Dec. zoi z887.] THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNA4JOURNAL Ii FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL AMEETING, i 888. THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. President-.Join T. BANKS, M.D., Regius Professor of Physic in the University of Dublin. PreSidenlt-Eledt-NVLLIAm. TENNANT GAIRDNEt, MI.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., Physician in ( rdinary to the Queen in Scotland, Regius Professor of Medicine in the . President of He Counoll-THOMAs BRIDGWATER, M.B.(Lond.), J.P., Harrow. - Treasurer-CoNSTANTINE 1IOLMAN, M.D., J.P., Reigate. Editor of Journal-ERNEST HARr, ESQ. General Secretary-FRANCIS FOwXr, EsQ.

The FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING of the Association will be held on August 7th, 8th, 9th,.and 10th, at GLASGOWV, UNDER THE PRESIDENCY OF WILLIAM TENNANT GAIRDNER, M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.P.Ed. Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Glasgow. An ADDRESS in MEDICINE will be delivered by T. CLIFFORD ALLBUTT, M.A,, M.D.(Cantab.), F.R.S., F.R.C.P., F.S.A., Consulting Physician to the Leeds General Infirmary. An ADDRESS in SURGERY will be delivered by Sir GEORGE H. B. MACLEOD, FR.C.S.Ed., F.F.P.S.G., F.R.S.Ed., Regius Professor of Surgevy in ie University of Glasgow, and Surgeon in Ordinary to Her Majesty in Scotland. An ADDRESS on Certain Specidl Invest;>tzit'mv in SURGPRRY will be tri'.;,i WILLIAM MACEWEN, M.D., F.F. P.8.G., Surgeon it the l\cyJ Infirmary Glasgow, 1 Lecturer on Systematic and Clinical Surgery. An ADDRESS in PHYSIOLOGY will be delivered by JoiN GRAY MCKENDRIC;, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine in the University of Glasgow.

The objects of the Association are-the promotion of Medical Science. and the maintenance of the honour and interests of the Medical Profession. The Subscription to the Association is One Guinca annually; and each Member on paying his Subscription is entitled, in addition to the other advantages of the Association, to receive weekly, post-free, the " BRITISH MED)ICAL JOUNXAL: BIENG THK JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL AssocIATION." The Subscription is payable in advance, on the ist January in each year. Gentlemen desirous of becoming Mcmbers of the Association should communicate their wish to the HONORARY LOCAL SP.CRZTARIIS or to the General Secretary, F. FOWKB, Esq., 429, Strand, London, W.C., in order that the proper steps may be taken for their election. For the Annual Subscription of One Guinea, paid in advance, the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL is forwarded weekly to Members, free by post. For persons not Members of the Association, the Annual Subscription is Twenty-eight Shillings.-Orders, enclosing remittances, should be addressed to FRANcIs FOWKE, Esq., at the Office of the Journal, 429, Strand, W.C. GRANTS IN AID OF ORIGINAL RESEARCHES IN MEDICINE AND THE ALLIED SCIENCES. Annual Grants of the total value of £300 are made, in aid of Scientific Researches in Medicine and the Allied Sciences. A list of the recipients during the past year will be found a page iii. Applications, stating the nature and objects of the intended research, should be sent to Mr. ERNEST HART, Honorary Secretary to the Scientific Grants Committee, or to the General Secretary, at the Office of the Association, 429, Strand, London, W.C. At the Annual Meeting in Liverpool, in 1883, the Association instituted, in addition to the grant above-mentioned two Research Scholarships, each of the yearly value of XISo. ii THE BDRITIS11 MfEDICAL JOURNAL. [Dec. 10, 1887. The BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL for 1888. Edited by ERNEST HART, Esq. The JOURNAL includes the earliest scientific, social, and potitical information on all subjects interesting to the Profession; LEADING ARTICLES and Editorial Comments on the Subjects of the Week; ORIGINAL ARTICLES and LECTU RES by the most eminent authorities; MEMORANDA and RECORDS of DAILY PRACTICE by Hospital and General Practitioners; Extracts from British and Foreign Journals ; Reports of the Practice of the Hospitals and Asylums of Great Britain and Ireland; Full Reports of the Proceedings of the British Medical Association and of its Branches and Committees; Special Correspondence from the principal Cities and localities tf Great Britain, Ireland, and the Continent; Reports of the Principal Medical Societies in England, Scotland, and Ireland; Reports on New Inventions; Special Reports on Sanitary and Medico-Legal Questions; Reviews of Books; a Department devoted to the Public Health and Poor-Law Service; a Department devoted to the Military and Naval Medical Services; University Intelligence; Lists of Vacancies and Appointments; Obituaries of Medical Men; Notices and Answers to Correspondents.

The arrangements for reporting the proceedings of the MEDICAL SOCIETIES throughout the United Kingdom are very complete, and include the Transactions of Societies in London, , Dublin, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Cambridge, Leeds, Sheffield, etc., together with selected Reports of the Papers read, and of the Cases and Specimens exhibited, at the Meetings of the Branches of the BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION throughout Great Britain and the British Dominions and Colonies. The Department devoted to the interests of the PUBLIC HEALTH and POOR-LAW MEDICAL SERVICES has been largely developed, and the services of gentlemen of the highest authority and largest experience have been obtained. The: Department includes notices and answers to questions from Medical Officers of Health and Poor-Law Medical Officers, and is intended to assist and support them in the performance of their difficult duties. The Department devoted to the interests of the ARMY and NAVY MEDICAL SERVICES has been greatly developed and fulfils similar functions in respect to these services. MEDICO-LEGAL and MEDICO-ETHICAL Questions and Queries arising out of scientific or professional difficulties in the daily life of Medical Practitioners are referred to experts, and answered with care in columns devoted to this purpose. In the forthcoming Volumes will be published, either in full or in abstract, and adequately illustrated- THE HARVEIAN ORATION and the BRADSHAW LECTURE delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London. THE LUMLEIAN LECTURES delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London, on The Tongue- considered with reference to Constitutional and Organic Diseases. By William Howship Dickinson, M.D., F.R.C.P., Physician to St. George's Hospital. THE CROONIAN LECTURES delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London, on The Pulse. By Donald Macalister, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., Physician to Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge. THE GULSTONIAN LECTURES delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of London, on Certain Subjects connected with the Pathology of Insanity. By William Julius Mickle, M.D., F.R.C.P., Medical Super- intendent of Grove Hall Asylum. THE ANNUAL ORATION at the Medical Society, by Sir Joseph Fayrer, K.C.S.I., M.D., F.R.S. THE LETTSOMIAN LECTURES by Reginald Harrison, F.R.C.S. LECTURES delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, by Thomas Bryant, F.R.C.S., on Tension and its Treatment, and Arthur E. J. Barker, F.R.C.S., on The Operative Treatment of Tubercular Diseases of Joints, the Hunterian Professors of Surgery and Pathology; by Charles Stewart, F.R.C.S., C. B. Lockwood, F.R.C.S., on The Development of the Organs of Circulation and Respiration. Walter H. Jessop, M.B., F.R.C.S., J. Bland Sutton, F.R.C.S., on Evolution in Pathology, W. Watson Cheyne, M.B., F.R.C.S., on Suppuration and Septic Disease, the Hunterian Professors of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology; and by R. Marcus Gunn, F.R.C.S., Arris and Gale Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology, on Light Percipient Organs in all classes of Animals. THE BRADSHAW LECTURE and THE HUNTERIAN ORATION delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. HARVEIAN LECTURES on the . Causes and Clinical Characteristics of Lupus. By Jonathan Hutchinson, F.R.C.S., F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of Surgery at the London Hospital. REPORTS presented to the Scientific Grants Committee of the British Medical Association. The PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS; the Address in Medicine, by T. Clifford Allbutt, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., Consulting Physician to the Leeds General Infirmary; in Surgery, by Sir George Macleod, M.D., F.R.C.S.Ed., F.R.S.E., Professor of Surgery in the University of Glasgow; The Address in Physiology, be J. Gray McKendrick, M.D., F.R.S., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine in the University of Glasgow; and Professor Macewen's Address on Certain Special Investigations in Surgery; also the Addresses of the Presidents of Sections, delivered at the Annual Meeting of the BRITISH ME)IECAL ASSOCIATION. Lii iii DeC. i. 1887.1.1887. ME BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL.P - REPORTS by the Research Scholars of the British Medical Association. M\Tr. W. WATSON CIIEYNE, M.B, F.R.C.S., of King's College, London. I Dr. SIDNEY MARTIN, of University College, London. REPORTS from the Recipients of Special Grants. Dr. H1. H. Ashdown, .-A research upon C. B. Lockwood, Esq., of St. Bartholomew's Hospital.--Pathology Absorption from the Bladder. of Syphilis Dr. J. B. Haycraft, of the University of Edinburgh.-An in- Dr. J. S. i1aldane, } hysiological Laboratory, Oxford.-For a research vestigation on the Phenomena of Coagulation and Changes which relatin- to a l)roblcil in the Ph)siology of An mnal Heat ; namel), result when Blood is kept Artificially Fluid Outside the BIdy. to a:,ccrtain the influence which variations of surrounding tempt- D.r. D. Noel Paton, of the University of Edinlburgh.-The influence ralure exercise on the production of hcat, aid the activity cf the of Fever on the Carbo-hydrates (gI) cogen and sugar) of the Aniiiial chtmical yrocesses of respiration as indicated by the rate of Body. discharge of carbonic acid, an(d absorption of oxygen l)r. W'. Hunter, of the University of Edinburgh.-To defray ex- Dr. \IV. 1B. Madden. of St. Thomas's Ilospita1.-Experiments on the penses incturred by a Research oin Peritoneal rransfusion and the Course of the Motor Tracts, Brain and Spinal Cord of Monkeys. Fate of Extravasated 3loold, Ctc. Dr. C. E. Beevor, of the National Epileptic flospital.-Localisation Dr. T. Arthur Helme, at present resident in Strassburg.-For a study of the Fuinctions of the Brachial Enlargemu-nt of the Spinal Cord. of the phenomena of the Uterine Mulscle:-(I) lhe Character of Dr. C. A. Ballance, of St. Thomas's Hospital. -An investigation the Contraction-Absolute Power-Influence of Load and Disten- with reference to the Prescnce of Micro-organisms in Healthy tion of the Cavity. (2) The Influence *f Temperature and Altered Living Tissues. Conditions of the Blood (e.g., de- 'xid .t on, and wtth excess of CO.) Dr. Angtl 'Money, 24, Harley Street, W.-To carry on an investiga- Dr. T. G. Nasmyth, D.Sc., F..RS.E., of Cow~denbeath, Fife.- tion in the Rtelations of the Cerebral and 'Motor Apparatus of Bacterial andl Chri-nc 1 Exat-ination of Air of Coal Mines, of the Spinal Cor(l. Scientific and specially Hygienic Inp.prtance. (The sums granted amount in the total to 6300o.) Clinical and other Lectures and Addresses, and Papers on Important Scientific and Practical Sabjects, by Medical Officers of the Hospitals in the United Kingdom, and other eminent Members of the Medical ProFession. Series of Articles on Reaent Advances in Therapeutics and on Modern Methods of Diagnosis: and on various important points in the Progress of Medical Science. Lectures and other Contributions from the followirg, among many other, NMembers of the P'rofetsion:- Abercrombie, John, N.D., Cantab,, Bristowe, J. Syer, M.D., F.B.C.P., Dolan, Thomas M., M.D., F.R.C.S.Ed., F.R.CP., Assistant Physician Charing Cross Hos- Senior Physician and Joint Lctaurer on Meoieir., Halitax. - The Prophylaxis of Pertusss pital and Hewgital for Sicd Children.