TOWNSHIP OF GILLIES RR#I,1092 Hwy. 595, , POT lWO Tel: (807) 475-3185. Fax: (807) 473-0767 E~Mail: [email protected] •

Reeve: Rick Kleri Administration:

Councillors: Rosalie A. Evans, Rudy Buitenhuis COPIEDTO: COUNCH... 0 DEPT HEAOSCJ Solicitor·Clerk, Deputy Treasurer Willlam Groenheide Nadia La Russa, Treasurer Karen O'Gorman Shara Lavallee, Deputy Clerk Wendy Wright

February 10, 201 5 AC110tt ~l£Dcc ~ Rc:: oEPTH~SD Transmitted by email: REFERRED TO: '\. l .. I ,...c:;

All Municipal Clerks For Municipalities in (North of the )

Re: Resolution of the Council of The Corporation ofthe TOWlShip of Gilties th Passed on February 9 , 2015, relating to the Chicken Farmers of Ontario Exempt Flock Limit

Dear Mr. or Madam Cleric

Please be ad vised that the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Gillies passed the fol lowing resolution (moved by Councillor O'Gorman and seconded by Councillor Groenheide) at its regular meeting held February 4th, 2015:

WHEREAS the current exempt flock limit of 300 broiler birds from the quota system of the Chicken Farmers of Ontario is too low to allow a viable business model for small scale producers;

AND WHEREAS other Provinces have higher exemption levels, which allow for local small agri-business economic development;

AND WHEREAS Premier Wynne promotes increased agricultural production in Ontario to enhance the local food movement;

AND WHEREAS Northern Ontario's economy is an excellent setting for agricultural production as diversification of the economic development in the area;

AND WHEREAS there is a growing demand in Northern Ontario for poultry and poultry products that are produced locally;

AND WHEREAS an increase in the exempt flock limit will create opportunities for interested farmers in Northern Ontario to develop a sustainable livelihood, and for consumers to have access to locally produced foods;

AND WHEREAS such activity implements the vision, spirit and intent of the Northern Ontario Growth Plan, prepared and approved under the Places to Grow Act, 2005, which took effect in March of 2011 ;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Gillies calls for an increase in the current exempt flock limit from 300 broiler birds to 4,000 broiler birds;

AND THAT the Clerk is to distribute this resolution to all municipalities north of the French River, seeking supporting resolutions from the Councils of those municipalities;

AND THAT this resolution be circulated to the Honourable Premier of Ontario, the Honourable local representatives of Provincial Parliament, and to the Chicken Farmers of Ontario, the Association of Chicken Processors and the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission and the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association;

AND THAT Gillies' representative on the Board of the District Municipal League bring this resolution to the attention of the Board for support and action.

As you can see, the Council requested that this resolution be circulated for support. Any questions or concerns relating to this resolution can be directed to the Township office using the contact information shown on this letterhead. Please be advised that the township office is closed on Fridays.

Yours truly,

Shara Lavallee Deputy Clerk Kim Lauzon

From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 3:44 PM Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; Kim Lauzon; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; municipal ity@tem; [email protected] Subject: Zone 8 - Resolution Distribution Attachments: chicken rez support.PDF

Dear Mr. or Madam Cleric

Please be advised that the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Gillies passed the following resolution (moved by Councillor O'Gorman and seconded by Councillor Groenheide) at its regular meeting held February 4·, 2015.

Please attached.

Thank you.

Shara LavaUee Deputy Clerk

Township of Gillies RR 1, 1092 Hwy 595 Kakabeka Falls, ON POT lWO Phone: 807-475-3185 Fax: 807-473-0767 Email: [email protected] Website: