A Study of Jake Barnes Self - Awareness of His Weakness and His Relationship with the Woman

In Hemingway’s Novel

A Thesis Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirement For the Sarjana Sastra Degree at Faculty of Letters Hasanuddin University








Praise and gratitude the writer prayed as much as possible to Jesus

Christ for all his inclusion and protection, so this paper can be resolved as such. During the process of writing, there are many challenges, trials, and problems that writers face. But with perseverance, patience and hard work of the writer, as well as encouragement and guidance from faculty mentors, eventually everything can be resolved.

The writer awares of her ability in writing this thesis, therefore this thesis is still far from perfection, both the content and composition. Thus the writer with all the limitations expecting suggestions from any readers, for discussion in this paper is more perfect.

In preparation of this thesis from begin to end, many people are involved. Therefore, with humility the writers say many thanks and highest appreciation to Drs. Hussain Hasyim,M.Hum as the head of English

Department, Drs.R.S.M.Assagaf,M.Ed as her first consultant and Drs.M.Amir

P.M.Hum as her second consultant. who gave her the time in motivating , helping, correcting, and guiding during the preparation of this thesis. And also the writers thanks to Drs. M Syafri Badaruddin, M.Hum as her first examiner and Karmila Mokoginta,SS,M.Hum as her second examiner who gave many correction.The writers also thanks to all the lectures and staffs of English department who helping and educated the writer during her study. Gratitude profusely to my beloved mother with her patience in accompany the writer, and member of moral and material assistance during this, and also this study for her beloved father who always pray for the writer of in heaven.Thanks also for her brother Gatra and her sisters Desi and

Onnenk who always prayed, gave their material contribution for her. Thank you also for her friends, In-On, Ieam,Sara,Eppink,and independent 07 students who are struggling, helping together in joy and sorrow during her study. The last but not least, the writer thanks to her close friends Dewi, Pepi,

Jeni,who always supported and helped.

This thesis is far from perfect. The writer expects any critics and suggestions from all the readers. Hopefully, this work also can be accepted as a valuable contribution.Amin

Makassar, July 2011

Andini Sari Makka

ABSTRAK ANDINI SARI MAKKA. Belajar tentang Kesadaran diri Jake Barnes dari Kelemahannya dan Hubungannya dengan Wanita.Sastra inggris, Fakultas sastra, Universitas hasanuddin,(dibimbing oleh R.S.M. Assagaf & M.Amir Patu.) Karena alasan ini, penulis dipicu untuk mengetahui seberapa dalam kelemahan mengubah hidupnya dan hubungannya dengan wanita yang dicintainya dan juga bagaimana Jake datang dari kesadaran dirinya dan akhirnya bisa membuat Jake mengatasi kelemahan dan hubungan nya dengan wanita yang dicintainya. Dalam rangka mencapai tujuan utama dari tesis ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan sastra, yaitu karakterisasi dan konflik. Di sisi lain juga penulis menggunakan teori psikologis dari kesadaran diri, definisi ketidakmampuan karena, kondisi ini terjadi pada Jake Barnes dan juga definisi kedewasaan untuk mengetahui arti kedewasaan. Konflik dengan Robert Cohn dan dalam dirinya dapat membuat Jake datang ke dalam kesadaran dirinya. Dia menyadari bahwa nilai hidup tidak dilihat secara fisik tetapi secara rohani. Dalam hubungannya dengan Brett, akhirnya Jake dapat mengubah dan mengambil sikap baru terhadap Brett. Hubungan mereka telah berubah karena Jake menyadari bahwa hubungan mereka adalah mustahil Sebagai kesimpulan, bagaimana Jake Barnes datang dalam kesadaran dirinya, perubahan hidupnya yang akhirnya bisa membuat Jake mengatasi ketidakmampuan dan hubungannya dengan Brett Ashley menunjukkan bahwa manusia dapat bertahan hidup selama dia bersedia untuk berjuang dan melakukan yang terbaik

ABSTRACT ANDINI SARI MAKKA.The Study of Jake Barnes’ self –Awareness of his Weaknesses and Relationship with the women.English Literature Department, Faculty Of Letters, Hasanuddin University.(Supervised by R.S.M. Assagaf & M.Amir Patu.) Due to this reason, the writer is triggered to know how deep the weaknesses change his life and his relationship with the woman he loves and also how Jake comes to self-awareness and finally could make Jake to overcome his weaknesses and his relationship with the woman he loves. In order to achieve the main goal of the thesis, the writer uses literary devices, namely characterization and conflict. A side of that, she also uses psychological theory of self-awareness, the definition of impotence since this condition happens to Jake Barnes and also the definition of manhood to know the meaning of manhood. The conflict with Robert Cohn and within himself can make Jake comes to his self-awareness. He realizes that the value of life is not seen physically but spiritually. In his relationship with Brett, finally Jake can change and take a new attitude toward Brett. Their relationship has changed because Jake realizes that their relationship is impossible. As a conclusion, how Jake Barnes comes to his self-awareness of his changes of life that finally could make Jake face and overcome his impotency and his relationship with Brett Ashley shows that a man can survive as long as he is willing to struggle and do the best.


TITLE ...... i

APPROVAL ...... ii

LEGITIMACY ...... iii


ABSTRAK ...... vi

ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………….………………...... vii



1.1 Background ...... 1 1.2 Identification of Problems ...... 4 1.3 Scope of Problems ...... 4 1.4 Statement of Problems ...... 4 1.5 Objective of Research ...... 5 1.6 Sequence of Chapter ...... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE ...... 7 2.1 Basic of Theory ...... 7 2.2 Literary Theory ...... 7 2.2.1 Characterization ...... 7 2.2.2 Character ...... 8 2.2.3 Conflict ...... 9 2.3 Psychological Approach….…………………………...... 10 2.3.1 Theory of Self-Awarness ...... 11 2.3.2 Definition of Impotence ...... 12 2.3.3 Definition of Manhood ...... 13


3.1 Research Design ...... 15 3.2 Source of Data ...... 15 3.3 Procedure of Data Collection ...... 16 3.4 Procedure of Data Analysis ...... 16


4.1 The Impotency of Jake Barnes ...... 17

4.2 Jake Barnes’ love Relationship with Brett ...... 22

4.3 The Process of Jake Barnes’Self Realization ...... 25

4.4 Jake Barnes’Conflict with Robert Cohn ...... 25

4.5 Jake Barnes’inner Conflict ...... 29


APPENDIX ...... 45




Literary work is the result of human creations that can provide ideas and share the of human life. Therefore, the presence of literary works can be said to include all elements of human activities that express various feelings, emotions, thoughts and views on life and truth that is in man himself. Literature is the work of art, so it has the same properties with other art work, such as sound art, painting, sculpture and so forth. and have the same purpose which is helping to people uncover the secret state to give meaning to their existence.

Novel is a book of long narrative in literary prose or fictional prose narrative of considerable length and some complexity that deals imaginatively with human experience through a connected sequence of events involving a group of persons in a specific setting.

