' co-chalrmcn faring in advertlaemania In tha I be early next week. It la not to be Among the nreas mentioned In is In an open ship of a greater the industry' do something to re­ ter Hitler. F. H. LaGuardla of New York, Headliner on the roster of guest p. in.?___ Jean Dalrymple calla weight and horsepower than those vive business. — Prof. James T. Shotwell, direc­ Public air-raid shelters present with Mrs. Martin are Mrs. Ray Sir Charles Wines £lanebaatar ETtnlna HtralA------Anticipated that there will be any — or by.” . . . . will teach them. They will begin speakers Is Professor Philip Cabot Warren, who has had charge of Borders’ indictment of rental profi­ ....Broadw ay may be dead, she used in the primary course. Spe­ "Why,” Brandt’s ad demanded tor Carnegie Peace, Foundation. a problem even the British have But, not only Is there coffee.... soon. They are dedicated to, pro­ of the Harvard Business School, reservations and Mri. Rosslter Port, Slierrv and Muscatel . . . . . 1 Ql. 49c Friday. June 13 overt action until the Berlin gov- teers Is. under the aircraft cla.ssifi- There Is a small drip-coffee pot. says, but Maplewood, N. J.. is very cial emphasis is placed on pre­ “ don’t producers do something * • • tection of the non-combatant. not solved. The Federal govern­ much a live... .Helen Hayes is to chaiirman of the series of National Holt, who Is planning the trans­ cation, the Hartfdrd area. Man­ with printed Inatnictlons---- Mr. cision flying and advanced ma­ about eliminating the extravagant Are we prepared to pay taxes to War may never come, but the ment here has announced no pol------— ------—---- ;----- r"A rn m en t haa been aaketV?,!^ It has appear there In ’’Twelfth N igh t' Defense Conferences recently con­ portation. Relly. It’ll a pleasure; we are In neuvers, Including acrobatics. The waste In Hollywood? Why don’t establish the four freedoma ti OCD insists that potential victims cly, Authorltiea say there Is nclt Castle Inn-Distilled Gin, Pt. 74c, Qt. $1.29 Labor Dam CYumblinir j np^thlng to say by way of ex- chester Is not specifically mention­ —at the Maplewood theater---- - cluded at Harvard. He will speak Hartford Flying Service, Bralnard they start cutting down the fabu­ Hong Kong, in Berlin, in Rome, In here know beforehand, and be enough iponey available to buUd on Friday night and the nature of ed but there is not the slightest your debt. ^ ^ How about It? ... .Maplewood is a The most dangerous barrier to j planation. and not even then until Field, handles the flight training lous salaries?” Dong Dang, in Moscow and in fortified thereby, the things It shelters everywhere. Nor would his address is Indicated by its ti­ Green River Blended Rye good summer theater town...... 31 Deaths Avenged the auccega of America’s defense | the usual demands "‘’ “ 'V question that there are plenty < of This bundle In the brown wrap­ for the program. Brandt answered his own ques­ Yugoslavia, Turkey, Arabia— and may be too late to learn if some­ they want them as vast municipal tle; "The Parting of the Ways.” They’ve got quite a season lined tions: ^ Ethiopia? day warplanes roar to our shores: units. When a bomb penetrates a Pi. $1.10 $2.09 girort. the structure of seditious made for full apology, cases of unreasonable rent boost­ ping paper ^rom Mrs. RuUi To be eligible for the secondary On the same program Joseph C. Brown of the Oxford Unlverolty up there---- course. Dr. Lampe said, a student "Because the present crop of -Senator Burton K. Wheeler to Taller fiulldings Safest shelter for more thftn 50 persons, Harsch, just back from two years By Electrocutions -labor troubles" erected by sub- reparation to the owners of ship ing here- nor that If the OPACS It’s a good thing we stayed In­ Press.. .It contains the Michi­ must have attended college for at big brains In Hollywood doesn’t an America First meeting. "The taller the building the unless they are In separate sec­ as Berlin- correspondent of the Seagrams Gin Pt. 98c, Qt. $1.80 doors___ That rain Is really com­ ------« Yenrive elements which had gain- and cargo and full monetary corn­ directa Its attention to rent goug­ gan State Guide” and the "W yo­ least tw o , years and must have know what the public wants. Be­ • • • • safer its occupants; bomb damage tions, the death and Injury cre­ Christian Science Monitor, will ing down. Outaide, on the pave­ ed ascendancy in union clrclea. penaatlon to the relatives or heirs ing hereabouts local profiteers will ming State Guide” — two new ad- completed the primary CAA cause they are afraid of any It happens that I do not believe Is comparatively negligible to ates uncontrollable terror. tell of the Nazis’ plan for a new Ossining, N. Y., June 13.—((P)— Old Douglas Rye, Bottled in Rond, 100 Proof ments, the flrat neons are begin­ course. Those who are taking change that might upset their in censorship, and it' happens that steel and concrete structures. Most experts favor bomb-proof­ New York counted 31 murders of the dead, damages to the sur not be exempted from whatever jditlons to the truly fine portrait world order. Pre-Planned Related Outfits To Go With His Favorite Suits! farticularly on the Padfle coast, ning to cast their smears of light. the primary courses now fnay en­ pleasant routine. I know I reflect thie opinions of "Buildings supported by walls ing of private garages, public Other speakers are: J. W. Far­ avenged today with the Electrocu­ years old .Pl.;$1.05, Qt. $2.00 vlvprs, and the punishment of the steps the federal government may of America that Is he In ^ rK :*:"u ". T?ra\ parking, garages, schools, thea­ has not yet been broken down, but state by state, by the state writ roll._^3pth the ground school and Getting Movie Indigestion the President of the United States alone readily collapse. __ ley, New England coordinator of tion of Harry., (Pittsburgh Phil) perpetrators of the outrage. find It necessary to take. the flight training are provided "But they had setter' start get­ on this subject. "Massed residences made of ters, auditoriums, community the Division of State and Local Strauss and Martin (Bugsy) Gold­ there are strong indications that ■ a Paul Jones R y e Pt. SO, Fifth We shall not attempt toN^^lcl- without charge to the student. ting smart, becaihie product Is — Lowell Mellett, head of the Of­ wood cannot be protected. houses, health centers, park pa­ Cooperation. OEM, Washington, stein,. chief executioners . of the $1.. $2.10 i COMPLETE OUTFITS It atarted to crumble. vilions and armories. These, *,i fantastic Brooklyn murder syndi­ Handsomely Boxed for As Little A s...... ^ pate whnt seems to be ineiStable placing a piece of linoleum on th? The only fees are for a medical poor, because doubleNjeatures are fice of Government Reports. "Bomb-proofed private garages and executive director of the Maa- There is very little doubt th^t floor beside the bed. When the vlc- giving audiences m o ^ Indiges­ • • • and public buildings are the safest greater numbers, will care for sachusetts Committee on Pubic cate. Ask for a Copy of Our Full Color Booklet That Shows after that. But If the United States I examination and insurance. Between 10 and 10:00 p. m., last Grain Alcohol, 190 Proof the bayonet which one soldier of HEALTH AND DIET tion. .. There is but one objective, and alr-rald shelters. more people In smaller groups and Safety: Marlon B. Folsom, tax aur 1 tim steps on It, the cold surface “Huge municipal above-ground night, the . two men died In the WHAT TO WEAR WITH WHAT. should allow Germany to get away The Dominion of Canada pro­ M. P. O. T. A. delegatia rushed that is to defeat aggression. perform more satisfactory serv­ thorlty, treasurer of the Eastman the tough Fifteenth Infantry stuck Washington I is often sufficient to awaken him. shelters are not feasible. ice. Peacetime use pays for war­ Sing Sing electric chair, both Pt. $1.35______Qt. $2.55 with this challenge to the free­ ADVICE duced 120,976,000 pounds of fac- for copies of the ad whll i produc­ — Samuel R. Fuller, Jr., Office of Kodak Company and a member of bito the fhlgh of an Inglewood I have found this simple, but ef­ "Subway protection is question- time cost. silent In their final moments. Gold­ dom of the sea It would be the I tory cheese during 1939. ers went Into a huddle. The lat- Production Management. the Business and Advisory Council ■fgtriktr” who didn’t think the Furnished by the MoOoy fective. able. Officials frown on basement and In Washington, ’’The Business and stein was flrat, then Strauss grin­ McCalliim’s Imported Scotch . . .Fifth $2.li9 government meant it, went clear very first time In all Its history Daybook Health Servioa .. "Modern building basements are subcellar shelters unless they are Social Implications of the New ning strangely. that this country has bent the knee relatively safe. under non-collapsible buildings It was hard to admit the books through the harrier dam and start­ Tax Program.” of the murder-for-money firm, but By Jack Stlnoett Addreaa oonununiMtIona to The "Private home and small apart­ and are staffed by crews to pre­ Albert M. Oelghton. New Eng­ In abject submission. ment sub-cellars are,risky. officers estimated Strauss and ed the first trickle of out-nmnlng Henlth Service vent drowning and suffocation land Coordinator, Defense Con­ "D ^ th and Injury Is inescap­ from broken water mains and gas Goldstein alone had slain 31 per­ KELLER’S defiance. That trickle is rapidly Herald, Attention McCoy tract Service, OPM. "What OPM RTHUR' Waahlngton—Tha Naal attack able for many. / ' lines. sons. M EN’S W EAR iMsachlng^^ie^barrier. Within a Expects of New England”; and b * I D R U C Supreme Court on Crete haa brought- the "gilders "Great fires cannot be prevent­ Danger Of Flooding They were j>ut to death for fe w * d iy r itls to ^ expected that Hav Fever Dr. Samuel B. Stratton of Har­ C?ri'crnaters .“Xcascno/^i’c ‘Leaders In Men’s Fashions” Probably If a poll of the cdlintry for America” fight out Into the ed, but may be controlled. Opinion is dii^ded on the use of strangling-Irving Felnstein, small­ ----"Hunger,. privation, disease and vard, assistant chief of the min­ time bookmaker and police Inform­ 887 MAIN STREET the whole dam will go out with a open again, with Sen. Pat McCar- subways. For the most part, they erals and metal section, priorities 815 MAIN STREEIJ RUBINOW BUILDING had been taken as to the desira­ The term hay fever 1s applied to mental and nervous disorders are are only six to seven feet under er. Felnateln’s body was soaked In rush and the impounded energy of ran, of Nevada leading the pro- division, OPM. "Adjustment of bility of all probable candidates for constant problems. ground whereas a large bomb oil and burned In a vacant lot. glider forces In the north wiilg-of Beauty that's Different Producers and Consumers to .Com­ the labor stream will have" re- feat themselves in the upper res­ "And the enemy will use poison makea a crater 25 to 30 feet deep. appointment to the United States the Capitol and Rep. W. Sterling modity Restrictions and Substi­ guroed itg even courge. piratory tract, In the eyes by Itch­ gas whenever If no longer fears There is always danger of flooding chief justiceship more people Cole, Bath, N. Y., leading them in tutions.” Today came the flrat actual the south. ing and an excessive flow of tears, retaliation.” and death from gas. would, have voted for Harlan Flske Must Make People UndersUnd break In the Puget Sound logging "The gliders used In the attack and In the no.se by nasal discharge Space to Spare Because of British experience, Stone than for any other jurist. on Crete" says the Senator, “are and obstruction, and sneezing. It , All thla the British know. They OC?D is training repair crews to tie-up when 1,100 men In one » have told officials here. TJje next Justice Stone la not what Is known giants capable of carrying eight should always be remembered that make subways safe for street Claims ‘Harmless’ Washington ktate operation over­ these local manifestations arc step is to make the people under­ crowds and' throngs In the vulner­ ns a popular figure; he has never fully armed men with machine ruled their CIO leaders and re­ guns, light cannon, hand grenades, merely symptoms of a condition stand, and win their help In a na- able residential districts. London had any wide contact With the Prices to Fit Every I tlonal effort to save their lives In tried to keep her citizens out of Remark Distorted turned to work, though three oth­ and so forth. arising In the patient’s blood people of the country. He waa “ Each weighs about 1,800 stream due to ^-thanges taking the event of war. subways, which are perfect con­ er locals In that aUU had already place In Its chemistry. The best OCJD believes Europe’s alrblitz duits for poison gas. The enemy never a political campaigner, nev­ pounda, haa a w'lngsgread of ap­ would Imve been far less effective I lepudiated the attitude of the lead­ proximately 85 feet, a fuselage authorities classify hay fever with did. not use gas, and the effort North Adams, Mass., June 13— if weaker neighbor* had been In­ er ao far as we know a candidate other difloascfl of n toxic origin Budget! failed. Officials still expect gas (JP)— Suspended from work pend­ ers and voted to open Independent length of 39, a landing speed of formed and armed to resist, as for any elective office; never en­ 20 to 30 miles an hour and a land­ such as migraine, asthma, and If the Royal Air Force ever is too ing a General, Electric ■ Company ■cgotiatlong with the operating this nation now has a chance to weak to repay the attacks—and investigation into fellow-workers’ gaged In any famous litigation. ing run of 18 to 23 feet. The glid­ certain forma of eczema. companies. ers have two retractable wheels be...... then subway*, perforce, will have accusations that h* slurred the But during the alxtc,en yeara of Now is the time for Spring hay Officials will concentrate first to be closed. American flag, a former German Wa, do not for a moment Imag­ which are used on the take-off but fever and the season begins April Regardless of which beautiful big 1941 hla service on the bench of the . on protecUon of buildings housing Here, people are instructed to Naval man contends he made a ine that these men • have been not In landing. l.st and continues to about June Kelvinator you choose, you’ll enjoy EXTRAS ' 100 or more persons whether they Supreme Court he has manifested seek any kind of shelter the mo­ "harmle**” remark that waa dis­ frightened Into abandoning their "Such glidera, towed to a height 15th. The pollens to which the pa- in beauty, in convenience, in actual value... i be* apartments, hotels, theaters, ment a bomb may fall—prefer­ of 20,000 feet, could make a free torted. Ohatructive strikea from any fear a aoundness and Independence, to­ patient is particularly sensitive that Kelvinator alone can give you. ' office buildings, factories, ware­ ably a safe building and last of The man, an alien employed as gether adth a fundamental appre­ glide of from 70 to 100 miles with­ are freely dl.stributed over this houses, stores, shops and all man- all the subways. But, modern that they aiU b e shot or bayonet­ out trying to take advantage of a blacksmith in the company’s period, and they act aa «n excit- Kelvinator’s Polarsphere Sealed Unit runs ’ ner of properties. Lesser units and war’s primitive slaughter has pro­ Pittsfield plant, told newsmen last ed: What we do believe la that It ciation of the humanitiea which rising air currents. This means and If the body them­ the Individual household, too, will ing cause. ___ only 12 minutes per hour under normal, con­ duced primitive Instincts of self- night that the workmen distorted needed just such a demonstration are precisely.the qualities that the that such gliders could be towed I fynctionlng properly, the receive safety Instructions and es­ preservation. When the alr-rald to a height Df only 10,000 feet and. I would be no more sens! ditions. It’s protected by Kelvinator’s 5-Year the Incident because they wanted as that"at the pUnt of North thinking American" citizen ' most cape faculties. sirens sound, twentieth century him discharged. The incident halfwsy. between Greece and Crete, j tlve to these Irritants such as pol­ Protection Plan. Cabinets are all steel, beau­ The big task Is to handle man­ civilization seeks safety in the American Aviation to make the values In Its high judiciary. Per- occurred at the plant Monday. could be released and flnish the lens, than thoae who are not hay tifully streamlined, with full width doors. kind marked for mass murder In ground. hapa It would be no exaggeration journey safely and soundlessly." the great concentrated centers and Company officials have not yet strikere realise that they were put­ fever victims. That atatement goes indicated what final diaposition to say that he la commonly regarxl- Asks Fur 8500.00(1 on crowded streets. Fifth Column­ ting themeelvea In actual rebel- one Btep further than aaying that All three models show’n here. . . and the they will make in the case. ed as sailing dn the evenest keel of Senator McCarran’s bill (Repre­ these pollens are the cauae of hay ists s p ite d these first for the Uoua defiance of their government sentative Cole has a similar one In many other Kelvinators on display at our Luftwaffe In 17 vanquished E ur^ Told to Disregard any of the very able and honorable fever. In an hour of real national peril. the House) would appropriate The symptoms vary with the store...have other features exclusive with pean countries, with devastat­ Now that realiratlon has been group of jurists with whom he Is $.500,000 for setting up gilder clubs degree of susceptibility to the Ir­ each model. See them all at Watkins tomor­ ing effect where defense mechan­ Some Picketing ism faltered and hysteria took iU brought home to them they are asaoolated. Also It la our under­ of 20 persons each In high schools ritants snd may range from par­ row! standing of Justice .Stone that he and colleges. Two members of each oxysmal attacks to a chronic con­ toll. suddenly able to see themselves as club would be taught to soar with Will Designate "Safety” Areaa Seattle, Waaa., June 13—(O — posaesses the quality---aeldom dition. There is often a severe In LaGuardla’s plan, wardens An admonition from James Caesar having been led to the very brink sufficient proflejency to teach other frontal headache, a feeling of de- of treason- and they are angrj’ mentioned In connection with the members. The clubs would be fur­ for each strategic city will desig­ Petrillo, president of The Ameri­ preasion or lassitude and a slight nate "safety” areas, namely those can Federation of MuslctaiM, tla t and aahamed. Supreme C ou rt-of ’’getting nished. st cost, plans and instruc­ amount of fever may exiat, usu^ tions for building gliders (which ■ • In which buildings offer air-raid “Just because some one throws a After all, the vast-majority of j along" amicably with hla asso- ly not more than 2 degrees. Bron­ picket line around a hotel or the­ can' be turned hut In almost any chitis may ensue as a comnHca- Bh6lt€r» theae strikers are Americans and elates-which Is a matter of much woodworking shop). The superintendent or manager ater, that doesn’t mean you can’t tion, and so-called pollen i^hm a. will have charge of his buildings walk through it,” was given to the have BO renwtest Idea of being' more Importance than we arc waa Introduced six Those who are particular^ sensi­ months ago. but no rommittee defense plan, the tenant defense A F L union members t< ^ y as they anything alae or acting like any-1 likely, to attribute to It. tive to the pollens sh^Id avoid Model S-6 showTt above haa eroups. flrst-ald and rescue aup- neared the ehdTof their national hearings have been held on It. Odd­ exposure to strong cu^ents of air, thing els^. They have, been fed on | There appears to have been ly enough, the army, navy and glaaa-top criaper and Kelvl- • nUea and be responsible for sound­ convention. such as riding In am^pen car, or najter 6-Way Magic ahelf. ing the alarm. He will be the “con­ The Chicago and New York 'lies by their leaders—the tame llee some expectation that Attorney- commerce department (In which In a draughty rall^^d car. Any the CAA Is located) have sB 'ex­ Large base storage bin for trol (director." union leader, center of numerous aasiduoualy peddled about the i general Robert H. Jackson might associated hype^ensltlvenesa t o Next In authority will be key pressed themselves against the vegetables, canned and bot­ labor controversies and reputedly country for months by Undbergh, (>« named by the President for the Inhalations such as face powder, Men" in charge of "service *q u w hill. War Dejartment 8ecretar.y tled goods. ejilCu. Ft. Tomorrow’s Refrigerator the highest paid unlim officer in Wheeler A Co.—and have been ^ chief justiceship, since—strangely dust or to foods should be recog­ trained In emergency duUes. the nation, told the musicians .Stimson once said, in part, "Fligt^- nized as removed. The moat satis­ > Among a maze of things they told that, alnce this whole "wsr ; enough —there is s sort of half that if they have reaaon to'belleze training In glidera or sailplanes as factory m^hod of removing the 1 4 9 .9 5 Today - - - account for every person In the a picket line Is not legitimate they TRAVH LIGHT acare"- waa phony they need not way tradition against promoting a preliminary step In power-plane The hypersenzuiveness is by the use i buUding, his Identity and cltlzen- may walk through It to their joba. train^g Is of doubtful value, and '<5 fear that the government would member Justices to the headship of Dr. Frank McCoy’s special fast . ship and see that he Is jailed as an His advice came after he had ■ - $ f * that'The War Department "doea IN W HITE Pis take up labor's chaUenge. Now of the highest court, which has and this should be followed by a KELVINATOR enemy-alien or Is at his deslg;nated looled a blast at the Teamsters not look with favor on enactment dietary regimen which corrects post as a loyal clUren and eager Union of New York (also A F L ) I’V they know better. TTiey know only twice before been broken. But of this legislation ’’ Then-Acting (B(?low) Imasrine! A 6,2 .cubic h the body chemistry. I have seen foot Kelvinator Refrigerator for patriot. for demanding the privilege of that the United States Is in : it is not so ea.sy.-.lo visualize the' Secretary Bard of the Navy said rosny cases succeed under this MQIST^MASTER Will Conduct Classes carrying the mualcdana’ Instni- experiments at Pensacola (Fla.) earnest—that'the danger Is real near-crusading Jackson In treatment when the patient had only $104.95. It’s Model These key men will conduct de- ments and luggage on the short It NavalaYltvill AirAll StationolOVlUn definitelyll"liniVwtV de-fix • 1 J lxa/4 cvIafAn lltA The Molat-Maater keeps the nat­ i- fens* classes, regulate the black­ and great And In the face of that | that position s s ^ is to contem- CSX6A-40... a refrigerator *for haul from curbstone to theater st termtned that inclusion of j After successful tr«tmtreatment, enU ural freshness and flavor of foods out* and enforce rules for personal $10 a day and $20 a night training In the flight training prp- ""P* tho^^'iyho want big capacity at knowledge the subversive leaders : p i,i, Xew E^land born .Slone the patient will find that he la no days longer due to an utterly dif­ behavior of their people while <5? zram waa not worth white. CY»m the lowest possibl^cost. Like- are going To be aithout followers occupying the place to be vacated longer sensitive to the pollens and ferent type of refrigeration’. The bombs are falling. • ’> ' merce Secretary Jesse Jones aald other Irritants which formerly all Kelvinators it is powered ,by entire bottom two shelves are The service squads will construct soon. by Uhlef Justice Hughes. the civilian pilot, training act of Empiojes’ Group were considered to.be the cause of the Polarsphere Sea!^ Unit with sealed from the rest of the refri­ and maintain sheltefs, cooperate The other t'l^•o Supreme Court 1939 provided the requisite au­ gerator and cooled by separate ’ with police -nd .firemen, assist mo­ thority for carrying out a glider the trouble. ,I sugge.st that those ,| its 5-Ye,ai; Protectioi^ Plv>- Here Completing the Case appointments, that of Jackson and readers Interested In-recelvlng fur­ cooling units built Into the aide- bile first-aid and rescue squads, Bargaining Unit pilot training program, making i.s beauty, utility and economy Senator James F. Byrbirs, particu­ ther help In the matter, send fOr walla of the cabinet. Left-overs safeguard water and gas . lines, Though there Bwa no reason f.or the Senator’s bill unnecessary. . roofs, saniUtlon, boHer rooms and Dr. Frank McOoy’a special arti­ you can’t beat. and unused portlona of canned and larly that of the former, ^wlll not Nazi Tactlea.Not IMseuaaed •team pipes, ventilation, elevators Boston, June IS— —The Bos­ BBUcipaUng anything else, the of­ cles eirtlUed. "Hay Fever" and an­ • cooked' foods in addition to vdge- be received with much rejoicing by None of the departments In refrigeration, auxiliary power ton Globe Employes' Association ficial declaration of the State De­ other on "Asthma.” Just address tables that are difficult to keep written recommendations on the crisp ma y be. atoned In thla super- ‘■• planarand-the thln beams of per- has been chosen by editorial, those who are, wdrried about the >-our request to the McCYiy Health 1 0 4 9 5 1 8 9 -9 5 I partment, based on aflidsv4ts of blit discussed the phase of wari moist atmosphere without cover­ m iw ^ e Indoor Ughting. maintenance and buaineas depart­ Increasingly ’’radical’’ character of Service In care of this hewipaper. the survivors of the 'American time gliding- which the Germans ing! Telephone operators will serve ment employes of The Globe aa the court. But on the basis of used to some extent In Belgium enclosing a large self-addreased as buUding messengers whenever their bsrjmining' agent Is Prepared to Fumisli The Siti ■Do The Excavation— ^The Entire Con- ataamship Robin Moor taken by a envelope and 5 cents In stamps. sheer ability and personal probity and Holland and to a far greater _ other commuulcatlons are de»troy- ReeulU of an election yeaterdsy Take e)T for s-gev. liappr sanuner la United States ooaaul, that the T ed. Radio men will operate ahort- were announced by the Nations] the** smart, cemfettzM* shpeal Light- It is'doubtful that any fault what­ extent In Crote. Pictured la Model M-6 having Moor waa torped'ted in mid-Atlan­ If gliding to battle suddenly questions and Aaswers wave sets whereveruveHable to Labor relations Board as follows: wei^t, tiiy little models that iaod ever will be found. Bymea, espe- Question; Mr. G. L. writes— ’T 64i -cubic foot capacity. In ad­ wisgt to your feat I Some atyle* la aizea tic by a submarine ahose com- proved the moat effective way Wf dition to the excjualve Moist- direct defense operations. Signal The Boston Globe Employe^!* 1 to 12, AAAA to*EEE.- A PIT for; stniction have been a sleepwalker for yeara Assodstlon, - ■ nnsffiUated, 183 auader was fully Bware of the getting there, "fusteat with the Master feature, thla model alao squads will man observation poets EVERY SMART-or SiLfJlTWi;— moateat men.” the United States and have had to accept It, for noth­ continuously to ^ t and report votes. , . Building lots available on these streets and in these developments: Alexander, St. John, Perkina,- ■feip-»-«dioB*llty. tbe lmpUcatlonsif” '* 'f^ed. admired-and ing I have tried seems to help me. boaata glaaa ahelvef throughout, poor. might again, be In the position of . a i pictured to the right! They’re ^ enemy bombers. The Newspaper Guild of Boton in that statement must come with: *' -®f Americans. having had the' prophet— but noth­ It is \*ery embarraaalng a.nd I fear Win Try Tq Prevent Sabotage (CIO ), 15t votes...... ' Ridgewood, Center, West Center, Emerson, McKee, Oak,^iew, Nye, Walker, Middle Turnpike East, Anyhow, In the light of the that some night I may meet with clean,, sanitary, battar looldBg. C>4»ls*n ^0 L Manning,force to thoae Americana ing else. They retard circulation arttbout Watchers and guards will tty to For neither ofgsnisstion, six ^present worid and national ensia, Eleven yeara ago, the late Fpank some serious accidc'nt. This fqar j prevent saboUge, robberies and votes. Adams, Tanner and Hollister streets. w te have baaa hoping against hope alao makea me of a very neriroua atoppi^ It thereby aiding In In addiUon, U vpfes.were chsl I such othertime a matter of high Hawke, among others, was shout­ maintaining proper humidity for seta at violence, shadow persons Muit aomehow or other the hurri- ing for glider development for diaposition during the d ^ .’’ with relatives in enemy countries lenged, one ballot was blank and “ Stonehaven” “ Lakeside Circle “ Sunnyside” I Importance as the nsmlng of q .Answer: Somnambulism or better refrigeration throug^ut / ipaae o f war would change lU military use. He visioned, even the cabinet Ask to aee the 33 whose safety there might influence one was void. ' ' chief justice and two new members sleepwalking, la not a common ^FNeaurse before it struck the United then, 'planes pulling trains . of other featuree of thla unique ra- their conduct, close all buUding of the Supreme Court is not likely transport glidera and hordes of dlsbrder in aduUa, but la fairly ! entrances after hours, patrol vital Seateneed For Maasteaghter Stetea. , common in children. As a rule, -the frigarator!; to cause more than a passing rip- iMVldiera sliding dowp fronr the service centers and supply depoU, N o one araa ever arore.com- skies. He even had himself towed sleepwalker a’ill not know the j register visitors and tag strangers Bridgeport, June IS.—Vn—John pla of public interest. :t la t a ly let doom by principals to in a glider from coast to coaM to next day that anything unusual I .and Bupeprise -building employees. D. Scarborough, S6< Stamford, was OTMts trass prove It could be done. / haa happened even though during • 'r I ' In event of war. shelters but- sentenced yesterday to 10 to 15 JARVIS REALTY CO. they had bacn giving the A few yeara after that the Ger­ the phenomenon he may undergo | ' tressed with sandbags wUl be pro- years in state’s prison on a plea *5 REAL ESTATE GENERAL CONTRACTING ardent support than have the ’ Rent Gouging ^ mans sUrted their glider program complicated movements and the j vided In the central corridors of of gflUty to. a charge of mgn ^ P n iaelsr-Madbergh-Cudahy cabal Of very real Interest to many which was said to have reached a aenaea may be acute. Somnambu­ ' "safe” structures. •Nesmally, these alau^ter in connection arith the W e W ill Am IsI Y ou With Your Financing Arrangouents. i;6tal of 300,000 glider pilots in lism may be described,aa a dream wlU be six stories above ground fatal abooUng of Francis Jones ^ Hitler, acting through one of peinoos In Manchester as well as 193$. In action, The sleepwalker la usu­ Model CSX6A-40 and six stories below the top of an argument in a hallway CENTER STREET AND 41 ALEXANDER ST. PHONES 3526 OR Ifp gntaBarina captains. There has in' svsiy .other community nq* ally in no danger, unless he is sud­ K i n n e y z 6.2 Cti. Ft. ’ WATKINS ateel and coaerste tauUdings. of a tenement in Stamford April tha alighteat danger, defense wozhars is a' pronounce­ Irda ara aUe to change their denly Awaken^.* The beat treat- | ■ R O T H ,5 » S . IN C V Aa oddity of air attack is that 12. Natal Street S WeMon BUg. ment Is that obtainable from A- fg f fUKfft of a German ment by a department of the fed­ wing Maa b» flight; man has beeq, unable to .§d the same in aa Ur- psychotherapist but often the con- j - J,,!",. Waited Staua. Yet eral government on the subtject of Blana>> . • ditloo may ba counteracted ■' ■' ; >»' ■ "-'V •> y • -sqpir

