PHILIP GORDON JUDGE CURRICULUM VITAE March 2015 SUMMARY INFORMATION Occupation NCAR Senior Scientist (equivalent to Full Professor) Current address 3712 Oakwood Drive, Longmont CO 80503 Phone (+1)3037759863 Email
[email protected] Homepage EDUCATION Degrees B.A. (Physics) Oxford University, 1981 D. Phil. (Astrophysics) Oxford University, 1985 Title of D. Phil. Thesis Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Late-type Giant and Supergiant Stars 1 2 Philip G. Judge-CV September 2015 POST-DEGREE APPOINTMENTS 2012 September-2013 August Sabbatical leave as Visiting Professor, Physics Department, Montana State University, Bozeman MT 2012 July & August Visiting Professor, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Japan 2009-2010 NCAR Science Advisor, serving on NCAR’s Executive Committee 2004-present SeniorScientist,HighAltitudeObservatory,NCAR. 2000-2001 Lecturer,MonashUniversity. 1999-2004 ScientistIII,HighAltitudeObservatory,NCAR. 1995-1999 ScientistII,HighAltitudeObservatory,NCAR. 1994-1996 AdjunctProfessorAPASDepartment, University of Colorado, Boulder. 1992 ResearchFellow,NorwegianResearchCouncil for Science and the Humanities. 1991-1994 ScientistI,HighAltitudeObservatory,NCAR. Jan-Sep1991 VisitingScientist,HighAltitudeObservatory,NCAR. 1988-1990 ResearchAssociate,JILA,UniversityofColorado,Boulder. 1985-1988 ResearchAssistant,DepartmentofTheoreticalPhysics, Oxford University. Philip G. Judge-CV September 2015 3 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2013-2014 Organizer, 2014 HAO Solar-Stellar Variability workshop (Prompted