Stationary processes Alejandro Ribeiro Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering University of Pennsylvania
[email protected] November 25, 2019 Stoch. Systems Analysis Stationary processes 1 Stationary stochastic processes Stationary stochastic processes Autocorrelation function and wide sense stationary processes Fourier transforms Linear time invariant systems Power spectral density and linear filtering of stochastic processes Stoch. Systems Analysis Stationary processes 2 Stationary stochastic processes I All probabilities are invariant to time shits, i.e., for any s P[X (t1 + s) ≥ x1; X (t2 + s) ≥ x2;:::; X (tK + s) ≥ xK ] = P[X (t1) ≥ x1; X (t2) ≥ x2;:::; X (tK ) ≥ xK ] I If above relation is true process is called strictly stationary (SS) I First order stationary ) probs. of single variables are shift invariant P[X (t + s) ≥ x] = P [X (t) ≥ x] I Second order stationary ) joint probs. of pairs are shift invariant P[X (t1 + s) ≥ x1; X (t2 + s) ≥ x2] = P [X (t1) ≥ x1; X (t2) ≥ x2] Stoch. Systems Analysis Stationary processes 3 Pdfs and moments of stationary process I For SS process joint cdfs are shift invariant. Whereby, pdfs also are fX (t+s)(x) = fX (t)(x) = fX (0)(x) := fX (x) I As a consequence, the mean of a SS process is constant Z 1 Z 1 µ(t) := E [X (t)] = xfX (t)(x) = xfX (x) = µ −∞ −∞ I The variance of a SS process is also constant Z 1 Z 1 2 2 2 var [X (t)] := (x − µ) fX (t)(x) = (x − µ) fX (x) = σ −∞ −∞ I The power of a SS process (second moment) is also constant Z 1 Z 1 2 2 2 2 2 E X (t) := x fX (t)(x) = x fX (x) = σ + µ −∞ −∞ Stoch.