-1. Conge- St. Thomas's Hospital.-1. Myelitis. 2. Diph- nital and Chronic Hydrocephalus. 2. theritle and Related Forms of Paralysis. Doran, Alban H. G., F.R.C.S., Surgeon to Pseudo-psraiysis of the Arm in Infants Out-vatiec's, Samaritan Atre Hospital..-Gyn o. from byphILis or Injury. Bruce. William, M.D., MN emrber of the logical Cases. Grne.:l Medical Council and Sutgion 'o the Ross Allingham, William, F.R.C.S., Seenior AlM torial Hnqri-a', Dingeaal. On Subacute Dreschfeld, Julius, M.D., F.R.C.P. of from Surzeov to St. Ma. k's Ho.osiral.-Varieties General Gout as distinguished Loud., Profeisor of Pathologv, Victoria Univrity. Treatment of Pruritus AnL. Acute Rheumatism, with Caaes. Physician Manchester Royal Infirnary.-i. 3 perimental Observations on the Baote- Anderson, McCall, M.D., Profess-r of Brunton, T. Lauder, M.D., F.R C.P., ial origin of Non-Ulcerative Malig t ,Me ic;ne, Un;v-r.i'v of GlaSrgow.-Cases Mns- Lecturer on AIateria Mledica and 'tterapeutics, and Endocarditls. 2. Abstracts of Clinical trative of Syphilitic Affections of the Assistant Physician St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Lectures. 3. Neuropathological Obser- Nervous System; their Diagnosis and vation. Treatment. Buchanan,- George, Profeisor of Clinical Surgery in the University of Glasgow.-CaSeS and Drummond, David, M.A., M.D., Hon. Baber, E. CressWell, M.B.Lond., Surgeon, Papers on Clinal Surgery. Phy-ican Newcast le-oi-iTyne Dispensary.-CIrr Btrighton, Hove ai#1 %u-sex Throat and Ear Dis- hosis of the Liver. i-ns-sry.-Obscrvatiois on Diseases of the Buzzard, Thomas, M.D., F.R.C.P., Phy- Nose. sician National Hosoital for ip-lepsy and Paralvst. Duncan, William, M.D., F.R.C.S., As- -Reports of Cases of Disease of the sistant Ubstetric P'hysician and Lecturer at the Baker, W. Morrant, F.R.C.S., Surgeon Nervous System. Middl-sex Ho-pitl.-Papers on Obstetrics to St. Bartholomxew's Hosptal. Charteris, Matthew, Mq.D., F.F.P.S.G., and Gynescology. Prof. of Mate'sa Mledica 'I herapcutics in the Edis, Arthur W., M.D, F.R.C.P., Obstet- BallanCe, Charles A., M.B., F.R.C.S., University of Glasgow.-On the present posi- ric lPhvsi:ian Middlesex -.spital.-Cases of In- Sien or A%.sskvat Surgeon, London Hospital.- tion of Bacteriology and Therapeutics. in Practice. Reports On Cancer. terest occurring Hospital Cousins, J. Ward, M.D., F.R.C.S., M.D.,M.R.C.S., Barlow, W. H., M.D., Consulting Physi- Surg.eoun rn the RThyal P).saiaouth licispIta.-New Emrys-JonesAbraham, for S4ureenn Mlsnchestcr l..yal Eye Hospital.-On c'an, to the Gereral Hosp t.1 and Dspensary Surgical Appliances. Subjects. Sick Ch.ldren, Ophthalmic Cowell, George, F.R.C.S., Stirgeon Royal Fayrer, Sir Joseph, M.D., F.R.C.P., Barnes, Faneourt, M.D., M.R.C.P., Wesinster Oprthalmic Hoc itra, St nior Surgeon K.C.S.L.. F.R.SS.Lon1. and Ed., Hon. Pnysictan Phhv ici:.n to the Biritith Lysg i Ho.spital. the Chel. Westminster HOspital.--TWo Clnincal Lectures. Prince of to to to the Queen an" the Walrs, Physician See Hi-spvtal for Woaen, and Oltetric P'hkician the Secretary of State for India in Council. r-e Great Northern Central Hospital.-On the Cripps, Harrison, F.R.C.S., Assistant Uterus Treatment of Antefixion of the Suloge'oI to Sr. Bartholomew's Hiospttal.-On Dis- Fenwick, E. Hurry, F.R.C.S., Surgeon by Stem-Possarles. eases of the Rectum. aid Pathologi ., St. Prter's Hospital for Stone.- Bennett, A. Hughes, N.D., F.R.C.P., Croom, J. Halliday, M.D., F.R.C.P. Vosico-Urethral Surgery. sand to tvv Ph.;ician to the W-itinster Ho pital, Ed., F.R.C.S.Ed., Physicsan for Disesses of Wotten, Aural for and ovnl Infirnary. Edinburgh.-Aiterlor and Field, George P., M.R.C.S., Surgeon HoS itas Epilepiy ParalySis.-Sensory to St. Mary's Hospital.-LeOtures on Aurvl Aphasia. Posterior Displacements of Uterus. Surgery. Biss, C.Y., M.A., M.D.Cantab., M.R.C.P., Dalby, Sir William, M.B.Cantab., Asistlatt }hyaician to the Middlesex Hospital. F.R.C.S., Aural Surgeon and Lecturer on "ur I Finlay, David W., M.D., F.R.C.P., Phy- Stireety. Sit. George's HosPital.-On subjects -i 's 8n to Middlesex Hopital.-Caes of Clinical Boulton, Percy. M.D., M.R.C.P.-Gyns- connected with the Auditory Apparatus Interest. cological Subjects. Davidson, Alexander, M.D., Ph sician to Fox, Edward Long, M.D., F.R.C.P., C es Consulting Phvyician, Bristol Royal lnfirmary.- Bralley, William A., M.A., M.D., the Roval Iifirmary, Liverpool. Of ofHand from e. Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeon to Guy's Hospilal. Addisons DIsease Distortion CeAtralDi iv ThE 6RITZSH MEDICAL JO URNAL. Dec. 10, 1887.

Godson Clement, N.D.,, M.R.C.P., Con- Meredith, William. Appleton, M.DB.,, Spaton W.Dunnet% P.LC.S.E aUILue~ Ihysician to the Cqity of Loudoes Lying-ln Hoepsal; Assistant Phvician-Accoucheur toSt Subjects.y-urii Batoomew's HospitaL.-Obstetric mand Glsue- alCases. Morgan. John H., N.A. Oxon, F.R.C.S.,, Spender, J. Kent, M.D.Lond., Physician Assatant-Snargeon Charing Cross Hospital and Hos- Hail, F. de Havilland, M.D., F.R.C.P. Mineral Water Hospital, pital for Children, Gt. Ormond Street. Bath.-3lath and AIx. Lond., Senior Assistant-Physician, and Physician Throat Departmnent and Lecturer on Forensic Medi. Newman, David, M.D., Surgeon to the Stewart, Thos. Grainger, .D.,F.R.C. P. cine Westminster St. Matlc's Dprment for the Throat. Hospital; Phystician Discas-s of Glasgow Ed. , Professos of the Practice of Physic and Clinical Hontptal.-The bearing of on RoaInfirnmary.-Stricture of the (Esepha.. Mecicine in the University of Edinburgh. Lift atology, symptoms, and treat. Harris, Vincent D., M.D., F.R.C.P.,, Sueklig C. W., M.D.Lond., X.R.C.P.. Physician to the Victoria Park Hospital for Diseases Oliver, Thomas, M.D., M.R.C.P., Physi. lion. Pyiian to the Queen's Hospital. Birmingham. oftthe Chest. Notets on the Clinica Varieties -1 Dieae of the Nervous 2. cian to the Newcastle-on-Tyne Infiruaarv.-l. Cli- System. of htIsis. of nical and Chemical Notes upon the Urine Cases urenmic Amaurosim. Hartridge, Gustavus, F.R.C.S., Assis- eliminated In Lead-Poisonig.Dibees to the &c. Notes onApai in a child nve Swain, Paul, F.R.C.S., Surgeon tant.Suvgeo.. Roval Westesn Ophthalmic siospital. South De-.on and East Cornwall Hospital.- Cases -Optic Atrophy. years of age. in Hospital Practice. Haward, J. Warrington, F.R.C.S., Owen, Edmund, M.D., F.R.C.S., Surgeon Sronto St. rye-rg,-'s Hospital.-The of to St. Mary's Hospital.-Presidential Address Symondis, Charters J., M.D., M-S., in to the Karveian Society. F.R.C.S., Assist.-Surgeon and Surgeon in charge of Surgery. Throat Department Hosvital.-L. Heirman, George Ernest, M.D., F.R.C.P., Guy's NeSPItal Parker, Rushton, M.D.,, F.R.C.S., Pro- Cases and ClinicaLl Lectures. S. Stric- Obste ric Phscaiand Lectu rer on MtIdw fery to 'he fesscr of Surgery, University Collegte, Liverpool; London ptl-.Subjects connected with turo of the (E~sophagus. Assistant-Surgeon, Liverpool Royal Infirmary. Obstetrc adGyrnmeology. Ex-am~sples of Surgical Ptology and TaltILawson, F.R.C.S., IProfessor of Gy- Hewitt. W. M. Graily. M.D., F.R.C.P. naecology, Queen's College, Bi'lmial~ham. Surgeon to Obstretric to the'flirm.ingham aed Midland Hospital for Women.-. Lond., Consulting Physicist, University Philip, Robert W., M.A., M.D., Assistant College Hoapital.-The between Adm alSurgery. to Proafessor of Practice of Phyi University of Changes in the Tissues and Changes Edinburgh.-The Troatment Pthisis. Taylor, John W., F.R.C.S., Surgeon to In the Shape of the Uterus. the Birmingham and Midland Hospital for Women.- Horrocks, Peter, M.D., M.R.C.P.. As- Phillips,. John, D.A., M.D., Senior Assis- Acute Peritonitis. tant to Chel-ea. aSt.4ant Obstetric Physician to Gus's Hospital.-. Physician Hospital forWomen.-The relative value of Ergot, and As- Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. 3Piocarpin, Taylor, Seymour, M.D., M.R.C.P., Gossypium as 3Parturients. sistant Phvsician WVest La)ndon Hospital.-Disea~se Jackson, T. Vincent, F.R.C.S.Edin., of the Heart and Lungs. Senior Surgeon Wolverhamp'on and '4taffordshire Poore, George Vivian, M.D., F.R.C.P., General Thin, M.D.-The Relations of Hospital. Antiseptic Irrigation Physician to buiversity Coilege Hospital. EczemaGeorgeq,to Disordered of (intra-articuliar) of the Knee-joint. Conditions the Pritchard, Urban, M.D., F.R.C.S., Au- General Healtn. M.D., Johnson, George, F.R.C.P., F.R.S., ral Surgeon to King's College Hos pital, Profess.or of Pysician to King's College Hespital. -On the Thomas, William Robert, M.D.,, Aural Surgery at King's College.-Z" Dies. Diagnsis of of Senior Physician Sheffield Puhlic Hospital ard Dis. Valvular Disease the ,.ensary,-Lecture on the Past and Present Rich, A. Cresswell, M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng.,, Theories concernn the ECtiolo~y of Senior Msed. Officer to H.M. Post Jones, C. Handfield, M.D. Cantab,, Office, Liverpo. 1; Phthisis With rm ksabout its Tareat. late Pa'holosgist Royal Infirmarvy-i. Telegra- F. R.S., Consulting Physician to St. Mary's Hospital. hit"Cramp. 2. Stiff Great Toe. S. mont. -C1nical Lectures on Dysentery. Roeon Skin Diseases. Thompson, E. Symes, M.D., F.R C.P., Jones, Sydney, M.B., F.R.C.S.Eng.., Senior Physician Consumption Hospital, Brompton. late As. S~eni,.ir Surgeon and Le' turer on Surgery at St. Roberts, Charles, F.R.C.S., -Notes of Clinical Lectures on Emphy. Thomas's llospital.-Surgical Cases and Cli. sistant'Surgeon Victoria Hospital for Children.- soma., nelLectures. Prtactical Anthropometry. Thornton, J. Knowsley, M.D., C.M. Sur- Frederick Keith. Skene, M.D.. C.M., F.R.C.S.Ed.- Roberts, T., M.D.g, F.R.C.P., geon to the Samaritan Hcsowaal for Wonien ant Chil. Treatment of Fibroid Tumours of the Physician to University College Hospital. dren.-Abdominal Surgery. Uterus by Electricity. Ross, James, M.D.,, LL.D., F.R.C.P., Treves, Frederick, F.R.C.S., Surgeon Kidd, Percy, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., ca- Senior Assistant Physician to the Manchester Royat and L~cturer on Anatomy, Lcindon l-ospi al. - Sn?.- sualty Physician at St. Bartholonie w's Hospital. Infirimary. gery of the Intestinal Canal. Kocher, T., M.D., Professor of Surgery in Saundby, Robert, M.D., M.R.C.P., Phy. Twynam, George the F., M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P.9 Uoiversity of 11srne.-Cachexla Strumi- sicLian to the Birmineham General Hospital.-Clini- Aq.;ittant Sirgeon Prince Alfres' Hnsni at, Sydney' priva. cal Reperts and Cases. N.S.W.-Case of Caisson Disease. -Lediard, H. A., M.D., F.R.C.S., Surgeon Savage,, George H., M.D., F.R.C.P., to theCumherliind Infirtnarv.-i. Surgical Treat- Walsham, W. Johnston, F.R.C.,S., M.D., Mclii .l Sunerintendent B~ethlema Royal Hospital.- ment of Diseased Joints. 2. Surgical Dem..nstrator of Practical Surgery and Orthorsedic Clinical Notes. Surgeon, St. Bartholomew's Cases from, the Cumberland Infirmary. Hosp.-Tarsotomy. Shuttleworth, George E., M.D., Medical Liveing, Robert, M.D., F.R.C.P., Phy- Supt. Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles Whipham, T. T., M.A., M.B.Oxon., sician Skin Department and Lecturer on Diseases F.R.C. P., Physician to St. of the Northern Counties.-A aubjetctonnected George's Hospital. or the.Skin at Middlesex Hospital.-Discases of with Idiocy or the Skin. Imbecilty. White, W. Hale, M. D., M.R.C.P., E. As-sistant Physician Guy s llospital.-Hysteria. Lloyd, G. Jordan, M.B., F.R.C.S., Sur- Skerritt, Markham, D.A.,M.D. Lond., F.R.C.P., Seisior Phys~cian to the Bristol Geieral P-on to the Quyeen.s Hopital, birminirniam.-On J. C. Hospital, and Lecturer on Medicine at the Bristol Will, Ogilvie M.D., F.R.S.E., Gastrostomy. with notes of three sue- and Lecturer on Aberdeen Medical School. Surgeon Cfiniral Surzery, ccssfu cases. Roval Infirmary.