. 'V n m- ‘ 1 MANCHESTER s v s i i k o ,h , e r a l d , MANCHESTER. CONN. iUlDAY, JUNE 18,1941 V. FACE ELE1 . - \ ■f I III. aiXNUHB$rn5lay equipment ice headquarters called„upon local 'kiRA 8-SO Thurman Arnold o.. tional church this coming Sab­ which was recently installed. A Boy Scout NeiV8 <3epitoI Hill heard today that tates of Rome.” year, better prlcek^are reported in bath, when all department* from Am Glad.” Nancy Cole; "The Best and others taking part will be Common Border Draft Bmurds to furnish 688 men Mrs. Hepburn, mother of Kath­ Campus Broadcast t ^ o f n ^ k s of Defense and Bu.1- Home,” Bruce Anderson: song. Robert Wright. Douglas Straw, new fruit display has been built, Preeldent Roosevelt’* xholcejof a during the Army’s combined 15th toe Manchrater Albion Market. the Cradle Roll up will be reprcr “Children’s Day”: \ "Somewhere,” and the shelving cut down to Troop 98 / At only one point in the United erine Hepburn, toe actrert/and a Yesterday 1701 1-^ratea were i k " rib y BOX J nea*.' _ Lucille Manner* .-ented hi the program to begin at Mildred McNeill. Albert Kottke, make It possible for customers or States do four states have a com­ successor to Attorney General and 16th Induction periods from veteran In the birth control move- sold by K M. Reid A ^ons, auc- J0;50 with the processional by the Ann Alvord; “I Wonder,” Ray­ Olga Yawgel. The weekly meeting oLtoe troSp Robert H. Jackson might lie be­ June 25 to July 10. rnent, leveled her accuscition at the Hanover,* N. H., June 13—(/P)— ‘ AMwkm.” desttned to ■ eom»rt' 7:30 InformaUon Please; mond Kingman: songs, "Robin,” clerks to reach toe upper shelves mon border. Meeting at- rigbt tween Solicitor General Francis Storrs — GradUsUon exercises Uoncersi^toere were 66 l\-S of 24 1 ROASTS-1 uncle Walt s Doghoujw. Junior Choir. Wesley Bunce w«l w|th ease. was called to order night by angles, toe states are Arizona, Senate bloc which defeated the Dartmouth College students plan­ quarts to a crate sold forNa high ROASTS 1 f o w l ■ ^*uSwo^ ’ •■?i^^4..»ate Smith hour; 8 "The Dandelion,” Alice Echroa- With these changes, the Pine- Assistant Patrol Loader C3mrles Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. charge of toe Justice Depart­ 'fire college.” Certl9ortes were ned today to have an tra-campus of $4.85,4 a low of $3.90 a ^ an Helen Menken w d -Trivkte Uves; ’ 8:30 Bur-, Bowed, second marshal. Nancy ait the recent legislative session in radio broadcasting system in op average‘'of $4.30. Also sold .m re 'Flke will speak on t^rlstlan Edif- lian; “The Sparrow,” Patricia Memphis, Tenn., June 13—(P)— t ment’s Anti-Trust Division. presented to 59 officera.of local an address atyesterday’s annual Kern M er^th in "Green Grow the Shlrer; ”Our Flag,” Eklwln Lynn; Harry Martin, international vice- : Jackson was nominated to toe fire departments throughout the eratlon next fall. 1,041 crates of 16 quarts, for^ prcttam. at 9:30. la on-•TJSr: I^BC Lilacs;’’ 9 Hollywood premiere, catlon and the call to worship and meeting here of The Birth Control A student committee headed by high of $3.25, a, low of $1.90 amt prayer Will be followed by the song. “Goodbye.” president ofJThe American News­ Supreme court yesterday when state who completed an intensive League ^fXonnectlcut. l 2 7 * » 1 paper Guild (CIO), last night pro­ the President also elevated Asso­ four-day training course. 'x Richard Krolik, '41, has obtained an average of $2.72. This brought 1 . b. |6 9 " '-|| combine the^ 9;30NBC-Blue- Penthouse. 7:30 P«VL„,h Death VsllevValley hymn. ."Joyful. Joyful. We Adore Primary Program Ilgloas laepe Seen, permission from the college au­ the average of berries packed 24 : 2 9 1 ttoee After the presentation of diplo­ tested the New York Guild’s call ciate Justice Harlan . F. Stone to Hartford— The New HaveK in the ijOTirtrayal of a mal- Days- 8 Ben Bemle Quls; 8.30 Thee.” for general support of "The North be chief Justice succeedlng.Charles team, paced by Charlie Clare, contended, too, that birth thorities to conduct programs quarts to the crate to 17 1-2 cents I ^ ^ o a , Paul V. IiHtw)y Daya, Birthday. Milt Berle; 10 CTfildren will be presented for mas to children graduating from WM now a "religious issue from Robinson hall, an extra-cur­ a quart and those packed 16 quarts NATIVE utHtlan caae. In i the kindergarten, the primary de­ American Aviation Company Evans Hughes, and nam^ Sena­ former (Connecticut and New Eng­ ■ Jwtt, Federkl Security admtn- MeShian Symphony, Prea. Cama- baptism, and the resjwnse after "Gonnectlcut” and as a result the ricular activities building, three to the crate to 15 3-4 cents. The KuO^Vr. Thoma* Parran. partment under Mrs. Louis Marte, strike. T he M tor Janies Francis Byrnes (D., land amateur champion, won rohtbitory law was "unconstitu­ hours a day, five days a week. total sales amountq|J to $5,681.85' baplisra vylll ' ^ The Junior Double or Nothing; Chester S. *nnectlcut and Stamford be eight miles long. The Conchas Flag Day—MBS 2:45 P- F p f E F O O D S fuUy humanized and completely The Rev. Dr. Robbins W. BaN municatlons Commission regula­ HAMBURG IT’S SWELL! Biddle had the “Inside track” for stow, president of the Hartford tions, the student committee re­ dam In New Mexico la its nearest the attorney generalship, with equipped, to meet—and to beat— Seminary Foundation, was re- ported. rival with a length of 26,000 feet. 84 OAKLAND STREET FORMERLY BRUNNERS TRADING STAMPS Charles Fahy, his assistaat, re­ any foe from without or 'within.” Hartford—An Inventory in pro­ uie Jo* LrOUia-BUly 0®“ ^ V bC-‘rJ- DIAL 7386! garded 08 likely to step Into his 'meaMiiahile. NBC-Blue ha* started Special for Saturday present chief* Job. bate court valued at $5,424,543.19 Sausage Meat S ^ m . ' Week-end on bouto bandW by other There wa» strong support in the estate of Patrick Mc(3overn, 4:30 Musi: clubs (Jongresa, however, for Arnold, who came to Ameriba from Ireland in various ciUe* CBS-1 No PoUUc* Qulr; 3.45 S t I^t’s Go “Native”—Folks—lAwk! > as an immigrant lad and by shrewd LawTence Waterway. Gov. Lj^mim Chicken^ tor Frying or Roasting, Fresh TRY OUR whose “tniat-busting” activities as J NATIVE—LARGE U IOWA STATE i nrat tuecaat ot a night basejmll Native, Fresh Picked assistant attorney general have investments, chiefiy in local inaur- and others: 5 Report to Natlom Killed./,A Good Value At, SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF ance stock*, became one of Hart­ Mow-Brooklyn v*. f*‘^*’'***Jl^ NBC-Blue—11:30 a. m. Farm qt. bskt. ^ attracted toe atteqUon’ of such ad­ Each 98c ministration iMkpkers *s Senator ford's wealthiest citizens. He died f y Hit NBC aUUon la New Ydrk & u Federation; ^ Rib or’Navel Corned Beef, last Feb. 6, aged 91. srtth this general comment. Music of Americas; 3.30 17^ Fowl, milk-fed, fresh killed, good size for a Norris (Ind., Neb.) 1 EGGS | b u T T E R | Strawberries 1 b...... 10c Norris, qrWlted' with having Middletown.—WUllam W. Wil­ ^'**'*^*3!l that aeem* better than in CBS, MBS) Aqueduct nct.M B S— delicious chicken soup, i jQ Fancy Boneless Brisket suggeste^to the President that he cox, Sr., 79, chairman of the Board 7 From Dela-I of Directors of Wilcox Crittenden POPULAR of lights Native, fy«sh. Sweet . Each ' 1*1 jo elevate . Stone, a Republican, to seemed to produce better DedlcaUon. paper Corned B^ef, Ib...... 25c29c chief Justice, said he favored Arn­ and Company, manufacturers of waro Park race . . ^ , 1 A Chuck or Cross Cut old’s appointment, although he marine hardware, died suddenly. .tBk4*a than are obtained in day- end short waves: For S stur^y He served as a representative in 1 3 7 ' *"■ n 4 1 ' '*■ I I 2 T '- also wia Impressed with Biddle’s TMgW. ___ HAT4 Budapest 7:30 ^ ^ c e r t Md ] Corned Beef, lb...... 29c 33c the 1919 General Assembly. The FOOD MARKET Smoked Picnics, sugar cured, ready to n ^ - JVZ. JLG4. L9* ability. funeral will he held Saturday. ^ rSaMnr tonight: War schedule— P eas Biddle Likely to be Choice “WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP’* N ^ ': DJD. DZD. D ^ . ^ rlln serve cold or heated, Hartford—Members of the Re­ 7:00. NBC-Blue: 9:30 Berlin 6 News: G3C, GSD, | . FOR A NICE MEAT LOAF Senator Pepper (D., Fla.), an ^ 1 ^ 5 . NBC-Red: 11:00 Native, Tender Ib...... ■ • 29c administration supporter, said he publican State Ontral Qimmittee 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING GROCERY SPECIAIS OSU London 8:30 Suntoy s ^ c * OR MEAT BALLS *were summoned to a meeting here ■^NBC, CBS; CBS 11:80. MBS. TCWA Oustemals 11 Gperauc | had heard that Biddle was likely Monday, June. 23. A luncheon ‘ HMks—NBCJied 6:45. Pe|- Veal, Beef and Pork Ground, to be the choice and believed that ' jyy ’’Railroads and Defense: music. 2 <1*'- i he was “eminently qualified and meeting of the Connecticut Council J Kellogg’s L t p Fancy Cold Cuts — a large assortment Ib...... of Republican Women will be held J* RIPPLED U s w l o f Merit y Strlnabeans would make an excellent ap­ the same day. to choose from, Chuck Beef Ground, 1360 pointee." We Accept. Govt. Food Stamps ■ CORN 1080 7VDRG Native, Cleaned SPINACH or Ib...... lb...... The prealdent’s selection of wnc Rikicyde* Kilocycles Lower Round Ground, Stone as chief Justice apparently 1 WHEAT fl CATSUP~I Daylight Tim* p eck J w onseneral approval of both Re- Suggests Shocking ■ FLAKES We Have a Limited Amount of Baby Spring Ib...... puhffams and Democrats. Norris inae IS Our Own Make Pure Pork —M he hoped that toe iq>polnt- EpUepsy Victims Friday, Beet Greens 15* ment would set a precedent for VMihir. Jw * 18 m. l.amb Legs and Baby Lamb Fores/ Sausage Meat, Ib...... B oneless VEAL ROASTS 1 2pb,.1Sc^P|2'1£;r2Sc|| the elevation of toe senior Judge ^ 5c pkg. M- _ .00—Ad Liner ' t (HI Bai kstsgr Wife. Fancy, Finn, Slicing ^ , In point of service when vacancies :80—Story of Bess Johnson Please Order Early! IN FRESH FOR SATURDAY! Atlantic City, N. J., June 13.- ‘ - DdlM. :46—Ad Liner occurred in toe chief Justice’s post. OP)—The American Neurological B oneless POT ROASTS 1 ANNA MYERS < ' 1 4:lfi-^4arMWO Jooeo. :55—The Royal Clowns—Howard lbs. ^ ‘ Senator Wheeler (D., Mont) Association heard a suggestion ' 4:4S_^Tonng Wlfider Brown. h Shelton Conn. River Shad for Baking or Frying! said he was supporting Stone, and that epilejpsy victima .be shocked, of toe Brave. &9‘ Buck Shod, Senator Bridgra (R., N. H.) periodically Into mild "artificial MUk Fed. 5:00—Mary MarUn T om atoes PRIME BEEF EXTRA FANCY! VEAL LEGS ^ SW EET MIXED PICKLES quart 27c • stifi—Poctta Faces Life. 5:15—The Goldbergs lb...... termed the appointment “fine fits,” lii toe boi>e ot preventing - fi:8»—We. toe Abbott*. 5;80-The O Nelll's 1 No. 1 Quality Boneless Rolled Roast Beef There w as no apparent opposition more torturous spontaneous con- ^ Mar-Vel-Us U Mar-Vel-Us L * »;<»- ■ Jhcfc Amstrowg. 5:45—Scattergood Balne* Roe Shad, to Jackson, either. 'vulslona. LEAN—SLICED FRESH 1; t i-Ofi-Newm wmrtber. 6:00—New*. Weather for the Oven, tb...... /. lb...... Senator Brown (D., Mich.) said Dr. Foster Kennedy, neurology I X «;i6—Bw hall Soore* and Strict- 6;(Ki—Jack Zalman — World of Shad Roes, he was particularly pleased at toe professor at Cornell University’s Chu(Jc Roasts B Salad Dressing B Mayonnaise 8 \ Boneless Rolled Cross Cut for a president’s appointment of Stone medical school, made the proposal M * ly Sport*. Sports BACON New Potatoes 1 5 ‘ p a ir ...... as chief Justice. While he salil Ifi-JB—rtve Dollar Fact*. 6:15—Bob Trout—New* . nice Pot Roast, lb...... Wednesday as 300 brain and nerve P -g-ff Orcbeatva. 6:20—EdwhrC. HIU he welcomed the appointment of specirfists ended their annual t M S —L<04roU Thoma*. 6:8d—Paul Sullivan Reviews the 1 Juicy. Sweet Byrnes and Jackson to the court, meeting. Cib. iT<0—Frefi Waring"* <^he*tra. News .— ...... AT OUR v e g e t a b l e DEPARTMENT he noted that Byrnes’ elevation In toe paper, co-authored by his T3S—New* of the World, 6:45—Baseball Scores—The World ^ 1^ d d z . would mean a “distinct loss for associate. Dr, Lothar Kalinowsky, 1 2 1 1 5 ® B 2 5 * 1 t T^»—Inrid* of Sports. Today the president in the Benate. toe Cornell professor said epilepsy ,TM5—Patti Chapto. 7:00—Amos 'n* Andy S 9 ‘ Fresh Picked Native Peas, Want* Byrne* to Stay In Senate , is not a "self-perpetuating” dis­ RIB ROASTING m / g O ranaes Fresh Cut Spinach, * 1 Sunrlae—stuffed Green Giant i s*fi—LudUe Manner*. Frank 7:15—Lanny Ross 2 quarts ...... The nomination' of Byrnes to ease. Elacb convulsion strengthens J Blzdi’* Orcheatra. 7:80—F.O.B. Detroit _ ■peck...... • • toe high court was reported to toe irictim against further seizure PORK ROASTS have been accompanied by the Peas — 2 tins 29c j : |:gg_Ioformatlon Pleaae. 8:00—Kate Smith Hour Fancy Summer Squash, Nice Ripe Tomatoes, “for weeks and months,” Kennedy LONG ISLAND VEAL 2 5 * Olives 4^-oz. btl. 25c iiffW—WalU Time. 8:55—Elmer DavU and 'nie News 2 lbs...... president’s request to Byrnes that said. ■" - 9;05i-Great Moment* From Great hr remain in the Senate unUl fall. DUCKS 19Pound t vt-M. Walter'* Doghouae. Sale! 2 lbs...... Therefore, he reasoned. If a pa­ PORK LIVER IS. 1 Thirty Varietlea of Cenophone Package Cheater Inn 1 __ -Wing* of Deatlny. Plays Indian River Juice Oranges, Quickly confirmed by toe cham­ tient la shocked into mild "fits” 9:80—Campbell Playhouse Delicious Ivanhoe Green Lima Beans, ber, Byrnes said he Intended to periodically” under safe circum­ SHOULDER I:g6—String Serenade. Ivanhoe Marvel Mix 25c dozen. 2 dozen...... p a t ' Soda, 4 28-oz. btls. 29c j ItOfi—NeiWB and weather. 10:00—Hollywood Premiere 2 quarts...... stay on toe' Job as acting majority stances” at his doctor’s office, Cookies 10c and 15c (Contents only.) 10:30—Penthouse Party SPREADS leader .until Senator Barkley of IU5—Dance Musle. . * Mayonnaise Salad Dressing Fancy Strawberries —> Ripe Pineapples there should be less likelihood of STEAKS Ib. 25c s a l t p o r k Paul Whiteman’s Orches­ ll:00-:n- toe boy was In bed when -they doz. f 8;15-^Ncw* Her* and Abroad, 8:00—New* of Europe 15c each. 2 for gresa The South OtroUna sena­ left the house at 8:30 p. ha. to 3 6 i « ">• 1 Corn 2 No. 2 tins 25c Asst. 3oups 3 tins 25c i 8:80—Radio Bazaar. 8:15—Shopper* Special — Muaic, 6 bars 25c , 4 bars 19c tor, operating usually behind toe visit a dentist. The boy was ^TH?* Program Parade. time 3 cans 14c Super Suds, t Igst boxes 88c Good Lock scenes, boa been particularly ef­ found about 9 o’clock and the SUCED 0:00—Rhythm* of the Day. 8:30—News, Weather Octagon Pie FtIHng ...... 8 for Z5e fective- in smootolnig toe pathway CREAMY Everybody's 1 iJverybody’s | | Everybody’s M 0:l5^Tood Newa,~.j..... Soap Powder ... .8 pkgs. I4c , parents returned at 11 p. m. 1 1 8:35—Shop^r* .special Baker's Moist GROCERY DEPARTMENT'S WEEK-END SPECIALS! for controversial legislation. An Investigation was begun by H Budget ■■ .Special Blend BB I>oable Stamp ■ [ 0:80—Mimic for Everyone. 9:(K)—Preea New* Special Value! OpyerApr May lUui . toe police and toe MfOagehusetts LU XU RY LOAF, Ib. 25c CREAM CHEESE, Ib. 27c .0:00—Bright -Idea Club. 9:15—National Hillbilly Chainp- New Crop! COCONUT ' His appointment will leave a Society for the Prevention of PICKLE A PIMENTO COTTAGE :85—Pn^ram from New York. | ions TODDY You Cun Always Depend On the Q u n i l ty of the vacancy which some observers (Jruelty to (toildren. 1 COFFEE ■ coffee 1 COFFEE 1 .0:45—Happy Jack Turner. 1 9:30—Public Forum — Hartford AYalnut Meats sold Gov. Burnst R. Maybonk of Neighbors told police that the VEAL LOAF Ib. 22c :00—Lincoln Highway. I Board of Health 2 cons 19c large con 25c Foodstuffs You Buy Here. South (Carolina, political protege boy, when found, was wearing pa­ CHEESE Ib. 7c |ll:80—knights of the Road. 9:40--Retired Business Man Baker's of Byrnes, bop^ eventually to jamas and that an overcoat liad 71:45—Market and Agricultural 9:45—The Library Ha* the Answer i lb. 25c Buy One and Get One More SLICED DUX Rumford \ VanllU...... Ige. bottle 85c for ...... COFFEE use os a stepping stone to the been thrown over him. j Report*. 10:00—The Ufe of Riley EVAPORATED MILK BUTTER SPECIALS Senate. I l 7 ' " " 1 2 1 f I 2 5 ' "“F :5S—The Weather" Man. i0:3O-(Jbox IBc Cracker* .... .'.Y-lb. box 19c Assorted CobUes . .8 Ibe. Z9c Vlb. ^ ...... ■ I STreeLlb... 25 in glass . . . 25c The governof, serving his third chester fire department, will spend Boxi— c a n ^ Jar— Lurchill Speech 12:30 ^Slars Over Hollywood year of a four-year term In on the next two days to York Fruit Cocktail, Royal Scar­ office to which he could not be city. The members, 25 In number, 1 Oranges B Lemons 1 lb. 25c Lean Beef Ground for Sweet Peas, Royal Scarlet, re-elected under state law. could will leave toelr hose house on B Oranges Seen Death Dance Fine Frankfurts Peaches, Halve* or Sliced, let, Diced, 0 5 c run for the Senate while still Spruce street at 7 o’clock tomor­ FAIRY 50AP Search for Girl largest ca n ...... A e # V fancy, large, O Q # > itorving os chief exechtive, it was Marshall 5odo Hamburg No. 2 can, 2 for... maW %0 row morning in private cora They BORAXO Brownie Brand, 17c pointed out. will drive to Hartford and leaVe 3 for 14c In SeeDiid Dav Cold Cuts lb. 29c largest can Apricots, whole peeled. Roy­ 4 Large Bottles, 1 for Ic do-' 1 2 doz 3 9 * B e for i e c | » Beriln, June 18. — UP) —Prime * Succotash, Burt- 1 on the 8:08 train for New York (Content*)— | 2 9 c ’ iXflaister CburchUl's address yes- 4 _ I oial iscoriScarlet, 2 5 c * Medium Size " 8 Varieties! Certo, Olney’s, No. 2 can I city. They will spend the dsy and 29c '.terdhy when he envisaged a new can ...... Will Rid Vichy Sunday oa they please, but most 9 Flavors! 4 for 15c ; J^fiunpean order without Adolf (^mbridge. Mass., June 13.—I/P) 2 g-ox. bottle 20c I of toe members ore planning to J .fo rX Y * Polish Style Haro lb. 59c 1 N a tiv e Fresh. Grssd Hitler was odUSd by authorized —Search for attractive Anne Tomato. JUce, Royal Scar- Saltines, Sonshlne, O f‘Undesirables’ take to the ball gomes between Berlin commentators today “a po* Greene, 19-year-old Vassar sopho­ Boneless t ^ Indiana, leaders to the Ameri- .«l«ath,.”______- more, and. daughtez .ot.&,Uarvaxd ---, • -r . • ✓ - - •* - — -V " , . - . let, large Mb. pkg. con Lehgue,'and the'Yankees, who PILLSBURY lopinach peck 13c Cabbage Ibv 5cy 'The speech, in toe shadow at University professor, entered it* Cora Flilw*; Scarlet, DUZ CRISCO 46-oz. can 20c Peannt Bntter, Royal Scar­ are now to second place. Large, Motive, leeber); Fancy. Native ' govenunenta, was his swan second day today with police re­ 24-oance | Q ^ ■Vichy, Unoccupied France, June The firemen plan to leave New FLOUR 1 porting few clue* to her where­ TaO 5mall 8c pkg. 1-lb. con 19c L-Tm ;." k spokesman said.' 8-oz. pkg.- I a * e e * * • < 5c let, 1-pound 1 7 c IS.—rW—French poUc* started a York late Sunday night This •a Bests 2 for 11Dnches 19c 2 —^ 2 5 ' frkr 'iDtonBfV. observers the city court slat* announced to­ Fresh, Western nsldeBee permits. The present trip holted-.lqr; high sfater, ba 19c ,;4p. compar* day by Judge* Hugh J. Lavery a ^ population is some 85,000;_ before calmly took out Ms No. 2 iron and futura Paul L. Miller. Beiutte Leader Al­ the w tt it was about 30JWO, bogged a qoMp estp. ipco* bert L. Ootca^becomea prosecutor tor two years along with Rm IJ v e r mit4iu X Hcrmaa. R ^. SosMtel E. Tadeacn was naamfi dark. 'iV-V—■ ‘ '"■’i, \‘V-r -,*1