One of the most important novel elements is the character, because character is the essence of events in the story. Character depicted with its own character and is the driving force of events in a story and the event or conflict in the story is what makes the novel has a color. Literary work also always find the message or to convey the message both in directly or indirectly by the writer. Many people know Ernest Hemingway. They may not have read one of his novels or short stories, but they certainly know that Hemingway is one of the well known twentieth century American writers.

Hemingway is really a strong writer in the choice of words to make the story come alive, like in The Sun Also Rises; he does an excellent job of revealing the characters by expressing their feeling through dialogues. The reason of choosing this novel is due to the fact that this is one of

Hemingway’s first major novels. The Sun Also Rises stands as perhaps the most impressive first novel ever written by Hemingway

In The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway presents his war experiences by portraying the uncertain world of lost generation who indulge in merry-making and pastimes like fishing trips, bullfighting, passing time in nightclubs and cafes. All main characters of the novel, The Sun Also Rises like Jake;

Brett’s fiancé, Mike Campbell, Brett, Count Mippipopolous are true depiction of the lost generation.( Charles Scribner: 1926.)

In the novel, everything is described as reaction to the dilemma of the war how the major characters of the novel are affected physically and psychologically, engaging them in incredible consumption of alcohol and continuous travelling from place to place. In The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway’s vision of life is reflected in it and it is the result of his own personal experiences during his youth as a volunteer in Italy in The First World War and as a war correspondent during the Spanish

Civil war ( “ Jake Barnes, the hero in this novel is Hemingway himself” . It is from Jake Barnes’s eyes, The Sun Also Rises brought out to the readers in other words, Jake is the narrator of the story. He told everything he saw and felt.

This novel is essentially an expression of everything Hemingway had experienced in Italy about war, the courage and bravery in war, and life itself.

This novel is his way of expressing his experiences along with his feeling.

There are the experiences that lead to his almost obsessive preoccupation with the realities of death and violence. Hemingway feels that a human should live in order to meet the challenges of life with courage and honor.

In The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway explores the concerns and struggle: in a tragic world over shadowed by anguish and despair, it is possible to survive and even extract certain measure of happiness by disillusioned paying the price exacted for it. This story is centered on the struggle of Jake Barnes to adjust himself to the effect of his wound and the desire he has for great love of his life. The severe physical wound he has suffered suggests an equally severe physic injury. In trying to come to terms with his emasculation Jake suffers defeat but, in the end also a kind of victor.

1.2 Identification of Problem

After reading of Novel “The Sun Also Rises”, to analyze about the

Self Realization in this novel, therefore the writer tries to identify these problems in some points, that is :

1. The First World War. physical effect on Jake Barnes after

2. Many conflicts the main character the other character in the novel

“The Sun Also Rises”.

3. “it” describes the moral messages.

4. The relationship between Jake as the main Character and the other


1.3 Scope of problems

In the novel “ The Sun Also Rises “ by Ernest Hemingway, there are several aspects related through the elements that built it, therefore the analysis will be discussed in chapter aspects of a Study of Jake Barnes Self- awareness of his weaknesses and his relationship with the woman he loves.

1.4 Statement of Problem

As a result of the First World War, Jake faces a new change of life. He becomes impotent and loses the woman he loves. This condition makes Jake become depressed and has to struggle to survive. Jake’s change of life makes the writer wonders

 How the depression changes his life due to its consequences.

 How Jake Barnes comes to his self-awareness which later enables to

face and overcome his weaknesses and improve relationship with


1.5 Objective of research

The writer in this analysis wants to show that at the end Jake Barnes could face his change of life and overcome his love relationship with Brett

Ashley. He is able to accept the reality and to come to his self-awareness because of his desire and struggle to survive and show the depression changes his life.

1.6 Sequence of Chapter

Chapter I introduction, which covers background, identification of problem, scope of problem, statement of problem, objective of research, sequence of chapter

Chapter II Review Related Literature, which Theory of Basic, Literary

Theory that explain about; Characterization, Character, and conflict ,

Psychological Approach, which explain ; Theory of Self-Awareness, Definition of Impotence, Definition of Manhood. Chapter III is the methodology, which used by the writer in analyzing the case.

Chapter IV that is the central of the analysis is related to the study of

Jake Barnes.

Chapter V concludes the whole research into a summary of analysis and the writer some suggestions into the readers.

Chapter II

Review Related Literature

2.1 Basic of Theory

This thesis is basically a study of Jake Barnes self realization of himself that finally can make him able to face and overcome his weakness and his love relationship. The writer needs to discuss some related elements, which can support the analysis, before she goes more deeply to the analysis.

In this chapter, the thesis writer reviews the literary theories of characterization and conflict. Besides that, the writer also reviews psychological theory of self-awareness, the definition of impotence and of manhood. It is done with the intention to give a deeper understanding of the tools that are used to analyze the novel.

2.2 Literary Theory

In this part the thesis writer will explain the theory of characterization, characters and conflict as the tools to analyze the novel.

2.2.1 Characterization

The writer of this thesis sees that characterization is also an important element in a novel. There are two techniques of characterization that the writer uses to present and establish his/her characters: analytic (direct) and dramatic (indirect). In direct way, the writer gives a clear image of a person or a character through personal description (Character appearance), his/her direct comment, character’s thought, mannerism, and past life as seen through the character’s thought.

An indirect way, the writer presents a character as seen by the other characters; character’s speech, reactions and past life as seen through his conversation with other characters and through the conversation of other characters about him/her.

Through these two techniques, the readers can view the character’s inner life, what is going on in the character’s mind and what the character feels. In analyzing The Sun Also Rises the thesis writer uses these two techniques of characterization.

2.2.2 Character

Without characters, the novel cannot be built and it will be meaningless; therefore, the author usually has many characters in his novels and presents them with their own characteristics.

Some people in a novel are called characters and the readers assess them on the basis of what the author tells about them and of what they do and say . Character itself, according to Hugh C.Holman in Handbook of

Literature, is “a brief descriptive sketch of a personage who typifies some define quality” ( Holman 79 ). This means that character is the personality of a person in the novel which can be seen through his/her actions and sayings or ’s saying about him/her.

2.2.3 Conflict

Using characterization as tool in analyzing the novel, the writer also uses the other literary namely, conflict. Conflicts are very important since they may give a change in human lives. Conflicts may become aversion, obstacles for someone to achieve his/her goals (Beck 256). They can make someone’s life becomes worse than before. On the other hand, conflicts can also become mover for someone to change for a better life or condition.

According to Abrams,” Conflict is divided into two types. The first one is social or outer conflict. It is the conflict between characters against the circumstances in intervening between him/her. It also includes a struggle between man against man. The second one is inner or psychological conflict.

It happens when there is a struggle between desires within an individual “

In the novel, Hemingway uses the conflict as a mover for someone to change for a better condition that is Jake Struggling with his own weaknesses or condition. Besides than he also has a conflict with his friend Robert Cohn, who leads him to his self -awareness of his weaknesses and his relationship with the woman he loves. His conflicts also make him to come to his self- awareness to make his own way which brings his happiness.

