Land Adjacent to 255 Gunville Road, Newport, Isle of Wight
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ARCHAEOLOGICAL DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT: LAND ADJACENT TO 255 GUNVILLE ROAD, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT Planning Reference: P/00354/18 NGR: SZ 47897 89264 AAL Site Code: NEGR 20 Report prepared for Yarborough Homes Limited By Allen Archaeology Limited Report Number AAL 2020112 October 2020 Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2 2.0 Site Location and Description ..................................................................................................... 2 3.0 Planning Background .................................................................................................................. 2 National Planning Policy ..................................................................................................................... 3 Local Planning Policy ........................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 4 Data Collection .................................................................................................................................... 4 5.0 Archaeological and Historical Background ................................................................................. 5 6.0 Site Visit....................................................................................................................................... 9 7.0 Assessment of Significance ....................................................................................................... 12 Non-designated assets ...................................................................................................................... 13 8.0 Assessment of Impact ............................................................................................................... 13 Listed Buildings ................................................................................................................................. 13 Non-designated assets ...................................................................................................................... 13 9.0 Discussion and Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 14 10.0 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... 14 11.0 References ................................................................................................................................ 14 Cartographic Sources ........................................................................................................................ 15 List of Plates Plate 1: Map of Isle of Wight dating to 1600, with approximate site location circled in red ................. 6 Plate 2: Johan Bleau Map of Isle of Wight 1646, with approximate site location circled in red ............ 7 Plate 3: View of site from the entry point, looking west ........................................................................ 9 Plate 4: Hedge that separates the northern extent of site, looking north-northwest ......................... 10 Plate 5: View from the northeast corner of site showing topography, looking southwest ................. 10 Plate 6: View of hedges surrounding site, looking northwest .............................................................. 10 Plate 7: Entrance into adjoining field, looking west ............................................................................. 11 Plate 8: View of Gunville Road crossing Gunville Bridge, looking north-northwest ............................. 11 Plate 9: Gunville Bridge (Site 9), looking west-southwest .................................................................... 12 List of Appendices Appendix 1: List of IoWHER Entries within a 1km search area ............................................................. 16 Appendix 2: Figures ............................................................................................................................... 24 List of Figures Figure 1: Site location outlined in red ................................................................................................... 24 Figure 2: Location and direction of site visit photographs with site outlined in red ............................ 25 Figure 3: Extract of HER data with site outlined in red ......................................................................... 26 Figure 4: Extract of 1m resolution LIDAR hillshade with site outlined in red ....................................... 27 Figure 5: Extract of 1793 Ordnance Survey Drawing with approximate site location circled in red .... 28 Figure 6: Extract of 1865 Ordnance Survey map with site outlined in red ........................................... 29 Figure 7: Extract of 1898 Ordnance Survey map with site outlined in red .......................................... 30 Figure 8: Extract of 1909 Ordnance Survey map with site outlined in red ........................................... 31 Figure 9: Extract of 1938 Ordnance Survey map with site outlined in red ........................................... 32 Document Control Element: Name: Date: Report prepared by: Louise Clempson MSci (Hons) 07/10/2020 Illustrations prepared by: Louise Clempson MSci (Hons) 07/10/2020 Report edited by: Chris Clay BA MA (Hons) 16/10/2020 Report reviewed by: Matt Parker Wooding MPhil MCIfA 16/10/2020 Version no: v.1 16/10/2020 Cover image: View of site, looking northeast Executive Summary • Yarborough Homes Limited commissioned Allen Archaeology Limited to prepare a desk-based assessment to evaluate the potential for archaeological remains and heritage assets to be impacted by a proposed development of land adjacent to 255 Gunville Road, Newport, as a condition of planning for a planning application for twelve residential dwellings and garages as well as formation of new vehicular access, associated roadway, pavement and landscaping (Planing Reference P/00354/18). • Data was gathered from a range of primary and secondary sources, including The Isle of Wight Historic Environment Record, historic maps, online resources and a site visit. • There is little evidence of prehistoric activity within the search area, two out of three sites being isolated find spots and one site of an artefact scatter, all at some distance from the site, suggesting a negligible archaeological potential. • There is significant evidence for Roman settlement, agriculture and industry across the Isle of Wight as a whole but none within the search area suggesting a negligible archaeological potential. • There is no evidence for early medieval activity within the search area, suggesting a negligible potential for this period as well. • Medieval activity within the search area is represented by Alwinestune, a deserted medieval village, mentioned in Domesday Book, and the site of a leper hospital. The village of Hadley which no longer exists and was located close to what is now Carisbrooke was also mentioned in the Domesday Book. The site of the leper hospital is in dispute and has been suggested to be either 400m to the east, or 200m to the south. Archaeological potential for this period is considered to be low • There is widespread evidence for post-medieval farmsteads and dwellings, but cartographic evidence suggests the site remained as agricultural land throughout the medieval and later periods until the present day, suggesting a negligible archaeological potential for these periods. 1 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Allen Archaeology Limited was commissioned by Yarborough Homes Limited to prepare a desk-based assessment to evaluate the archaeological potential of land adjacent to 225 Gunville Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, to fulfil the planning condition issued in response to the application for residential development of the plot of land. 1.2 The document has been completed with reference to current national guidelines, as set out in the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists ‘Standard and guidance for historic environment desk-based assessment’ (CIfA 2014), and the Historic England documents ‘Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment’ (Historic England 2015a) and ‘Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning’ (Historic England 2015b). 2.0 Site Location and Description 2.1 The proposed development site is located in Gunville, in the administrative district of Isle of Wight Council, situated approximately 2.4km west of Newport. The site is approximately 0.62 hectares and is presently pasture. The site is centred at National Grid Reference (NGR) SZ 47897 89264 and is c.20m above Ordnance Datum. 2.2 The bedrock geology comprises Hamstead Member - clay, silt and sand with no superficial geology deposits recorded ( 3.0 Planning Background 3.1 This desk-based assessment has been prepared to fulfil Planning Condition 3 of application P/00354/18 for 12 residential dwellings and garages as well as formation of new vehicular access, associated roadway, pavement and landscaping. This is the first stage of archaeological investigation, intended to provide detailed information that will allow the planning