BlANUnrcSTEK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, COl^^. FRIDAY, J I ^ 13. 1941 MAMUHEEIlfiK KVENIMU flEKAJLD, *:hi.rtcr Oak^ who la 2 veterans of Forstan te Dllworth. Ooraell Poel!, and sad club. Ths pregrasi Ta Be i^aigned c1un<;ed with intbxidillon. He was' ^Banana Splita’ Favored nlng an Americ^lzatlpn pron*^ loosed Oood rrtdser,- ___ _ April ^^Tbs [Nazis to Shoot From EuJt>pe fhuhd Auxiliary Plans Asxlllary, American Legloii. the the direction of PatrlotSe Naxi X^maitids GeWing Mieet Canada. -JBsL.Soldlers at Devens FlsSr Day, Shturday.‘Ju®« « Mons-Ypres Post and Auxiliary, tor, Dorothy Miller. ! final term wIH open on cellar the day after, he ^ d ap­ • SERIAL STORY Is Here * schools Winwin cioMcloee for tho w in w r On Theft Charge peared here in court, Satwlay, to the Vt F. W. Home. ' A pfitfloUc British WartVetersnirand to the At A ll Vi^sseU Flag Day ProgrHin quiz will be a special feature, end Wind Cheney Camp and Auxiliary, The title of rsBM' answer an intoxication count for tow Fort Devens, Mass.. June 13. . * * "^ D o lt^ n he closed on FVlday On Reds Seen which he waa fined. William J. Plane Needs —(iP>—That old aong about a social time Dfenlsh War Veterans,, also the Jewish scholars of Charged with appropriating to ■ittibers of Anderson-Bhea Post well as thOM in the ministry. sed Today O c t ^ . SI. m i for the teachers (OoattaMd From Pago One) hts own use, goods valued at $800, Oordner, 85 (Jarden: street, - will # !f OOTSTEPS IN THE FOG '•Yee, Wa HZve No Bananas." The Anderion-Shea AuxUlary.' An Invitation convention. ______^ John prtntlce, Vemon, will be ar­ appear for intoxication. Is not infrequent resllty in Breeding War] materials used for their manufac­ raigned in town court here tomor­ Raymond W. Edwards, (^laston- " 8Y ELINORE COWAN STONE American Industry Do* the area near this huge camp.] AmoantiniE t<> ture. row morning.' It is alleged the bury, arrested on McR,^ street Senior Hostess Ruth Robin-j (OMttaOei rm m Page Onn) These goods, Germany main­ goods were taken from Prentice’ this morning, wiU be' charged'with ing Good Job, High MU of'the Enlisted Men’s Sei[v-.; DiRtribated^ Mysterious Death tains, were made contraband by driving without a Ucanse. Yeaterday: Angela bringa word| "Oh!” gasped Deborah. employer, the Dunlop Tire and Air Officials Say. toe' club reports - that the sol­ J » i dIscuM w ith e r an editorial In Great Britain in violation of ta- Rubber company. that there are men near who wUl; Q)uld Angie have been right dier demand for "banana aplits" | '$1 Vuidoas Teachers. Being Investigated The Tlmen of London hinting that tematlonal law. Also in c./urt will be Leo A. Har- R ead Heral(i| A d vs. try to keep Stephan from getttng after all? . . . But that was jm- has averaged over 600 a night Sir Staltorfi nt>uld not return to away. Bat Stephan eaaais obaered thinkshla. Stephan had explained Ottawa, 6nt, June IS. in recent weeks, and that the totaling $>8,000 wet* the U. S.JS. R. am* officially In­ Germany's present contraband by tha naws. He leavee, promising everything—or almost everything. American industry is dolngj* good riub's purchase of sround 135 _d today to Mancheater’a Norwich. June IS .--44—Deputy law waa published Sept 13^ 1939. to return. Deborah watehea him "But, Doctor." she wavered, “Is job of mseting Canada’s needs for Munds of bananas daily some- spired. IThcondltional contraband, if in­ go. The telephone rings. Bridgle Coroner Uon J Lewis and sUte The Timas editorial said "It may he— ?”, , __ Umeg absorbs the entire nearby j as all local schools closed tended for enemy territory or en­ Jiorrles to aaewer It. planes and plane parts, in the opin­ police from the Groton berrecke well be asked whether there la n ^ "I’ll be honest with you, De­ ion of high-raititing air offlciala' supply. „u0uner vacations. emy Xorcca. included the following borah. Tva always have been, . teadten left for thdr today were investigating the mys­ at tha present juncture a m w goods In addition to those listed who talked wltfi visiting Ameri­ Mhen made plans to enter terious desth of a urgent call nearer home on Sir 1 ^ Stephan Is Burt haven’t I? Tm hoping thU U can newtpiH)er ,#omen. above: — W,. D. S T A R nothing worse than a had concus­ M IN tS schools for special studies man. believed to be Erhert W. Stafford's exceptional capacities. War trucks, signal communica­ One important air official said Sternberg. M. of Springfield, Chapter XI sion. If there’s fracture, I haven’t KRnmer. Not Admlttfd to Confidwice tion and apparatus, transport and Uutt American aviation industry New Haven Man IfBSI*. "Hello!’’ Bridgle bellowed ami­ found it yet" strikes had had some effect, but Ksspeii Sept. S The newa^per remarked that communication equipment and ably Into the inatrument. "Sure 'Us J "But he’ll want me!” Deborah I edboois will open next fall for They are endeavoring to deter­ tlw anibaaaador was rwelvrt m parts, horses for riding and pull­ thst It was not serioiu. mine whether the man was killed MARKET Bridget Lanahan. Mies Levett’a sobbed rebelUously. "He’ll want In fact, he said, production is Fallf to Death ing loads, lubricants and tools, first fall term on Wednesday, Moscow "without enthualaam ami housekaper gphakin’. ■ . - . v . But me mors than any one.” ; fi, and ttic term will run unUl by a hit and nm driver or was the that "at no time has he been ad- instruments and machines used to 47 NORTH STREET PHONE 3885 ahead of schedule in some in­ victim of foul play. make or to use the above prod­ Miss Li;^tt Is antertainin’ gussU "Ha win n ot” s»ld Dr. Bing' stances. A contract signad with {Christmas \-acatlon, beginning mttted to the confidence of the Where You Buy the Best for Less! We Deliver! ham patienUy. "wsAt any on# or New York, June 18.-^8hortiy ____« , Schools will be The body was found with the Soviet commissar for foreign af- ucts. at dinner, and cannot be dithturb* the United Kingdom, through skull badljr shattered, on a seclud­ wS. anythhsg for some time to come. after leaving the breakfaat..table, __ also on ArmlsUce ed." which Canada received training ed country road, about S miles fatra." _ , The magnificent finality of His first glimmer o f coasetousnem -planes, has been finished—with Walter AUen, 43. of ,42 Aahms® sad Thanksgiving Day. »7. The Tlmea reflected the Foreign Public Unaware Moor Sunk street. New Haven, Conn., fell to HALEYS Serve And from the city this morning. Near­ Bridget^ tone conjured a drawing is very likely to be an uhpl’eaaant time to spare. A contract for flying ft?: •■The Second Term Office's interest in what the news- The German public atlll waa un­ his death' todayr^;toWH the third by were the tire tracks of an auto- aware today that the United room brUltant with the socially suq^tidoto that he la about to be boats has been started ahead of ^ second term will open on per called "rumors of a turning SPECIALS FOR most unrdmantically sick st his floor apartment of his slater, Mrs. jnoblle, indicating that the car had in^ In German-Soviet relations States steamer Robin Moor has •lita of Now York. London and time. auazy 7, 104$. and stomach.” Florence Brady, In upper Man­ reb. 20, reopening on been driven Into the road, for which have been current all over been sunk by a submarine. Paris; but the person at tbs othsr Two Typee of Bombera Used short distance and then back< Newspapers have not printed-a end of the line remained apparent­ In the and, Deborah brought Canada depends almost entirsly hattan. 2. This terin will close on Europe in the last few days. chair from her own room, and set AUen. who was imemployed. 11 Apiil 24. Schools will be out Germany and Russia, the new*- word about the incident and au­ TODA Yand SATURDAY] ly uninqnressed, for in s moment on the United States for planes. thorities said they are as yet with­ Bridgle called; it agrinst the wall Just beside Two types of British bombers are cams here three days zgo and was Health Marketls The Place! paper asserted, are play^g a ' "Miss Debby! Sure, an’ 'tia sorry Stcidian’s door. For ages, it ussd for bombing training. But followed the next day by hla wife. dangerotis game of bluff and out proof that a German subma­ Bella, and their 16-year-old daugh­ rine waa involved. ( 10 lbs. I am to bother you and the Cap­ sepmed to her, she sat there, lis­ other planea used for training in counter bluff, with both desiring tening to every stir—eyery mur­ combat flying and for Canadian ter. The Aliens were having break­ HALE’S QUALITY to avoid war but "determined the The sinking U being Investigat­ tain’’—ao Bridgle did not know that Stephan had gone — "hut mur frwn within. home defense are American fast with Mrs. Brady, preparatory i | one to extort and the 6ther to re­ ed in an effort to obtain authori­ to returning to New Haven, when ; HEALTH MARKET tative information. It was said. there’s an uppity party on the line Each time the door opened, she modela Our popularity ia proof that hunting for “lowcBt VITAMIN fuse as much as It dares without that win have words wit, none but started eagerly to her feet. Once Likewise, Canada hsi to depend Allen got up and went into the i loaf provoking hostilities." 2 next room. vieea” is disiliuBioning, but the search for thrifty, quality SUGJIJI $ < it waa the doctor, who patted her on the United States tor mUltary aa tar as we know, Plnehurat is the only lo^l store dlapfayi^ Sumner Wellea, United States you.” BREAD "It is a aort of situation In A moment later a tenant on the , Vpaistablrs In tlir «rden-frcnli \ll*niln nnnled vegotnl^ underaecreUry of state, declared Only sold at this price with other orders for $3.00 or more. With an indignant flirt of her shoulder in - absent-minded reas­ airplane englnee, since none are tms ends in satisfaction at The Health Market. which guns sometimes go off with­ In Washington yesterday that the apron, dhe marched off to her own surance, and sent her downstairs manufacture in this country and floor below heard Allen's body w lpm cnt^If the CbM. Beluhnw Co, out either side having really in­ strike on the courtyard pavement. Large Betty Crocker Robin Moor carried no arms, am­ quarters. to telephone the drug store tor England cannot spare any. 5r ^ '! r ^ bring US specially prepared *^"""^ ***. for this tended It," it added. ' . Land O’Lakei^ ■fr' LOCAL PROIWCTS and whether yonr regetables come from this trom munition or military material of When Deborah went ouL p ick ^ something he wanted. He would Several members of the nine- Each Speculate About Denwnda any character and that her g®®" up the receiver, and said, ^Tla- not say much, and Deborah foimd man air council, along with noted Angel Cukds 25c Pmh Dressed / S j^ S n la M e walk-lB oooler, or direct from the Hartford truck^. •1 We go to .wrket each morning to ^ Speculation in London centered eral cargo, rang*®K ” *** borah Lovatt spaiJdng,’* it was a his very Idndness ohdnoua. . . . acea ahd men in command of fly­ Taught Methods | about tha nature of the alleged b u t t e r ]b. 4lc ing training schoola, attended a In sa lriy tahlrtT and we keep them fresh until they are do- rails to women’s hosiery; was man’s _voIce which anawered— Once it was Bridgle. looking tired Hale’s Large Roasting Cluckens Ib.* Qerm&n dcnuuids. on Ruwln nnd destined for no port In a combat crisp. Impersonal, and somehow and years older, to - send her for dinner given the vistting writers, ToUer. Meaty / ti to yon. Maxwell House who are touring Ontario to see Of Fire Fighting on British desires to pull the situ­ sone. terrifyingly guarded. ice and more clean towels. High on ah Alpine peak, Swiss mountain climber shows one way to , that something of Canada’s war effort. Each. SALADS... ation Into prominence. escape bombs and blitzes of Europe, This peaceful scene is near “I understand, Miss Lovett, Coffee Rings 15C Broilers " Ib.^ SWEET POTATOES One Interpretation Is that the a Mr. von Thalmann was your Much later, it was the little man The writers also were honored St, Moritz, famed tourist playground of Switzerland. COFFE Ib. 27c with a special exhibition of fly­ CUilef Albert Foy. of the South ; Watarcrcss, reported German threat flU the Survivor Declares guest this evening?” with the bright eyes, who slipped Manchester Are department, and | New UTilte Bollbig Onions . British diplomatic offensive seek­ R e g u la r ^ down to the front hall to carry on ing at Uplands station, wte of 13 Sunshine Bocon Squarei Avocados. Nazis Seized Radio "Who is this?" Deborah de­ schools specializing in combat B. L. O. Hohenthal, a member of Ib. 18c ing Russian collaboration with the manded, her fingers cold upon the a conversation with someone at the Board of Fire Qamtnisaioners Large Yellow Slleing Onions. Recife, Braxll. June 18—( ^ — A Van Camp’s training. RADISHES AUlea. It was reasoned that prom­ when we saw the-Osorio and be­ Want Longer Shad SeaMn receiver. 'I the front door. Deborah could not have completed the c^ rse at the Pkg. 16c ■rit Quality Fredi Asparagus...... 1b. 21c survivor of the Sunken United hear much, although she crept to See Expansion Example Krispy Crackers inence given the reports mlgRt States freighter Robin Moor de­ gan to live again for we all had "Dr. Bingham will satisfy you In their trip to Uplands sta­ firemen’s training school conduct- i well push Russia toward Britain been practlcaUy convinced We on ttot score, I 'think. Miss lx>v- the top of the stairway and shame­ ed at the University of Connectl- I Urge Fowl 2 bchs. 9c Green Benns. clared today that armed G erm ^ Middletown, June 13.— 44—Shad j MILK toll cans 27c tion, where Canadians, Austra­ Hale's Quality * and away from Germany. were dead men. stt." i lessly strained her ears. A few lians, New Zealanders, Englishmen cut. The classes have been held SMMnloal! Icebcrc Lottuce. seamen occupied the 4,999-ton ship fishermen reported today that for the past week and represen- 1 Native Early Jnne Peaa. Then Britain might keep Sir and seized her radio to prevent “Aboard the Osorio they treated Dr. 'Bingham' had been the phrases She did catch: ahff Americans are in training, Stafford in London. It was specu­ us very kiiiaiy and there waa food they would request the State Lovett physician for years. "So the ■ other one got away, the women reporters saw an ex­ tatives from many of thf fire de­ Lb. Fowl—Cut Up her from flashing an SOS before a c r e a m partments have been attendiag the ' Sliced Bacon 25c CaaKflower. SUMMER SQUASH, ea. 10c to 12c lated, until the crucial moment torpedo "from a German submarine in abundance. Board of Fisheries an<} Game to ‘ BERRIES AHD ‘‘Just now," the voice went on, after aU?" ample of the expansion of the T«tog Hen when he would return to Moscow "Now we are happy again." "I am sorry to hav# to tell you That was Mr. Hilton in the door­ British commonwealth sir training lectures and watching the demon­ Tomatoes. sent her to the bottom. extend jhe shad season a week. strations i t fire fighting. Gulden's Becker's New, Tender bearing British offers of friend­ * The Robin Moor dipped under that Mr. von Thalmann has met way. plan. Turkeys I^ ^ w r a . Cold weather, they said, had re­ combination "Clean," another voice answer­ The school was held to Instruct b e e t s ...... 7c bch., .I bchH. 19c ship. the waves of the South Atlantic 23 sulted in poor fishing conditions, with an accident—a rather serious This plan, agreed upon by rep- The aMies of burnt paper money Pint Cream ...... Reg. ^ c — accident” ed from the doorstep. “ And say! resentativea of the commonwealth in the methods used in London In Jar I X jis It lilla Like BM Cakee—But\We Oafl It Cucumbers minutes after the captain had can be Identifled and redeemed. The regular season closes Sunday, fighting fires resulting from | Mustard New Arteona Carrots. ordered passengers and crew to the Native Beiries...... /.Reg. 19^ If that lad pulls through, his governments st a gathering in Ot­ Kenr Cabbage. skull’s sure made of good honest tawa in December, 1938, is a vaat bombs. There were 59 In the class, P«t Roast Ib. 25c Damascus Will llfehoats in tTlc early morning of t Deborah satilown limply on the which came to a clooe yesterday. Any Flavor Becker’s Spinach. I May 21, the survivor related. riiair before the telephone table. stuff. We found what he was hit efiterprise undertaken Jointly by Total Value 40c with—and it was plenty.” Canada, the Uidted Kingdom, Aus­ P4plar Item* Romuine Most of oor native vegetables are from, | No Trace of Panic "Are 'you there. MiaS Lovett?” Not Be Defended He said there was no trace of BOTH FOR 1 • • • • • 8 a I the voice asked sharply. "Can you About dawn Deborah went to tralia and New Zealand "to aaaure 3 pJ i 4$ Martin Becker. He has Jnst started on the kitchen to make coffee. an inexhaustible supply of trained Jell-0 ^ Voal Roast Ib. 25c Lettuce 10c tiny, Aral Badlshes.. .His Romnlne Let* panic aa the ship’s company, men,' „nv cnnMU.S.A. I h a r md?” women and one child, too to the “Ysa,” Deborah breathed. "An As she picked up the tray to go airmen to carry on, for yeara -if tnce hna more vitamins than-the regular (OoBttnned From Page One) upstairs, the telephone rang. Be­ need be, the war against the dic­ Sunbeam » j ■ LARGE SELECTION OF COLD CUTS— Freshly Sliced! : Boston lettnee. we are told...and Beets, Spin­ lifeboats. He expressed special accident, you said. . . . Is hat but you must bring him here. fore she could reach the Instru- tator nations.” —___ ach, Cauliflower from Becker are priced I ly have made no great prog^ress to- a^iration for the child, a fear­ The plan calls for 83 training less four-year-old boy in the same It once." meat Mr. Hilton waa there. Maraschino Cherries j « 9 c ttuce 8c very lew. I ward thU city in the past 24 houto. "The Herald?” he waa saying. schoola. Of this number. 64 are Birds Eye Feos p k f l ' 20c A communique! today said light* lifeboat with the women. MEATS "That waa the doctor’s idea. Hia complete, and' the remaining 19 ‘*How did you boys get hold of I Jng was In progrtss at Kissoue, 10 (One lifeboat, coittaining 11 men •m quarters, it seems, are un- are expected to open by Septem­ waa picked up by the Brasilian Boneless Chuck suitablq^ . . . That is—this Mrs. this? . . . Who did? . . . Okay. i^MhurSt Boneless, 2 to SVi-Pound miles south'of Damascus, with the You may say he was trapped with ber. Two will open before the end SHORT SHANK— 4-6-LB. French figbUng fiercely to steam reacue ship Osorio. There has been Lanahan, I think aha said her of tbia month. Of- the type of no word of three others, with 35 name was—can she be trusted?” Information for a foreign govern­ the BrlUah attacks. Pot' Roast Ib. 29c training ochool that Uplanda- - id, 1hoA I other persons.) "About my affairs she’s as close- ment in his possession. . . . Yes, Report BritijA Repnleed • fatally wounded. We—bold every­ only three reniain. to he completed lAlSY HAMS lb. 39c "The first seven days we kept B. C. moutbsd ss the Sphinx.” .to’ reach the total, of 16 called for It declared alw th«t British thing!” ■ -• J- SMOKED SHOUIDERS MtnreirB H a n s ... ready to serve.. .Whole or Shank 1 forces which cruised the Utani sight of the other boats," the sur­ "She sounded lUn the private by the plan. vivor said. "We rowed and rowed. Ib. 29c secretary to a ' busy corporaUon He had just seen Deborah. Half...... Ib. S9c. Butts. . . . 45c to 49c Ib. river on the coastal road toward Pry Salami Deborah remembered fumbling Beirut had been repulsed south of Heavy rains and the broiling sun lawyer," the voice agreed dryly. Plant Ready In BIx Months A WeiRcl’a Frankfurts. .Pressed and Minced Ham. with abaking fingers to brace her- Hale's QoaUty Sidon, 23 miles below Beirut. punished lu fiercely. The morning Top Roimd or Strtoin (Weil Trimmed) i "Dr. Bingham—about whom I ^Good Cuts of Rump Roasts.. .Sirloin Tips for Oven or of the eighth day we could no happen, to be informed—speaks self against the frame of the ball Los Angeles, June 18— Foird' The British fleet conUnues to 39c door. She remembered Mr. Hil­ 's Mayonnaise Pot Roasts. lend the support of lU guns to the longer see the others. Stales ^ y lb. D l^ y 'W your own diacretlon Motor Co.’s $18,000,000 plant at Lb. N Headed Toward Africa Ie*ll come on ahead of us." ton’s remorseful face bending over WUlow Run, Mich., should bs com. Red Bag Coffee 17d Qoirt T,ona, Wen Trammed, Tender Chuck Pot and Oven^Roasts. I coastal column. Rib— 4 Pounds Average her, comically foreshortened French authorities denied re- '"I think the lifeboat the captV® AMERICAS BIGGEST NICKELS WORTH "How—bow soon?’’ Deborah pleted in six months and ready to Always Fresh! Pint 2 3 c she slumped to the floor. produce suh-assembllea and parta Freshly Chepped, $«c Grade I ports broadcast by the Ankara was in headed toward Africa.” faltered. Calves’ Liver. The narrator, who remafned Roasting Pork 23c |\ “Probably flve minutes if noth­ After that, there waa nothing for Consolidated Aircraft Ctorp’s radio that Brttlah columns driving until she floated back to conscious­ I westward froiu Iraq had captured anonymous, was one of the sea­ Antborlxed Bottlersi ing goef wrong.” B-34D bomber, reports EMsel Ford. ^Beatdi Ham. Ground Beef men who had spent 18 days in an 4-8 Pound ness in her own bed. Delr-Elx-Zor, important French PEPSI COLA CO. OF CENTRAL VILLAGE (To BaCoarinded) ked Ham. outpoat In eastern Syria. I open boat under the tropical sun Dr. Bingham, himself came in Two-Way Plow 28c Ib. Fresh Shoulders Ib. 21c Almost immediately—big and Cervelat. Action In the east, the French before being rescued. T Armour's Star Lardi aald, atil} centers around Abou "We had to ration bur food wholesome end comfortingly mat­ First Aid, Safety Watsr falling on a ridge in ^SalamL Bacon Squares I Kemal, on the Euphrates river only closely," he said. ter of fact in the midst Of tbia Rocky Mountain National Park Fores Genuine Spring Lamb, Ib.' 18c insane nightmare. may flow southward into Hell ifCMnbination Loaf. few miles, inside the Syrian fron- "Sometimes we all despaired of 14-Ox. Bottle Burt OIney st Uwrenoe Cut Wax or Cut Oreeu 1 tier.. ever reaching safety. Boned and Rolled If desired. Before Deborah could ask any Meeting Opened Canyon, or northward into Para­ r&MAed Tongues or ;i9 c Ib. quesUons, footsteps scraped on dise Park. The communique aald the Brlt- "It waa worse at night. We Cans - Ftredi Tongues...... I iah Air Force raided Beirut Wed­ rowed 19 days. I’ll never forget Spring the gravel of the drive, and when Ketchup 2 for 25<| String Beans ...... Ib. 32c Sliced Bacon nesday night but encountered ef­ those awful days and nights.” Nation-Wide Stores she hurried to open the door, a Storrs, June 13—i/P)—Connectl- i fective anti-aircraft fire and was "We almost went crasy with Joy Leg of Lamb Ib. 29c grim little procession filed into the cut’s first statawlde conference on Jellied Tongue. 32c Ib. driven off without doing material hall, dn an Improvised Mretcher first aid and oafety, organized by damage. Ubby’s tour sailors carried a long figure the Connecticut Chamber of Com­ Yesterday British planes confin* with a roughly bandaged head. A t merce, with the Unlverzlty of Con­ SUSAR cans d ^ o rted Cold Cuts pound 45c ed their activlUea to reconnais­ Eyaporated Milk 4 tall cans 29c Corned Beef 12-orr^gn 21c first Dsborab hardly recognised necticut aa boat opened this morn­ e Swan k whitv, tmich sudsisr Stephan in the coarse seaman’s ing on the campus of the unlver-! SHEFFIELD MILK sance flights. SHMULUS than old-style flostiag soaps, 'IV We have some Kentucky GENUINE SPRING LAM B... Franco-American clothing and. boots. ■ When sity at Storrs. A two-day program,: culminating tomorrow in an out a Pep up lasle . . . too. It brsaks smooths into 8 oupposed to be one step ahead of even the best I..anib. M a h ie u 's Nation-wide had ha put them on? -1 .....p " " I'll 1 door contest for more than 40 first i pep up bedUy eaeegy handy cakss-Bsttor in Sways! Hal Can Sugar Haart {Situation Unchanged SpagheHi 3 cans ^5c Bi^iod came a fifth man in a wiUi Deodae Oroaa- No. t Onn Burt OIney Golden Bantam The Shoulders are a buy at 22c Ib. The Legs run from 183 Spruce Street 2 Ige* loaves 15c aid teams, , opensd with a welcom-1 Bettor by (t for dishes, Bread gray overcofit, inconspicuous In Ing speech from Winthrop H. i laled sugac. Flaver tbbmU to medium. Out of regular Spring l4imb we have l^ t D o o m Today every way except for bright dark ■Iks. b ^ , sad you- Vichy, Unoccupied France, June I Whitney, president of this Chamber; laveiiiS tor yearsi Corn ' 2 cn..^3i Tomatoes^ 3 cn.25c I ■ few large (7 '/j lbs.) Legs at...... ; . . lb. 30c U. B. No. 1 ayes that seemed to see everything of Commerce, and talks by State j j 13—(/p)— Military dispatches from FREE PARKING! in ths haU ill one swift glance. Genuine Spring Beirut, Lebanon, declared that the Police Commissioner Edward J. j NO TIME LIMIT! Meat Values Fruits Potatoes peck 15c Debondi lookdd for Wilhelm’s Hickey apd state Hlibway Com­ aituation in Syria and Lebanon sturdy figure; but Wilhelm was not was unchanged »l. dawn today and missioner William J. Cox. LAMB SHOULDERS Ib. 22e Smoked Shoul­ and Yegetables Home Made -r. among £ose present This afternoon the first aid team French sourcee ascerted that at Land 0 ’ Lakes no point had the British and Free ders, lb...... 21c Tomatoes,' O _ Ib. 19c As soon as the man in the gfsy of The Oentral Jersey Power A SWAN Kellogg's Corji Flakes Potato SalacT overcoat spoke, Deborah- recog­ Light Company, winners of the PINEHURST NATIVE POULTRY French columns penetrated more 2 l ^ s ...... 1 than 50 miles in flve days of fight- { Corned Beef, nised his voice as the crisp, im­ New Jersey state championship, NEW WHITE FLOATING Again from the heart of Chickenland, Pinehurst nlTerfi Sheffield Milk, Home Made _ personal ons she had heard over will demonstrate modem ffirst aid I i® 8. sugar cured, Ib. .. Oranges, Florida, A O ^ file finest tender. Native BROILERS.. .4-LR. RO.AST­ Since the first 10 or 12 mites of I 4 tall cans . . . 29c Ib. 15c the telephone. _L.„ techniqua This avCning President silver Lane . - -irf. Bwt OIney Siloed I this advance virtually was unde-1 Ige., juicy, 2 doz. Cole Slow "Miss Lovett?” he asked, but aa Albert N. Jorgensen of the univer­ ERS,..FRESH DUCKS...FRYING CHICKENS AND Ready-tb-Serve - If he were already sure of that. sity and Walter 8. paine of Ths NATI\’E FOWL. I fended, the' French aald, this rep­ Native Fresh Eggs, Sauerkraut 3 cn>25ci Bogts 3 Cans 25c resents jjrogreea of less than 10 I Cooked Hams, Baldwin Apples, O C ^ "My name is Hilton. Where ahaU Aetna Life Insurance Company will he the speakers at a dinner isvta Normat compamv miles a day. The general Impres- Large Size, lb .-'i. . i...... “5 lbs. . . ,1. i..... A J w Concentrated . -k . «. ■ ’ we take him?’’ , Dag Foods have advanced S8c to 46r SALTED_ I Sion they conveyed was that the dozen ...... iF.v Before Deborah could answer. meetings NO. 2'/* CANGLORIETTA ^ :A case: This, prior carries just a lOr advance of the invaders had been | Boston Roast, Native Iceberg * Super Suds ^ Price Sale Bridgie's voice rang from the land­ adeaai'i. S to^ np today! MIXED NITI? I stopped. Granulated lb. Lettuce, Buy a package for regular price and get atHatf ing above; i ' PARD DOG FOOD The French said their position I "Howly Mlther of Heaven! i atx miles south of SidOn, on the Sugar, 10-lb. lot large head Price ...... -BOTH 33c cried Bridgle. lumbering down tha CaaA of 48 cans...... $3.99 i Ib. 29e Roasting Chick­ Lebanese cosat south of , Beirut, remaining flight of stairs. ” If it ELBERTA INCHES - 2 3 « I still was holding despite continued Highland Club ens, Ib...... ■ String Deans, Colgate’s ^ • , isn’t the Captain! What in the 2 quarts ...... name—Sure, where would you be — FRUIT s a l e : shelling by British warships. In Soda, 4 Ige. btls. 29c 3 to 4 Pounds. <3 Crystal White Soap PATTERSON’S MARKET , other sectors, they said, there was | puttin’ himself but in the Mas- 101 CENTER STREET NO. 2% CAN DEL MONTE . ' ^ NATURA1. WHOLE APRICOTS (Or Halves) nothing to report. X-Tra Cola, thar’a room? . . An’ don't ehtand TELEPHONE 3386 Extro Special! 4 bars 16c there lookin’ fecklesa entirely, Mo. 2 V i can 22c - 5 cans 99c 6 Ige. btls. . • WHERE QUALITY ALWAYS ABOUND, Applesauce...... 25c Grape Juice pint bottle 19c Mias Debby! Put some vrather on ...... 3 No. 2 cans 27c British Armored Cars to bolL" COME IN AND LOOK AROUND! I Move Southwest Cool-Aid, 3-lb. peck 10c FRUIT COCKTAIL IS* Istanbul, June 13—(A^—Britlahl package ich From- thAt moment it waa Brid- WE HAVE SOME EXTRA FINE CHICKENS. 5 POUNDS AND OVER...... 39c lb. PINEHURST FRESH FRUIT I armored cars were reported mov- | gie who took charge — Bridgle GROCERY SPECIALS who led the UUle procession up­ Telephone service until 7:OOS4(niRht at Pinehurst. ing southweatward today acroi Ijcm ons, FRESH CENTER CUTS OF PORK ROAST. ...32c’lb. CHOPS...... 35c Ib. {(•, SVi Can Sonbenm the Syrian deaert from Deir-Ex-Zor I Rinso . . . for Whiter Clothes! stairs. who found linen and extra i-v ' U l8 convenient, plea.se dial 4151 t ^ dozen . . 29c Nation-Wide Tea, Hi-Test JeUy, covers, and stood by while Dr. FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETAgLEf toward Palmyra, apparently In an I -,38clb. VEAL ROASTS. Sliced P ineapple attempt to encircle French forces | Orange Pekoe, 2 8-oz. jars . . Binibam did his grisly work. For MILK-FED VEAL CUTLETS...... 48c Ib. CHOPS Large " ' ' ' c « 1 9 c It is necessary to close the morning deliveries Ripe Tomatpea, 2 large packages 37c ~ when Deborah tried to tollow the pUy at 9:15 in order to get deliveries anvwhere near { fighting in the south. l b ...... DAISY HAMS ...34clb. The British were said to be using I 2 lbs...... 25c Swecco, atreteber into the upper room, the WIT.SON CO. LITTI..E HAMS, 3 to Nesrly 4 L b s .----- 48c Ib ule. phyptebin took her arm and tod her • .. 24c, |b., Sunkist Lem ons d „. 2 3 a I sn exceUent road and meeting only | , Bi^uick,______2Vi-lbi.*ean .;t V NICE FANCY SMOKED SH C ^. CUT SHOULDEBS Uloupe Mekma . . v-.rr.%T;v.-‘;“- r . e ^ »8c I occasional j*slstai»ee.“" lf' th efo Sliced Pineapple* ^ « -0ianeo ' -...... gfinay rnwaiy. ‘ ' ...... Large Snnklat . , . . Spg PtMeappIes ...... each 19c reaches Pslmyra-it wUl be In post-1 laiice pkg. . . “It may not ba pretty Deborah.” ...... 30c Ib. BEEF GROUND ...... 28c Ib. S J Fbod^“ " “•'•3 c™, 23e 20-oz. can ...... Shortcake Time! Green Giont Peas 2 cans 27c ha said, “Beoides. I can’t have too VEAL GROUND Uon to push on toward Dsmsacua | O.&C. . 38c lb. Or blended in any way you .wish wHH or Pork. «Mcn _ Bananas Cherries I or toward Homa Potato Sticks, ^many people in the room, and ROUND GROUND C alifornia O ranges ix»^27^’ ruit Apples Pears Capture of Delr-Es-Zor by at Del Monte Flako Pie Crust, Idida is an old war horse at this scan Wegner ^ ^ ^ _ 3 cans . . MVi-Poond tUtg FRESH BK ISkET...... 2 8 a * . RIB ROASTS ; ...... 3 ^ to 35c lb. FltMB Andreo...STRAWBERRIES.. .that will be British column advancing up the Fruit C^l«.^iil. pkR...... rt of thing.” Saturday morning. LEuphratss river from Iraq was re- I largest can ,. 20c (^Id Medal Flour $1.03 "But you'T# totting him stay!” POT R O ASTS...... -T...... •. • -32c. 35c., 38c n>. LiargeBead,Fieeh ' . Grapefruit Juice 4 cu.z9c ported by 'Turkish sources yester-1 Succotash, Fly. Ribbons, IndlEaaatly Dsborab indlcatad day. This town, important Palmolive Soap, '2 cans. «• •... •. •, 5 in boa . . . •. the stranger with the quick bright OUR UNBEATABLE SCOTCH HAM— Noted fop-Taate! .38c lb. Iceberg Lettuce , e « i 5 q :Y LIST WILL INCLUDE: Jelly DonvU.., sir bass, is shout 80 mUea from tha I Confectionery Sugar . pkg. 8c eyes, wbo bad just gone into the I'eneeeeea^eneeea 25C Ifae Green Stamps Givea With Cash Salaa , Iraq frontier saS^ approximately I 4 bars ...... room apd closed the d'sor. . OUR SCOTCH SAUSAGES .....,. ,25c lb. SLICED ..Cinnamoo Buns..Apple and Plheappl^ Turn- I m mtlss northeast of Pslmyta. ] The feoc bearers had already gone OUR GOOD TEA— Everybody Liken It! ...... k.eea.ee « e e * 30C lb# A good assortment of Raisin, Plain Strebdel and Rice Krispies, THESE PRICES ARE QUOTED FOR CASH! Free Delivery On All Orders for $1.00 and Morto Palmyra', also the sits of sir sir | Spry or Crisco 3-lb. con 51c after a brief whispered converaa- Fresh Beets . 5^ CdTce Cakes. sae, Is W miles due east i of I package ...... 1 1 tion with Mr. HUtOB, their heavy A NICE LINE OF VEGETABLES! A FULL LINE OF Homs and 185 miles northeast of| [>ta clattering dowa the silent MODERATE PRICES! . GOOD SERVICE! bAIOTARY METHODS! Damascus. BROS. Baxter Pure Corn Oil, tor Salad, BURSAGK Fresh N ative Peas 2 u , . 458 Hxrtfsrd Row I — TeLSSn 2 cans 25c •■HiL-my dear,” tha doctor sold FitEE DBUVERY! JUST RING S3MI WE DO THE REST! mitlali Bsmh Beirut Baked _ _ v.Tyiy, "happens to rspreseot the Beirut, London, June 13—