2.3 Psychological Approach

Psychological approach is an approach that emphasizes the review of literature on the psychological aspects of a literary work.

The word "psychology" is now used in general to the science of human behavior and experience. This has grown rapidly since the beginning of the

20th century, both in research methods and in the ways the discussion of the results of these studies that in "his conceptual"

Psychological analysis of literary works evolved as modern psychology itself began to take form during the early twentieth century. Although this type of criticism employs the concepts expressed by many noted sociologists, including Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and Otto Rank, none have contributed as heavily to this field of study as Sigmund Freud has. While many aspects of his theories have been discounted by contemporary psychologists.

The principles of psychoanalysis are as follows:

 Psychiatric deepest layer is a layer or take life force, a form of

sex drive and feelings of others that encourage people to seek

pleasure and excitement.

 Experiences as a baby and as a child, a lot of influence attitudes

in adulthood.

 All ideas, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is still essential

if the region is connected with the unconscious.  Emotional conflict, is essentially a conflict between the

subconscious feelings with the desires that arise from outside

 Emotion is two flavors. No emotion of one kind, hate and love

intermingled. A man may hate one woman but at the same time

he was also interested in him.

 As the conflict can be resolved or hidden in a way that is

acceptable. If he was able to get out of the conflict is called

sublimation, but if it fails it will resemble neuroses, namely

conflict basic emotions in the soul.

2.3.1 Theory of Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Theory states that when we focus our attention on ourselves, we evaluate and compare our current behavior to our internal standards and values. We become self-conscious as objective evaluators of ourselves. However self-awareness is not to be confused with self- consciousness. Various emotional states are intensified by self-awareness, and people sometimes try to reduce or escape it through things like television, video games, drugs, etc. However, some people may seek to increase their self-awareness through these outlets.

People are more likely to align their behavior with their standards when made self-aware. People will be negatively affected if they don't live up to their personal standards. Various environmental cues and situations induce awareness of the self, such as mirrors, an audience, or being videotaped or recorded. These cues also increase accuracy of personal memory.

Demetriou's theory, one of the neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development, self-awareness develops systematically from birth through the life span and it is a major factor for the development of general inferential processes. Moreover, a series of recent studies showed that self-awareness about cognitive processes participates in general intelligence on a par with processing efficiency functions, such as working memory, processing speed, and reasoning.

2.3.2 Definition of Impotence

According to An Introduction of Psychology Today, the term impotence is used to describe a man’s inability to achieve or maintain an erection.

In Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, Charles Rycroft said that when describing a symptom, sexual incapacity of the male is always intended.

Sexual impotence may be due to either physical or psychology factors. In line with that explanation, in psychology the impotent man may either lack sexual desires or he may be unable to achieve sexual gratification through intercourse. Sexual impotence may be due to either physical or psychology factors. In line with that explanation, in psychology the impotent man may either lack sexual desires or he may be unable to achieve sexual gratification through intercourse. Usually a man, who is unable to do sexual intercourse, will feel guilty over sexual matters. Finally he turns to alcohol. He learns that by becoming intoxicated he could forget his true feeling. It happens to Jake

Barnes who likes to drink wine in order to lose his unpleasant feeling, a feeling of pain of being impotent consideration in evaluating a person sexual adjustment (Narramore 125).

2.3.3 Definition of Manhood

The word “Manhood” based on The Heritage Illustrated Dictionary of

The English Language, is defined as the state or condition of being a child or a woman. While in Webster Ninth Collegiate Dictionary, it is explains as the condition or period of time of being a man, as opposed to being a boy or female.

According to Procter in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary

English the word manhood means “the sexual powers of a man”. It means that if someone is unable to do sexual intercourse with his opposite sex, it is said he lost his manhood. In this novel it happens to Jake Barnes. He has lost his manhood, the power to procreate, he becomes impotent. As a whole, the thesis writer thinks that the theory of characterization and characters, theory of conflict, theory of self realization, definition of impotence and also the definition of manhood have become an important bridge to help the thesis writer to analyze the novel well. In snjhort the theories and definition above provide information and understanding for the thesis writer to have clear information of the novel and know how to apply the theories in doing her discussion and analysis.



3.1 Research Design

To achieve the purpose of the thesis, the writer uses analytical method by using literary approach namely characterization, character and conflict.

Before going to the analysis she collected the data by using library research such as theory of self-realization, definition of impotence and the definition of manhood. The writer also used some critic’s opinions especially those related to the topic.

3.2 Source of Data

To achieve the desired of purpose in the research, required a particular technique in gathering data as needed. In this case the authors use the methods of library research. In connection with the object of study that will be studied, the writer use two data are primary data and secondary data. The writer will explain the data was as follows:

1. Primary Data

Primary data are the main data as the object of the

research by reading and also quoting directly

required from the novel Incident in the Life of a Jake Barnes. 2. Secondary data

This data was taken as support for understanding the

primary data, where the data is sourced from outside the novel,

which apply in describing and analyzing the problems of

research that has been formulated. All the data that the writer

got from the library of reference associated with the object of


3.3 Procedure of Data Collection

The steps that the writer did in this study are:

1. Reading the novel of “The Sun Also Rises “as the primary data.

2. Write the problems that arise in the novel “The Sun Also Rises”

3. Recording the happening experienced by the characters in the novel

and see aspects that appear in the novel especially about Jake Barnes

3.4 Procedure of data analysis

After collecting the data, the thesis writer begins to analyze them together through a literary approach.



Jake Barnes’ Weaknesses and his love relationship with Women he loves

The First World War had made man’s life uncertain especially those who became the victim of World War I. That was the time when people realized that war was capable in changing people’s life. War ia a nightmare for man’s life.

In this part, the writer analyzes Jake Barnes’ weaknesses as the result of the World War I and also his relationship with the woman he loves. His weakness has made his life completely change. The thesis writer shows his weaknesses and his love relationship with Brett through his actions, saying and feelings.

4.1 The impotent of Jake Barnes

In war time people are not given the choice to behave either well or badly. All is in chaos and the battle is not structured. People just lean on their good luck. If they are lucky they will be safe and be able to continue their post-war lives. But, it happen the contrary to Jake Barnes. Sure, he is not dead in that war but he has a bad luck which makes his life completely changed. Jake is emasculated by around in the genital sustained while flying on the Italian front during the war. He becomes impotent “Jake in a damage condition: he has somehow been incapacitated sexually through wounds received in the war “(Wilson 194). This injury makes his life completely changed because he cannot live like any other normal man. A normal man usually is able to do the physical relationship ( intercourse) with his opposite sex. For a man sex plays an important part in this life because usually he needs to fulfill his partner. Besides that, in order to show his love to his partner he make love. Another important fact is that by having the ability to make love, it shows the manhood of a man. Man is not a man if he is impotent.

