Studies in Mathematics, Volume II. Euclidean Geometry Based on Ruler and Protractor Axioms
DOCUMENT RESUME' ED 143 544 SE' 023 028 AUTHOR Curtis, Charles W.; And Others ' TIrLE Studies in Mathematics, Volume II. Euclidean Geometry Based on Ruler and Protractor Axioms. Second Reviged Edition.---, INSTITUTION Stanford Univ., Calif. School Mathematics Study , Group. SPONS AGENCY Rational Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. PUB DATE 61 -NOTE 185p.; For related documents, see SE 023 029-041 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$10.03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Geometry; Inservice Education; *Instructional Materials; *Resource Materials; Secondary Eddcation; *Secondary School Mathematics;, Teacher Eddcation; *Teaching,Guides ; IDENTIFIERS *School Mathematics Study Group ABSTRACT These materials were developed to help high school teachers to become'fatiliar with the approach to tenth-grade Eu :lidean geometry which was adopted by the SchoolMathematics Study Group (SMSG). It is emphasized that the materialg are unsuitable as a high school textbook. Each document contains material too difficult for most high school students. It is assumed that teachers whostUdr- 0:he notes, have good backgrounds in axiomati'c geometry. In particular, some familiarity with Euclid's Elements is presuppose d4.Chapters include:(1) Historical 'Introduction; (2) Logic;(3) Toints,',Lines, and Plahes; (4) Real Numbers and the Ruler Axidm; 0) Separation in Planes, and in Space; (6) Angles 'and the PrOtractor Fostplates; (7) Congruence; (8) Parallelism; (9) Area; and (10) Circles and Spheres. (Ahthor/RH), *******************************************************,*I ************" Docume's acquired by ERIC include many informal-unp bliShed , * * materials'n6t available from other ,sources. ERIC Mak$esyery effort * * togobtain-the bept copy availableNevertheless, items ofmarginal. *, * reprod'ucibiiity are often encountered and this affec the quality * * of the microfiche and ha'rdcopy reprOTuctions,ERiaakes eiaifable, * ,* via the ERIC Document ReproductionSeruice,NEDES).:EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document.
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