MANCHESTER EVENfNG Hl^EALD. MANCHESTE^y;;OlSlN. FRIDAY. JUNE 18.1941 Card Intact for Tonight’s Bouts Sports Roundup . / ■ > :■ I' ______A ■ X ______X National Loague^Oldsters Present Young Blood Chip 0ff the*Old Bd\ Rain Stop^ ' Over Louis oitf jlis Sjieed Rv Btlete ACoUegeCoUege in HouinSouth varoimCarolina.. *.. .ovenr.evei Champion /and ChaUengei>—Thum ping Thoughts New Y?rk!jSnelS%Vr'n“ «»« Whitewhi»« Sox nox have an off- of Jimmy Dykea G ood Slate Study Makes Hitters Derringer, HubbeU o T i ______^ Dame •<«»"« is : buUdlnga.. .Carl In AU-Ohio - • '■ la lame and K Play Ball! So What? Ruth Fishes ...P e ty - Last Night Show Old Time St Conn Claims ! weight Champ, Out of Raw Material Testimonial *— tIS i . T . . ™ ' " - , ' bJS i A." A. urisrior 'w ™ ,.’. |j2» Louis Never Postponed Bouts Will Manager Joe Cronin De­ DiMag Sets Record Cincy Star Elbows a 4- Pitcher Knott ExpiafaM KS .V v“" 1 SSS’SS” “i7 Celebration of Biise* His DoaMo Cmn9 ^ T F.?Sluon,- Be Held Tonight at th|^ clares Many ‘Natural’ With Hit No. 1,000 Hltter, Beating Braves WiUHitffiml ball’s 102nd Anniver­ the Chicago Bears, Clark Shaug^- Red Men’s Arena, with Hitters Are Developlffl; * New York—Joe DiMaggio 1-0; Hubbell Etlges Baseball men aa]6 Jack Knstt Ber of baseball’s exclusive 300 nessy of Stanford and Ralph Jones sary Toda^ Is Expected throws a two-way carve. club’’—that Is. if he wins three Bell • Connerty Bout made hit No. l.oeo-^filcker than , of Lake Forest CoUege, you are Go€»d Muscles, Wrists any prertous major league Bill Lm , 2-0; Red Sox "I grasp the ball oM esatar more...Chris Dundee, who man-; To Draw 10,000 Fans. so tha greater portion at It pea*. *Jsb and Run’ Will Be area Ken Overlln and la .one of the , missing plenty. . . Elliott Cushing, The Feature Event. jwatter. Win on Ted Williams’ ; sports editor of the Rochestw Are Essential at Plate. He reached the thousand' Jscts.hspend the fliqt flngsr sad Conn’a Tactics in 15* amarteat guys In the fight racket, I Democrat-Chronicle, is very 111 ta Oooperatown, N. Y., June 13— ; thumb,” explaina the AtUstiaf picks Conn to lick Lo'l‘»-r;“ y* Rain last night caused the post- . mark a short while ago, after' Home Run Smack, i a hoBplUl. Shoot him a wire. By Harry Qraysoa finishing last year with a total (>P)_celebration of baseball's rliht-hander. "A straight over- Round Championship apeed will do it. (ConfidentlaUy, ponement of the Vlcusi-Hurley NKA Service Sports Editor Here's s tip straight from the l« n - of 970. 102nd anniversary today is an all- hand motion is uasd and tartf- we’re leaning that way, too, but tiicky feed-boxes — Sun bouta at the Red Men's Arena at By Jndsoa Bailey < fie spin Is impsrted. Tha spfa Rght with Bomber we’ll withhold an official predlc- Neither Ty Cobb, who is the • Ohio event. Aseoclatad Press Sports Writer (from the same stable aa_ Whln- Bunce’s Corner, Just a half hour Hitting comes easier to the ' makaa the ball curve downward Next Wednesday Night Uon for a few daya).. .William away) to win the 1942 K ^tucky all-time leader with 4,191 hits,' The Cleveland Indians, current A lot of tears hava been shefi Brann, owner of Challedon, aaya before the show was to have start­ natural swinger, but it is applies- j nor A1 Simmons, who with i snd to tils left When that apbi derby. American League leaders, oppose this season over the failure of Big ; ia sptati the off-balance weight hia big horse la coming along nlc^ ed. Promoter Hurley stated this tion that makes a batter great. 2,894 haa more hits than any the. World Champion Cincinnati B y Iini«« flmlMM" _ _ Paul Derringer to dominate the ' of tha twll takes control sad ly and probably will Ungle with News Bulled Manufactured hitters haven’t other player now In the ma­ Reds of. the National League in an qp,rf BUtor. AP n«tarK SeniM WKlrlawniy. before the year’s oven morning that the show, .Intact as National League pitching scene as i forces the e l^ g e ' in dlractlofi.' Labor got together to r defense It was last night, will go on thi* done badly. Hank Oreenb^g and jors, got their thousandth bit exhibition expected to draw about Pompton take, N.^ J.—Billy And that, ladles and gents, should purposes up In V c^ o n t the other in aa few games as did DiMag­ 10,000 fans to this birthplace of he did In leading the Cincinnati evening, weather permitting. \ Joe Cronin are striking examples. Reds to two pennants and a world t h iw hl« chicken bone on ise a race! day when Green pitched and Lewis The Hartford promoters stated gio, although both passed that the sport. St. Johnsbury Cronin argues that anyone who mark during their sixth season Minus club expensss, rectipts go championship. hits la ths second gaam while ths floor »n(J punhed hla chair back caught for the this morning that every effort will' has good eyes and is strong should Browns made seven, hot Boatas A-huntlng a bunting . ^as did DiMaggio. ______to support the bastball museum The Duke, at 33, Is a litUe fat­ tm n the roO«h. typewriter-laden Academy team- be made beginning with this catfl be a fair sort of a hitter provided ter and a Httlo slower than he was triumphad. 3-2. on Ted WUUaauf To buy a little bunting, /• I and Hall of Fame dedicated two nceaa room table. MacPhail he went-a-huntlng. to put on the shows as they are he ia unafraid and haa no physical years ago on the (>ntennla1 Anni­ last year. He was hurt during two-run homer. The soortag to he aald« ‘T il ahow you Today’s Guest Star scheduled U possible. handicap such aa being muscle each game waa completed hy^tlia . And passed .out plenty froggy Banjo Smith, Columbia (8.C.) Eddie Cojlin*. Jr., fleet outflelder of Philadelphia A***'®*‘**’.5jf* versary of Gen. Abner Double- spring training and had some trou­ how Joe foeh.” . , 1 skins ^ ^ , cusses American League situation with famous basing BeO vs. Connerty boimd. occurred to Shoeless Joe that the ble getting Started. This was not fourth Inning. Conn waa frehh from a w orl^ t, R ecord:/T f ever I day's Invention of the diamond To try to bring his Dodgers in. lather who Is general manager of Boston Red sox. Topping the good card reafly Practice makes perfect in bat-, southpaw might have been trying helped by the lamentable lack of The Philadelphia AtUatics cof- nibdown and ahower at hla train­ —Bteppy Fairman. against the draft. T U «e it back for the fans tonight will be Jim­ ting aa in everyth!^ else. to loosen him up, nor waa fie par­ ’aport.''' - ...... hitting from hie teammates. ped a nip-and-tuck stmggla fitm ing camp here and woie clacka ,:. l t haa snared a wresUer.” ticularly concerned about it Shoe- General manager Warren C. the Detroit Tigers, 5-8, on Al my Bell of New Haven who wlU Cronin contends that most ao- OUas of the Reds said today's But 10 years Ir. the big time Caught On The Fly stack up against Irish BUly Con­ call^ natural springs are devel­ leas Joe thought of only one thing have made this huge righthander Brancato's three-run circuit cleat at the kitchen door and grabb^ ' Naaiea-Is-SGU-Namea game establiohed the Cooperstown in the ninth Inning after Pat Mul-, I W* suppose Bobby Rigga sp- One of the casualties in * re­ nerty of Boston In the star slx« oped. ■ . —pickling the pill. classic on a permanent basis for one of the craftiest hurlers in the K»>f • fowl, then wolfed It aa he The manager of the R ed' Sox business. Game in and game out, lln had hit one with a m ate: pearance last week in the KmaM cent Minnesota boating accident 79th Crimson-Blue rounder. BeU haa been going great Mata Idea Is To the first Urns. aat ■"»««g the boeiMlrlnklng box- City tennis tournament waa right gUna lately and in Connerty ha saw J,oe DiMaggio aa a kid in San Come Into Ball even nbW* he can do aa much with aboard-ior Detroit in tha seventh. waa Jack Palmer of Ball Club, Monte Penraon Slated Rigney Withdraws Raqaaat m « ,e . B.b, Bujhd,ln« " SSX'T m In line with hla duties aa a asla ^ t may find his master, who knows? Francisco, knows bow the free his curves, knucklen, changes of had aaked the Wtta- Minn. Johnny Mixe is a terrific hit­ Yesterday *8 Stars Oommisaloner Kanasaw Landis pace and control aa most of the What with John Duncan Rigney : publicity director at Preabytertto The undercard will have Pat swinger of the Yankees worked on ter. National League pitchers tell and American and National mngh Adoola how he expected to KilJSlfn O.U, rioa.brooA, Boat Race Tom orrow Welch, also of the Hub, In a tan­ his method of blasting. rubber-armed speedballen. withdrawing hia raqueot for aran weaUier Louis’ blowa. Conn, you ______you he never offers at a bad ball, League prealdenta agreed to name PIteJied Four-Hitter deferment. Joe DlMaggto hittta(| UulIMVuMg «e gle with WUlimantlc’s Joe Gans In . Ted Williams has an exception­ which is not the least reason why Can’t Win With feet,’ ^ kaoWf-duOlengoB - t o h e a ^ for the benefit of the many n w - ally fine pair of wrists, which are two teams—one from each league He showed how tough he can his 12th homer of the seaaon ana: comers who have made ^ M anch^ ■ays, “ two lengths or Inches. a four-rounder. the cardinal luminary ia ao for­ By The Associated Press and different onea in turn—at the running hia hitting straak to Si \ Harvard Favored to Win Whereas prior to the time trial The remainder of the card Is as the source of the thin one’s amaa- be yesterday by pitching four-hit Moriartys Out ter their home since the close of ing power, but the San Diego lad midable. Carl Hubbell, Giants—Shut out season’s start to play here on a ball to beat tw Boston Braves, 1- atraight games, and Manager J h f- i -Qroonda June 18. the 1940 season. At various UmM nothing less than a few -cR y follows: . ^ pete Reiser at the BrooMpa Says Champion Louis (Tubs with steady, eight-hit hurl­ date aa near June 12, baseball's my Dykea of the Sox fittag a pen®; Wants Entire Illinois Staff Fired Sixth Straight Varsity blocks would have been satisfac­ Fred Bello. Worcester, vs. Baby tolled long and hard to learn how 0. The Reds made only five singles "Louis shouldn’t ever hit m e,, during the past week h^undreds to handle a bat like an accom- hM a beautiful awingr-but ing. birthday anniversary, as practic­ themeelvea off young Art John­ t ^ the New York Yankees a a§: BUly declared. "Not the way he have asked this writer the what Race; War Shadows tory./ Rocco, Hartford, 128. John Cool. Chicago White Son had a Ugh old : Sfha-^verslty’s biennial appropriation For First Win plLshed golfer handles a club. wouldn’t be where he is if he p Paul Derringer, Redo—Pitched able. Giles said. son. a Bou'h|iaw, but they manag­ f l g ) ^ Bee, here’s how k« Springfield. lU., June 9. and wherefore of the many good , Varsity Race at 8 p. in. Worcester, vs. Joe Guthrie, Hart­ didn’t keep hia mind on his work. Monte Pearson, Ex-Yankee ed to link two of them with a walk time of it in their night gams. bUl. ford, 135. John Nordstrom, Wor­ In the Double A’a and when be Challenger Believes Tale of Tape ^our-hlt ball for 1-0 triumph over Billy, his hair wet and tousled lor John W. Fribley (D., Paoa) baseball clubs In thU town. On Thames. Soptaomorea will stroke boto ^aves. whose rtghthand slants nrnved ef­ for a run in the tin t inning. The Yankees finally won to th e , "Coach Zuppke la at ertss-crosa varsities, Darcy (Bua) Ckirwen of cester, vs. Rusty Kerwin. Hart­ first reported to the Bostons, WIU * The swing’s the thing, but only from his ahower. So tonight, two evenly matched hams pried famous swatamitbs when it brings the bat into the Champ Too Heavy; on Joe Al Brancato, Athletics— Hit fective agatnst the Indians when That was all Derringer needed. 10th, 3-2, on DiMaggio’a four ta y td the comer, slumped into the xa- told the senate Illinois should fire with Wfcenic Wilson,’’ ha said. Stock Up Against Tough Harvard, completely recovered ford, 160. Young Rlccio, WlUlman- Here are the figures ger. But Dykaa announead to tha "Before we spend many, more mtl- teama wlU face each other ^ the By Black with questions. On his first tifo to ball. Looking at Lou -Boudreau Louis' and Billy (Jonn: I three-rpn homer in ninth Inning t o Pearson was In the Junior loop. Is He 'gave Juat one bass on balls, mlliar x>^««is crouch with handsjip Coach Robert C. Zuppke, Athletic West Side diamond in quest for from an arm Infection, and Eliot tlc, vs. lAither Anderson, New Louis Not Perturbed by down to hurl for the Reds. Cleve­ fanned a half-doMn, and let run­ ninth he would proteat, Ikms s:ipportlng the university, PA’s Tonight at West New London, Conn., June 13.— Detroit, he sought out Harry Hrtl- of Cleveland, you wonder how Conn 1 l^at Tlg[erB. high, abnost touching. Director Wendell Wilson and the victory and the cup that repre­ Macy of Yale, who weighs less Britain. he ever gets a hit. The Illinois, Louis * land's proable pitchers are Cal ners get sa far as second hsss only that a spectator reached oat tlien be began moving forward the situation should be straight­ (ff)—Ehccept for the usual Crim­ than 160 pounds. The only recent maun . . . chatted with that re­ Conn’ s Hea'vy Batteries 27 Age 23 I Bob Muncrief, Browns, and Ted touclM a ban hit by Red RufttaR' entire coaching staff "and d e ^ o p Side Field. sents the league Championship. nowned slugger for hours. product tvrists himself up like a Williams, Rod Sox— Muncrlef Dorsett and Ken Jungles, right­ three times. It was Paul's second In that cotlous little hlppety-hop, football teams which will adver­ ened out. A new outfit wwld The usual prises will be offered. son and blue course-markers, change was . In the Ells’ shell, 201 Weight 180 handers, Pearson has a record of straight win. coming on top of and thus Interfared with Mpnlv fast-clooe-tocether, shuffling start developing teams of which ’ Heilinam Chaaged pretsel. Wraps hia bat around his pitched shutout, ball for 8 1-3 in­ tise the state." Fribley spoke Morlarty Brothers will seek Its which lubmarlnes and tug-boats Plllsbury replacing Goss at No neck, yet manages to get the bat By Harry Grayson 6-1% Height 6-1 tw/o losses, and Dorsett of one In his 3-2 triumph last Sunday ovar Hoag’a fllding. Tha Rufttag hR ynovement with which the Brown wa could be proud.” Pierce Is Leading To Cobb's Style Reach 72% nings in relief tb win first game; went for two bases and henaght. while casting his vote for the tinl- first win in the Twl-League to- were skillfully avoiding, th* when the latter became 111. Remarkable hitters have brok­ around to meet the ball. NEA Service Sports Iklitor 76 aa many starts thla season. the then league-leading Brooklyn Bomber stalks his foes. Harvard’s chances of recortJlng Chest (normal) 40% Williams bomered %lth one on for in ths tying Yankee run. n l^ t at the West Side Oval Thames river today showed hard­ en down their swings entirely aqd New York, June 13—William 41 Dodgers and helped take some of Kaews iMris Tactics The Standings Its fourth consecutive four-race In'Rye Seniors Golf An injury which' made it im­ 44 Chest (expanded) 43; victory in nightcap. the disappointment oOt of the five against the Polish Americans ^ ly any signs It would be the scene relullt with tremendous success. possible for him to grip the bat David Conn, cool as a dog's nose, Joe DiMaggio, Yankees —12tli A boxing writer laughed. 'Tve When the fans start cispptag, sweep of the river binged mainly 17 Neck 17% i Basketball Rule Change timee he had been beaten by one what should be a swell game of Saturday of the traditional Yale- Hellmann, a rousing manufac­ properly once yafiked Frank talks like an o(d handicapper In 15 1 homer of year, in lOUi ..^inning, Barney Rose Now Tha "Biaer : been watching Louia for aeven it’s up to Louts to do sometlSng Rigney Quits Yesterday’s Result on the freshman race over the turer of long base hits in the Pa­ 14 Biceps brought 3-2 triumph over White nut this spring. yean but I’ve never eeen anyone baseball. The game will sUrt at Harvard Regatta. Frisch out of a slump and helped discussing his 15-round world Forearm 12 1 Amsterdam, N. Y., June IS.—(ff), Hubbell Beats Lea shout it Thst clapping is going 6:15 o’clock sharp. Indications Eastern two-mlle up-stream course Satur­ Rye, N. Y., June 18—(ffl—^ The cific Coas;, League, changed his 12 Sox. Cfiticago, June”’ IS—iff)—Bsnagr ^ w iS e bim aa well as BUly does. The sight of the underseas day morning at 9:30 o’clock (EJast- the Cardinals to a pennant. The heavyweight championship fight 8 Wrist 7 ' —Ed Wachter, former basketball The day's only other National to worry Louis, not me. point to Server for the P. A.’^ d Albany 8. Hartford 2 (ntsht) 157 score which Alvah P. Pierce style entirely when he came in Fordham Flash had to concentrate Rosa, former Welterweight a a f ^ ^ « l y s l i . " BUly yeUed, "this is "I’m s-gonna stick him wltll.my craft, engaged In national defense ern standard time). The C tlii^n with Joe Louis Barrow at the Po- i n \ Fist 11, roach at Harvard University and League game also waa an air­ ths way, bop and anchor, hop D raft Appeal either Blanchard or Joe McEvltt Wllliamaport .8, Scranton 3 (1st) maneuvers, made even more real­ of Brockton, Mass., posted In the contact Tyrus Raymond on getting the good part of the Williams 'College, proposes In­ tight pitching spectacle—between Lightweight Champloa of thR': left, and run. I'll Jsb his noggin W llU am ^rt 2, Scranton 1 (2d) Wfts favored In the Junior-varsity a first division of the U. S. Seniors Cobb. , lo Grounds, June 18. 34 Waist 32% Mrs. 6IcNaaghton Wins World, win make hla debut tl^ ^ and anchor. Think a guv in thU for the opposition. istic the shadow of war under bat in front of the ball and base It was suggested that Billy Conn 22 Thigh 20 creasing the distance between the Cart Hubbell and Bill Lee, with off. Billy's not going to take any ^ V X? I Olube Win Hungry (Other games postponed) half-hour later. Golf Association championship Hellmann talked batting with hiU rained all over the place. night aa a fight proraotar. MjtttViM can hit a fast-moving which the 79th renewal of Amer­ The' varsity classic will take might have waited a year. He 16 Calf 14H New York. JUne 13.