This incident makes Jake become shocked. He never thought that by joining the war he loses the symbol of manhood ( in which people always think), he becomes impotent. He just thought at the beginning that perhaps he will die or become crippled, and not impotent. By being impotent, he cannot make love with a woman and have children. Of course, he is not ready to accept and to face the hurt reality about himself. He is not prepared to accept an to go through the sudden change of his life.

This injury then makes Jake’s feeling become insecure since he cannot have a normal sexual relationship with a woman. “The feeling of insecurity has deepened” (Wilson 194). I figured that all out once, and for six months i never slept with the electric light off. Woman makes me awful. To hell with woman, anyway. (148) Another effect of this change of life is that Jake becomes pessimistic about his relationship with a woman because he knows that a man and a woman always expect the relationship that is more than talking, laughing, and caring, they need making love to each other. Making love is one of the expressions of love and passion because it can make a woman feel full of love and being loved. According to john gray, ph.d. in his psychological book,

Mars and Venus in the bedroom: “Making “live is one of the expression that makes a woman feel that she is being loved by her partner” (2). Jake knows this fact, and his disability to make love makes him pessimistic about dating a woman. He is afraid to begin a relationship with a woman because he knows it will not work out at all.

As an example, one evening he invites georgette, a prostitute whom he picks up in the restaurant to enjoy the evening, eating, and talking. It comes from a vague idea that it would be nice to make a relationship with her. Unfortunately, it doesn’t come up as Barnes has expected, since

Georgette wants to have a physical relationship. From his conversation with

Georgette it is shown that they cannot have a physical relationship:

She cuddled against me and i put my arm around her. She looked up to be kissed. She touched me with one hand and i put her hand away.

Never mind”. “What’s the matter? You sick? “Yes” “You’re not a bad type”, she said. It’s a shame you’re ,sick. We get on well. What’s the matter with you anyway?” “I got hurt in the war,” I said “Oh, that dirty war” (17). The quotation above shows that the nature of his wound has effectively denied him to have a relationship with a woman.

This condition makes Jake Become desperate. He is trying to get rid of his unpleasant feeling, a pain feeling of being impotent by drinking alcohol for he cannot bear the painful reality. By drinking, he is able to forget his problem and his desperate feeling for a moment. He can be in the world where there are no problems, tears, and sucked experiences. It is clear when he said,

“Under the wine I lost the disgusted feeling and was happy” (92).

Jake is also still possessed by frightening feeling, a feeling he felt in the war that again and again comes up and makes him feel powerless in certain situation, unable bad things that come to him. It can be seen from this quotation:

It was like certain dinners I remember from the war.

There was much wine, an ignored tension and a feeling

of things coming that could not prevent happening (92).

“his sexual wound, the result of an unpreventable accident” in the war, points to another realm where accidents can always happen and where Jake is equally powerless to prevent them” ( Spilka 18). Besides, Jake is haunted by the traumatic experience the day he got his injury. It seems that the experience of being wounded makes the trauma in his life. Every night he gets insomnia and when he cannot fall asleep a slight painful memory fills in his mind (Young 7). This condition can be seen from this quotation:

I blew out the lamp. Perhaps i would be able to sleep. My head started to work. The old grievance. Well, it was rotten way to be wounded and flying on a joke front like the Italian (31). This quotation shows that the traumatic experience of being wounded has disturbed him a lot especially at night when his mind starts to work again causing him constant insomnia.

Those effects discussed above are the effects of Jake’s impotent

Once, he was a dashing man who was completely confident about himself and had a good life. Now, he has to struggle for his life in order to survive and to get himself back to his feet.

4.2 Jake Barnes’ love relationship with Brett Ashley

Brett Ashley is a beautiful English woman. She is a nurse during the war; she lost her fiancé who died of dysentery and divorced two men she did not love. She met Jake in the war.

Jake is hopelessly in love with Lady Brett Ashley and so is Brett, but nothing can be done about it because of Jake’s sexual weakness. The fact that Jake is impotent shocked not only Jake but Brett too because Brett Is a hypersexual woman.

Jake and Brett love each other so much that they know the confession of their love mostly become inane for it cannot be real. It is due to the fact that

Jake is physically impotent while Brett is undoubtedly a hypersexual woman.

“Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley are two lovers desexed by the war” ( Spilka

18). They try to adjust themselves to this condition by forming a new type of relationship, they become best friends. However, this new type of relationship fails to be maintained when they meet again. The failure that they have predicted before, and there is nothing they can do about it.

On the other hand, since Brett knows that Jake has sexual disability, she has affairs with Robert Cohn, Jake’s best friend, and Pedro Romero.

When Brett confesses to Jake that she has an affair with Robert Cohn when they was in San Sebastian, Jake is a bit repulsive and feels hurt. He tries to hide his anger and disappointment for Brett’s betrayal. The conversation between them below can explain Jake’s broken heart :

“ is Robert Cohn Going on this trip?” “ Yes. Why?” “ Don’t you think it will be a rough on him?” “Why should it?” “ Who do you think I went down to San Sebastian with?” “ Congratulation,” I said ( 83). From this quotation, it is clear that Jake is not pleased to hear Brett’s affair with Cohn, his answer sounds bitter but Brett does not notice. And when

Brett confesses again that she falls in love with Pedro Romero, again Jake

Feels his heart has been ruined. He even tries to prevent her for getting involved with him.

However, Jake is trying to be tolerant of Brett’s behaviour because he loves her unconditionally and is willing to overlook everything she does. Jake is willing to endure and forgive Brett’s promiscuity and infidelity, even though he feels hurt about this.

Jake and Brett, actually, need each other emotionally, but Brett feels that she needs more. As a result Jake is forced to give her up. The fact that

Brett depends on Jake is undeniable. She always comes to Jake whenever she feels miserable and has problem. It can be seen from this following quotation:

“oh, darling, “ she said,” I’m so miserable”. I had that feeling of going Through something that has all happened before. “you were happy a minute ago.” I said

“it’s all gone.” “What’s the matter?” “ I don’t know. I just feel terrible.” “Want to go? “Let’s go, she said. You don’t mind.” “All right, I said” (64). It is clear that Jake is the only one Brett can trust and it is only to Jake,

Brett can be honest about herself. “when alone with Jake she will express her feeling, admit her faults, and even display good judgement” ( Spilka 20). And

Jake is ready to shoulder Brett, although sometimes it is hard for him to be

Brett’s companion. But, he accepts this because he loves her very much.

The reality that they cannot be lovers, although hurt, has forced them to gain strength from within themselves. Still, they have a good time when they dine at a restaurant in the boils with the Count, Brett’s friend who asks them why they do not get married. The Count certainly does not know about

Jake’s injury. Jake gives diplomatic answer and Brett support Jake’s answer.

“ you are very nice people, he said. He was smoking a cigar again. Why don’t get married, you two?” “ we want to lead our own lives,” I said “ we have our careers, Brett said. “ Come on. Let’s get out of his” (61) After discussing and studying Jake Barnes’ weakness and his relationship with the woman he loves, Brett Ashley, thoroughly in this chapter, the Thesis writer concludes that the injury has changed Jake Barnes’ life. It becomes more serious especially because he deeply falls in love with Brett Ashley, a woman whom he expects can accept his weakness. Now he has to struggle to stop his love to her and to adjust himself to the changes.


