f Average Daily Circnlatlon The WMtitor For the Montb ot Bliiy, IM l Foreeast of C. B.;Weato*r Bi 1 Cloody wHh light shower• to- 6,764 night sad Satoniay; a* Important > Member of tbo Andlt ' tempera tore thongeo. BaroM of Clrcolatlou Manchetter^A CUy of Vittage Charm (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS (CloMlfied Advertlabig Oe togo 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 13,1941 ^ VOL. LX., NO. 217 Chester ^ iWeUes Asserts. Nazis m Damascus Not foJBe male Break World Treaty; Defended by French; - . _________ _ Q . ' • _______ - To Shoot at Vessels Allies Nearing Beirut Aulhorixed S^rce Sayslp^^^g D W r C Declak’es Facts in Sink­ Syrian Gipitol Likely British anti Free French ing of Robin Moor Be­ Envoy Clerks\ To Be Declared Open Forces, Rebuffed in Of* yond Dispute and In­ City When British and Buffaloed by American I FoV Salvage - fer of Peace, Advanc­ And Families directly Accuses Ger­ De Gaullist Siege And English D**®***"!/“x r d f • ing Along Mediterra­ sions Concerning Rob-^ 1711 f i l l H I many of Violating In­ Forces Break Its Out­ a DAMASCUS nean Shores; Push to Reach Haven *KISSOUE ternational Pact on lying Defenses; No in Moor' or Berlin in i ;z^A^ < Point 20 Miles from i''iil'i' ' i' i! i I R AQ Sub Warfare; Sui^- Preparations for Fight- No Hurry to Partici­ Nation'Wide Campaign Lebanese Capitol; 10 61 Americf^ in Portu H A IFAii JE8EL ilUiHilininnif ED ^in^ in Ancient Qty. pate in Discussions. To Be Inaugurated to vors Evidence Qeiir. Miles from Damascus. | gal After Almost DRUZ' Add to Supply for De- Three Days tFUhout TELiJ Berlin, June 18.— (/P)— An Washington, June 13.— (ff) Damascus, SJria, June 13. ilAVIV London, June 13.— (A’)— authorized (Jerman source fense Industries Soon. — SumneF Welles, undersecre­ Steep and Little Food* — 1:10 p. m. (6:10 a. m., e. Rebuff<ed in, a peace gesture, - „ AMMAN said today “we wdh’t be buf­ tary of state, asserted todfiy 8. t.)— <JP)— This Syrian capi- British and Free French i^ ^ U S A L E M faloed by American and Eng- New York, June 13.—(ff)—The that the facts in the sinking Lisbon, Portugri, June IS— (/P)— a 1, believed to be the oldest forces in Lebanon and Syria SAUDI ish discussions ' concerning office of Production Management of the Robin Moor were be­ ^ Sixty-one Americans from Paris— inhabited city of the world, were authoritatively reported the Robin Moor. Whenever plans to inaugurate soon a nation­ yond dispute and indirectly 34 men and 27 women and child­ probably will not be defended ^ TRANS ARABIA today to be closing in on any ship with coptraband wide salvage campaign to add to accused Germany of violating ren, most of them United States when and if British and De JORDAN Beirut and broadening the sails foJr England we’ll shoot the supply of aluminum for de­ an intemationid treaty on embassy clerks and th4ir depen­ Gaullist siege forces break fense industries. base for perhaps the final as­ dents— arrived at the Santa Apolo- at it, whether it is the Robin submarine warfare. The evi­ into its outlying defenses. Da­ Vichy claimed British and '’Free French” forces had been Frank Bane, director of the Di­ sault on Damascus. A high nia station today after almost door, the Exmoor or any- vision of State and Local' Coope­ dence of 11 survivors of the mascus, it appears, will be checked in their drive toward Damascua and Beirut (arrows at left), source in London declared three days without sleep and poor­ ration In the Office of Civilian De­ ly fed until they reached the Por­ while the Invadirs admitted enooimterlng stiff resUitance. In the :hing else.’’ sunken American merchant treated as an open, or unforti­ fense, told defense representatives that forces advancing along tuguese border. north three advancing British columns (arrows) were said In Allied (The Robin Moor, 5,000-ton Unit­ vessel was very clear and fied city, such as Paris itself ed State freighter which was sunk of 12 northeastern states today the Mediterranean shore of The diplomatic staff left the oc­ dispatches. to have reached' Delp-Es- Sor and Raa-El-Aln. Aleppo there could be no dispute fifi cupied French capital in accord-, was declared Just a year ago apparently waa the objective Of these forces. In the South Atlantic May 21, was thqt the OPM already tad made the' Bible lands had' pushed to the facts, he told his press today when German forces bound for Capetown, Union of north of Sidon to a iwint South Africa. She formerly was (Coattoned On Page '<Wo) (Contlnned On Page Two) conference. within 20 miles of Beirut, were rolling on the center of As to vtoat action the United Lebanese capital, while Free the French Empire. There said a torpedo from