THIS IS APPENDIX 1 TO THE AFFIDAVIT OF RONALD LAMOTHE, SWORN BEFORE ME THIS qT'` DAY OF APRIL, 2008 COMMISSIONER FOR TAKING OATHS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Elections Cana a Status / Statut: Registered REGISTRY OF POLITICAL PARTIES REGISTRE DES PARTIS POLITIQUES Full name : Conservative Party of Canada Language for correspondence Nom integral : Part conservateur du Canada Langue de la correspondance English Short-form name of the party, or its Nom du parti en sa forme abregee, ou abbreviation , to be shown on election I'abreviation de ce nom qui dolt figurer sur documents : les documents electoraux : Conservative Conservateur Leader - Chef The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, P.C., M_P. 130 Albert Street Suite 1204 Ottawa, ON K1 P 5G4 Telephone / Telephone 1313 755-2000 Fax 613 755 -2001 E-mail/
[email protected] Courriel Tollfree / Sans frais : (866) 808-8407 Chief Agent - Agent principal Conservative Fund Canada c/o Irving R. Gerstein, C.M., O.Ont., Chair Suite 1204, 130 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1 P 5G4 E-mail/ Telephone / Telephone 6313 755-2000 Fax 613 755-2001 Courriel Auditor - Verificateur Deloitte & Touche LLP c/o Carman Joynt, FCA 800 - 100 Queen Street Ottawa, ON K1 P 5T8 E-mail/ Telephone / Telephone 613 752-5215 Fax 613 565-3461 Courriel
[email protected] "3rincipal Office - Siege social c/o Susan J. Kehoe Interim Executive Director Suite 1204, 130 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1 P 5G4 E-mail/
[email protected] Telephone / Telephone 613 755-2ooo Fax 613 755-2001 Courriel T oiifree 1 Sans frail : (866) 808-8407 Suite 1204 Records; - Archives 130 Albert Street Elec-ar®ns Canada Officers of the Party ®iricgeants du parti Name and Address Position Title Date of Appointment Nom et adresse Titre du poste Date de nomination _ Other Officer(s) Irving R .