-A Clinical Lecture on Sy- Disease of the Lucas, R. Clement, M.D., F.R.C.S.Eng., Smith oble, F.R.C.S.Ed., L.R.C.P. philitic Testicle. Orhopedic Surgeon British Home for Incur. Senior Assisiant-Surgeon aind Demonstrator of Upe- ablesDusrtions of Orthopeedic Ap- Wilicocks, Frederick, M.D., M.R.C.P., rative and Practical Surgery at Guy's Hospital. paratus. Assistant-Physician Charing Cross Hospital; Phy. McBride, Peter-, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., Au- sician to the Evelina Hospital for Sick Children. ral Surgeon and L-iryngologist kVoyal Infirmary, Smyly, William J., M.D., F.K.Q.C.P.. Edinburgh. Lecturer on Diseaites of the Ear and L.l..Slkxaminer in Midw-ferv King and Williams, C. Theodore, M.A., M.D., Throat Edinbu'gh Schocil of Medicine.-DISoases Queen's College of Physicians, Ireland: Gvnaecolo- F.R.C.P., Physician Consumption H-osvolal, Bromp. ton.-Lectures on Air of the Ear, Throat, or Nose. eBst City of ionhlin Hos-piWa.-Dlagnosls and Therapeutics and Treatment of Diseases of the Endome- their various modes of Appliction. Mackenzie. Stephen, M.D., F.R.C.P., triulm. Phs sician to the London Hospital.-i. Clinical Woodhead, G. Sims, M.D.,, F.R.C.P.Ed., Lecture. :2. Hos~pital Cases. Sneil, Simeon, M.R.C.S., Ophthalmic Sur- F.R.S.E., Pathologist Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh; geon to the Sheffield General lnfi-marv.-i. A fur- and Edinurgh Roval Hospital for Children.-l. Maguire, Robert, M.D.Lond., M.R.C.P., ther series of cases Illustrating the use Notes on the Demonstration of Lung Prysizcian to Out-Patients St. Marv's Hospital.-i. of the Electro-Magnet in Ophthalmic Diseases by Limo-light Apparatus. I. 2. of Vhylous Ascitels. S. Albuminuria. Surgery. Cases Ocular and Orbital Tuberclo In the DaIry. S. Ei~ology of Tn- Tusfours Mercier,, Charles A., M.D., F.R.C.S., mours Lecturer on Mlental Diseases Westminster Hospital.- Southam, F. A., M.A.Oxon., F.R.C.S., Yeo, I. Burney,, M.D%, F.R.C.P.,'.Physi- Asubec connected with Neurology or Assistant Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, Manches- sictan to King's Collegre Hospital.-Therapeuties ter.-Suirgical Cases. of the Uric Acid Dahss 1302 TUE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. LDec. 10, 1887. Dr. GILBART-SMITH, in seconding the resolution, said he thought seconded: "That the Now South Wales Branch of the British the out-patient department a necessity in the interest of the sick poor, Medical Association desires to place on record its extreme regret at and in the cause of medical teaching out-patient departments should the loss it has sustained in the deaths of Drs. Hoff and Markey as be reformed. He believed the establishment of a stries of provident members of the Society, and that a letter of condolence be forwarded dispensaries in connection with the great London hospitals would to the widow of the latter gentleman." Carried. enable them so to reduce the number in the out-patient departments, Medical Bill.-The PRESIDENT stated that the Council had passed that the remainder could be properly dealt with. the following resolutions relating to the Medical Bill : " That in the Mr. JABEZ HoGG hoped that some attempt would be made to sift opinion of the Council of the New South Wales Branch of the British the number of applicants. He though the present system of crowded Medical Association it is not desirable that any Medical Bill should out-patient departments was vicious. be introduced into Parliament during the coming session by a member After some further discussion the resolution was carried unani- of the profession, as it is of opinion, having in view tha recent reve- mously. lations with regard to unqualified practitioners in this colony, that A vote of thanks to the Chairman brought the meeting to a close. the Government will deem it necessary to introduce a measure for the required refornm." " That a copy of the foregoing resolution be for- warded to Dr. Cortis." A reply from Dr. CORTIS was then read.- Dr. POCKLEY moved: "That the action of the Council with regard ASSOCIATION INTELLIGENCE, to the matter relating to the Medical Bill be confirmed." Seconded by Dr. RAMSDEN WOOD, and carried. NOTICE OF QUARTERLY MEETINGS FOR 1888. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. METROPOLITAN COUNTIES BRANCH: WESTERN AND ANY qualified medical practitioner, not disqualified by any by-law of WEST MIDDLESEX DISTRICT. the Association, who shall be recommended as eligible by any three Tiis district having been re.organised by Mr. C. A. Patten, who has members, may be elected a member by the Council or by any recognised been appointed its Honorary Secretary, a very successful meeting was Branch Council. held on Monday, November 27th, at the Lyric Hall, Ealing, when Meetings of the Council will be held on January 18th, April Mr. A. DURHAM, President of the Branch, took the chair. About 18th, July 18th, and October 17th, 1888. Candidates for election forty members were present, including Mr. G. Eastes and Mr. Noble by the Council of the Association must send in their forms of appli- Smith, Honorary Secretaries to the Branch, Dr. T. Christie, C. I.E., cation to the General Secretary not later than twenty-one days before Dr. Thudichum, Dr. Charlton Bastian, F. R.S., Dr. Sutton Townsend, each meeting, namely, December 29th, 1887, March 28th, June 27th, and Dr. Ord. and September 26th, 1888. Adhesions of the Pericardium.-Dr. ORD gave an address on the Candidates seeking election by a Branch Council should apply to Adhesions of the Pericardium, for which a vote of thanks was unani- the Secretary of the Branch. No member can be elected by a Branch mously passed. Council unless his name has been inserted in the circular summoning By laws. -The HONORARY SECRETARY presented to the meeting a the meeting at which he seeks election. printed copy of the by-laws of the Eastern District, and suggested FnANcis Fowx, General Sectary. that they should be accepted by the meeting for the use of the Dis- trict. -Mr. GEORGEE EASTES supported the proposition, which was BRANCH TO carried. MEETINGS BE HELD. Vice-President.-It was also proposed and carried that Dr. Charl- ton Bastian be the first Vice-President of the District. BORDER COUNTIEs BRANCa.-The next meeting will be held at the George and Abbotsford Hotel, Melrose, on Friday, December 23rd, at 3.30 P.M. Dr. Robert- Representative of Branch on Council.-It was proposed and carrie(d son (Penrith) will read a paper on Ligature of the Femoral Artery in Hunter's that Dr. T. Christie, C. I.E., should be the ordinary representative Canal for Traumatic Aneurysm. Dr. Hamilton (Hawick) will read a paper on on the Council of the Branch. the Treatment of Idiopathic Peritonitis. Notices of papers or specimens should District Committee.-The following gentlemen were app-inted to sit be sent to the undersigned without delay. Dinner in the hotel at 6.30 P.M.- H. A. LEDIARD, Honorary Secretary, 41, Lowther Street, Carlisle. on the District Committee:-Mr. Sutton Townsend, of South Ken- sington; Dr. Vinen, of Bavswater; Dr. Dodsworth, of Turnham Green; Mr. Barnes, of Hammersmith; Dr. Campbell Pope, of Shep- SOUTH-WESTERN BRANCH.-AIn intermediate meeting will be held at Berry's herd's and Dr. of Commercial Hotel, Newton Abbot, on Thursday, December 15th, at 12 o'clock. Bush; Rayner, Hanwell. Luncheon, by the invitation of the local members, will be provided at 2 P.M. Next Meeting.-It was suggested that the next meeting should be MIembers Intending to be present are requested to write at as early a date as pos- held in London. sible to Dr. W. G. Scott, 13, Devon Square, Newton Abbot. The President will Vote Thanlks.-A hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Darham for pre- read. a paper on College Politics. Notices of papers or communications to be sent oj to P. MAuRY DEAs, Honorary Secretary, Wonford House, Exeter. siding terminated the proceedings.

METROPOLITAN COUNTIES BRANCH: SOUTH LONDON DISTRICr.-A meeting will METROPOLITAN COUNTIES BRANCH: NORTH LONDON be held on Monday, December 19th, in the Governors' Court Room, Guy's Hos- DISTRICT. pital (by kind permission of the treasurer and governors of the institution). The chair will be taken at 8.30 P.M. by Arthur E. Durham, Esq.-Business: A paper A MEETING of this district was held at the Athenneum, Camden Road, will be read by Cbarters J. Symonds, Esq., Assistant Surgeon to Guy's Hospital, N., on Thursday evening, November 17th, 1887: A. E. DURHAM, On the Methods of Removal of the Tongue for Epithelioma, and the Inidications Esq., F.R. C. S., President of the Branch, in the chair, who delivered a for the performance of the Operation; and cases illustrative of various Tongue short address. Diseases will be shown. Consideration of By-laws. Election of Vice-President and Representative Ordinary Member of Council. Election of District Committee. Mechanical Control of Joints.-Mr. E. NOBLE SMITH gavc a demon- All medical practitioners will be welcomed. Gentlemen desirous of reading stration on this subject. He divided the subject into (1) perfect fixa- papers, exhibiting specimens, etc., at this or future meetings, are requested to tion ; (2) interrupted fixation ; (3) limitation of direction of move- communicate with the Honorary Secretary, R. PERCY SMITH, M.D., Bethlein ments. A number of apparatus were exhibited. -The PRESIDENT said Royal Hospital, 8.E. he was glad Mr. Noble Smith had urged the importance of the sur- geon attending to the construction of these apparatus, as he con- NEW SOUTH WALES BRANCH. sidered it most desirable. THE sixty-seventh general meeting of the Branch was held in the Proposed New Rules.-The HONORARY SECRETARY then proposed Royal Society Room, Sydney, on Friday, October 7, at 8.15 P.m. the new rules, as under-" VIII. The District Committee shall con- Present: The Hon. Dr. CREED, M.L.C., in the chair; sist of the Vice-president of the district, of the representative of the Drs Clubbe, district in the Council, and not less than six members to be elected at William Chisholm, Quaife, McCormick, Twynam, Thring, Hankins, the annual meeting. In addition, all members of the Council, living Power, Steel, Maher, Sydney Jones, Garrett, Martin, Marshall, Ken- in the district, and the district secretary, shall be ex-officio members of dall, Worrall, Freeman, Munro, Pockley, Reddall, Parker, Wood, the Committee. IX. The members of the District Committee shall Huxtable, and Scot Skirving. Visitors; Drs. Goode and Leacock. It elected by ballot, after having been duly proposed and seconded, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. and shall be eligible for re-election two years, provided they have attended not less than half the meetings of the district"-which were Deaths of Tw9 Members.-The PKESIDEET announced that since unanimously carried. the last meeting of the Branch two members had.died, namely, Drs. President and Committee.-Dr. Bridgwater, of Harrow (President of Hoff and Markey.-Dr. G. E. TWYNAM proposed and Dr. QUAIFIi the Council), was elected Vice- President; Dr. E. Hooper May, of Tot- Dcc. 10, 18R' . THEJ BTIJTJSTT MEl)TOL .TOTTP,YT,. 1303 ,- :i :- tenharn, was elected Representative of the District on the Counicil. enced by the acoustic phenomena. The sensation of vision in some The following gentleTtmen were unanimously elected as the North Lon- oases augmernted and in other cases diminished the sensations of don District Committee: Dr. Wynn Westcott, 396, Camden Road, hearing. The ticking of a watch was, with few exceptions, less N.; Dr. Waltpr Smith. Stanhiope Terrace. Regent's Park, N.W.; Dr. clearly heard when the listener's eyes were shut than when they were Sykes, 171. Camlden Road, N. W.; Dr. Crabh, 409, Holloway Road, open. The different colours had also a great influence on the power N.; H. Goude, E q., Highuate, N. (Small-pox Hospital); W. H. of hearing ; this was frcquently. augmented by red and green, and Plaister, Esq., Tottenham, N. diminished by bluic and yellow. Colours had a particular influence on Next 1Ceehing. -Aft, r votes of thanks to the President and E. Noble, musical tones ; they changed their modulation, and produced also a .Smiith, Esq., for his (lemonstrations, the Committee decided to hold dislocation of the " subjective place of hearing " (des subjectiven 1he next rrieeting at thei Deaconesses' Institution and Training Hos- Ilirfcldes), that is, of the place which corresponded to each sound, pital at, Tottenbain, in January next, and the meeting adjourned. in the head or in the ear. The subjective sensations of hearing were also influenced by light and colours, that is to say, they were in- creased by the influence of light, and red or green colours, and dimin- BItITISII MIEDICAL ASSOCIATION. ished by darkness, blue and yellow. Expsriaments on the other sen- FIFTY-SIXTH sations gave almcst the same results, and it was evident that there ANNUAL MIEETING. were ptrysiological connections between all the sensations, as every ThaE fifty-sixth Ainnual Meeting of the British Mledical Association irritation of one sensory organ produced a certain effect on the func- xvill be held at Gla-sow, on Tueqday, Wednesday, Thursday, anid tion of the other ones. Profcel)sor Urbantsehitsch is of opinion that Friday, August, 7th, 8th, 9th, aud 10th, 1888. the so-calledl double sensations have a physiological basis, and that Prcsidnet: John T. Banks, M.D,, D Scj(Hon.), F.K,Q.C.P.I., what was remarkable in them was not the double sensation itself, but Regius Piowessor ot PhyJdc in the University of Duiblin. the fact that one colour greatly surpassed the others in intensity, President-elcot: Professor W. T. Gairdiuer, M.D., LL.D., Professor whereas the sensations of colouis which were, undcr ordinary condi- of M1efliziino irn the Un)iversity of Glasgow. tions, produced by the sensations of hearing, tAste, smell, aud touch, President of the Council: Thomas Briclgwater, l.B.B, Harrow-on- which were for the greatest part spectral colours, had so slight an tlie Hill. intensity that they were not perceived, and could be noticed only by Treasurer: Consfantine Holman, M.D., Reigate. means of certain experiments. Au Address in M'-dicine will be delivered by Thomas Clifford Professor Neumann read a paper at another meeting of the same Allbutt, I. D., Consilriiog Physician, Leeds General Infirmary. society on myositis syphilitica. He first mentioned the investigations An Addiress in Surgery will be delivered by Sir George H. B. of others on syphilitic myositis, such as those of E. Wagner, Roki- Macleo(l, M D., Surgeol) in Ordinary to Her Mfajesty in Scotland. tansky, Virchow, Ziegler, Tschainsky, Spina, etc, and then describedl A Sp)ecial Addiess on his " R -ent Ilivestigations in Surgery " will his own clinical erperience of syphilitic disease of the extensor carpi he given hy Willihm Macewen, MI.D., Lecturer on Clinical Surgery, radialis, the extensor digitorum communis, the temporalis muscle. Glasgow Rou al Inufirmary. the trapezius, and especially the sphiucter ani externus. When all All Addres s inll hysioloev will be delivered by John Gray trace of syphilitic disease of the mucous Tnembrane of the rectum had MrcK endri k, M D., LL D., F.R S., Professor of Institutes of MIedi- disappeared, severe pain was often complained of in the region of the cine, Uaiversity of Glasgow. anus. It consisted in powerful contractions of the sphincter ani externus (tenesmus) which were the result of a syphilitic inflammation PROGRAMME OF PROCEEDINGS. of the muscle. In syphilitic myositis, the bloodvessels of the peri- TUE8sDAY. AUGUST 7TH, 1S88. 9 30 AsM.-MlTeeting of 1887-88 Council. mysium which covered the fibres of the muscles were chiefly the point 11.30 A. Genteral Meeting. Report of Counicil. Reports of Com- of departure of the infiltration. In the perimysium itself, as well as miiittees. Service in the Cathedral. in the spaces between the fibres of the muscles, many serpentine blood- 8.9v0 r.-ME.-Ajourued G(eneral Meetin- fromii 11.30 AM. President's vessels were to be found, which were filled wbiih blood to a high degree, Address. and surrounded by granulation cells. The connective tissue was pro- WEDNESD-AY, AUGUST STIH, 1S8.. 9 A. Nt-Meef ing of S58-Si) CoUncil. liferated alsundantly. The nuclei of the muscle fibres of the inner 10 . N.--Ad(dress on his Recenlt Sur-ical Investicgations by Dr. William surface of the sarcolemma also proliferated, and could be distinctly .1acewen. recognised, owing to their arrangement like a string of pearls of from 10.20 A.M. to 2 e.5..-Sectim,al meetings. five to twelve nuclei lying close to each other. In slight inflamma- P M.---Seco.-nd General Meeting. Address in Medicine. tions of the muscles, this increase of the mu,cular nuclei could persist, TouURSDAY, Al-OUST 9Tn, 1881;. a-cording to the opinion of Reeklinghausen. In a later stage of the °,0 ..- of* C'uncil. 10.31 A.M. to 2 i.M.-Sm--tio:il Meeriigs.; d sease, the granulation cells increased in the interstitial connective :3 I, m.-110ird General MeetiDg. Address in Sur-gery. tissue, whereas the muscular substance disappeared more and more, 7 ps.\1.-Ptnb'lic Diinner. and finally, when the process was completed, were replaced by fresh FRIDAY, AtmUST IOTTI, 1SSS. connective tissue. Such proliferation had also been observed by Erb, 10 A.m. to 1.:10 P.s.-Sectional Meetings. Hay, Heidelberg, and Kraske in rabbits and guinea-pigs, in muscles 3 rAt.-CJuncluding Geniei al Meeting,. Address in Physiology. which had become paralysed as a consequenee of neurotomy. In three SATURDAY, AuoUST 11th, 1888. cases in which Professor Neumann had spbincterotomy performed by Excurisionis. his assistant, Dr. Ehrmann, for the relief of permanent and severe psins, the above mentioned conditions could also be found to be pre- s nt. According to the experience of Professor Neumann, the SPECIAL sphincter ani externus was she muscle which became in most cases CORRESPONDENCEI affected with syphilitic myositis. In the course of six years, acute syphilitic myositis of the other muscles had been observed, at the VIENNA. clinic of Professor Noumann, on three patients, whereas in the FTROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] sphincter sni externus it had been seen five times in two years. This The 3lfutuaZ Inafluence of Di/J,rent did not include cases of gutrimatous degeneration of the anus. It Sensations.-M3Iyosit's Syphilitica. was also remarkable that the disease in quiestion chi fly affected -Abdomi2ial Actinomycosis in a Man. women, which might be explained by the frequent occurrence in them PROFESSOR UBIInNTSCHITSCI read a paper on the mutual in. of papule and rhagades about the anus ; this was also partly due to lluence of difkr,rt sensations at a recent meetino of the the fact that syphilis in woomen was attended by discharge from Imperial Royal Society of Physicians of Vienna. He dis- the vaginal mucous membrane, wbi, h trickled to the anus and irritated cussed so-called "double sensation's " (Doppelempfindumgen) which the parts, giviDg rise to an inflammatory process. had been dGscribed by Nussbaumer, Bleuler, and Lehmann, Dr. Ullmann, assistant to Profess r Albert, at the clinic for surgery, anld tried to fin(i out whether theie existed any physiological relations recently brought before the Irmperial 11-yal Society of Physicians a batween the different sensations. Irritation of the auditory apparatus case of abdomrinal actinomycosis in man, in which a cure was effected inifluenced the sensations of the eye to a high degree, and often en- by means of sublimate fossil m-al (Smeblimat-Kiesclguhr, being a haniced the ponner of colour perceptioni, and that of vision. Similar powder of silicious earth prepared with stublimate). The patient results were obtairied as regards the sensations of taste and smell; had complained of anorexia in the winter of 1886-87, and in February, tactile sensatiou was usually diminished by irritation of the auditory 1887, he was seized with stabbing pains in the right hypochondriac app,aratus. The senisory nerves were sometimes very strikingly influ- region, with fever and a burning sensation on passing water; the urine Dec. 10, 1887.] TIE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. 1309 EdpiHemiological Society, having terved ;a President and Vic3-Presi- of the relative (lestractiveness to life of particular forms of dihease (lent, and contribute,I to their Transcatdioi7s several valuable papers, shows that specific febrile complaints have carried oef far fewer persons the frLuit of his exparience of the diseases he ha(l witnessedl in the than usual. Euteric fever caused the death of 13 and diphtheria of Crimea, Chuna, andl B3rmufla, as well as some of great antiquarian 18, but other zymotic disorders proved fatal in very few cases. Oa the interest, for he waas especially fon.d of studying the records of the past otlher hand, the deaths from somne typos of constitutional dise se were in relation to) his profession and naval calling, and for many years extraordinarily numerous. Phthisis in particular has been exceedingly displaye uuntirin, energy in endeivouing to procure improvement in active, claiming no fewer than 9i victims, while cancer has becn fatal the status anl recrtnition of naval and military mediical officers. For in 24 instances. the great am,lioration in his ova branch of the service credit is mainly due to the persevering dflrrts of 3ir WVilliam Smart, as has been ted above In addition to these professional distinctions, his eminence as a UNIVERSITY INTELLIGENCE, naval surgeon and adIministrator in his long, career of thirty-six years' active service was recocnised by his being nominate(d in succession UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. C.B, K. C.B., and HIonorary Physician to the Q leen, while not long THE LATE RE1v. COUTTS TROTTER.-The Schools of National Science agor) he was awarded the additional good service pension of his rank. nd Medicine hlave lost an able atnd clear-headed fiiend in Mr. Cottts For his war services in the Ceimea he wa3 decorated with the French Trotter, Vice-Master of Tiinity, and President of the Camibridge Philo- Leoion of Hono)ur and two medals, anl his subsequent honours ,ophical Society, who died in his rooms on Sunday morning, Decem- and emoluments were universally admitted as most worthily bestowed. ber 4tb, at the sae of 50. He had been for many years a member of Sir William Smart was beloved by his family and friends for his the Council of the Senate, and of the Boards for MeUdicine and for many virtues and noble qualities, of which especially notable were the Physics and Chemistry; and many of the regulations now governing warmth of his affections, his fidelity to attachments, and his liberal the medical culrricuilum and examinations are due to his sagacity and and generous disposition. Truly a large-hearted man, not to be prevision. While he held the important post of Tutor of Trinity, he spoiled by prosperity. HTe was heldI in high regerd by the Naval also acted as onie of the lecturers on Physics recogDised by the Medi- Service in which his lot had be-n cast, and in mLuch respect by the cal Board ; and long before the Mledical School attained its present profession at large, to whom he was favourably known by his multi- importance, he more than once published pam)hlets on its future, farious writinas and occasional app?arances in puiblic, the last of which wlich hadi a marked effect in determining its character and policy. It was at the opening meeting of the Epidemiological Society only a is no secret thit he was instrumenital in securiln the establihlment of month ago. His failing? health had been painfully obvious to his ihe Professorships of Physiology, Anjimal Morphology, Sargery, and friends for some years. Diabetes, complicated with occasional gout, Pathology, and the University Lectureships in Mledicine, Surgery, was the chief feature of his malady, but he was tolerably well and in Medical Jurisprndunce, and Midwifery. The influence for gpod exerted good spirits till the 27th November, when a chill appears to have by a man of his broad and liberal views, who, while technically -aused a pulmonary congestioni, which in a few days extinguished life. au outsider, was associated by sympathy and wise interest with the lie has left a witlow, an only son, and two married (laughters to lament progress of scientific medicine and mnedical education, can hardly be his loss. A sorrowing company of relatives and ol(d friends, including overestimated. Sir J. W. Reid, the MZe(dical Director-General of the Navy and other EXAMINERS IN NATURRAL SCIENCE.