In this chapter, the writer shows the process of how Jake comes to his self-awarenes of his changes of life by analyzing the conflicts faced and overcome his impotency and his relationship with Brett Ashley.

From the previous analysis, the writer has presented and analyzed the impotent of Jake and its effects to Jake’s life, and also Jake’s relationship with

Brett. This analysis will guide us to the conflicts Jake will get (How Jake feels and thinks about his change of life and how he struggles) and Jake’s process of self-realization.


Robert Cohn is Jake’s best friend. Their relationship was in harmony once. Jake was always hanging around with Cohn whenever he has spare time. He is patient with Cohn since Cohn is not someone nice to have around, for example: he doesn’t have a good ability in getting along with people; he only has a few friend. Even, at the end Cohn admitted that Jake is the only friend he ever had and who understands him very much ( 194). Yet, their relationship is beginning to get worse when Cohn has an affair with Brett, the woman whom Jake so much loved and adored.

Jake is undoubtedly angry and jealous when he heard from Brett that she is having an affair with Cohn in San Sebastian. He is very disappointed with what Cohn has done to him because Cohn is his best friend and Cohn knows that Jake loves Brett very much. He cannot stop thinking why Cohn can betray their friendship and make him become more depressed. As a best friend, actually he has to console Jake and encourage him to see life positively. He can also advise Brett to accept Jake the way he is. Ironically,

Cohn uses the situation when Jake is not around Brett, and follows Brett to

San Sebastian, and there he tempts Brett so that she falls for him.

The worst thing is that Cohn proudly shows to Jake that he has made

Brett fall for him. He is acting superiorly toward Jake about his affair with Brett

( although Brett herself does not take their affair seriously as soon as they left

San Sebastian ) showing that he can get Brett because he is not impotent which is contradictory to Jake. In many chances. Cohn is always following

Brett like a steer. He could not even see that he is unwanted, especially when

Brett wants to be left alone with Jake.

“ I’m going to sit here”. “ I’ll stay with you”. “ Oh, don’t!” she said. For God’s sake, Go off somewhere. Can’t you see Jake and I want to talk?” “ I dindn’t. I thought i’d sit here Because I felt a little tight.” “ What a hell of a reason for sitting with anyone. If you’re tight, go to bed” “ Was Trude enough to him?” Brett asked Cohn was gone. “ My God! I’m so sick of him!. “He doesen’t add much to the gayety.” “He depresses me so.” “he’s behaved very badly.” “Damned badly. He had a chance to behave so well.” “He’s probably waiting just outside the door now. “Yes. He would. You. You know how he feels. He Can’t believe it didn’t mean anything” ( 181) From this quotation above, it can be seen Cohn’s superiority to Jake.

He ignores Jake’s feeling as the result of his superiority. He does not realize that Brett ignores him and their short affair in San Sebastian was just fun for her.

Jake hates Cohn’s superiority and stubbornness in following Brett around. He also feels betrayed by Cohn who is his best friend. He expects that Cohn can support him to go through the reality that he is facing now, to console and to encourage him. But, what happens are the reverse. For those reasons, he starts to behave badly toward Cohn and hate him. I do not think I ever really hated him until he had that little spell of superiority at lunch, that and when he went through all that barbering. Why I felt that impulse to devil him I do not know. Of course, I do know. I was blind, unforgiving jealous of what had happened to him. The fact that I took it as a matter of course dis not alters that any. I certainly did hate him (99). Jake’s relationship with Cohn is getting much worse when Jake finally agrees that Brett dates Romero. Jake gets a knock down blow from Cohn who is mad of losing Brett. It seems that Cohn still cannot accept the fact that his affair with Brett has ended.

“Where’s Brett? He asked. “I don’t know.” “She was with you. She must have gone to bed”. “I don’t know where are.” His face was sallow under the light, he was standing up. “Tell me where she is.” “Sit down,” i said. I don’t know where she is”. “The hell you don’t. I’ll make you tell me. He stepped forward “ you damned pim.” “I saw his face duck sideways in the light. He hit me and sat down on the pavement. As I started to get on my feet he hit me twice” ( 191). Again , Cohn shows his superiority to Jake. He forces Jake to tell him where he can find Brett. When Jake does not give a satisfying answer, he dares to beat Jake. He cannot control his emotion and let his anger come out without even thinking that Jake is his best friend and what the effects will be on Jake.

After being beaten by Cohn for taking Brett to Romero, Jake experiences another strange feeling. He finds that everything seems to be different.

Walking across the square to the hotel everything looked new and changed. I had never seen the tree before. I had never seen the flagpoles before, nor the front of the theatre. It was all different. I felt as once coming home from an out-of town football game. I was carrying a suitcase with my football things in it, i walked up the street from the station in the town I had lived in all my ife and it was all new. They were raking the lawns and burning leaves in the road, and I stopped a long time and watched. It was all strange (193).

From the quotation, it can be seen that the knockout blow from Cohn dredges up a strange pre-war experience. It seems that Jake is brought back to his youthful football days. He even feels that he is still carrying his suitcase.

This strange feeling reminds him of his youth days when he has not got the injury yet. This memory leads him to a painful feeling because at thet time he was a healthy and young fresh boy who could do anything he wanted and had a good time of his life. He compares his youth days with his life now.

It is completely different.

However, this strange feeling of his youth day brings him to realize and understand what lies behind all those changes that happen in his life.


Jake is facing some inner conflicts deep inside himself. In his heart, there is a battle between what he desires and what the reality is. He wants his desires to become the reality but the fact is beyond his expectation.

His relationship with Brett is the main intention of his life. On one side, he loves Brett very much and wants to spend his life with her. But on the other side, he realizes that it is impossible to make his dreams come true.

Jake thinks that if Brett can accept his sexual weakness, then there will be no problems anymore. Life will not be so difficult for him. They can get married and have a simple life together. But the fact is not always as simple as it seems. Brett is the kind of woman who has a high sexual tendency. She needs sex in her life. Jake know that, and that is why he thinks that Brett will not be happy at all if he forces her to live with him. It will ruin her life.

