Science or Fiction © Kenn Kiser, 2005 © Manuere (Morguefile), 2007 © Ökostrom Is there a Future for Nuclear? Content 04 Introduction 04 Do we need nuclear power to meet the challenge of climate change? 06 The Programme »Generation IV« 07 Generation IV and what the nuclear industry tells us about it 09 Generation IV and what the nuclear industry would rather not tell us 16 Fusion 16 Fusion Basics 21 Uncertainties & Risks 24 Conclusions & Outlook 24 Generation IV 25 Fusion 26 Recommendations 28 Technical Specifications 32 References 34 Glossar 35 Abbreviations imprint Publisher: Austrian Institute of Ecology, Seidengasse 13, A-1070 Wien, Web:, Mail:
[email protected], Phone: 0043-1-523 61 05, Fax: 0043-1-523-5843; Editorial Staff: Ingin. Antonia Wenisch, Mag. Richard Kromp, Mag. David Reinberger; Layout, Graphik Design, Production: Ulli Weber; Print: gugler crossmedia; Vienna, November 2007 Sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management and the Viennese Ombudsoffice for Environmental Protection Preface This booklet served as preparation for both participants and speakers at the conference »Science or Fiction – Is there a Future for Nuclear?«. This international conference on fusion energy and new nuclear reactor models was organized by Global 2000/Friends of the Earth Austria and took place 8 November 2007 in Vienna. This booklet contains our contribution to the ongoing discussion about future energy securi- ty and what paths we should take. We focus on the possible future scenarios for nuclear power. The nuclear industry is trying to secure its own future by reintroducing old concepts like nuclear fusion and updating old fission reactors in so-called Generation IV systems.