-The Boards for MIedicine, veterani officersQ, were present at the interment, on the 6th inst., in the Physics andl Chemistry, and Biology and Geology, have publihed a peaceful churchyard of Kingsbury, not far from Harlesden, where he report, pointingf out that, oviog to the great increase of the numbers died, the chief mourner being his son, Dr. Heibert Smart, who had examined1 in Natural Science for the B.A. and M.B. degree, a sub- recently graduated in me(licine at Cambridge. stantial addition to the staffof examiners and to their remuneration is ut-gently required. The University has this year received in lees for EDWARD PARKER, F.R.C.S.EDIN., L.S. A., of Liverpool. exanminations in Natuiral Science (not degrees) about £1,280, of which A WVELL-KNOwVN and highly respected member of the profession passed £998 was contributed by medical students for their First and Second away on December 1st, last, at his residence, 126, Kirkdale Road, ExaminatioDs ; anid, out of this large revenue, the Boards think about Liverpool, in the person of Mr. Parker. His illness waS of very short £926 should be spent on examiners. The numnber of candidates ex- duration. His fuineral took place last Saturday, and was attended by amined ia the NI.B. subjects has risen from 342 in 1883-84 to 634 in a large number of medical meni, and of representatives of the varionu3 1886-87. In Pharmacy the numbers bave increased from 89 to 145 in charitable an(d other institutions with which he lhad1 been connectedl. the same period ; and the Boards recommend the appointment of two Born in 1819, and quhlified at an early age, rAI. PaLker retained many examiners, instead of one as heretofore, the Regius Professor of Physic old-fashioned notioins in regard to professional training, etc. Person- acting as examiner cx oicio. ally his manner was but ill-undersbod by many, but to those who, .Ma. L.AURENCE IlUmpuitY, M.-A., M. B., has been chosen as an ad- like the writer, knew himu well, and could look beneath the surface, ditional member by the Special Board for Mledicine. he was always the same warmhearted, generous man. When the Stanley Hospital was etAablished, Mr. Parker was appointe,l Consult- ing Surgeon, and he retained this position up to the tima of his (leath. He was also surgeon to WValton Gaol, which office he only HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY MANAGEMENT. recently vacated. In addition to the atove, he was for a long time Surgeon to the Northern Division of the Liverpool Police Force BELFAST ROYAL HOSPITAL: ANNUAL MIEETING. and a large party of police constables, under the charge of an in- THE ainual Int eting of the subscribers and governors of this institu- spector, was present at his obsequiei. Tho Liverpool Industrial tion was held upon October 21st, under the presidency of Sir James Schools hal also the benefit of his medical care and sympathy; and Haslett, the AMayor of Belfa&t. The total beauests ar'd donations re- prorninent parish representative swere at the gravesidle to show their ceived duming, the year amiiounted to £5,723 9.4. 5d. The general sub- respect for their old and valued friend. Mr. Parker was twice sciptions showed an inciease over the previous year of £72 18s. Od., married. He leaves a widow, five sons, and one daughter, to mourn the church collections were £101 18s. 7d. in advance, and there was his loss. Two o? the sons are in the profession. One, Dr. WVilliam also a considerable increase in the anount obtained from pay patients. Parker, is in practice in Kendal. The other, Mr. Rtishton Parker, On the other hand, there was a falling off in the subseriptiuns from is the distinguished Professor of Surgery in University College, the working cla-ses, and in the receipts of Hospital Saturday. The Liverpool. hospital had begtn the year with a deficit of £1,048 8s. 2d., and closed it with a deficit of £581 8s. Id. The ordinary income still fell short of the ordinary expenditure, but the extraordinary income of the past year was considerably over average, and an addition had been INDIA AND THE COLONIES. made to the inivested funds of the chariLy of over £4,000. During the year the following members ot the staff had vacated office by rota- AUSTRALIA. tion, and bad been re-elected without opposition : Dr. Ross, Dr. Low DETITH-RALT OF SOUTH AUSTR2aLIA.-The official returni of Walton Browne, Dr. Byers, Dr. Nelson, and Dr. Lindsay. The births and deaths in South Australia, for the quarter ending Septeni- Board of Management had to re-ord with deep regret the death of be. laAt, shows a healthy condition of things. The total inumber of Mr. W. T. B. LyonQ, D. L., the President of the liospitat and oije of (leaths was 795, or an average of only .257 per mille. The average of its staunchest friends; also the deaths of two formner members of the dleaths fur the previous five years was. 900 per mille. An examination medical staff Professor Gordon aud Dr. John Mooze. The Medical 1312 11THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. [Dec. 10, 1887. = I BRITISE MEDICAL BENEVOLENT FUND.-The monthly meeting of this useful charity was held on November 29th, when there were six- MEDICAL NEWS. teen applicants tor grants, and the balance at the dibpo,al of the Com- Mittee would have been overdrawn but for the oppoitune donation of ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND.-The following £20 by an old and valued subscriber. The sural of £142 was voted lMlembers, having passed the Final Examination for the Fellowship on away to fourteen applicants, and two cases were postponed for further November 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th, 1887, were, at a meeting of the inquiries. Two cases merit mention. In one a paralysed medical Conecil held on Thursday, Decenuber 8th, duly admitted Fellows of man had a wife and six children entirely dependent, and the sum of the College. £13 was voted and ordre i to be sent in weekly instalments of 10s., H. H. Taylor (St. George's), L.R.C.P.Lond., Consumnption Hospital, Brompton, with leave to again in six months ; and in the other a grant date of memnbershil), J.uly 22ted, 1880; .1. Waldy (S,. George's) L. It C.P. Lond., apply Green Park, Darliig-ton, Juily 18th, 1882; S. 0. Townse,jd (Ridiriburah an(i was made to ernable a widow to obtain need ful change of air for a son St. Bartholomew's), Btirle gh Street, Strand, Novemiiber 14th, 1883; D. suffering fiom phthisis. Thoma,a (Londonl), I. R C P. Lond., Cefribaual, Tregae-ori, Aberystwith, April 23rd, 1884; G. A. l. Murrav (St. Bartholomew's), L.R C P. loud., 1i, Chel- FATAL BURNS DUE To CARELESSNESS.-At a recent inquest at sea Gardens, S.W., April 18th, 1884; J. R Roberts (Middlesex ard New- Sheffield on a chiild barnt to 3, the coroner intimated his castle), M.B. Durham, Siuez, Kgypt, Juily 28th, 1884; H. Crosslev (L indon) death, aged LS..A., the Hospital, IRotherhain, Auguet 6th, 1884; F. J. Sinith (Londoi), iLtention of sending the first woman he could for trial, hoping that M.B.Oxon., 7, West Street,, E.C., April 2Sth. 1885; L. P. Shaibolt (-t. a trial might be a warning when the holding of inquests was no Bartholomiew's), L. R.C. P. Lond., Beecher oft. Chislehu-st, Auiguist 5th, iSSi; warniug at all, and that it might save the lives of scores of children. F. S. Hawkins, (Guy's). M.B.()xon.. 15, Trinity Sqtuare, E.C., Julv 26th, a 1886; A. Hancoek (Dablin), M.D.Q.U.I., AthgoPark, bhankrll, co. Dublin, In this case the mother had left the deceased and baby, aged 14 January 17th, 1887. months, alone in the house; when sent for an hour later she found Twoother candidiates passed the examination, but not having attained her child burnt, but not dead. He was taken to the hospital, and the legal age of 25, will receive their diplomas at a future meeting of died an hour later. the Council. Three candidates were referred for six months and six- TO recent the Glas- teen candidates for one BroQuESTS GL.ASGOW CHARITIES.-By beqi{ests year. gow Royal Infirmaty has benefited to the extentof £1,050, the Western The following gentleman, having undergone the necessary examina- Infirmary £550, the Hospital for Sick Children £50, the Association tions in Surgery for the diploma, and haviLig since obtained a medical for the Relief of Incurables the Insticution for the Edecation of qualification, was at this mneeting, adrmitted a Menmber of the College. £50, J. Cheshire. the Deaf and Dumb £50, the Blin(d Asylum £100, Orphan Homesof Cunningham, L.S.A., 6, Rudgrave Place, Egrenmout, Scotland £100, West of Scotland Seaside Homes £100, Kilmun Seaside Homes £50, Hoiiie of Shelter for Females £:100, and Institution for BEQUESTS AND DONATIONS.-Mr. John Henry Smith, of l'urley, Orphan and Destitute Girls £50. Surrey, bequeatbed £1,000 for distribution by his executors among such London hospitals and chanities as they may select, not exceeding SANITARY PLUmBING.-At the recent banquet given by the Court £105 to any one, and £500 each to the Hull General Infirm-ry, the of the Company ot Plumbers, it was stated by the master that up to Derbyshire General Infirmary, the Nottingham General Hospital, the prespnt the Company had granted certificates of examination to and King's College Hospital.-The Genetral Infirmary, the Public 1,185 efficient craftsmen. Mlany of these had come long distances, at Hospital and Dispensary, and the Jessop Hospital for Woomen, all considerable pcrsonal expense, to pass the examination, but the Com- at Sheffield, have received £300 each, less duty, under the will of pany hoped to save them that expense in the future by instituting Mrs. Sarah Hopkinson -The last quarterly report of the Hospital provincial centres, many of wbich were now in existence. Of those for Consumption announced legacies of £1,000 under the will of 1,185 efficient craftsinen, 753 wera journeymen. Miss McKellar, £1,000 under that of Mrs Cook, £500 under that of DENTAL HOSPITAL OF LONDON.-The annual dinner of the staff Major Hcoper, £500 under that of Mrs. Levien, £250 un)d-r tbat of and past and preseut students of the Dental Hospital of London and Miss Hore, £200 urnder that of General Ramsay, and £200 under that the L;ndon School of Dental was held at the Holborn of Mrs. J. F. medical steff and lecturers of the Dental Sargery Pownall.-The Restaurant on Saturday, December 3rd. There were about 150 rre- Hospital of London have giveD ;£1,000 towards the extension of the sent. The chairman (Nir. George Greg-;on) proposed the toast "The hospital.-"E C." has given £200 to the mainte-nance fund of the Past and Present Sta.tenjts," to which MIr. E Barker and MIr. Georae London Hospital.-" E M E." has given £100 to the Hospital for Seymour responded * anid Sir Edwin Saiinders followed with that of Sick Children, and £100, additional, to the British Home for IDCuIr- the " Dental Hosqital of London and Staff," to which Mir. R. N. ables.-Mr. Sasmuel B.Eitlif hbas given £100 to the Kent County O1h- Woodhouse thalmic Hospital, anid £100 to the West Kent General Hospital, both replied. at Maidstone, in memiory of his late brother, Mr. George Amatt PRESEINTA-1ION -Dr. Bell, the senior Medical Officer of the Brad- Bentlif.-Mrs. Barton has given £100 to the Tamworth Cottage ford Eye and ERr Hoqpital, has been preiented with a portrait of Hospital. himsfltf by a nunmber of gentlemen, in appreciation of his services for thi,ty years. T'he presentation was made at the hospital, Alderman OPENING OF A IIYDIIOTIIETAPEUTIC ESTAIIBIISIIMENT.