—(O —Mrs. backboard and the basket six to the New York Giants stopping the raim Bke msT Not on yotir Ufe. chances. . , » W hite Sox H urler Both clubs are out for a victory National ica’s oldest Intercollegiate rowing appeared In grave danger as the Ty Opbb'with the reault that he The better hitters are those would be bigger and stronger and twelve Inches to make basketball Chicago Cubs, 2-0. Lee allowed Defying the No. 18-Jtnz,^ M s:^ "But,” he said, "I'm not going to Cincinnati 1, Boston 0 place about 6 p. m.; a dQwnstre^ second section of the field crowded and bent over the plat'e 10 Ankle 9 Harry McNaughton haa added the wUI present a boxtag *aar. ad Tlie guy shouldn’t ever hit ma miss any opportunities. If I feint classic waa being held this year. ^Ind from Bartlett’s Cove to the whq study the pitchers closely. Joe Louis would be 12 months Women’s Eastern Golf Champion­ more aclentific. six hits to Hubbell’s eight, but "Aw, BUly,” another writer said, plains Retpiesl for Hi* ^^e*t^hw»^ap*that mudh New York 2, Chicago 0 pared to tee ofl! on Its final 18- as did the Georgia Peach. gave a run i** the first Inning on ouhurban Lake Zurich, where te',: him and he loU one go and lofvea Originally acheduled June 29, railroad bridge. Form ia pleasing to the eye, but farther along. -Ai—■ ship to her Long Island medal and Wachter, Superintendent of "Jos’s bound to hit you.” (Only games scheduled) hole round at the Apawamla Club C^obb took advantage of every- there is no set way to hit. The “Johnny Ray and I debated Recreation at Troy, told a Mont­ two singles, a walk and a fly, and haa rignod to promote weRm;i hliBtelf open I'll sock him with a American the event waa advanced when sev­ This Gening at 5:30 o clock, the tiU ^ at the plate. He waa a line sS^l 1 got to allow he ain’t foolish. pl®y titles. *^e ManhMMt shows under the spcoaoeahlF aC-h ) "jgnn. he’ll touch me with some 60.Day Sla^, 'iSii' ’.ISSS’bSS eral oarsmen were ordered to re­ today. . trick is to come into the ball. that,” said Conn, "but aa we kept gomery county sports dinner last two errora brought another In the right uppercut. There a s differ­ In PhUadelphla 5, Detroit 3 combination, or substitute, eights Five players in the secona drire hitter, but frequently drove That boy’s gonna do more stuff (N. Y.) woman shot an 83 at the civic group. »WMt».g blows, but I mean he’ll ence between taking chances and •” - t a . t • port Monday for Naval training looking at Louia we decided both night he would ask the National fourth. never land a full, clean blow at my micago, June 193T Morlarty Brothers set up St. Louis 9-2, Boston 4-3 wUr battle It out for two-mlles up­ group of 123 men broke 80 for balla Into the dirt wiUt the idea of with hia feet than with his hands. Westchester C. C. yesterday for a Although the teams were tied socking an open spot. cruises. The threat of war, too, he ana I were ready n ow .,.,h e to final 64-hole score of 244 that was Basketball Coaches Association to chin,”n," Conn<3onn explained. , m v suTrUott holding that Johnny Rigney hM trophy for the Twt league, stipu- Washington - Cleveland (Post- stream. their first roimds yesterday, and i .'beating out infield hits. be taken and me to win Uie big “But" he can't win with his feet consider the change which would yesterdey, s freak in the percen­ undoubtedly was responsible for Rogers Hornsby stood aa far Yale Meets Nassau and 'when he uses his hands I'll be two shots better than Maureen Alunuti •And don’t let anyone but someUmes he hla regular turtt In the army draft ^ ,^ould have to Pon*<*) _ the delay In the arrival of the could be anirwhere from one to- prize. Besides, we both may be provide space for the ball to drop tages lifted the Giants into third New York 8, Chicago 2 (10) away from the dish and aa far using mine. Then we'll see who can Orcutt of Ridgewood. N. J.. and place ahea^ of the Reds, .510 to Intoo beUevlng------m t------o t II-- he a ,kit later drope ft.It. Boy, if he drop#drgje It after all. white I win It three times to gain pex""^ spectator fleet, a colorful pre-re Eastern nine stroke# worse today and still in the army next year. between backboard and basket. By NBA Servtca me I’U get. my------temper up Md- slug leter nroue n . ou y, -tt- 28-ycar-old Chicago White poasesslon. The now defunct Standings tie Pierce’s total. Strongest con­ back in the batter’s box as he "Added weight that will come punch faster." Jean Bauer, Providence. R. I. ‘The backboard would once more .509. against me, Tm wnna ^ p hhn. Eastern gatta feature. could get. The Rajah’s theory In College Polo Hlsa Qrcutt. only one over par Obanmpalgn.—In the nddat with him. X know 1 did that with "He’s easy to hit with a right Sox.me hiirlerhurler said last night behe had I Bluefields have two leaslega on It,it. the Today’s Games . tender was 69-year-old William will enable me to hit a little hardr Louis may not be the quick and be used for the purpose for which In the American League the ApoftoH and some of the other bren ill advised in qpklng a sUy, W. »(. Pet. OBL Harvard Favorite was to step into the pitch. He devastating hitter he waa three her last time out with a 79. then Boston Red Sox divided a double- repaatad erittelain of atata a «a s « j Hell, even strangers and P®**” * P. A.’s and Paganl's West: Sides, Hartford at Albany (nlght)i Ryan of Detroit, who was only er, but It also may take some of It was orielnally Intended—to keep tors and alumal of thaZUtaoia athA:l bm plr^t I knew 1 could hit as that he had withdrawn his request once each. The latter club :l8 de­ WllHanisport .. 27 21 .563 Harvard, a powerful favorite to two over par with a fine 74. really could step In and whack my speed. >’ean ago. but he isn't as bad as beat Miss Bauer for second place the ball from going out of bounds," header with the S t Louts Browns by could oock him with a right. ^ .556 Sprlng5eld at Binghamton New York, June 18— —Yale in a 10-bole playoff. Istic admlatatration eoasaa a : bard as they could, I can’t hit with Conn respects Louis as a gfoat (granted by his local draft board fending its 1940 claim on the cdp Elmira ...... 23 20 score lU sixth straight varsity tri­ Other players with a chance to- that low outside curve. "And I'm not going to lick Louis Manager Ray paints him to Conn. he added. , in odd affairs. The Sox scored four Binghamton .. 26 21 .556 Elmira at Wilkes-Barre Babe Ruth becam'e the daddy of lution gtvtag Robert C. ZupyMi,;, Loola and Z ain’t gonna try. hitter but not the punchee. he but appealed to Washington by and town championship honors. umph, lost prestige during the Williamsport at Scranton oust Pierce from the I*®** and Princeton, having survived by matching punches with him. Also don't let them sell you on runs in the first inning of the first Tberell be vtalofta of a million the llllnQls Selective Service dlreC' Wilkes-Barre 27 22 .551 week when Its best time trial of home run smackers by copying "I have to escape being hurt Louis packing mental W’elght, too. Skates to Steeds game and then were shut out for the famous footban eoaek. n was two -years ago. He has al­ Hope to Gain 1-eg .524 : National John K. Wadley of 'toarkan^ the preliminary rounds, will meet OB tbs back and eomoMBritag' bucks dancing before my eyes that most contempt for Joe as snrSU- t ^ ) and that he would report for Morlarty Brothers Vrould like to H a ^ o r d ...... 22 20 20 minutes and 22 seconds was re­ Tex., runngr-up ta m o , Joe Jackson’s pigeon-tc^ stance early in the going, make him miss The Brown Bomber Is an unim­ Cronin Likes Conn the next eight frames hy the im­ night and I can ditch my Irish Springfield .. .. 20 26 .435 < Brooklyn at St. Louis (night) . , . the toe of the right foot at the Blind Brook Turf and Po'o pressive relief hurling of Bob Mun- amateur spirit of tha unlvarriti^lh^ round flghUng man. Induction June 20 aa originally have one of their teama get at vealed to be seven seconds slower (Only game scheduled) opened with a 76; Raleigh W./Le and smother him with punches. aginative fellow. He takes his Chicago.—Bab Dye. formerly ^ d e tor that kind of cabbage. Scranton ...... 21 28 .429 I pointing toward U e catcher and Club in Port Chester tomorrow •T wouldn't want to be any business pretty much in stride. with tbe Chicago Blackhawks of Boston.-Joe Cronin, manager- crief. The Brovns tallied five times athletica. You can’t hang around BUly ■eheduled. least one leg on the trophy. They .386 I than Yale. American of Columbus, O.. and d e ^ _ 'The resointion waa forwarded tjr ■ Ne Trouble With Heavies long and observe his sincerity Jn have sponsored four good teams, Albany ...... l7 27 Inasmuch as these four-mile v-fitted into the right instep. for the Intercollegiate Polo Cham­ heavier than 180 pounds. A differ­ ChatUitg with Louis, you gather the National Hockey League, is in shortstop of the Boston Red Sox, in their half of ths first inning and •T never have any trouble In a staiement IShued at last National (No games scheduled) champion Charles H. the Kansas City lUtal Ouh to thF^ beirevlng he’ll be the next h ^vy- three In’ the past and this year’s tests were made within a half- * One of the bigger advantages of pionship. Both displayed balanced ence of 20 pounds or so in heavy­ that he holds Conn aa cheaply as the mutuel department at Lincoln likes BUly Conn against Joe Louis won 9-4. with thoae big, alow-footed night’s WhlU Sox-New York St. Louis . : . ..37 16 .698 Roaring Gap Ig. Jackson and Ruth waa their total attacks in winning their semi-final weights isn't much. Weight slows Billy the Kid professes to regard at the Polo Grounds. June IS. The Red Sox were held to six board of trustees. welght champion without getting Tankce game, Rigney said: “ My squad. It la not the value of the hour of each other and under vir Fields. guys. Z bandied t o t Leanevlch Brooklyn . . . . 34 17 .667 2 Cubs Rejected Hopp City (N. Y.). lack of fear. matches, and should be on close to up horses, you know, and Louis is him. _ bit _it enthused *houtabout him./h ln r y You ^ w cup now, that enters into the an­ .609 10 tually identical conditions, the In­ S. P. Emerlck of Oswe^. N. Y. m t t y waU, didn’t I? And how Cincinnati . . . 27 26 formation has been used advan­ 1 recall the original Dutch even terms for their .title battle. packing it, I m n ot" Conn is banking on standing up iitKMit SavoldT Say, the guy can't recall iRducUon^nto the army waa biwed nual fight to gain or retain own­ . . . 26 25 .510 10 who had m 28. Leonard thrice hitting Jackson in The Ells, led by John H. Daniels Aatlolpatea Roaniag Battle out Pastor Knox Md hWd i . ^ ^ entirely upon a letter ership. The cup haa become sym­ New York tageously i>y both coaches, Tom Chicago.—Johnny Hopp, filling under Louts' belts as much as he didn’t touch me untU Z let him. Chicago .. . . . 24 27 .471 12 the riba with pitched balls in one with five goals, beat Pennsylvania Louis expects Conn to put up a j, getting away from them cuffed Savold written by a high-ranking official bolic of the Twt league and what .444 13 Bolles of the Crimson and In so weU in Johnny Mire’s place T “There I waa, away out front on Pittsburgh . . . 20 25 with the Cardinals, was turned game. Military College yestenlay, 12 to 2. running fight. Challenger Has Chaaoe points and the guy hadn’t got Ut the lUD National - SelecUve------Service it sUndt for: a good deal like the . . . 17 31 .354 17 % Leader of Yale. 'He ain’t gonna fight me like he Boston ... For Bolles, It has served to take down by the Chibs. h e a d q d a j ^ ® 8 f o b "Leonard was a Httle wild to­ Princeton, with threrftnen getting He points to Buddy Baer and ^ me. It was a lousy fight and In which the advice waa contained famous old mug that Sir Thomas Philadelphia .1 6 34 .320 19H day.” aaid Jackson after the game. two goals each and the other three, did KnoxNuid Bartund.” asserts Remember DAD on Father’s Day! Sunday, June 15th 21 rounds to catcb Pastor, the Upton sought for, and never got, away any over-confidence his un­ Abe Simon absorbing Louis’ best the fens atarted cUpping. I said Louis who waa utterly confusad by that ball players were entitled to American The Dutchman could thread a gained an 11 to 5 verdict over Har­ Smoky Joe. Shota without aa much as blink­ to myself, ‘WeU, BUly, you’re the Mk for a flO-day delay if called In yacht racing. . . . 36 20 .643 defeated oarsmen may have had. "That would be foolish of him the slow, crouching Godoy. ^ Cleveland For Leader, It has been used to Bench Warmers needle with the baU, but it never vard. ' ' ing. light heavy champ. It's up to you during the regiUar season ... . Then there has been a lot of New York .. .677 The Louis who beat Schmollng rivalry between the clubs each bolster morale after an exception­ He goes back to Louis' fight togive them a fight’ So I waded would li think, beat Conn or "1 did act upon It, with the as- B oston ...... 563 Cniicago.—Billy Myers and Dick into Savold and traded punches year and the background of the .537 ally poor sprint Campaign. with Tommy Farr and mentions any other'-fighter in snort order. mirance that my act waa both rea- Detroit ...... BarUII, shortstops of the 1940 the titleholder’s two trips with Bob with him. ' sonable and In accordance with the cup has grown with the years, un­ Chicago ----- .536 The surprised Harvard camp BIT Mata ^ WexttotimBa But that Louis waa the B o o ^ r til now it brings the best in local ■till feels It Is going to win, but is world series, have been warming Pastor in stressing tha point "But t o t guy broke my nose of several years ago. P etopa Strict Interpretation of the act. I Philadelphia .462 benches most of this season. UKMight my head was coming off, baU players Into action. In 1939 .340 16 willing to settle for, as Bolles that the Negro haa trouble with a he’sre’s gone foreverforever. navehave since learned»c«iiicu that this letter St. Louis ,v . moving target He speaks of the F o r Father** Day When I went back to the corner, Your correspondent with fear- g^i its InterpreUtlon of the dr^t the P.A.’a climaxed a great season Washington .321 17% T I said to Johnny (Johnny Ray, his and won a thrilling battle over the Godoy and Schmeling crouches aome thoughts of what might hap- Lgode are in controversy and, there- throwing Louis off in arguing that _ June IS U i manager): ’Oh, njy poor heaA pen to Conn should Louts pin him fore, I have asked pcrmlsrion to Blueflelds. In 1940 Billy Paganl’s Johnny, that guy like to knocked hodge-podge collection of ball the Dane Destroyer is a one-track it o ft He can punch...but ho in a corner, itim him snd assault orlthdraw my recent request and I t V I I I fighter. True, Louia straightened him with that murderous ftnishtag ^ ready to go June 20th." players stole the show for the en­ ainta xonna hit me no more, no tire year and won both the cup them iip on return trips, but Conn offensive, thinks that Conn M in asking deferment. Rigney had is coming up with something en­ more’. And be didn’t ” Billy aaid. fast to be cornered, that Bill* will induction would cost him and the town Utle. So once again *CpTe Mr. Louis* in 1941, another mad scramble is tirely new. Jab Joe’s ears off. out him I four-rlevenths of hla >12.000 sal little Acorns Grow Conn ia ths moat poUahed fight­ "But n«rt time it’s Mr. Louis’ the eyes, confound hto and w|n “ imderway for the same purpose. .1 I t i l * ' " turn. He’s the champion and it’s iry and work an “ unusual Individ­ Thla brief background of the A Hot er Louis haa met up to him to force the going heavyweight chamflonshlp. ual hardship" on him. f e t s U w Perhaps this explains why the Twl lea^ e has been mentioned STARTLING NEW WAY TO 'I*ittsbur^ boy' has been a slow ftjrlaltoff* For Every Gallon o f Throat Trouble 2 4 9 MAY 22 Special starter. He takes time to figure for SAVE MONEY Gas Bought, BELIEF! tbe other fellow's st^e. New York.—^loe Medwlck o f the Ic Credit Wffl Be Conn had better not make a I Dodgers Is laid up with an Infect- w e s i:e r n a u t o As You Spend It! mistake while mulling over the 1 throat. rATHEA’S i>AT SERVICE Given You On Any Louia technique, hut a fighter who Men’s Handsome Sport- hasq’t losl a decision in "11008 CENTER WATCH YOUR Purchase at the years ekn be depended upon to Off to Army 570 Center taka care of himself. htochester Western Auto (kmn is big enough tf ha is good PENNIES GROW! enough. Conn. Example: Boy 10 gallons of Supply Store SLACK SUIT Bluy Conn at least has tha gas. .and get a 10c credit at our chance that puts him in tbe ring. MEN *A 100 Main Street store for anything 840 Main Street Manchester Azid Your Choice of Any Pair of you need from ,paint and auto r e m e m b e r d a d w it h SAVE ■"accessories to todioa,.tires and This Receipt Must Be Avalon, Caaf.—-The 515-pound THIS RECEIPT fishing equipment. Ic c r ^ t sea boas Wallace Bdbry landed nT Presented. ' Cataltaa Island way back In 1916 ASK US WHY gU ^ on each gallon of gasoline MEN’S Is still ths largest California black WANTED pnrehased. (Over) (Over) sea baas hooked. SHIRTS Gel S[ ReceiplI That Are Tailored To Perfection With Quality They’re Valuable! t3 H O E S I Cauliflower In Every Detail! Adam„ Whitney BENZOLENE ffiGH-JEST His eyes will sparkle and There's more than one way that adver- 84% Road Octane Dated gleam when he digs into hia and Shirtcraft Gallons FOR gifts and “ spots” this NOR- ♦laiay brinca men to work. . aennrtty BOTH, SLACK THE ■^frxasrr -nyr- EAST* Tic. He’ll be plenty u « UtaM (aatf eOeri' BESTBVY SUIT AND SHOES OUTFIT Shirts 'I'he moat ImporUnt way is when adver- protid when he weiars it too^ m W jarmaa ^ttaaaair IN'TOWNV FOR O N L Y ...... for it has an “always fresh,” ARE SURE TO PLEASE! tlaiay ia uaed to tncreaac Bales. ^ I W t F e r ^ t BMT ahmrtag aa ear f “ always crisp” appearance "Style StagA” . Wear Fill Up Today! Make tf I U... makes it a favorite among . Instead of “ men wanted,” it says, “ cus­ them ter las! , .'4ak'i^*!C3S3Si' - tomers wanted.” ^ ^ y In Scaled CaM see these Wembleys today— Reg. 85c Vaihiet you’ll probably want to . buy . Sanioriied...C^uairhnteed Not To Shriak!. 'And more cnatomcra mean more jobs COME him more than one. in the stores snd factories that keep SmtkM 8aoit poa MiM DON’T / LBRO IN hosy by oaing sdTertidng. • S lot- WESTERN AUTO SERVICE CENTER DELAY Zeke Bonura. former major COMPANY TODAY caaBBsMv «9 |i w M im as ^ ue first baMman who bad 540 CENTER STREET, NEAR McKEE SI^EET Jtobarts. UBivantiy c> Miqhi- . bitting a faat pace lately In G L E N Glenney's f r b b c r a n k c a s e s e r y x j “ Where The Go6<| Men’s Wear Comes E If.. tmw American AsaeciaUoa packs ^ ;Aesler Evening Hemld Up-la lllnnrepolls for alrip to sm -WlHte xne OeeS M «% Wamr Dme.'foiks In New ,<>tleans. KINNEY ‘h.'V .,f