States will take, Welles aald he has been no preparation for submarine sent her wotUd withhold a considered state­ French forces had taken two Machinists Told to Go Ruhr ValleJu fighting within this ancient though the submarine Nazi Demands ment untU the fun depositions a t villages east of Kissoue, fac­ comniander knew her identity.) tho 11 survivors weie received ing Damascus 10 miles away. place of slaughter. There has Authorised sourdM Said many from American officials to BraxB The Middle command at been no blackout, no evacug- ships going to England already and were investigated here. Bladings Hit Ba^k to Jobs on Ships On Reds Seen Cairo acknowledged that the Al- tion of women and children to had been sunk and Germany was Sunk by Oertnu SaboiariM In no hurry about participating in ilea Had been "temporarily delay­ the suburbs. Damascus itsel! An account a t thrir testimony, ed in certain sectors by resistance dtscuBsion of toe Robin Moon inci­ Breeding War however, issued by tbe State De­ of Vichy troops,.” but “had by yes­ During Raid is not fortified. Resumption of Produc­ dent. partment yesterday, charged ttat With a population close to 200,- Planes Sink terday evening made further prog­ tion at Full Speed De­ QuMtlon Exclnalvely Military the Robin Moor was sunk to the ress ih all sectors of their pene- 000, Damascus is Syria’s largest South Atlantic on May 21 by a The question was exclusively British Dreams of Dis­ traUon.” Many Fires Started in city. German submarine which gave pends on Response to military, these sources said, but Answering With Anns No Signs of panlo 28,000 Tons the paasengers and crew SO min­ certain American quarters were agreement Nourished Germany's Great Man­ The population Is displaying ex. Order of Council, utes to abandon the vessel befqce The Vichy government was an­ giving It a political angle “In order swering with the arms at its com­ ufactory Region by At­ cellent morale. There are no signs Of Shipping thereby to further a war psycho­ By Reports Baltic ^and it 'was toriJMoed and shelled. mand a British overture through of panic. By The Associated Press sis. Wellea was asked for commeiri (Five hundret and forty years Black Seas Affected. madrlff suggesting that to save tack of British Planes. Resumption of full-speed “ And, of course,” U was added, on the statement of a German Frenrti blood it should instruct de- ago most of. the residents were spokeaman in Berlin that *We “Bhigland cries In every manner to rfeiHM forces to offer no further re- slaughtered and Damascua plUag. production on $500,000,000 Germans Also Qaim De- make political capital thereof.” ; Lorifion, June IS.—(P)—British won’t be butMPsd. ^ American / London, June 13—(87—Many an ed and burned by the Mongol con islstance to measures taken by the worth, fif . def^mse shipbuild* . Investigations by German TMll* dreams of a Soviet Ruaslan-Oer and English discussions concern­ Jadustrial building waa b lo ^ teto ueror Tamerlane after'n s Mad stnietion of Eight Brit­ Allies “to prevent the enemjkXrop. in g' ih the San Franciwo bay tary authorities were continuing, ing the Robin Moor” and that the sky and numerous fliea were tefeated the Egyptians here and man disagreement bordering on using Syria as a 'base of opera­ ish Aircraft as Result meanwhile, these sources said, and “whenever any ship with contra­ tions against them.” started last night in Germany’s le v i^ a large tribute on the city.) area depended today on tbe Germany would decide "in due active warfare were nourished to­ band rail* for England well The British disavowed a ^ ter- The historic citadel of Damascus response of striking A FL ma- O f Night Activity time” whether or not to say any­ day by repeated but imconflrm- shoot at It.” l\ great manufacturing region, the riCorlal designs against French Ruhr valley, by a Targe force of is -used now only as a prison and ebinists to telegraphed in- thing concerning the incident. able reports that Berlin demands • Wellea replied that tbe qura- territory and declared again that center for the clvU administration. Germany lists as unconditional on Russia were of such magnitude British bombers in the heaviest structionk from tbeir Interna­ Berlin; June 18 .--<P)—German tlon of what constitutes contra­ the Inviuiqn by De OaulUkt and raid of the war on that region, it Public security is assured by na contraband— good* which In the that acceptance would loosen Mos­ band la one of the meet contro­ British ItcMrial. forces^-Vieby’s tive police. tional Executive Council in planes sank 28,000 tons of British Nasi conception can be destroyed was claimed officlalty today.
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