-On Satur- J. L. Morley, the MIayor, presidiDg. Dr. Bell, in retuiniDg thauks, day, December 3rd, a new h) drotherapeutic establishrient was opened said he hoped the comsijittee of nmanagement would allow the portrait at Fartaborough, for the course of treatment by inihalation of baths of to remain in the ho,pital, and Sir Jacob Behrens said the committee "pumiline," or pine extract aud essence. The institutin has been accepted the presentation with great pleasure. organised on a very sumtIptuous s-'ale. and contains a complete instal- JoSEI-i K. C S I., C. B, entered the navy as lation for inhalati mm, Russian, Turkish, and pine baths, besides the SiR Hooic8.u, wYho most comfortable for resident surgeon in 183S, was lasr, wcek awaided the Capley medal. The arranigements patients The visitors of tho R in the arrived at about 4 o'clock, but the inspection of the premises was Pr,si(derjt ydl Institution, makiog presentation, " as a Sir I1 ioker could for sonme time on account of an outbreak of after observed that, tavellfr, Jo3eph poehaps only delayed fire, which, to in the to which he had used travel creating considerable alarm, was pioomptly got utnder by the ai(d of b- compared HuLmboldt extent as an research." the soldiers from the neighbouring cantip. The visitors were then instrnument ot shown over the premises, and were entertained at dinner by the pTO- A suar of 50,000 marks has been granted by the Saxon Government, prietor, Mr. Nethersole, who explained the object and scope of the in itsLew budget, towards thc suZpp)rt of physicianls who settle in undertaking, which is modelled on the most modern German ilistitu- the poorer distticts of Saxony. A less sum is also to be granted to- tions of the kind. wards the maintenance of resident veterinary surgeons. LIVERPOOL is said to be in danger of a water famine. DuriDg the SLBEFFIELD has lost one of its most respected townsmen in Mr. past fortnight the sto k of water at the Rivirigton reservoirs has de- Thonias Jessop, at the ripe age of 84. He built the Jessop Hospital creased 180 000,000 gallons, a circumstance sitil to be unprecedented for Women, at a cost of £26,000. He took considerable interest in for the months ot Novermber anwl December. Tne district supplied by the iLsitution, and contributed generously to its funds. the Liverpool Corpo,ration, includiijg the city aud a number of sur- SUCCRSSFUL VACCINATION.-Dr R. J. Foulis, of Wylam-on-T'ne, rounding villages, is to be placed on short allowance. p-ublic vaccinator of the Bawell (Eistern) Division, Ilexham Urion, TaEic has received a Government graut for the effic;iency of vaccinationt in SUR.GICAL AID SociawY.-The report of the Surgical Aid his Society, read at its annulal meeting, held on L)eember 7th, under the dist,ict. presidency of the L lrd Mayor, showet that 10,400 surgical appliances MEDICAL MAGISTRATE .- r. G. A. Plhillips, MI.R.C.S., L.S.A., has had been given to the poor during the year. been appointed to the Walsall magisterial bench. Dec 10, 1887.1 THE BRITISH MIEDICAL JOURNAL. 1313

FOOD ANALYSIS IN KENStNGTON.-The annual report of the Public COCKERTOm, Herbert, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., appointed House-Surgeon to the Bos- Anlalyst f,r Kt-n-ington, Mir. 0. E. Cassal, on 499 samples aualyied com!ie Infirminary, Bournenimuth. unrler the Sale of Ford and Drugs Act, shows tha-t 28 p r cent. of the DAKIN, W. R., M.D., B.S., M.R.C.P.Lond., appoinited Obstetric Physician to Omit-patients to the Great Northern Cenitral Hospital, -ice Faneoul-t were to per Barnes, sam,ple-s de,l-ared be adulterated, and 17 ceut. ot inferior M.D., resigned. quality, the bulk ot the adulterated or inferior samnples being speci- KFSnPE, Arthur, MD..Bru-., M.R C.P., etc., re-appointed Mcdicai Olticer of Health icoti-as ot mlilk. tho largest proportion of adulterated samples consisted to the Budleigin Salterton LoI)cal Board. of Stlidqy 1,t1ik, onlly 34 per cent. of such samples beiog geruine. The KINGSF(ORD, C. C., M.R.C.S., appointedi Juuior House-Surgeon to the Bolton In- firnes ii flicted amijounted altogether only to £37 odd, a sivu. ridiculously firmary Dispt-nsary, vie' H. W. Phil.ips, M.D., resignied. out 4f wopoition to the expense of workiig the Sile of Food Act MARSTIALL, A. L., B.A., M.R.C. s., L. S. ., appoinitert Medical Oflicer to the Royal in the " Unitedl Hospital, Bath, vice C. W. F. Youtig, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., resigned. dli,trict. The analyst justly observes biAt it is inot an ex- SLOAN, Satnuel, M1.D., appointed Consulting Physician to the Glasgow Maternity 19gg(etaiiou to say that, in many instances, the smuallness of the files Hospital. eiltli tmd is a direct incentive to adulteration." Indeed, the Act, which is in ictelf an exce lent one, is rendered in mary districts virtually in- MEETINGS OF SOCIETIES DURiNG TflE o*-rttive hy the action of the magistrates. Nothing would be easier NEXP' WEEK. thin to rejder the Food Act a self-supporting one, as, indeed, it is in some ilistrit ts-such as N'ttiughamshibe and in part of Ireland. MONDAY. AcoosicxNG to a Reuter's telegram fiom Copenhagen, dated De- MEDICAL SocicrTY oF LONDON, 8.30 Nr.-Mr. E. Huirrv Fenwick: The Reflex cetibir 7th, precautionary measures have beea taken there against Inhibitory Action of Cucaine. Dr. W. B. Ricialndson, F.R.S.: arrivals from Chili, Florida, Jamaica, Martinique, and Guadaloupe in Acute Pulmonary Paresis. order to avoid the introduction of intectious diseases. TUESDAY. ROYAL MisDICAL. AN-D CnIRURGICAL SOCIETY.-Mr. W. ArbtAhinot Lane: The Factors thlat Determiine tle Hyper:rophy of tile okull ins Mollities Ossium, Osteitis Deformans, Rickets, and Hereditary Syphilis. MEDICAL VACANCIES' Dr. J. Bland Sutton: A Case of Neurotonny of the Third Division The following vacancies are announced: of the Fifth Nerve of tbe Forainen Ovale. ASHTON-UN DER-LYNE DISTRICT INFIRMARY.-Honisc-Stirgeon. Salary, WEDNESDAY. £80 pe r ainLirn, with board, etc. Applications by Decemiiber 13th to the BDrITisn GY-N.nLOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 8 30 P.m.- Specim1iens will be slsowin by Dr. I-I onora y Secre tary. Bedford Feiiwick anid Dr. GianvilleIBau-tock. Dr. Bedfnrd Fcur- BIRMINGIIHAXI GENER5AL HOSPITAL.-Assistant House Surgeon. Applica- wick: On the Use of Blood-letting iii Gyn.secological Practice. tiots by Decemnber 22nd to the House-Governor. Dr. W. Chapman Grig,: Puerperal Convulsiotms with Complete Blindness Lasthilg for Several Days. Dr. BRI Toi Jaines H. Avelitig On ROYAL, [NFIRNIARY.-Obstetric Physician. Applications by De- the D) agiosis and Electrical Treatmiient of Early Extra-utcrins cenjiber 13th to the Secretary. Gestation. COUNTY GALWAY INFIRMARY.-Residenit Surgeon. Salary, e£100 per with and also of lanfd connected with ROYAL 31ICROP.uGOIICAL SOCIETY, ZS ta.t.-A. D. Mtichael: A N-ew Medium. T. auintimn, residenice, fuel, light, use B3. flosserer: Generative Organs of Ostracodi. WV. M. Maskell establishtmett. Applications to Mr. James Loftus, Registrar. Election on Lieceinbhr 10th. Oii the Geosss Ilicraslerias. EAST LON DON HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN, Shadwell, E.-Re5ident Clinical HUNTERIAN SOCr-ETY, S P.e.-Dr. Herman; On the Early Treatnmciit of Extra Assistant. Applications by December 29th to the Secretary. Utciine Gestation. HOSPI P'AL FOR CONSUMPTION, Brompton.-Resident clinical Assistant. Ap- Teir. Io otPTAes ASSOCITTION (Goverisors' Court Room of Guy's Hospital), 8 P.Nf.- Dr. J. C. Steele Otn the Re-istration of Nurses. plieal itons by Deceinber 17th to the Secretary. Traine-d The chlir will be taken by Edtvard HI. Lushinlton, Esq., Treasurer of KILBUtRN, MAIDA VALE, AND ST. JOEHN'S WOOD GENERAL DISPEN- Guy's Hospital. 8ARY.-llonorary Medical Olficer. Applications by December 10th to the Honorsry Secretary. EPIrDElm mLOCICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, S r.N-Dn-r. E. Kleini: Some Infectious Diseases Commtmon to Man and tine KING'S Loner Animials. Dr. Klein will COLLEGE, LONDON.-Professor of Dental Sturgery and Surgeon Dentist. .iso exhtlnit a utnoiber of microscopical preparations illustrative Applicauions to the Secretary. of the subject. NORrH-EATE6RN HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN, Hackney Road, E.-Jnnior THURwSDAY. Houuse-eurgeon. salary, .03O per ainiiuiii. Applicationus by Dccember 15th to PATitOLOrnICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, 8.30 P.3i.--Special meeting. Professor the. Secrettry, 27, Clenient's Lane, E.C. Crookshaik : Report upon ate Ilnvesligation into a Disease of PONTEFRAC r GEN ERAL DISPEN\SAtY.-Tlouse-Sirgeon. Salary, t130 per Cows, and its Relation to Scarlatina ini Manl. allitimin, with aplartments, etc. Applications by December 10th, to the HARNEIAN SOCIETY, 8.30 ,. n.-EHarveian Lecture III, by 3Mr. Jonathan Hut- Ftinorary Secretary. elninsotn, F.R1.S., oni the Causes amid Clinical Characteristics ROY Al A lLW3RC IOUPITAL, Dev-onpo-t.-Assistant House-Surgeon. Board of tihe Diseases knowvn under the niamue of Ltspus. awl louigi eg. Applications by Decermber 1-fth to the Chairiman of the Manag- PARIH-. M31CsEITNM, 5 r.M.-Mr. Shirley F. Murphy, M.R.C.S.: On Scarlet Fever. imeg Coim,,nnttee. FRIDAY. ROYALI, WEiTM[NSTER OPEITHA.LMIC HOSPITAL, King William Street, SOCIETY OF- AinEDICAT OnFTtERS oF HEALTIh, 7.30 i. Mr. A. Wynter W.C.-Hotise-aur-eon. Applicationis by December 17th to the Secretary. Blytli Tine. Comnta-ioI1 (ofaticer.)t Mr. G. luiscinoi: Extension of Tiiume SAMARITAN FREE HOSPITAL FOU WO'IEN A-ND C.hILDREN.-Physician. of Cu'ltmre inn Dr. Koch's Bacteriological Watter Test by Partial Applicai ionis by Deceniber 20th to the Secretary. Sterilisatiom, with Special Refeiencc to tlie Metropolitan Water ST. GR,11RG s'S HOSPITAL.-Assistant Phlysician. Applications by Decembler Supply. 17t,h to the Secretary. ST. GEORO i'S ILIOSPITAL.-Assistant Surgeon. Applications by December BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. l7tio to the Secretayy. The chargejor inserting eannouncements of Births, Marriages, anel Deaths isSs. Cd., ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL.-Physician. Applications 'by December 26th to which should be forwarded in stamaps with the announcement. the 6ecretary. BIRTB S. ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL.-Surgeon. Applications by December 26th to the Sect etary. BOLTON.--On Novetneber 21st, at Wnoodhoroughi Road, Nottinglnlani, the ife of S. , of a SHEFFIELi) PUBLIC HO'SPITAL AND DISPENSARY.-- House, SurgPon. Joscph Bolton, M.D.Edin M.Ri C.SEng., some. Salary, LCO5 per atnniiiii, with board etc. Applications by Deceniber 10th to BR-AND.-At Invery, Driffield, East Yomlcs, on Dacerniber 4th, the wife of lIt. the 1-o ooary Secretary, Medical Staff. .l3ramnd of a daughter. UNlVER-ITY OF EDINBURGH.-Exianiiner in Anatomay. Salary, £?75 per JAKIN -On Summelay, Decemriber Ith, at 9, Osmnaburgh. Street, iegeunts Park, ttm- atitium. Applications by Janiuary 16th, 18-8, to the Seci-etary. wie of Percy Jakinis, M.It C.S., of a son. UN1VER,ITY OF EDINBURGH.-Examitner in Cheinistry. Salary, .£75 per WOOD.-Oti Novetnber 26tl the wife of E. Stanley 'Wond, L.K.Q.C.P.aniL.3M. amti,uimm. AI)plicotiol s ty January l6th, 18SS, to ttie Sectetary. and M.R.C.S.Eing., at Clarence House, Pomitypool, Mcoi1., of a sOIu. UNIVl,IItITY (IF EDINBURGH.-Exatniiier iti Mitdwif.ry. Sa3lary, £75 per MARRIA(SKS aninuii. is to the Applicaui by January 16th, 188S, necretary. COOAN--McNCVmrte.-0On Detcember 1st at St. Osturg's Cliurch, Coventry, by tile UNiVERSITY OF in Practice of PhN sic. £75 EDINBURGH.-Examiner Salary, ReY. A. Periera, 0 S.B., tRector, Smnrgsonm-Major Thonis Sillerv Coga -, Army per anunum. Applications by January 16th, 1888, to the Secretary. Medical Stall; to Editln, y.ung.'st daughter ot Dr. McVeagh, J. P., Coventry. EVANS-EDWARDS.-Oml Nnveniher 29th, at High Street Baptist Chapel, Mertmhyr MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS. Tydvil, hty the Rev. D. J. Hiley, Anomie, young-st cdaligliter of Mir. T. Edwards. Paritana.s, T'm-lharris, to E. T. Evatme, M.R.C.S.Eng., eldest SoIn of M1r. Ei. ABRATAM, P. B., M.A.T.C.D., B.Sc.Lond., F.R.C.S.I., appointedI Lecturer on Evans, Tredeo-ar. and to the Westminster Medical vice Pltieiolo-y His, olg,y Hospital Sclhool, DEATH S. Ilene ige bibbes, M. D., resigned. CRICIc'TAY.-Edward Crickcmay, MT.R.C.S E. andl L.q.A., died December 2ind, very BAIHD, Sallmuel J., M. B, C.M.Glas., Lie. Mid. F.P.S Gas., appointeed Medical studdemily, aged 74, at Laxtield, Framlineham, SuffIlk. to tti- District of the vice nthicer Eglint.un Londonderry Union, Londoiiderry, Lawrence J. MuCilluin, M1.I.Gla-'., *1eceased. HAWK1INs.