M A x su n c^ a itK Kivei«tl»ta HBKAliD. MANUHESmCR, CJONN. FRIDAY, JUNE 18, W41 RED RYDER Many a SUp Sense Nonsense MBASRBUI41CUI .

Professor—Hers you sse ths Just what normalcy is remaiim a kaaaachiMtta. Virginia, Perm- fO flL skull of a chimpanzee, a very rare mystery. sylvania and Kentucky are offi­ A Citu's Wants Classified Fpr\bur Benefif cially known as commonwealths, R t : specimen. *rhere are only two in -to KaxF.' - — the cotmtry—one in the national Ju^dge: “ Where is y o u r . hxis- according to their state constitu­ R1!S tions, while subdivisions of Louisi­ CMYtE museum and I have the other.; b an d ?" tNDNEr O ) f • Defendant: *1 ain't got no hus­ ana are known as parishes Instead may be caused by various forms band. He been dead nigh onto ten o f counties. Oak Park, HI., with a Ariiclts for Sale 4ft Machinery and Ttools of poisoning, the most oommon cY FYee Passes S « T (c» 0 «««l H H,lp W«»»l-^y«-»l« « & those days there were no years." population of over 65,000, is off! Brass Supply % which is systemic or toxic poison­ Battle Tlu*ee chi^y "a village. |jwt«iid Foand FOR SAUB—NO. 1 LOAM weU HAT TEDDERS, rakes, mowers, passes i^ven. Judge: "Are those sU your chil­ STONE WORK, grading, dry WANTB»—OIRli FOR general mower repairs In stock. Oer your ing, due to Incorrect mtlng and IN VICIN1TT OF High office w*rk. accturaU typlat, will­ rotted manure, and. atone for living habits over a long period Bsaroh the Scriptures: d ren ?" wclU. lawn maintenance, and every purpoae. C- Hill, Tel, 8081. hay tools now. Dublin Tractor Seen Shorter No. End Fires Defendant: "Yes, suh. Day's Master—It isNwful tbe way my t aorority pin. IniU&l* ti. D. ing to work. SUte wage* expect­ Company, Provldencs Rciadi WllU- at time. Thf moat .eiSective treat­ "Thou shslt not pass."—Num- loam, for sale. PhoncTOM^______ed. Wrltl Poet Office Box 186, mine." cigars are disappearing. C!an you * Tel. i« l. ______FOR SALE—THEATER SEATS, mantlc. ment is that , designed to rid the bsra 20:18. , Judge: "But I thought you said account for it, Charles? Manchdatkr. SUUon A. body of these too^s. I suggest i "Buffer not a man to p«p*."— u...aOStON TBRRIKR, dark reaaonable. Inqiitre State Theater, Raw Materials Avail­ Department Has to Call your husband is dead!" Valet—It Is not my fault, sil', 1 Building—Contracting 14 AND aecond aftemoona or evenlnga. tha\ this and any other reader in­ Judges 3:28. Defendant: "Yee, suh; he's dead, Da, nrhlteVraMt Named Pep- W AN ^EO—COOK 9 terested, send for Dr. FYank Me- "Nons shall pass.”—Isaiah assure you that I still have three Call S488 «*■ 277 K. Mlddle- ve In or go Rooms W|thont Board B able Far in Excess Sbuth End; Delay in but I ain't." boxes left from my last post. W j. WEBSTER carpenter and maid, good pay. (Toy’s artlclg entitled “SctaUca." 84:10. MAJOR BOOP^ home nlgbta. Louie C. FOR RENT—FURNISHED room OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILUAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE WITH builder. KaUmatea furnlahed on Tel. M aa- Ppel and Feed 49-A Of Previous Norm. Address request to the McOoy Gfittittg~tke Alarm. ‘This generation shall not pass." flrat claaa work. Telephone 8424. Dimock, Bolton for one or two gentlsmen. TsL Health Service, care of this news- —Mark 18:80. ’ Father and Son Mountain CHamber—Yea, I al­ .... s TWANK NOU,«3ERSEAlMT, Annotmccnents cheater 7870. 6040. paper^ encloalng srif-addressed en­ "Beware thou pass not."—n “ Til never best to wait, my ways keep a rope tied round my WELL. THEV CAJUT TRAIM 1 DOKl’T THIWK ^ LUCKY YOU C5NLV B P JIA iN lO VCP, Bridgeport, June 18—(IP)— Offi­ The home of Jrtm Dilworth, at son upon the turn of luck; waist H has saved, my life more •m e OLD SEE MEM FAEY ENiCMJOH t h e y h a d t o D O YOUR WRIST OlVihKS OFFA But YOU CMOS alo ng . TNEVft FOR SALE— STANDING hay. SUNNT QUIET ROOM with pri­ velope and 6 cents In stamps. K ings 6-9. _____ transportation Florists—Narscries 1ft cials of The Bridgeport Brass Oo. Question: Mr. A. H. writes — 88 Edward, was badly gutted by "There shall no strangers pass.” The things that count the most than once. PLACE e o r /s FOR. TH IS WAR. M U CH IMDUCIKl’— TUB TRUCK,BUDOVZ-’-T W , VfirWOUTOell 9%EL S A Y n WANTED—GIRL OR WC Call after 8. Telephone 7307. vate family. Gentleman preferred. A lW 'T BACli.— WORK. SOTHSV'BE I'LL BET THE OLD pasMiger. RockvUIe to South for genaral housework. Tel. let It be known today that there “Please explalij what heliotherapy tire yeaterday afternoon, when a —A m ^ 8:17. in life are gained by nerve and Listener—But, it must be awful BACKPiRE CWILLEOMEjTOO.' ABCTCHURUSN. w a l k in ' ter daily. leading lUKk- A BBU.UTIFUL SELECTION of Write Box 8, Herald- to be left banging from a rope. CHAM6EP REMIMDS HA!»h(0’ TO IM OUCe BOY WrTHTH' is going to be a almrUge of brass Is and what Is your opinion of It?” fire, that started on the roof of the "Neither any son of man pass.". pluck." ' ' A BUMCH OF t h e VALET WENT UP PREVINS OMNOUR about 5:S0 p. m. daylight flowera and vegeUble plants, Don’t you feel nervous some­ MUCh ME OF IP TWiCr LOAD O P M rT R O - a d d s WANTED—HOUSEKEEPER for Garden—Farm—Dairy FOR RENT-FURNISHED room, and the raw matertala which go Answer: The derivation of the houae gained such headway be­ —Jminlah 81:43. "Now, dad, well -grant , the ^YHE OLD OLD PeTlRED ' F R O M A ___ tima. Alao paaaenger ^ m gyraniuma OOc- each, begonlaa, smalt family. Write Post Offlca into the making of brass. word Is from the Greek “hellos" things you say about the turn, of tim es? 6UVCER1U KAO EKPLOOBO M06PiTAi.rry— R u b e .VEARG agcratum, petunias, coletis, sal- sutUble for 2. Men preferred. 87 fore it was discovered that the "No man itpy pass through be­ DAYS SAACHIK1IST5 BACK. MACHIKIIST TO _,er to RockvUIe about Box 268, Mancheater. Prodneta . SO The ^situation Is not one of lag­ meaning the sun, and therapy cause at the beasts."—Ezekiel luck. Mountain Climber—WeU, not TO PUT SOME A B A K IK E R \NE*D A LL b e j i g s a w ANDT CNJJV RAMBUNS TOA vUl. aatera, xlnnlas, marigold, Foster. Tel. 8881. roof - was dsstroyed, the interior a. m. Tel. RockvlUe 911* ging behind the Qonnal production, means "treatment". The word 14:18, My problem's how to find the one exactly nefvous, just highly strung PEP IWTOTHe AAlb IS MOW <30* p O Z T X C S VNBLL, SYPSV-PA6HION TVIROUSN m a n 's calendulas, pansies, tomatoes, let­ STRAWBERRIES 6c QT. Pick It WM aald, for raw materials are badly damaged and the loaa to I’ll have the nerve to pluck.” that's all. PROGRAM INGi U P f r o m ,«,oN’S WANT EVERT baby tbemNyourself, and bring your then means sun-treatment. The building and contents will probab­ "Though they roar, yet they can­ LETfe htOP BACK OM TWE COUNTRVSlOE* LIPS.'', tuce, peppera, cabbage, and ever­ Help Wanted—Male 86 Apartments, Flats, avaUable far in excess of the prevl- value of the variotis rays have A BAKJKETL TO town to deep In a Kroll crib, green trees all at low price and ovm cohtalnera. Itouis Botti, Buab ly r e a ^ $4,000. not pass.”—JerenUah 8:22. A MACHINIST.' AN* S E T SO MBALTHPOL ,NOO, , IB ^ Tenemants 68 ous norm. The production of raw been demonstrated over a period '"So he paid the fare thereof ifff up. Free maatreea Includ- always open. 370 Burnside Ave. WANTED—TWO CLERICS for HUl R o ^ Mancheatar. materiaia la exceeded for the pres­ Prevlona Blase Ifl- GOING' KNOW-* HAIM?UMPH-V tim e! Benaon’a, 718 Greenhouse, East Hartford, Conn. of years, and there is no question and went"—Jonah 1:8. HOLD EVERYTHING store work. Apply in person at FOR RENT—JULY 1ST. prefer­ ent by the rolling capacity of the that the formation pf atrong bones The Manchester fire department Tbe above sign appears in the atm t . Phone 8-8001. Triplex Store, Main street. FOR 8A ;Y PLANTS, was called ahortly after 1 o'clock peppers, - cabbage, aa- ably to adults, modem 8 room mills In keeping up with the gov­ is dependent upon the action of lobby of The Theatre Mart, Los lower flat, shades, screens, ga­ ernment’s program, and there are the ultra violet rays upon the yeaterday afternoon to a fire on TRUCK DRIVER Wanted, steady tors, slnnlas marigolds at Stock rc^ . Rubbish in a lot near Angeles, Calif. AatosMbilM for Sale 4 | job, $20 a week and commission. OdermannA ■ker street rage. Rent under $88. Write Box periods of fotmdry shutdowns for action of the ultra violet rays MoTing—Trueklng— N, Herald. lack of raw materials in volume the ValvoUne Oil plant, left from Apply at New System Laundry. * \ upon the skin, with the formation a fire that badly danmged that Pullman Passenger—(km I get IPW ILLYS SEDAN. 1080 Pon- Storage ‘ 20 FOR BALE—TOMA' AND pep- greater than the already Increased of vitjtmln D. In a general sense, on No. 204 before It starts? |d: sedan, 1034 Chevrolet, 1037 thouBsnd plant a year ago, caught fire from AUSTIN CHAMBERS—Local knd COLLEGE MEN and High achool per plahts,. $8.“ 67 supply. I would say that heliotherapy is some grass that 'was being burned. Porter—You’ll have to, madam. sedan, 1036 Pontiac sedan, boys over 18 years of age, must Apply 12 Glen it Phone Summer Homes for Rent lindtatioiis Expected of great value in many conditions. K Plymouth aedan. Cole Motors Long Distance Movers. Tel. 6260. Fearing that it might spread to have good appearance, about 380 4800. FOR r e n t —COVENTRY LAKE, •We may etpqct that there will (^uaqUon: Mr. H. K. writes: T W a s W o r t k lt 68 Hollister street. be limitations placed upon the the bulk sta t^ where 800,000 gal­ iM 4 . a week to aUrt. Apply 49 Peart five room, all electric waterfront have bdan rejected from military lons of gasoline and fuel oil Imd The pretty A. T. J1. girl sank in­ street, Hartford, Room 311. or FOR SALE—STRAli domestic use ot brass soon," it was services because I have flat feet qt. Pick them yourself and cottage, fireplace, boat, private been stored, the booeter tank was to the corner seat. Repairing '2 8 write Box X, Herald. aurrpundlngs, from now until said. I have no trouble with my feet, taking care of thia when the fire "Good job I managed to catch your own container. Mau The government realixing the and can walk many milea without Mandiester Waddell, WetheraU street. July 18th, and from Aug. 24tb on. on Eklward street was discovered. this train," she said. 'Tve over­ luOWBRS SHARBNEPD. repair- WANTED —DRIVEA for coal -^381 Summit street. Phone 7116. situation has ordered the construc­ anp-trouble, in fket I have more triick, steady work. Apply at 286 tion at five new plants in various Debiir In A lann stayed my leave by two days al' Cvtadng Berald ad, shear grinding, key Btung. endurance than many who do not The fire was seen by a neighbor ready.” Center'Street, Town. parts of the country, of which The have flat feet. Would you ex­ AdyertiseM i dupUeating. vacOUm cleaners ate of Mr. Dllworth’a and when he "And what happens to you when overhauled. Bralthwalta, 82 Pearl Household Goods ftt Wanted to Rent 6 8 Bridgeport Brass Co. la building p la in ?" called the fire department, giv­ one, but now it is Indicated, that you overstay your leave?" I ask­ ; eta everase werSs te a iiaa street______Answer: Ordinary flat foot is ing the location to the operator, ed. saa bete aaS abbrevtaueea Help Wnnted—Male or 8806 Boys A Beautiful WANtED TO RENT—JXa.Y 1ST . these five plants will not be suf­ caused by the arch dropping. In­ which la the custom in the dis­ ■at as a ward aad eeaiseesS 8 Room Outfit six or'^ven room single house, ficient and there are Indications "C. B.” she repUed. "Scrubbing je two wetda Mlnlmem east LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED, Female 87 stead of having a curved bay trict, the operator, who la located floors, washing dishes, and so j et throe llnsa. cleaned, oUed, adjusted, 31.80. LET ALBERTS ressonaole rent. Write Box U, that the Office of Production Man­ when the foot is placed on the in Hartford, called the South Man­ ratea ear Say ter traaaiaat MALE AND FEMALE velvet and furnish your home with furniture Herald. \ . agement may go atilt further. forth ." Prompt reliable work, phone 8037 floor, this bay is absent and the chester Fire Derartment. "Shouldn't think it's worth any time Tor pick-up suid de­ upholstery weavera, and also bilk you win be proud to oWn. Outfit “ It cannot be said there iaia entire [contour of the sple touches Call Is B^yed tv. II weaveiu, who are not now em­ cqriaists of the following items: WANTED TdsRENT by adults, 8 shortage of materiaU In the brasa whUe overstaying," I suggested. (S aiM B L Ib iG Caab Chars* livery service. K. A . fCarlaen. or 6 room ain^ or flat, by July the floor, .Most of those affected On receiving the call, the South "Oh, but it was," she said, pow­ CT.*F 7iu.iaMS Osya. T eui S eta ployed' In defense Industry. Ap­ THE BEDROOM industry but it can be said the ex­ complain of sore feet, and are un­ s c b ^a m b l i n g sUve lat. Call 3488 Ehid department relayed.lt to the dering her. face as she put a differ­ THE CRIIsJOLtKIE SOUAD WM.Mititiet'www.fK. <>-SK\LX'. fsM I prdored 7088. Modem or Period Suite turer. Call Mancheater 7886 or an arch in the shoe often gives street and by that time the flames _ ■ 6ay _ :will ■be eharged only ter Apply 881 East Center street. Smoker—Axminister Rug com plete relief, bujt the bones re­ It's a depression when times V\VW> W VO’ '• o '. S astshl nsmber et ttaiea Ue ad REPAHUNG— Auto tops, cur­ after 6 p. m. 4627. had broken through the roof. The bad and prices ruinously , eharwliig at the rau earn- Btssell Carpet Sweeper sume their abnorinal position ss firemen did good work. A line of AVWOL'-WCTW aUowaaee er retsnde eaa tains, naw and used team har- 2 End Tables—Coffee Table soon os the shde is removed. The When things get good andyjirlces OMCVL StVV — ea etx time ade atepped nasasa, all kinds of leather work. Agents Wanted 87-A hose was carried Into the attic, go higher, they call it imiation. flttk « u . Tel. 4740. (;^aa. Laklng, 00 Cnm- 2 Table lampa—Floor and Houses for. Sale Menus best treatment is by manipula­ but the fire could not be checked, I fttrMaP: diaplar llaee asi MARKCnNG AUTOMOTIVE and Bridge Lampa—Westinghousc tion and exercise. If the muscles lit had worked lU way down bridge striMt Table Model Radio FOR SAL.E—MODERN V room A Week’s* Supply have their tone restored through ^ a*rml6 wlU not he reepenilbie Industrial lubricants; janitors and house, steam heat. 2 car garage. through the partitions and it was WANTED TO TUNE, repair and Indusqial supplies, etc., protect­ THE BREAKFAST ROOM exercise, the bones will be held In necessary to use a largb amount STORIES TAMFS t a w n U sa mm laeerreet inaer- Maple or Porcelain Set Apply 97 Brookfield atreet. For Good Health their proper place. Those with flat lUt wta savsttlsesMSt ordered | reflate your piano or player ed territory. Baum's, (EsUbllshed Reeommended of water to extinguish it. Linoleum Rug feet should never walk around in can, mi iY MU Wiviet. me. t. m. Me u. t w . c m . HteUM one time, piano. Tel. Manchester 5082. 60 years) Romo, N. Y. FOR s a l e :—TEN ROOM house Lost War Relics iaadvetteat enlsaiea ef U - 32 pc. Dinner Ware MoCoy Health Servloe their bare feet. You are fortunate SubMeatlea et adverttelaa on Maple street, conslqting of two 1.^ that you have no trouble but It is I 1941 Bengal Combination Range five room flats. Inquire 64 Maple, '*1 j'ust got sick and tired of mowing the lawnP I Help Wanted-Female 8S Dog».Bird»-Pet8 41 1941 Westlnghouae Refrigerator Dally M o o s doubtful If your feet would with- to This outfit haa been carefully ae- mornings. stand the rigors of military serv­ replaced. A World War veteran he Menus k^gested for week be­ had his steel helmet worn In IS nraet s M t m I WANTED—GIRL OR WOMAN FOR gXLE— POINTER PUPS, aelected and represents a truly ginning S i^ a y , June 18, 1941. ice. \ for general housework. Telephone f o r s a l e —m o d e r n 8 room France and also a German helmet FUNNY BUSINESS ____I eafoi thoroughbreds, five months old. wonderful value. Phone or write single. Payments about $30.00 a iday 8180. Moon Soperstltlons ...... that he bad brought back with they ruerve Ue iliut PhonsManchester 8966. for free "Courtesy Auto." No obli­ month. Just completing a mod­ Breakfast—^ench omelette; him ,There were pictures taken releet ear eo^ e [WANTED—WOMAN or girl for gation. em 6 room single. Buy now— Toasted cereal\ biscuit; Stewed ...... - - itleaable. A L B E R T S—EST. 1911 chooee your own color scheme. In the Middle East, exposure to in ca«>P« in this coun^ and iiv • hours—Cleaslflod aU general houMwork. Telephone LWa Stock—Vehicles 42 figs. the rays of the moon is said to France showing members his Russia Modern Enigmo ebUiM eaai* dar aiest be 7464.. 43 Allyn St.—Hartford WUIlam Ksnehl. Tel; 7773. Lunch—^Ice crei o'e)^ aeea Sstar- Open Sat. Eves. cause nightmare as weU as head- company. He also lost a sat pf tow- In World Smuggle Good Old Easy f o r s a l e —RACCOON klU, also kind o( fresh fruit aches, and in the Far East to these ing glovea used by his brother, WASH TUBBS I WANTED—WOMAN OR girl to ,1 red fox. Francis Krlatoff, Ash IHnner—Broiled d iken; spln- saatst with housework. Apply in MATTRESS VALUES. We cannot Lots for Sale 78 o f cu- symptoms. In Burma, there U a Joe, who was a pugUist, »nd who 4R E A T w K ir T aw Want Ada Swamp Road, Glastonbury. aoh; buttered beets; belief that when the insane suffer 1 was killed in action in France. (GREATEST enigma in today's vgHAffW a n aeeoDUd eper U e tele- person, at 42 Brookfield street. duplicate, stop In to-day and see cumber and celery; or Jell- r iC M O N 6k:OTTl a *M A »- 1 FOR SALB>—3 BUILDING lots on from mental storms these corre­ Mr. Dilworth was an ardent flsber-^ war-torn world is Soviet Rus­ »al Ue C ia itjl RATH ^vea our complete line of innerapring WeU. N T H c m r UMwmtBieii BM AK THE POOR > ae a eeavoaeiiee te elnr- PouKry and Supplies 48 mattresses, also cribs, studio Mill street. Gas, sewer etc. Each spond to the phases of the moon. man and his fibbing equipment sia, which continues to memori- KMOCKffD lot 100x200. Price reasonable. Tel. Monday alao lost; HEy.LU6wrr< couches, and occasional furniture. Breakfast— (Tottsge I alizt its industrial progress while < x m , Us baslaeas efflse ea er be- n o t i c e —DUE TO Bolton dam Pearl's Appliance A Furniture, 8717. Thoa. Olander. It was necessary for the linden guns blaze within earshot of its OPENIHE Melba toast; applesauce. I to turn water onto a housa/io the _jo sereaU d v (oUswlaa PAINTING AND washout, customers for chicks Hotel Sheridan Bldg. Phone 7890. FOR SALEl-^BUILDINO LOTS on Lunch—Corn; string beans; Draped Bodice borders. \ ueertloa ed.^U M oUerwIn and pullets can Uke Route 87 at ■ north of the Dilworth b o ^ which The stamp above is one of a ------wlU be eolleet- PAPER HANGING CROSLEY REFRIGERATOR. 8 Main highway. Route 18 Wap- tuce salad. was in danger and on which the 7 tor errere Bolton Notch, drive east 8 miles, ping. Telephone Mancheater 7734. Dixner—Roast mutton; succhini new issue of seven postals de­ wtU n BisaaMd a Good Work! taka Isft hand road and follow bu. ft. exceptionally good condi­ paint blistered because of the heat. signed to depict Russian industry. tion, guanuiteed, price reasonable. (Italian squash); salad of lettuce, Iliird Fire Alarm ■r aeearaer' esaaet be aaaraa- Reaapnabla Ratea! our sipui. MUloris Coventry Poul­ tomatoes and cucumbers; apricot The stamp here shows three new try Farm. Phone Mancheater Burton D. Pearl, Appliance A Resort Property f

