[email protected] • • 4455 7741 inside Think you know who COMMUNITY • QP and Total Hercules was? Well, donate computers think again to Qatar Charity P | 5 P | 8-9 ARCHAEOLOGY • The ruins of the historical city of Zubara P | 6 OBITUARY • Nadine Gordimer spoke out against apartheid and racial inequality P | 7 HEALTH • An alternative diagnosis to ADHD: Schoolchildren need more time to move P | 11 TECHNOLOGY • Google’s Nest launches network technology for ROOF-TOP connected home P | 12 LEARN ARABIC DWELLERS • Learn commonly used Arabic words and their meanings Their precarious rooftop houses have offered refuge from an unaffordable Hong Kong property market, but some of the city’s poorest residents face losing their makeshift homes as the government seeks to dismantle them. P | 13 2 PLUS | WEDNESDAY 16 JULY 2014 COVER STORY End of the high life for Hong Kong’s unwanted rooftop dwellers heir precarious rooftop houses around 10 shacks on top of a 10-storey have offered refuge from an building in the working-class Sham Tunaffordable Hong Kong prop- Shui Po neighbourhood. erty market, but some of the territo- Su, 46, moved from mainland China ry’s poorest residents face losing their to join her husband, who had lived on makeshift homes as the government the rooftop for 20 years, but would like seeks to dismantle them. a better home for her young daughters. Perched on top of older buildings, the She says she has been applying for ramshackle dwellings may offer pent- public housing for several years.