-0On Decerttber 4th, at Wonurn, Bedforldlsire, htenjamniin the Lincoln Hawkin.s, L.It C.P., M.U.C.S., late Armuy Medical dervice, ag,,d 57, fronts BROOK, AMr. W. tl. B., appointed louise-Surgeon to County Hospital, atgiga pec'oris. vice M JohDinstonl, At it C.S., L.R C.P.E., resigt;ed. CAJ4ZKoN, Miird,.ch, M D., appointed lib.steuliC Physician to the Glasgow PARKER.-On December 1st, at 12G, Kirkdale Road, Liverpool, aged 68, Elwar Maternity lospital, vice Samiiuel Sloan, M1.D., appointed Consultisng Physician. Parker, F.R.C.S.Edin. 1314 THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. (Dec. 10, 1887. OPERATION DAYS AT THE LONDON HOSPITALS. QUERIEFA. Mn. I. D. PALMEr, M.R.C.S. (Nayland, Colchester, Suffolk) writes: Is there any MONDAY.- -- -10.30 Am.: Royal London Ophthalmic.-1.30 P.M.: Guy's(Op1- thalmic Department); and Royal Westminster Ophthalmic.-2 book treating on the duities of ships' surgeons, and giving hints and information P.M.: Metropolitan Free; St. Mark's; Central London Ophthal. likely to be usefiil whilst at sea other than those found in ordinary textbooks mic ; Royal Orthopaedic; and Hospital for Women.-2.30 P.m.; MaR. It. C. HEOT (LBurnley) asks whether there is any society for the supply of Chelsea Hospital for Women. artificial limbs for poor people. TUESDAY _._9 A.M.: St. Mary's (Ophthalmic Department).-1O.30 A.M.: Royal London Ophthalmic.-1.30 P.m.: Guy's; St. Bartholo- TREATATENT Or MT)YX(OTSD`M,3A. mew's (Ophthalmic Department); St. Mary's; Royal Westmin. J. K. aslks what hias loeon the result, if any, of treatmnent of cases of mnyx(edema ster Ophthalmic.-2 P.M.: Westminster; St. Mark's; Central by the exhibition of . sZruop hypophosphit. co., of wlicl tlherc arc several in the London West London; Cancer Hospital market. Brompton.-4 P.M.: St. Thomas's (Ophthalmic Department). ETTIER. WMDNESDtY _10 A.M.: National Orthopaedic.-I0.30 A.M. Royal London ETHErPs asks: What exact preparation of etlher is meant by midwifery anthors Ophthalmic.-1 P.M.: Middlesex.-1.30 P.M.: St Bartholo- when directiuag it to be used subcutaneously in collapse, etc., anid in what dose mew's; St. Thomas's; Royal Westminster Ophthalmic.-2 P.M.: is it safe? I have hunted tlhrotugli scveral authoisities, but cannot find more London ; University College ; Westminster ; G:eat Northern than the word " ether " vaguiely used. Central; Central London Ophthalmic.-2.30 P.m.: Samaritan *. We have referred this question to Dr. A. W. Edis, who rrites : Tllh or(dinary Free Hospital for Women and Children; St. Peter's.-8 to 4 anesthetic ether, specific gravity .720 to .722, does equally well for subcutaneou.s P.m.: King's College. only a small quantity be "rectified ether absolute," THURSDAY __10.130 A.M.: Royal London Ophthalmic.-1 P.M.: St. George's in-ijection. If required, -1 30 P.M. : St. Bartholomew's (Ophthalmic Department); specific gravity .720, should be asked for. The dose varies froins ten to thirty Guy's (Ophthalmic Department); Royal Westminster Ophthal- minims, or more, repeated at short intervals if reqtiiste. In enmploying the mic.-2 P.m.: Charing Cross; London; Central London Oph- ordinary hypodermic syringe, care muist be taken not to w'armi it usiore thait thalmic ; Hospital for Diseases of the Throat; Hospital for with the lhand, as otherwise the etfher esaporates. A specially Women.-2.30 P.M : North-west London; Chelsea Hospital for possible rapidly Women. prepared syringe, witlh metal mounts, lholding- one dr.chbi, is of scrvice when FRIDAY _ __ ..9 A.M.: St. Mary's (Ophthalmic Department).-10.30 A.M.: lilkely to be called in frequent requisition. InI mllidwifery practicc the le)tter Royal London Ophthalmic.-1.15 P.M.: St George's (Ophthal- plass is to inject twenty or thirty minhics deeply in thlc buttock. Brandy mic Department).-1.30 P.m.: Guy's; Royal Westminster Oph- well is at tbhalmic.-2 P.M.: King's College; St. Thomas's (Ophthalmic answers wheniether nlot hand. Department); Central London Ophthalmic ; Royal South Lon. don Ophthalmic; Eastl,ondonHospitalforChildren.-2.30P.m. WestLondon. ANXWERS. SATURDAY -9 A.M.: Royal Free.-10.30 A.M. S Royal Londnn Ophthalmic.- 1 P.m.: King's College.-1.80 P.M.: St. Bartholomew's; St. Mn1. A. WALKER.-We do not propose to discuss the subject. Thomas's; Royal Westminster Ophthalmic.-2 P.m.: Charing of the kind Cross ; London; Middlesex; Royal Free; Central London Oph. MR. JonN An:eOTT.-We do not accept a fee, and we do not give advice thalmic.-2.30 Cancer Hospital, Brompton. desired. J. W. A.-Duly received. MR. J. W. ANDERSON.-Duely received; but not marked for insertioni. HOURS OF ATTENDANCE AT THE LONDON FnrENcri CHAeK AS A DIUSTIsc POWDEn. HOSPITALS. Dn,. V. PrOULAIc writes: I have used r Cretse Gallic. cret:e ppt., puol. calc:nsiinw. aai 5j ; ol. rose vel. eucalypt., q.s. for man1y years, and have never observed Ci9AaENG CRoss.-Medical and Surgical, daily, 1; Obstetric, Tn. F., 1.30; Skin, any absorption from it in intertrigo and in pruirigo muliebris, where the-re is M. Th., 1.80 ; Dental, M. W. F., 9. itiutch imloisture of the larts; but in suelh Cases (prurigo) a little additionl of car- Guyr's.-Medical and Surgical, daily, 1.30; Obstetric, M. Tn. F., 1.80; Eye, M. Tn. bolic acid seems to allay the itching best. I believe that Frncih chlh.ik is tlln Th. F 1.30; Ear, Tu. F., 12.30; Skin, Tu., 12.30; Dental, Tn. Th. F., 12. most liarimiless face pow(ler, but the :ace shlonld be moisteniedI witlh a little ZTNG'S 6OLLEGE.-Medical, daily, 2 ; Surgical, daily, 1.30 ; Obstetric, Tn. Th. S. glycerine and watcr l1foie .npl-1ikeation, as it i isollot of so clinging a siature as 2; o.p., M. W. F., 12.30; Eye, M. Th., 1; Ophthalmic Department, W., 1; Ear, bismiluth clhalk- or oxide o' zinc. Th., 2; Skin, Th.; Throat, Th., 8;3 Dental, Tn. F., 10. iONDON.-Medical, daily, exc. B., 2 ; Surgical, daily, 1.30 and 2 ; Obstetric, M. Th. REMIOvAkL o-,} M1IrE1 Ti'TTr 1.80; o.p. W. S., 1.30; Eye, W. S., 9; Ear, S., 9.30; Skin, Th., 9; Dental, Tu., 9. M.D. writes: In reply to " Far Away ini the JoUecss' eA of Nsovembl)er 'th, issy MIDDLsMsEx.-Medical and Surgical, daily, 1; Obstetric, Tu. F., 1.80; o.p., W. B., practice is to remliove a minle tooth wlhen souch decayed. )ental 'aries iri a a Nsi or 1.30; Eye, W.W . 8 30 - Ear and Throat, Tu., 9; Skin, Tu., 4; Dental, daily, 9. permsoanent tooth is often due to ifs con-tact withi dcayed predecessor. ST. BARTEOLOME;Ws.-M'edical and Surgical, daily, 1.30 ; Obstetric, Tu. Th. B., 2 have I observed anly subsequelt ill effects fohlowin- oni extractioIn if carefullV o.p., W. B., 9; Eye, Tu. Th. 5., 2.30; Ear, Tn. F., 2; Skin, F., 1.30; Larynx, F., performed. The fangs of a rIiill tooth are ins these Cases partially absorbed 'an 2.80; Orthopedic, M., 2.30; Dental, Tn. F., 9. conic out easily. Rcicoval can be effeeted witlhout lais by isijecting one oL S3-. GEouGE's.-Medical and Surgical, M. Tn. F. S., 1; Obstetric, Tn. B., 1 o.p. Burrocighs anid Wellconle's half-grain cucaiice tabloids dissolved iin ei-hti or tess Th., 2 ; Eye, W. 5., 2; Ear, Tu., 2 ; Skin, W., 2 ; Throat, Th., 2 : Orthopeedic, W., usiniuss of watel, into tho tissues surromisidisng nceek of tooth, takili', care tbcat 2 Dental,D Tu. S., 9; Th., 1. isjection loes nIot come out, an(s also that 'uflicient tisiie is given (thlee S'. MARY's.-Medical and Surgical, daily, 1.45; Obstetric, Tn. F., 1.45; o.p., M. uiinutes) for the solutioci to exercise its aincestisetic eilects. It is also wsell to Th., 1.30: Eye,Tu. F.S.,9; Ear, M. Th., 3; Throat,T. F. 1.30: Skin, .Th., dry the gusi previously to injsectin, and to isitroduce a few -rystals of the puscre 9.30; Electrician, Tu. F., 2; Dental, W. B., 9.30; Consultations, M., 2.30; Ope- trugi rouind the tooth, k;cepin- cot'toi wsool pressed over the 'ual to exclude rations, Tu., 1.30; Ophthalmic Operations, F., 9. noisture. ST. TOMASs's.-Medical anid Surgical, daily, except Sat., 2; Obstetric, M. Th., 2 DERMsATOLOGICAL. o.p., W., 1.80; Eye, M. Tli., 2; o.p., daily, except Sat., 1.30; lEar, M., 12.80; A CORRESPONNDONT supplies the followiig" aniswers:- Skin, W., 12.30; Throat, Tu. F., 1.80; Children, 5., 12.80; Denltal, Tu. F., 10. STUDENT.-The treatment of comIenones is cleai ly expclaineid in all iucodlerii wokrs 1M.SEVENRsITY COLLEGs.-Medical and Surgical, daily, 1 to 2; Obstetrics, M. Tn. Th., ous skin diseases (see for examisple McCall Andersoin'saiertise o0t Diseases of tCme F., 1.30; Eyo, M. Tn. Th. F., 2; Ear, S., 1.30; Skin, W., 1.45 5., 9.15; Throat, ,/cice, p. 62, wlsere Aucspitz;'s iccodifieatioiiolof Volkinasin's scoop is lfgure(l). They Th., 2.30; Dental, W., 10.30. cans be, as a rilde, efiectually remosved by squeezing with the thulisb nails. Thu WESTMINSTER.-Medical and Surgical, daily, 1.30; Obstetric, Tn. F., I; Eye,M. usee of a watch key sosneticoes leaves b-hind a iemianet dfisfiueuemit of thai Th., 2.30; Ear, M., 9; Skin, Tb., 1; Dent-al, W.S., 9.15. epideriiiis. Iniformation abouc Unsia's isstrninent coilul iio douibt be obtaisect by application to Herr C. A. Sii.e . ' SteiidIiii. lianibuirg. Tlhe tesi- dency to tlhe formation of cosnedosies is lsseiecl by the alpilication of stinulat- LETTERS, NOTES, AND ANSWERS TO itg eintments, such as sulphur ontineist. M imIcus.-A scu-rfy scalp with falling hair is advantageocusly treated by shasio- pouiilig with tine. sapo. virid. (U. S. 1'A.), olicited witll water, twice a week, asi(l CORRESPONDENTS. in the intervals keeping the scalp constalitly well oiled with pure olive oil. The ordinary general remedies and reiimen Ior depressed health sloulud be used at (IOMMuNICATIONs respecting editorisl matters should be addressed to the Editor, the sasne time. 429, Strand, W.C., London; those concerning business matters, non-delivery Tuer A.C.E. MIXTURE. of the JOuRNAL, etc., should be addressed to the Manager, at the Office, 429, Me. T. PAGAN Lowr,, MI.R.C.S. (19, Alfred Steet, Bath) writes: Writing cinder tliis; Strand, W.O., London. lieadisii, two of your corresponidents are at variance iii their selcetion-*of thc LI; order to avoid delay, it is particularly requested that all letters on the editorial best assaesthetic for genieral use. Dr. Walters is for the above mixtucre, anid Mir. business of the JOURNAL be addrcssed to the Editor at the office of the JOUIRNAL, Saiccucl Craddock for ether. May I be perismtted to say tlsat any anwsthetic %nd not to his private house. -which has received an aliaost exclusive atteiction by aci adulliDistrator is pro- AUTHORs desiring reprints of their articles published In the BRITISH MEDICAL bably t}.e best ans.estlhetic foi- such adnilicistiraoi to use? JOURNAL, are requested to communicate beforehand with the Manager, 429, Whilst suot wishing to express an opiiiion Ous tlie ierits of chloroforsuc, ethec', Strand, w.a. thle A.C.E. isiixtucre, and suethylene respectively, fuirtlcr telaln to say that eachl JJORRESPONDENTS WhO w'sn notice to be taken of their communications, should has its own special action an(1 use, and all can be iised witch safety in thic larg(e authenticate them with their names-of course not necessarily for publication. proportion of cases, I do desire to say that for tlie ocuilance of "t n(qtiirenss," CORRESPONDENTS not answered are requested to look to the Notices to Corre. any individual's experience is of use only so far as it teaches us that iii sulcc. ,pondents of the following week. indivi(dual's hands the anasthetic he is most accustosiced to use is the safest, MANIUSCRIPTS FORWARDED TO TEIE OFFICIE OF TIIIS JOURNAL CANNOT UNDER ANY and therefore the best for hibu to employ, since he will accomplish iiaore wlitl CIRCUMSTANCES BE RETURNED. ol(l asid fasriiliar wveapotns than with those he is sict conversant with. JBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT.-We shall be much obliged to Medical Offlcers of If I were asked what an-esthetic was the best for geer.l ccse, I slsould reply Health if they will, on forwarding their Annual and other Reports, favour us that, isI my owcs lhasids, ethser was thhe best, not because I asic coiiviiceed that it with Duplicate Coicn. is safer than any other, bit because it is tile oie I ain miiost fIhnilias with; is 1316 THE BRITISHl MEDICAL JOURNAL. [Dec. 10, 1R87.