Jake loves her, and he does not want to ruin the life of the woman he loves. He decides to stop his dreams and not to expect love relationship with

Brett anymore. But it always fails, because whenever they meet each other, both of them especially Jake cannot control himself. It can be seen from their conversations:

“Don’t touch me, she said. Please don’t touch me!” “What’s the matter?” “I can’t stand it”. “Oh, Brett. You mustn’t. You must know. I Can’t stand it, that’s all. Oh, darling, Please understand!” “Don’t you love me?” “ Love you? I simply turn all to jelly When you touch me.” “ Isn’t there anything we can do about it?” (26). Further Jake repeats the words again, “ And there’s not a damn thing we could do” (26). It seems that he tries to convince himself about his sexual condition, that he is unable to have physical relationship with Brett. At night, when he feels lonely, he knows that his effort in adjusting himself to his condition is getting harder since he meets Brett. He curses the day when they met for the first time. It can be seen from the following quotation: I never used to realize it, I guess. I try and play it along and just not make trouble for people. Probably i never would have had any trouble if I hadn’t run into Brett when they shipped me to England (31). The bad thing is that Jake becomes weaker. He cannot stop thinking about Brett. Sometimes, Jake feels all alone because he can never have the one that he loves. Being alone in his room makes him sad and he begins to cry.

lay awake thinking and my mind jumping around. Then, i couldn’t keep away from it and i started to think about Brett and all the rest of it went away. I was thinking about Brett and my mind stopped jumping around and started to go in sort of smooth waves. Then all of sudden I started to cry (31). This condition shows that the temptation to form a new type of relationship is completely not an easy thing to do especially for Jake. It is because Jake is unable to control himself when Brett is around. “Jake lacks the power to control love’s strength” ( Spilka 18). When they are alone Jake talks about their relationship and his wish about living together with Brett which he knows cannot be fulfilled. It can be seen from conversation:

“Couldn’t we live together, Brett?” “Couldn’t we just I’ve together”. “I don’t think so. I’d just temper you With everybody. You couldn’t stand it.” “I stand it now”. “That would be different. It’s my Fault, Jake. It’s the way I’m made”. “Couldn’t we go off in the country for a While?”. “It wouldn’t be any good. I’ll go if you like”. “But I couldn’t live quietly in the Country. Not with my own true love.” “I know.” “Isn’t it rotten? There isn’t any use My telling you I love you. You know I love You.” (55) This quotation shows that Jake always expresses his wish to live together with Brett because he feels that Brett is the one for him. He actually wants Brett to do things that is impossible for her to do. He loves her very much. And Jake admits that he always talks like a fool when he is low; when he cannot control his desperate mind for not being able to live with Brett.

“I’m just low, and when I’m low, I talk like a fool.. (56)

Brett herself needs Jake. Whenever she has any problems, she always comes to Jake to console her . “I haven’t a friend in the world, except you

Jake. You the only person I’ve got, and I feel rather awful tonight. You can make me calm” (181). Jake with the patience, always shoulders her and always succeeds to make her comfortable. He does that sincerely. He does not want to get any pity from Brett because as a man, he has dignity, and even though he is not perfect, he does not want to underestimate himself.

This condition makes Jake think taht if they need each other why cannot they just be lovers, ignoring his sexual disability?

Jake realizes that the more he wants to define himself as a real man, he fails because he has.. lost the biological appendage of his maleness and he is challenged now to be a man in another way, in a more sense possible way “ ( Carey 27). He is desperate because there is no way he can do to regain his sexual ability. That is why Jake hates homosexuals. He thinks that those guys are blessed with a perfect body and its function. But he cannot think why those guys misused this blessing. Jake’s opinion can be clearly seen when Brett and a group of homosexuals whirl out into the club.

A crowd of young men, some in jerseys and some in their shirt-sleeves, got out. I could see their hand and newly washed, wavy hair in the light from the door. The policeman standing by the door looked at me and smiled. They came in. As they went in, under the light I saw white hands, wavy hair, white faces, grimacing, gesturing, talking. With them was Brett. She looked very lovely and she was very much with them. I was very angry. Somehow they always made me angry. I know they are supposed to be amusing, and you should be tolerant. But i wanted to swing ane, anyone, anything to shatter that superior, simpering, composure. Instead, I walked down the street and had a beer at the bar at the next ball (20).

This quotation shows Jake’s anger including to Brett, the woman he loves who acts as if were one of them. It shows that he is very disqusted with their attitude because he wonders why they pervert their masculinity while they are perfect men. It is very ironical with his condition. He himself wants to have a perfect body function like them, but he does not have it anymore. He wonders why those guys even ignores their masculinity. ‘Jake is constantly trying to reassert his manhood. That is why he hated the men that

Lady Ashley was with. They were gay, and he sees them as having the correct tools and using them the wrong way.” ( Woods 162).

Jake thinks life is not fair to him. He is thankful for all the blessings he has got in his life and uses them correctly, but still he considers himself as the victim of the unfairness. He tries to forget the bad things that have happened to him, but he always come back to the reality of his impotency.

Often, he forgets his problem by going to cafe with friend and drinking wine until drunk to forget all his stressed feeling. He has a lot of friends, and his friends even the waiters of the cafe like him very much because he is a kind and nice guy. He never underestimates other people even the waiters.

But still he cannot throw his burden away from his head.

He becomes more depressed when he knows that brett has an affair with Cohn and Pedro Romero. He cannot think why Brett and Cohn can do such things to him. He feels that he has been betrayed by them, and thinks why they do not have any feeling for him at all. At one side, he realizes that actually he cannot be Brett’s lover, but on the other side he feels a great loss because of Brett’s betrayal.

All those conflicts show that Jake is still confused with what he should do about his life. He wants to get rid of the problems, but he is not be able to decide what he should do, and let the problems fill around his life every day.

This condition makes him become weak and not have any control about things around him.



The conflict with Robert Cohn and within himself can finally make Jake come to his self-realization. He realizes that he could not regret what has happened to him. He has to accept things that he cannot change. But this does not mean he is not wrother to have a happy life. He does, like everybody in the world.

On the day he was beaten by Robert Cohn when he suddenly felt strange, Jake suddenly becomes conscious of what has happened to him. He suddenly begins to see everything positively.

Jake sees Cohn as an immature person. The fighting between them shows how immature Cohn is. Cohn does not need to be so emotional, he actually has to realize that Brett does not like him and their affair is finished.

Cohn’s immaturity also makes him unable to keep his marriage and his children. He is not strong enough to hold his family. He is given a divorce letter before he divorces her, then his wife marries a miniature painter, a person who usually deals with illusion but leads a realistic life (Carrey 18).... and just when he had made up his mind to leave his wife she left him and went off with miniature painter” (4). That is why Cohn’s wife prefers the painter to hold her family.

Jake also thinks that Cohn is unable to do self-criticism. He is unable to see the value of life. He cannot conduct life with dignity. He does not realize that his affair with Brett is over, the affairs that has given him superiority feeling and gives him a chance to show the romantic side of him which is no longer possessed by other men in his group especially Jake.

Jake also does not like Cohn’s passivity. Cohn rarely takes initiative to begin something. In conquering Brett, he just takes advantages of Brett’s weakness. Her hyper sexuality. Jake says the truth about Cohn, when he says: “Cohn was married by the first girl who was nice to him” (4). It means that it is the girl who takes the initiative to marry him. It is clear that Cohn is a passive man. Jake rejects passivity because Jake feels that passivity doesn’t show the characteristic of manhood.

From this point of view, Jake believes that Cohn’s life is such a waste.