FOR 8ALBS—ONE 3 H. P. Kelvlr FOR SALE—FOUR PIECE bed­ in a building where a shower bath Aeeeeeeitea—Tires ....• « NEIAR MANCHESTER— Spor^ W edneedsy is located. An oil heater uoed for curacy. tmtor Refrigerator, aultable for room set, gray enamel combina­ man's lodge. 110 acres. Beautiful Bepelrtae—PalaUns n-* REAL ESTATE tion gaa and oil stove, and oil Breakfast—Retoaated breakfast beating water had overflowed. It Ever since Nazi-Soviet non' BUT. ALLEV, THIS / AND 1 TELL VUK DOC, aobeels V- large meat display case or milk 8-ro6m log cabin, bath, huge food with cream (no sugar); aggression pact, o f 1939; the Rus­ WILD PmZSOIT ( RXJTPRlWTS DO*TT Rkip to Trask ...... cooler. Apply Pmt Office Box 110, range. 89 WethereU street. TeL I was out when the firemen arrived. COVENTRY LAKE stone fireplace. Double garage. On Back to First Fire sian occupation of half of Poland OF OSCAR BOOM V LIS.' HE’S ON A —For lure m.... Manchester. 3097. roaring trout stream. In seclusion. I _ IS ABSURD .' V , SHIP. ____ SOME__ 7 -WHETHER -aerrloe—atersae For Sale: Lunch — Oomblnation aalat After the fire on Edward street and the war on Finland, the rest vou've ABMiArnuy W HBRE_A>^LL I'oOP-BUSTS* ••esaaoa $3,200. Terms. Southward Agsn- molded in gelatin; wholewheat I was under control, the apparatus of the world has been concerned w o © E A O F HIS FIND HIM Deairable (Two Lots) 100x138 FOR BALE—MEN’S Rebuilt and cy, WlUlmantlc. Telephone 818-J. O R N O T ^aiilMrndeaaSieiVoeeUeL- M l nlae. Overlooking lake. relaated shoea,,^tter than hew Home AppllalfiCCS S1A bread and butter sondwlchea. , returned to the fire on Stock road. about this tremendous unknown voMcagABOUTS.' BUST.' R E M A IN S . aervtoes Offered ...... _ l l Paved road. Lake privileges. cheap shoesT oee them. ' Sam Dinner—Roast pork; carrots A connection was mads to a factor in the destiny of civiliza­ "Now, gentlemed^ our first objective, of course, will be TD BE BEEN. M asreiee* offered ....M -A Cash Price $400. Terms su bt­ Tulyes, 701 Main. A COMBINATION RANGE that’s cooltsd with the meat; spinach.: I hydrant on North Main street and tion. the appendix r BU T .H IS itrsetlaa ...... *4 Minute of shredded raw cabbage; I the pump used to wet down the INTERPRETATION tarserlM ...... }* ly higher. a rsal bargain. Dual oven, oil and OF THERBBSAOe Otrectors jf The most health-glvlog sun rare )>aked M>ple. I rubbish pile. gas with oil burner. Brown and ■ -* OF THE FOOT- -Beenffa M IT '^ANDOVER LAKE ivory, 880. Phone 7-94$8. Supply hare a wave length at from 280 Thnnday BY FONTAINE FOX PRINTS O J THE eeeeaseeeaa , to 820 miUlonth parts of a msUr Breakfast—Eggs poached in TOONERVILLE FOLKS InM ...... a It For Sale: ^ outlet, 1180 Main atreet, corner BEACH W A S _. jektes—8ton«« • • •• Real BsUta . . . InauranM TVumbuU, H artford. Free park­ and 'are Invlsibls to the naked milk served on Melba toast; dish A Thought UMCAWNILV . yMBSttSW S^nrtM atae.it-A Lake Froat Lot 80x178. Near See ^ ing rear of store. eye. qf berries. A C C U R A T E / •aaesasawaa ^ prireto Handy beach. Paved Lunch—Raw apples sa desired; m • • a e e aaaa;^ t t 7 read. Priced at $800 for quick Lord ttveth; and lilesMi bs rtnc ...... * • e e e a # # •• McKinney Bros. glass of milk. *rlBiiw—Drelnc—CUealaa .. >« sale. Dinner—Oslery soup; BaUsbury my rm*; aad lat the Ood ef nty deed* sad Sarvle* ..... P in t Popular Crochet Bedspread steak; asparagus; salad of fresh I salvansa be exattsd,—Psatan iBClnea* ffanrle* . n . >* ANDOVER LAKE flOBMalaSt. PboM •••$ raw Bptnarti; prune whip. 18:46. ~ eesaaaaaa* For Sale: Friday ' ^ h BY MBRRILL B ate laatrvctioiis saaaaaaaas , Breakfaat-7-OoddIed eggs; crisp That i^ such rlgfatsousness to FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A pTBcarioiis PoaitioB e *aaoH*a*et*^A Water Froat Cottage with I them by faith imputed they may beantlfnl lake view. Three bed- bacon; Melba toast; stewed rais­ ins. find justification towards 0<^, and fibttad—-iBstraetloBS roon», large living room, kltcb- r I f w e HAVE TO Lunch — Potatoes boiled with peace o f coniMdence.—Milton. AMD OO X FE(L RfiUffVED / MAIenB -■^U ST IwE ooMpun«.y hi ea, bath. riMtrtc light*, rtmataig Vou KOS DO A ooA /r VOU UFT M E FDNBCr ABOUT RePUNO THIS OOUSHr *-M»rtasa*e . WINDOW SHADES the skins on served with butter; SWffU. J 0 6 —TUT / I we su«e w e * B jit t b r y OtORiA iru. u » B MY M in or OpportenlUoe ...... water, screened porch cm two ' ABOUT THE WHOLE THINC UP ckamO jr WORRY OO THE -THOSe P08TVRS te liioen M sides, two-ear garage In base­ string beans;-raw celery. a Haadcoffi Mlsetag PLACE IS JAMMED.' BOUT MCR WORPYW®, ANNOUMONE Cot-To-Measarc Dinner—*Baked halibut, family ID AM 'Bo o r , a o o .' ___ _ GONM A., Help aad Mtaatma ment. twro lota 80x197 each. SHOW UP? [BeAW Hear, . SHeDBeMEIU. Wepted — Feinsle •,.•••«. aa ] Property desirable for eonveelR. style; eggplant; cooked greens; Phlladriphia. — (47—A dpeisloa w e HAVBNT MYPRBNO— w h a t u . we 00, eeeeepeeee It « 9 C k ? pea W uU d ...... Od-A j lag Into ali-ycar-ronad home at M ARLO W ’ S „ salad of sliced temstoes; no des- to user handctiffs wasn't exsctly SEEN H8R Wanted—Male or Festale at low cost. Small dowa payment. qert thp right thing whsn police at the YST/ ipts Wanted •....♦••.••-A Balaaee o«i rental bast*. Priced Seventh and Carpeatier streets Wanted—Female . . . *i , Breakftast^M s^ waffle; but station startod to take a priaoner is Wanted—Mai* . . . . I f | only a t $8,300. t nsenel** ....L ... ter; small amount at maple wyt- to beadquartera for fingerprint­ tdre ateuM F*«e F«sl«ry— MANCHESTER up; stewed apricots. 1 ing. The bouse sergsant thought Fahlriesi D. & M. NASH CO. Lunch—Barries with milk or be'hsd semi a pair in the cell room _ —*F*ta *1 For Sale: and the tundcey waa positive the Ctaefc—Vehtei** ...... *1 le Ueuiarsaa Bsad TeL 7$ « cream (no sugar). _trr and Sappll** ...... ** Desirable two-ISmUy house of Dinner—Roast vesl; summer lieutenant' had a pair a couple ef ■tad —Pets—Fonltry—Steek *4 ' atx rooms each. Duplex style. NAW BAUM AND BBRVlUB squash; grssa peas; aaloB of months ago. But there j\ist wasn’t »e'a*le Hlerenaerese Steam beat, hardwood ScMrs, OENBBAL RBPAlBINa ■hreddad lettuce and endive; date any. A patrol car had to go a mile For Bale' ...... large veraada, near West Cen­ pit. I and a Imlf to detective headquar­ aad Aeeaaaortee ...... b s e i C a n ‘The softly draped bodlos and the Matertala ...... ter Street. Desirable locatloa. •Baked HaUbut. Family Style: ters for the ncceseaiy equipment. —Watehc*—JewelfT Mcmthly rental tadome $79.M. (Alt as much halibut as required, open, abap^ neckline are two of the m m flattering details in this trieal nppUaaee*—Radio., Sale Price $478*. Terms: Small allowing about 6 ounces for each m saff Feed ...... *--A dnea style. Tour slim waistline Bxkihitien of D ^ BY JOHN C. ^.Farat—Oatrr PiedaWS M down paymeaL Balance mort­ person. Cut halibut in.stripa. D%> SCORCH Y SMITH All a ea fi! •• .1 Hit OOOtH •••oesaeeaae* tl gage. Oarrylag charge $40.00 FEEL HAPPY AROUND it In all or OMlted butter. Sprinkle HSt Tools .eapeeoaaa tt monthly. Uirtitly ^ t h salt. Ron In Malba _ R I B O B O I eeeeesHWa H I THE POCKETBOOK! toast crumbs, and bake in a mod­ f t U E f 3 r r / tt o ff BqOtpBMOt awo t j I MANCHESTER TWYVS UEFT Jt tbO t t o m ee.ewaoa M DRIVE ONE OF THESE erately hot oven about $0 to 38 ffutomobUe and tmpeease*her AM«rol*">Foro ...... a ^ . minuteo. dangers of driving *BC RANK deeeees«*sse *0 { For Sale: IppiMinBaaa—Matola—•* n ra e-fa m n y .dareUtag. *Ta- HUDSONS! UNCUMCEPt/ Qosstlaaa an boil after the diUdren had driven esme Property," vSoath Seetleo m e Bs Badle and taring clips and lockets. iS S X S S * ...... « T - o f f Spraoe Street. Five ro.| (er Bast... Terins amagud. Heater. twhiU or ecru. Fringe adds dignity I pain aleag the course of the great F » i* - By Degs IBSd Ford By BIra. As m Oahet send I8c in coin, your name, ad­ 1988 aad graos to the apread. oetatie nerve which runs down the A very -eimMrte Uatlag One of the asoat popular at the F or ...... tastroctlona. back of the lower Uiqba. True oei- dress. iPttsro number aad Slsa to t (Mnm BUndlag, Ttak—(A V -0 )r> . Ipn Far lUat Oars Anywhere Hie Bvening Herald, Today’s Pat- ether piepsrly (er year law A tfbir Vries! otd-Ume dselgna In ciortiet! You luatratloaalO M < C dftitoiUhsa, Instructions atica la an Inflammation of the B. W. Joees a i the «4Ui Fle d tioa. tsni Service. 106 7th Avenue, New Artlllsry obtained his first leave, Other Os# fia et ts ilflA i. can hare a perfectly lovely bed­ for making t x t M and flniriiiag { norve itself, but often It is caused spread, aaaounts o f m ateriel ^>ec>- by presure from aa overloaded York, N. Y. hurried hapfily. to "Ms honw in f t spread that will laet for yeara aad V n II ALLEN HITCHCOCIL fisd fo r CVilsMdl Bedspread (P at­ beweL sod 'he other tsstaacw by Rnd for the Fashioa Book. AO BtyakviOe. ooMdf^ get Inc. H . A . rEPHDNS years by crnghettlMr whUrlsd tern No. uer.$M d Iff cent# In the frssMMO ef a twoour in tlia anIbocitaUve furirtea review of ^ Inhs U p ' a l y ^ an «M bm M Hi iWalcr \ (hplga. n a aadda up of Individual Chti, Tiwii TTsVhs ihil Addrasd and psbf^’or Hsi m i af Up hip JoloL 1 .IdBtursd bare. t O T B M In otharjpM*