the approved method, according to his (lictum, being three insertions oni one B. Diplock, London; Mr. E. Rouse, Hockley HeIth; Mr. H. Davies, Sidmouth; armn, i,referably the left. I need nit say that after this I never rceived a grant. Mr. F. W. Jollye, Warminister; Mr. H. H. Clutton, London; Mr. H. M. Dunrjcan, With regard to private vaccination, I frequently finid gonme difficulty in getting the parents of the infants t) consent to niore than two insertions oni the armn-a London; the 8ecretary of the Chelsea Hospital for Wonmen, 1,otidon ; Dr. A. plan adopted, I regret to cay, by some practitiouers, who care more to pitase Walker, Matnchester; Messrs. Clark and Co., London; Profe.ssor Charteris, their clientele than the efficient protection against small-pox. I get over the Glasgow; Dr. Hardwicke, Sheffield ; Dr. Edwardes, London ; Mr. J. Parsomis, difficulty by laying it downi as a si11e qifid non that unless the operation is Froilie; Dr. G. R. Young, Birmingham; Mr. C. Crickninay, Frand,lilzg- properly done I could nior, cer ify that the child had been successfully vac- cinated. I disagree with " Vaccinator " that t.he operat;on is one any old dame, ham; Messrs. Burroug,hs, Weileome and Co., London; R. D. W. Macredy, however clever she may be, can iSl a week acquiire the tact necessary for M.B., Nettlesworth; B. Mansel Sympson, M.B., London; Dr. Coates, the proper performance of, to say ui-thitg, abotit the vagaries and irregular London; Dr. Stirlinig, Perth; A. C. Munro, MI.B., Jarrow-or-Tyne; Dr. couircc on miany occasions assuimied )by the vaccirne, consequently Ineces- MIurrell, London; Mr. C. Power, London; Rev. J. R. Mill.s, Neasder; Mr. sitating close and studied observation. Here I miiay miecntion a case bearing on the latter point. S. J. Baird, Loadonderry ; Dr. J. Batty Tuke, Edinburlgh; Mr. F. IH. Moore, On October 20th I vaccina'ted two children with calf lymph. Both took well. Leicester; Messrs. Cassell and Co., London; Mr. D. E. Fliuin, K ngstowrn; Alr. On the eighth day nothirng unusuial was observable, tbut on the thirteenth day S. Snell, Sheffield; Mr. R. H. Kinsey, Bedford; Mr. A. W. Collins, Liverpool; one was brought to mne with a condition of arm I had never before witniessed. Dr. Thin, London; Dr. Sykes, Mexborough; Mr. J. Fernie, Swindon; Dr. J. There was considerable indulration, a large dark-purple areola surounded the site of the vaccine vesicles, which vere discharging freely an ichorons fluid. On T. Robb, London; Dr. Lucas-Championni6re, Paris; Dr. Styrap, zhmrewshbry; the surface of the areola were about thirty ve.-icles, varying from the size of a Dr. Parsons, London; Dr. J. Rogers, London; Mr. A Davies, Lon,lon ; Dr. hempseed to that of a split pea, containing clear fltuid imiuch in appea.rance like Otto Hehner, London; Mr. W. C. Hamilton. St. Andrews; Mr. E. T-e;art, a crop of shingles, subseqtueuitly suppuirating. The healing process has beeni London; Dr. G. Barling, Birmingham; Mr. R. C. Elliott, Kingsbridge; Mr. G. very slow; and, added to this, a large abscess forined on the unlder surface of the arm exactly opposite the couidition above described. Fortunately, calf H[. Hart, Birmsinghamll; Mr. J. G. Douglas Kerr, Bath; Surgeon Culling, (.Cd- lymph was used, otherwise the consequences to the vaccinator would have been chester; the Secretary of the Church of Englanid Burial Reform Association, anything but pleasant. Notlhing untoward happened to the other child. London; Dr. R. J. Foulis, Wylam-on-Tyne; Mr. W. F. Haslam, Bitnirightam; Dr. Tatham, Salford; Dr. W. Easby, Peterborouoh; Mr. W. F.wler, OnTriN writes: I entirely agree with the letter of " Vaccinator " in the JOURNAT. for November 12th as to the uttter impossibility of pleasing Mr. Inspector. The London; M.D.; Dr. H. F. A. Goodridge, Bath; Our Vienna Correspon,leat vaccination officers also comiplain most bitterly of the want of courtesy shown Mr. J. T. Taylor, London; Dr. J. B. Smith, Aberdeen; Dr. Buraes. even when no fault is found. I have long ago resolved to disregard his uii- Ketterling; Dr. P. Barwell, London; Dr. P. S. Abralam, London; Mr. W. E. practical orders, and to do iimy work c(rscieutiously in the mannier ismost con- Burke, Cork; J. Alam, Kent; Dr. Collingridge, Lon(lon ; Brigade-Surgeon venient to myself and patiernts. The sminll, am-)unt of the grant is entirely dis- Dr, proportionate to the annoyanice that has to be bornie fromn men who have not the Gribbon, London; Mlr. H. Grey, London; Dr. T. S. Eilis, Glonueter; ilio slightest idea of the difficulties and exigencies of country practice in thinly Registrar of the , London; Dr. F. C. Turner, Lhnd., n; populated and scattered districts. Dr. J. Rogers, Londun; Mr. J. West, London; Mr. R. Hartley, Thirsk; Mr. Weston; Dr. North, York; DR. H. M. BARKER (Staincliff, Sandowin) writes: Will you allow me to endorse W. K. Kerbey, Charmnouth; Rev. F. Lawrence, your remarks on the subject of vacciniation inspectors ? I have been a public M31r. H. Silverlock, London; Mr. J. A. Rigge, Henley-on-Thamvs; MJr. 0. S. vaccinator for several years, and have regularly received the Government grant, Fisher, ELI.MS. Flamivgo, Arrerioan Station; Mr. G. Fislher, Shere; Mr. H. G. and in all the inspections of the gentleman sent down by the Local Goverrnment Monjk, East Bridlgf.,rd; Dr. Collier, Gorleston; Dr. R. P. Smith, Lo)nlo'; Dr. Board I have received the kindest and most considerate treatnuent. My books Mr. A. London; Dr. J. W. PerLht; were thorouglhly searched, and every kind of inquiiry was miiade (as I think Gibson, Edinburgh; Keligren, Braniwell, should be the case), and I asked the parents of several children already v4c- Mr. S. F. Murphy, London ; Mr. R. Tlhorburn, Sedbergh; Dr. Bott, Lundon.; cinated to be good enough to bring them-i to my house for inispection, whicll they Dr. A. Keinpe, Exeter; Mr. J. C. Kingsbury, Blackpool; Mr. A. A. Co- ke, did, and the remarks of the inspectir wkere always courteous and genltlemarnly. Stroufd; Mr. T. E. Hayward, Haydock; Dr. J. A. Mackenzie, B ,Iton; Air. The results of some of the vaccination of the present day are very deplorable. Mr. Greene, Berry Wood; Dr. Woodhairi Webb, Paiis, and it is to be little wondered at that smnall-pox, when it iuuak-es its appearance, S. Osborn, London; R. slioiild so easily gain a footing in certain districts. There are rules laid downi etc. for our guidance, anid the better way is to carry them out rigidly, and I feel sure that if this is done there will be no camsse for complaint. BOOKS, ETC., RECEIVED. SossooL FOR GIRLS. MR. ARTHUR Cox (Long Buckley, necir Ruigby) writes: Havinig had fouir Letts Diaries Company, Limited. London: daughters educated at M1iss King's, Belle Vuie House, Herne Bay, I can with Three Medical Diaries for 1888. contidence recommend the school as a good one for education, amid for looking Accoiunt Book for Surgeons, etc. after each scholar with iiearly the attention a child receives under its home Index Cataloguie of the l.ibrary of the Surgeon-General's Office, U.S. Army. Vol. 8 roof. I shall be pleased to answer any questions privately that " Yorklshire Legrer-Mledicine (Naval) Washington Government Prioting Otrce, 18S7. Surgeon " wouldl like to ask. The Mivroscope in Thetory anid Practice. Translated fiomi the Germnan by Pi- fessor C. Naegeli amid Professor 8.Schwendener,with nunerous illusLrations. LonuoIi: Is a " Yorkshire Suirgeon " will communicate with Mrs. Swaby Smith at 23, Dul- Swani bonmsen,scheini, Lowrey and Co. wich Road, Herne Hill, S.E., slie can recomnmend a good school for girls. Ophthalmiiic Surgery. By Robert Brudenell Carter, F.R.C.S., and William Adarus FroAt, F.R C.S. Loi,doun: Cassell aLnd Co. 1887. Ir " Yorkshire " will send his addresw Surgeon to Dr. Bigger, Streatham Commoni, A Manual of the Britisb Discomnycetes and Illustrations of the Genera. By he will be pleased to coiniiiiiiiicate with him on the stubject. Williamx Phillips, F. L.S. London: Kegan Paul, Trentch ant Co. 1887. " MMInCmAL ArrENDANTS." Some Obhervatimis on Headaches in Children, and their R lation to Mental Train- DR. A. MACLEAN (Deputy Surgeon-General) writes: I so often remiiark the cont- ing. By William Hetnry Day, M. D. London: J. anid A. churchill. tinuied use of the pmhrase "rmedical attendant," even in me(dical ntewspapers, Vaccination Vindicated. By John C. McVail,M D., D. P.H. Loindoni: Cassell a nd C-. that I really think sonmething should be done at once to abolish this flunkey- like expressiosi. How would a clergyman likle to be called a " clerical attendaut," or a barrister a " legal attendant.," ini cas' s with whichi they may OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN happen to have a professional connection? I am certain they would naturally SCALE THE feel dissatisfied, to say the least of it, with such a menial description of profes- ""BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL." sional relationshiip. Why cannot the pri)per words, " physician " or "surgeon," as the case may be, be as quickly as possible eniployed in lieu of those referred to? Seven lines and under _ ,.C0Zo 8 6 I think the profession ought to show more self-respect thals it has hitherto Each additional line 0 0 4 done in this matter. One thing is certaini, that the genieral public will not A whole column _ 1 15 0 respect it miore than it appears to respi ct itself. There is more in names and A page ...... 5 0 0 phrases than maniy dull persolis are iinelined to adimit. An average line coutains seven words. When a series of insertions of the same advertisement is ordered, a discotint iq made on the above scale in the following proportions, beyond which no reductiion have been can be allowed. COMMIUNICATIONS, LETTERS, etc., received from: For 6 insertions, a deduction of.. .. - 10 per cent Messrs. Mackey, and Mr. C. H. Dr. Mackey Co., London; Miles, Stantor:bury; ,, 12or13,, o,, . .. _ 20 D. A. Fraser, Totnes; J. Walters, M.B., Reigate; Dr. Pierce, MIanchester; Dr. ,, 26 ,, ,, _ 25 J. Johnston, Bolton; Mr. V. Jonies, Wh'tland ; Mr. H. J. Collinis, London; Ouir 52 ,, ,, -...... 30 Manchester Correspondent; Mr. Frank Smith, Bath; Mrs. B. Hawkins, Wo- Special terms for occasional change of copy during series: Mr. H. Mr. 20 per cent. if not less than 26 pages be taken or their equivalent burn; Cockerton, Bournemouth; J. Abbott, Malton; Dr. A. T. 25 ,, 52 ,, in half or Brand, Driffield; Mr. A. Clay, Birniinghami; Di. W. Dakin, London; Mr. J. 50 ,, 104 ,,0 ) quarter pages. W. Anderson, Barrow-in-Furness; Dr. L. Eliot, New York; Dr. J. Stuart For these teosw the see mugt, in echcame, be completed within twetve months frees Nairne, Glasgow; Dr. Cameron, Glasgow; Mr. A. J. Lowe, Tyldesley; Mr. W. the date offirs inse.ioa. D. Spanton, Hanley; J. Gibson, M.tB., Halifax; Mr. H. St. J. Winjk- Advertis neuents should be delivered, addressed to the Manager at the Ottee, n t wortb, London; the Secretary of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, later than *i(on on the Wednesday precedinrg publicatiou and, if not paidl for at the the tinie, shbould he ancnpanied by a reference. London; Mr. Greenwood, London; Secretary of the New South Wales Post.-Off;:,e Orders should be made payable to the British Medical A4sumcaLion, Branch of the British Medical Association, Sydney; Mr. W. Adams Frost, at theWesc Central Post-Offace, High Holborn. Small amounts may be paid iu London; Dr. A. W. Stirling, Grays; Mr. E. Stanley Wood, Pontypool; Mr. L. postage-sMnP.