Cohn is actually a perfect man who does not have sexual weakness as him and has a wife and children and a good job. Who does not want a life like that? Jake wonders why Cohn cannot enjoy his life and ruin his married life. Jake realizes that by being impotent does not mean his life is completely ruined. He realized that the value of life is not seen physically but spiritually. He is still a true man even though he cannot do sexual activities anymore. He thanks God that even though he is impotent, he never underestimates himself and loses his dignity like Cohn. He remembers Bill

Gorton, Jake’s old friend saying to him when they went fishing together. On their fishing trip Bill gives Jake spirit, telling Jake that he is a good guy and although Jake is impotent, he can be like other normal people. And he gives

Jake some example of man who is sexually abnormal but they can be successful.

“Abraham Lincoln was a faggot. He was in love With General Grant. So was Jefferson Davis. Lincoin just freed the slaves on a bet. The Colonel’s lady and Judy O Grady are lesbian under the skin” (116). Jake recalls the good time they had together at that time. Jake’s expression after their fishing trip, “ I say. Really you don’t know how much it means. I’ve not much fun since the war” (129)”. “ The fishing trip is good, they talk freely and easily, and even Jake is able to sleep well, though he is usually an insomniac” (Spilka 21). It makes Jake realize that their fishing trip has a big influence on him to accept his real condition. He becomes stronger.

And the most important thing is he still has a true friend who is able to console him and to encourage him to see everything in a positive way. The Catholic Church also has a big influence on Jake’s overcoming his impotency. Jake is not a faithful Catholic. “He describes himself as a rotten

Catholic” (Spilka 22). Although he is not a good Catholic as he admits but he feels that the atmosphere of the church makes him kneel and pray.

“At the end of the street I saw the Cathedral and walked up toward it. The first time I ever saw it Though the facades was ugly but I liked it now. I went inside. It was dim and dark and the pillars went high up, and there were people praying. I Knelt and started to pray and prayed for Everybody I thought of and myself. I was Kneeling with my forehead on the wood in Front of me, and was thinking of myself as Praying. I was a little ashamed, and Regretted that i was such a rotten Catholic” (96). When Jake feels desperate, he remembers The Catholic Chursh’s advice to him. And he is able to take the Church’s advice. It can be seen from this quotation:

“The Catholic Church had an awfully good way of handling all that. Good advice anyway. Not to think about it. Oh, it was swell advice. Try and take it some time. Try and take it” (131). Actually it is hard for him not to think about his real condition of being impotent, but like the advice “not to think about it,” he tries not to think about it by doing activities, such as travelling, watching bullfighting and the fiesta in

Spain, hanging around with Bill Gorton, etc. Furthermore, going to Spain for watching the bullfight and the fiesta is another way he chooses to get rid of the pain he feels in adjusting himself to his unpleasant condition. Jake likes bullfights very much because he feels that there is a similarity between his experience in the First World War which has exposed him to death with the struggle of the matador evading the charges of the bull, he would face his death terribly. Jake is sympathetic to the matadors especially Pedro Romero: “ he is strongly attracted to the young bull-fighter, Pedro Romero, whose courage before death lends moral weight to the life code” ( Spilka 22). Besides that, Jake feels that the matador is the symbol of manhood.” The matador means something personal to Jake. In the bull ring he combines grace, control, and sincerity with manhood ( Spilka 25).

Among the aficionados, Jake is considered one of them. “Jake himself is among fellow aficionados; he gains real emotion from the bullfight and feels truly afterwards” ( Spilka 22).

“Your friend, is he aficionado, Too?” “Yes. He came all the way from New York to See the San Fermines.” “Yes, Montoya politely disbelieved. “ But he’s not aficionados like you are.” Affection means passion. Aficionado is one who ‘is passionate about the bullfights” (131). His positive attitude also helps him a lot in overcoming his weakness and in accepting his changes of life. Although physically Jake is impotent but deep down inside his heart he never feels inferior. In his trial to adjust himself to his condition of being impotent, Jake is try not to blame anybody. Ashe remembers the day he is informed about his condition:

That was where the liaison colonel came to Visit me. That was funny. That was about the first funny thing. I was all bandaged up. But, they had told him about it. Then he made That wonderful speech: “ You, a foreigner, an Englishman have given more than your life.” What a speech! I would like to have it Illuminated to hang in the office. He never Laughed. He was putting himself in my place, I guess. “Che Mala fortuna! Che mala fotuna (31). The quotation above shows that Jake doesn’t lose his sense of humor when he takes the bad news. He tries to receive his condition and take it as something Funny. He doesn’t blame anybody.

Jake is also light hearted and never complains. Although sometimes it is hard for him to face his unpleasant condition, Jake never complains about his feeling to other people. He even tries to pretend that everything is going well. In fact, he always gives strength to Brett when she feels desperate and blames herself for the futility of their love. This can be seen from the following quotation:

“When I think of the hell I’ve put chaps Through. I’m paying for it all now.” “Don’t talk like a fool, I said. “ Besides, What happened to be is supposed to be funny. I never think about it.” “oh, no. I’II lay you don’t.” “ Well, let’s shut up about it” (26). All those positive attitudes really help him to overcome his weakness more quickly. Jake is trying to face his unpleasant condition stoically and does not give up easily with the condition. Jak’s stoical attitude is enforced more strongly ( Farrell 6). He now understands another meaning for manhood. Jake knows that he is impotent only physically not spriritually.

In his relationship with Brett, finally Jake Can change and take a new attitude toward Brett. The relationship has changed. Jake can accept the reality that Brett is dating Romero because he sees that Romero is the perfect man who can take care of Brett and makes her happy. Jake knows the consequences of his actions, bbut he is willing to take the risks in order to make Brett happy. Jake now become a wiser man. It can be seen from their last conversation:

“oh, Jake, She said, we could have had such a damned god time together.” Ahead was a mounted policemanin khaki Directing traffic. He raised his baton. The car slowed suddenly pressing Brett against me. “ Yes,” I said. “Isn’t it pretty to think so?” (247). From the quotation above shows that Brett now seems as though she is dwelling on their doomed relationship, and she is the one who gets frustrated. She still wonders whether they could have a good time together if war does not intervene with their love. But, Jake has already changed, when he says, “Isn’t it pretty to think so? “ This sounds like a total change of Jake.

He not emotionally disturbed that he cannot be with Brett anymore, he is accepting this condition. It seems that Jake is really content with himself. He does not speak resentfully, instead, he is saying it as though he has come to terms with the fact that he and Brett cannot have a relationship. Jake has changed and he is wiser and more realistic. He is not doomed to repeat the failures of his love life with Brett. Jake realizes now that their relationship is unsustainable, and basically impossible. He does not like wondering about something taht is impossible.

He returns to Brett solely to take care of her and to be a friend to her.

He helps Brett in her time of need, he comes back to shoulder Brett again when she says that her affair with Romero has ended. She admits that she has a good time with Romero, but she won’t let herself to ruin Romero’s future. He is helping Brett for the sake of his friendship with Brett. He doesn’t expect anything from Brett. He realizes that a romantic relationship with Brett will never work, he is realistic about it.