dUa amargenqr it^waa laamad H. nllng, Mrs. LOUan A Bow« a poarife Frrank » i « V< VaUuaal. Donald YOUR HEATINO local OuMl tttaa way, Albert XJndaay and Edward il Town To Get Ready Copeland. /Manchester’s Defense ^Commit P R O R U ^ S Tire Prices Are / teb, named by the Board m Wa hart a fine aaleetion of Ifew U rea at Prieai That Defense Unit Selectmen several ooontha ago at o ( tiM St. Marya church school wQl ^ 'eeenMriiBiirily**^*!^ A r e R ig h t ! tha time the present emergency have Its closing saislon Sunday. fC xsitll Us m g na nseet year, regnira- d in «)> mMt at d e ve lo p ^ consults of The annual Cradle Roil party will mento for n i epen Sable tad 6.00 X 16 Firestone Champion .... .$10 .5 0 ______at >up Nisnicd ben, chairman. Samuel O. be held in the parish houae tomor- y tio u f y o u r ^ on enpply fhatag the eoM V Albert I"oy. Leroy Oflswold, Dr. moathw to eenwr -=.^ i^ nen- TatoaiM tt# <^«nl Months Ago/ for rbw a t 2:80 p, m. • j 6«00x 16 U. S. DeLnxe ..' ...... $10.50 D, C. Y. Moore, Henry Mallory. S e a s o n s aoHlag OB regsrdhig year E. Rand.-Leon A. Thorp, John F. wlater'a contract now, ycaTI An Emergency 6.00 X 16 Goodyear G 1 0 0 ...... $10.50 Pickles. Jack Sanson. George w . C b f f / r K / rave future worry, expense MMid 3. Blown o« 1« Cheneyi -^lss BUlaabeth l^imett, uad be cure of the Ugheet 6.50 X 16 U. S. De Luxe ...... $12.50 d tha Mawadiusatto Maachaater'a Def«w^ Oommlt- Elmer Weden. Rev. James R Tim­ giaSe fuel dL pltal, •»!»*• MasBotltl, tac not called on a to« Its nomina­ mins. Rav. Karl E. Stoix Thomas e-ae.ft«^ nwW tion for any ,a«lvlty. wlU ba J. Qulsh, Dr. Robert P . K n ^ p . We have also about 40 6.00x16 at $5.95 with^ ^ ^ r " “ and It t» aapected Also B. J. McCabe. Albert R. Wilkie among tbe almU4r groupa in W taatttutloa to r many denon. Hayden J* Griswold, Oyde 16 Walker St TeL 8866 FUEL <6 RANGE ^tar old tire. Connecticut towns wMcb O. Becki^Jh, Frank ReUly, Arthur (in intensive preparaUon for any In Any QnanUty — Any TUne! RETREADS—4.00x16 ...... $6.00 and ap HOOM Boonomlca Wholesale and Retail « ( Maachaater Grange wlU Pasteurized AGIk 1 * food aala to m o n w morn- In HaJal atoia. Tba «wual BANTLT on. COMPANY Campbdl’s Service Station « ( food! wUl be on aala and Cream CENTER S^BBET „ PHONE 5298 C o r. M a in and M id d le T p k . P h o n e 6161 Serving the PnbUe for 28 Tsars. »nd MTS. William B B _ ^ ^ ^ -a- —B Pgipranra

S^Smcement enerdses at T ^

Mjneuftviua e«^ n l, ___ a «■ son, PhlUp S. Ruah. g ^ - from the L ib era l^ the degree of Bl^elor oC Delta tie Is a member of fraternity.

^SRUlam J. Davis, of ®**^*f*^l his son Stanley,

Center, Vermont, today Mtand the commencement 1

et Idrndon Instltuta ttls j Mr. Davla’s daughter, at tsportaAt todtk and m Doreen Davis. Is a niem^r 4 T A Y i l S . *fla»cy the sraduatlng class and has] «o much Wyou aodyiuf femily'a . OB the honor roll for the past . Itokh to ptowetad againn

ftiKl iM lf of tta€ pM* j dalatiorat'cn..... Feyk «ap» in lura wathajl ak of a modam

tain ttoir ap- gBiimg Hsihnaw ovw a longw A new summer, full of sunshine, sandy the ananal strawberry fasttvM Sefiodef time. beaches, cool waters, gentle breezes— gMvatkm Army CooWator'i patented lea Con­ the usual large crowd last ditioning Chambar pravanti and Although the rainy, cod rapid dfying-out of loodt.' rood r prevented the nerving of gatat a«a abterbad by water outdoon after from malting lea and eaitiad everybody preeent e n j^ Jantzen away. No eovatad d n ^ art ■le, BtrmwbiBrry ehortcake ^jpaeauary. Comtant lam. again with the most exciting swim suits

•r good things ill the lower t?Sstalutsa ate maintained wtot^ of 1941, to make you feel sparkling and lea ctomba* k full or noaily new, and glad that aummer’s here again fempty. bardmenta — exciting dew figure fixing “Lastex” r and Mm. Edmund ZagUo ;*rra2rrX7£x;&?i3 n'tetumed from their wedding ^lalhrfcitsnto swim suit fabrics, rib trimming, hip *

1 Dr. ZagUo wUl reeuma slimming foundation control, new Beau* - Monday. Mrs. ZagUo former Jane* Soonlkaen, ty-Lift Bra — and the year’s thrilling

a t Mr. and Mia. Andara new colors. , a t SO Middle Turn-

, v o o . Wehstar who la chair- $4.95 to $6.95 I tha oomml^ “ SSSS \ ojmual atrawharry fenUval' ' from • to t;B0 i "" Ask About Our Rental P t^ a se Plan. at thraugh tha oourtssy Water Vdva—luxuriotu, velvet like sheared fabric. Berman Bchendal a ^ PricM SUrt At $89.50 For A f!4 Cu. F t Box. .,aea Training CSub d » ha w U give an eshlW- tmtned d o ^ during vnrt- ♦Vehra-Lare— the appearance of thia popular fabric comes fl?om Ita suede-llke texture—the *mmmm a t tnBtiuctloa, among L. T. WOOD CO. inner surface feels satin smooth. ■tST C. D. V. dogr M - the apuiisnrlng Women a I ^ phone 4496 t of the Oantsr chutch

la various daya at tha| Sea-RIpple—all-wpy atreteh fabric with Kk)% which, elaatlcity aasurea complete comfort and St, ' fasttvaL eliminating binding everywhere. ^ -

vdhataia Emily Smith, abalrnm] OiANniN

“^IBb O lil Snout camp oommtt* LMnMieaa that lagtotmtloas Wool and Laatex—has a new fashion texture ___0 r IBa fu ll oonapUmant o f SO gtrla I —the ‘Tjsatex*’ yarn is both laid In and knit In for perfect fit. (Wool 87% — Laatex yarn the BBlrta tor tha.first weak at] only a nglstra-[ 18% .) ' —

MB ba accepted for the see-

. ..tiT^ Rowever, tf some of I New Summer Prints • scouts caaTirriage to Weyde Printed Bemberg Sheers onnm or can arrange to r other I Printed Crepes ■Sim o f tmaqiortntloa. they can | ^ •aiMM care o f if they wlU oon- Bright prints, gay colors, make playclothea fim to wear. Summer is featured in this lovely t the e»mp committee. The Bin mh>“ tripe, but the selection of bright, happy prints—

Bity lim it Is SO. Miss Mar- ahher coolness for every occasion 1 . . telephone 6S3T, is I Makes no difference how you summer — mountain, beach, or backyard—hava charge of registrations. fun In colorful, gay playclothea. Enjoy all day coolness in pretty summer play- etna MrTisen. O. 8. wlU hold $5.98 I regn«-»‘ meeting this evening at clothes.

h^o'clock to the masonic Tem-

3 Pc. Playsuits $3.98 A iMnghtsr, Carol Ann. w Skirt, aborts and Bra of floral pique. I to Mr. and Mrs. George Kel- U1 Main, June SUi at St. Sixes 12 to 20. I hospiUl, Hartford. Chiffon

i BtlLD lNO MATER ^. Nelly Don Playsuits

AUCB OOrBAM Cotton Broadclotn ...... $ 3 . 9 8 Hosiery

(B bswu A s 4|nssn A|||W) Rayon and Cotton ...... $5.98

gpOUmiAL MBDIDM - R a y o n C rep e $7.98 •Blh OnMhtor et • Seventh Son l i v e l y xhadex fo r

Bora With • VeB. summer wear in 2-8-4 iB rs- OnBy f A M. to f r . M. For Every ^ thread aheer chiffon 4)t By Appehitnient In the Serrice Seersucker Slack Sets V e f the f eople for SO Tenre.. Playsuits with aU sUk foot and and Chambray Gbntch Street. Hartford. Conn. ] spun rayon, gabardine and reinforced heela and Construction Purpose 2-plece playaulta of striped \ Phene A«tS1 cotton. Slaes 12 to 20. PLAYSUITS denim. Sixes 12 to 20. toaa for extra wear.

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■pm ragalar facial treataarat. An White Wsshs}>k Qarto^Cigarettes .$1.50 Spedaliie la Beaaty” Let Us Assist Yon $1.19 Ea. 3 Power FW d Glssaes ,,»•••• *$1:0® Rayon or Nylon

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4. IJ M ^s Liasn Handkerchiefs A Permanents *' Yon With Financing Soft abto and flrat step 1 - . A n WMto $1.00 boas In white ooly. Baby Slrap. ------— 4 B c e s d i Arrangcaunta. Cool inarii or ahM alip-oo atylae with smait- $1.00 and $1.75 / *• I P k o a a . Svaa ly trimmed CuSa.



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Mn. Main $t TcL 4148 i T