He does not Blame Brett for what she has done. All the decisions he has made about their relationship are truly from his heart. He admits that he loves Brett very much but he also knows that they cannot be in united as a couple. They will be ruined. He loves Brett, but he realizes that he cannot be with her the one he loves. He really wants Brett to be happy too.

Jake leads his life to where it takes him. He falls many times, but he is able to stand on his feet again and continue with his life. He is able to do self- criticism and to see the value of life, the value that brought “ a new sense of honor for himself”. He has come to a condition where he can accept the reality, as he said, “Perhaps as you went along you did learn something and tries to accept it” (148). He has conquered all weaknesses, all fears, and all failures.



The analysis shows that Jake’s. Impotent has made his life entirely change. This condition become more serious especially because he deeply falls in love with Brett Ashley, a woman he expects can accept his weakness.

These facts create conflicts that make him come to his self-Awareness of his changes of life. Both outer and inner conflicts give him a positive effect in his life because those conflicts do not only help him to improve his previous weak personality but they also give him spirit to be himself. He becomes courageous to face his life. He realizes that he could not regret what has happened to him. He has to accept things that he cannot change. Jake realizes that the value of man is not seen physically but spiritually. Although he is impotent it does not mean that he has an unworthy life. It is his inner heart and his attitude that value more than anything else.

The sufferings which he experiences concerning his love for Brett, a woman whom he can expect can accept his weakness but she cannot come to be a serious support to gain his self-Awareness. Jake is aware of the power and spirit inside him which help him to defend his dignity.

His self-Awareness is his new attiyude toward Brett. He is not doomed to repeat the failures of his love to Brett: Marrying Brett means ruining his life and Brett’s life. He does not want to choose the wrong way and makes his life becoming more meaningless.

Furthermore from the analysis, the writer also finds out that Jake has special character traits that help him in overcoming his weakness and in accepting his changes of life. Jake is impotent but deep down inside his heart he never feels inferior. He never underestimates himself. He is also able to do self-criticism and to see the value that brought ‘ a new sense of honour for himself “. Jake Barnes could survive hard times in order to face his unpleasant condition because he never gives up and tries to do the best in his life when he realizes that he is not physically perfect. Jake is able to look at life from more objective view point.

At last, the writer also finds out that in order to survive one should try to do what he can by being stoical and to have the strength to endure. In reality, we are shocked and driven to disappointment and desperation. Some of us want to run away from the reality. They fail to face the terrible condition.

However, through this novel, Hemingway wants to teaches us to face everything with courage and endurance. Do what we can. It does not matter whether we win or lose as long as we do our best, because finally those can lead to the good things we will get in the future and we can face our life with courage, love, and appreciation. APPENDIX


Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in the suburb of

Oak Park, Illinois Chicago. His father was a proud, religious medical doctor and sportsman. His mother, a gifted singer and dedicated suffragette who late in life became a successful painter. In his childhood Hemingway spent most of his summer holidays hunting and fishing with his father. At high school,

Hemingway is active in sport and wrote for the school newspaper and literary magazine. Which published his first short stories.

In 1917, he graduated from high school and then became a reporter at the Kansas City Star. In 1918, he joined the Red Cross as an ambulance driver in Italy during the First World War, he Got wounded by a mortar shell and spent the rest of the year in a Red Cross hospital in Milan, Italy, where he fell in love with one of his nurses, Agnes Von Kurowsky. He later used his experience in war as the background of his work. He got married in 1921. In

1926, he wrote his first successful novel, The Sun Also Rises . This was the work that established Hemingway as one of the great prose stylist and one of the preeminent witers of his time.

The other famous work is A Farewell to Arms (1928), Green Hills of

Africa (1953), For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), and The Old Man and the Sea (1951). In 1953, he got the Pulitzer Prize. In 1954, he was awarded a Nobel

Prize for his “ mastery of the art of modern narration”. He became a public figure whose pronouncements and adventure were public ized and scrutinized throughout the world. Finally, he decided to finish his life by committing suicide with his favorite shotgun in 1961 and was buried in



This is a story of young journalist, Jake Barnes. Jake Barnes is a veteran of World War I. It was when he got hurt that makes him impotent for the rest of his life.

Jake is hopelessly in love with Lady Brett Ashley, but nothing can be done about it. It is because Jake impotency as the result of World War I while

Brett is a hypersexual woman.

One day, he sees Brett comes into the bar accompanied by a flury of homosexual. He gets angry and goes out from the bar. He is disgusted with the men who waste their manhood. He comes back to the bar when he gets calm. And then, he leaves the bar with Brett. Soon, as they are alone, Brett tells Jake that she feels miserably unhappy. They then try to be real lovers, but fails as it has been predicted before.

Alone at night, in his room Jake cries and feels that his effort of adjusting himself to his unpleasant condition becomes harder since he met

Brett. He curses the day he met Brett.

The second time he meets Brett, he feels low and ask his wish to live with Brett, something that is impossible for Brett to do. Often, Jake forget his problem by going to the cafe, getting drunk to forget all his stressed feeling, in the cafe he meets new friend, the Count who soon likes Jake very much, thinks that Brett and Jake that she is leaving. She is going to San Sebastian.

After being left by Brett, Jake has quiet time. There is also no sign from

Robert Cohn. However, it does not last long for his old friend, Bill comes to visit him. Jake welcomes Bill, even he comes when Jake has difficult time. Bill is a good companion. They meet Brett before they go to Bayonne for fishing trip. That is the time when Brett tells Jake that she has an affair with Cohn at

San Sebastian. Jake feel hurt about this because he feels that Cohn is his best friend but he betray Jake trust. Then, Jake also meet Cohn at Bayonne where Jake starts to treat him badly.

Jake and Bill enjoy their fishing trip without Cohn. Bil has a chance to tell Jake that he is a good guy. Even, Bill give strength to Jake that although he is impotent but he can be like other people.

When Brett falls in love with Pedro Romero the young promising bull- fighter, Jake tries to prevent her. However, Jake finally agree Brett dating

Romero because he feels that Romero is the best man he can offer to Brett as his representative. As the result, he gets a knock down blow from Cohn who is mad of loosing Brett. Cohn, then goes to the hotel trying to get back.

Actually, Cohn does not realize that his relationship with Brett has come to end. To Brett his relationship with Cohn is only a matter of one short affair in her life, as she has done many times before.

The knock out below from Cohn, brings Jake to his strange experience, Jake suddenly conscious of what happened to him. He suddenly is able to see everything positively.

Being left by Cohn, Jake and his friend enjoys the bull-fight. They are fascinated by Romero’s performance. Romero appears to be the greatest bull-fighter. A few days later, as the fiesta is over, Jake and Bill leaves spain and go to France.

After a few days, Jake receives a telegram from Brett, he is ready to shoulder he again, only this time he comes as (Brett) her best friend. Brett feels miserable unhappy again. She has sent Romero away because she realizes that she does not want to ruin Romero’s life. Brett also still wonders that she and Jake can achieve a happy life together if war does not intervene with their love. Jake refuses to talk about it because Jake has come to his self-realization, he knows that a romantic relationship with Brett wilk never work, he is realistic about it.


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